Connecting EVERY US STATE with flights in Fly Corp!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to flycop the mini motorways of the sky so last time i was playing and unlock the world game mode starting in europe and i got very embarrassed with my pronunciation of european cities particularly the polish ones yeah the comment section had a right laugh at that anyway this time we're going to be starting in america good old america as a brit surely i'll be able to pronounce all of those right so we're going to be heading to the scenarios and we got this one which i thought would be pretty interesting what happens when you're not only dealing with air traffic but also hurricane traffic uh we shall find out so starting in america a hurricane is approaching the usa keep in mind that flights to some cities will be cancelled okay so here we are in america and we've got oh god oh god they're all unlocking they're all unlocking right okay let's zoom in here at the top right we've got half an hour to earn 900 quid i think we're just gonna open that route and i don't know i feel like i want to see like is it worth doing everything through washington and that can be my hub or is it better to just web out i think it's best to try and connect everything together so we'll do that and then we'll do like pittsburgh to new york cause that's sort of in the middle of the other tea right and i do want is it even worth unlocking other countries oh i can't i can't unlock other countries okay so we are just in america then good to know i might speed up a little bit we'll just try and earn some money to start oh look a new airport has opened in india oh god indianapolis indiana god dammit game i didn't think this would happen here indianapolis is that right so we're going from washington to that place that i'm not going to say again 304 quid we've got 379 remaining our goal i think is to have 10 000 cash on us because it says we need 9 500 at the moment so guess at some point when we get near the end of our 30 minutes we're gonna have to think about stop spending right okay so columbus is unlocked let's join those with indianapolis and pittsburgh and then perhaps this longer flight will upgrade that plane and we'll probably upgrade washington there seems to be a lot of traffic there i feel like perhaps these ones that have connections so new york or pittsburgh maybe they should be upgraded to i'm also wondering is the size of the circle to do with how much traffic they get can you see new york is a lot bigger than philly let's upgrade new york just in case i'll probably do some of these red planes as well because they're only 80 to upgrade it's cheaper than in europe i think oh no we've had our first hurricane a hurricane touchdown in washington dc and the airport was severely damaged the airport level decreased oh why did i upgrade that so washington is back to level one so we'll update you to level two again bloody game oh look we've unlocked new haven so i think you'll go just to new york for 43 quid alright so somehow it's been five minutes already time is flying i've been upgrading a few of the red planes as i've seen them oh god i should probably upgrade pittsburgh it's recommended to cancel all the flights to new haven due to bad weather there will be no passengers for a week let's just upgrade pittsburgh quickly so there's new haven there's going to be no flights there i'll probably leave it open i don't think i need the money because no doubt i'll forget by the time it is opened and then it will kill me probably yeah perhaps i should be increasing my web as well i thought the cities might be flying in a bit quicker get it flying in flying plane so i'm gonna go billy to pittsburgh and then pittsburgh to indianapolis columbus to philly and then washington to columbus i'm trying to make like a big web essentially oh and then a new one opens now i've spent all my money damn you game all right so thankfully it doesn't really matter which one we go to i think we'll go to indianapolis sure 62 quid we got 500 i'm wondering do i need to connect boston to anything we could do a boston to pittsburgh we don't really need it i'm getting twitchy with all this money or me yet but it's open upgrade some red planes as well as they're floating about while flying technically uh people at pittsburgh really want to go to oh is that cincinnati i've never seen like these places written down but you hear about them being a brit but seeing them written down is quite strange yeah i might do cincinnati to washington and another one to pittsburgh nice and then richmond is just unlocked so we'll do washington to richmond just to start and then we'll try and web it up a bit later so what if we go to pittsburgh and then cincinnati and then we'll do that one because it's only 60 and then richmond to columbus in new york to richmond and then philly to cincinnati oh bloody hurricane at washington again so windy old city that so we might have to upgrade washington i'll probably do that straight up just because i'm scared all right boston's getting pretty full thinks it's not really connected to anything so i might do a boston to washington direct line oh we got a new airport evenston and it's up there okay so we'll connect you into there and another one over there i'm going to try and do triangles to start with and then we'll expand our web our web we'll expand our web as we get more money pittsburgh upgrade right so i think it's probably worth upgrading a load of my small planes i think any like yellow to dark orange i'm gonna upgrade i should probably do boston as well that don't look good so boston's upgraded and oh look at this it's recommended to cancel all flights to philadelphia due to bad weather there will be no passengers for a week okay well thankfully because of our web system it shouldn't matter too much but let's upgrade these orange planes and the red ones obviously all right so let's try and do another flight from boston as that's pretty mental what about down to there it's a long way 452 quid boston to cincinnati but uh it's now a thing it exists oh there's a red plane upgrade i just got told we unlocked a new plate where the hell is that then oh down there atlanta okay so we're gonna go rich no i think we'll go washington to atlanta for three three three all the threes and then we'll do indianapolis up there as well we'll probably upgrade that station as it seems to be pretty dark orange maybe you as well cincinnati look at me pronouncing that now right do i think about expanding the web okay what if we do that do that do that oh god houston how far away are you houston alright we'll do over there 430 quid we've got loads of orange planes about as well should probably upgrade some of these upgrade gt oh there's a red one there is a red one so i think the goal of this game mode is we just need lots of different options because we never know where a hurricane is going to strike next if you've got a web like this it should be okay i am wondering though what the hell can i do with houston it's so far we try that's like a third of our money yeah we're gonna do it they you're gonna get upgraded as well you're a bit too yellow for me if you won't talk to me i'll send in polaroids to show you how sad i am that i let you down all right i think we'll add that route in there's a red plane over there that needs upgrading oh dallas has just opened i reckon dallas is near houston oh yeah i'm not too far off decent right so we'll do that and we'll probably connect dallas to indianapolis as well and then we'll connect dallas and atalanta not afterland so that's a football club atlanta oh no i knew this would happen cincinnati i've been connecting quite a lot to there oh thankfully it's just the airport has decreased i thought they're going to say it's closed we better upgrade that because it's going pretty red there you go all right and these longer flights i should probably upgrade all the planes maybe the airport's down here because they have to wait a long time for planes to come yeah i think if we upgrade all the planes on the long flights oh and look at this the united states of america government gave you a grant for the transport network of 200 that's a bit cheap that's nothing and they gave us three cities to connect okay let's see does 200 quid cover connecting to these three oh my god look how far apart they are to 200 quid barely covers that one you still got two more cities damn you and am i allowed to say that my channel get banned i've connected them all up to the closest things i want to keep upgrading planes up here there is some bad stuff going on oh god look at this it's recommended to cancel flights to oh atlanta's cocked is it okay we'll upgrade philly and upgrade that plane and that plane right so because atlanta's closed there's charleston this new one no one can get to it so we're gonna have to do a route via richmond i'll probably go down there as well because atlanta was sort of our hub down here it was connecting everything probably a bit silly oh detroit i nearly missed detroit so we'll connect you to there and to there and probably to columbus and probably we'll go to boston because we've got a lot of money actually we should probably web up oh god columbus columbus oh god i'm going to upgrade a load of airports since we have money i'm going to upgrade these planes as well but yeah anything that's like yellow pretty much i'm going to try and upgrade all right so we've done a load of stuff i think boston you probably need upgrading this plane here oh and a new airport is unlocked cleveland so we can web you up cleveland you're going to go to everything basically as they're all short routes why not oh look at that red plane you are not staying red sir you are being upgraded all right charleston you're a bit too orange for me you've been upgraded and all the planes down here these are doing quite long journeys so we need to upgrade these all right let's try and get a few more links in shall we go up to pittsburgh with that one and maybe cincinnati or columbus with that one or maybe washington i don't know there's so many options right we've got loads of money actually i think i'm just gonna i'm gonna web stuff up oh charleston's nearly full that's down there okay a big plane just left i think if we connect you to like some of the other places so i'm trying to just go web crazy now it looks a mess but i think i know what i'm doing ish oh look what's down here fort lauderdale i'm gonna have to connect you to charleston and that place baton rouge which is orange actually it's not rouge god this isn't even fast forwarding i feel like i'm making too much money like i can't build any quicker let's let's put some long flights in we'll try and do these longer ones like from the bottom up to the top i think that'll be a wise investment because i am scared some stuff is gonna like get ruined by a hurricane right we really need to upgrade some stations why do i keep calling them stations oh god these don't upgrade upgrade work great twice yeah we really need to upgrade some of these airports because they're going a bit mental look how red new york was i'm just doing double upgrades everywhere i can't even click on them there's like so many planes flying in all right then we got so many red planes oh no look at this dallas has been decreasing level and it's cocked me all right we'll upgrade you twice then bloody hurricanes man all right all these red planes you're being upgraded maybe twice so that'll save me doing it later we do have a bit of cash so may as well spend oh god i've just spotted over here denver where did you come from why is it so far to denver oh columbus has just been cooked okay cheers hurricane i'm gonna try and web up this one as much as possible probably down to the bottom as well oh my god there's so many red planes i'm just gonna have to double upgrade everything oh no that is rinsing our money actually oh and dallas has just been cocked again thankfully i double upgraded it last time oh and look a new airport has been opened in phoenix i have no idea where phoenix is let me just upgrade some planes first oh god oh dear right all the way over there phoenix why is he why is america i will connect to all the close ones and then i'll continue upgrading these red planes in any of these airports that are yellow i just realized as well what i was saying earlier remember i was saying like the size of the circle that's what level it is so look how round that is when i upgrade it goes bigger right red planes where are you you've been double upgraded you've been double upgraded you have also been double upgraded oh god this is a long flight i might triple upgrade that one just because it's so far boston to whatever's down there fort lauderdale yeah we just unlocked oh la do i know where la is i think it's on the west coast i literally in my head i was just like never eat shredded wheat trying to remember what is west i'm always east all right i'll tell you what i'm going to put l.a to washington in and we're going to give it a load of planes and we're going to upgrade them quite a bit just cut it so far i'm going to web it up as well and we'll probably do the furthest route over to there that's a lot of money but i think if we upgrade like quite a few times yes look we got the fast one now look at that it's like thunderbird one maximum level dallas is shot and we've unlocked san jose so let's find wherever that is all the way over there fly me okay so we'll connect you to l.a we'll do another one to phoenix another one to denver and then we'll upgrade phoenix twice upgrade denver twice upgrade that big red plane that's come in twice l.a needs upgrading twice as well so he does loretto there's a red plane you get upgraded twice all right let's try and web this up then so you down there oh god oh god columbus grabbers upgrade twice oh god all right i'm just going mental on the upgrades philly you need to go up twice cleveland would be safe if you went up twice that's trouble as you get the larger planes they're going to land and the airports aren't going to be cut out for it so you've got to sort of upgrade your airports before your planes if you don't want them to die but i don't have time to think about that i wish there was a pause button so i could just like take a minute to upgrade everything oh look we've just unlocked las vegas so that is by la yes it's over there so we'll do that we'll do that and then we'll try and connect a few other things up maybe that one and that one we should probably get some of these ones to connect like random places so what if we do pittsburgh to phoenix denver to that and uh san jose to boston 1600 that'll be all my money sorry it's open we should probably do a big ass plane as well look at the size of that thing all right denver you need upgrading me san jose you probably do as well i think i just want to go i just yeah i just want to go mental i think we're just gonna do flights flights everywhere or flights i've done everywhere i don't want the game to end i just want more flights okay here we go we're spending cash now this is what it's all about it's weird how there's like there's hardly any cities up there yet right connecting everything up denver i think you need an upgrade as well right web theory is definitely the way to do this though we are doing really well all right vegas you're pretty full i think we're a lot crazy there's a lot of red planes about i don't think i have the time to try and sort them out though there we go look we got our first one up there nice we'll go to dallas and we'll go to denver and then over there just everywhere we literally have more money than we know what to do with it's flying in which i'm not complaining about we have a minute left though so i'm basically gonna try and connect everything i can within that minute go away paddy this is not the time to be interrupting dog this is not the time to be interrupting oh you're so cute oh you're so cute why are you so cute all right pad i just gotta do the lot oh god maybe i don't maybe i want to win there's not a lot of time remaining i might just leave it running where's all the money come on money right i think we're done i think that's as far as we're gonna get oh we might not even do it come on we've got a thousand quid to make in 15 seconds yeah we've done it we've done it we've done it yes hurricane scenario complete look how many passengers i moved oh and i came 298 that's pretty good that cool that was stressful though that was really really stressful but yeah at the start the start of that was really stressful uh thankfully at the end i was just like trying to keep my money down trying to grow my thing as much as possible that's what she said but yeah we've unlocked another scenario a covert 19 pandemic one imagine that's just there's no flights anywhere which might be a nice little break from how the game usually goes but anyway guys that was fly cop if you enjoyed boost your like button otherwise i'll catch you next time peace love and plane webs [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 625,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer, british lets play, fly corp, fly corp game, fly corp gameplay, fly corp lets play, fly corp playthrough, fly corp pc, fly corp steam, fly corp plane game, fly corp planes, fly corp challenges, fly corp europe, fly corp your choice, fly corp a quick growth, plane strategy game, plane puzzle game, mini motorways, mini metro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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