Becoming the ULTIMATE door breaching CQB KILLING MACHINE in Door Kickers 2!

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thank you to the patreons for supporting the channel and allowing me to create extra videos you're also keeping spike all fed michael say thank you for your food so hello fellow engineers and welcome to door kickers 2 task force north i'm not gonna lie when i was suggested this i wasn't entirely sure it would be for me but i've had a bit of a dabble in it and it's absolutely incredible game like i'm proper addicted so we're starting a brand new game i think this little cartoony thing is it's a bit reminiscent of when i first hired schmeichel that's me in the background with the beard and that's schmeichel at the front he's like well he doesn't know what's about to hit him so as roger here is explaining it's it's a top-down sort of strategic shooter thing cheers roger all right so in this first level we've got to pick who we want in our squad we've got two slots as you can see here all right so the first member of my squad is this guy keating okay so keating got his nickname when we did a tour of the cayman islands he was a mad one for the karaoke and as you can probably guess he did a ronin keating song he even gave the dj his own tape with an acapella backing track right schmeichel delete the music from this and just keep my voice we're gonna we're gonna multi-track this this is hardcore audio editing on the fly [Music] it's amazing [Music] you [Music] he's all right he's all right uh and joining him will be this guy sucks and we're not going to talk about how he got his name i'll leave that one to your imagination right so this is our first level we've been told an architect has designed this building purely to frustrate engineers upstairs there's like overhanging cantilevered balconies and all sorts anyway so we got socks and keating here and what you can see in color that's what they can see that's their vision everything else in blue they have no idea what's there and we've gotta raid this house we're gonna take down the architect enemy and this is like the planning stage so what i'm going to do to start i'm going to grab keating i'm going to send him up this way and as he walks up there i'm going to tell him to focus on this pizza can you see us a pizza so as he walks around when he gets that point he will turn to look at the pizza he'll be like um pizza but if he sees any enemies he will shoot to kill do not worry meanwhile as keating's moving into position sox is going to run up here and he's going to head to this position i'm going to make him as he runs i'm going to make him look that way i'm going to keep him looking that way always looking towards the door because we do not know what is going to happen and finally he stops here looking in the door he can see a very long way in here you can see 9.9 meters all right so i'm going to hit play and we're going to see what happens oh so sucks oh he's killed two people are keating good job oh look he's killing the person inside all right that was good that was good we're gonna hit pause and we're gonna grab keating i'm gonna tell him to go to there i'm gonna make sure he's looking like down that direction meanwhile as keating's covering this side we're gonna grab socks i'm gonna bring him in i'm gonna bring him to this location i'm gonna tell him focus up here i'm gonna make keating continuous walk into the room i'm gonna make him look that way and then look that way so he's covered this dark spot then he's fine all right let's hit play so they're both walking in oh it's looking good it's looking good all right so no enemies in this room will hit we'll hit pause for now this room completely cleared there's a very blood splattered there's a very blood splattered chair but it's fine all right so for this next room i'm going to grab socks i'm going to bring him back here i'm going to make sure he's always focused on the door he's always looking down there he's always looking down there you know keaton we're just going guns blaring up to about this point at this point i've got him looking that direction all right let's hit play is there anyone in this middle room oh yes there is kill it nice good job guys all right so i'm going to bring socks into the room with them you know keating's just taking out another architect all right so this is our final room sort of there is a in there it looks like but i saw the garage we've got we've got some windows over here so what i propose for this room is we grab keating and we get him to sort of that position what i'm going to do straight off i'm going to have him looking down in this direction so as he walks this room he's covering down there and as he gets behind cover behind this car we'll make him look over there and then look down that way meanwhile sox is gonna come in behind him head down here and into the toilet and as he gets to this wall i'm gonna make sure he's looking that way looking that way looking that way i'm gonna carry on keating's run he's gonna walk down here around to the front of this car and as he comes down i'm gonna keep him looking sort of over that direction and then at the end he's looking into the toilet and hopefully that should cover it hope there's no one out in this garden uh but we shall see let's press play you ready oh one architect down at the front of the cart go on socks yes good work socks and there we go mission completed we got three stars all architects eliminated however on the path to suckles there are three challenges that we didn't hit any so the first one is use a single plan i think we'll go try that now another one no pausing so as long as we do the single plan that should also be fine and the last one clock race be our best mission 12 seconds okay we'll probably ignore that one because we took 34 there anyway let's restart let's see if we can get at least two challenges all right so as we know where the enemy are i'm going to draw a path for socks going the entire route so i'm going to make him go in go around this way head down here and as he's leading i'm going to bring him around this side of the car up to there let's sort out where he's looking and stuff so we're going to do the old distract him with pizza trick or less i pressed the wrong button we're going to make sure he's looking at pizza always until he gets to this point and then he's constantly looking in the building you know as he comes to this corner he's got to be looking down as he enters this room always looking for your blank spots that should cover most and then keep them wide we're just looking in that direction oh god i don't know what i did there i just did a bit of orange i don't know what orange does all right so in the meantime keating he will be running behind socks and he'll come in he'll take the shortcut he'll go this way and when he enters the garage he'll head straight down and also into the room all right it's keating keaton really likes pizza so we're only going to use pizza for him we're going to keep pizza there keep pizza there and as he comes here there could be pizza in the building yes there's pizza in the building and as he enters the garage i've told keating all the pizza is in that toilet you've got to get the pizza keating you will love it trust me all right let's play this and see if we can see if we can do it without killing them there's a lot of pizza on screen right now right go one architect down two architects down three architects down go on socks right keating's taking the lead oh i took a hit keating's left arm is bleeding oh no keep oh no they're down oh they're both down keaton was too distracted by the pizza i think the main problem there was too much pizza in the toilet so as keystone comes in we're gonna tell him no there's actually pizza like over in this corner as long as he's always looking down here that's all the pizza you could possibly want but when we do gets this corner that's when we need to change we need to be looking that direction and then from here there will be pizza i promise you key thing i promise you there's pizza in there uh this bit was a little bit messy they did sort of clash with each other but i think it might be okay all right two architects down the third is down we haven't taken a hit yet it's looking good keating's leading the way nice key thing good work all right now they're both entering the room oh no oh no this is not good it's not good i feel like i'm gonna divert keating he's gonna follow socks exactly all right so as keating enters the garage we're not gonna make him go around the car following socks we're gonna make him come the shortcut so as he comes down hopefully he'll be looking down in this direction and when he gets this corner obviously so when he gets this corner obviously so he gets this corner obviously break me down this corner obviously focus on the pizza you need the pizza all right let's play this come on one plan nice both down good work keating go on socks you got this socks is leading but he has taken a hit that's another architect down into the garage no that's too much it is too much you're dead he's dead oh he's not dead all right we did it but that was absolutely terrible all right get ready socks get ready there's two in there there's two in there nice one down two down good work good work and now into the final toilet boosh yes get in look at that we got a new personal best on the challenges and the time we were nowhere near 12 seconds though i have no idea how you do that in 12 seconds but i'm happy with that we'll move on to the next level all right so roger's just explaining that we can kick doors who'd have thought you could kick doors in door kickers too all right so this level is a little bit different and that can you see down here we've got sniper support so over here this red laser we got a sniper on the building opposite he can see through the windows and he'll provide us sniper support i'm going to bring socks up this way while focusing on pizza down in that corner because that is the kitchen that's where you would find pizza and meanwhile keating he's going to be the one that's going to kick this door open he's going to head up this way so as he comes through there i'm going to make him always looking up this way so you know we know there's an enemy there our sniper spotted him hopefully we might be able to snipe him but we never know all right so meanwhile socks we're doing a bit of a detour just to waste some time just to make sure keating's through the door first we're gonna bring him out this way and through this door so he's gonna smash through here and then smash through here when he gets to about this point we're gonna make him turn around apparently he's looking down there focused on the pizza we're gonna make him look up here because we should have covered all that right so by the time socks is smashed through this door keating is gonna enter through this door boosh and he's going to be looking that direction and in that direction so hopefully any architects in there will be destroyed in one sitting we'll head out i'm going to try and do this all in one plan as well i have no idea what's going to happen but uh we shall see so keating's heading up here through the door heading in this direction and i think into that door as well meanwhile socks coming up the rear don't tell that the wrong way he will enter this room clear this room so as he enters he's looking that way clear the room and then he'll be back out and into this room to help down to here all right let's play and see what disaster this will be what i need to do is remember to press s when we see a green target rather than a red one and that will give us sniper support ready sniped oh no i missed i missed my sniper and we're all dead we're all dead oh another snipe two snipe shots lovely death in the alley oh don't quit quick oh he's too slow i did kill both of them they go on he's still going he's on his own it's that key thing go on keating boosh grab the hostage there's another one grab the hostage okay lone wolf keating fair play all right so we did one challenge no pausing oh the other challenge is literally called lone wolf only use one trooper to complete the mission blimey i don't think i'll be able to do this as a lone wolf all right so as a lone wolf could keating do this we do have grenades i just can't remember how to use them i can right click that's it yeah okay then come on lone wolf keating you've got this all right if cason does this i want you all to like the video and then he's gonna do an encore of karaoke okay it's gonna be beautiful right we know where people are we know there's three enemies in this hallway i can snipe two of them that one at the end a bit risky we know there's someone else in the kitchen with the pizza so what we're gonna do keating come down here i'm gonna right click i'm gonna throw a smoke grenade i'm gonna cause some carnage i'm gonna say launch it there so that should cover him allowing him to run down this way hopefully take out the guy in the kitchen and then we can stomp through this toilet i don't think anyone was in that toilet right click i'm gonna make him throw a grenade into this room and then enter the room we're gonna run up to here hopefully take out that guy if we haven't already sniped him and then before we enter this room we've got to remember there's a hostage there i can't remember what else was going on in this room so if we smoke there let's just keep heading towards this corner because we know there's someone in there that we're gonna take out and then i should just be able to manually grab him to the hostage right so let's do the direction so as we come through this door we're gonna make sure we're looking down here we know we can we should be able to snipe these two so anything there's some more good so as we exit this room we're gonna make sure we're looking up here and likewise as we enter this room we're gonna be looking i'm gonna be looking diagonally across into this corner and finally speed things up i'm gonna right click there and say toggle between sprint so that should make him sprint through there rightly let's see what happens i'll get ready on the s for the sniper support come on then oh one down nice go on son smash through the door smash the next door grenade bruce oh look at the smoke kill kill kill and the smoke in there oh no he got shot but they're smoked they're smoked well you got to kill him you got to kill him all right the trouble is we can't see through the smoke kill oh we got killed we got killed that was nearly so good all right what i'm going to do because i think i was absolutely smashing it we're going to swap the smoke for a grenade at this point and we're going to hope that we don't kill the civilian we might do but it's a risk i'm willing to take all right ready nice two-down grenade into that room they're both dead we know there's a guy there kill nice ready grenade is it gonna kill the civilian it didn't even get that far oh i think i think it did kill the civilian all right tell you what we'll do from here again so we know head in that direction i'm gonna make him throw a smoke before we blast through that door and i'm actually gonna make it land on this door so hopefully as you blast through they won't be able to see us and we should just be able to take everyone out jobs are good and right ready play boosh guy in the kitchen down ready boosh ready grenade dead through the door kill that guy nice wait there's someone behind us there's no one in that toilet usually doesn't matter kill kill kill oh no when we're in the smoke we can't see anything okay good to know come on keating everyone wants to hear karaoke all right one down two down go on keating didn't even need the sniper boost surprise all right through the door is he going to kill the guy on the door yes oh right now oh there's two there's two i really feel we need a frag grenade maybe just the other side of the bed and that could kill the guy at the top stun this guy and maybe the civilian but spilling be fine all right come on all right kill the guy donk grenade over the bed oh i stopped myself go on yes yes kill him kill him yes get the thing get the civilian yes we got him lone wolf mission complete target in custody wood doors are easy with two challenges the lone wolf one and no pausing and as you'll like the video we get part two of keating's karaoke the smile on your face lets me know that you need me there's a truth in your eyes saying you [Music] could you say i'm sure there's a lot of anger directed at the people that liked the video before that but uh people that did like it you weren't that you weren't there right so on this mission we got four slots for different troops and we've got seven different positions we can put them in it's gonna have socks and keating either side of this door i'm gonna add two new recruits to help us so sabre and panda will be manning this door saber is a beat saber champion he owns the high score on 15 different songs [Laughter] panda will also be joining the guy cannot stop watching panda videos [Music] sabe's going to come to this door he's going to throw a flashbang as he opens it meanwhile keating smashes through that door and he's going to throw a frag grenade up into this corner socks meanwhile we'll flash bang into this room and panda will throw a frag into this smoke grenade all right so hit play and then we'll pause straight after this initial bit happens it's ready oh god oh god there's so much shooting there's violence everywhere right pause and relax what the hell just happened all right we're already a man down but we're gonna try and finish this just we can work out where everyone else is the saber comes straight down the middle i'm going to make him look that way and then as he gets to this point he's going to look in that direction meanwhile socks will come around this side to this position he'll start off looking over there because we know there's a guy there hopefully we can we can kill him he's a grunt architect but as soon as he gets past this doorway we want him to look down there meanwhile keating straight across this side into that room to clear it he's going to be so focused in there because we've told him all the pizza is in there all right ready let's go can we finish this boosh boosh we got the hostage oh but we were we got killed trying to save the hostage oh there's one in the there's one behind us where did he come from we completed the mission we completed the mission that was a disaster i think if we tell saber to look that direction and pander to look that direction and i feel like we might kill most people all right ready play that again let's stun their stunned bullet in the head bullet in the head just go in keysync kill him kill him oh he hit hit him in the head and he got him we did it three stars and we did a challenge no pausing oh we need to win a single plan though right let's restart we can do this in a single plan we're like basically nearly there so if those two can sort all of that out i think we only need to sort out down here so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna take socks over there whilst looking in that corner meanwhile keating's just going to go straight in for the kill and as long as he's looking in that direction i think we should be good right ready come on oh everyone's dying god gone we've done it we did it oh we only got three stars though why do we get three stars we got the challenges eh that grenade i'm gonna move it that way a bit just so it's a bit out of range of these guys and likewise that flashbang needs to go up a bit ready okay i have no idea what happened there still two stars if we go back to many though we've got three start we did get the three stars and we got the two challenges sorted we're gonna leave it there today guys hopefully you enjoyed thank you to the patreons for supporting the channel once again uh peace love and door kicking and i'll catch you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 387,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: door kickers 2 task force north, door kickers 2 task force north gameplay, door kickers 2, door kickers, door kicker 2 single plan, door kicker 2, cqb tutorial, door breaching simulator, door breaching games, cqb games, doorkickers, doorkickers 2, marine plays door kickers, door kickers 2 playthrough, doorkickers 2 playthrough, door kickers 2 gameplay, doorkickers 2 gameplay, door kickers task force north, door kickers 2: task force north, door kickers gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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