I Built an 800+ G Force Roller Coaster This Happened - Planet Coaster

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alright so we're checking out the only game where you can create rollercoasters that make people feel like they are experienced in gravity that's 50 times more powerful than standing on the surface of the Sun it's planet coaster I don't actually know if you can get it that high but I'm going to try what's the surface of the Sun like 20 25 G's I think just standing on the surface of it play game damn it so in order to get the most extreme glitchy stupidity you can you actually have to go over to the scenario editor over here I also don't know what the hell this is I clicked on the random thing a bunch of times and I ended up with a slightly overweight middle-aged version of the Lucky Charms guy I don't want any more Florida we're going for deciduous really I can't get the last two letters on this whatever welcome to the creation where stupidity can i'm what i assume can get out of hand what i understand you can create heights and stuff like that that shouldn't be possible so we're just gonna max everything out and see how ridiculous we can get i really want to get over a thousand g's and it parked dimensions yes hey this is weaksauce how high can this get 500 bullcrap about 9 bajillion okay 625 you know what I'll take it I don't know if this does but we'll do that there we go a little bit longer everyone likes that definitely need unlimited money it takes a lot of money in order to change the state of people's bodies I don't even know what we would bring people to like from a solid to a plasma or something yes you can change how all the different creatures behave I feel like everyone should be stressed if they work for me Oh God entitled I'll hold on nevermind let's put at least a few there there we go sure everyone spawns with traits and they're all litter bugs scumbags crime these number of pickpockets Oh again al hi does this go 100 ok not bad ok in order to create something that destabilizes individuals as human beings let me see here oh my god this thing goes so high I can't bring it up high enough it goes higher than what I'm allowed to she says come on baby get all the way up I feel like there's got to be a way to make this even worse damn it okay I can kind of keep it going if I keep like dragging it back this way and then doing this I think goddamnit maybe here I don't know we are we're taller than every there's no mountains here I just well there's some but they're not even really mountains considering how high we are I wish the okay whatever this is a good start okay yeah all that that they're cool I just need to make sure that people get up to maximum speed before I start doing other stuff so let me take a look at our launch here now this is just you know crash test dummies we have quite a few of them in the back perfect oh my god the distance may be able to get it to that lake if we really try we probably need to angle upward but Mother of God it's probably a good quarter half mile they're kicking field goals okay stop stop the test we're wasting all of our money on dummies standard track bring it way the hell down in order to get the maximum amount of G's I don't know I guess we're gonna have to get the best amount of speed that we possibly can I can't even see what I'm doing we're so zoomed out at this point right now once you get into the ground here we need something to generate like lateral g-forces and stuff so typically you're you know I don't know what to call it I guess you're spirally goo chunks is the way to do it aligner and you want to shorten it and then you want to turn it like so and then I like to do a twist as well just because it you know if the necks the thoracic and the cervical vertebrae aren't being immediately atomized I feel like we're not doing our job I don't even know if this does anything I'm just gonna keep moving this around this way they keep getting rocked back and forth while they go into a circle I can't see what the hell I'm doing hold on let me take a moment here I swear to god this looks like a viral video on YouTube this right here isn't it entitled like deepest hole ever made by man or something godson powers activate oh yeah that's looking it looks like someone just crumpled up a piece of tinfoil I mean it works real quick I want an audience while we're building this hold on let me just get a little area so people can start to gaze at this beast another frigging Bank at your theme park I mean great I guess people can just keep taking out a ton of oh my god yeah I want this right in the beginning perfect you know you're about to spend some money when the first thing that you see when you enter a theme park is a full Bank a theme park without a full liquor bar oh wait a second it said pirate shipwreck but it's called cosmic cow milkshakes I feel lied to where does the freaking liquor crap I went to go put this oh never mind people just walk right through it fine yeah whatever oh yeah every time it turns like this like that right there I can feel people's spleens leaving their body at high speeds actually hold on I want some different forces here to let me see if I can mess with this slightly there we go go like that they're a little bit more like this perfect oh you can really twist it if you want to there's a way to turn off friction too there's like a couple of like lame cheats that you could do oh my God we're so turning off friction I'm gonna try it with friction first but I imagine everything is better without friction friction science who needs that crap a little bit of this here just because we can back up like this there's not a whole lot of profit this month although with all the lawsuits that we're gonna get I really don't think we're gonna see too much profit me in the near future at all god did I change how far down this goes - it just goes forever okay we're finally at the end oh no it goes straight through all this I turned off the collision so it'll do whatever we want but damn that looks deadly all right call that an autocomplete let the spaghetti go flying all over the place can this little complete Oh total again okay yeah so there we go let's try and start off and see if we got I I don't even know if I'm gonna want to look at this the whole time I have a feeling it's gonna cause some pretty substantial nausea okay 240 M 280 not bad 324 okay come on B I don't hopefully make it up to the top we have to turn off friction just because I'm not sure it'll make it out crap I was totally wrong I think it's a hundred percent gonna make it nope not gonna make it oh my god then you have to experience everything you just did except backwards I I don't know what the Gees were at but it was definitely at like a hundred something at the very least Oh all right let me let me get out of this a lot all right track is freshly greased with the blood of the upcoming apocalypse that we're gonna lay upon these people if the dummies could talk I have a feeling they'd be cursing me right now so looking at it from this perspective yeah we're definitely gonna meet make three hundred again what we get last time like 360 we got 360 again so now it's just a matter of what we make it all the way around definitely turning off friction who would have thought clearly the way to go still still got 170 miles an hour [Laughter] 725 jeez 361 miles an hour and so that works pretty good we got negative 375 373 491 and all the fall the Gees are fantastic practice scenery very low there's some friggin plants okay here's some nature I'm actually gonna put nature all around this hole maybe people won't look at it put a tree right in the middle of all the coils people can get out of there with leaves all up in their grill oh my god this goes higher this isn't the maximum height no way [Laughter] how high does this go okay so not that much higher but we can get an extra I don't know like 60 70 feet that we didn't have before can it make it up that totally makes it up that I want to make sure the hydraulic launch is at full speed wouldn't want to lose any precious momentum man I kind of wonder since we don't have any friction if I make it like big and wide I wonder if we can get even more speed the whole time concerts just flying off all grace is screwing around trying to figure out and get a couple more miles an hour like what if you make this just absolutely ridiculous haven't finished yet got to about 300 my frame rate is such carpets because of this thing we're making okay go ahead and auto complete this they can't even auto complete it all this mess how about now oh it's totally doing it come on baby you can make it oh yeah that's hideous oh it's perfect okay so in the beginning you know it doesn't really look that bad alright I can already see part of the issue the launcher only gets us up to 130 miles an hour I'm gonna have to get that up to 470 for us to get the the maximum amount of speed that we can get 300 340 come on baby keep it going okay oops I thought I had connected I was wrong okay now I think I auto-completed it all we kept our first dive in there too so now we've got two of them oh my god please tell me we got above 725 G's or whatever we had last time I think we're gonna be able to do even better I thought that this game was the most realistic out of all of the different roller coaster tycoon style games how wrong I was there is more sadomasochism that went into making this game than all of the other ones combined man 711 GS 469 though for the max forward g-force okay so we got like 373 at the very lowest 373 miles now 764 geez I kind of wonder though if it's just better to go straight down let me get rid of this creature we're gonna bring this straight down I want to see if this changes anything oh my god I've glitched the floor out so bad I can't see what I'm doing anymore hope Jesus there we go every time I put another piece down it kicks me all over the frigging ground so we have to take three steps upward in increments because the damn thing is so high okay so here's the last launch you actually get to see the Flat Earth peering out from the sides over there so let's see what we can get speed now to 40 to 50 70 90 we definitely went faster before 758 G's on that one 341 miles an hour okay I think we can make this no we can't because the angles are gonna stay the same so if you keep your pasta noodle as tight as possible I think we'll be able to keep the frame rate up a little bit oh my god I had no idea how many pieces there would be considering how high we are a couple different directions here just to see if it does anything Oh That moment when autocomplete takes like a full 10 seconds to do come on baby get there get there for gray 320 330 340 man getting above 376 is damn hard 883 jeez [Laughter] that'd be like a hundred and twenty-five thousand pounds like a person that weighs like a hundred and fifty pounds or something like that so it gets about 600 let's see 660 yeah it's not too much here this is but this basically just here to gain speed and because my hand was getting tired of clicking and all the way at the bottom about another 600 there's 883 all the way at the bottom then it's springboards back out and it goes back down where the hell is it I think it's like over here somewhere yep there it is right there heads back into the ground another 700 825 876 so this is what about was 300 miles per hour 280 that's what about 280 feels like about negative 600 G's negative 680 about there we're at 340 miles an hour right now so about half the speed of sound we're getting toward a lot of G's right at the bottom there a lot of g-forces right hit the pot oh we really want to give you your money's worth so you get this extra drop here and that'll get you back over to 376 miles an hour about the average speed of this was 200 miles an hour wouldn't want to go too fast do you hunt it it's nice you know it gives you the opportunity to observe the beautiful landscape as your your tonsils fly out of your mouth that's good though right we're performing surgery basically here and we're not charging you that much for it I don't even know what it costs to get into the park oh here's a nice family right here I want to get some reviews on what they think about our our new roller coaster how you guys feel about that hmm synchronized vomiting I appreciate that thanks everyone hope you guys enjoy your tacos or whatever you're eating there the best part is if you didn't pay you could always get some secondhand food on the ground thanks to what we're doing to people on our roller coaster well hope you all enjoyed sip soda planet coaster well I think we did get right around 40 times the gravity of the Sun it's not like that anyway folks till the next time stay foxy much love [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 5,230,074
Rating: 4.8584681 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, rollercoaster tycoon, roller coaster, rollercoaster crash, fastest roller coaster, fastest rollercoaster, roller coaster hits, roller coaster tycoon, roller coaster crash, planet coaster, planet coaster fastest coaster, tallest roller coaster, roller coaster g forces
Id: 8d9bWNVI8ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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