When you break 94,286,672 bones with a shopping cart

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you can break the laws of physics by forcing your head to explode out your ass as you live inside of a shopping cart it's super hero stick man crash or shopping cart diarrhea superhero stick man crash is one of those games where someone put a lot of effort into the base game and no effort into qa you'll notice that my best score on the very first board is 4.7 million points while i have already racked up enough money to buy most things let me show you how the life of a stick man and his shopping cart goes down now you can always tell one of these games that someone made specifics that i could break it see i haven't bought any of these yet oh bulldozer you and i will be good friends soon honestly me and the hospital bed will probably be good friends soon you take your shopping cart here you get your dollar store walgreens vegan friendly batman inside now if you notice right now nothing's happening it's not really that good he just kind of falls down he breaks his head a couple times falls a little bit more and you end up with 1300 points rookie numbers one thing i noticed in this game is that time doesn't cease when you're in between boards so all you have to do is let a couple of arrows stick inside of your body and you can end up breaking the numerics that you probably shouldn't be allowed to get bone breaking 43 times okay harley quinn what is this this like a hole for her appendix or something because that's what it looks like oh it's like a harley pinata stop shooting me in the ass with arrows if you notice the arrows just never stop they just keep coming so when you get glitched inside of an arrow or two things start happening horrible horrible things i love my shopping cart i will never leave my shopping cart my shopping cart will generate points to infinity and beyond so although i have ruthlessly broken the very first board first off 4 million points isn't good enough and second off i have to see how ridiculous the other boards get because there's plenty of them god i love it when arrows have aneurysms through me and the shopping cart i went to the store and i came home with four different arrows i'll probably just buy all of the items in a second but honestly i struggle to believe that there is anything that is better and more broken than a shopping cart that my character simply refuses to leave it doesn't even look like a shopping cart it looks like one of those hand baskets that you get at the grocery store oh we've broken things real good here i'm not leaving two million points ah my head is on my ass it's always good when the things i say will happen in the game absolutely happen in the game i wasn't gonna be happy until my head came in and out of my own rectum i'm not really sure what my character is doing here besides having explosive diarrhea it's like only my ass is caught inside of the shopping cart all right another 2.6 million points nice so um yeah give me all this like i said i doubt anything is as good as the super cart but i mean we won't know until we try ah there's nothing quite like office max flash there's like a better way to sit on this thing ah right here that's probably the most natural seated position i learned long ago as someone who has to sit in front of my computer quite often that this is probably the position you want to be in most of the time all right the power seat sucks how about the kid's scooter this is great i have a hood ornament now it's a sad day when getting 62 000 points is awful okay how about the hospital bed this is how they give pedicures now oh this is great this is fantastic for my neck how do you eject yourself from a hospital bed green lantern's like poorly oh that's exciting like an aero enema all right the hospital bed is average at best this is not how you use a hoverboard now this is how you use hoverboard now previously i had found ways to glitch inside of skateboards in another one of these games i'm not sure if the same thing can happen here maybe on another board motorbike this looks promising anytime i get hopelessly stuck inside of my own wheel well that's a good day that doesn't look like it was supposed to happen oh this is interesting i can get the arrows to do different things by changing my pose in the middle of the arrows flying get inside of the bike frame get inside of it rookie numbers ah non-rookie numbers i love how the arrows refuse to not hit the wall right now what's happening is the arrows are caught on the bike frame but they want to attach to this wall so they're pancaking harley quinn in the most ridiculous ways possible great job harley all the gymnastics really paid off i have found the promised land so basically what you do if you want to break it with the motorbike here is you wait until a couple of arrows are facing upward completely resistant to the laws of physics okay see that that's one arrow that's doing well but we need a few down here by the tires okay that's pretty good uh-huh that's nice wait for it oh see that's good good good good all right now we go ahead and start things off see now right here this is where the harvard begins if there's one thing i love doing it's playing games exactly the way they're supposed to be played all right mice will try the jeep okay this is not a jeep this is like half a jeep why is the jeep already in half it's always good when an arrow is having an epileptic seizure against your jeep come on i know there's more arrows that want to join this there we go yeah bring your friends hey it's a party my g doesn't get gas mileage it gets kick-ass mileage spider-man's over here he's like you be kidding me where the hell is he where the hell sp is he inside the freaking wall he is talking about the lack of qa he's half in the wall here i appreciate that putting him half in the wall you get like automatic points because the game ejaculates him out of it like this i didn't have to do anything for 17 000 points uh harder harder spider-man spider-man does anything a dartboard can alright moving over to the sport bike again this is only the first level a few seconds later starting off with my feet in the wall while three arrows slap me in the mouth seems like a great way to get some points and the bike sucks if 30 generations of gray still places can't get killed from it's not good enough what's next roadster i'm sorry half of a roadster i feel like you were never meant to come back to the very first board with the ending items well this is starting off well i'm wearing part of the car like a freaking shock collar if i stand like this i can actually block more arrows that's my plan no [Music] anytime you see an arrow turn sideways that is a recipe for points jeep bombs they said it'll be fine they said do you know what happens when you add explosives to the stupidity of this game unexpected results god it's like a freaking hydraulic press because the the vehicle is so big and i got on this side of the vehicle all these arrows that have nothing to do with inertia just continue to crush me into the wall these arrows are like science is stupid i do appreciate that i get to use this tire as a seat cushion while all these arrows continue to compress all of my organs out of my mouth i think i may actually get these points the arrows are slowly managing to get off of the vehicle now it may look like their skeleton is in crippling pain but this is the standard physiology of a superhero that's what makes them special i love that as time goes on this arrow gets more and more pissed you can see every once in a while it jumps up like an extra hundred thousand points i told you before 4.7 million was still rookie numbers if i can't get over 5 million it doesn't even count i'm sorry over 6 million you know what why not 7 million my character's actually trying to do the ymca with only their body oh 9 million by the way here i was thinking the shopping cart was the best what a fool i was 20 million this arrow over here has been knocking for 20 million points the superheroes like go away this is an unbelievably inappropriate position to be in remember when your dad went to the store for a carton of milk and never came back this is what happened oh the arrow it it's finally starting to go over the top i'm gonna get these points finally i can be out of this purgatory i'm actually kind of curious how many times my body has done a full 360 around my torso oh here we go here we go come on all the way over no no no no you were so close yes oh my god i want to know what the hell my point totals are two one yeah oh my god would you like double the reward sure what happens when you double stupidity you get this now that number's pretty good but it's not good enough we're doing this until we beat it already well now that we can afford absolutely everything i kind of wonder if anything will ever be good as space stairs though you know what stairs bomb sure what haven't i tried yet ah the bulldozer why is this the first way that my character wants to drive the bulldozer look he's not even trying what am i holding on to there's arrows in this board too not only are there arrows in this board they don't get deleted when you restart satan arrows go i like how the creator of the game they didn't even put like a floor so when you go off the board you just fall for eternity hunker down goku we're going for a ride i like how this arrow is is stuck here since there's no floor and there's no wall if you go off the board i'm just stuck in infinite torment and humiliation oh wait hold on i have an ejection button and this board's okay i opened a new board and i immediately went flying off of it it's called big stairs i hit a blade and then i went shooting into the sky and i never landed and let's go big here what do we got big fans i wasn't sure if this board would be able to do anything it can do some things mainly it's really good at compressing you underneath the bomb truck and then having the only way out be a spinning blade okay you can also glitch inside of it on this board that's good okay the fans spin really fast i've gotta somehow manage to land the vehicle on the fans and it looks like just like all the other boards the fans never stop gaining momentum so if you can get over to them after they've been sitting there for a while they'll be moving at like light speed look at how fast it goes exciting don't you dare let go of that friggin bulldozer this is called dance and death i know what you're asking but gray can you bring back the shopping cart you're damn right it's like getting a violent massage with all these arrows although i will say the points aren't that good so far compared to what we've already had it just looks a lot more painful because you're being skinned alive by a bunch of arrows while also being skinned alive by a saw while also repeatedly having your legs ripped from your body by this pendulum thing i guess it's more of a thruster than a pendulum it has to be a faster way to get points pinball huh define pinball ah the bouncy balls type of pinball i need to find a way to get my freaking shopping cart down here i got my shopping cart down here god it's every bit as insane as i would have predicted as well it is inside my pelvis my shopping cart and i cannot be separated rookie numbers i don't have time for rookie numbers so where's the top of this board at because i'm planning on reaching it there's the top of the board it was around here somewhere i had wondered how long it would take me to find another board where i could get truly stupid amounts of points i'm not sure anything will ever beat the first board but this one comes decently close 414 thousand points respectable what i'm trying to do is get stuck inside of my bomb truck i need an arrow to come at just the right time so that it flattens me against the truck against the wall the thing about this board is the arrows never stop get wrecked raphael so this board has like reverse gravity suction as well as unlimited arrows so i don't even really have to do anything but figure out a way to get over to this part which you're really not supposed to be able to get over for the pain train to begin i'm not gonna lie it wasn't easy to get a ninja turtle stuck inside of a car frame but that's what i need for the suction portion i'll show you in a second yes [Music] good rise my points well this is an interesting spider-man package that i have created okay now just work your way over here yes now slide down the hill interesting i actually have so much weight on me that it wasn't able to pick me up into the suction oh i had gotten 2.9 million points but now i think i may end up getting a few more i like that i've screwed the game up so much that the fan doesn't move anymore stacking up like two dozen freaking arrows underneath my jeep there we go what do we have to beat 27 million considering i'm getting 500 000 points every 10 seconds or so this doesn't seem that impossible oh now my head's getting caught inside of the fan great flash aren't you so happy that you're the fastest man alive he's like no not really i feel like a human meatball well get comfortable because i'm leaving your ass in there until we have the high score 94 million points now i'm satisfied well if there's one thing i learned about superheroes is that they have way more bones to break than the average person anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of superhero stick man crash until next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,825,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad choices, bad life choices game, all endings, funny ending, funny simulator, simulation games, mobile game, stickman fight, stickman game, stickman games, funny stickman, funny stickman fight, stickman jail, funny escape, sandbox games, ragdoll game, physics game, physics simulator
Id: WkPOvfM95Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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