I recreated GREAT BRITAIN in Dorfromantik!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to dwarf romantic the dwarf dating simulator no that did crack me up right so i was thinking the other day how how can i continue this game can i push for high scores can i create a knob everything after the knob forest of last video but no i've i've done something a little bit cheeky so we're going to do we're going to start start a new game and we're doing classic mode or are we so here we are in the game we've uh we've updated we've got new challenges after completing the part ones last time so engineer part two now champion part two so if you haven't seen this game before i will just explain how it works it's like it's like a strategy tile city builder game so bottom right you have your stack of tiles i have 40 remaining and as i place one down i use one up so if i place this forest one down we still have 40. you might be wondering what did you just lie to me you said it went down every time or have i engineered so anyway we'll crack on i i have an idea of what i want to do i don't know if it's going to be possible but uh just just bear with me bear with me so the tiles i've placed can you see there's two little speech bubbles the tree with a five plus on it and the house with a four plus on it so these are like challenges if you complete these you gain more tiles so the pieces are in place now it's got trees and houses on it but the houses one has a challenge as well so what i can do i can place it up here and i can rotate this and there's enough trees on there that it completes the challenge or i can bring it down this way and then it leaves the houses open just for one more house to be joined to complete the challenge so i think i'll do that i'll probably keep the forest pointing upwards that one in there and this one i've got a river piece so ooh river a little bit too soon than what i wanted to do with a river if i'm honest how am i gonna do this i'm gonna i'm gonna put it up there i think see a really cool art style this game can you see it's all like hand drawn and i've actually been a bit cheeky usually you can like i think you can like rotate like that either i've entered a new dimension oh my goodness yeah i love that the trees stay like facing you i think that's really cool but yeah i'm not sure why this wasn't in the base game but i had someone mod this for me so thank you hippo appreciated and not only do i have this rotation mod as you may have guessed the uh the tiles don't go down this is essentially creative mode before creative mode is even out so i don't want a railway yet i'm uh i feel like that might ruin what i'm trying to do so i'm gonna i'm gonna press space gone how cool is that so i'm not actually sure i haven't played this mood yeah i'm not sure if i complete the challenge if my stack goes up let's see what happens oh wow it does it's gone to 50. oh wow i want to see how big that number can go what will happen when it gets to a hundred will the white thing get bigger only one way to find out i think can you see as you rotate pieces different things light up that will add to the houses and if i do that one that adds to the houses and the forest that's usually the best spot to do that granted i'm not too bothered as i've got this mod installed all right okay so we've got some sea with a boat on it i say see i guess it's just it's just a lake rather than a c or is it are you thinking what i'm thinking don't know we will find out soon enough i'm sure another challenge complete 60. so these yellow things they also come in a variety of colors but they're yellow at the moment these are farms so this piece i have now i can put it down i can rotate until the farm lines up and that adds a bit of farm which is nice so i've got a straight bit of railway here that's the perfect spot but not the perfect rotation if i spin it around it adds to my trees up the top lovely jubbly so you see at the moment i've got two river challenges a one plus and a two plus so that's just the number of river pieces i need to add to that river to complete the challenge whereas the one i have here in my hand this plus 18 one that requires 18 individual houses it's not house tiles but actual individual houses so you can see if i rotate this now it goes down to four because we have 14 houses in that plot already so that's good orientation for that so got a piece here with a 19 plus house challenge so i can put it and join it with this one but as you can see i've almost closed off the like little town area so if i click that in there now i've only got this spot where i can extend that town and complete those two challenges i mean granted it doesn't really matter for me because i can't lose but uh okay that's one river challenge complete and this will oh bollocks i press space and this will complete the next one so you click sorted so yeah what i thought i'd do on this one is just sort of build a country and i feel like i've sort of built it too big already just having to think but i'm gonna spam through all of these and try and find i think big bits of are probably quite a good one to have just to get my places in the right spot but mainly i just want the edge oh look there's a boat i can add a boat i gotta add a boat mainly i just want the uh like these ones which i'll be using for edge of the country this one here has a end of railway so i think i'm gonna put that in just so i don't have to worry about the railway too much so i can bung that there i'll keep the other end of the railway going all right so put this piece in here that completes our railway challenge nice up to 86 tiles oh we've got a train we can add a train i don't know what way to make the train face uh probably that way a bit safer isn't it sweet look at the train go he's got a little challenge on as well all right so can you see this piece i'm gonna have to lose this challenge can you see it doesn't have a plus next to it it's a solid number so if you look at this other boat that's about to crash into the other way oh god uh it's got a it's got a two plus so that means the rev just has to be two pieces longer and then you complete it my new piece is just a four there's no plus that means to complete the challenge it's got to be four pieces long in total the river and i don't think unless i sort of i could go over here actually yeah i've sort of cocked up i've gone too wide i've gone way too wide i could possibly put it in there i think i'll do that in there so i've got a nice little house there overlooking the ocean so this is an ocean it's not going to be a lake it is going to be an ocean so you can see in the user game as you add these pieces down you get points so the number of points you get for each piece depends on the number of sides you add so i get me like no bonus points that'll get me one because one edge joins onto the forest but i think in here that should get me a perfect because all three sides the bottom three sides they all create something and i think these top sides because they don't create anything they count as completed so let's just see if we get perfect no we don't ignore me that's not our perfect work all right so this piece here can you see it has a little triangle next to it so the challenge on this piece has a bonus challenge associated with it so if i had that there i needed 11 houses all right so i've added a piece and now it just needs four more i've got a tile here that will complete it fully so if i place that there that will complete the challenge but if you notice here a flag has spawned and this flag is highlighting three edges highlighting in red so here i actually need to finish the city with these three areas and that'll grant me another bonus with more extra titles the great thing is you don't need to add to the city you can just complete it so i can put that one there it's just trees next to the houses but that helps to complete it likewise a bit of river there that helps complete it now if i highlight over the flag i only need one more piece to complete now i think i'll just use this grassy piece so i'll put this grass piece in there and now we can see what happens to the flag plus 50 and we got five tiles oh so this piece this is called a boat station and this is essentially a tile that can go absolutely anywhere so it can connect to river as you would expect and just have like a floaty island sort of thing or it can even connect to railway so if we rotate round this way you see it makes a little little bridge and our train would go into the station and carry on all right so my farm challenges this one completes the top challenge so i'll click that so if i put this end cap in there so now i need one more end cap which i've got here so i'll click that in and you can see challenge complete and flag completed straight away lovely jubbly so you can see here by putting this piece in i get a perfect that's what i was talking about before every single edge is complete perfect square beautiful well i just called it square it's clearly a hexagon because hexagons are the best against all right so you've probably guessed what i'm trying to do here well you probably guessed when you saw the thumbnail but i'm trying to create great britain so you see here i'm currently working on a bit of norwich i think this is london in here this is the thames it's a bit it's a bit wonk but it might be okay over here we've got whales lots of trees that's me i guess this is sort of the midlands because this is like north wales this is like midlands i don't know what that would be sheffield maybe yeah the way i was gonna do it i was gonna do like sea pieces all around the edge but i feel like i've been like spamming like space bar like come on and they just don't seem to see many of those pieces so it might have to be partly completed i should probably start heading north as well start making my way up to scotland so i think this built-up ish area is like manchester i need to keep adding to london make it a bit more built my thames is a bit further north than it should be but yeah i think i need to start placing pieces down or i'll be here all day i'm avoiding the railway as well very annoying because i want to get this engineer to achievement but yeah for now i'm avoiding the engineer this is quite a test as to how well i know my country as well so that's like norwich that's the thames so i need like a pointy outfit here it does go a bit greener so i feel like i can start doing that sort of thing challenges are going out the door but i'm hoping i can get that number to like a thousand that would be really cool just to see if the devs made room for that whether it will actually work or the number will just go outside we will have to see you and we get a bit closer i feel like i need to cap the river off and i'm not entirely sure what pieces i can do that with i think maybe it might just be the old railway station water station i feel like wales is very much trees and fields i'm going to keep that going over here in the southeast as you get south of london it sort of it goes a bit more rural so i'll add some fields and woods and stuff yeah i think i might start adding to manchester so that's up there i do think i need to add another another layer onto there so i'm just going to go around it all right so i'm going to work my way along the south coast there's not too much going on down the south coast it's a bit rural there is the odd city like southampton portsmouth plymouth hang on is that just me does anyone else see that look at this look at this ready i'll zoom in and if i rotate what does that look like that's not just me is it wasn't even intentional wasn't even intentional all right so i'm gonna use this bit of city that's gonna be like south wales like cardiff that's the capital of wales if you weren't aware so yeah it seems like the thames does stretch the entire way pretty sure it doesn't do that in real life but uh hey ho and then keep adding to my northern empire yeah not a lot going on in the middle of wales it's pretty much all trees and fields i'll try i'll try and avoid the house ones i've put a few random houses in all right then land's end is just a bit of just a bit of grass i think sorted right so i think we'll work on up north now and have a little railway going up north as well it's quite nice all right so scotland is mainly sort of trees there are a few built-up areas like edinburgh sort of in here somewhere and glasgow over here is a bit more in the middle but hey oh i finally got an end piece to cap this off i was worried it wasn't going to happen i was worried we're going to have a hole in the united kingdom but do not worry oh i missed it with my mouse all right so i've noticed at the top of the screen there is actually a hard limit can you see it like whoa nuclear bomb yeah so i can't actually go too much taller so it might be a bit of a weird scotland all right i think we are nearly there with our engineered great britain uh i'm literally just gonna bam through the tiles like that until we hit c i'm going to attempt to fill in the entire sea might not be able to might take far too long but uh wish me luck i'll see you on the other side let's get spamming [Music] oh my god i just hit space accidentally and lost it feck [Music] well that was lucky two in like a row almost blimey it's the little things in life [Music] god i feel like i've looked these for so long i'm like going blind my eyes are just unfocused just waiting for that blue hit man come on oh my god seriously there she is probably that was the last piece uh we're getting there we are getting there i reckon we're not getting there at all i don't know who i'm kidding it was at this point i realized it was going to be a very long evening of hitting the space bar but this is making me wonder maybe my day job isn't that bad oh what am i doing what am i doing just think the thumbnail matt think the thumbnail oh what the frig i think my eyes are actually going mental like the map looks like it's moving to me is that just because i've been watching oh it's actually moving i'm gonna watch this footage back and see if it actually is i think i've been watching hexagons fly up so often it's made my eyes go mental oh god that was terrifying that was really terrifying anyway back to it [Music] hey we did a challenge you might get 200 times not gonna crack a thousand tiles unfortunately maybe that's a challenge for another day let me know if you want me to uh just go mental and see what sort of high score i could get with unlimited lives i feel like this is decision time is the bottom good enough i'm unsure whether i should do like that line maybe from there yeah i might do from there actually a bit late in the day but there you go one more in the middle maybe down there could use like three like one two three yeah i'll do that thing down here sort of like brighton or maybe hastings the old southeast seaside town and i was thinking as well could i build like an isle of wight with rivers probably not i think i left it too late i should have done it up there oh well back to finding blues [Music] god my eyes are actually mental the whole map is just like moving in waves oh finally like oh he hit space accidentally no no [Music] oh no oh the screen's still moving my eyes are messed i can't believe i did that [Music] we found one a sacred one oh i could have done an olive white do i do a really wonky olive i'm gonna do a wonky olive white beautiful oh look we got a we got a boat station or maybe that could be mile of weight yeah i'll put it there i'll put it there right i feel like i'm going to throw up because of this so thanks for the power of editing i'm going to skip ahead a day i'm going to fill it in off camera so i'll see you on the other side all right so it's a new day we're currently just looking over cornwall some of the highlights from the past 24 hours are unlocking this completing this many challenges at once this puppy poor shaped island continuing to laugh at this and generally just pondering life wondering where did it all go to draw my off-camera time-lapse i unlocked a new biome which i was like oh a new biome that's cool anyway i'll carry on as i am and then i've loaded it up just now and it's bloody applied so if i come over here like the northeast has burnt down like look at this ravaged land what's happened so it doesn't really look like britain anymore because it's all charred but uh but we'll finish and then maybe i'll try reloading and that might bring it back green so i've only got what have i got one two i got four more bits of c to get oh there's one oh and i did three challenges as well we got 340 things as well oh look we got a water station one i might put that one up there yeah i didn't know i did that look although those rails are a bit misaligned aren't they a bit dangerous all right so i only need two more c's there's one oh no i'm gonna ruin the challenge oh i do not give a crap honestly literally i've spent i don't even know four maybe more than four hours i think like eight percent of that has just been pressing space waiting for a blue i sort of learned a new technique to uh unnauseate you so i literally just stare to the left of the pile and i use my peripheral vision to wait for a load of blue so i'm just staring i'm just staring sort of sometimes if there's like a lot of river i might slow you down no oh bollocks i skipped it it does work though i swear it does work i swear well they're all coming out now i've bloody finished they're bloody all coming up so i'll go and i'll fill in bits so i think that could use one and then over here could use one now i feel like i need to get that one as well so god damn it the job's worth doing it's worth doing properly all right there's one bung you in there one more please oh bollocks i just skipped it damn it bung you in there and honestly i think we're done i think we're literally done now it's finished you can sort of see the shape it's a it's a bit wonky all of white definitely not in the right place uh wales is a bit i don't know what that lump is where the train tracks are but uh not too bad i don't think in scotland i managed to get all these like islands in i'm quite quite impressed myself there if i'm honest yeah and annoyingly i can't zoom out show the entire thing i can zoom out further but uh it gets lasered off so you have to sort of ooh it's great britain you know like i could sort of get this angle maybe it definitely doesn't look great has lost a lot of weight it's a it's got a very slim waist there all right guys just got off the blower to one of the devs teemo absolute legend check this out he got it back it's all green again so yeah this is my great britain and uh it is great indeed isn't it and scotland there should really be a castle i made sure i was exactly in the right place that's a castle as a scottish like to say if anyone looks up it's actually a welsh castle it's not actually a castle but yeah scottish people what'd you think did i do your country justice let me know in the comments northerners what do you think did i do your northern area justice let me know in the comments well she's you well she's let me know in the comments new south eastern western londoners let me know i love white people don't don't bother because uh you're probably mad at me yeah thanks journey guys let me know if you want more dwarf romantic like some cool sort of ideas like this maybe i also got this mod i could see how long the board is just literally a single line city but in the meantime peace love and great britain i'll catch you next time bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 382,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dorfromantik gameplay, dorfromantik game, city builder, city building games, dorfromantik trailer, dorfromantik high score, dorfromantik, full game dorfromantik, longest dorfromantik game, city builder tiles, strategy city builder, carcassonne, carcasone, simulation games, rce, real civil engineer, great britain in dorfromantik, recreating countries in dorfromantik, dorfromantik biggest city, dorfromantik biggest
Id: iX3XVVQGib8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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