[LIVE🔴] Building A HIGH SECURITY Zoo for DANGEROUS Animals | Planet Zoo Building Tycoon Gameplay

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi everyone how y'all doing welcome back to the stream I'm back too after some planet Zoo I gave it a shot last night I really enjoyed it and this is the type of game that's a little difficult to make videos on because you know you just want to keep on playing it so this is perfect for a you know a live stream so there's gonna be a good good game comes out in a few weeks I'm not exactly sure the release date but planet Zoo should be a lot of fun so welcome to all the new subscribers if guys haven't already make sure you click or tap that like button appreciate having everybody here and it's good to have everybody with us so welcome aboard oh why we got new members - we've got Nathalie grades and TM k nerd apparently became a member twice so I don't know if that was two different accounts or something like that but anyway welcome aboard hmm all right let's see if this pops up on the screen hopefully it does see unless I'll have to make a thing for it but it better to do Oh how about we try this there we go that'll work whoo cool yes this is a real time well the stream should be delayed maybe by a second or two but there you go you just started watching the vids Oh wonderful well welcome aboard awesome I love this music this is definitely along the same lines of planet coaster from the same developers so obviously some of the music is the same a lot of things look the same too so it's kind of confusing like at some point you're like oh I want to build a rollercoaster now but you realize oh wait I'm not even I'm not even in the game like that I can't I can't do that it's very similar to a planet coaster but planet zoo is a thing of its own I played a scenario mission earlier on the channel so if you don't want to go watch that you can go do that but we're gonna play franchise mode which essentially is like sandbox mode except with money and budget so we have to actually do that so we have to build a zoo around the world unfortunately we can only do Asian but it doesn't look like Asia it looks like Africa so I don't know who knows hi there a new gaming good to see you here great to see everybody saying hello and dropping by no narcissism or copy-paste requests that's nice to see him glad to not see chat spilling over with - you should you should you should glad to see everybody here excited for just planet coaster planet zoo alright let's get into franchise mode of planet zoo welcome back folks good to see you all here know we're only live on that YouTube that's why we're live here on YouTube alright so apparently we can build this in what looks to be like Mongolia that like that's what like right the border of China Mongolia right there hi there Teletubby how you doing hey gene welcome back good to see all of our members here awesome to see so many people becoming a member nice alright so we're gonna start in raptorial world Japan even though it's in Mongolia but I guess it's just generic it just looks like we're ever in Asia but you could make a new zoo each time you make achievements so let's do it I started a little bit of a zoo just to kind of goof around with it and it is early access so keep in mind some things are going to change I could tell there's a few things about the franchise mode that are gonna have to change like for example when you make a path and delete it it makes a permanent change to the ground even if the ground is flat additionally a lot of the grass seems to try to come through the if you make a path a lot of the grass kind of comes through the pathways so you'll see here all right let's see Wow I love when you answer somebody's question and chat but they don't care they just want the answer that they want so they just keep copying and pasting the same question let's see how long let's see how long it goes for already answered your question you just didn't want to hear the answer you're me and youtuber yeah that's right the truth is mean okay can you edit the walls to the glass in this mode yeah hopefully I had a little bit of trouble building a wall last time and getting it to like work not that it was a problem but I just couldn't get it to work alright let's go ahead and get started we've got 38,000 dollars in the bank and money is continuously going down I suppose Wow because of path maintenance or something like that even though nobody's here like literally the zoo's not even open I tried to make like a round path and then I tried to make a square path I don't know this is somewhat decent though for the start of our park I want to put a pond in the middle but we'll make it look perfect later okay well let's get started by opening the park with a few habitats and a few exhibits we'll see what we can do here and let's get some paths laid out there so yeah if you're familiar with planet coaster and then this game is gonna be a cinch for you because there's so much to do with the pathing system it's like literally copy and paste for that alright let's see also how do I make this Square compared to this you just have to I it up I don't know there might be tools for it either Ethan good to see here ah yeah make sure you that's right yeah make sure you check the description before asking a question the answer is probably down there if you're looking for links or something like that or a frequently asked question it probably is in the description ready and waiting for you can you get a shout out absolutely the join button is waiting for you at any moment you can click or tap that join button to get your coveted shout out apparently it's in high demand yes pertly wanting one all right let's make a cool little exhibit over here or habitat I don't know what you call it hi there Daniel how you doing yeah alright we'll make a pathway over here actually I don't know if I should probably make this a little wider [Music] I make the path a little wider length width there we go you should probably go with like a very like a six meter in front of we're an exhibit is going to be how is Japan I was wonderful absolutely do I'm gonna make it realistic I think so I mean I'm gonna try to make it look I'm gonna just try to well to be honest the game's not complete and it's a new game so I need a little bit of practice as to kind of find out how everything works and you know how it shouldn't look though with a little practice it'll make perfect I'm gonna make the path a little bigger here so that way people can stop and look at the animals and also like walk by on the side that should be helpful all right let's go back to for we'll connect this back up this way we'll start with a small habitat so we can start making some money and then we'll put down some of the rinks and things like that this probably isn't gonna be the best you know Park Zoo ever created but it's just kind of like the Fisher Price is my first zoo yeah we need an ISDN line for the cowshed that's right this is gonna be a high quality zoo what's going on here I just want a little path to connect here I don't want the whole thing converted oh that's kind of weird lemurs oh yeah what should it be our first animal by the way also just a note to chat copy and paste we'll get you timed out now so if you continue to do that knock it off don't be nervous assistant just hang out don't be that guy who just copy and paste til you get what you want let's read the description and hang out with us Tigers I don't know if we can just like get a tiger I'll need to buy some stuff first like animals to import buildings to import animals that type of thing apes on that'd be cool yeah monkeys would be cool we can also get some of those you can actually get like small display cases for certain things like if you want to get tarantulas you can put them literally on us in a small little like the last display case or what would you call it a terrarium so you can put like snakes and things in there there's also alligators too it's kind of cool red pandas oh that's a cool idea fine I'm trying to figure out how to get this path to come back but it doesn't like want to just make a t-intersection I don't know if it's just me having to make it a little longer it just doesn't seem to be wanting it doesn't want to do what I wanted to do like just just connect there buddy let's get rid of angle snap maybe that'll help it doesn't seem to want to connect to it alright well so much for that dropping codes yeah I think we can make an aviary I guess we'll just leave this alone for now okay let's try to make a habitat now although since wait we better make facilities first so we can actually import the animals yeah I think it's under construction isn't that Oh architecture oh wow look at all the things we have to decorate with that's awesome tons of stuff to play with we got power toilet staff rooms we have a transport ride that little train I think we can also have a safari car that's on a rail too that's kind of cool got bathrooms oh there we are playing a Zoo Research Center excellent very nice all right so we're gonna have ourselves plenty of stuff to do I need stuff to build with information center habitat stands so we can put that outside the habitat to help people get a little bit of knowledge about the animal zoo workshop surgery trade center oh that's probably what we're looking for that's where we'll import some of our animals so we'll make a staff Center pretty much over here I think to start with we got to put it somewhere so it's a perfect place you're excited to play the beta with the girlfriend good actually it's a good game because you can each make your own Park and then have a franchise out of it the one person can make a park and another person can make a park and you can both make like money and stuff off those parks like bonus points on the back end which helps to unlock new stuff which is kind of cool Boult Oh a bald eagle oh I don't I don't know if we can I don't know if we can do those well we're in Asia so I don't know if that affects the amount of animals that we can get to like I don't know I don't think that means you get polar bears I'm not sure also I'm not sure how to get rid of this tree doesn't have to be I'm paused wait it what some pasta Bree what are you doing here maybe I just click on the tree oh there goes that I could just right-click it X I could just move these around I don't have to delete them all right let's get started by building our facility and then we'll start importing some animals let's go for the Trade Center animal Trade Center okay velociraptors I know this makes me want well imagine somebody will make a Jurassic Park mod for this game and when they do it's gonna be like Jurassic world evolution meets planet coaster meets Zoo Tycoon or I mean planet Zoo I think we'll just put this here to start with not gonna have anything fancy at the start I just want to see how it functions okay so now we have that so we should be able to get animals down perfect alright let's make our first little enclosure for an animal all right what do we got wooden track airlock what the wait track airlock oh this is for oh this is for like little safaris so you can drive cars inside and outside of habitats all right we have logs bricks corrugated chain-link and hedges obviously like more timid animals like peacocks and things like that could be behind the hedges thank you yes absolutely yeah Jurassic Park that's gonna be really cool that's gonna be really neat when they make a mod for that where's the bio the join button it should be big and blue down below somewhere down there if you'd like to become a member alright glass what is null to find the perimeter of a habitat where a barrier isn't needed example for a river that animals that can't swim oh that's interesting let's see Gabriel thanks for 7:00 I'm gonna try to make a let's try to start with an animal that doesn't really it's not dangerous we'll start with like lemurs or something cool Justin I way we can get some cash and I don't know how big their habitat needs to be but we'll make it long and we'll make it long and skinny that way a lot of people can come and see them so we want the curvy habitat how do I do that I want the F wood logs [Music] maybe have to click a few times I don't want it to be square how do I make it rounded angle snap length I will see if we can make this Etta laughs or something like that we'll see there should be an option to round the fence but now I don't see it maybe it's not in this mode or something Oh curved no that's not it ain't labels angle snap maybe it's just not with this fence maybe that's to be straight because it's just wood logs do-do-do-do wood needed that's right I wonder how close I should make the barrier to the maybe we should make it a little closer make it a little closer to the path yeah one thing I don't like about leaving there's always a dilemma in these games if you leave them pause there's no sound there's like no music you feel alone in the desolate world then if you off if you on pause then it's like the day/night cycle kicks in which is annoying for when you're building and there's nobody in the park you still feel like it's literally 2 a.m. and nothing's going on alright let's go ahead and this fence over here should be pretty good I think what we'll do is trying to make the fence all the way to the back end oh that triggered me alright we'll lay out the barrier first and then I'll put down some glass viewing windows for our guests honestly I think this is a little too big but I guess what practice will make perfect for learning how big animal enclosures have to be and then of course we'll make some water structures or something like that and that should be just fine I'm just laying out the barrier we'll put windows in a little bit later probably windows vistas will put in cuz we're on a budget yeah if you yeah exactly if you have a question check down below in the description the links and things are probably down there so if you're asking for a link or something like that three things a Google B Google or C check the description okay so now let's see how easy it is to add Windows to things or we could even put down chain-link fences if we want to but now with the lemurs they're gonna be able to jump out Oh perfect little viewing windows are right there okay but I think honestly the lemurs are so not dangerous that I could just put down like literally class let the class there and here there we go that's perfect you think lemurs can easily escape this we can increase the height of the fence and we can even put like little barriers that stop them from jumping over it so there's easy ways to do that Phoenix lb are you ever going to stop using the copy/paste function on YouTube about the 27th time on that message [Music] don't be that guy ma'am literally made that comment moments ago just because of you but you ignore it don't be that guy dude oh my god just enjoy the stream I was in school I wouldn't hear you then why would you copy and paste the same question over and over with no ability to actually hear the answer you did hear me it just didn't like the answer how do I make a barrier out of glass it's oh it's doing the same thing again there we go oh you got a click first then select the item okay how big is you do going to be also Tigers are dangerous they sure are I think we'll make the zoo as big as possible but really you you have all this space to fill in you can almost kind of see it here like all this area that's been kind of like flattened so that's your big o area to build in this is a pretty good amount of space because if you think about it if we make a big path all the way through this place there's some animals take up a lot a lot a lot of space like elephants they're not gonna want this little tiny corner that's suspiciously looks like a whale for some reason they will see it okay let's import some animals and get that habitat going I think the easiest way in the game that I've learned to do it is to for me anyway is to buy the animal and then put it in the habitat and then adjust whatever they oh wow look at all this stuff wild dogs oh we might be limited oh crap looks like we're limited to elephants and African wild dog so far oh okay we might have to just make do with these guys which is okay cuz I don't think they'll be able to get out of this fence either and they might be able to dig under it though how was Japan oh it was great it was really good follow me on instagram for more photos and stuff down below okay we have a couple of gold star animals here they cost 400 leaves what animal trade center I came to watch the stream stayed to watch hecklers get roasted that's not hecklers this is people who want they want and so thus they just spam you know and I I understand like I know you guys want to see what you want to see but the thing is is I can't play other games because otherwise I couldn't play planet coaster or planet Zoo in this case alright so similar and we please have a mod that makes planet coaster and planet zoo just become one game can I please make a roller coaster over here and then make a elephant enclosure on the other side what is up with all these wild dogs look at this I've got 300 million wild dogs look at that why so many wild dogs what was up at the top - it looked like water buffalo and elephant okay we have to get some elephants that's pretty cool though Oh African Buffalo and then elephants okay also to be fair don't you think African Buffalo and African elephants while we're in Asia they're pretty common right water buffalo and elephants do you have a train you can play with yes we can put down a train we're just getting started like literally just just beginning okay I think we're gonna go with I think we're gonna go with the wild dogs to get started then we'll put some elephants like down down here we gotta put oh yeah right here perfect spot for elephants make them mate you can actually do that you can also put them on birth control so that way it stops them from breeding but you can actually breed them and like sell them to other zoos or release them back into the wild so we'll see how all that goes don't forget the gate you're right thank you for the reminder mm-hmm I guess well to put our habitat gate over here and then we'll have to put our little zoo feeder there's a lot of things in this game that are needed really cool it's neat because your guests happiness isn't as important as the animals happiness because guests want to see happy animals that are like getting along and having fun and enjoying their their life so that's kind of cool I've ever played second galaxy fun game I have not I don't know what that is okay let's get to it then what's exhibit trading though Oh so animals like boa constrictors and OCAD spiders those are called exhibits okay so we can actually buy them that's gonna be cool so that's exactly where we you know you can make like a little area inside usually at zoos you see like an area inside the zoo where it's like you know animals of the Amazon and it shows like a boa constrictor and you know a frog and some other snake or something like that don't like spiders they're just a look no the answer is no they're just weird to look at that's all this is not sandbox mode this is franchise mode which is kind of like sandbox mode you can build your own Park but you have to have it function it must make money otherwise you're you're kaput okay let's get some animals finally let's start with the African dogs I think we'll start with just just because they're safe also why are they 750 like leaves I don't think I have leaves to spend how do I know how much oh here three three hundred oh well how do I get how do I buy them for money though and I cannot afford to adopt this animal well how do I get animals then animal market animal trade center animal trade history animal rewards okay how do i buy Oh show cash listings okay there's a difference between them ah there we go okay we have to sort between either cash or all right okay we can get the common warthog Oh that'll be fine an antelope oh damn we only have like one of these a giant tortoise oh dude okay this is kind of cool alright I kind of like this we can get a giant tortoise though that enclosure is way too big for him what do you guys think what do you what do you guys want to see in there should we put down the goo I don't know antelope that kind of seems boring peafowl mmm I think it's gonna be between the warthog or the is this an anteater is that what this is the Baird's tapir wonder what is this Zoo pedia how do i is there not a search function I'm not gonna go through 3 million of these things wait it's under B is that a nanny oh those are boars are wait are they endangered mammal native to Central America that's not an anteater well there's only 5,500 to these holy crap critically endangered extinct in wild oh wow that's crazy it's a pig boar like yeah we should raise a few of these because we could probably make some like hotdogs or something this will be for our hot dog stand okay let's go back to animal trading I wish it would keep my filter on of filtering only by price wait how did I do that again cash listings only there we go well now we got a monkey oh sweet oh this updates pretty quickly Oh lemurs okay I want the lemur cuz that's what we originally planned to do however we only have one oh it seems like it updates every 20 minutes and stuff all right let's get let's get a lemur I click oh there it goes okay okay let's put them in here and then we'll start building the habitat cool very nice hot dogs seriously worst joke when it comes to real animals well Ashley life's gonna be real hard for you if words hurt imagine falling off your bike oh yeah we have to have a should we have like a fighting pit for animals like we'll do an elephant versus a rhino actually you can make a mixed animal like exhibit if you want to like I think like if you put zebras and giraffes together in the same enclosure they'll be okay so that'll be alright alright we need to hire some staff now so then get delivered although it in the tutorial I never had to do that before so now I gotta be now I got have to give this out so we want keeper I think let's hire one of everybody we're gonna need them eventually alright keeper and caretaker which is like a janitor I think and then we want a oh there it goes nice let's see mechanic I don't think we need security at the moment we'll leave security alone there goes all right here comes our lemur everybody we got to name them I think we're gonna name him the next person to become a member I'm gonna name the lemur after them so new members you guys get to have elephants and tortoises and things named after you so go for it donation boxes yes one way to make money in this game which is really neat is if you put donation boxes in front of the exhibits happy animals bring in some money so it'll be kind of cool to see more and more people giving money because they like how the animals are being treated okay oh my goodness solitaire the blue Raptor all right let's name him solitaire or wait so layer so layer sorry s oh la I re thank you very much for becoming a member today and welcome s oh well that's a great name for a little lemur there is he's a ring-tailed lemur okay so now if you haven't seen my video earlier we got a lot of stuff to do to make this little guy happy so we need to give him a little bit more short grass a lot less long grass a lot of soil we got a few things to do to keep him happy this is so cool like you get to build a little this is the best part of the game seriously like to build these little enclosures and to like decorate them according to the animals need it perfect obviously tortoises and elephants have completely different needs so you'll be spending a lot of your time and like spray painting and decorating it's kind of like the Sims a little bit except for animals like you get to build a little house for every little type okay so now we want a lot less long grass we want apparently he wants a lot more rock - oh people are actually coming yeah come on everybody come see the one lemur that we've got yeah oh look at them run yep that's right come on in we've got one animal that's all we got come on in everybody I better put down that donation box now cuz there's a lot of people here where's donation boxes or those facilities donation oh there it is yeah right over here folks money right over here there you go right there another smart thing you can do too is if you put their feeding area in front of the windows it'll you know they'll come all the way up yeah look at all the people here for one animal yeah that's good though at least we've got people in the park you want one lemur and everybody wants to see him what is that Oh God animals escaped how did he get out I would oh my god he's on the loose watch it folks he's rabid security emergency capture for $1000 holy crap alright that okay alright he's trouble he already escaped $1,000 for that that is expensive Wow alright bad lemur go back in there now we got to make this fence a little higher is there anywhere to see exactly how high the fence should be let's do the will increase the barrier a little bit in height it's really easy to do this though all you got to do is that's it and then you just raise the height that's hilarious hey he just wanted to go shake some hands you know that's all let's see yeah the price to like tranquilize him and put him back into his cage was like ten times the price of actually purchasing him how do I we better pause before he gets out of there again [Music] how do I increase the height of the barrier there's an edit button somewhere wait isn't her height I'd snap one meter nope that doesn't do it oh now I can curve things oh the windows can be curved but not the wood sections hi Gabriel how are you doing yeah I guess he didn't want to stay in there this game is great I love this habitat perimeter curved barrier top oh maybe maybe that'll stop him from getting out we could actually like put a curved top around the top of it to make sure height mode at top of the window on the bottom right a mode window on the bottom right oh oh this there that's what I'm looking for alright lets okay lemur let's see you try to escape four meters to be fair we probably should have had it a lot higher to begin with because some in order for them to have fun they also want to have like little things to jump on in there is planet zoo out now and it is out if you have the deluxe edition you can do the beta but remember you tubers and things like that always get early access to things like that too so if you buy the deluxe edition you can play it right meow did Raptor say meow he did he's a lemur they can climb that can't they well they can climb any sort of wall it just needs to be high enough so there you go okay sorry folks oh also this thing really here this is really easy if you if you can't find your animals click this little radar down here and it'll help you to find where they are and if they're happy or not he's right now he's really not happy I don't blame him that's why I wanted to escape because I'm not done building his little zoo also we got to put some what protesters already Wow dude I've been here like 10 minutes guys I already got people who are mad at me this is great also did they pay money to come in here to protest I don't mind you guys protesting just make sure you paid the bill on the way in alright we need a lot more soil you'll get him a lot happier now I guess one of the best things to do in the game is probably to start paused so that way you can build everything first with everybody everybody's very mad security should we all right yeah we got a higher security right security all right someone get the Taser maybe we can put these people into the exhibits here's the endangered North American hippie I'll put them inside the exhibit all right there now security should get on him but I guess that's why security is needed I thought it was for vandals I didn't know there'd be protesters okay let's get back to taking care of little Solaire here and again if you guys want an elephant or something named after you all you gotta do is become a member and it'll all be good I'll name something after you okay so he's got good on let's see too much long grass he's not happy with the amount of long grass that there is but he wants a lot more rock so let's do it let's rock you know we should do is add a little bit of I should add some like elevated terrain or something like that in the middle of the enclosure you know what I should actually do you don't be a cool exhibit to make is for the elephants it'd be cool if we make the if we if we like dig a pit and then make a path around it so that way everybody can watch the animal from like the from the actual like heights and then that way I don't really need a barrier as much I will need a barrier but there's like no way he can escape we'll see all right he wants a little bit more soil a lot less long grass so we got to get rid of that see if you've ever played Jurassic world anybody here remember Jurassic world or Jurassic sorry not Jurassic world but drastic world evolution or project Genesis that was really cool build a glass alcove going into the enclosure oh that's a cool idea man I just watch people like silver odd and who therus and stuff are just gonna build these just beautiful parks just these incredible just beautiful little zoo is really like a Learning Center you know like for animals and things like that so lemurs really like a lot of soil that they really don't like grass security really with these hippies I bought one lemur he escaped and now there's protestors what are you gonna do we need some more short grass and a little bit of long grass oh wait a lot less long grass kind of hard to see where the long grass is unless like you zoom in real close it doesn't have to be perfect some things can be a little a mess you can make up for it elsewhere but I think that's close enough for now isn't it I don't see any long grass around well there's some there we go all right perfect he's happy all right so the environment is perfect now let's go for plants he wants tropical plants let's put some of those down again welcome to all the new subs today you guys are fantastic protesters show up when your animals are unhappy oh I was just getting started it'd be nice if the game gave you a little bit more time to get the enclosure ready because I like to play with the game on paused but it is a good idea to like pause everything and make it work okay let's get him a little water dish and all the other stuff that he needs let's try lemur here we are okay so we want a little water bowl for him OOP put our water dish down there it goes and then what about food Oh a little we want a little include little shelter oh yeah the shelters are so huge even the small shelter is huge oh but it looks like a habitat bedding area Oh extra large let's try a medium-sized Wow let's see we want to put them somewhere where they'll feel safe maybe here in the corner there we go oh I can hear donations coming in can you hear me boys well it looks like somebody just took a giant crap in the middle of the path all right we can hear money coming in all right people are happy hey let's buy a few more of them now while we're also decorating let's even get another one to do this is a lot of fun this is super relaxing I always got like anxiety when it came to building like a roller coaster because it's like this huge thing you got to build but in this game it's all about just kind of taking care of some little animals so it's really nice and it's kind of cool to start small first and then work your way up to the big stuff like the oh there's ostriches - ooh a bear grizzly bears zebras awesome hey it doesn't look like there's any more lemurs so I have to buy those when they come on the market what was that thing a Nile monitor oh cool it's like when they call that the Komodo dragon very nice green screen is glitchy yeah the bright screens here are mess with the camera like this this giant white page is kind of glitching with things but it's okay all right let's keep making mr. lemur happy we look at look at him go he's happy and we're gonna buy another one soon let's make a little area for him to hang out in now alright so he wants some enrichment stuff now so let's do that so he wants like a little thing to climb on and hang out on so let's do that let's give him something to climb on let's see climb over log oh yeah let's make like a cool thing in the middle of the park right here he's gonna feel safe with something to climb on what why did that just tip on its side oh there we go that's better let's delete that let's try one of the oh that's huge whoa that's way too tall there we go let's see if you can jump up here on this thing wow it seems like you could take a very long time to do this maybe he wants a playmate yes sometimes these animals are very social and they want a lot more other creatures to play with unfortunately I'm at the market I'm at the mercy of the market so it has to be available in the market for me to buy it but you're right we need some more animals and I make like a they're like a ramp no where do you go this is kind of like a little cool thing to climb on it will make a giant thing here I don't want him to climb up that high he might be able to jump out something like that maybe that's a lot of fun I'm already liking this what we're doing is building like a boring old Lemur habitat but every little habitat counts there's the ramp I'm looking for like a lean-to let's see here we should be able to make like a little ramp there for them and then you can climb up the climb up the side there we go alright let's add some plants now what is this Oh climb a wall okay where do you go channel radar on where is he at what why is he in a box did you die relocating to destination not said did I somehow move him how did that happen how did I do that that's weird okay so enrichment insufficient of Richmond is being of okay so he should that should be enrichment right there let's see plants though let's go for some tropical plants we'll come back to that also I need to be careful cuz I don't want to give him anything that he couldn't like climb on but it's got to be tropical so it's filter to biome tropical but does anything tropical count is that good I guess we'll see oh you got he escaped again he did how come he a little alarm didn't go off that little twerp I got a lot to learn about these animals these guys are in trouble man I built that the fence is four meters high I gotta say though my favorite thing it's gotta be building these biomes and such the animals are a little little troublesome doesn't look like they want too many plants though oh there he goes he's going crazy now dude as their net you can put over the enclosure I don't I don't think so but the fence is now four meters high so I'm really surprised that he's actually able to get up over that like that but hey this whole game is a learning process because I've never built a zoo before except for you know I'm in Zoo Tycoon and I don't give him any big trees this boy is trouble well here we got some tropical rocks now does he escape I want to walk you know be cool as if there was a little camera that would pop up over in the corner and let you know that he escaped or something like that oh my goodness oh no all that crazy support thank you and welcome to all the new members today you guys are awesome thank you everybody for being here and for subscribing and everything appreciate it boom I'm excited okay so let's see we got some more trees to put down more ROG actually coverage I think has to be these little trees like this coverage means trees so rocks don't count they need if they go for escape through the vent in the fence you mean this I don't think so how am i doing today I'm doing good Big Boss how are you welcome aboard I wonder a variety of plants matters this tree hovering oh yeah he wants some plants but not too many plants oh are you kidding me he got out again how does he do that can they climb that can he just climb the fence like that oh wait I just move him and he just goes back in the enclosure okay alright here's the question how do we get him from stop climbing out hmm oh you think you're putting stuff from different continents and well I guess you can do that I mean hence the I think you need a concrete wall in the original tutorial though I think they use they use a wooden wall in the in the tutorial world I think maybe it just has to be higher I'm not sure well let's see the wall options that we have are wood logs red bricks corrugated chain-link we certainly don't want to give him a chain-link fence let's trying to go back into barrier mode this is fun though like learning how to stop him from getting out is kind of fun like what's the solution to this we made it look at it's 4 meters high you can still get out that little work there are options though to make it difficult for him to climb like curved a barrier top allow and show options to curve the barriers top edge oh wait a minute we could make an angled edge so he can't get in or climb over the top what the hell what what how did I just move that whole thing oh you can do that oh ok start angle well that doesn't really curve the top that seems to what makes it like decorative but that doesn't seem to do anything oh hold on a second that's cool so we can round the tops of the enclosure I don't think that's gonna stop him from getting out though curve the top so they can't get out well it seems like we've done that now right I don't know maybe he could still get out Oh climb proof right here there we go that's what I was looking for flying proof right ah there we go that'll stop him from getting out so now it adds these little metal things so he can't dig his claws into it okay I think we've I think we found that one out now I was looking for that before but I thought I activated it let's see if well there's more lemurs now I love this this is so fun alright let's get another lemur if we can all right we learned the hard way that's fun Wow there's another one okay if you want me to name the next lemur after you let me know maybe we can breed them too and get additional ones that'll be kind of cool it takes a second to adopt for some reason there we go these seem to also be social animals so okay now we need to make sure they got food so we do need to put down a food thing for the lemur so where's the food dish water bowl bedding water pipe do they not take food where's the food water bowl water pipe eating a platform there we go there we go all right now we need to make a also in this game you need to hide all the staff buildings people don't want to see that like there's a world outside the zoo so you have to kind of like hide these things with bushes and things like that so staff rooms and meeting rooms and like surgery rooms and stuff need to be hidden from the people but we'll get to that eventually also we should probably put some bathrooms down huh is there like a toilet we can put down keeper Hut that's one thing we want where's the finished buildings though yes facilities really we don't have like a completed bathroom it's only the toilet block I don't want that oh yeah here's small animal exhibits cool I don't think there's any completed bathrooms at the moment we'll just put down the block then to start oh well please neat name the lemur after you absolutely click or tap that join button it's reserved for new members wouldn't it make sense to put the facilities inside the habitats no because like for example if if a a zookeeper is going to go and make you know something for the elephants and then food for the gorillas like you'd have to go inside the gorilla enclosure just to make food it looks like we got low animal happiness here animal is close to death oh God alright they're starving now I took my time getting figuring things out a little bit so there you go McDonald's nope you would join but your are you what you were already a member well you're not currently so you can always rejoin also some of these things take power and I don't know about that food shop drink shop Trade Center where's the one building that I need staff facilities where's that zookeeper building keeper Hut small in the game tutorial that I had a completed building staff building well this is what I want but I don't see like a decorated building now whatever anyway we'll put that down Oh solitaire died at seven years old oops another protesting wow it this game works fast there's certainly an order to things pause the game finish the enclosure put everything in and get all this stuff ready don't open don't open the park until things are ready they don't goof around in this game so I wish it was like it's a way to stop day/night cycles their way to turn that oh oh is there a way to stop that from happening can I just keep it like 10:00 a.m. all day what does that do well what was that yeah just keep it like daytime all the time there we go well that's awesome okay now we finally got a way to actually make it daytime so I can see what I'm doing okay so now the zookeepers should have a way to make food for that other animal let's buy some more now and fill this thing up I guess doing things the wrong way is better tutorial than actually playing it when everything's working sometimes you just got to start from the beginning yes welcome to all the new subscribers again thanks to everybody clicking the tab on that subscribe button so awesome to have you with us thanks for leaving a like and dropping by this is cool so now I know that next time we we build an enclosure make sure you have the climb proof around there make sure you've got all the stuff ready and don't even on pause until you got it an exhibit ready to go now today I'm are you guys ready to make food now where's the zookeeper I need to hide this - did we put food and water in there yeah there's places for it but the zookeeper has to come in and actually like deliver that so then employee security guard oh right we need a staff room - where's all the completed buildings I'm supposed to hide these but I just need them now yeah there's there's a lemur body in there for them to eat so it'll be fine they'll just turn to cannibalism we'll have a very unique very unique brand - lemurs all right well luckily we didn't start with something expensive like an elephant I'm just in my learning phase right now I had no idea that living beings needed both food and water crazy Tintin - all right let's see if we can reconnect this path as this connected obstructed oh I moved the enclosure so it got disconnected tonight edit barrier if I delete this door there we go put a new one down and then if we raise it up a little bit edit barrier I guess I could have grabbed all these sections now the music is so lovely in this game oh this is gonna be weird let's see there we go then we just got to put climb proof on the inside and that'll that'll work good let's try climb proof and see if we get that done let's see [Music] well we want on the right side there we go or all sections the climb proof on the right side good I guess you don't need a rounded barrier top it just seems to be like a decorative thing so if I go with 60 degrees and 60 degrees oh it doesn't do it for all sections that's okay all right path is reconnected hopefully the zookeeper can find his way in there now hopefully somebody goes to make food we'll see in a little bit the only thing I don't like about this franchise mode though is that it seems like if you start a new Park you like you lose points there's like points you have to earn in the franchise mode so for me like wandering around in the you know dark like a noob because you know it's my first time it's like it's like a punishment oh there we go somebody went inside alright so let's see we can get this thing filled up now we finally got our first habitat up and running looks like it look looks good let's get another one going what's the problem here Oh contains a dead animal oh I'm gonna get a vacuum cleaner we got to clean that up also you need these habitat points in order to get some of the better animals which is kind of cool because you can't always just buy stuff with cash sometimes you have to do special stuff so that's kind of a neat little mechanic on the side is this over in a few minutes no I barely even scratched the surface of this game and we got a lot of new subscribers today so welcome to everybody do you need a transformer for the buildings oh maybe do they say if they're powered or not oh there is an option to know whether or not something is powered I wonder if there's a oh there's the day/night cycle button right there okay yeah you're right about that about power that is the thing that they do briefly mention but I'm not exactly sure entirely how that's supposed to work can't arrange 80 meters yeah so it seems like the best thing to do is to like make a long path that's kind of hidden put a bunch of trees around it maybe a barrier and like hide some of that stuff off to the side but oh well yeah that is true I did put a transformer near one of the keepers Hut's kind of weird I don't see a prefabricated building for that like when you play the scenario mode there is a kind of a completed keeper Hut and I'm not very good at design like this is what I want a beautiful looking building that's prefabricated but I just don't see it for the zookeeper I must have missed it that's all right you got something in your search bar oh the D thank you sir that would explain that oh there we go there's the toilet stuff like that all right there we go my bad thank you sir for the reminder Wow everybody left the zoo after that one lemur died I lost all my credibility oops sorry ever everybody left literally went to zero everybody poured in when we got one lemur and then they all left they were how do I get rid of that one dead animal we got a lot to learn here I think where's the other lemur are they all dead oh I think we lost all of our animals oh no she's here but I don't did she escape again oh wait we're we're in electricity mode that's why I know I want Animal Welfare mode oh I think she escaped does anyone see my lemur Oh what is this okay need a research center work shaft etc wow there's a lot of stuff you need habitats oh did I move her to her enclosure oh maybe I forgot to do that part I thought I moved her let's take a look oh you're right she's here waiting in there oh good now we can get another one opened perfect all right thank you actually maybe I should have kept her in the Trade Center that is a cool thing though is that you can buy an animal and then keep it at the Trade Center in 200 cops are here guys oh there's an inspector here oh I'm in so much trouble OSHA is gonna have a field day with this place go man go quick hide the evidence all right that explains why everyone left the zoo there's literally no animals here I built those zoo what this happened Wow okay let's see if we can do a another lemur it'd be kind of nice if you could set it on reserve or something like auto-buy there was an animal to come available yeah we got to get rid of that body quick sweep sweep that under the rug okay I think I got stuff that I need now you love me I love me too all right this is looking okay there's the inspector is that him no that's a mechanic people are coming back where's the inspector what does he look like is that him oh yeah that's got to be him right there oh crap Steve Irwin it's gonna be pissed who is this guy oh this he's actually an ex oh he's a trainee okay yeah we just got to get rid of the body that's all you got to do sometimes all right now people are coming back maybe we'll make some cash okay let's build another exhibit now now that we've learned a few things let's let's try it again we could put some like something safe like ostriches or something over here something that doesn't get me in trouble with the cops hey Dane how you doing welcome aboard corrugated I really feel like we just use wooden logs for ostriches right like what are they gonna do I don't even think they could jump and they smash cut to like guests running and fling a dirty bud I'm gonna try to put some hostages over here try to build a barrier this way also I wish instead of the only thing I really wish in this game instead of doing this like length by length it would be nice just to click click and drag like click here you know just to like it's a little bit of a pain in the butt to lay out these fences sometimes it's a unique system and it works but I just wish I could click and drag that's all yes they can jump or I will make the fence at least three meters then oh good yeah come on in everybody we've got a lemur that's right our first ones dead but this second one is new and improved we've actually fed it now and gave it water it's a note to self we should probably finish the enclosure before I open it up however it's kind of difficult for me to know what the animal needs before I've actually built it also for elephants and things like that it's really a good idea to like build a like a sunken enclosure like you want to make it almost underground it's a really good idea to maximize space and safety especially with the cops rolling around I don't like this barrier system it's kind of a pain in the neck there we go they can't jump over two meters well we'll see about that I'm not gonna take a risk anymore I don't want I don't anymore escaping I've learned my lesson now guys okay now that the barrier is done let's convert some of the glass so let's do I think we should probably put the glass over here so it doesn't back up the pathways [Music] so we did see our crazy animal escape that was fun so get ready for all the videos of there's probably already a million videos of battle arenas between like rhinos and hippos and then of course like craziest skate videos that's already a thing what is the center pond oh that me trying to like be decorative and coming out like looking like Kmart it's really really horrible it's really bad but it's okay I'm just learning I was never really good at decorating in planet coaster however I would say if you like decorations planets zoo is definitely the game for you in terms of decoration is there like the whole game is about building ecosystems for ant not ecosystems but just like little habitats for animals and the better you build them the happy the animals are and the happier the animals the more money you make so that's cool new animal yet we're working on it let's try to get an ostrich let's try to buy one and put it in storage we'll just put it in the freezer for a moment do we oh there we go two two ostriches right there uh hello there we go okay so now we have two ostriches and storage we're gonna buy another lemur so there's a multiplayer aspect to this game to where you can like raise animals and then sell them back into the market for money so that's kind of cool all right so now we should be able to put our ostriches in here with a gate and where should I put that gate right there is good that's a pretty big enclosure for ostrich now it's really starting to come together it's all looking good yeah the planets ooh this is super satisfying now that I've gotten past kind of like the initial newbie phase well know it'll be a newbie phase for a million years you don't need to get rid of that of their lemur body all right where is that lemur body how do we get rid of that is it is it automatic that's some oh there's all the food where is that how do I get rid of the body Chan I need a little help don't tell the cops or nothing but I need to get rid of a body keeper should get rid of the animal on their own oh really we have to keep we have a zookeeper we have all the stuff we need is this guy gonna take care of it I need I need somebody to take care of things if you know what I mean I don't see also what's a workshop for and all this other stuff I have so much to learn about some of the buildings you can click on it and call the call the vet he must have died in a tree or something I don't all right guys we're looking for a body yeah Jurassic world evolution was lacking a lot of this like individualism or it felt the game it was a little vanilla because it was really built for consoles so hmm yeah I don't I don't see the body I don't see the body this guy keeps coming in here and then you just kind of like well I'm leaving and then just turns around the leaves I don't I don't know what he's doing a cab oh man if you've been paying attention to the stream you'd know that we do have new animals and that we're preparing to bring them into the park just why all you got to do is just watch the stream so like I do how do I raise the height now 2 meters I know these ostriches can jump hmm yeah I would say the lemurs are more dangerous than the t-rex they're very clever what's going on with this game edit barrier select the whole barrier and then I want to raise the height there goes sometimes menus get stuck it seems in this game yeah if you watch yeah that's right dude if you watch the stream you'll see what happens that's right you can hire vets oh do I need to hire a veterinarian ok let's see we hired veterinarian oh that's what we need a veterinarian ok all right Oh also we need people for shops though I don't have any at the moment so what's the performance like the game is pretty solid I've noticed that there's a little weirdness when it comes to terraforming in the game but it's not too bad so is there a way in this game to know what an ostrich needs before you put the ostrich in the cage I don't know about that I don't think I don't think there's a way to do that let's add okay our next member next person to click or tap the join button I'm gonna name a ostrich or at Lima after you so if you want your name on an animal there you go oops clicked the wrong spots of the Lemur you go over there there we go then we want our ostriches or as I call them ostrich I that's plural we put over there the zoo pedia yeah but I need the little bars you know what I mean like I need the little meters like if I go into the zoo pedia where is that Zoo pedia and then if we go to ostrich which doesn't even look like against and we need to research oh boy they can get a ton of diseases just like him okay we're gonna need a research center for that oh it's under common ostrich okay I think this is the easiest thing to do here for me as if you click on the animal and you can immediately see whether or not they like the enclosure so then all they want is just actually they're pretty happy they look them go alright we better get crackin let's pause the game so that way they don't die again okay so we want more soil they want a lot less long grass this place is just littered with long grass well they're pretty easy to take care of alright note to self ostriches pretty pretty pretty easy to take care of there we go alright they're already pretty happy now all they want is grassland stuff okay very nice is there a lag in the game I haven't really seen too much lag there is on occasion one of the big problems I've seen is sometimes when you click on terrain or path the menu won't come up and so you can't select stuff so you just got it you just got to do that and go between the two at the end of the world not too bad alright now we sort my grassland and add a bunch of add I don't like that I don't like and I don't like well that's nice that's it that's all they want well I guess they don't really want too many plants I guess only 5% they're very picky about not having trees or anything hey Stefan good to see you there yeah the trip was great things were really really good over there I enjoyed my time so now we need a food thing for the big old food bowl over here water pipe over here and we also need bedding for them too don't we yes there's no way it's low feeder they like [Music] there was a thing that the ostrich is like that's like a slow feeder species common ostrich I suppose I should probably give them a small shelter all right so the small shelter is quite large a note to self pretty large building now do I have to put a bedding inside there there we go okay that should give them what they need all right so it seems like the easiest thing to start with really is like the the ostriches because they you just basically put a tree in there a couple of food and water dish and you're good to go oh you have to research the slow feeder okay thank you sir so I have to build a research facility then all right let's get those donation boxes down make that money [Music] okay so far so good off to a good start I just need to figure out why this path won't connect around another weird thing too is that I can't like get the path to connect for whatever reason I'm good at this game no no not yet you thought these were trash cans yeah they're actually donation boxes it's like prison if you put a little bit of money it goes on to the other side of the window and then the ostriches can use it to buy things like food then go online make purchases apparently there we go really dude with the water can for water really interesting yeah the ostriches need their money okay well at least people are coming in the zoo is certainly not good at all but it's because I got to work on things like shops and stuff now for the guests happiness is low because the animals are probably well one of them is dead let's be honest okay let's get some more animals going [Music] this music is good I like it all right let's get another ostrich actually better make sure before we buy one more are these guys are you guys cool with just two animals calm alright seems like they're pretty happy with just two of them alright and I can't do anything about their enrichment at the moment what about the lemurs how you guys doing little go yeah right welfare is at 51% social looks like they want a few more alright let's buy some more lemurs then it's laggy I haven't any leg okay let's buy another ostrich I mean another lemur ostrich and EMU together I think yeah you can you can do that you could put multiple animals together that are like non-threatening like zebra and gazelle and like giraffes you can put them all together alright so we want ourselves another lemur it's weird it it there is a little bit of lag when you click adopt for an animal it does take a second for the game to like register that you've adopted an animal there it goes there we go okay now I just got to work on improving my facilities and things so what else can we build for facilities it looks like there is the zookeeper Hut that's where they prepare food warranty and that's if they get sick Research Center I how do we do research do we need scientists for that and then the zoo workshop I don't know what that's for is that for the mechanic to hang out in these buildings are gross but I'll just put it down for now am i behind in the chat no the blue bins are for donations so the happier you keep your animals the more likely you are to make money I don't think you can even charge for an entry fee can you let's see oh okay so you can chant you can charge for tickets and you can also do an open and closed but you make most of your money I think through or at least another way you can make money through donations so instead of so it's just like with planet coaster each exhibit is kind of like a ride so people are more than willing to pay for elephants like they're willing to pay top dollar to see an elephant if you keep your if you have a huge group of elephants and they're all happy people are gonna donate a ton of money for it so you can do your your entry fee but more importantly donations too so you can make money through the entry fee donations at each exhibit and then through food and merchandise so that's three good ways to do that I remember two tutorials saying you need a quarantine for every new animal well you need to research like vaccines and things for them and they can sometimes possibly get injured so you'll need to have a or uh what but like a surgery thing Wow look at that look at ostrich go well they're having fun they seem really happy except for the fact that I don't have anything for enrichment but at least their environments good we're happy about all that stuff oh wow look at that feed mmm tasty very nice okay let's do another animal what should we do next let's should we do something big big Oh like an elephant should we get some elephants in here see we can find I need to get conservation points though so releasing animals into the wild logging in daily completing weekly challenges so you get conservation credits by playing the game more and doing the right thing so like if you raise a family of elephants and then raise them you know into a strong herd and release them into a wild boom you make a ton of points oh do we have an escape habitat one contains a dead animal still did that veterinarian not clean that animal up or is that just a glitch now power source failing and I buy more Oh it just needs to be repaired mechanic being requested okay you need a Research Center you need a quarantine you need to surgery geez there's so much stuff to build in this game holy crap get an African Buffalo oh let's see well let's find out we're gonna do for a new animal tortoises would be cool Oh zebra zebra would be cool more lemurs we do need to have a few more of them this animal is being bought for cash no conservation credits will be awarded if released to the wild oh so in order to do this we need to buy animals with conservation credits then release them we'd have to like buy a African one oh yeah we'd have to buy like a regular African wild dog and then releasing the wild okay I have you tried finding the den animal by going through the list of animals you have in the zoo well even if I do that I think the veterinarian we have a veterinarian now and he should be able to clean it up but maybe I need a specific building for that so let's try that it says that we need a vet surgery so that must be where they dispose of the body that surgery I guess they'll cremate them or something I don't know do-do-do-do-do-do okay let's build some fences now - how would I have obstruct the view of guests of the facilities here this is just a giant cluster of you know what I want there to be a nice copy-and-paste building that's just like zoo HQ that just has all the buildings because this is a pretty these guys could cover this area pretty easily it'd be easy to do yeah we want to fence that area in so guests can't see it it actually lowers their happiness a bit when they see it but also I wonder if I can put trees and stuff down to block their view I don't know what I should do is make like a long path over here and then kind of make it out of the out of the way oh yeah Lions are gonna be expensive absolutely all the stuff people really want to see like lions and bears and elephants and rhinos all the big stuff that's gonna be that's gonna be some money Doug Mickelson has become a member or welcome aboard Doug thanks for clicking the tab of that join button if you guys haven't already you guys can do that as well and we will name a animal after you watch it lemur guys going crazy gonna get you with the suck gun only a hundred and thirty likes Shelly says oh wow yeah if you guys haven't already hit that like button too it shows a lot of support it's like it's like leaving a donation at the lemur cage shows them that you love them glitching out there boy there we go this game looks devastating okay I'm enjoying it what do you guys think what'd you guys think about the game so far I think it's pretty fun it is a game that's got a little bit of a complicated strategy to it so it's certainly not just like build and closure put animal move on there's a lot to a maintain zebras mm-hmm I like that idea we'll have to see what's available in the market so you're gonna have to base your strategy on what's available in the market so you can't just like put down lions tigers and like bears and then call it good what is this I don't know what those points mean yes it is from the same developer as planet coasters so if you're familiar with planet coaster you'll be familiar with this game all right yeah fundraising is the main part of the goal the goal of the game so essentially you're almost like a non-profit you don't the money that you are making is going towards just like buying more animals and stuff like that if you you really don't need to have a lot of money because you can do a lot of stuff through the conservation credits and that's where you get the best animals through that mmm all right let's see what else we can buy I hope that vet can get that animal I'm not sure exactly how to do that I wasn't taught how in the tutorial have to learn you think you we need a quarantine for the dead ones we'll see who a grizzly bear look at look at that wow he looks rough wheeze for $1,000 - all right we better build a big let's build a big cage now for some big o animals let's go with a red brick for this next one do to do to to to to to you only have the same ginger won't have any babies to release that's true you can breed them but again I can't like I can't control whether or not it's five females that I get or or what not whatever we put in here it's gonna be big weird to me how like the the brick can be curved but the wooden enclosures can't be I had to clean up dead animals before because the keepers wouldn't feed but the warthogs I cleaned it up by selecting the body and clicking the button for removal I know I can't find the body of my own the old lemur so I'm not sure exactly where it is so some people were mentioning we should build an alcove of windows that might be a good idea let's make a path that goes down here so people can kind of see oh that's weird there we go all right we'll put something here it's got to be something big I don't know if this is well the bigger the animal usually the smaller the social group - like if you're gonna get hippos in here it's gonna be like - we also need turtles we should get some turtles going all right what about food and water let's do that that'll be easy we want something for our guests let's do that real quick let's see guest facilities there we go let's put down a food shop and a drink shop there we go go pee yay all right now we gotta hire two people for that well so far so good Indian elephants are good for that enclosure yeah well have to get lucky to see if we can find actually I don't know I think an elephant's gonna need a real big and I didn't want to lower the terrain or anything because that's getting expensive I'm not making a lot of money because you know it's my first zoo so it's not gonna be my best sue he has an exhibit he hasn't acknowledged the new member which makes me think he's behind well I think I did you just weren't paying attention but if you guys want to test biomes our desert grassland tea agha temperate tropical and tundra so you can if you want to put down a giant pine tree in the middle of Asia you're totally welcome do it okay let's try to put down a new animal welcome back oh that must be on YouTube for this three men briefly that's weird now you guys can just spam the word refresh and chat so that way people know all right we need a new animal we need something big oh maybe we should put some Timberwolves in there what do we got currently we got wild dogs I think we could put Indian and Oh what are the what's the difference here Oh a male and female cool put antelope in there alright so if you guys want to test the leg just put in a smiley face emote let's see how long it takes you guys to put in a smiley face emote there it is I see tryout with the smiley face so literally like one second all right well we have warthogs those would be cool they're kind of dangerous but they should be easy to take care of so let's go with one of those the cool thing is you can at least store the animal in like the the warehouse until you're ready to actually like get them so if you if you only have one and you want to buy like three before you start that's a good way to do it but let's put him in there so we can see what the habitat requirements are oh my Oh African elephant you just need conservation points though to do it so you got it you got to do some things before you can get the big stuff oh grizzly bear Oh hippo is sweet I just probably wouldn't have enough money to afford them yet Wow look at all these animals available now oh here's another warthog let's go with two of them I need to get a variety of animals before I go for the big stuff the big stuffs good but it only brings in so much money we want where I certainly want some hippos that'd be sweet also some zebras - we got to build the enclosures one by one we'll do the cheap stuff first that's that's the best way to do it dududududu okay oh and I think we'll start with I think we'll start with two warthogs just begin how come I can't access the animal trade center that did I not buy those warthogs adopt there's a little bit of lag in the game when it comes to actually adopting an animal for some reason waiting an animal trade center but when I click on the animal trade center doesn't come up oh it's because they don't have a gate down you can't move it in there oh there it goes now they're there okay if you weird things in the game I didn't I didn't even know I had that animal okay let's put down a gate now and let's raise the enclosure and put down some fences last barriers doo doo doo so we got to build a fence or a pathway here [Music] okay nice all right we have a door we got some glass now we need some of that donation going on I need me some money that's right all right we also need to build that path like an 8 meter pants are so annoying why can't I just make it go a little just a little further whoo the pass system is weird how come I can't make a path there obstructed by what just turn that there it goes I wish I could make it a little longer but I can change the barrier though can I I guess we'll do it like that hi there riders force how you doing welcome everybody good to see you all here welcome to my mediocre at best sooo I'm having a ton of fun with it you know I thought this game would be not challenging and kind of just like a copy-paste version of like it at some point I felt like it was a copy-paste version of planet coaster but not really because there's so much more to do about like taking care of the animals more than the guests like the guests pretty much will take care of themselves all you need to do is give them like a hamburger shop and a place to sit down and they're good to go but it's the the animals that you want to take care of and that's way more interesting than caring for people because we've done that before there's minigames were you you know like care for people and do stuff to to take care of people this is a little different how am i doing I'm doing good riders force thanks for asking alright let's put down a donation box and then we'll start putting the warthogs in here let's do nature facilities where is it oh there it is perfect there we go all right let's put our warthog in there now so as soon as he gets delivered will make the habitat perfect then we'll allow the other ones Robin Ramsey says rip rip solitaire twenty six nine nineteen let his spirit climb like he did he's always with us and not just because his body disposal mechanics are weird that is true that is true also like I was I was learning in the game I thought it'd be a little bit more forgiving about food and water especially on the smaller animals I thought it'd take a little longer but at least we haven't had a death since then the zookeeper and the vet are doing a good job oh is he finally getting rid of that body where's he going what is he carrying the veterinarian has oh maybe he boxes up the lemurs to like do a little medical except examination on them and then brings them back or something just does a little check up on them okay there's the warthog alright warthogs are here perfect alright let's stop before he dies it's very very important that he doesn't die alright he wants short grass and soil easy this will bring in more and more people to the parks that's important all right so short grass and then we want soil down to a nice how it highlights it in red so you know that it's important to change all right habitat looks good let's work on environment tropical or grassland let's do grassland stuff let's put down a couple of trees [Music] oh he doesn't like that incompatible continent oh I thought they filtered by biome all the continent is just incorrect okay let's see well we can sort by species so that'll that'll help property theme continent a continent Asia where is the African is that an African warthog Hamid a warthog okay Oh Africa all right let's sort by Africa then dudududududu do you feel they're missing meerkats in the enclosure I don't know if there's meerkats there's certainly a lot of animals there's a lot more than I thought there would be there's alligators and there's of course the big stuff like hippos rhinos that type of thing who would ambarella tree yeah let's put one of those down alright good thing about the warthogs is that they can't jump out of the enclosure so that's good love my glasses why I love you camo man thanks for subbing everybody thanks for being here thanks for dropping those big Oh crazy super chats and welcome to all the new members appreciate everybody being here thank you everyone one thing I need to do too is make the enclosures a little bigger so I can put down the I should build like a sleeping quarters for some of the animals not all of them seem to need it but or at least don't they don't always need the shed make a thing over here a little bit okay it looks like they're happy now and he just needs a hard shelter so let's get him up one of those those are and that Zeus shelter okay that should be everything they need you should get a leopard I agree so in this game one of the coolest things that I like about the game is the the really cool animals like the hippos and certain things can sometimes be behind a conservation wall like you can't just buy animals sometimes you got to do things in order to earn the big animals so that's kind of cool cuz it means that you can't just build a park and like just start with the cool stuff like you can't have lions tigers all that stuff to start with you got to go with the small stuff first which is what you want to do and plan a coaster as well like you don't want to start with just like a giant coaster you need to start with like their merry-go-round and all this stuff to bring in families and stuff and then all sorts of things okay let's go for a other thing that he needs is enrichment right Abbott at is at 32% why our shelter is at zero isn't isn't that a hard shelter does that not count I don't shelter space is critically insufficient for to cover all animals I don't know what that means hard shelter food and toy enrichment okay let's go for an enrichment now heshes common warthog oh there's nothing okay I got to research this then otherwise he's gonna be unhappy I think the hard shelter might be a cave alright so we got to get some research going then so let's put down a research facility so we can construct some of that stuff also I don't know for research facilities who works at a research facility do I have to hire like a scientist or what is that what does that mean move to this section here - that is gross research center view research center veterinarians are what we need okay how do i research not cures but how do i research like mechanics habitats habitats blueprints oh there's blueprints and stuff oh that's why I can't find a lot of that stuff okay our classic themes barriers okay so you can have higher security barriers if you want like heavy concrete oh yeah you're gonna need that for the elephants too let's go for habitats I guess no mechanic assigned oh so you get a hire a mechanic to research that stuff there's shelter second research let's hire another mechanic one for repairs and one for research the tutorial doesn't really touch on a lot of this stuff so we're figuring it out as we go along shelters was at the bottom or was it let's take a look again zoo research Oh shelters and climbing oh there oh two items oh there we go and then we'll leave Jimdo just to do regular regular maintenance okay cool alright so I do know that this game has a hell of a lot of more facilities than the old planet coaster like you you need a research facility like a staff restroom mechanics Bay lots of stuff so when you build your zoo facility you're gonna need to build like a giant thing well this isn't the comment this is live chat yeah through this is this is a live chat okay so I'm gonna research some stuff to keep the warthogs happy so they're not gonna be as happy yet because I need to get them like a giant mud pit so we need to research literally taking dirt and then adding water to it why isn't that a basic thing it's like alright the research department has spent four hundred and twenty six million dollars on what project well what we've done is Jeb here has dug a hole and then he took a garden hose and he let it run for about 45 minutes and then we take a shovel and okay alright let's get these guys some food and water now as unfortunately I can't have the other thing as this feed the common warthog it does let's go with food trough medium-sized and then let's go with water I feel like I should have lowered the terrain here a little bit and then just made a pit out of it or up like a little water like a little lake or something but okay so the zookeeper I think we need another one of those let's hire another guy because I certainly want to make sure that Bieber want to make sure we've got enough to go feed the animals boom alright so we're certainly not making any money but I'm starting to get I'm starting to get the hang of things here turn to you know realize what needs to be done the last thing we need is a quarantine wow there's a lot of staff buildings you need facilities are immense you need to spend a lot of money on just taking care of the animals and still one of these guys like can't even figure out how to get rid of how do you dig half of a hole by not digging all of it eventually you can start digging up that that's helpful too oh you can't see how much money I have I'll let me scoot over for you there we go we have about four thousand dollars we started with about thirty thousand dollars which is pretty good because we built about three animal enclosures and a ton of facilities this is gross I need to fix that this is the part of the game where I'd be like hey you through scan you like make something cool over here make it look good the man will build like Taj Mahal just for the power plant literally it's like oh all we need to do is build a small bathroom meanwhile with wrist builds an entire ski lodge one-to-one scale ratio your two-year-old says hi well hi there kids love zoos man that so it's probably the best place to bring kids because young kids because there's really no yeah there's some rides but really it's so easy to just to push the stroller through you see so many families coming through with that side by side man put yourself in the enclosure okay okay here we are we're in the enclosure now hi bro look at how realistic the animals look they did a really good job in modeling all them and look at how happy these people are to see it okay whoever came up with the idea for the alcove that's that was a really good idea okay now Doug Mickelson had become a member recently - if you guys want your name on an animal just click or tap that join button and become a member and I'm gonna name an animal after you if you'd like what animal do I want to put in the zoo next well I'd like to put some zebras in here but we need to have it needs to pop up in the market also I'm a little low on money so we better like work on money making things so maybe we should increase our park entry fee a little bit let's go from $3 to like let's go $10 now let's go 12 bucks for guests and like eight bucks for kit nine bucks for kids alright ten bucks for kids and then hopefully more donations come in as animal or okay zoo rating animals are one-and-a-half star whoo that's horrible marketing is bad education is bad oh yeah we can put down some more things to increase education alright let's do that let's put down is it construction I want like a billboard or something banding signs planet zoo editable there should be a way to put a sign outside the enclosure to educate people yeah t-rex yeah okay let's try to find a sign oh cool you can put signs down for all sorts of different animals nice there is a specific sign that should raise the education and I can't remember where it is oh cool we can have like security cameras and stuff education signs are in facilities thank you do not feed kids get half-price now to this park I need the money oh there it is no that's not it viewing devices and speakers oh here we are there we go alright so if we put this near a habitat it'll help people to become educated and then that brings it a little extra educational bonus so there's a few things to take care of in the park so you want you want a cool number of animals and you want them to be happy you want to educate people on the animals you want to make sure that the inspector gives you like a okay on your on your test or whatever I don't even know how that works let's go for the ring-tailed lemur there you go and then let's copy that what I don't want to what duplicate alright that doesn't work put another one over here power running costs 10 bucks to put a sign down what there doesn't even need to be a light on it it could just literally be a poster alright anyway yeah there's little details that add a lot to the game like seriously one of the smaller details is the donation box you wouldn't know about it unless you play the the first thing like it's a really neat mechanic keep animals happy guess we'll give you money it's just like in chat keep chat happy and they'll give you mine alright this is the common ostrich oh cool it like automatically puts whatever it's closest to on the top to so education should increase over oh there it goes we already got a half star perfect ten likes to two hundred awesome going circles around the screen what do you mean yes there's also music speakers oh exhibit educational boards habitat educational board I like these ones why is that one face down on the ground that's backwards oh that's why it's a TV what the it's a TV I thought it was just like a regular sign why why need it why do we need the giant flat-screen TV outside in order to put up a thing that just says these are lemurs that seems so unnecessary I know Pasha Zoo is right there we go well good there's a lot of people here all right so if you're sending up an exhibit you definitely want to make sure you have like a six meter wide pathway so that way people can stop and look at stuff on the side and then get around well let's see how we're doing with education now approaching one star good bump bump bump bump oh yeah I guess that explains the energy cost now but it seems unnecessary I guess I could put down this the exhibit education board but that looks like a plaque dedicated to the death of what's his name this will be for solitaire I know his name is sole heir but all right that that's that's a rip for that one that's the memorial it's a TV too it's another TV why does everything have to be touchscreen and stuff jeez all right do we get some more animals we're really running out of money but I think details here are gonna bring in to some extra cash also did I put donation boxes everywhere okay good and are people coming into the park no they don't I don't think they want to pay that price anymore let's see can I see you here miss sales zero okay maybe we should do marketing how do we do marketing now zoo finances no marketing poster campaign cereal box newspaper TV commercials let's do newspaper ads go and then also cereal boxes - and how about posters I need yes oh you can only do two at a time okay yes vegetation zoo makes people happy oh okay well let's work on guest happiness now by D krappa fiying everything over here I did a really bad job of Oh boys we are like one and one 19th of a star right now congratulations Raptor we've gone from a one-star to a 1.10 Wow amazing that is awesome advertisement boards outside zoo oh uh yeah we're buying marketing space outside the zoo not to bad where did everybody go though they all like left no come back is everything died what's going on I guess things just come in waves or something yeah I know look at look at it you guys might need to zoom in but you can see the one little tiny Oh guests are upset happiness is down I what why also how could nausea be a thing in the park at all how could not be a thing in the park how would that even work there's like no rides even if you listen if you get nauseous on the five mile-per-hour train that goes around the park you might you might not want to like move or walk right happiness is low it's probably the lack of decoration so let's decorate yay it's more people here and let's do some decorating let's go for nature we'll keep everything we're in Asia so let's keep everything Asian themed so continent Asia there we go and actually like these trees let's duplicate these alright time to decorate yeah I think the happiness plummeted because I have like 45 facilities right there near the entrance and I probably shouldn't have done that but I was trying to focus more on getting the animals and they're gonna be our moneymaker intense decorating music starts sure let's get some intense decorating music let's go for this one let's try this all right time to put down trees all right here we go there we go all right this is gonna be tough to take all my cunning I got I'll put a little tree there Bob Ross everybody it's the Bob Ross simulator now with Japanese maple trade go on oh my GAD yeah we have to we have to battle the unhappiness of the park guess that is its giant tree I really need to hide these facilities let's get these off the path make like a members-only zone over here [Music] I know it's getting intense now must raise guests happiness must please clientele [Music] it'd be really funny is if somebody built a like nuclear power plant that you can put in the zoo okay so I'm gonna move all this stuff out of here to make a like a facility that guests can't see so I need to like put put some flowering plants I will see all right yeah we're winning the war on on the happiness right now also oops to all the people who got stuck out there am i bad okay let's put a path here this will be employees only a third way to make an employee only path I guess we'll make this a rustic path I don't want to spend too much money on it but so now we're making a facilities zone and music though we're gonna make this for all of our for all of our facilities and then we'll put a bunch of trees around this does trees work to block viewers like the guest view or do I have to like put up some giant fences and stuff build a nice wall between the road and the facility I agree but I can't put down like a barrier like I can't can I use this I guess I could I could use these barriers if I wanted to right you can use the staff path oh is that a thing oh thank you oh okay so guess won't walk on this okay although I would prefer it be nice if you could use in a regular path but make it staff only like to put a little like a little sign that the staff only now this is this is fine okay there we go look at the bottom part of a what yeah alright so we got our employee break room over here I'll put a bunch of trees and stuff there this is I'm just gonna put all these buildings really close together but we need to hide it from the guests so that way it stops goof and our happiness so now we got to work on taking care of our employees I should probably use the chain-link fence to keep them in and we'll put razor wire on the top so they can't escape okay but there should be a place to add walls for housing including roofs that's probably under construction then that's probably the tab that that's found under [Music] can I rotate this thing now let's just get rid of this and build another one so let's see under facilities we want zookeeper [Music] Sisu keeper there we go [Music] music is good though [Music] everyone once every like 4 years they call this band and they're like hey we need the we need an indie movie soundtrack with a lot of oh and on it it's like okay got you covered I rotate this thing editing group 11 I [Music] can move it but it won't let me rotate oh it's actually broken well let's just delete it we'll get a new one oh we're down to 500 bucks Oh [Music] yackin I'm gonna need to take out a loan I give me the five thousand actually give me the 20 there we go [Music] all right power facilities what we need now [Music] what kind of a transformer is this anyway is this like it's like Optimus Prime or what save your money to buy a vet we actually have a veterinarian should I buy it should I hire another one yeah we're we got a lot of good money here okay so this should be fine [Music] hmm we have a staff pastor right here now I just need a way to kind of cut it off from everything else so we should be good now Tom pause and add some trees and I should add some more rocks now - okay and we'll need a quarantine as well one of these animals is still you know I think that's a glitch cuz if I click on that it doesn't actually show me where the body is and I don't even see the if you look here wait I don't see any animals you know some animals there there's our ostriches oh the lemurs are not happy what's going on nutrition is low and they need a hard shelter okay I guess they need a shelter after all we'll put that over here we'll put some small little beds over here there we go all right maybe that'll help one of them is meditating yeah a tree on the roof yep that's perfect exactly what we wanted entry fee is high that's why people aren't coming let's see zero sales were missed last year so that's not the case it would say like five or ten or three if anybody was being turned away from the thing lemurs can't escape anymore we put a like a grab proof thing around the edges of the fence and they can't get through anymore [Music] all right let's see if there's some nice fences under construction centerpieces art shapes architecture walls let's see a creep wall let's go for something is there a wooden wall of an ace oh here we go wooden plank wall yeah that's a little too high that's a little too low well we'll go with the high one then we'll just put it underground so hopefully this prevents guests from seeing the facility over there yeah the treehouse was kind of cool I just wanted to move on and and you could spend hours at the lemurs habitat building like a really cool thing for them to hang out in how do I rotate this 90 degrees I don't oh there goes I'll read [Music] okay that looks cool then what I can do is animals starving well you gotta go eat buddy there's plenty of food over there you just got to go what why you starvin there's food right there bro i pinto is you just sick or something nutrition is literally at 0% what's going on i I need to put down benches and trash cans and stuff but I want to focus on the animals first sometimes that happens though where an animal will get super hungry and then he just won't eat for a little while and then it can affect the guests happiness because they're not eating nobody's happy in the park at all must be because the animals are hungry there he goes now he's eating [Music] look at him go okay it seems like they're going okay alright uh let's see lon that tree I love that believe that yest happiness is at zero what what do we do you should look at the entrance that's not informative at all if you're if you're trying to get me some information you have to like you have to tell me more what is going on here what the hell with all these people not coming in is it cuz the price or what I think it's actually because oh wow look at the amount of sales we've lost I think it's because people are not happy with the animals that's why happiness is literally at zero or is there a glitch let's lower the feet of $5 then certainly can't be the pricing I think it's just a glitch in the game because look at look who's this this has got to be a glitch look at this look at this ghost what is going on here Oh was it the price wait let me see if there's a way I can actually see wait recent thoughts no thoughts yet so this certainly isn't a twitch stream okay so it seems like our price was too high but there's no information indicating that so let me creep the price up a little bit more there we go oh we're gaining another star oh good happiness is going straight up this is perfect we're actually doing it what who is this sir our people turned off by the price I don't all right all right I'll make it five bucks you cheap eight dollars is that that's literally a hamburger at McDonalds all right we'll make it five bucks we'll make it five bucks however it's hard to tell whether or not the price is too high because there's no actual feedback on that like recent thoughts are none so I have no I have no feedback on that okay so let's see here all right so now we need a quarantine zone so let's put that down that should be the last of our facilities that we need actually wait a minute don't we have one oh that's right there the quarantine there and then we'll put a staff only path that goes that way there we go okay excellent where is the Arby's and Wendy's in the park they're actually in sight we're gonna put them inside the Rhinos exhibit it's gonna be awesome okay happiness is coming up good the park is starting to get much better and now apparently we've got people coming in because the price has been lowered we lost like over a thousand guests coming in because there was no there's actually no there's no feedback on the price being too high so it I guess it's impossible to know that that's okay we're not gonna make money on the tickets anyway it's on the donations of happy animals and you want to hear that ching noise every time see people see you happy animals okay let's get a new animal time for a new one actually let's go on to our radar see if animals are happy looks like the warthogs are a little unhappy and that's due to nutrition and I'm assuming that's probably because of food quality that we have to research that we might have to research doo-doo-doo-doo okay let's do a new animal this looks much better than what I had before that's great alright time for a new animal let's go what should we get everybody what should we get Laurie - rapa zuzia yeah Oh should we get some simple Turtles we do have hippos I I think we should I think we should do some hippos or zebras ooh now the hippos are too cool however the problem with hippos though are we have to we have to research a lot of stuff to make them happy I think rhinos we might not have rhinos I think we got to do hippos Birds you can kind of do the birds like the ostrich and the peafowl but I think we're gonna go with the hippos and then if I need more money we'll we'll do that all right we got to put them in like a really we need to put them in like a big security big security zone we're gonna need some big-money bago money for that there's no more guests coming in damn half my marketing campaign as a loss because of as to that hopefully our our Park rating increases though thirst hunger toilet okay we need some more need some more facilities around here then well I got an idea we'll put drink we'll put food and drink over here oh don't tell me that the vendors quit again nope okay they're good yeah the hippos are gonna need bigger water so I'm probably gonna have to take out another loan but this is my first playthru so I'm not too concerned about doing things doing things like correctly all the time I have to make mistakes in order to learn not not to comment warthog is close to death you got to go eat buddy is the food is right they're always thirsty there's water over there all right I guess we'll put another water thing over here for you hmm hmm dehydrated well you got to go drink sometimes it's all about the animals not taking care of themselves too like they're hungry and they're laying next to the the food source but they won't eat sometimes that can be an issue hi there late gunner how you doing thank you for the five appreciate that mm-hmm thank you for helping to pay for some of our zoo expenses all right barriers I don't know if red brick is gonna be enough to hold back a hippopotamus what I want to do is build this one and a lowered I want to build this in a lower thing so our guests can walk around it for their safety let's try terrain lower the path build a little a little thing here to for the guests to view them damn hippos are gonna have a Big O habitat this is good and we want to lower that even further okay all right now let's put down a path bump bump bump likes to build a walkway yeah I'm gonna actually oh yeah we could build we could build a pathway over it but that's gonna be a damn liability imagine if some nerd falls off that path oh boy into the hippo thing would be kind of cool though I have to make this much and lower I have to get I have to make this much much lower in order to do that but I guess we can do that with like the the next animal the next animal we probably will put in here actually would be cool to do it over the lions a flange ran perfect now what I could do is have some more food facilities over here so that way our guests can eat as well so it seems like the guests really need food now that's really the biggest gripe is hunger and thirst and happiness should increase with more animal happiness - but I got to do more research reach research is kind of weird in this game like in order to do in order to do research I need to do mechanic research and did I even like finish that thing like I don't need I didn't even know if I don't even know how that works research level one I don't I don't even know how that works it seems like you did a little bit of the research and then stopped I don't even know how that works dude dude dude all right now let's build our habitat over here well with all the lessons I've learned today I'm really excited to like start another park and see if I can actually get it to operate properly and start with small animals like first you want to get them through the door so get those ostriches going get those warthogs those lemurs going they're perfect for your initial attraction and then start getting things like hippos and wolves and things like that that'll really bring people in oh I did that's true I did I did yank away the research facility and that is true that's probably why he stopped then that makes sense I didn't know that would cancel the research also I hope this red brick is enough to hold back a hippo I feel like we need a concrete barrier [Music] there we go okay now we just need to get a gate down [Music] [Music] and throw down some glass awesome definitely concrete we'll see if they escape it'll be funny but it will wish it was more information in the game though to like you know if you clicked on Kongregate if you clicked on brick it'd be nice to know like if it said like oh this is good for like wolves and you know like light animals and stuff like that [Music] okay that's good [Applause] at least I've got a plenty of ways to see the animals got plenty of glass over here for that kind of stuff the hippo can hippo break through that glass we'll see this is gonna be our experiment to know you can change walls without deleting them not with this one though I don't I don't think I can make this a glass pane can i oh I guess there is thank you sir well that helps thank you all right I think we're ready for our first tip pose let's bring them over here animal trading animal rewards where did the two hippos go that I bought then I get did I get stolen from yeah we can build a railway around the park yeah once it gets big enough it's probably a good idea to come back a little bit later and do that animal trading trade center won't let me go in there I've had that happen before where it seems to glitch out and not let me go back in if thirst and hunger is still up there those are still problems let's put down some more food and drink rain shop why doesn't that connect with a path weird okay mm-hmm a spot fine spotted what what happened Andrew thank you very much for the $1 I got some sort of a fine I don't know why okay whatever oh wow look at the Lions - the drinks holy crap that explains that bom-bom-bom the truck transporting the hippos was attacked by poachers what I think I got my animals got stolen or do you lose them after a certain amount of time hey I bought two hippos where are they were my hippos [Music] now we've only got one what happened to the two that I bought that's lame well it is early access so that could be a problem on on their side mm-hmm oh now now magically our hippos magically appear now now we've got the correct hippos now they're here you got to buy another hippo just for it to to work okay now they're here okay next thing is to hire some staff for the food stalls and then we need some benches and things there we go hi there honey ho how you doing does our Park have bathrooms yes we have a bathroom facility over here looks like that's not a problem people are good on toilet thirst and hunger needs to improve and then happiness needs to go up too I'm assuming it's all about decorations now we now we now need to decorate our Park a little bit more and then we need to also add some more animals but that'll come in time alright hippos what do you guys want there's only two hippos here where's the third one well there is okay hippos are not happy what do they want they want less long grass and more soil all right let's do it and they also like short grass very nice say welcome to all the new subs - guys thank you everybody for clicking and tapping that subscribe button and joining hundreds of new subs every day so welcome to all of you appreciate seeing everybody here hope you guys are enjoying this this is a pretty fun game I must say I do like it now we need a bit more rock well I think I got away with building a brick barrier but we'll see if one of the hippos gets angry I could try to escape okay they're happy they're good oh do we not have enough water looks like they might want more water they want 1500 meters full of water oh they want more okay I guess we can expand upon that we got to increase on water and that's it looks like everything else is okay the hippos don't want any vegetation whatsoever you guys need at least a tree you guys are getting a tree let's give you guys a let's give you guys the gulpy tree oh I don't think I can make a change to it anymore oh well that tree is there forever yeah there you go you guys get a tree okay now we need an enrichment for them so the only other thing I really need to do is finish research on a bunch of stuff so they want like toys and stuff to play with and but in order to do that I need to just research it but I don't know how to pick it specifically all right and they want a lot more water a lot more water I thought that'd be enough [Music] [Music] all right we'll make a little extension onto this there we go let the creatures be free I'm sure they'll break out eventually the hippos could escape who knows I'm just gonna add this just for a lake now it add some more water over here feels very much like Jurassic Park those things isn't it [Music] Oh actually let's make it this low yeah there's a little bit of lag when it comes to the when it comes to the terraforming a little bit but that's just beta I think it'll probably be better in the full game we're gonna make a big old lake over here let's do this sorry hippos no more water what how dare you sir and now the thing is the hippos have got to move [Music] oh can you hippos move please all right I guess that works can't redesign the lake if you guys are in the way there's a huge lake that's needed so they don't need a pond they need like a whole lake alright let's go ahead and move these guys doo doo doo doo doo right over here sir there we go thank you jeff bezos his magical amazon technology has come through yet again all right now let's get you guys some water there we go that's nice and they also need food species hippopotamus water trough there's a giant lake there so I don't think we need water but we will need a large food trough I'm gonna try to put two of those down because they're gonna be hungry now I don't want to put the bed up in the treaty's I'd be one talented hippopotamus if we can get up onto the tree feed the tourists yes they have some food facilities yeah we got them taken care of they just need to go eat now and let's go for a small shelter here and over here hopefully that takes care of them all right how do they feel let's see hippopotami all right they're happy with their environment except for the hardshell Turek Oh 21% base is critically insufficient for the animals does everybody need a sleeping spot or what that's the only a part of the game I don't understand like I don't I don't really know how that works you've seen goats and trees so hippos are no surprise hippo surprise I guess let's put this tree over here instead I don't know how this works do I just need more beds or something or what only 21% I gotta work on that oof still not enough water you got to be kidding me oh well note for next time they need a lot of stuff the adult population is needing one more and want one more hippo feed guests to the hippos oh that would actually that that that'd be good kill two birds with one stone all right we need another hippo then we eventually need to start breeding dogs so that way we can start making some bonus points so if we if we take some of those dogs and then raise them and release them into the wild we get bonus points for that seems like there's no hip available at the moment so they have to wait for a little bit the hippos don't even move they're just kind of like hanging out I think glitched move I'll poke you do something No [Music] right so we'll take care of the social that should be fine now let's get our money with that security camera there we go cool all right I think we're somewhat profitable not bad not bad indeed yeah hippos are very dangerous indeed they are high amounts of litter okay we'll hire another janitor - and put down some trash cans [Music] our zoo isn't too big but there's certainly a lot of animals to see in a very small space oh there they go hippos are actually doing something now good yeah we need a way bigger lake hippos gonna probably need to like add another section over here onto the hippo enclosure and then just put a big lake back there holy crap all right we need one more hippo and this round area is kind of dumb can I make a pathway that connects that those people out of there some reason it's like glitched out it won't let me connect these paths together for whatever reason really weird okay I can't make a tiny little path there that's really weird doo doo doo doo doo doo doo yeah hippos are hungry the zookeeper has to come bring over some food he's on his way I think one of the things you can do too is add some more zookeepers around so it might be good to keep small animals in one area like this actually we have some pretty small animals here ostriches and warthogs and lemurs lemurs are super small but we should probably build another zookeeper just for the just for the hippos so let's do that I'll have to hide it and make it employees only but it'll fit over here let's hire another zoo employee another keeper there we go okay bigger houses for the hippos maybe what you can do is you could you can either build what like one giant house for them or you can build like a small little shelter for them so if you build a small house you just need to build multiple ones but if you build a big house then you need to to be able to put like one one big thing there do-do-do-do-do-do-do yeah there's a challenges in the game too hopefully we can get some more challenges complete and that gives the extra conservation credits I like logging into the game every day sending your avatar to visit other zoos selling animals that's probably gonna bring you the most money as releasing them into the wild and stuff like that can you make it underwater viewing oh I don't know I don't I don't know if you can actually make like an underground path and then like put a viewing window or something underneath that'd be kind of cool PC only yeah the game is PC only at the moment why let's add some more educational boards for hippos the hippo bathroom is pretty much anywhere oh my god we're almost to a one-and-a-half star I need to improve on education I wonder how else I could do that is it just by billboards or is there other ways to do it speakers that's a way to do it oh I see why wouldn't the TV have speakers built-in [Music] assuming you have to program it okay so there's audio education what else is there music speakers educational boards conservation education board does that give us conservation points ecotourism deforestation climate change deforestation uh no no okay I guess it's just an advertisement for like it's actually the game is actually teaching you stuff too about deforestation and animal habitats and things like that that's kind of cool build a farm zoo that keeps goats cows and chickens you're gonna have dogs you can have some sort of a pig that's kind of cool I think I made the habitat for the for the warthogs a little too big now that seems about right I think at least have the size down so for the hippos need to be way bigger than that facility to is broken down oh my god you can hide audio underground and they still work oh really okay I feel like I want to put it on display if I'm gonna put it somewhere also this is kind of annoying that you don't I don't like the donation box in this game it looked it just it looks like a trash can it looks like a trash can that needs to be emptied you know I mean like it looks like a full trash can that uh it looks like there's a symbol above it that says the janitor needs to come empty it you kind of cool and they'll be mod still be mods nobody wants old make Raptor had a zoo sei GIM okay let's put down a few more trees and why you can build some just absolutely gorgeous stuff in this game look at this it's beautiful you're actually building it's really more like you're you're building a park like it actual like a park that happens to have animals in it so that's kind of kind of cool the Lemur habitat kind of looks like a fish there's the tail looks like a whale or something like that the way to make the most amount of money in this game is the entry fee but mostly through the donations if you keep your animals happy they will they will bring in more money than I think the entry fee could ever provide let's see also I should do some exhibits now we can actually bring in things like snakes and spiders or gold spider the Goliath birdeater holy crap oh is that a gold star shiny its name is Guadalupe for a minute 46 seconds let's buy one of those now how do I put down an exhibit facility terrarium how do we put that down habitat oh whoa five thousand now is to put down an exhibit all right well that spiders gonna be waiting a long time in the in the cardboard box down by the loading dock we're gonna need to bring in some more money luckily population seems to be going up and down a little bit but seems to be pretty solid at like 500 gasps and the zoo rating is increased so that's kind of cool yeah that was a huge spider that's another good way to make money easy is to like put a bunch of exhibits around there five thousand dollars but if you can put a gold star animal in it it'll really bring in a lot of people and you can you can easily put that down it doesn't take up much space like I could put like a little display case here yeah the zoo looks really nice I'm really surprised and then we got tons of space to fill to like it's it's really just tiny but if you zoom in it looks it looks like a pretty large facility and there's a lot of pee well here seems like people are getting happier oh there's still some trash and stuff around I still got a lot to do to make it perfect Park but I guess in time will come good practice on what we're supposed to do now luckily only one animal died that's not bad low on cash high amounts of litter facility without power oh is it over here and find accessible staff center our staff center is here guess we'll have to build another power plant and stuff down here but there you go yes we do have shops and food stands we have some here and there and they're all around I should probably make some more up here but I kind of built the habitats a little too close to each other I could move the barrier and make a shop up there or something like that somebody's making repairs come on folks donate I need money well alright well with the lessons learned from this park I can certainly make a more effective Park for the next run I think this is pretty good or a start that we're not really profitable so I'm gonna have to do something about marketing and getting more people in no half of our people were like when I did a marketing campaign half of them turned away because of too high of entry fee but there wasn't any indicator for that yeah the ropes for the lemurs you certainly can do that you can build a rope to another another thing and then they'll just go across it's pretty cool hey we're at one a half star excellent things are getting better I think what we need to work on is education and conservation boards so if I put down some more billboards that say oh yeah save the whales and oh yeah don't forget to do this that's what that's what they're looking for so if we do more of this so you need to have this whole area covered by like education and stuff like that so you need to have education increased but they're very expensive oh and now we're into the negative cool all right well I certainly blew through all my money but I made one heck of a park I'll have to make improvements next time and know that things like education and conservation are very important so every every time you build a habitat you've got a lot of work to do you got to make you gotta make your habitat then you got to put down your donation things then you've got to work on education you got to put down billboards and speakers then you should put shops nearby because it's gonna bring in a lot of people and it seems like everybody loves the lemurs they are they're super popular speaking of super popular you guys are making this channel more popular than ever so if you'd like to see more planet zoo in the future if you like this game if you want to get it if you'd like to get a giveaway make sure you click or tap that like button if I get some extra keys from the developers I'd like to do that so if you'd like to win a free copy make sure you click or tap that like button and then follow me on Twitter - down below if you buy this deluxe edition of the game you can get into the beta so if you'd like to play this right now and to get your hands on it make sure you go ahead and make a purchase of it on Steam and then you should be able to do that I see some more areas where we can get visitors I should put windows here so many cool things that we can do I love how not difficult this game is but how much there is to do like we're at a 1 and a half star rating and I've done a ton but it's still not enough so there's a lot to do a lot of things need to be done in a very small space to make a working zoo and that's kind of cool alright everyone that's it for my time here today on the channel thank you everybody for tuning in for some planet zoo I want to come back and do it bigger than better than before we have some dangerous animals in here now like the hippopotamuses and such and hopefully we can get some more things like lions tigers and bears oh my we'll see what we can come up with anyway I'll see you guys next time for more we'll start fresh with the new park and lessons learned from this one to make a bigger and better Park than ever before this one wasn't too bad very cool alright everybody I'll see you all next time for more planets zoo available soon make sure you check it out on Steam for pricing and whatnot and I will see you all next time hopefully you guys pick this one up I like it I like it a lot it's a really cool building an educational center that's kind of neat alright anybody you take care I'll see you soon goodbye everybody have a good afternoon good evening and good night and I will see you for more staff goodbye everyone take care bye-bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Raptor
Views: 38,544
Rating: 4.8653197 out of 5
Keywords: Parkitect, Parkitect Gameplay, Planet Coaster, Planet Coaster Gameplay, Planet Zoo, Planet Zoo Gameplay, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Roller Coaster Tycoon Gameplay, Building Games, City Building Games, Cities Skylines, New PC Games, Amusement Park, Raptor, Raptor Minecraft, Raptor Gameplay
Id: kc6_kb3d0Rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 20sec (10580 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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