I'm a Chef That Forces Customers to Eat Garbage - Cooking Simulator

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hey there this is Josh welcome back to let's game it out this is cooking simulator although this logo would have you believe you probably kill some people they're kind enough to give me a key so I'm gonna tell you a little something you might not know about me but I actually do a lot of cooking so I feel like this might be the perfect time to showcase you some of my talents and how about that this looks just like my kitchen with three TVs sorry four TVs excuse me five TVs what the hell is this this is a cookbook get that wait a minute just break that glass wow I really was not expecting that we don't need this right oh well that was way funnier than I thought it would be could we do it the laptop anyway oh you get like perks and stuff just like in real life the longer you cook eventually plates become unbreakable and your reach gets longer I mean this all looks great but you know we're professionals we probably don't need it who order a manager look all these fun items slaughter ones with disgusting horrible vegetables in them I'm gonna need something there we go hamburger no messing around anyway before we make that back to the tour oh yeah dartboard every kitchen has one of these which I believe we throw knives at all right let me get the right angle I like to throw it sideways it's like I hold a pistol and charge up and hook what where is it wow that was like a Superman throw all right well anyway we don't want to lose this thing so let's put it right back where we found it real tools we got the microwave food processor one of my favorites no put that back okay great you know what makes me happy about this game is that there is a throw button for everything got the grill we got the deep fryers these baking trays were gonna use these for pouring our meth beautiful industrial ovens soap station Wow how much soap does this thing have in it oh well let's fix that did that help no move it to the side damn it I hold on maybe if I sponge it okay maybe I need the one with the scouring pad here okay drop okay well that's gonna have to do immersion blender now we're talking safety first stay in here till I need you nice six burner oven put a couple pizzas in there and the griddle oh wow look at all this food prep I love not having to do stuff can i oh okay I guess this is coming with me wait in here till I need you okay perfect oh look at this and we have fresh herbs oh there's a free plant I got some ideas for this so that ones to be our meat plant perfect and we have all the colors of the spice rainbow we just kill someone at a farmers market and just take their entire display but enough talk it's time to make this subpar looking burger first things first kitchen preps are not everything you're gonna use that means everything there we go that's how you know we might need water you don't know I'm probably gonna need all of these oven too and that okay great how do we turn this blowtorch on let's see I can just toss it from side to side and hey did you know that if you just aim this into the floor long enough you can produce amazing results okay I feel like everything is prepped fine I'll take care of this no thanks to you guys I don't feel like it's working oh okay that's much better I'm glad that there's a built-in system for this well that was surprisingly okay I guess while I have this out let's finish prepping the food so I don't know about you guys but I love fresh vegetables with a nice powdering of extinguisher fact I kind of have a hankering for extinguisher right now something's missing all I need oh okay I'm gonna teach you guys a little secret when I do my deep frying I use honey pop that bad boy open Souza's rotate it nope we're not over the thing hang on hang on Oh God we're still pouring it wait are we out oh Jesus well all the honey's on the ground fine you've left me no choice but to go with soy sauce okay Josh don't screw around this time pour that sucker there we go what did not work oh goodness this good fine you want real oil here olive oil here you go enjoy that oil he filled with the oil now I don't get oil in this thing oh there's the fill button oh yeah that's a lot easier okay my bad wow that legitimately startled me it's looking more like my kitchen all the time we're just gonna leave all these shards in here for taste in fact I'm pretty sure that's what we're gonna use to flavor everything okay it's burger time give me this let's put it right here let's take this knife I don't know why I'm cutting the burger I just want to know if I can't so we have to make this burger and we're gonna treat the person who ordered this like they don't have any teeth they need their food shoot for them like a mommy bird well that's well let's take this and let's get this on the grill there you go okay one piece is on that's good I'll just pick it up with my bare hands and put it more where it needs to be let's put that in there too perfect while that happens we're gonna go get some nice spices I usually put sugar all over my hamburger so let's see I'll just turn this upside down and okay good enough it's pick up our pieces here here we go and that one too no okay put that one no Jesus put this piece back down right there and I dropped a piece but I think it's probably all right oh come on okay oh no where are you I see you okay finally put you down right there we found the other three pieces of meat we're gonna take this guy and we're gonna salvage this so we're gonna put this in here okay good enough close it wow that actually works set this guy too high yeah yeah that's good okay I guess it goes without saying that this is more of a stir-fry ish I only get this cutting boards with this back down here let's use one of these plates to pick stuff up I want some Tomatoes I usually put some apples and some pears couple cloves of garlic maybe an onion or two and then like 50 bananas it's a very experimental kind of burger there we go all right now let's put this plate down and really well I'm not gonna let that determine come here knife I can even cut right here get it into small pieces don't forget to get that tomato that's where the real juiciness comes in oh oh I just learned something you can throw stuff at these screens ah jalapenos let's go mic up literally runneth over really get that banana in there really seals the way that how opinion flavor let's take it all dump it into our food processor get in there like that you know more than I would have expected it's on the other hand the game doesn't like how much stuff is in this easy easy oh yeah there we go that's a good stuff get it all in there just get it all it oh okay cool let's get it in here and grind it up before the framerate dies forever oh yeah oh yeah Oh crack was the burger in there oh no no no that jeez the important thing is if we get these burger meats in here get some of these whole bananas I guess it really doesn't matter that we chopped it we lost so much to that burger let's go ahead and just put some more in here there we go I stopped there get in there wait oh hey these can I fit in here okay so the answer is you can put a lot in there like a lot a lot and the only reason I stopped is cos might know what's happening what's happening frame rate whole game froze I didn't like that that crashed the game okay we're back let me reset the stage real fast on on on double on on on on on on on open-open ok the scene is set appropriately you know what else I learned though decorations so I class the place up just a little bit I mean not like a lot of love still need them to look like you know our place ok let's try to make that burger for real no screwin or why are you like this is this what happens if you just leave all the burners on what are we on like a ship is the salt just get into it ok let's try this again they got my plate for collecting things two patties in case I screw one up okay so let's just here we go we'll just shake you let's get some fresh tomato it's some nice fresh it's in there in some nice cheddar and a couple of raw shrimp okay no no put it down oh my god the plate didn't break this is a new day let's put the meat over here and uh okay there it goes cutting board can you go right here Pro cooking tip by the way you always want to have your cutting board on a really uneven surface I better get to the chopping before that stuff leaves oh oh it's always something with you people let's pick everything up try this again just the ultimate burger now we just need to take our patties throw them on the old grill here you want to make sure it's got a nice even coating to speed that up I like to take my olive oil here and really just give it a nice big coating right all over it if I'm feeling real fancy I also get the balsamic vinegar out and then I slam it against the side of the fridge just to give it a little color can't forget my cinnamon how do I get the cinnamon out of this thing but just smash it against the thing I'm gonna use the cinnamon as a spatula thing just slide it through all the Sharks to glass almost there we go two perfect patties let's get more seasoning shall we horseradish okay I like just a little horseradish just giving a nice generous hundred grams if you can just keep pouring til you can't see the burger anymore and then go ahead and let that horseradish know what you think of it okay it's buttons time so we'll just take our burger buns here it's four tops perfect I think we're gonna put our hamburger buns in I think this is supposed to go on yeah that's what I meant that's definitely what I meant so since the ovens not working I'm just gonna pour water all over them so they're nice and soggy now personally I like to plate my burgers on a nice bed of broken plates there we go perfect yeah I believe we just take this and we just wrote yep like that okay horseradish hockey puck that is foul looking Oh God here you go don't be shy it starting to look like a burger and we can't forget about our one shrimp Oh God ha ok Plan B let's just put this plate on the ground right here we're just gonna take the contents of all of this and I'm just gonna kind of like there we go and now just there just get it in there okay okay dinner is served we really made something beautiful okay let's send it up to the customer who I'm sure will really appreciate it take a photo of your dish mmm looks real good all right have fun enjoy huh guest is pleased I would be pleased to guess complaints wanted dangerous object in most of all it's amazing with cheese you monster okay let's do let's stick one whopper but I think I need to clean up in here a little bit so hold okay as before everything gets turned on let's find something that looks adequately complicated in fact what the hell let's do two dishes we're gonna do pork chops with fried egg and lemon baked potatoes and this nice steak with french fries thankfully we've got our working screens this time if we just click these things we can actually look at the recipe look how easy that steak is they want us to pan fry that thing and just transfer to a plate just watch this okay put this on over there okay perfect find the nicest steak you got grab it with your hands throw it in this pot right here yep it's working itself out there we go see that's how you know it's a good steak let's just pick this up and I think we can flip it so let's flip the steak there we go and I put that thing back on the grill I think that's about good let's use our spatula here to pick up our steak and now we're gonna take that thing we're gonna put it over there on that cutting board so just give it a nice hard throw and then get on your hands and knees and pick it up off the ground put it right on there like that there we go now I've got our steak pick up a plate grab your pepper grab your salts take it season salt it till it looks like it's molding god that looks terrible and then when you think you're done take your diseased steak gently rested on the cutting board oh my god put it perfectly on its side just like every tender steak can be and salt the other side with the salt out of the way let's pick up your floor pepper go ahead and add some black mold to it too now it's time to deal with our french fries we need 300 grams of french fries play potatoes and believe we'll need just a few prep your potatoes for surgery get this plate out of your life take your basket put it on the ground right here we're gonna do a trick just like last time see here's the part where you know you're a real chef where you take your knife you bring it over the edge of the table and you just rake all that crap right into the basket and now promptly put them in the deep fryer okay yeah that's exactly what I wanted to see happen reaching with your bare hands pull out the small pot get it out of your life forever oh they're getting too hot for me to pick up I got tongs around here grab your tongs what good is this well I guess those are in there forever okay for that real rustic look dump them on the dog God okay pick up your potato we're not even gonna go with a plate we're gonna be one of those fancy restaurants where you just get it right on the cutting block and last but not least let's go to our garden over here and just get a couple of rosemary twigs there we go just a little bit of rosemary for garnish okay dinner is served here you go fellas oh I see it has to be on a plate fine fine I'm just gonna pick up the steak with my bare hand put it on this okay and get that yeah there we go feels like it's missing a little something a steak knife you need a steak knife d to stay here have a couple of knives with your meal mmm delicious too cold but it spent so much time on the warm ground okay well with the steak behind us that leaves us one last thing pork chops with fried egg and lemon baked potatoes oh jeez this this ovens out looking so good though it's that situation again we're gonna have to hurry I'm not sure exactly what kind of pork chop is best so we're just gonna take a couple and hedge our bets cook cook cook with all your heart seasoned first add to a pan okay Plan B new pork chops it's time for seasoning thankfully my salt and pepper are right here nice generous helping of salt and all that okay great and some time now just pick them up one by one curl them over to the grill according to the directions now we need to add some sunflower oil I get that cap off there you go just get a little look at that it's got the stuff in it that's a good-looking pork Joe no don't tell the customer I think I can salvage this so we're gonna take this baking tray we're gonna take these guys we're gonna bake them middle rack obviously onward to these baked potatoes cut potatoes into halves add to baking tray olive oil potato okay baking tray down olive oil in potatoes cut oaks really good look at that I cut them in halves and everything and it's got the olive oil fish put that in a separate oven we're not monsters feel like I'm forgetting something Oh seasoning it okay take them out burn my hands forever generously salt the shards and I guess the potatoes now these go back in now we've got a prep a bowl with chicken broth and lemon juice just gonna use this bucket here chicken broth here we go easy easy easy I think that's good no bucket no stop let's try that again we got our bucket with 777 milliliters now we need to add our lemon juice damn it's chicken broth take three a nice big beautiful liter of broth now it's lemon juice time drizzle mixture over potatoes yeah I can do that just pull out this baking sheet and uh help let's just pick it up off the bottom of the thing I guess don't forget the shards too it's not a complete meal if you don't get it all too is generously take our mixture there you go enjoy this there you go get this out of my whoop okay oh come on is there anything left in this well looks like the potatoes soaked it up still at least one of them did and now we need to add some fresh oregano or Oregon Oh depending on where you're from I'm hoping this little hint of green will help disguise you know the broken bottle okay I believe back in it goes put it in right there oh god I forgot about the fried egg oh there's a frying pan around here somewhere there it is add to the pan olive oil crack egg okay I don't have any olive oil so we're just gonna use this clarified butter I'm sure it'll taste great yeah that's how I like to do it hand fry 340 milliliters of clarified butter I like how the hand icon is like buh-bye sanity let's just assume we'll mess this up just get a whole bunch of eggs I want this closed well I won't this gets all maybe a bowl is better for this just dump these right into the clarified butter as always it's perfect how come the egg isn't cooking I have to crack it uh what the hell am i holding this is god-awful what is this like toy stuff whatever fair enough just drop it in there we go yummy really get in there and salt that eggshell and a little burbs de Provence thank you there time to plate it and glue the egg last we'll start with cheese's well now it's all on one tray so that's a good thing not sure what happened to the glass but maybe it's staked into the food now here you go consumers I'm sure you only ordered one but you know there was a mistake in the kitchen so and last but not least eggs and clarified butter and the container of salt there we go we did it and just so no one complains that it's cold this times go ahead and just oh Jesus fine you forced my hand it's going in whether it likes it or not there we go some of its in there okay let's get a fresh plate go ahead and plate all this stuff why are you slithering off why are you like this well good news I think the egg became sentient hey egg what do you want today hake what is it what do you want Oh what why would you do that okay new plan where's that bucket get out of the oven come with me just gonna put all the ingredients here in this bucket this time just a couple eggs salt pepper in fact let's give it a little bit of extra seasoning maybe some of these some honey why not okay here we go get it all in there mmm and what the hell let's use some of these potatoes that were leftover and we can't forget the broth okay got a moment of truth how do I come on oh no okay maybe this side just pour it yeah there we go oh no egg there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go get it good enough it's get a little sprig of rosemary put it in there yeah my favorite detail by the way the dumpster fire of an oven in the background yep that's pork chops with fried egg and lemon baked potatoes all right just a little rather than you thought it would be negative 99 Wow guest complaints not enough herbs de Provence I gave you the whole canister pork chops mixture what sucked it but I'm glad you were cool with the temperature real hard when I mixed it in that bucket so I hope you enjoyed my lovely cooking demonstration this is pretty much what my kitchen looks like when I'm done now if you'll excuse me I have another task I need to get to and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,735,125
Rating: 4.933939 out of 5
Keywords: cooking simulator, simulation games, family friendly, funny moments, simulator funny moments, funny clips, cooking tycoon, restaurant fire, cooking sim, expensive food, restaurant owner, chef simulator, cooking simulator gameplay, cooking simulator game, cooking simulator steam, cook simulator, let's game it out, lets game it out, letsgameitout, lgio, let's game it out cooking simulator, let's game it out simulator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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