when you break bones at 670,616,629 mph

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you can become a skater that skateboards at light speed with no gravity so that they can shoot off the board through the atmosphere and break their neck on the surface of the moon it's skater xl more mile high ollies damn it skater xl is a game where you can skate in a completely realistic manner that's not going to happen you can put numbers into the physics of this game and there's no limitations and so we're going to do that slowly getting numbers stupider and stupider until we move at light speed and then i'm gonna break my neck in every way i can the developers of this game allow things to happen that i think are fantastic see this gravity you can get rid of it if you want to pop force high pop force flip speed you already know that my purpose in this game is going to be trying to break through the atmosphere while doing skateboarding tricks see pepe is very happy about this we have to give special thanks to dog vinci who created this mod a true man of culture and death top speed yeah that's going all the way up body spin speed yeah god there's so many things to ruin now normally the game doesn't allow vertical flips bullsh so before we go any further you really need an understanding of how much realism sucks you ready that was an ollie that was me breaking my ankles now breaking your ankles only jumping two or three feet is stupid but wait there's more let's say you want to crack your head open look at how difficult it is there we go at least we got a little bit of height i know what you're asking but great can you fall down the stairs and break your neck no but i can run into this school bus and traumatize all the children inside so the very first thing that we're going to do is start screwing with all these stats until things get absolutely ridiculous and i break the game pop force all of it all right so how stupid does the pop force get when you put it like all the way down okay now we're getting somewhere have you ever wondered what the cement tastes like now you also understand that this stage here is very very simplistic now this stage will get us killed yay now i know what you're asking but great can you show all the different angles as you snap your spine in half of course you can have you ever wondered what it's like the moment a man loses his soul there it is i also have to mention too that the second after my guy hits the ground he teleports into space watch wait for it wait for it there it is from this position it actually looks like he's having a great time he's like i love being a skateboarder oh jesus my spine i like that you actually get to hear the bone cracking sound oh yeah uh-huh nice but great can you change the field of vision while he's breaking his back you're damn right you can you could damn near smell this guy's groin while he's paralyzing himself alright so this is just the beginning i haven't even screwed with the rest of this stuff yet high pop force yes flip speed sure top speed yep let's go ahead and see what that does eventually i'm just gonna max out everything completely reduce the gravity and see if i can fly all right let's see if i can get more distance this time that was less distance and i didn't hit my head on a bar okay now i might get the butt nice everyone loves half pipes i couldn't believe how much it took to finally get a board to go up my ass all i want to do is land on this pipe yes my plan is to eventually recreate every single injury that you see on youtube and skating i have never seen a skate video where someone did not destroy their balls on one of these rails so here you go you can always tell when people start to wish that they had chosen a different sport skating bowling skating bowling now the only thing that's that's somewhat unrealistic is right about here we should see tears coming from his eyes now you can zoom in let me get way in here i don't see any tears kind of scary that you can get in so far you can see this guy's pores you can get in so far you can see his pixels let's keep ruining his life all right now as i understand it there's actually a very very big jump here i got it holy [ __ ] i just caught my neck on one of the bars i wonder how bouncy this guy is come on that was awesome i like that you can do like 1800s how high do these numbers get holy sh that's a big jump i like how my guy just bailed you can actually see the very moment he's like this watch right there that's where he figures out it's just not worth it all right let's see what else we got here uh yeah scoop speed shore body spin all of it pump force can you just put arbitrary numbers in here like for pop force can i just make it 50. oh my god what the [ __ ] hold on all right ready and right hold on is there a way to turn off auto respawning oh you can change your character i like that both the male and the female standard are people that i feel like i could buy drugs from in an alleyway i don't know sure maybe the females are more flexible uh yeah i'm gonna pick blonde just because the blood shows up better all right terrible colored hat like a 69 shirt or anything i mean nine that's half a 69 girl has more expensive shoes than i do i learned something just now you can turn off auto response this is now the best game in the entire universe it doesn't even matter at this point i can do whatever the hell i want also why did i even give myself blonde hair if i'm just bald to infinity wait for it and beyond there's the body okay hold on i need to see that there she is with her new balance looking sweet when all of a sudden yeah you can see it's like god damn you grin oh hold on we couldn't see her hit the ground [Music] i'm gonna break so many bones in this game i actually like kick flipped myself off my i was gonna say i kick flip myself off my board by accident okay hold on real quick now okay so let me jesus let me turn this back down a little bit okay well we'll we won't go quite as crazy let's uh let's go with 15 okay but but top speed hold up how about 160 all right ready here we go oh it doesn't actually see that it doesn't seem that fast i mean maybe it takes a while to get up to 160. [Music] mice will go right off the board and she lands it okay i'm gonna bring this back down to five but i'm gonna make the body spin speed a thousand i didn't actually mean to grind that well but it happened i'm a skating juggernaut i think i just ate my own skateboard now we both know it's not a skating compilation until someone gets hit with their own skateboard all right so she goes flying off catches her ass on the pole that spells disaster hits the ground see now right here things actually aren't that bad you can see the very moment that things get so much worse right there mmm skateboards are packed full of vitamins and minerals i'm gonna be getting numbers so high they won't even exist like what is this a 1440 i think i may need to see that again because i think i just made my skateboard flip like 400 times if you still have all your bones you're not skating hard enough there you go i like that she turns to look at us right before she dies she's like i'm coming for you okay let's see here i'm gonna turn this pump force up to uh 300 can't get to 100 huh can't get to 99 either can definitely get to 91 though push force 20 200 nice i'm assuming push force is how hard you kick someone's gonna be like are they using railguns over in arizona okay what the hell happened to my character where did she even go okay let's see if you can see it ready did you see the background i never thought in my life i would be able to skateboard at light speed okay if i if i just push one time god all right let me let me aim a little bit this way we may be able to get this to work we're not gonna be able to get this to work how high can i put this push force 920 sure might as well move that top speed all the way up too all right ready we don't need skateboards well we're going oh my god okay let's uh i'm gonna there's so much more to try all right let's go ahead and tune this down a little bit make it make it down to 20. we'll make the top speed i mean we i don't think that we need to go any faster than uh 70 miles an hour body flips yes yes all of it verticality mm-hmm you know what what the hell it's how much can i put in here how's yeah 20 that's fine 2 is stupid 20 so much better late flips why not uh-huh hop kick modifier sure pressure flips i don't even know half this is i just want to keep going to the moon okay this is this is way more realistic now here we go all right now we should oh sh landed it 39.60 gotta land it gotta land it gotta land it hell yeah damn it tony hawk say hello to tonya cocaine look at the skill now if you watch closely you'll see her thighs puncture her skull wait wait right there oh also i just found out how to use super slow-mo gonna really let us enjoy the agony you know how there's always an injury where the skateboarder hits something like a like a a fire hydrant just one of the arms of a sign or something barely sticking out go ahead and just kind of watch through here we're gonna go through the sagebrush and right there you can actually feel her spinal column come out of her mouth i've been killing myself on this map for a while what else do we have in the community maps i can murder myself on a police car and we still haven't turned off gravity and gone to space after all and now tanya heroin approaches the police car when all of a sudden something goes horribly wrong god she's like graceful like a swan even while she's breaking in half over the concrete and even though she's about to get caught inside of a bike rack we all know there's a time in every skater's life where they have to what the hell is she doing she's like dancing a jig on her skateboard this is an amazing feat of skill where you must imprint your groin upon a stationary object that the city has prepared for you now it may look like her left arm is broken ah it is california skate park where spines go to die what the hell happened to my girl holy [ __ ] okay i didn't have the popping that strong she just decided she had enough of this she's like i wonder if i can touch the top of this palm tree florida girl for life i think the best part about this that she broke her fall with her head i had to have at least one instance where i landed on my face i feel like i haven't broken my legs yet there we go sticks the landing well i guess it's uh time to start turning gravity down how about just half gravity oh gravity affects everything including the push-off oh god okay it's fine this poor girl it takes her so long to die now i have to go back to this ramp because i need to know if we can do it wait for it wait for it now oh my god all i have to do is land it yeah 7 920 i love the realism in this game okay at this point i feel like we probably can reach the clouds this isn't enough flips and stuff though i want bigger numbers all right let's go ahead and uh bring the gravity down a little bit more there we go okay now i can barely keep the thing on the ground okay that was a nice that was a nice one right there where's the end of the board dab on the haters i found the end of the board i'm grinding on it i need to at least get over ten thousand that's my eventual hope i don't even know if they allow it i've gotta land it i've gotta land i've gotta land it i've gotta land it 11 [Music] i taught tony hawk everything he knows okay this is it zero now all right ready i have one kick and then oh damn it all right one kick there we go so um how high is the sky box in this game i wonder my fingers are actually getting tired holding the board this tall level rise my child you are the chosen one you will ascend to heaven as the greatest skateboarder that has ever lived the first skateboard to ever do a 20 trillion see what you don't know is the skateboard is actually spinning so fast i'm using it like a helicopter prop ah i'm so tired can i can i go negative gravity a couple hundred times and get up there quicker oh i've got gravity back in hold on oh [ __ ] my legs ah i fell to the planet it's a 100 2 000. well folks hope you all enjoyed this episode of skater xl until the next time stay foxy and much
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,430,019
Rating: 4.9373937 out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, pro gymnast gameplay, impossible moments in sports, impossible moments in sports history, moments sports history, never seen before moments in sports, satisfying moments ins sports, funny fails in sports, funny sports fails, sports fails, gym simulator, gymnast simulator, simulator games, funny simulator games, simulation games, funny moments, skater xl, skater xl gameplay, skater xl game, skater xl funny, skating fails
Id: Hz1uTNoYgR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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