I Built a Theme Park of Perpetual Torment in Planet Coaster

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The shotgun reveal did it for me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 574 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zipzapzippo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Let’s Game It Out, def a great youtube hole to kill several hours.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 258 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sublimetag πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"It's like confetti, but it's bodies!"


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 116 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hokuto95 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love when people have the creativity and time to do stuff like this. I am not even being able to do a regular rollercoaster.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 139 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SirLeos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought the shot at 15:14 was very artsy looking and took a snapshot (1080p)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 84 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BearVault πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Where the brimstone is fresh and the frame rates are sparse." That one fucking killed me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 91 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/futureyoufromthepast πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you didn't see his Planet Zoo one yet.... I highly recommend it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/robotowilliam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Another one that was good at breaking games was/is graystillplays if hes not been mentioned

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/serpauer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

One of the best youtubers today. All his videos are hilarious and have some serious time put into them. I look forward to his video every week.

Beep Boop am not bot

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 55 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bigflanders πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey there it's Josh welcome back to let's game it out we're playing planet coaster today I've never played this game before I have played a lot of planets zoo and that game is great for shall we say dealing with animals but my sense is that planet coaster has something the planet zoo doesn't and that's more mayhem of the human variety so buckle up let's get started we're gonna build our beautiful coaster right here in the city yes game thank you please serenade me with these city noises name your Park coast way to the heavens own battle do here we are outside the beautiful city a bustling downtown with an aggressive amount of traffic well I can see why you'd want to spend a day at the roller coaster park seems a tad stressful let's leave all that behind and go retreat to a theme park run by a maniac is this the entrance to my park some random bear cave where does this even lead oh to a teleporter I get it you didn't use physical exertion you just use magic ok so again I've played planet Zoo and all this stuff looks real similar even some of these items look the same from what I'm used to oh this is different fireworks of all kinds like this one shaped like a skull well now I got to see what this looks like home well that's just splendid and of course now we need to see what happens when we put a bunch of these down up you go and oh yeah that's great well now we've got to continue with this glorious blanket of fireworks okay go really just one that's all you're gonna oh my eyes Oh goodbye frame rate that didn't take very long wonder how many of these you can add okay so I added a few more okay I added a lot more I can't really tell you how many are there because at a point the game just won't draw them anymore until you get closer but if my count is accurate there's something like a hundred to 150,000 fireworks in here so maybe consider averting your eyes this might get really bright uh yeah it's like a nukes going off oh yeah I think this might actually be all we're gonna get the game appears to be taking up 78% of my CPU and almost 38 gigs of RAM in fact I'm kind of surprised that it's still going at all up wait there it goes okay I think that might have been a little much let's not do that again so let's move on and see what these other fireworks can do and for that first we're gonna build a little Tower ah beautiful and we'll just load it up with some fireworks watch out everybody something threatens our fair city the threat of having too much fun look I know tens of thousands was too many but how am I supposed to not do this like well I have this in the game if not to fire it like a cannon ah there we go how festive yet deadly alright let's see how this looks yeah that's what I'm talking about well now that the city is on lockdown I mean it looks like besides fireworks we also have electricity and water and pyrotechnics oh my god flamethrower okay seriously who's building a park in using this responsibly I'm gonna go with not many I certainly won't be hey you two were not open yet I said we're not open yet all right suit yourself don't say I didn't warn you what you two made it through somehow oh this won't do at all I guess it's finally time to dive into the coaster part planet coaster this seems like the perfect time to test the thing I'm really wondering about human casualties my goodness there's so many to choose from come on steel vengeance let's go do God's work seeing how this is a test I really don't want to miss we'll just go ahead and set this up right here and we'll make sure the track goes down right into the soft part of their cranium and then just kind of loop back up at the last minute it's gonna be perfect okay let's test it YouTube buckle up a magical journey is about to take place really really are you people immune to everything so be it you got lucky this time maybe you can't hit people when the train is still on the tracks so let's crank all the speed up to the highest it can go let's see how test number 2 goes um dum dee dum oh just here for a nice day at the oh no okay this seems to have worked slightly better good at least something will take these people out I was the love when the coaster crust pop out of existence this collateral damage here I'll leave you a little warning sign now you never need to wonder what you should do no guesswork required okay so as much as I'm enjoying the feather-light touch of this particular coaster I can't help but wonder if we can get a little more velocity going so let's retire this reliable beast well this sounds fun hydraulic launch let's go ahead and put it up here so the people don't even see it coming let's not go too wild but we'll put it a little bit higher let's see what is this launch system that propels trains its speed along the track god yes let's see target speed highest I can go acceleration fast as it can go yes optional catwalk the maintenance people are gonna need that when this thing goes at a perfect 90 degree angle and down we go test one let's do this definitely off to a good start what with the beam completely vertical and all hey buddy have you thought about looking up yes not okay well this seems plenty effective yep that'll do it well this seems like it's been overall quite successful hey wait a minute this gives me an idea now our guard tower here has admittedly limited range you know it can probably get more distance perhaps some manner of roller-coaster placed really really really really high in the sky impossibly high some would say oh my god yeah yeah that's gonna be good okay let's see target speed 100 miles an hour acceleration rate all of it and just like before it's gonna be a steady ride all the way down what could possibly go wrong buckle up or don't I don't care I know I sure would love to ride something on a 90 degree turn you see easy Oh just didn't clear it that's okay first time out not bad let's try and extend this a little bit everything else the same except slightly more runway at the end test number two don't let me down well we lost one and the others well ah no closer okay let's try a different coaster like the flying stingray all because it has the word flying in it oh my God look at this majesty okay hopefully this will be different this time so wholly based on the idea that the track is on the underside and with my zero understanding of physics I think that'll mean it'll slingshot with much velocity have a good trip my horizontal friends oh my god this would just be barf central wouldn't it you don't even get to see anything cool like you're steering away from the city but you'll get the ultimate view now bye oh my god this is feeling promising we did it yeah finally we've weaponized a roller coaster against a city well that was fun where was I oh yeah I forgot this is all still happening down here have you people just been getting terrorized this entire time do you need help getting off the lawn here I think I know what I can use to help and it's not gonna feel like overkill at all hey you might want to turn around there's some magic happening behind you any second now wow they just cease to exist hey kid you might want to move Oh it just all happened so fast I'm kind of curious now with all this velocity if there's actually any rhyme or reason to how far people fly but for a good test I feel like we're gonna need more people than this so I guess that means we got to build some stuff to attract people I know build a theme park in a theme park game I'm pretty freaked out too not a big one though I just need a space for people to congregate and if there's one thing I know people love it's like gift shops and stuff cool this pre-made thing will do yep I see em too buddy our first victims well these stands don't appear to be very popular that's not stopping crabs from getting stuck trying to leave or enter this is definitely more of what I wanted so I think it's time for experiment number one c'mere you test one ready to go this guy here has like the best job on the planet doesn't he just knows what's gonna happen and they just fill in the gap like it never happened oh my god they really go flying I think this is better than I possibly could have hoped for just sprinkling bodies everywhere welp no sense and stop in there let's invite some friends along I'm sure the public will appreciate this I'll never get tired of this actually the part where they just don't seem to see it coming there's so many people out here with fresh bodies arriving all the time there's so many people here it's starting to look like an outdoor festival it's a shame though after a certain amount of time the game just resets them off the grass so I wonder is there a way to keep these people over here okay let's do a test if I build a nice lovely stone column will people be able to pass through it well only one way to find out oh yes they can impact with it all right well we know what we need to do now okay there we go my hideous weird-looking rock wall welp let's see if the wall catches these people oh goody has it's like confetti but it's bodies happy birthday to us okay this is putting them in a somewhat more localized area but I don't know if this is actually helping the area of impact is still rather wide what we need is a way to refine this like a big rock trough I duplicate this and then just kind of move it out yeah okay just kind of lightly put it at an incline should work is really rough and uncomfortable people collector right okay let's collect some victims I mean people good old enough of them are bouncing okay yeah I think it's working oh yeah look they're all sliding down there with all those broken bones and stuff I'm just so pleased that my people trough is working what must this journey look like let's see what it looks like from the perspective of oh this kid okay I've got the camera on him right now let's restart time well you know he's making this look kind of fun especially the party impacts with the rock and probably breaks most of his bones way down and then surrounded by only strangers don't worry this is your new family now okay Stage two we got to make sure these people don't vanish and I think we can accomplish that by putting paths down okay I don't know if this will do the job but let's see okay so it looks like they still feel lost or in the process of breaking all their bones I'm gonna assume that it's because while they're on a path now path isn't actually connected to anything it's let's test this I build a path out of here and all the way back to the beginning but like if I connect it on the side before the pay thingy are these people gonna try and sneak into the park nope they seem to be pretty good about it they're just spacing themselves out smart move meanwhile back at this abomination oh it looks like the path is working looks like if people keep going they'll get out of here safely you know what though let's not make it too easy for people let's at least make them work for it so let's go ahead and take them underground you know just a little ways underground and then back to the surface the very normal surface okay so you might be wondering how is it that so many people are going in and yet so few people seem to be emerging well don't you worry their journey isn't done yet so first everyone just goes straight down into the hole and just like you'd want for your exit from a theme park it's pitch black down here let's install some lights that's better yep just walk towards the light stay on the path nothing Bad's gonna happen to you oh wait sorry no I got that confused I meant there's something coming for you I guess I forgot to mention these three rollercoasters I have set up but hey some people make it through and some people don't don't worry though those people aren't dead actually they're very much alive but naturally their journey continues on a different path starting with these mystical stairs okay so here's what I've learned about people in this game all these people keep going because they know eventually this path will take them back to the beginning which says to me so long as this path takes them to the exit eventually they will keep walking but hey let's test these limits more than getting hit by a roller coaster ever could give them something everybody enjoys a lot of cardio a whole hell of a lot of cardio okay all you brave people three things I want you to consider while you walk up this stairway one there's no railing so watch your step two don't forget that this is still happening and there's some people that are gonna clear that wall so you know maybe don't look to the right and three I've made a great discovery it turns out you can have these TV screens and you can even import your own graphics and videos so I went ahead and made a couple of my own signs you know to motivate people so we'll go ahead and put this one right at the beginning now like there's this many steps but you know you gotta keep people motivated and halfway up you're probably feeling a little winded so let's make sure your motivation is nice and high yes hooray for cardio and let's head up to our final sign that's way up at the top here it's always important to do a wellness check from time to time how many broken bones do I have it's gonna be especially important as we go down this nice lovely uneventful catwalk hey speaking of cats why don't we put a roller coaster up here one right out of my fever dreams hello nightmares would you like to terrorize these people with me yeah go get them yeah this will teach you come on it's really your own fault if this thing gets you coming at you at point-o one miles per hour so scary-looking that said a lot of people are still getting through so I feel like we're gonna have to up the stakes a little bit we are you all in for a surprise it's everyone's favorite the log ride there you go head on down the river to collect your victims I mean really the giant waterslide should be kind of a dead giveaway for people but hey sometimes you're just too into the surroundings but since a lot of you were still getting through let's go ahead and set up coaster number three whatever the hell this is I for one can't wait for this living nightmare to start moving it everybody don't be alarmed there's just a UH oh my god oh my god it just keeps coming wow that's an aggressive roller coaster isn't it I'm just saying people probably want to move from that spot I told you my soft human body well I think between these three we've managed to make sure most people don't survive the catwalk I've got some good news though these people aren't just falling to their death oh they go somewhere very different I'm actually set up a nice little contraption to catch them don't worry I'll explain first we catch the people and then they get strained through this slot actually through multiple slots before getting funneled down here then we just follow them down sure we lose a couple but most of them make it then they all get dumped down into this little compartment right here it couldn't be more simple careful protect your spine and vital organs now you might be wondering where is here exactly well you see I don't feel like they've been launched enough so I've created a new delivery system if you will I figured why not build them something special like firing them out of a giant shotgun that's right it's an old double-barrel what's the matter you haven't seen a double-barrel shotgun rollercoaster before that's okay I'm pretty sure these people haven't either who knew their fantastic journey would end here as ammo for this and if you're wondering how this works look no further than these two guys over here first these two launched at the same time each one gathering speed and diving directly into the ground at which point it literally goes into the earth scoops up into the gun and if all goes according to plan something magical will happen meanwhile while people are wandering down the tubes they're basically putting themselves into position for these things to launch them as far as possible and if all goes according to plan we're gonna have a nice little shotgun baby okay it looks like we got plenty of buckshot lined up excuse me voluntary participants okay let's give this a shot haloed has been deployed so far so good well that went better than expected honestly my only complaint is it just flies off into the distance all these people get to survive on nice soft grass so let's see if we can't do something about that all right here we go I got just the thing look I don't care how close we get it as long as someone goes in the hoop yeah nothing but net you know I gotta say I'm really pleased how this is all turning out okay that's great but for you people coming right out of the cannon I got something else for you okay where were we besides the framerate being noticeably worse oh yeah that's right nothing but pro shots over here luckily though now we have some plans for where these people go next down here into my beautiful volcano where the brimstone is fresh in the frame rates are sparse has everyone dealing at this you okay don't forget if these people are here that means that they've survived not one not two not three but four catapulting x' and now they have to deal with being in lava and I had to deal with these frame rates what I'm saying is these people have most definitely earned a way out you see these two brave souls right here they found their way to the secret exit there you go families come on out of that hellscape and glitchy graphics and back-end it there you are look at you and if they somehow find their way through these dark dark corridors believe it or not there actually is a way out and it actually takes you to the beginning of the park congratulations you've actually earned your freedom I mean kinda you do have to brave all the roller coasters again but provided you can do that without getting hit you can go home Oh too bad well better luck next time who knows maybe you'll get lucky this time yeah just walk on top of that kid and that's the circle of life for you well I hope you had fun I know I did I give this game 206 out of two hundred and six broken bones as well as three subway cars waiting to ambush you in a dark passage an honorable mention of cardio and an a-plus for the game providing me with limitless ammunition so thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 10,494,311
Rating: 4.9383721 out of 5
Keywords: planet coaster, planet coaster let's play, planet coaster gameplay, planet roller coaster, planet coaster lets play, planetcoaster, coaster, roller coaster, funny moments, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, let's game it out tycoon, let's game it out funny, let's game it out simulator, game it out, josh let's game it out, planet coaster game, planet tycoon, coaster tycoon, roller coaster tycoon, planet coaster funny, planet coaster let's game it out
Id: BvEKky9N1tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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