i opened a toilet company that ruins lives

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you get to make money off of people's explosive fecal material it's toilet management simulator no i'm serious this is this is where we've gone in the world when i saw this game i noticed in the ad that there was twerking girls involved in it i don't know how they tie in but god damn it one way or the other we're gonna unlock them before this episode is over i swear it i've said this before but this this might win the award for the most screwed up game i've ever played more plaster casts of people dropping deuces damn it toilet management simulator is a game where you play a young man who has found the ultimate calling in money making materials he will exploit the fact that everyone has to poop and open a brand new public bathroom and i have no doubt that the delicious unity flip assets within this game will allow me to break something before we're done never mind i might not have to there's a fantastic cut scene that i have to view before i'm even allowed to play what is this guy doing it's like he's dropping an entire big gulp against the wall i love how this guy says he's peeing but all it looked like it's still like it's still spraying against the wall in the background the effect just never stops we will take our newest friend who through fate has brought us to the bathroom that we will now open and lay him down upon his bed of roses which happens to be a cardboard box welcome to the tutorial oh god i can't wait after that cut scene i like how it says you need a shower but it actually just looks like my armpits are vomiting out toxic waste all right grab the wallet grab the phone first things first apparently i need to take a shower oh this is good i've got my breast cancer awareness toilet paper i love how when you click on the shower you're treated to the most uncomfortable dove body wash styling that's seen available if you see this icon on the right bottom side of your screen you're hun what the hell at first i thought i was watching primitive survival on tv but i'm pretty sure that's just an outhouse we really do live this lifestyle all right get something to eat my choices are beans soda 30 day old kentucky fried chicken or a pizza oh i'm sorry this is espresso what do you do i just eat the beans in order to survive i will eat this bean meal that did not look like beans complete with farting sound you can turn off all room what the hell how come when you turn the lights on you get a free twerking woman what is this i don't really understand what this tutorial is trying to teach me i mean i i guess i don't mind it but yeah i'd rather no one gets to see what i do in here that part of the tutorial is complete we must now go forth and harvest the rectal sewage of others why am i living right across the street from a dance school it doesn't really look like a dance school it looks like a place where people drop ecstasy i found the super sail mart they have such fantastic items in stock such as plungers toilet perfume and beans i have obtained my very first weapon to combat the stains of the unwashed which is great because apparently people are crapping all over my bathroom floor in the shape of a microwave meal what the hell happened in here it's just like house flipper only a lot shittier like legitimately a lot [ __ ] i guess you need these three things in order to open up your bathroom oh i can change the tile style yeah i would prefer like the most whitest marble floors we can possibly get this way we can observe the feces a lot clearer and then for the walls i don't know what looks what looks most like you would probably get stabbed nice classic airport bathroom tile but only half we didn't have enough money to finish the top portion i like that there's a spot here for me to uncomfortably sit and wait while people go drop loads to be fair we do have like the best place to have a toilet in the world we're right next to a pub and a starbucks good evening unity asset flip girl i would like your finest toilets please it's time to get this goddamn show under the road you could get the luxury model that's not going to happen i want to see how dirty these bathrooms can get all right yeah give me one of those actually you know it could be two of these throw that over there real quick buy another one of those on top of the first one i said throw it on top of the first one apparently people can't poop without a door all right grab it apparently like it's like no matter what i buy it all just lays here in the middle of the store things are kind of starting to get out of hand over here can i just put the toilet in the middle of the road i mean i've got to go back to my house anyway so i guess i i might as well check good day to you sir i've opened a brand new business opportunity portable toilet services feel free to use it i just realized i guess i'm like four foot two i'm just gonna leave this here for right now just in case someone needs it all right one soda for the day and i'm pretty much ready to roll another gratuitous uncomfortable shower scene i like that these red arrows are like hey [ __ ] you forgot your toilet toilet installation number one go there's a rough city i live in i'm just walking through it i feel like i'm gonna get tetanus grab a door i hate that you have to have a sink no matter what i'm not really trying to be that cleanly all right sink i think we're officially open for business what the hell happened to you oh they're tattoos at first i thought she was just taking the leftovers and smearing them on her body my lovely lady your hair is the same color as those little gel chunklets that you put on the side of toilet what the hell this guy's a quest oh it's a homeless guy still alive hi buddy hey man how are you i manage you are the man who helped me i own a public toilet you can use it whenever you want i lost everything after losing my fingers what the hell happened to him i got closer to see what happened to his fingers i really wish i didn't i guess we have to feed him some bean meal it's kind of like our mascot now our toilet mascot okay we've got a his and her bathroom open now now i have to just get some bean meal for my weird in-game pet hobo hello my son i got your bean are you not wearing any pants take a screwdriver and come back here i don't like the way this proposition sounds go to the control panel uh okay which one you have to pass the mini game to switch to illegal usage when the police come you have to switch to [Music] who made these minigames the devil i really wear beautiful eyeliner i still want to know how i can get people to torque inside of my house huh someone's using the bathroom what the hell they just dropped the money on the counter what the hell did you do to my toilet this guy was pissing out high c even flush i succeeded i passed the mini game for illegal water usage my only friend right now is a homeless dude and he won't do anything unless i feed him beans daddy's like a freaking chia pet or something all right i need to keep getting the toilet usage rolling here that means we're gonna have to stock up on the finest toilet paper all asses that enter this establishment will leave freshly perfumed and possibly carrying hepatitis all right grab a toilet paper holder fresh perfumed toilet paper i love it it smells of lilacs and bad decisions every morning when i come back to my toilet and i don't see any money on the counter it makes me very sad oh damn we making snacks now so what happens if i don't flush it i'm just gonna leave it like this this is the bathroom police don't you worry ma'am i'm sure if you take a close look you'll see everything is quite legit that's it yeah go out go head inside take a look around don't mind me i'm just getting my screwdriver [Music] smell of rose room perfume you know what sure hey ladies say ah man you gotta spray the [ __ ] out of this place okay we've got enough money now to start putting in secondary toilets what do these stickers do oh i see if people couldn't smell the fecal material wafting from the inside of the door frame the wash closet sticker will tell them where they should be all right we need more patrons give me the biggest toilet you got so i just bought the bomb dropper deluxe door so i could get more people into my toilet area it has like a digital pattern on it that changes everyone's little while of nature i'm not gonna lie i i legitimately want one of these for my house gives you that glorious feeling like you're pooping out in the woods the time has come we've got two glorious patrons coming in to use the facilities don't mind me i'm just here to pick up after you bastards seriously there's like a brand new toilet right over there and you have to use this one this doesn't even have the good door jesus what the hell have you done to my toilet it's got moss growing out of it now all right hold on how can i get in here can i like be in here at the same time they go in damn it hold on i know this will work if i just chill out in here i don't think it'll kick me out hi no i feel feel free to go right ahead she's over here she's like [ __ ] really okay okay go ahead all right i've been at this for a while we can buy all this yeah give me the pest control hello toilet manager we have discovered that you have a respected business we want to advertise in your business of course i can't wait jesus this toilet is freaking hopping nowadays it kicks you out just to the right time it looks like that oh my god what have you people done look at this it's like someone threw down a 30 quart jug of chocolate jello oh god i can't stand it anymore please give me the plunger give me your finest toilet brush as well it's like a non-stop stream of pedestrians coming out of this place i've gotta stop it it's like some sort of creature is about to climb out of this toilet people come in looking to use the bathroom and they leave with gonorrhea i just lost four years off the end of my life i get ad money now look at how much money we're making i'm just leaving all the feces on the ground but i'm gonna cover it up with enough perfume what the hell is this why is she wearing a tiara oh this is the maid i hired to clean the bathroom what the hell is she wearing well what what are you doing are you gonna clean it or you just gonna care bear stare at it can i get the maid that's less depressed never mind i finally figured out a way to open up the doors while people are on the bathroom you can totally glitch them you're gonna flush the toilet after you're done no one else does in this goddamn place you have to call a pest company what the hell are these this is like the worst animated gif jpeg looking to ever see okay i guess yeah go go ahead go ahead and hire here's the pez control person holy [ __ ] they take their job seriously they're running in here like they're playing football yeah beat they ass beat their ass yeah spray that guy down too take it i'm going to tell you something right now the orchid man don't take nothing from nobody this is the most amazing business i've ever owned in my entire life i need a vacation there is a special bus behind home sweet home talk to the driver that's right running this place is hard work where does this vacation go what's going on ned flanders hi man how are you i would like to stop working and go on a vacation in these hot summer days i need at least five passengers let me see what i can do what the hell there is a poster at the dance school door something is written about an application oh thank god i thought i'd never get to interact with that place i got stacks on deck we're gonna be covered in dancers download and join the party you can call dance girls home for a party what we're doing this immediately this isn't a dance club it's more like prostitution okay we're doing this i'm freshly showered hold on i better sit down for this dance school would you like to color your parties and organizations join the tour clara oh this is the girl from the tutorial it's twerk girl who else is there we got evelyn over here got madison lily in the leopard print hell yes so how long does it take for the girl to show up do we have to do this here can we do it back at my toilet area i want to be able to pick up all the money i'm running i mean i guess i'll just keep the maid service cleaning everything up lilly my apartment's the one with the open door that smells like four day old beans and espresso coffee this is gonna be willing i like how the only part of her that isn't tanned is her stomach oh yes go come right in we do this to gentleman's way open the door for you so um you want to go ahead and explain to me exactly how this dance party works [Music] my comfort just went up did it i'm not gonna lie the dance moves this unity girl has are absolutely amazing she's doing like the robot and stuff oh it's so good this was worth every dollar of the 50 bucks hold on i gotta get involved in this dance you want something to drink all i've got is bread bowl and coca-cola this is like the longest most epic dance session i've ever seen in a video game this is well worth the 50 dollars this girl is like raggedy ann mixed with michael jackson billy gene not my love wow i thank you for showing up you are great i love your dance it's so true will you stay with me tonight wow just moving right along the only thing that she'll eat is bean meal it's got the angelic music while she's eating it what is this game watching her eat this bean meal is both amazing and traumatizing at the same time all right lily this was quite an experience hold on i got it i kind of i gotta do at least one more hold on i gotta know if the dances are all the same all right evelyn you're up all right evelyn is coming don't mind me i just gotta go through this freaking mini game in order to make some espresso for the girl it looks delicious just like the stuff i find in the toilet all the time hi evelyn come on in i hate to tell you but you've got big shoes to fill after the last dance you can see the dead stare in her fish eyes she has had enough of this freaking app well i would say at this point we have elevated to the master of toiletries anyway folks i guess we did it i hope you enjoyed this episode of toilet management see you later until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,833,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, toilet simulator, toilet management simulator, toilet simulator gameplay, toilet management simulator gameplay, internet cafe simulator, business management simulator, business management tycoon, business tycoon, life simulator, life sim, game of life, toilet sim, job simulator, bad choices
Id: Q_AV-5kk4-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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