i completed this 0.001% spike jump challenge

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all right so we're checking out the only game where the men with the biggest balls have to give up their legs it's happy wheels so i appreciate i i apparently started this no limb challenge thing and now this is a board that you have to complete without the use of your legs i don't really know what the purpose is like what i have to do i just know that part of this pain in the ass is ripping my legs off of my body ab exercises god my leg threads are so powerful alcoholism guide me at that moment when you have that one little pipe cleaner of a leg left let go of me i've got to do all right so i guess you just fall down this ah big balls now this shouldn't be that difficult as long as you follow the path of least colon resistance now i have been playing basketball with organs quite a bit lately so we should be able to shoot the three here there it is all right slide down here just imagine you're like a a slippery lock of well-oiled fecal material eat a lot of fiber you go down here okay now that things are getting a little pointy this is like uh passing a kidney stone that's okay though just kind of navigate this and there you have it [Music] ah oh i'm not gonna lie i really appreciate that everything that could have killed me waited until after i won this is called grace still plays impossible supposedly even the creator couldn't beat this level okay first things first gotta jump all right i still [Music] my blood is flying out of my body so fast it is covering the entirety of the planet everyone gets a taste of my dna i'm like genghis khan alright this this may be a little bit more difficult but it's fine i thought you know what we're getting there i have fought boards like this before jesus wonder if my torso can make it no come on body i'm still alive technically i'm still alive damn it maybe i have to go backwards oh you can't go backwards there's not enough time i'm still alive these damn noble watermelons oh oh land it landed great land a grey lady great no i will never give up okay i figured out at this point now how to slow down enough to stop okay now i don't i don't have any lower body left oh i just lost my helmet that's bad what the [ __ ] roll slowly my son roll slowly to victory protect me oh watermelons okay the watermelons did their job right i've gotta keep this shield of watermelons you can see this harpoon just waiting this is what it all comes down to i have to use the watermelons in order to shield me from certain death so what i'm gonna do is go back here jump and then use the watermelon as a shield here we [Music] go anything's possible if you believe [Music] yes oh my god i got it i learned that if you could just direct your body at exactly the right height when it gets launched you could hit the flag and win in this particular level you must get to the store to get toilet paper before your ass explodes i appreciate that the alcoholic hawaiian guy is also staying hydrated let's do this tom all right go through here do the jump over the car what the hell is happening inside of me [Music] i i think i think i may have won this one is just called gray still plays but anytime i see a board that's made by someone whose name is he just it has my attention i appreciate that the first challenge is the harpoon of death and i'm actually giving this character knowing exactly how to get past it i screwed that up well see buddy listen oh jesus well i guess this is a good opportunity to see if anything's down here besides pain for my daughter nope all right let's try that again perfect oh my son's head landed in the basket all right ramp over these oh i never thought about this but um his skull rolling on the ground just saved my life ow gonna take more than that to kill me challenge three fight all right now we we do have some issues here first off my daughter has three different arrows going through her skull i'm like a failed version of legolas like i don't have a quiver of arrows i'm just carrying the arrows in my body all right i don't know how well my character is gonna oh actually i can use the arrows to butt down the weapons here watch this watch watch this iq 1000 play okay see i planned this no one gets to keep their skull alive did that did that blade just fly on the ground again i didn't plan for this to work but because i'm using this man as a shield it killed him instead of me all right susie you're really starting to get in the way here girl and ramp over the body harpoon dodge that's gonna be a tough one you can probably tell but uh i just got through with the uh the arrow wall all right now for the harpoon dodge there we go oh what the hell are you serious right now all right now if i can get some more bodies in here i may be able to get rid of most of these harpoons now unfortunately this man is wearing a machete as a hat but it should still work here we go i'm getting really good at pushing giblets with this bike all right kind of move all that through there we go oh we got a little bit of a blockage here nevermind single mom coming through okay what the hell is this it's like a child fall yes it's really sad that uh only one person is allowed to survive at the end out of a family of three hey gray my name's rudolph and i watch your videos here's a spike fall i peed on the background why does everyone keep pissing on my background by the way i can see that oh his exploding body killed my daughter as well that you gotta break eggs make an omelet oh the hell i fell through the wall i guess that was just part of the level and spike fall all right look at that there's a lot more to this spike while that meets the eye all right jump over this hold on i have an idea we may have to approach this in a very unusual way all right go backwards uh-huh the spike fall is fake no kidding all right just sending my son ahead hopefully he can clear up all the different landmines and stuff for me all right now we'll go oh there's that there's actually no way down this or is there oh piss oh there there is actually an end once again i can't believe that i'm the only person out of my family that managed to get here everyone else is either in pieces or just left behind such a good mother you're out of beer and you need to go to the store what better way well i was going to give it a little bit of a flavor text from me but apparently if you take too long you get shot by a million katanas what happens if i go my torso almost made it all right guess we're gonna do it oh there's harpoons as well huh okay i made it but not enough body parts to count make the batman stop go my son i just figured it out i needed the help from the rockets so if i just shove the rockets up my ass i can get there at half the time this is called gray it's possible i don't think i ever have people speak to me with such confidence fall down here well i was gonna say use tom as a shield bring it on bring it on what do you got okay i'm still alive just three more to go i can ride over them uh-huh one two left i won i don't know what part of me won but it doesn't matter i got the victory i'm not gonna lie anytime i see a board where i don't actually have to do anything it makes me so happy because i'm always so exhausted my son all right let's see okay now see that right there the freaking child seat killed me all right little tom we're gonna do this one more time don't get in my way this time you little jackass okay uh-huh [Music] there's so many loop-de-loops where's the end it'd be great if my son's head ended up here as well i'm doing a uh a pogo run but in this one it's glass so you can potentially just bust your way through it it's just a pain in the ass all right by getting rid of most of my legs we should i was gonna say we should be able to do this okay i might want to just break all the glass most deadly glass i ever had to face in my life it's like ass seeking glass okay that was way more painful than it needed to be [Music] oh the floor is potentially breakable too that's a problem oh i'm separating the entire board apart crap okay oh good i don't know how i managed to pull that out but oh my head is stuck in the glass well i freed myself okay again we're gonna take care of this stuff first oh this is so bad so bad okay we're at it's possible get there get there how many panes of glass are there and now finally impossible i think i might be able to knock this over oh jesus no oh oh no no the ground that i'm on is cracking okay if i can just warm my way over to the winning area oh god uh i hadn't really anticipated in making a gray sandwich but sure okay if you notice using the power of my ass i'm slowly vibrating over to the winning area with seizure-like skill i move approximately two millimeters a second legit if you look to see where my pogo stick is on like the colored background you'll say we are making ground all right i gave up no okay things need to change here because i'm on a very very small sliver of glass right now okay now i i can't i can't okay no no no don't break the glass do not break the glass do not break the glass i'll never give up until i win it's absolutely possible [Music] and there we go i'm a winner this level oh boy this level is called death did i just see a land mine levitating through the air i can only imagine how unstressful this level will be let me go off the oh jesus christ no no no no no how did that bomb go up my ass and only my head managed to get damaged okay well it's time to find the way because we both know there is one [Music] okay got it i don't know what it is about pogo man's ball sack but it's in pot it's like made out of diamonds i can take a bomb to my ass and nothing happens touches my elbow though and my brain pops out of my head alright what's next i'm sure there's gotta be more here oh god ah i can see where the lack of fairness comes in having done these boards for a while i understand mostly how to get past this i need to find a way to get one of my limbs to go down all right now just blow off one of my legs if you can where are you going there we go do it i like how i've managed to successfully wrangle a bomb it can't do anything to me i have wrangled a bomb here go ahead hit my knee my knee why do you suck at this i've never had so much trouble in getting a bomb to blow up this is incredible there we go all right we eat off the side duck dodge there is 100 a way to beat this i've got plenty of masochism let's do this okay most of my organs managed to hit the finish line oh i was there what a bunch of [ __ ] yeah i told you if i could just manage to get a limb to go down before my body all of the harpoons will attack my limb this is supposed to be an easy win for me anytime i'm not allowed to have my son i question the validity [Music] not sure if i was holy jesus not really sure if i was supposed to go up there or not all right dodge all the harpoons no big deal oh that was actually pretty easy i wanted the the secret win i imagine if you just managed to yeah if you just get over the top you can go across the ceiling here no big deal what the [ __ ] i love how my brain is getting juggled by my gears all i wanted to do was finally get the secret wind legitimately instead of having my brain spontaneously pop out of my body this is called adoption gone wrong press c twice okay press shift uh-huh [Music] all right just kind of go down the little colon here land inside of the cannon get fired out at mach 10 speed landings [Music] oh god this is the spike jet glass fall i don't know what else to tell you i guess i guess it has literally everything oh oh all the spikes are going up my ass no my pogo stick all right that's fine we'll do this we'll do this this way all right squeeze down here nice oh mother of jesus that is very precarious all right down this way nice nice so how am i supposed to break through the glass without my pogo stick i heard something break all right fight roll like this how strong is this freaking glass there we go got it this is called bottle run difficult what makes it so difficult oh the bottle run goes upward oh no not today okay had to get over there more bottles to run fine that's fine i can i can do that okay going up no okay now that i know what i'm doing all right go up here land on this go up here land on this oh my god this is an insane bottle run and in the end my son lost both of his arms but i got the victory so it still counts anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of happy wheels till the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,139,765
Rating: 4.958086 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad life choices game, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, happy wheels, happy wheels funny, happy wheels gameplay, happy wheels 2020, happy wheels banned levels, harpoon jump, bottle flip, extreme spike fall, spike fall, spike fall happy wheels
Id: 4HQlNBizneM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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