i broke 7,539,961 bones and this happened

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sorry so we're checking out the only game where the currency used to buy new stuff is broken bones it's break me totally more stick surgery damn it break me totally is a game well your job is to torture stick figures by breaking their bones so you can buy additional ways to break their bones I'm not gonna lie there's a lot of amazing boards here there's also all these different like things that you can use one of them's a goddamn rocket and if that wasn't enough you can use props such as ramps and TNT and a turret so this game has an edit mode where you can do basically damn near anything you want it costs a hundred thousand broken bones which normally would take forever and or be impossible but there's two damn ways to play these games the right way in the great way don't get me wrong I guarantee we're gonna find a way to get unlimited broken bones somehow and then open up the editor I've been trying to gain money so that I can do different things like destroyed the delicate balance of stick bones I'm not gonna lie though I really want this big skateboard I like there's a rocket bike in a rocket car at this point they're just putting Rockets on everything it's just a truck carrying a bunch of dynamite like that it's just called truck I'm glad I noticed this bunch of lies alright give me the big skate just screwing around I think I've broken about 4000 stick bones so far because rookie numbers I like that every pose that you can take on this gigantic skateboard is specifically made to ruin your life you know what face first when I I think that the I think that the skateboard has its own momentum it's like an electric skillet cheap you get to see all the bones and everything as they are broken in real time and I'm pretty sure that our wheel ended up giving us a concussion see that 26 broken bones 6600 total it's garbage I feel like putting the TNT in the mid area will probably help us catch additional air you know by means of high explosives you got you really got to get it perfectly - see right there the TNT basically went up our ass which worked out quite well and now I get to go to sleep with my skateboard on top of me I need 25,000 points so we can open up one of the cool stages I think I just got a new record on flips I want this one because it looks like there's thrust each unk's involved before I start throwing vehicles at the problem I always like to do a dive off the platform and see exactly what we're dealing with board wise oh I have an idea for this this scooters gonna be perfect a little bit of TNT down here alright baby get ready we should land pretty close to it hmm I get to chew on this this column oh I'm stuck in just what the hell what is happening oh my god I'm getting so deep I told you we would break the game over Lily yes keep keep going no don't stop 40,000 points what the hell happened I broke 53 bones on that Monte antique there we are see that without glitching the game howling at 13,000 a few hours later yes like my mic organs are now inside of the skateboard wheels are popping off my head is getting severed score 10,000 points at once it said you've got it all right we need something new and exciting here let's see you know what a sports car what could go wrong all the tnt I mean there's not really much space to use this sports car portion but you know what what the hell I don't know how I managed to miss all the TNT come on get tortured for our amusement hell yes I broke everything and we got the TNT area hit by like a seat like a spoiler or something I have no idea I've got 31 thousand points from it though 42 bones alright the vehicle needs something right here straight line perfect I grab the sports car multiple TN t--'s now let's roll now I don't know how volatile the car is when it comes to TNT it doesn't look like it's that good actually not really sure this counts is breaking my head but it definitely gets us the kind of points that I want because I kind of want to check the rocket out okay this is starting to be amazing forty-four thousands of Brandon record forty-nine thousand fifty fifty mister stick man I applaud your courage for this I think I've found like the most torturous position that I could have gotten my stick figure in he is scorpioned in two different places inside of the skateboard and the points are starting to get big it's so good he's like a little sticky you how many bones will be broken this time 64,000 points 68,000 seventy-one breaking this game like this is like it brings me amount of happiness that I don't think I've had in a game in a long time we're gonna get like a hundred thousand points here we're at a hundred nine hundred and ten 114 ok he's finally free a hundred and seventy a hundred and eighty-seven thousand points we broke a hundred and forty bones we had 15 squared - coins from that give me that goddamn rocket like where does it even go what does it even do does it explain I have plans for this you could almost get over that wall hold on there's gotta be a way okay I think if I let it explode and then I eject when I'm like in the air I might be able to get over the wall come on you're so close mr. stickman I get so close I just can't get over that last couple of feet big slide sure I feel like this is perfect for the sports car yeah whatever put a ramp there it's not really a ramp it's a goddamn halfpipe now whatever all right stick man you know she's already lost one friggin tire the ramp didn't do anything okay maybe a less excessive ramp the RIP did not work as I had anticipated playing the game the right way takes so long to get points and this way is so easy I'm kind of curious what does zombie does Jesus might as well put him on the big skateboard see if I can shove zombie chunks inside of it oh the zombie just exploded to pieces dismemberment score yeah you actually can't get the zombies stuck inside of the skateboard because his pieces just get ripped in half I did it I got over the wall yes it's because the zombies like later or something holy [ __ ] that's a lie oh I only a five-thousand point dismemberment score a 10 seconds of airtime hold on I think I can do it again right now perfect and the explosion from the rocket with multiple flips he's gonna stick the landing right on his head speed boost hell yes hold on I'm gonna try and ruin my life at maximum speed alright inside the sports car I've got three speed boosters I'm stuck inside the car worked out pretty good well what happens if you use this skateboard maximum speed boost on a skateboard what could go wrong everything well three hundred and eighty thousand ninety thousand points huh four hundred thousand points why not I guess I'll consider that a win so what happens in fun fans might as well take the sports car out for this oh you can even put a little ramp in here why not all right fans let's see how fun you are pretty fun I think I'm gonna use this speed thing instead yeah putting the speed thing there was definitely the way to go all right we're rolling here we go [Music] from the TNT got passed the first fan a little steam event yes nice told thousand points sixteen thousand more steam going on now I just get to have most of my facial features steamed off of my skull okay hold on I gotta I gotta get my zombie for this alright ready not yet not yet now the zombie for whatever reason is very aerodynamic his uh his giblets are so light I mean I don't even know if you can ramp with a rocket but I might as well try hell yes you can and whatever we use a dollar store spider-man here kind of wondered if he would like stick to stuff or anything he does not a Spider Man have you been enjoying all the views that you've been getting on YouTube he's like no he's over here he's like my spider sense is tingling come on spider-man you can stick the landing I know you can good job I just realized there's other poses for this rocket Oh Oh God oh I went the wrong way I don't even know what's over here on this side of the map that is possibly the highest I've ever shot a stick by grabbing on to the rocket-like waist style I'm sure he's fine well I kind of wonder if I can do this with this zombie okay I actually got the rocket jammed up my spine that time that was new and exciting and my head just got kicked like a field goal okay I think we're gonna get over the wall a second time the other side of the wall is Valhalla our stick-figure will finally embrace it with both of his stick arms well what's left of his stick arms okay it's rocket bike time ramp in there okay the rocket bike is pretty goddamn fast and there's an actual rocket attached to it I can't like still hear the rocket from the rocket bike doing rocket Mikey things we can't stop until we get the rocket car though me both the big ramp on see if I can legitimately just go straight up with the rocket oh the Rockets like attached to my legs okay okay rock it with the speed booster that wasn't as good points wise as I'd hoped I don't think I've ever seen a stickman with his balls caught on the wheel of a skateboard before this is legitimately probably the most painful thing that I've put this guy through I've decided I'm gonna use this glitch vest over here so we can get the hundred thousand points that we need to open up the editor I don't care what it takes I don't care how much trauma I have to put this stick through in order to eventually unlock the editor and I know it's like a stupid amount of points to like you're not really supposed to be able to get it but I'm gonna get it I don't even know where all this blood is coming from you know the phrase squeezing blood from a stone it's basically what we're doing we're squeezing blood from a stick got it oh yeah carpal tunnel oh there's saws limitless TNT sticky bomb turrets like is there any limit to how many you can use yep you can pretty much do whatever you want so can I make like a blonde you put this here you make a sad box go like this this way there's no escape they ask me how many saws would you like I would like all of the saws please oh you can overlap the saws okay so it doesn't let you put the saws inside the box but I think I still have an idea you can kind of put them right like this I put a couple of steams here just to make sure that there's no way that this guy can ever touch the ground all right that should work well welcome to carpal tunnel I'm not really sure that you need a vehicle but why not it's shooting the pieces of the rocket car all over the place like a pretty good it's amazing doing this I just realized something like I figured I could do this to get you know a ton of points so I can unlock everything else but effectively what I have done is I have created an area that has no end in other words this particular part of the game is never going to end this poor stick is to school you sit here in a lifetime of suffering and the best part is that the rocket bike the rocket never runs out of fuel so it's just here beating the crap out of my guy infinitely the points are starting to guess what hey our guy has literally broken like a trillion voluntold hold on hold on there's something else I want to try how about if you put the zombie in here will all of his dismemberment pieces just be more fuel yeah he gains points even faster than the regular guy you knew that I would have to at least make one level like this how many T and T's is enough all of the TN t--'s hold on if he gets blown upward I wanted to go anywhere he can just hit more TNT anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode me totally where we finally found out how to break like 700 trillion bones anyway until the next time stay foxy it much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 4,611,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad choices, bad life choices game, all endings, funny ending, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, funny stickman, funny stickman fight, stickman jailbreak, stickman jail, funny escape, funny espace simulation, prison escape, stickman prison escape
Id: BFnuEtjpEes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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