I built a BRIDGE when I was meant to be SURVIVING in Muck!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to muk this is a cool little survival game created by a youtuber called danny and today i'm playing it with my good friends dre cryptic fox blitz and the biggest name drop i'll ever have on my youtube channel intern now if you haven't seen much before the idea is you're stuck on a randomly generated level there's a few resources about such as a rock which you can use to smash trees to get wood you can then craft things like pickaxes and swords and then every evening monsters appear you've got to try and survive and each one you kill you get coins you can spend these coins and all the chests that are dotted around and when you open these you get upgrades you've also got to keep an eye on your bottom right you've got your health you've got your food bar and you've also got stamina so bear in mind when we play this blitz and intern were the pros that played several rounds everyone else was pretty much a noob so let's get into it rc coming oh sorry i thought we were kicked out i got kicked out classic noobs shushy so the goal is to build the biggest biggest castle we can right bridge oh there's the sun coming up there's no trees around us yeah it's really nice look at that oh do you guys want to do a limbo contest oh look another chest i would love to yeah we don't really have much time my dudes can you ride cows i'm riding a cow no you're not yeah yeah yeah where's our base i'm like i'm like lost that's great i'm following dre oh you can smack two trees at once oh my god i gotta get this watch out it's a devil chicken you guys being attacked by things you got me right in the face yeah all right nice is that a raptor or like a rabid chicken it's like a jeep yeah rabbit chicken fish [ __ ] your demon wrapper they're helpful here with the noobs these guys are ba wack and these things will rock yeah that's right oh [Applause] [Music] thank you you saved me i had two trees at once we probably should build a cook station i don't know what to do yeah then somebody can go out and kill cows for days yeah there's a ton of them here we got to we got a good beef set up going over here that was my nickname in high school beef setup beef set up yeah you've had a lot of nicknames in high school i've heard no just one beef set up stop killing cows i'm sorry cow there's a big bloke coming big bloke he's threw rocks at me when they spawn on the floor they can't move i'm wheat i'm coming i am battling two golems oh i stepped on his head ow there's two big ones ow big chunks wait does the pickaxe work better on those big rock guys no hey look these guys aren't moving can we keep them as pets oh yeah i would like to have a pet right finally got sword so tonight is the night where we get big chunk big chunk okay we we need iron weapons at least right yeah yeah you got to have swords do we need trees yep fur wood for what fur is the pine tree right do we have pine trees anywhere yeah i've got i'm coming back with some all right all right all right we got spawns coming in we got spawn boys that could be the big chunk night i'm being chased by a lot what the [ __ ] yeah we need to make walls on our castle tonight or tomorrow yeah yeah for sure oh god there's a lot of these big mofos up here who's taking all the critters on the hill this oh my god there's a lot here oh my god i think more spawn if you play with more people oh crap yeah maybe it would make sense i'm down oh my god oh no oh my god no look at the new guy new guy died no catholic drake oh wow all my wonderful gear encrypted stuff oh yeah i got i got like double punched by one of those things in the face intern saved us good job intern he's someone's paying attention oh you guys just got exploded too hey i'm live i'm live i just i thought i was watching but i'm alive oh sword thank you [ __ ] me all right i i shall use an axe to kill these guys dives pants all right one down yeah one down someone help me with this boss guy thank you oh god he pushed me in the face i heard in the nuts okay we did it oh that was stressful it's 4 p.m already oh my god we're so dead i think some of the guys at base should start building up the walls build up walls and stuff we're going to make a giant fort that's kind of what we need to do i'm on it okay building stairs to the sky see say most castles are usually built on hills not next to them lies it's only for people that want that height advantage thing oh the walls look good always look good i have walled the entire area oh stop spawning in already ah hey drea got it dre got a sword in the chest for you go check it in the doorway thank you buddy get out of here robot chicken magic chickens oh yeah they shoot stuff careful of these and big chunk didn't spawn so that's good thank god oh there's some big boys out here destroying your walls i just killed the lightning chicken there's a oh yeah there's a bunch of robots over here oh god over here there's an ice one as well oh my god oh god i'm gonna die i'm gonna die don't die get inside i'm getting trying to get inside so i can heal oh there's a thing bashing on the walls here no you died i couldn't go in the door i couldn't jump but this does those things could shoot through the walls whatever they are the lizard thingies i don't think they can shoot up i think they're like dogs they can't look up let's just say earlier right they can't shoot upwards they could just shoot sideways yeah yeah oh there's still a critter inside here i want that helmet all right you guys might want to heal by the way oh yeah real civil engineers here you're really hurting yeah i'm trying to find food there's food in the chest unless someone stole it how's that yummy oh yes there we go oh somebody found furwood there's a whole bunch of it in the chest here oh god it's fire dudes just jump a lot you'll be fine i died blitz [Laughter] what a nerd look at him oh somebody already going together oh no he's miles away he's miles away nobody went to get him no i was running that direction but i could see someone running ahead of me oh god there's a big chunk he's got a club oh a big chunk spot yep i'm running back oh my god you guys kill him oh there's rocks everywhere oh so many goblin things oh die you goblin jerks all right cryptic i'll help you this big chunk is on his way intern i'm sorry intern can handle big chunk alone oh big rock in turn's having a hard time with the small guys no he's not it turns an npc he never can have things like that bad happen oh no he's bigger than our bloody staircase gonna destroy our whole building what's jumping on it oh no don't let them jump on our building i'm so dead we have two engineers here we're supposed to just walk through the building what do you guys said big chunk i wasn't really expecting that big i gotta say yeah he he he's a big boy i don't even know how to get near him do i try and be a hero and jump on his head he's chasing me i'm gonna come distract him always jumping watch out you're gonna oh he's down i wasn't even standing that close to him all right lauren back this way we're just not even close to being dead oh my god lauren to the stairs or jump on his head why have you guys not killed him yet dude he's so big have you tried to kill this guy with a sword yeah i've done it multiple times i'll come back in a little bit my inventory is almost full i got my stuff back thank you except for my pants with my pants oh i think i nicked your pants this is it's okay it's like it's like waking up after a bad party or a very good party i guess maybe say i had it i had a great time small pants there if you want them i think that dress pantsy hey there's a chicken in it oh there's still a little dude in here he's dead i was keeping him here's my friend i feel bad for the little guy that was steve okay i've got uh one two three four stacks of adamantine adamantite quick before the end of today i'm trying but i don't have any stamina because nobody's made me any food i'm kicking you up a nice steak now blitz oh this base is looking pretty nice though fellas thanks i'm proud of you myself did you youtube me too i thought i did it by myself oh you did it all by yourself too yeah we already did it all by myself how was 2200 already time to build wars typical engineers building stairs to the stars while the baseball was getting destroyed i said my instincts i don't know any better you're gonna build a bridge across these lakes too aren't you no oh god there's a lot of badness in our faces oh yeah they're wrecking all of the stuff inside wow oh my god there's golems everywhere i'm going oh oh crap inside the basement careful in the basement everything's dying around me what in the crap is going on in here yeah there's they spawned inside and started destroying all our stuff wow you guys suck with the base building thing uh our base is looking pretty bad there you go thank you we'll get some steaks oh i lost my pants that weren't my pants do you want to throw me that axe and i'll go chop wood no that's my job you got to build your base because it's destroyed i there's there's no more trees to build said base there's a butt load of wood in in the thing dude there's a butt load of wood again i did 1984 damage to the tree in one strike what ever that was wrong that wall was not placed right for the record you can miss snap walls just saying okay not that i did it of course oh croc i did the same thing all right in the in the middle chest there are four adamantite swords and one mithril for drake thank you i'm taking the out of you you guys give me an addie sword is it just like i'm getting it before something happens i stole it hey i found your pants oh my pants i could eat some pants oh night time's here critters are spawning don't worry blitz will take care of him all by himself again that sounds reasonable oh we got dragons boys we got drake dragons they can fly don't we need dragons i built little holes so when we do have bows we can shoot out the windows so much raw meat why do i have so much raw meat because you're not cooking it your job was to make food today but you didn't do it oh you said you were gonna build food but you didn't know how did you revive me i had a bunch of uh i had a bunch of rocks on me when i died yeah it's probably from you probably yeah i just blame it on the other guy dre i see how this is i can't do that i don't care i haven't i i'm not playing with it anymore is that part of the rules you're supposed to blame it on the other guy oh god i'm done oh my god i'm so i specialize in being a good boy you guys need to learn the art of jumping stamina i run out of stamina then i can't jump you got to learn the art of eating food oh there are my beautiful building oh they're just wrecking it thank you you're back i didn't know there was still things alive here oh my god oh my god i lost my weapon there's an electric one oh oh my gear damn what swords are best sword mythical green green green addie's bitter green green is like there any spares i lost mine there was one in this in the storage you might be able to you might be able to make one oh wait what the hell happened to all our stairs did the dragons kill them um yeah maybe they bought they got attacked at the bottom man boys don't do a lot of damage to them oh man there's so many bananas well they just hit me you know that are you sure something just didn't hit you on the way down i yeah i jumped into like 10 10 of them could have been that yeah maybe kill them uh i can't get you for 10 seconds yet i'd be revived broccoli health regeneration yes sorry dude thank you oh god yeah i gotta help these guys yep chicken in our base oh you're a chicken made of chicken oh ow what the frick one hit kill do you guys not have armor yet i keep dying so i keep losing where the arrows are in the chests which one they're in the middle chest there's 311 in the whole chest whoa oh our face is what was that oh i just saw the face die i'm dealing with so much things my stairs yay day 10 guy oh uh so much for that base building idea i mean there's a base it's got walls they just got exploded my dude there's still some walls there i still have lots of dragons on me oh that's spawn killing this isn't fair oh god yeah yeah somebody got me back up but then they uh they sort of bombarded the place and i died again blitz are you using better arrows uh whatever you put in there oh you're doing way more damage than me i've got a lot of upgrades my dude can someone build me some mama yes i will build armor thank you who who do you have any of it i've got i got a helmet and pants oh my greens yeah i just need body and shoes please okay body shoes in the right side the right chest thank you nice someone build me a bow as well i dropped the bow on the front the front what ends the front uh i probably i think i think i grabbed it pretty sure i grabbed it already yeah everyone got an oak bow i need a boy please you need oak bows you're going to have to build me on your own because i don't want to build them got them oh we need a workbench as well i think i should stay this base guys what's wrong with everybody it looks great it sucks it's terrible you don't even have a workbench in your in our base i leave for one night to get resources forever i left today to spend my coins nobody built the base that's on them it's it's 10 p.m guys 10 a.m no it's time no it's probably 10 p.m okay bill is that something spawning oh big chunk oh god he's on the hill i'll go kill him boys i'll go kill him we'll do it all by yourselves hey i'm hoping all right dragon dead oh is that another big chunk it is a double chunk wait two big chunks oh big guy two big chunks at the base oh i'm gonna chuck it oh no this that's not good i'll go kill him there's another one another one i'm down for 3 500. oh my god the battle of the hill we made it get up smack them get down can't reach the dragon there's a there's a load of chunks three what there's more chunks where oh my word oh there they are they're stomping the trees over there who's over here i don't have my bow either oh my goodness did someone touch one of those portal things no there it is who died who died in turn died he just summoned three big chunks in turn just wants us over with probably didn't know would be big chunks coming are there any chests left on the map oh yeah oh yeah you're just going to go far far okay i've finally got money for the first time now do you have like no upgrades got five little crappy ones no wonder it was exact oh but now i can double jump so hell yeah dude we have oak hiding in one of these chips i got oak in my pants what uh that's a lockwood oh my first gold chest 500 coins oh that's it electric hammer all right oh i got a bulldozer yay you guys are such oh you can make you can make gold bars into coins that's weird oh crap dragons why are we crashing i accidentally pressed the th i was wondering what it did and it spawned dragons spawn dragons so good um don't worry i'll bring them back to space don't worry there's plenty of junk here at base well the moon's moving so fast look at that guys look at it zoom in some speed oh who's building the fence i did i told you guys we need to build a fence i built the base and the fence in one day what are you a former engineer i did i used to be one one time i played one in high school that doesn't help trust me ow guys i'm back with more dragons all right we got ourselves a little bit of a fence it's derpy but i don't really care does anyone else need anything for clothing i'll use these mithril shoes for now oh they're mine they're all stinky guys i built a bridge it's okay oh why do you have to be able to put everything oh my god that's a pretty nice bridge right there that's pretty decent it's got a weird little step to it at the one end but that's all right yeah it's a feature it's okay he's not an architect oh my god that's a beautiful bridge that's the joke yeah it's awesome wait actually can the melee or the um go on the water does that actually be a good place oh we could fight on the bridge i have no stamina i can't get in our base i have no stamina why do we have a base that we have to jump into we need to put like the stairs at the front door or something yeah it's a little bit let me do some mushrooms eat the meat you're carrying and then you can climb oh yeah you're carrying meat in your hands there you go so hungry guys does anyone have food quiet just look at my bridge just look at my bridge okay let's uh find stuff okay beautiful bridge we'll flatter you for your bridge but not for your meat thank you what he told you uh so you guys are gonna have to deal with the whole fighting thing tonight because i'm just looting a whole bunch of stuff so hopefully no big chunks arrive because i'm gonna have to do it all by myself again oh look hey there's a flamey dude over here where did you come from laymon okay i'm coming back there's some bad guys over here i'm sorry oh god ice dudes it's night time i'm coming back oh yeah it's night time i feel like i spend oh god oh god those nice blasters get down hey big chunk spawning harvard oh you're just coming over the hill there are so many electric guys there careful civil i know i'm eating bread don't worry i'll revive you you're back oh good thanks get your clothes on you're naked oh nice it's a tiny little hammer too it's not even like huge and impressive no it's kind of sad and saddening it is a little bit it uh maybe hey we comparing hammers yes how do i jetpack bridge is looking beautiful thank you i'm pretty sure our base is the best base ever though because it has a bridge right yeah it's the bridge that makes it really if it wasn't for the bridge it would be the worst space ever the bridge to nowhere it goes somewhere i have a bridge too far really now now ah they spawn in the water they sure do break to the safety of the bridge oh bridge is great i ran across the bridge and got away from the stuff that was chasing me oh the bridge is actually kind of about the bridge i changed my mind about the bridge i was okay i was critical of the bridge but i changed my mind now you trust the bridge trust i will defend my bridge you're like killing everything i love how the bow works when you're watching somebody else are you guys all dead over your mouth i was defending my bridge on my own what are you doing trey's like sprinting on the spot this game is college oh god i have no food i'm to hide behind the cow i'm going to stand on the cow oh no i got my stamina the cow is protecting me wait i fell off that's that's crazy you don't hear too often it's a battle cow cow didn't protect me you lied cow you're you're a bad cow you're a bad cow unfortunately at this point i had to leave the game devastating uh but i've been told blitz and dre carried on and they've removed every single tree from the map so assuming their videos on this route now go check them out but otherwise guys peace love and bridges i'll catch you next time cheers bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 132,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: muck game, muck gameplay, muck survival game, muck survival, dani muck, muck dani, indie gamedev, muck drae, drae, draegast, muck playthrough, muck walkthrough, muck boss, muck funny, muck funny moments, survival game, survival games, free game, free games, f2p survival game, survival games 2021, indie game, indie games, multiplayer survival game, multiplayer survival games, muck, multiplayer survival gameplay, muck blitz, blitz muck, real civil engineer, rce
Id: O4SlkTnyaUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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