i completed the infinite falling challenge

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you can ride off into the sunset with a scooter shoved up your ass so that you eventually explode and shower the non-believers with your blood it's dismount fast fast more exploding stick man rectums damn it dishmount fast fast is a take on the stickmen bone breaking games except it's incredibly high def i don't even know what to do someone actually put effort into one of these stickman games look at all the damn vehicles what's a meow car i don't know but i want it as this is a brand new stick game that means that there's no qa more than likely so i guarantee we will be able to break this game get infinite points and buy absolutely everything it has to offer by the end of this video now you may be saying to yourself great is that a shopping cart with a goddamn jet engine on it yes yes it is besides all this crap there's actually more stuff you get all the props right off the bat and you can use them in different ways oh we're gonna break this game real good see you could normally have your your blowy thing over here but what would happen if your blowy thing was on the side or if your blowy thing sucked people instead of shot people what is this i don't know let's use it i like how one of these things is just a bare wire so anyway as usual we're going to have to go through all of the boards which to my understanding are way more ridiculous than any of the other is that in a freaking background this game is amazing but i was going to say which are way more ridiculous than any of the other boards and if you don't like it mr blue balls over here will lick you all right put a bare wire down now luckily you're given this scooter to start off with also not only can you be a stick man but you can also eventually be an echo girl why drugs and alcohol the fact that i'm given so much freedom in this game means we're going to end up doing some ridiculous let us start from the beginning though like any good stick figure is my neck breaking due to the seat on this thing oh my god this is the very first one it's so good out hold on hold on game i'm not done yet i'm still sliding let me go ahead and just lay on top of the the freaking electric wire and on our very first go we started with 8 600 points of bone breaking i got the second board already this is called bomb rain what oh jesus is this a giant ass windmill of death that's planning to suck me into the infinity god i hope so all right not yet not yet go go my child you can make it well done oh he's so aerodynamic i could open up one of these new objects over here i've got to get the shopping cart i need to know maybe i'll just put a giant blade here instead shopping cart go out i actually went too far and i hit the ground i got stabbed in the balls by these freaking random arrows so um i found a board that's way more amazing than the last one i haven't even made it to the bottom yet hold on let me go ahead and eat myself between these fans here jesus come on baby i just want to get down into this area right here actually this is pretty good too all right you hit the bouncers you get thrusted [Music] got like a thousand freaking arrows at the bottom real quick was it just me or does this burger place look like an ass i know it's supposed to be mcdonald's upside down but it just either looks like boobs or an ass i'm gonna use this because i want to know what it does go all right there we go okay ricochet off that get shot through the air fall down the pinball machine of skin flaying a couple more explosions i'm kind of surprised that we only got 48 000 on that one man it's just way better to do this without a freaking vehicle oh i just got freaking decapitated i like that my severed head crossing the finish line counts and if my body crosses the finish line i get extra points this is called bomb hole i will show you why first let me go ahead and i can't even make it to the end all right let me go ahead and try and bomb my hole a little bit harder this time there it is nice i never thought it'd be so difficult to make it to the bottom let me try and ejaculate myself early nice i'm not leaving you shopping cart okay i'm probably going to end up leaving you there we go i can finally open up something called three holes how many of these are there oh god i'm kind of worried this sounds like some sort of porn title all right banana skate show me what you got i just thought how the hell does this thing work oh sweet there's little things that kind of move me back down into the pit of despair stop licking me this is unwanted touching i have a feeling with these bouncy things i can probably find a way to get almost infinite points [Music] 15 700 bone breaking huh not damn good enough massage my skull with your blades okay this is working really good yes it's just holding me into the blade good oh you get points for height huh air time a ton just take a little off the top yep right like that little more thank you this is like um back alley lobotomies it's when you can't afford the real deal man best way to get rid of a migraine is to just remove that part of the brain after all oh my achilles tendon jesus i love how this tire can also snap my skull every couple of seconds okay legit i have found a way now to get infinite points the way to do it is to not use one of the bikes or something like that you just have to do this on your own so um how many uh how many points do you think is enough i wonder we both know the answer to this enough points to buy everything in the game i love that this guy's doing the pump dance while he gets infinite points he's like great you cruel son of a [ __ ] half a million huh not good enough keep floating okay once you've been levitating for a certain amount of time you start to get way more points through the levitation already at 900 000 over a million these are the points that never end alrighty so i won a ton of coins that's nice by my little trick might as well start opening all of these we can always just get more coins fall it is i think i'm gonna get a new vehicle this bomb truck looks important oh i think this board is going to be exciting uh yeah i would like this if it kept blasting me up this way so we can get more infinite points please right like that perfect ready set pain oh my bombs come back my butt holy jesus alright just gotta get thrusted here just takes a little bit my challenge is do three flips you got it oh my god did i win the challenge sure did i still gotta get all the way down here somehow it's the hardest one to get to but this is where the infinite points sit all right maybe i i won't go as hard here like this maybe never mind all right super slow eject early got it oh man it took a while to get down here but i finally got it oh and it was worth every bit oh my my torso just came off oh sweet jesus i think that my head met the goal oh yeah i'll give me them points so good my hand is caught against the blades i've got even faster infinite points sweet jesus yes i appreciate that somehow as well i don't know how but i brought an arrow with me the only issue here is in the previous infinite points like eventually you could land in such a way when i go to get something to eat for dinner and come back an hour and a half later that the game would finally count down and i could receive my points i don't know if i'm going to be able to get these points i do appreciate that my body is slowly turning it's giving the blades time to sever every single piece of flesh it can what do you like to fill your eggplants with in the channel strawberry jam well got over a million points again [Music] i have no more blood left to give make it stop i can get infinite points but i can also experience infinite sadness never mind i managed to do it new best score baby guess we'll go buy some more boards oh sure why not all right factory what kind of butt destruction do you have for me oh i lost my head immediately that's good plenty of balls to bounce off of that's nice oh this actually isn't that bad all things considered especially considering what i just got done doing so the the better plan here is to probably get less than infinite points so i don't just have to sit there not playing for like an hour yeah i want to see a new part of the level go ahead and fling me over that way perfect yeah what's down here oh the floor this is called hedgehog people i'm kind of curious why that doesn't seem very hedgehog like it just seems painful all right do a couple of flips off of the blades nice go down this little area here oh you get thrusted in a bunch of different directions on this board oh and past the finish line i like how i'm holding one of these arrows like i'm some kind of ninja master i would look way more ninja if i wasn't missing my head minus will get a new car yeah sure motorbike it is all right motorbike how fast you it's like the bike just sought out death [Music] i want to get crushed by that gigantic chinese finger trap thing first i want to kiss the roof yeah i just got ripped in half by that thruster nice i've just begun but i have a feeling this is going to be a new record for this board so close to the ledge he's like i almost escaped this torture well this is an interesting position to be stuck in you know what we're going to go straight to meteor i'm going to pick liculus over here just because i haven't yet all right meteor show me why you call yourself such things there are no meteors where i'm going but i'm kind of wishing that there were i have reached the meteors they're everything i hoped they would be i have found a board that is so much better than all of the other boards i'm so interested to see what the final oh what the final board looks like 98 000 bone breaking huh rookie numbers so um how it works is you know you start like this there's a couple of bladed fans nothing too impressive though right you could do better then it gets with really big fans and then the thrusters are just out of this world all right i i almost guarantee we can get a hundred thousand bones broken in this one oh yeah give me that brain damage hey the pillars are getting kind of uh out of hand here look at the size of these balls up at the top of the screen 210 000 points rookie points 300 000 that's better [Music] i finally got the ricochet over the huge balls and it was fantastic i finally got the double ricochet the double ball ricochet hallelujah 500 000 points on this board this is an interesting uh if extremely agonizingly slow way to get infinite points holy piss i just got 200 000 points with one bounce i told you i'd get above 100 000 bone breaking thanks for getting rid of that other leg i felt really unbalanced with only one i haven't even made it to like the second part of the stage and i'm already at 200 000 points almost got 200 000 bone breaking now this is gonna hurt oh yeah gotta work the kinks out of the back there and up and down i think we'll go ahead and buy the most expensive board after this because if this one was this stupid i need to know what the last one's like and we have plenty of money now okay crazy it is so how crazy is crazy what are the props there's one whoop-dee-doo i guess i'll blow myself onto the onto the blades you know what i mean all right boys let's do this all right a couple of meteors a couple of lady fans to sever your head nice looks like we have some sticky bombs going down this small cylindrical path of sadness all right bring bring it bring my ass down these ways on these blades this doesn't seem that good actually maybe there's another path the thing i love about these boards is there's usually multiple ways you can beat them all right onward let's go this way okay gigantic blades along with pendulum ass beating beater things bigger pendulum beaters oh it looks like there's even more down here if i can figure out how the hell to get down there okay it looks like i need to figure out a way to slide down here okay good all right now go down this tiny little pathway here if i can make it oh my god there's no way out from these blades okay i finally made it down okay never mind no i didn't yes i did oh yeah okay uh-huh yeah come on let's get some new bone-breaking world records here there we go okay i actually made it through that okay so in this board you actually have to go backwards this is like one punch man or whatever the hell the name of this board is i can see why this board might make some people very sad i went ahead and unlocked the necco girl why not after all and she immediately regrets it i like that she's still smiling even though she's missing her arms oh jesus i mean there's there's still a little bit left over 337 thousand bone breaking 474 000. dab on the haters well i think at this point i've broken enough bones and have gotten enough infinite points to last me a lifetime anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of dismount fast fast till the next time stay foxy and much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,628,415
Rating: 4.946445 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, funny stickman, funny stickman fight, stickman jail, funny escape, sandbox games, ragdoll game, physics game, physics simulator, happy wheels, sawblade dodge, happy wheels sawblade, impossible happy wheels levels
Id: x9ihvOje2yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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