When you literally jump to space

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all right so we're checking out the only game where the length of your wood is literally everything it's skater xl skater xl is one of those games that i'm having a fantastic time breaking since we can literally mod every single thing in the game while i've made our skateboarding florida girl over here shoot off her skateboard at the speed of light i found out that you can also change the skateboard itself today's insanity is sponsored by diss plate but since talking about them would be boring i'm going to beat another poster to death with one and then try and cut it with a circular saw more on that later i'd like to mention that today's board viagra is brought to us by klepto xl a modder who understands that you can never have a big enough board long boards they save you don't have a 19 foot long skateboard you know what we call that rookie numbers i'm the only person who does a trick and if there's like a crowd i kill 35 people i have to mention something i'm grinding but it's not actually that hard because my skateboard is 19 feet long let me go ahead and slow down here and by slow down i mean break both of my ankles obviously today we're going to have to experiment with more modding and i'm going to have to continue to do stupid things to my skateboard you may be asking yourself but gray how long and wide can your wood get well let me show you oh yeah it's like i'm skateboarding on a pool oh my god i can't i can't skate anywhere okay i i don't care how it happens i i have to make it to that giant jump on this board don't mind me i'm just driving the ford explorer of skateboards when i jump i get so much air like air friction under the board that it lifts me up all right here we go he ain't i would say i wonder if i can land it but i think the real question is how could i not land this all right ready got it oh hell yes when your skateboard is shaving your entire body in half that's when you know so um i mean i guess i should increase the size of the trucks and stuff i mean how like how long can i actually get the length 2808 inches you know who's bad at math me you know who's good at math my google girlfriend tiffany hey google how many feet is 2808 inches i heard you say how many feet is 2808 in is that right that's that's not what i said that's not what i said sorry i don't understand god damn it how many feet is two thousand eight hundred equivalent to zero point zero zero [ __ ] how many feet is two thousand eight hundred and eight inches two thousand eight hundred eight inches is equivalent to 234 feet 234 feet so what um what can you do with the wheels oh yes hold on let me bring the width up a little bit oh my god you can change the rails the hell the rails are way up there with all of it all right i mean you gotta start somewhere so i i guess i guess we'll begin with this it's like i'm skateboarding on two gigantic marshmallows man this thing drives like a dream hey i gotta mention too i don't know how our girl is able to grab this she's like where'd my character go this is my display of some kitten heads this is an actual kitten head this is the circular saw that i'm going to be using to test the durability of a disc plate these removable items are all you need to put up at this place you always want to make sure to wipe all of your dna off the wall peel the thing and stick the other thing peel and stick your magnet on real hard and then hang your kitten heads up oh hold on ah that's more like it did you know that this blade is using the talent of over 40 000 different artists you know how i know because there's a freaking florida man disc plate okay let's cut some stuff with the circular saw this is a regular picture poster and this is a freaking disc plate this plate cares about the ecology so they're planting trees for every disc plate you buy which is good because you're going to get rid of all that craptastic wood that you had before that you don't need disc plates are durable and modular the only holes that you're going to deal with are the holes that you put in the old weak sauce posters i know what you're asking though what would happen if all of a sudden your disc plate landed on your workbench while you were cutting a 2x4 with a circular saw it'll cut but it'll also dull the hell out of your plates check out my link in the description below to activate a special discount code thanks for sponsoring my crazy ass display she is a beast what is this maneuver okay straight up she is using the skateboard like bruce lee uses nunchakus no big deal 8460. okay so um hold on so one of the things that we're gonna have to do here with this skateboard i wonder if she can stay on it right top speed um all of it i learned recently that if you add enough push force you turn into goku all right let me aim up here i'm gonna fly this [ __ ] to cleveland there yeet the board look at it go in the distance oh it's coming back it must have caught some wind or something like that the giant pocket it's like a freaking windmill one thing that people don't understand is how much shade a skateboarder can provide to arizona or wherever we are here okay maybe i've gone a little bit too far on the top speed how about if i just how about like 196 how about that that's not that much right no it's still pretty bad okay okay oh yeah i can do this grind of a lifetime [ __ ] okay real quick you need to understand what we're dealing with here i thought i would uh i thought i would bring you with me as our girls board ricochets off the freaking ramp right before she tries to land it i like how the wheels can't even deal with the board that they're on and right about there you can actually see the very moment that her board penetrates her lifeless body and a soft landing how are you doing madam she's like i hate you now i know we can have wheels bigger than this of course we can don't worry i'm i'm in there somewhere i shouldn't get injured i'm protected by the wheels now yeah let's go with a curb crusher i love how ridiculous the wheels can get when you try some of the other options here what do custom legs do i can't see my board is in the way hold on i'll check this out in a second can anyone see what maneuvers i'm doing that's like getting attacked by this tape of marshmallow mantasis i think i i think i did a jump no god oh that looks uncomfortable imagine you go to the skate park and you see this do you even bother all right i don't know what any of this does so i'm just gonna put a bunch of big numbers in and pray for the best remember when i said i'd hope for the best with the christ this is a new trick uh where you wear your left leg on your head my girl can do amazing things with her legs right now flexibility9000 i was gonna say usually i'm all about breaking bones in these games but now it's kind of like who needs bones this girl is like stretch armstrong's alcoholic sister yay hey oh i can turn the legs on for all of these things [Music] yes more zeros damn it i mean it already looked like she was grabbing her head with her foot but i guess there's more to this uh-huh yeah imagine going to like the x-man mansion and they're like what is your special power and she's like let me show you oh yeah you put your left foot in you take your left foot out you shove it up your ass did you shake it all about we don't need physics where we're going we don't need bone marrow either sticks to landing god what else can i ruin here threshold i don't know all of it increased stall time uh sure max grind angle 15 degrees 45 degrees how about 945 degrees uh yeah pivot torque whatever one foot grind sure uh i've landed i've landed this sweet grind what do i do now she's like now i sleep holy piss okay did you see that somehow i got a 5050. did my did my skateboard move at the speed of light just then let's take a nice close look here ah you can see the very moment that she ceases being a human if you can't get your foot completely wrapped around your skateboard with your toes clenching it to your ass cheek on the left-hand side you need to keep practicing practice and as usual she catches her ass right on the board breaking her spine immediately and like a beautiful snow princess she waves her ass goodbye with a soft drop onto the ground as her back and skull immediately break she rests for all time upon the sweet embrace of the ramp body flip speed 9100 decoupled player rotation on total i don't know what all these flips are but i'm making them a lot five bullsh 95 i don't know the flips don't seem that different i like how my board just does whatever it wants now i can make it do i don't i don't even know what to call that what is stomp power it doesn't matter a lot i have discovered the greatest trick ever i call this adidas maximus all right now watch as she ricochets off the wall does the full dab she's like let this end off the light post backward swan dive and right into the courthouse to pay all her tickets and don't you worry about her she's fine her fall was broken by this door right here what the hell was that oh my god hold on oh no how do i get how do i get back to work yes okay straight up we're going for a new world record my board is spinning so quickly it's creating hurricane force winds oh the landing all right over to the big jump okay yeah flip speed all of it manual pop force whatever grind pop force yes hi pop force sure all right we're going for the new world record here we go okay now we just have to land this wait for it and got it only 218 flips damn it what the hell just happened to my girl where did she go okay so she goes up here she goes to do the jump and the speed then she goes up into the look at her ascend and it's a home run all right we have to get we have to get this somehow hold on this is it this is the winner this is for all the marbles right now this is where tornadoes come from kids landed it 514 flips all i want in my life is to get a 1 million damn it 2 20 297 000. all right i know what the problem is here i need a bigger board all right we're set damn it now the board's so big i can't get it off that pipe god i hate to say it but maybe bigger isn't always better prepare your anuses we're going for a new world record don't mind me i'm just using my skateboard as a jet propellant to space i'm not landing this thing until i get at least a million i love that at this point in skating numbers cease to have any meaning at all okay we're starting to re-enter the atmosphere and [Music] 150 hold on i didn't land it so it doesn't count i'm gonna do it again this girl has got to be projectile vomiting over the entire crowd that comes to watch her perform magic with a skateboard and by magic i mean you know removing parts of her spinal column i like that as i started to come down to the ground one of my legs decided that it didn't need to like you know be attached to my hip socket anymore yes one point so someone once asked if you could put negative symbols in front of all this stuff and it looks like you can i don't actually know what this does the only thing that makes everything better than more zeros is more negative signs oh we're gonna divide by zero in this game all right i mean i don't know i mean everything i like how now my girl does triple axels holy jesus those legs though how does she do it don't ask because the answer is probably drugs i appreciate that i can now dance a jig around my own skateboard real quick do you want to see what happens when you don't skip leg day all right here we go she's going up the pipe and then infinite power and that's it she escapes the gravitational pull of the planet well folks hope you all enjoyed this episode of skater xl until the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,422,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, pro gymnast gameplay, impossible moments in sports, impossible moments in sports history, moments sports history, never seen before moments in sports, satisfying moments ins sports, funny fails in sports, funny sports fails, sports fails, gym simulator, gymnast simulator, simulator games, funny simulator games, simulation games, funny moments, skater xl, skater xl gameplay, skater xl game, skater xl funny, skating fails
Id: JCOgQ7EByd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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