HE GOT BIT Right In The Face ... ANIMAL ATTACKS Hanging Out With The Swamp Brothers

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[Music] i'm feeling faint on the road again here in florida headed to go meet with the reality tv star can you guess who the hails it is today this is going to be a fun adventure quite frankly might be one of the funnest adventures ever and i have a feeling there's going to be all hails of a lot more of them if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you do make sure you click that all notifications button so you know every time we upload and every time we go live look at this gate oh my goodness if this isn't one of the coolest things i've ever seen especially as i'm looking for gates for the ranch oh man how cool oh this is gonna be epic today just absolutely epic you guys recognize this guy calling in calling in a gator somebody's talking see what happens you might be up in the creek all right check this out this is what's called a slide we have a 11 foot nile crocodile in here and just from him going in and out of the water it breaks down the bank and this is where he slides in and he'll come up and come up over here lay out in the sun when we do have sun and he'll warm up then when he gets too hot he comes right back this exact spot and slides right back in the water just to cool off that is efficient and cool all right i have to ask who the hells are you who the hells are you i don't know i'm robbie from swamp brothers we used to have a tv show on discovery and it was all about teaching you guys about cool wildlife you came back over there robbie's calling him rob's calling him just jump in robbie no way savannah savannah savannah uh why why are the reptiles so docile right now because it's cold and when it's cold outside they don't want to waste any energy and the sun's not out so uh alligators and crocodiles are all about the conservation of energy and they like to save up as much as they can and when there's not the sun here to to restore that they kind of shut down that's why i'm so fat with my dad that's why i get fat during the winter what do we have here robbie this is so cool it's a swamp wallaby we got a wallaby it's a biggen and he's a young boy and he loves to play now he's in that playful stage like a teenager i don't know yeah he's definitely he was on me like a teenager so how ol how old is robbie robbie's about two and a half years old now so between two and a half and three years old when they're first born they're only that big they're that big that big but they spend the first year year and a half in the pouch oh wow so i had to take him everywhere with me because you gotta bottle feed him every two two hours what are you doing did you put him in a pouch yeah and carried him around there goes little robbie all muscle this feels stronger than my arm wow how big will he get this is a little bit bigger this is about it for wallabies really yeah they're the smallest of them isn't there a song about wallabies wallaby wallaby woo i don't know i think i heard that but there's got to be something it's got what are the claws look at those those claws are for just getting in the dirt and pushing off roots grunt claws right getting out the roots and that's for digging in roots the front claws yeah wow the back ones they use for defense too because they'll throw their legs both up and scrape them down you now look at that main nail right there sharp that is that's like a velociraptor i've known some females with nails that sharp they'll get you what's he like to eat yeah mainly roots we give them sweet potatoes as it's like candy to them and then um we give them hay they love the dry hay and then grasses wow wow he's such a good boy he's like all right basically you bottle fed him yeah i carried him around everywhere we just pound pound the ground you should crawl up there jeremy if you crawl and you look like if you look like a wallaby you'll be the wallaby i'm trusting them that this is good wallaby training where'd he go i think he's scared i think he's actually scared he ran all the way to the other fence right now i think they might be taking me on a snipe hunting trip next i almost got him that time i think he's gonna get you look at this here there are peacock pee hen all over the property here at robbie's they're even they roost straight up into the trees i love it so beautiful all of you guys know already one of my dreams is to have peacock again on the property in florida robbie said we'll hook you up we'll get you some babies this year i can't wait what's her name this one we haven't named yet that's the brand new baby last year's baby this is last year's baby we'll call her no name no name whoa and she jumps from troop to troop what do you call them what do you call them it's troops troops they're primates but they're the oldest classification of primates they're prosciniums which means there's actually fossils of these guys way way back when okay here's what we're doing okay i see jeremy you gotta hide these bananas if they see the bananas they're gonna go crazy so you gotta hide until you get in there and you get in a good position okay and then you feed them the banana pieces all right so where do i hide them you're gonna put them in my monkey pouch you really had to ask that i'm putting them in your pouch much like little kangaroo this is the kangaroo pouch that we talk about all the time they're hidden in the kangaroo pouch okay i am surrounded by monkeys right now this is pretty much right every day of my life let's see what we got here so so savannah what do i just one at a time one at a time one piece at a time guys no there we go okay one at a time i love it oh my goodness so what's the noise they're making robbie it's just communicating between each other you'll hear little chirps and all yeah they've actually got quite a large language between them you'll hear chirps you'll hear barks you'll hear screams and each one is like our language basically oh my goodness cool this thing you want some more all right they're coming back for seconds here we go they eat the peel all right i got some i got some more here my kangaroo pouch i got a bunch in the kangaroo pouch my kangaroo pouch is so slimy right now with banana oh wow how old are these guys robbie there's different ages right in this troop right now okay and this is this one is like 10 years old this is a male right here we see the scent gland so robbie was telling me earlier the scent glands on the ends of the arms there that's what they're always when they're playing with their tails they're always they're rubbing their scent and you can see the scent gland right there and right there and then this one's this one's going to be a female right yeah that one's a female all the rest are females so only one this is the only male all right i got more guys i got i got so much in this kangaroo i got more banana than i know what to do like the magic refrigerator it just doesn't end there's a there's always the good stuff is always in that kangaroo pouch that's when i'm treasure hunting that's where all the good treasure goes that beautiful tail so that's the male he's he's put the scent all over the tail already right yeah so how old is this male that male's right around five years old i believe and non-aggressive non-territorial no because he was raised by a troop so sen robbie says if they were raised in the true then then i'm not a threat but if they were hand raised then uh i'm a threat to the harem there which i mean what monkey wouldn't want a part of this banana right wow i think i got more is there more no no no you can actually feed them they'll eat the peels that's got most of the vitamins in it the funny thing is i i ate two bananas this morning who wants to peel right now they're going to want the banana more than they do the peel yeah but if you just lay the peels up on the 4x4 there they'll come back and get them wow those leaps are just effortless it's amazing it's absolutely amazing i sit here and wish i could do what they do that'd be so incredible forget spider-man yeah i'd rather be lemur lemur man liam or man lemur man jumps wherever a lemur can wow man they're beautiful and check out their canines you'll see them sticking out the uh yeah like right here like here on the mail i see yeah they'll see on this canines on them wow it's got the peel on their back so beautiful she's enjoying that peel oh yeah let's go down here little one look at this [Laughter] in and out with these here here's another piece for you yeah i'm trying how so cute warning live venomous reptiles why the hell wouldn't we go in why not in this room alone when we were filming swamp brothers there was anywhere between two thousand and five thousand venomous snakes in this room just in here this is one of my favorite snakes in here okay uh see if you can see a snake you're telling me there's a snake in there there's a snake in there there's a snake in my boob i'm for sure is this like the wallaby the wallaby being a wallaby to catch a wallaby i'm starting to think it's right in front of you it's right in front of me yeah right in front of me it is right here this is the snake yes i'm gonna grab them he's my favorite snake in here well in this habitat anyway come here come here look how camouflaged he was wow this is an asian vine snake frog little teeny things like that you see how his tongue sticking out and it's staying out yeah not going in and out because he's tasting all the air trying to find out if we got some food right here but we don't and check out their eyes you know how most snakes their pupils are up and down these guys go from side to side now it's actually believed that these guys have the best vision out of all the snakes in the world and if you look in this terrarium here it's all robbie robbie just got bit by venomous snakes my bad i shouldn't have let that happen i'm sorry actually the venom on these guys is insignificant to humans so he would actually have to get on you and sit there and chew and then it still does nothing but it will paralyze a frog or a lizard now if you look in their cage like i was telling you about their eyesight is amazing because you let a lizard go in there and he'll see the lizard and he can actually pick it out hey he's gonna do it what are you doing i'm gonna get you he's going to get you i'm actually wow enough of that he just got your hat got the hat got the hat now those are fighting words you can get the face not the hat pal we're gonna show you guys something really really neat okay we're ready now you know how snakes everybody says they're scaly and slimy what if a snake doesn't have scales this is a scaleless snake there's no snake there's no scales there well there's a few belly scales but none on the sides so would he be a worm worm snake no there is such thing as water is there yeah and they have scales huh so would it be a one what would you call it then a scale of snake all right this is actually a texas rat snake and scaleless is basically like being albino or leucistic or any of those patterns it's just a genetic mutation now look how bright his colors are without the scales yeah that's amazing it looks like lava ouch ouch and if you look at his head there he's got a couple scales on his head and he's got a little teeny row of them going down his back in a few spots like one or two scales look at so beautiful so bright um you you guys remember that that snake i just put in the toilet for george to find when she comes back to the camper i got a real one now i'm gonna put this one in this one's going in the toilet well hello there here hold this one wait how many are we getting i don't know hold a second hold a second there's a bunch of them i think i'm losing the one i think this is just the recap just just hold still don't move too fast it's a pit viper so we don't want it biting yet i might i might i might be losing one or two here hold this one it might be loose and we'll find another one too and and we got a bearded dragon we can put on you you just hold this stuff we're going to clean the cages finally found a job i'm qualified for all right these are reticulated pythons and this is the lavender one that's a lavender it's an albino but it's got a purple hue to it so hence they call it lavender um these two are super tigers they got stripes going down hey quick [Music] [Applause] you know what i got peed on on the back of my neck when robbie put them all on my neck that's what he gets payback that's what he gets i'm covered in pee pee this retic likes necking you know what nobody's ever gotten to see me get a kiss on camera except now it wasn't with george it was with a viper do i hear a rattle best baby rattle ever crikey savannah you know what we got here yes that was your cue that was your q this is a green mamba one of the most docile most most beautiful snakes not harmful at all that was that's all untrue sorry i'm still learning who's your mamba we should make t-shirts who's your mom's your mama who's your mambo what the hells is that a cobra that is not only a cobra it's a king cobra the largest of the venomous snake species in the world you know why i like crocodiles better than venomous snakes because when they eat you it's in one gulp and you're done but with the venom of a king cobra it's a long lasting death and paralyzation well that and i feel like messing with a venomous snake it's kind of like going to going to a gun fight with a knife right like i didn't bring a cannon i like thinking animals like a like uh i think king cobras are very smart but i like i like to out with she's bringing out the biggest king cobra he is bringing out the biggest king cobra uh did you bring a knife i did not bring it i brought this cool tripod okay check that out come here buddy he is venomous this one's about 13 14 feet and he's just uh he's a monster wow wow what's up buddy now all the venom is still in oh yeah all the venom is still in the snake robbie is actually allergic to venom and yet he knows what he's doing trained professional well i've been doing this now over 40 years so it's second nature to me it's like you driving your car uh why do the cops keep pulling me over if i do it so well wow wow and you can see how mellow he really is he doesn't mind being out and he's not being aggressive but he is hissing yeah he's hissing because snakes have two lungs just like we do but one lung is short and one's real long this one's lung is probably about two three feet and when you're moving them like this you're forcing the air out of those lungs so it's producing a hissing sound now he was just laying there still king cobras actually growl you'll hear them go and it's a growl it's not a hiss what are you doing buddy one bite from this king cobra and i'll die so this is a florida king snake it's a brookside right brookside brookside florida king snake and there's not a lot of these guys left around are they endangered they're not in danger they're not endangered you just don't see as many as you used to the brooks eye is a really light face normally they're more darker colored and brook's eye is just a washed out color so these guys are very rare the darker ones are around everywhere they range from south florida up to lake okeechobee is where they're most commonly found now they used to range all the way up to payne's prairie but you don't see as many up this way anymore wow and he's a biter oh they're weird they're if you just settle down let him crawl like that he'll turn his head and start pushing on you and then always unbite you here he's got a finger sandwich see he's just he's fidgety today yeah what do you guys think is the most venomous snake in the world well guess what it's right here here right here and look at it it looks like a king snake or something like that just like a plain jane snake and this is the most toxic snake in the world it is an inland taipan or else also known as a fear snake a lot of you guys saw the old commercial where steve irwin was playing with a snake and it was for fedex and he gets bit and fedex comes with the anti-venom well that's the snake they were using that's the pure snake wow amazing animal and these guys they develop this really really toxic venom because they spend most of their life underground and so when you're underground and a rodent runs by you you have to bite it and that rodent has to die quickly so that you can find it and consume it and you don't waste your venom and you get a meal we won't be taking these guys out will we why not you want to hold one is that a lizard we'll take those guys out too those are gila monsters robbie what robin i was joking joking about what you're going to take out the most dangerous venomous snakes in the world yeah is that a trick question the answer is c i'll go with b then all right oh my goodness he's going where where should i be you're fine right there okay let me get out of your side the most dangerous here you want to hold them um probably not that one no probably not that one now look at these these snakes are super cool too because they are color dimorphic meaning in the summer they're going to be really bright yellow like his belly is and in the winter he darkens up like this with the dark head so when it's cold he can come out and attract more heat to his body in the summer it's too hot out there so he's really yellow light colored so that way he's not attracting as much sunlight to them so these are all venomous lizards we're about to show you we're going to show you two different kinds we're going to show you gila monster and a beaded lizard now where are beavers from mexico and wherever else they come from they're from central america yeah all the way down most southern part of mexico and then the hewletts are from where gilas arizona arizona utah new mexico all the southwest area oh you almost broke a toe oh somebody's not happy but you see those quick like reflexes i did that comes from years of working with reptiles venomous and crocodiles now this is the beaded lizard and he's molting always constantly or shedding there's actually only been one recorded death from a gila or beaded and it was from ajila in the early 40s the guy got bit and went to the doctor and the doctor said well there's nothing we can do for you so he went home and drank himself to death and why you ask well give me your arm we're going to show you how painful this bike can be these guys venom gland see that puffy spot right there on the bottom part of the jaw when i'm pushing on right there yeah that's their venom gland and their teeth actually tear apart the skin they release the venom in the saliva and then they force that into you now the bite from one of these i have no experience of getting bit knock on wood but it's the most excruciating pain you will ever rattle snake bite no it's much worse much worse it's like a rattlesnake fine let's find out if that's true savannah give us your left arm for the beating trust me it's like a rattlesnake the right arm we're gonna put it to the and um the only thing that you can really honestly do is i had a worker who got bit by a baby one on the finger and he called me up i was at a reptile show and i answered the phone and all you i answered my phone on speaker and all you heard was oh this is a gila monster this is the gila monster the one before or the other one was a beaded lizard okay so i'm just curious uh what's the relation a gila monster to like i don't know say cookie monster um i don't think those cookies unless they're mouse cookies gila monsters like cookie monster cookies or they like mouse cookies lots of mice he's good oh what you doing what are you doing you like that little head massage don't you bite me he's just hurting to go i gotcha i got y'all i gotcha look at that orange color all over him wow where's this one from robbie um they range anywhere from utah new mexico arizona the southwest part of the united states that little face though look at it it's the cutest little face ever okay savannah i got one for you how many don't ask me stop asking me questions i can't answer you can answer this because i've taught you this how many venomous lizards are there in the world as of today as of today today four what are they but i thought they were all what are they i think it's all but we're saying four what are the four so there's gila monsters beaded lizards uh komodo dragons and i can't remember the last one parentheses that's what i thought i was thinking that exact same thing i don't even know what he said i think he said parentheses i think he said parentheses this is probably parentheses but i haven't gotten bitten by one of the parentheses and nor do you want to no but they're so smart but if you've ever been bit by a water monitor i'm sure you've swelled up and felt a little bit of pain okay one of these things just doesn't belong here one of these things just isn't the same they're comparing bites i got nothing nothing we can't get that fixed by this day it's early we can fix that well we're working on our first bite here so i have a good bite story with the rest of the gang robbie how venomous is this guy uh they're not actually that toxic but not enough is known about it yet there's only ever been one death so that should give you some comfort now unless i'm gonna be number two so we get more research then then there's no comfort whatsoever i'm gonna need you to sign this form you're dominating your body to science trust me science does not want this body so if he goes to strike what's he gonna he'll turn his head and then they don't lamp down they don't really strike they're a lizard so all they'll do is turn and bite yeah they're like a pit bull they hold on and you're not gonna get them off you without doing a lot of damage well i'm not a very good meal so we should be okay check out that tongue oh oh oh my goodness look at all these bones there's bones everywhere i'm stepping on them now look at that i'm not sure there's look at that they're everywhere i'm not sure what it's to oh there's this oh man oh wow it goes straight up to this whole hails look at all these bones on the edge of the swamp i'm on the edge of a swamp right now look at all these bones all right we gotta be we gotta keep our eye on the water keep our eye on the water i have no idea what put all these bones here and savannah and robbie aren't with me right now look at all these bones look at this oh my goodness i think there's a spinal cord back there keep your eye on the water wow look at this oh my goodness i think i found out what did all this i think i actually figured it out i saw something moving over here you see it you see it's rooster that is one crazy rooster i know i'm on to you rooster i'm on to you yeah you better run robbie what what's behind you the gator marsh so that's your gator marsh yeah all right so what what happens in there this is where all our breeder alligators are there's a few in here how many over 500 over 500 gators in there and you just yeah you're lucky i'm wearing shoes i'm only wearing shoes because it's cold and people are scared to walk their dogs hobbies robbie's walking to hails rooster in the water to see if a gets eaten by a croc there is a rooster in the water i guess nothing they're not even paying attention to it yeah they're too cold they're too cold they just don't care why are we working because we don't want to scare the cayman okay we know they're always spooky we're at this is the cayman pond [Music] this is the cayman pond yes this is the cayman pond so there's your card coming in here special coming in here and i think grog's not coming in here i'm trying you can see him okay following the finger way back i see him right there i see him right they won't be able to see them because i see them but you guys can sneak that way first okay there's one right here too look where the water's coming i see him right on the other side of the water saw a big one robbie found a big cayman on the ground remember most of the reptiles are underwater right now okay i spotted him too i saw we're gonna try we're gonna try and sneak up on him there he is during us we just missed him man just missed him oh there it goes there goes another one check this out this is an old cayman nest from last year yeah and that's an old nest from last year as well wow see how they take all the dirt in the woods and they build it up yeah nature's perfect incubator because everything in there starts rotting and then it puts off the heat that way it's helping the eggs develop and the temperature determines whether it's going to be males or females that's why when they lay eggs they lay this big clump like this yeah because some are deeper and it's a different temperature than the ones up top or the ones in the middle so you have males and females is that how it works for humans too because the male is always hot and the females are always cold yeah i wonder how that works for me i'm gonna have to ask my wife how big is the biggest gator in here tebow he's over 11 feet now and he's over a thousand pounds his neck is 36 inches around wow right here you are half-heartedly doing this what's up buddy cole where'd he go back down right in here he snuck right back down there he is it's hard to believe it's only about two and a half three feet of water right here and there's an 11 foot crocodile sitting right there whoa look that was his tail way back there in the cat tails wow he's like oh it's too cold i'm not gonna grab something now if it were your arm he'd take you under him robbie and savannah want me to take my shoes off and my clothes off which i did not bring a change of clothes what's in here um there's a gigantic alligator snapping turtle in there probably the biggest one you're ever gonna see in your entire life ever ever see the back of it right now see it i see it robbie does not mess around robbie doesn't mess where i see the back he's checking to see if that's the back or the front right but they burrow in head first right yeah but he could have come in the other side that's true yeah that's that's a good point right there under him and she's facing this way her head's right there and his is right there so i got to figure it out you got it robbie so can you feel the love oh he's feeling the love he is feeling the love look at this alligator snapping oh i saw the other one i saw the other one oh the other one did try the other one definitely tried to get robbie you should be doing this so savannah says that i am the world's biggest wuss i did not say that i just said that it'd be cooler if you did it would be cooler if i did it alligator snapping turtle oh my goodness that thing is huge oh man 180 pounds wow wow now these guys are the heaviest and largest fresh water turtle in north america these guys can live over a hundred years and a bite force on one this size is over a thousand pounds per square inch if you notice their mouth they don't have teeth it's more like a bird's bill so that'll snap right through your bones and it'll take off your arm or your leg and he'll keep it here we go he's like yeah that's a stick he's like i know what you're doing to me it's not happening so did you guys talk about his lure you can point to it with this see that little worm thing right there that's his lure under water they'll stand that up and wiggle it and fish come to get it and they got a free meal look at this see those little things right there yeah that's his eyes right there and there's his nostrils they will put this much out of the water just enough to breathe and you'll never even see him wow so are you worried about the female coming up on you right now no females are much smaller they don't get as big as the males wow put your finger in there jeremy i dare you to put your just to see if he knows the difference between the stick and your finger wait a minute i triple dog look at those fingernails they're so amazing somebody needs a day at the spa yeah right how old do you think he is he's over 100. man there's no way to tell exact age on him but he's we had uh there was a special done on this tour he was part of a study group yeah yeah and they figured he was over 100 years old wow and he's got a bike they did the bike force test on this one a thousand pounds per square inch on that bike that's scary could you imagine that's like next time we're both going in jeremy all right deal bring extra clothes will do i forgot you're from ohio i'll bring extra pants what are you trying to say i'm not trying to say what's wrong with ohio both from ohio yeah people in florida know to bring a spare change of clothes everywhere but i lived here long enough to have a i lived here longer you had now what's cool is these guys will bury under the mud and the way you find them is you'll be walking and you step on them and you can feel that it's a shell and not a rock so then you go under water and you put your hand where your foot is on the shell yeah and you feel for this there's three ridges right here then you feel which way the ridges are pointing they're going back this way so you go against them you slide your hand up the middle ridge and curl your fingers around the shell this way they can't bring your head back and get you and that way you put this other hand at the back of the shell and you can pick them up but i'm warning you a big one like this it's not as heavy underwater but once you get them out of the water 180 pounds is a lot so did is that how you caught him is that yeah he was actually in the pond where tebow is oh so he was on the property yeah yeah we've had him over 20 years check this out guys man that is a man-eating crocodile well not really well yeah and no because it is an iowa crocodile which are man-eaters but it's only a baby so would that be well would that be from the nile that'd be from egypt from egypt all the way down to south africa wow that croc is from georgia's homeland oh so she george is from egypt uh she's 100 egyptian really yup oh that's cool she's got teeth just like that croc too so then she's coptic christian yes she is yeah see now i know these things yep because my brother's wife is from egypt they're oh my goodness we're besties for the rest see there you go the besties for the resties wow look how look at those beautiful eyes so is that is that max this is max and max is our biggest baby he's only uh three years old now two years old two wow and we're just growing them at a normal rate you can grow them much faster and get them bigger but i try to handle him every day so you if you notice he's not throwing around or anything he's getting pretty used to this he's used to it yeah and hopefully when he's 16 17 feet i can lay on his back and just swim with him how cool would that be this is max what do you think maximus for short wow look at those teeth do you think those teeth would hurt i know they would oh you know you know from personal experience wow this is incredible look at look how long his tail is there it's like holding pure muscle it's literally like like potentially holding myself in my hands pure muscle he is gorgeous or george's one of the other georges absolutely georges okay jeremy what is the difference between the two animals between these two between those two well number one you can tell this is what it is by knowing that this is exactly what it is and number two size matters this is the bigger one so this is the jeremy size reptile that's the robbie this is the robbie size right there other than that i have no idea all right well you were right that one is bigger okay so you can know it there you go actually this is a crocodile and this is a cayman a caiman is like between an alligator and a crocodile there are both of them are in the crocodilian family and so is the alligator but crocodilian they have the four different families there's the gharials the true crocodiles and then there's the cayman and then the alligators in the alligators there's two alligators the chinese alligator and the american alligator and the cayman there's several types of different cayman they come from south america and way down in central america maybe a little bit in there but these guys if you look at their jaws they're like in between see how that's really pointy yeah and an alligator is really round these guys are in between and these guys like i said they're from south america they're south american basically alligators and that's exactly what i was going to say in the first place robbie do you have a youtube channel yes you got to go check it out it's get swamped of course and you can see a lot of cool videos with guys like this [Music] crocodiles [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 56,820
Rating: 4.9181013 out of 5
Keywords: traveling, adventure, reptiles, alligator, crocodile, gator, croc, animals
Id: DT9VJSQf0f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 14sec (2774 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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