I Completely Destroy this City's Road Network with No Regrets!

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exist anymore we've got a disaster of junctions in the middle here this is what we're gonna be working on to help us to learn to see how good junctions can make a big difference in your city hello everybody welcome to the next episode of City skyline fix your city and here we are in the city of Rock field sent in by Nikko and oh my goodness me the traffic in this one is pretty pretty horrendous it was a were to the map it was 5% when I loaded it up let's just take a look at how bad it is so coming in here from out the city queues all the way down there you can see the red lines queues down here queues down there coming in from this way it's queueing and that's just building that when I start it was cute to here now it's all the way back there you've done a lot of good things just looking around here you've got lots of off lamps coming out going in you've only got one way in yeah around here lots of off lamps coming in which is good if we move up to this side of the city yeah yeah yeah totally chocolate block everywhere you've got your cargo harms set up here I got a cargo harbor a harbor and another cargo harbour yeah - next to each other like that totally pointless totally pointless and then this queues all the way up here to get into this area and again you've got roads coming out onto these roads but yeah all sorts of issues going on so first things first we are gonna pause the game and should have a quick look at the traffic so 5% there we go we're gonna pause the game and we are going to leave everything that's through here and you do have natural I believe a lot of metro lines a lot of people to use in it which is good and they go around the city all sorts of various places we'll see how we go whether we get time to look at those this road here it's like one road challenge look it's a big long snaking road but no traffic on it so that is good just traffic everywhere else so let us start buying tool eating a whole load of stuff you've shot you said you sort of done some lame mathematics I don't really think you have because you've got like six line weird roads coming in here yeah it's just well this is all going it's all going saying them or it's all gone oh if I unpause the game now and we take a look cuz all these cars are gonna disappear look these guys are now regretting their life choices what am i doing on a road that doesn't even exist um pause exists anymore they've all gone and what is the traffic now six percent today that's good that's much better than it was so let us have a look so you've got the highway in here got the highway there and a highway that you want a decent Junction in here Oh what shall we use let me have a sip of tea and decide okay I think what we'll do is we'll go for a simple stacking should change formats Timbo to be going on with so I am gonna plot that down there and connect this one up now this one here you've sort of got yeah you've changed your highway roads I've got all sorts of different stuff going on here Oh delete and sound is like the loudest sound known to mankind so let's just turn that down a bit and then we're going to blonde that up to connect to this and then we'll work on some other junctions in here there we go so that connects that up that connects this up and then I want this to run all the way through here but we are gonna have some other junctions here and I'm just sort of considering whether because you've got like your highway comes down here as well which should do although you've got it I suppose you've got slip roads and things it's not too bad whether to have one big junction in the middle because you've also got some underground loads here and this one goes up and connects to this section I mean I could just delete all of that and do something else but yeah or have a junction here for this one and this side and a junction here for this one but this is quite yeah we're definitely gonna have to have a better Junction up here for these guys so we'll come back to that yeah let me see let me see tell me what I'm thinking of doing is a few of these trumpet interchanges just to try and help people get in and out I have one for there one for here one for each of those maybe just so we're sort of spreading the traffic a bit there we go and we're just gonna connect that I'm sorry to go for a bigger one in the middle here and we're gonna connect that to here in here and then have a through Road but you've got your road going the wrong way around here which is slightly odd so I'm obviously gonna have to fix those up get them facing the right why and that will work much better so it's good to have a lot of slip loads coming off like this and maybe a few too many but you know we'll go with what you've got and we'll see what happens oh you've got to be careful of is the game will sometimes choose one slip road and just make that the only slip road they use and that really does depend on how you've built everything else up in your city let's just make that one lane don't need more than that so we'll sort of cross that bridge when we come to it but we'll get that set up like that and then this I think I want just going straight through to here I might have one other Junction down here and then change this to a two-way roads let's see how that goes there we go and then connecting up to this you've got this as your road coming out which is quite interesting you've got that one coming out as well so you had your in at your top I'm just wondering whether we could just do a little something-something here do we really want to keep it all going one way yeah okay well let's have that as our and then we'll have this one as your in road you know what I think I'm gonna just reverse what you've done here and you've got lovely massive six lane it makes me cringe it makes me cringe I'm gonna just keep it as you've got it I'm just gonna turn around there we go don't worry I'm gonna go round and check all the any on and off ramps and roads and things that we've got so now what we can do is just delete that a bit we can connect that to there I'm also thinking about adding a little Junction here - you've got it - come in making this a little two-way road instead of a one-way road I think that would work much better let's just go with this one here like that so then you've got access from both ways let's just delete that and see if I can squeeze in a small little smaller or smaller or one of these in here my goodness mean they're bigger than I thought there's a little section down here we are definitely gonna have a roundabout of sorts and let's just see what we can fit in here I want not to go - they're only a small one will be good what is use the standard standard roundabouts I don't want that to connect to that let's just remove that for now in a little bit of space there we go don't forget if you're doing anything on your roundabout to brace it up like that we're gonna change this to the highway there we go we're gonna delete that and the reason you brace up your and about is because when you add roads in like this it doesn't change the shape of it which is good there we go we'll have that and then we're gonna have so the outcome in there that's gonna join to this one so we're gonna lose a couple of the roads along here but it's definitely gonna be worth it yeah most definitely oh I hate the fact you've got that six Lane Road I'm gonna stick with a six-lane Road if it starts causing us problems I am gonna remove it and change it to something else because I hate having a six-lane Road coming into a three lane roundabout we'll see how busy it gets and then we're gonna have this way as coming in and we're definitely not gonna use a six-lane there let's use the three lane so there and what have you got here you've got your cargo harbour we could have that going in and that going out for a cargo harbour yeah actually we're gonna do that so let me just do something here there you go they're gonna come in drop off and then leave I'm not sure what that connected here I just want that to be a feeder road for these areas so yeah that can now just be one way coming up there let's just again go with this oh that's the leaving road isn't it yeah we do we do it with this one they will come down there like that okay and then we'll change it around there we go a lot of people ask me about what keys am I using for doing all of this sort of stuff if you have a look in your your game settings I want to go out when I go out it shows you all the keys there in the settings page so you can check all of that out I'm wondering whether to have that as an out coming down there as well that might just be a good idea let's just do that so you can come in drop off and leave up there or leave down there yeah let's go with that and we just need to set that roundabout heart so we're gonna go at all G signs hold shift so everybody coming on gives Y and we're gonna use this one here Junction restrictions and save you're coming on I don't want that one turned on if you're coming on I don't want that one turned on that's the end to block Junction but if you're going around the roundabout I do want that one turned on so I'm not that one that's all fine so we'll go with that I'm gonna come back and do some lane mathematics on some of these junctions in a bit we'll stick with what we've got for now okay so that's that that's this I want some sort of connection coming up here because these guys have got our hang on let's just do this bit over here look we've got this square we need a better Junction here coming in down there let me sort this one out there we go and while we're on this Junction we are going to do the lane mathematics of three lanes coming down one lane goes off look at these Lane junctions here this is a nice tip for you that use vanilla no mods along consoles that sort of thing the minute this Lane is doing two things because we have three lanes straight on so the game says are we need three lanes straight on your face this won't straight on but it also says we need a lane go into the lights so it makes this one a double one down way this - - ah now we have two lane straight on one lane light and that will really help your traffic and we'll do the same going in the other direction as well there we go and then what we're going to do is quickly do a little bit of lane connectors here I've got to get Hugo involved so he go there you go there and his cousin Hugo through there we go and that'll just keep that all moving when the traffic gets busy yeah there you go through you go there there we go excellent that's a nice little Junction what is this road under here doing it is filling up with traffic and that is coming from all the way over here so where's that that is up here okay so we definitely want to change something with the road layout here I'm thinking about something yeah that's good I'm definitely thinking about something all of this is gonna go yeah let's just run this down I'm thinking about a roundabout in here I want to buy this square just to give myself a little bit more space thank you kindly you've got unlimited money on we're gonna be making more money soon anyway but yeah we'll go with the unlimited money and then I want a bit of space in here for connection all of these up so if we delete that and delete that and delete that this is definitely gonna have a bit of road going through there so let us use the slightly larger roundabout this one here that we'll do and then we'll just get this one hooked up there we go when you do this three lanes into a six-lane Road you must do your lane connectors because these guys here we're like wanting to squidge around there and these ones want to squeeze around the corner there don't want any squidging technical word traffic term there you want to just come straight on and these guys here they're all facing the right way but you just want to make sure they stay in their Lane and also we want to say just go straight through so don't bother stop in there come onto the roundabout do your business go where you want to go this road up here is that like a one-way road it is so what I'm thinking of doing is let me see let me see is downgrading this so that's whoops and then changing this one so that all the way along here and then we'll just connect these are hopefully that's nice and straight nearly so that will go through there let's just carry this one through with the the six Lane rows that we've got had a bit of grass make it look nice and this is gonna go through the middle here and that is gonna join down here so we're basically gonna just remove the access to this underground roads and I think that's just gonna go straight into here and that may end up becoming a roundabout we'll see because we've got this one way it's become a one-way road all the way around I don't think we need to do that so let's just sort this out well where does this where does this road go oh yeah we want to commit to up to there oh that's good okay we'll do that so now we've got another way in and out for all of these people and then these little roads have got going through here that one's been accidentally changed I'm gonna alternate which way they go so that is gonna be coming up being going in no let's have that one coming out and then this one going in that one coming out like one going in one coming out that one going in let me come in out that one going in and coming out that one going in this one coming out and then down here I am most definitely gonna add a little round about we can use a three lane road and that's gonna go there the standard size should be fine and because we've set this all up correctly all of our traffic manager things give way is fine and all that is fine as well excellent so yeah we're gonna do that to help that little Junction there why let us unpause the game and speed it up and just sort of see how all of this goes so everyone's gonna be diving around grabbing a load did we do the traffic manage on this road pretty sure we did it's gonna take a while for like all of this to sort itself out it's a mess I really don't like this three lane six Lane Road coming out here you're not I'm gonna do actually I think for the last section of this we're gonna change this to three lanes whoops there we go like that coming up here they can sort themselves out there it shouldn't get that busy and also we are going to remove industries that are right on the ends up here just to give people a chance to get out without getting clogged up yeah and we'll see how that goes yeah let's do lame mathematics first in our junctions so three lanes coming down here I'm going to change this to two and then three lanes coming up here one going off change that to two and then these big lanes like this like this off Lane here really only needs to be one lane so I'm gonna downgrade that thank you it's a one lane and we've got one lane plus one lane equals two lanes and that's fine that can spread out into there and then coming up here three lane one Lane and one lane so this is one lane as well going round and then when that hits on here we've got two plus one back to three again so that makes that work much better and then we just need to go through and do our lane connectors but if you go there you go there and they're coming out on here as well we've got this one lane - there you go there you go there so that should be good that splits off that's fine that splits off that's fine and when they merge here we want both the stick to their own lane now I don't into switch down here so I'm gonna select that node yeah shift s so straight on and around here I'm gonna say look if you want to stop picking different lanes you've got so many choices you can have one of those three and you can have one of those three and then you can I'm gonna say don't Lane switch there and then they can switch when they get down here is so much space that should be okay mmm this one we need a bit of Lane mathematics as well so three lanes going off down to two there and in one lane back on foo lens going off one line going off so down to two which is fine oh it's that's not connecting there that confused me there for a Mary was thinking what the monkeys is going on so that probably goes to there these little bits though we've got like we could change this what they could do is have two lanes coming off like that and in one going up there and one going down there and then just aid with that we could just up this to four lanes and because we've got this Junction quite close to it I'm gonna do that to give them a bit of space four lanes switchin and we could do the same here we've got two lanes so we're gonna make that two lanes and then when it comes up here we're gonna make this four lanes and I'm gonna do it all the way along there just to give some extra extra staff and we could just do that here look we can have two lanes so one for each of those and then upgrade this to four lanes beforehand we're gonna do that one and I'm gonna do it here as well so the two lanes two lanes plus two lanes change that the four lanes I can't do it let's use the Move it mod to move that node in then I can upgrade that and then I can do the movement modern do controls aids and it'll stretch it back out again and then we'll do the same on the this bit here so three lanes I mean there's different ways you could do it you could have like to go off so three lanes - to makes this one you know that's the other way you could do it but it just seems a bit like not enough so that's why I prefer to sort of upgrade beforehand to four lanes and then have a to go off and the to go on let's do that and the same the other side as well make sure I get the right Road and then we'll just oh yeah hang on we'll grab this one or 21% it's going up we'll do that one now you've got the two lanes they would just upgrade give them a couple of lengths of four to get out will go cut the lengths of four couple of links of four and just get those two a - I've done no Lane connectors anywhere I'm gonna just see how that flows up here as well you've got this like one-way road going up there I'm thinking of doing a similar thing where we just changed this I am gonna do a six-lane Road up here I'll connect that up to this Highway and then when I've been in the out roads alternating and we'll just see how that goes it might not be brilliant if if the game decides to choose and like I said one slip Lane in or out over all others and it causes some traffic we can sort of deal with that when we get there and then that's also gonna bring us back up here again you know blow it just easier to put it into a three lane roundabout or leave it like that and then yeah I'll keep an eye on it if we need to make any changes we'll see how it goes and it will have this like this I always have the one that's nearest to the big Junction in this case the roundabout has the one in because that just gets rid of some more of the traffic ok so just on the lane mathematics on here as well and then where the traffic comes out I'm just doing my lane connectors and then I think that is all the junctions or tell you which Junction we haven't done so Lane mathematics and effing Inc on that one we've done that one we've done this one we've done that one we've done this one and that goes down there this is that disconnected or is that still connected I think that's fine that goes underneath here yeah okay so that is the main highway done let's run that for a bit we're at 23% it's gonna take a while I think to die down and to run for I mean look you can already see look at that look at that I love it when it runs smoothly ignore the fact is backing up down there so now we're just gonna go around the city and do some troubleshooting of places where like this guy here we've got three lanes going up and they're all getting stuck behind this one we're gonna make that Lane four going off that means we're going straight on that lane four going right and yes I remember to connect up this train line again good all the highways and move in really really well which is what we want to see we want the main arteries of your city look at this now this thing with Lane mathematics on and Lane connectors is an absolute thing of beauty but you can get your main loads your highways running freely like this you've solved most of the problems in your cities and then it's just making sure that you don't get like six lane roads banging into a one lane road and nonsense like that but that is so much better just looking at this section here at 35% all of these guys are all queueing down here to come out here because we've got this little up and down road for getting in and out which is just causing so many problems what's happening here are didn't do the lane connectors here did I know that's why they're all getting each other's way let's just do this first you you go connectors but you still Lane switchin mmm so they're coming down here doo doo and then they just go in at the ends because these guys all just want to turn around this just has to be some sort of roundabout there's just too much going on here for it not to be around about and they're gonna make a nice big roundabouts like that and then we're gonna brace it up and we're gonna connect all of these roads to it and also there's another quick change I've done on this road going down here it's just some obvious Lane mathematics we've got one lane coming off so it's gone down to two I've gone up to three again because we've got another Lane coming off yeah just ignore that down to two one on back to three one off down to two one on back to three and that has really helped it move in a lot better and this bit up here they were all queuing in that one lane to come up here we've actually got a lane going off in the links Oak Lane mathematics again look one lane off one back on back to three one off down to two and this doesn't need to be two lanes and we have that like that that's a three you've got another one coming on here as well we don't need that yeah that should work fine isn't so bad round here they're doing some hokey-pokey Lane switchin I told you to pick your lane when you're coming on don't do hokey-pokey Lane switchin please oh by the way that's boarded up to 54% so yeah not too bad not too bad something else have been doing just to help the traffic can move smoothly along here is wherever you've got and three lanes coming off like that use the lane tool to make sure that this outside lane isn't set up with the straight on and the right just one lane for light and the rest go straight on and then the next section because we've got a road coming out what I do then is used one of the asymmetric roads and go like that and then we can set our lanes here and say when you come out I'm gonna force them to go right they don't cut across the traffic and then a bit of hew go there later and they can just all keep going and we can take the traffic lights out of there and off you go so you go through you go through you go through and that just keeps moving that just keeps moving and I'm working my way along here doing that sort of thing and it stops this happening you can see I've got the asymmetric lanes here so this will start going down so we've got this turning in and that turning in I'm just wondering whether to send these guys down can they spin around on this roundabout if they go up around there this one I don't think they can know so at some point along here another little mini roundabout might be good I reckon just there and there we go a little bit of work late so this Junction is humming along smoothly so I've used some asymmetrical roads here I've let them pick their lane here here I've got the lane connectors going through 3 to 3 2 plus 1 into 3 which is good here I've got 2 & 1 again use of the asymmetrical road that goes into 3 lanes got the nice roundabout here it's all cleared up and I've got this little bypass see because most cars I wanted to go straight across so now they come down underground and join up there and then along here I've just done all the normal Lane stuff we were talking about one lane for off - for on one lane for off - fun I haven't done it going in the other direction because I haven't really needed to but would sit you down here with all this traffic coming down a symmetrical road against a two-lane plus one lane and there we go they just keep on moving through that is what we want very good very good I might just stop people crossing over there and that might be a good idea and it's just tink that one and say no crossing no that's not the one no crossing no crossing no crossing a little across somewhere else look and that will just keep that going even more very good very good what are we at that's like a quick glance 31% so obviously a bit more troubleshooting to be done but yeah I'm gonna do that around the city and come back to you I things like this there we go look perfect example again of one lane being used for two things I think there's a lot of that in the city but as soon as I sort of fix those things up effing it will run much much better you know I'm having one of those days today where I'm just quite happy to sit and completely fiddle with somebody's city and I'm fixing up so many little things about asymmetrical roads all over the place all sorts of stuff and this is a perfect example here where you've got one lane doing two things and it just keeps backing out there's so much traffic coming out here we just backs up so what we can do is get a two Lane Highway in here do that we'll add a little bit of no switching in the middle and the jumped keeps doing that and now we can say to these lanes one for left one for straight on for going up here and there we go and that's gonna give all these guys and girls so many more options to get through let's just speed that up is that the traffic light scene no we're fine and that should let this go down twice as quick than before I'm hopefully not back up there anymore that is the idea and then of course I've gotta now go down this road and do all the lane one lane for left a couple of straight on just to stop them all queuing up behind each other there we go but once I've done that that would definitely be much better so what did we managed to up to in the end by the way he probably saw on the little flyby at the end now I need to do a bit of lane work on here and some Lane mathematics I've sorted that all out we got up to 75% in the end you can see most of it is green some of these roads a little bit red just because they're so busy but with all these extra junctions all the bypasses all the things we've added it is going so well I'm really pleased if you would likely to fix your city don't forget to check out the link in the description to do so leave a like and maybe subscribe before you leave as well if you enjoyed it and I will see you soon drink tea take care have a great day see you soon bye bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 186,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, cities skylines how to fix your city, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, Cities Skylines, city skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, city planner, cities skylines roundabout mod, cities skylines expert, roundabouts, cities:skylines, cities skylines roundabouts, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines fixing cargo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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