When You Try To Evolve The Most Powerful Creation Ever in Miscreation

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well it's time once again where we get to join up in our beautiful little world called miss creation and I totally forgot to plug in my controller ah there we go I figured out how to put my controller in and now it doesn't move left from right or I can't oh there we go I got biting I can bite Oh plot twist no controller necessary evidently it works just fine if you use the keyboard and mouse I don't know why I didn't do that before and nor do I know where to go oh and I can't go never mind I can't go all the way down what is this thing hello little weird construction the antecedent devolved all the creatures in this area mess up so you might be intelligent after okay there's there's like a plot plot okay whatever what am I so here we go okay so we're back we're back oh wow I want to shot that dork whoa I can fly I remember that now hot dang it's been a little hot moment since I played last this is new like there's new map mode which is amazing so this is where a boss fight was it was there a boss fight down here otherwise yeah this is where we killed the Frog guy nice I'll be honest I don't even have any idea where I am oh it was fun way to be professional youtuber blitz thanks alright I think I've found the right place this time I think I've found the right place we got to go up here that's where we killed the beat person and then we killed the frog guy and then we can change our color and we can kill this thing never mind I talked to him Wiesner sweets coughing jumping those are words I didn't know existed what is this now what is this area is this all more no bees oh is this that can I kill you up I really want to put a gnome on my back and I need one oh come on I need to unlock the gnome power I'm here know me bro whoa whoa whoa this isn't where I'm supposed to be at nice I'll get no power no I'm throwing part acquired hot dang we got this Oh would you guys stop hitting me like it's not cool anymore for real this time ow just please just die thank you I should get something that's roast there we go okay so now oh I had to figure out oh here we go horns is this where I get the Yak the the gnome thrower yeah I got a gnome on my back I know I'm on my back oh we gotta travel let's get out of here the lantern quarters is that where I'm at all right so this is where we were right because we fought the dragon dude oh really I had to figure out my secondary Takas oh there it is got it nice I totally want a Manticore tail too can I please have a Manticore tail just your tail that's the one I want yeah cuz it throws green stuff Wow just jumped over me against the rules you're not supposed to attack me I'm the one who attacks whoa were you just teleported and I jumped down there we go oh I died okay I totally need to get this Manticore tail look another little hair the little little hat this gnome has a little blue goatee I love it I need a I need are like a pocket gnome in real life oh you're supposed to be dead there you go Oh No there we go what did I get dragon arms dragon arm sounds fun whoa thank you you dog and the dragon mouth nice whoa bro whoa bro please don't drop that madacorp tail please don't drop your tail okay didn't good Oh dumb I went all this way and I thought I could just teleport to the end of the level uh-oh what's up there why didn't I find that in my life before but it is time to change their color let's do this randomize wow that looks weird I don't know if I like it we're gonna go with it though cuz for why not you're having an idea what happens if I die do I just teleport to the beginning hey I didn't shoot but I better change my color again oh that looks even creepier I'm such a dork I'm such a dork now what do I do get him different mouth oh we get the Dragons should be the dragon small right a dragon MA yeah plus six Wow I think that's different than the skull that we have which one do we have right now oh yeah we got plus six oh wow the one we have is actually better yeah never mind we have dragonfly arms to give us a tack speed and jump but we can also get this which gives us pounce and much more attack I kind of like that let's see what it looks like dragon arms oh I stand up I don't like standing up I'm gonna have to put a leaf ears on so I can fly up to the top there we go hi I'm a dragon my wings flappy flappy I do know that if we go back to that little yellow circle I think that's where the DNA thing was so we're gonna try it I just really want to evolve like the most powerful dragon ever who's a dragon with the gnome on its head no I can't fight those things again that's so dumb I wish I could reach the ow stop biting my ankles dog hey catch with your face you there you go ugly hahaha I'm insulted you know just please just stay away from me just there you go no no yellow months I hate you eat one of these on your face there I did it all I blew up the rock that's Tom another one just gonna go past you it's I'm better than you'll ever be haha got him so I feel like I need to go up to the tippity-top here all the way up and I guess since we passed another one I better ray can't randomize my person that's ugly again I got it I just had a waste all my oh there we go red and white it's like a Christmas Santa Claus the dragon kin is this where I'm supposed to go through the gnome place I don't actually know anymore I'm so lost like I feel like there's a way to go because there's a lot of those little yellow eggs you can't hit me when I'm in a menu you dork nugget so where I'm in dead the bottom one okay well I guess we'll try working your way up again and I think those little yellow eggs are the DNA sequences so I got to go all the way to the top somehow okay so I'm finally back on track this is the entrance to the fire world so if I just go back into the giant tree thing then I should be able to continue because I killed the deer skull thing oh hey that's where I'm supposed to go oh oh I get I know where I is oh that's right I've only been at this for like six years okay if I activate you I know I don't want to randomize my cut oh no I donno oh this is what okay yes Oh help oh hey oh boy I love you keyboard controls oh what's it what are these things can I kill them hello little furry thing Hey hi Wow what's it gonna what is it I have a feeling this thing's really nasty Oh give me a lots of bonus points haha I want your little little antenna thing oh I want that too give me your face I want your face on my face and I didn't Wow there's a lot of weird-looking critters in here I love them I like that spider one okay a little bug thing where I wanna I want to just destroy your your life hole just ended yes haha get one of those Oh your how did that go it's like take gravity machine please can I have your antennas Oh maybe I could have his antennas hello nice bite nice bite oh come to Papa oh come on just go up stop it go up up up and grab enlightened tails is that the little fluffy tail Wow hey you got that too much I want to kill you oh I want your antlers those would be fun to have and I didn't get them but I got rain down Christmas is it a bad idea if I just want to end everything's life just so I can steal its DNA points ooh I really want more of your points in my life oh come on maybe these things don't give DNA oh here we go here we go you're something cool enlightened legs okay let's see if we got a bunch of garbage okay so the lion head is 14 and I just got the stunted head which is 10 I don't want that I want to be the most Arman Dillards note but I got a tongue and a lick that sounds gross okay I really just want to make the most powerful guy can make ears there's a bunch of 14s and then I get like a giant eyes which sounds fun then we get a horns there's an armadillo helmet legs okay we got one attack for speed Wow forward a half speed on the yak interesting and then oh do we get new weeks do we get new wings armadillo plates those aren't wings I have to have something with great flying okay and we only have that and the new tail what kind of tail did I get I mean the Dragonfly tail and the Yak tail give me higher jump hmm well let's just see what we can do I don't even know what I'm supposed to be going anymore do I go up here I guess so I always go up into the right when confused in 2d platforming games whoa it's squirrel bro he's now got flaming nuts hey I got some upgrades now okay I won't lose to a cheeky little seedlings well I also have upgrades Wow whoa dude your nuts are huge and glowing red I don't like this Oh what are you doing to me okay you know he's gonna body slam his nuts on the ground okay we got this no there you go ready Oh bad bad nut throwing attack you're not really that difficult you're not I'm just gonna throw my nuts at you uh-huh oh now you're coming back the other way I see how this works hey catch that in your face ah and catch that oh I missed it there that works better and all you're gonna do oh okay I feel like this is a lazy boss design and a tech oh you're supposed are you the big bad guy oh and a double attack hi nice of you to drop by I don't like you that's okay no bad a court no bad acorn broke stop for just a sec well I'm dead alrights meeting you again nuts oh I like that attack is now I know how to avoid it you just fly uh-huh just like that and then you're gonna jump on the tree yeah and then I'm gonna throw it whoop whoop and then we'll do this again oh no really why is your ear it's literally on fire is he gonna have a second face oh well I like my throwing gnome it's always fun and games until the throwing no Mobius stopped he's got dumped out I dumped him out you forgot out a run his nuts got too heavy he can't run anymore ah no more acorn for you oh that might it might oh yeah he got out of this little bad campaign ha ha and by tomorrow oh this is embarrassing yeah it is you lost again hey where's your oh why am I where am I going I don't want to go that way why didn't it get anything fun out of that I wanted all the DNA in the world oh this is a pretty soon I have a feeling I'm gonna get like a super mega boss fight really soon and I don't even Oh what is this Oh Lord of forms hello dee monetization duck how are you today hail brave creature it is us the guardian Lords of the sacred tree verdant yes hello again Green Giant you've reached the canopy and overcome many obstacles thanks and then the white one - only one more stance in your way the Ascension this SIG run okay is that what this thing is whoa whoa whoa I don't like you why is this higher Oh what noble height what is this thing okay I have no idea what's happening why can't I hit anything what there's another weird thing stay away from me oh no no no no no no no no no oh my word don't feel bad bat dying boy till what pow now today no one did that okay I got this what is all this weird contraptions okay just know hi I double hit oh okay now do I shoot you in the face no you still don't I can probably have to kill all these things what Oh poop you out a giant egg okay hello squid I don't like that oh I think I hit it I hit it how did I hit it do I hit a specific area no no it's just taking damages they defeat the enemies okay well this was easier than I thought it would be I just like a blank upon more oh really ascends brave one I did it did I win did I did I do the thing I think I did the thing hail brave creature what is that oh it's creepy ladies again did I get the parts you are a seedling no longer okay you have groped great and strong I did it all by myself from the Indra sills roots you have come along all the way to Canada is this it is this the last boss you have invested a sentence creatures fart no they weren't because that was the strongest one ever this now fit to exist beyond the cradle of the street okay did I make it in life a sand creature go forth and multiply yeah that's not not the first time someone's ever said that to me go little dude done it I've won the game I think doesn't feel that exciting please be longer like is there a New Game+ now or I can go like make the biggest creature ever Oh New Game+ are you kidding me I start as a little slime again with no legs that's not New Game+ if I can't do anything hold on okay head do it please tell me I've got these different heads I don't what's the point of a New Game+ if you can't even you can't even become your most descended form ever well that was fun time to uninstall [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 279,592
Rating: 4.9311662 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, Miscreation: Evolve Your Creature, Miscreation: Evolve Your Creature Game, Miscreation: Evolve Your Creature Gameplay, miscreation game, miscreation gameplay, miscreation, evolution, evolution game, MiscreationS01, dec2019
Id: FN0wKk36SMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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