i forced people to dive 10,000 feet into a pool in GTA 5

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you can spar to kick a woman sitting on a toilet that's 10,000 feet above a pool just to see if she can freefall rag doll into it it's GTA 5 you couldn't even do that right Florida man is back and he has set up a target that's sitting about 10,000 feet above this pool in front of this mansion the characters all freefall ragdoll style now and one of the things I want to attempt to do is to get a person to fly off the toilet bowl into the pool if I can manage that I want to continue to reduce the amount of area that they fall and I eventually want to put a human being into a basketball hoop I can already tell this lady's like what are you doing I need you to be the first human being to fall into a basketball hoop from a height of two and a half miles Godspeed you know she kind of hit that extra pole there I'm not sure how well this is going to work in retrospect I should probably just follow them now you can see way past the clouds there is the mansion so I am somewhat close to making this a reality but right now I'm just trying to freefall without moving in order to see exactly how close I can get I don't know I feel like it's gonna be pretty close or I'm gonna cough up my spleen onto someone's lawn chair not the prob I think the best part about this experimentation is that the bloodstains on the ground will let me know exactly how close I'm coming to my intended target looks like we're about a 30 feet southwest now you may be asking yourself but great what happened to the woman I don't see her body anywhere in a stunning showing of agility she managed to get captured between pips that's a brief title okay we know we're about 30 feet away the best way to do this while wearing inexplicably short shorts is to probably just football tackler for science okay this is looking good we've definitely got a lot more distance this time any moment now should be raining a woman's body there it is that way over to the right this time okay I'm gonna go with the shotgun approach the plan now is if I just have more test subjects I'll probably have a better chance of hitting the pool all right we'll just put a bunch of young ladies right at the end over here like this perfect alright girls I really hope I managed to hit most of you because this is kind of a one-time thing I'm gonna use the slightly sideways attack here okay that definitely worked fairly well one lady is tumbling way faster than the rest I find it particularly interesting that some women just reach terminal velocity a lot faster than other women here we go oh damn okay we got a bounce and look at that one in the pool that is ten points that's the tiny pool - all right go ahead and just arrived on scene here okay the plan is this I'm going to get a human body into the tiny pool through the basketball net it's not actually these beach girls because they have bikinis on it's mostly because I'm just lazy and they're the very first people that you can pick and became this spawn but for the purposes of equal-opportunity torture I'll use some different individuals to see if the body types have different aerodynamics science Ben I've got good news and I've got bad news I actually miss clicked on someone so we got one extra body okay I've got some people in heavy clothing I've got some people that are very fit I have a guy that's very heavy I've got to do that low shopping at Walmart and Bud Light oh all right I guess we're starting early because I screwed that up come on everyone go go go go go go go go here we go alrighty I think that this is a good opportunity to probably slow things down at some point and get a real close look at exactly how precise we are not too precise on that one but the body bounce got it a little bit closer to the intended target while we're at it I figure I would just go ahead and like repaint all the tile blood red is the current see snow color all right we definitely need way more concussive force so I'm not gonna lie I feel really good about that one biker I have a feeling that he's gonna be the three-pointer now if you squint and make sure you don't look directly at the Sun you'll notice the human form falling from the sky damn it okay about 10 and 20 feet away oh that's nice they're holding hands this guy's like I understand your pain you can see - he got really unlucky because like his bottom jaw caught on this ledge a few seconds later okay I've got good news and bad news the good news is I'm becoming way more efficient in my body attacks and I'm getting real close to getting into the net there's a few more though those ones were not quite on the mark that I had anticipated you'll actually notice see that right there if you watch the water closely you can see when the souls of the Damned attempt to repossess one of the Fallen bodies this is a firetruck its job isn't actually to put out fires its job is to do this okay this should be the perfect opportunity we've got to get at least one person into the basket here we go some of them just lost the will to fall okay so this is kind of like the shotgun approach it's not very accurate you're just trying to throw as many bodies that the problem is possible all right we've got our very first people starting to fall down number one is barely gonna miss the house all right here we go that is much closer I find it very interesting that some people are falling incredibly slowly this is like the ultimate [ __ ] you they just don't want to die so much that they're refuting gravity except for that guy who caught just on the very spine of the house all right couple more over there one lady just caught on another woman's body a few others missing the house completely I'm very disappointed in the fire truck not a lot of accuracy at all when it comes to using human beings as gigantic fleshy basketballs you were the chosen one part of me feels like we're getting very close considering the sheer number of bodies inside the pool but I think we can do better imagine if you will kind of like a human garbage disposal okay let's uh let's give this a try all right since since the the water hose was a bit too strong I'm just gonna kind of like you know there we go perfect here I'll come with you okay in an interesting event the fire truck actually falls a lot faster than human flesh you'll notice it was not very accurate either nope oh there we go all right you guys can do this you guys can do this off the back okay we had a woman inside of the glass I think that's the closest that we've gotten so far I'm not deleting any of these people they'll just act as additional human cushioning for the next round now we're already way past this but you might be asking yourself gray why do you have a toilet bowl sitting on a gigantic rendition of Captain America's shield the toilet bowl is effectively my kind of like medium distance in order to find out exactly where the hell the basketball hoop is I took away all of the different walls because I feel like that's cheating we have to get this as like a hole in one but I've dropped so many bodies that the game crashed so we're doing this again from scratch oh also I'm way higher than I was before I'm actually at the very ceiling that the game allows you to items in it all I feel like I may have been shooting people a little bit too far so I'm just going to use a bicycle this time to knock people out all right we get a nice smooth stroll here across the line no there's a cup ouch I think this will probably be like the longest BMX jump anyone's ever done so um something interesting about falling from the top of the map in a bicycle I am flying at an incredible pace over here into the mountains now this is interesting I seem to have broken the very fabric of physics that runs Grand Theft Auto that's good that's good I'm serious I am really moving all right crisis averted damn that was pretty close for a first try kick I came back here to look at the bodies there's one heads are back broken on the chimney and one over here so we're not too far away okay I think the goal here is just you just just tap it just tap it like that perfect I appreciate it any time that I fall so far that I lose my hair color hey lady how do you rate my skydiving service her rating is definitely closer see that that's no joke okay just gonna do a couple of taps here there's one there's two all right come on Lady just jump jump for God's sakes there we go okay do it do it oh okay that one almost killed me and we're like three feet away come on guys don't let me down that was a good bounce that was almost off of the backboard into the net I think you really need to understand just how close that was all I want dude did it go in I had to clean up everything again because there was too many bodies but god damn it were so close okay I've got a few more that I knocked off coming down oh no does it count the head is in the net technically you can see the look on this lady's face she's like just let it count sorry ma'am you got to go in the back skit I think the thing I appreciated the most is that this person didn't bleed inside the pool I feel like most of the time I spend now is just here wait well my aim was pretty strong over to the left you can always tell a Florida man's residence because there's typically a person hanging up inside of the basketball hoop you see those people just hanging on the side of the pool they're not dead they're just tired oh okay we someone knocks my original lady over the backboard god dammit okay that that looked like it may hurt I swear to god it's like if you want something done right you got to do it yourself no one no one has motion sickness right we're going big we're going big baby if there's one thing that's true about basically every game I play it's that I will never give up until I complete my original mission I love palm trees I spend a lot of time getting very intimate with the pavement closes one yet I find this spiral technique works pretty good did I did I just land on my feet I am kind of curious exactly what my insurance costs are over here at this point because [Music] a lot of people have died on this property what the hell was that the earth just rejected a person so um guess what you ready for this this most recent string of people I knew that they felt very competent and they're falling skills it was that one right there did you catch it okay so get ready here not that one not that one not that one we're gonna have someone ricochet off the backboard wait for it okay not that one but that one right there and then you know I always have a couple of extras where I'm just like shooting for the stars and this is mostly just the opportunity to hear all the different bones breaking on the ground it never fails to there's always one person who just refuses to fall at a normal speed I think the best part is if you watch very closely you actually get to see the moment that the spirits of the Damned possess a person's body okay so everybody's dead there is no life left in this group when all of a sudden it's actually a UH a very agile maneuver she does I don't know maybe she didn't suffer enough in the first also she figured you know what I'll take it I'll take it to her laughs I feel like you miss out on a lot if you don't get the opportunity to hear like all the bones breaking in super slow motion there's our winner right there well we finally did it we finally had Florida man slingshot a woman from 10,000 feet up in the air sitting on a toilet down to a basketball hoop that was sitting in the middle of a pool anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of gta5 until the next time stay foxy and
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,599,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Euphoria physics, Simulation Games, fails, funny moments, gray still plays, graystillplays, greystillplays, gta, gta 5, gta 5 euphoria mod, gta 5 euphoria physics, gta 5 jump fails, gta 5 jump fails water, gta 5 jump ragdolls, gta 5 mods, gta 5 ragdoll, gta 5 siren head, gta 5 tsunami, gta 5 water ragdolls, gta 5 water ragdolls spiderman, gta 5 water ragdolls spiderman jumper, gta v, gta v ragdolls, ragdolls, sharks, simulator, simulator funny moments, spiderman, water ragdolls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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