I Built an Unethical Zoo That's an Actual City - Planet Zoo

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He's done 3 Planet Zoo ones now, I love his videos

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sempre_Azzurri 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yup I’ve seen them all but this one made me giggle extra hard!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/yvetteb12 📅︎︎ Jan 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey there it's Josh welcome back to let's game it out ah back to planet zoo my favorite torment simulator masquerading as a tycoon game this is actually our third outing with this horror show let me catch you up on the first two if you haven't seen them first we built a somewhat normal zoo which means we had giraffe hydras animals falling from the sky corpses sneaking up on patrons exhibits entirely of dead bodies and we wrap things up by burying everybody alive and we moved on to zoo number two which was actually a prison-like with guard towers and prison cells and all that stuff we even had a secret underground space for the worst of the worst where we recreated the scene from Silence of the Lambs where they meet Hannibal Lecter which brings us to now so let's dive right in here we are and the great outdoors once more I'm sorry is this area 51 is there a reason we're trying to build our zoo in the most remote place possible no matter though this is the lovely building that brings our guests let's set the stage appropriately obviously they're here to see animals so even though it's a nice 21 degrees Celsius it's about 70 degrees in Fahrenheit we're gonna wow them first thing with this majestic bear ice sculpture which we're gonna put oh god I always forget that the game will just snap it to the edge of the walls here well in that case oh yeah and on the ceiling - yeah like your spider bear thank god we've been in this park like three seconds and it's already a parade of excess so like a limit to how many of these I can put down turns out to be quite a few and by quite a few I mean a lot for you behold my ice bear tornado made out of an ice 2933 items the fact that this exists exemplifies why we can't have nice things I love that it's so massive it just casts a shadow over the entrance well thank God we got our centerpiece squared away now it can make something proper okay so first we're gonna let people look at this thing from all sides if they want you know what really says strong entrance I believe a term for it is branching paths although I think there might be another term for what I'm doing oh right a maze that's what they're called and boy do I love my mazes actually so this is great no but I think I might have another idea hold please okay I actually might kind of a different direction with this maze from this angle can you tell what it is how about now what about at night does that help a little bit here I'll just tell you if you don't know already you're looking at stage one of pac-man so of course you've got all the dots the pac-man needs to pick up and of course the power pellet but you know no pac-man arena is complete without ghosts and since this game has so many random objects you can use here we go hey well says put these yeah let's turn up the brightness in here so we can get a good sense of their color and thankfully we can just select them change the color on them no they kind of look like candy more than they do ghosts you know what they need is the iconic eyes luckily I have just the thing good ol googly eyes looks just like the picture not like a terrifying nightmare yes these don't look like they're bootlegged at all okay hold on let's see if we can make these like at least a little better like surely there's some other shapes in here I can use right yeah these might work oh I don't know I think this is getting worse before it gets better let's push the eyes in a little bit and maybe make them a little bit less blue okay yeah that looks a little better okay what if I use like this cylinder thing like if I just put it right here and then just shove it deep in so it looks like an eye you know all things considered this could look way worse now let's highlight all of the eye parts which isn't creepy looking at all let's give these people some eyes okay you know what I think I'm pleased how this went even this port guy where I kind of missed the mark and that's just how he lives now and pinky here well you get to remain as the original nightmare fuel okay now that this is starting to feel like an awesome knockoff being part I'm sure people are gonna be real excited to see this we are gonna have to do it up a little though so we're gonna put down some facilities like this pizza stand this is the husk it gives you but don't worry we're gonna design something let's take these plaster walls okay cool let's give it a splash of color okay getting better let's use these lovely little circles here there we go simple beautiful oh we need to give it a name though for that we're gonna need a nice big sign ah there we go I ended up moving this to the edge of the map in part because I expand it a little bit behold paksa with a personal message from pac-man himself and oh thank God gluten-free options are available pac-man you look like you're missing one thing still though here you go I'll pac-man you okay there buddy I'm sure it'll be okay they're just gonna eat your pack flesh no big deal okay food needs taken care of let's move on to thinking about toilets last time we use this lovely African toilet it made something that looked like it was out of Indiana Jones this time around we'll use the template eyelet how the hell does this work where's the toilet part of the toilets like what happens if you just go in here oh I mean is this really a toilet at this pole it feels more like a corner to cry in I am in let's decorate it yeah that should do it pretty sure no one's gonna have trouble finding that I feel like I've made it a little too easy hey you creepiest one I need you for a very special assignment yeah don't let that stop you from using the bathroom they're just there to keep everyone safe you know at this point might as well just put these ghosts all over the map so we'll go ahead and put you over here to silently judge while you get your pizza let's put you up near the entrance this way people know what they're getting into when they arrive here unbridled insanity since you look freaked out already to put you over here and let's have you chasing pac-man you know what let's give it one last gloss of paint to really sell that pac-man look okay there we go now it's really pac-man I mean at least from up here I think if you're down here in it it might feel a little more terrifying and I know it's not very pac-man like but let's go ahead and put our tornado right in the middle here there we go all of our favorite things in one place okay the doors are open let's have people come in and experience this for themselves where is everybody why are there zero people here oh right without animals they won't come in okay here's what we're gonna do then bear nado how would you like a friend so we're gonna go ahead and raise the terrain right here there we go bring this a little higher up a nice perfect place to put a thing let's see what mighty beast should we put in here ah but of course my favorite creature the giraffe just lovely the people are definitely gonna come to see not see you up here how do you feel about this yeah he's fine come on in everybody yeah he's a ghost just treat him like that that's fine well they seem to be enjoying this just fine they're also clipping through the floor so I'm gonna go ahead and say that the floor is just made out of tar oh you here to use the bathroom no why not that said people seem to be really enjoying the sacred body of pac-man that's right eat up it's okay pac-man there's plenty of you to go around okay well that's fun glad everyone's having a good time and I do mean everyone okay bye forever I'm happy that we could create some pack magic you know face - I think I'm interested in things that are a little vertical so normally on a pac-man stage just a little exit right here would wrap back around to the other side instead we're gonna use this to give our guests access to a world they've never known and for that we're gonna have to dig down okay I realized right now this just looks like your standard rift into hell oh but just you wait it's gonna be amazing after we're done with this people will be content to be buried alive down here first let's get rid of all this gross in nature and then we're gonna hollow out this space so we can put down some train tracks I'll just put you right along here there we go done and done now I'm just kidding give me a second to make this look a little bit nicer ah much better naturally over here we've got pac-man iconically going after the power pellets we've also got our lovely friends the ghosts waiting to greet anyone who shows up and you might be wondering what all these people are looking at well we still gotta lure people down here with animals considering it's supposedly a zoo so we put down here one solitary elephant i enjoying this big guy yeah he likes it don't worry he'll be fine Pacman's watching over him so now that we've convinced the masses to come down here let's see where this takes us eventually you'll see a light at the end of the tunnel which will take us to our next station just like the last when it comes with its own elephant this is probably the other ones made permanently separated well let's head up the stairs see what it looks like up here ah here we are as you can see it's a little ways off from the busy life of the theme park now I know it doesn't look like much now but I got big plans for this space so if you'll allow me one quick minute while I build this out real fast okay here we go what was the second for you was about 10 million years for me in that time I built us a little mini downtown it's got all the things you'd expect from a big city stuff in walking distance high-rise business centers for flexing and confusing billboards and a whole lot of just wandering around and it wouldn't be a let's game it out video if the frame rate wasn't having some problems oh but I'm getting ahead of myself let's start the tour at the beginning our journey begins as your train rolls into the station on your one-way trip to fun the first spectacle you'll want to stare at is this port elephant don't forget this elephant was raised underground and has never seen real sunlight yes take a picture to mark the occasion well now that you've got a nice taste for animal suffering let's head upstairs watch out it's a very popular day today here we are at the surface welcome to zoo city everyone's favorite city zoo thing let's go for the Grand Tour our first stop is the local movie theater why look they're playing the hit musical turned into an amazing movie cats right now and based on these screams it sounds like people are really enjoying it oh yeah look that's a ringing endorsement look all I'm saying is if what's going on in there as half as good as this poster everything's gonna be just fine well it looks like the lights are going down right now I bet it's time for a magnificent performance oh hello is this all cats is is it just a bunch of felines running around aimlessly with no plot okay well you know what we'll check in on you later and moving on with our tour before we head over to the local bar let's see what all the commotion is over here oh it's a bunch of trash pandas just hanging out near the local dumpster okay well glad you're all enjoying that ooh look right down the alley you can see barren a doe in the distance it's like a teaser for all the fun you could be having that's okay we've got the local bar for that oh wow it's really happening in here what are you people all here to see okay I guess those are our bartenders excuse me bear tenders that one in the back okay like the coca-cola bear definitely looks over it but at least he's alive what's going on with your colleague though you get into the drinks a little too much oh there he is how you feeling there slugger okay he just gave us the don't bother me look we'll check in on them later okay the next thing we're gonna want to do is head down the street over on the right you'll see zoo city center of Commerce the one and only sales horse which is zoo city's premier skyscraper that's right 61 beautiful floors of Commerce don't worry I called ahead to make sure we have an appointment hello I would like to check in please okay I'll just wait thankfully there's a seating area as well as complimentary coffee from everyone's favorite scent our bucks we'll just take a quick breather to get out of the city life but not for too long we got a meeting to go to so we'll just head on over here to the elevators all three of them are heading to the top floor this is gonna take forever oh hello it's nice that you can fit in the elevator like this where are you headed you okay there buddy oh okay okay well good talk I'm here for my 11:30 uh what's going on everyone you know it already looks like you're having some kind of hostile takeover so I'm just gonna leave you with the Wolves of Wall Street here and maybe I'll reschedule still dead I see actually considerably more dead I don't even know how these flies got in here okay I see your bones now looks like you had a really nice strong spine oh my god let me off this elevator you know that's fine office work is boring anyway let's see what else can we take a look at see what all these people are going towards so naturally it turns out all these people are coming over here to destroy the city's only bathrooms yep and there's that ghost again just hide in an awful bathroom something you know it's across the street though I don't know why more people aren't going over here looks like we got a secret path over here which will take us to a beautiful serene hidden Park you can just sit back on one of the many benches oh and also bask in the sewage cuz this is where it all goes I can feel the serenity taking me already or maybe that's the soothing sounds of these crocodiles quickly getting superpowers wait what the hell what are you doing over here I have so many questions for you always a giraffe where's their radiation in the water and you used to look like these guys okay great talk well as long as you're happy well this seems like a hell of a city doesn't it when you need to get away from all that pac-man stuff and this place just can't be beat let's see how cats is doing maybe it's gotten better hey guys how's the performance going it seems like a noticeable improvement everyone appears to be dead yeah let's see if we can help you out a little bit okay there we go a wonderful improvement we can't forget about your co-stars here well this is definitely the most serial killer thing I've ever done remember this part of cats both cinema and Broadway when all the animals died unexpectedly somewhat put googly eyes all over their realistic faces well my work here is done what a ten out of ten production I don't see why people had a problem with the movie okay let's go back to the bar see how our bear tenders are doing looking a little more lively I see what's that you guys want to tell me something what is it what do you got for me okay I just finished talking to the most depressed bears in the world he gave me a hot tip for something to check out so it turns out there's a place where all the animals go to relax away from all these pesky human beings so let's go check it out apparently if instead of going down into the subway you go past it through these trees and just a quick hike over to these mysterious mountains let's see what we got ah the suburbs of course I mean not everyone can afford to live in the big city right where everybody has the exact same house lawns are pristine sprinkler systems are always on and bears are freely running in the streets nicely this looks kind of Awesome he's like oh god I forgot about my kids piano recital and every suburb has its one rebel different color paint like invisible view and gasp are those solar panels I'm gonna be writing to my homeowner's association posthaste gotta admit those seems like a pretty chill place away from all the people where animals can live in peace wait a minute what's going on here are you abducting these people if you're not gonna close the garage at least put some cars in the way wait what is this Arctic nature scene number two oh well okay yeah that'll do it don't say I didn't do anything for you oh god what now that came from the city looks like the animals are fighting back has everyone hastily makes their way to the exit before the polar bear mauls them to death I guess the animals took back zoo City oh and it looks like they're gonna go enjoy cats too this elephant down here is probably just like yep serves you right oh my God look at all the people waiting for a train look at all those waving hands he's got to be at least a couple accidental high-fives in there right kudos to these people in the back that despite it all are still holding on to their balloons oh you know what I think I've decided with the animals on this one you people are major pains in the ass so I'm just gonna go ahead and add a little something right here uh yeah now we're talking yes enjoy the sewage and while we're at it we'll just close this off can't forget the other side good good let's also put a gate here so that no stragglers can escape and what the hell let's add a couple more of these guys okay that's much better well I guess that's the end of them look at you lucky few hey you magnificent beasts yeah you guys I got some presents for you have fun sweater fest and polka dot pants if I were you I would start running well I hope you had fun I know I did we helped liberate to town which is kind of exciting give it back to its proper masters nothing gets the blood pumping like drowning an entire subway full of people now me I think I'm gonna put an offer on one of these lovely houses hopefully one of my neighbors can just devour me alive oh and in case you were curious yes these people are still trapped in here we'll just let that be our little secret and I'll see you next time
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 5,713,815
Rating: 4.9412456 out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo, planet zoo gameplay, zoo tycoon, planet zoo animals, zoo game, planet zoo update, zoo tycoon 2019, planet zoo game, planet zoo trailer, new planet zoo, planet zoo sandbox, planet zoo sandbox mode, planet zoo funny, planet zoo funny moments, funny moments, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, game it out, let's game it out tycoon, let's game it out funny, let's game it out simulator, let's game it out planet zoo, let's game it out zoo, unethical zoo
Id: 59v360lNqgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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