taking relationship problems to unrealistic extremes

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all right so we're checking out the only game we're picking the wrong toilet stall means that you will be ruthlessly murdered by your girlfriend who you gave gonorrhea to six months prior its who dies first I'm not kidding apparently the deaths in this gets so elaborate that eventually you're gonna end up like you'll see more toilets told estimate as you can see we're on a nice stroll with our lovely pink wearing stick girlfriend when all of a sudden this haughty bastard comes up and wants to take her from us okay our stick girlfriend clearly has absolutely no goddamn faithfulness at all I thought there would be more to this okay now the story is getting slightly elaborate for some reason there's a dude on a scooter stick romantic man more than an episode girl I'm at the point where I really don't know who's gonna die first I didn't expect my first trial to have like 15 stick men in it of course go to the guy in the sports car why wouldn't you this dick guy over here is like what does he have that I don't and the girls like gainful employment I hope the weight of your wallet drowns you when you go over the bridge you bastard oh now she wants help I also have to ask myself why is it that male stick people are soluble in water and female stick people aren't also the fact that her chest is the same color as her head does that mean that she's naked like in the chest area I feel like I'm thinking about this too intently for a stick game while all three guys who dies first I hope her the [ __ ] that's what you get for breaking three hearts in this span of ten seconds that will probably be the first and only time that I'm going to guess correctly I just wanted her to die I didn't legitimately think it was gonna happen oh hell yes it's dollar store Mario Brothers put that goddamn flag in ya shove it in here you're the winner back your ass up there Lance stick strong holy Christ it's like capture the flag mixed with the Hunger Games is this guy wearing a cup or is that his stick penis hanging out I can't tell it's like the game of thrones' stick games the only difference is this has a better ending top ten enemy fights go and they just about hire DreamWorks to do form who died first I everyone else that wasn't these two I don't know him see that I know when a man's pretending to play dead I like how there's no build up to this at all this one's like trying to recreate saw but it only has 30 bucks for the film budget you know somehow the guy holding this is gonna die I'm not sure how but it's just that's what I've learned in this game okay I guess I was totally wrong bat versus exposed penis who will survive I guess the bat all right this guy has a better chance because his exposed stick penis is wearing a fire axe he's like the poorly drawn budget stick version of Paul Bunyan he's Paul Bunyan Kittleman and smoke your doobs Paul Bunyan hell yes okay I feel like bringing a scoped rifle to an axe fight isn't fair I kind of knew where that was going okay I like how this goes from a guy with nothing to a baseball bat to a fire axe to a rifle to a friggin Humvee with a gun on top every stick guy is trying to outdo the next guy they're trying to one-up each other it's like the evolution of prank channels on YouTube you start off prank calling pizza places and before you know it you're putting a pillow over your mother's face four views USA baby give them the merica oh it's like The Last Samurai my god mr. cruise knock all right [ __ ] they call me the can opener give me that sweet stick tomato sauce inside oh okay took two shots I was I was getting kind of worried that like the bullet would bounce off somewhere and the shell would come back and blow up the tank I think there's like a ton of these boards I don't know how elaborate they can possibly get there's one thing I learned in this game when there's one stick guy walking alone that's the type of scenario when things go from zero to a hundred where's this guy live New Jersey it's like he's just walking to Walmart he's getting assailed the Jackie Chan of stick figures meets a guy with a sniper rifle your rifle looks like something made by the Green Lantern which means you have to lose oh my god I think I was right nope god damn it he was probably an accident oh yeah your girl is back it's sticketh ax stick of fir she reminds me of like a Tiffany Stephanie actually Stephanie sounds really bad that means it's the goddamn winner holding this girl's hand is like a one-way ticket to hell I don't think I've ever seen anyone in love with this stick girl and come out of this alive us reminds me of where we went the first time wait a second is this some kind of repeat the bridge just got twice as long from the first one hey baby I'm sorry I love you lying stick [ __ ] she died the last time I don't think they would do that twice in a row all right you have the lowest property value I'll say to you that dies well I have to find out way to go Hercules okay I pick please Sparta kick her into the water what if Reagan yacht rolling up in here I love it Elijah Wood comes up in his boat takes your girlfriend away bye Stephanie ah the thing every stick man is allergic to stairs it's always women in stairs what does need help for I I guess you can go up the stairs but you can't go down that was not help that was a lie the stick figures like I'm coming for you Elijah would you [ __ ] run behind him okay I like how we're working with Flat Earth rules he's just like running underneath the earth so he can turn up on the other side real quick guys first what depends is our crony a [ __ ] or not I'm about to go Sin City on your ass [Music] we got Solid Snake over here solid stick she boo would die if he pushed the rock down who's asking this question it looks like the rock is asking the question this one's for you Dwayne Johnson god it's like I'm playing a choose-your-own-adventure version of seven second riddles or whatever that YouTube channel is I'm gonna go with this guy just because he looks like he's at the bottom of a stony penis chamber I don't think there's any way he can possibly die technically I think it would be oh I was gonna say I thought it would maybe be this guy all right you ready for a totally accurate representation of your kids first box car race go with this guy all right Junior go get him you make me proud son stiff and he's back and she's here to break hearts and spread STDs STDs in this cases stick transmitted diseases honestly why are we putting ourselves at risk for her she's just gonna leave you for a guy with a yacht anyway here's our first athlete so close probably shouldn't skip leg day I like how she's pretending to be sad what a bunch of sheep that's what happens when you have too much leg day pretty soon there's gonna be no one left and the final stick we'll just have to walk across the dead bodies of his comrades Lumberjacks stick coming in with his thick wood however he is bested by the fastest stick that has ever lived his name is Lance good thrust I just noticed that this stick figures feet are coming through the floorboard a his sports car it's like the Fred Flintstone ten years he's like hey baby I want to show you my credit score first I have to just travel across this very precarious rope I mean she hasn't even had to move I don't know how she could possibly die but I feel like she is go get back in the car and like trying to jump it and land right on top of her hey I have money I like how saying that you're wealthy is like the music of the Pied Piper for stick women I was right finally I'm sorry goodbye Canadian stick you're the hero of today's episode okay I can already tell what's wrong with this scene your stick figure is happy there is no happiness in the world of sticks Stephanie will make sure that Ola jets Tiffany is actually coming up in here with her Gucci and everything I feel like our previous Park Bench adventures have prepared us for this situation oh except this time we get a girl never mind the female sticks in this game are like praying mantises they exist to kill all men and yet the men continue to fall in love with him because they're stupid he's like live out my days a virgin or die he's like I'll gladly die oh you just got stick blocked you know what I decided I love stick figures because they have low morals and a very short lifespan that's right he stole your girl from you what are you gonna do I mean I guess I'll go for a revenge maybe oh I guess so he's taking his ball and he's going never but technically he gets both girls now ah a long-distance relationship this is what the female stick looks like Jesus hey what are you doing I love you these stick figures have a lot in common like their intrinsic desire to die I love you like life do you know why cuz you are my life okay now it's kind of starting to seem like that kind of romance where you know they take your family they kill them all and skinned them alive and then they imprison you in the basement you don't ever get to leave I wrote your name in the sand but it got washed away I wrote your name in the sky but it got blue away I wrote your name in my heart where it will stay I wrote your name in Google Translate and it disappointed gray now that I fully understand the types of pickup lines that the male sticks have I understand why they die all the time I also understand why they go after the female sticks but this puts everything perfect message not sent the person isn't receiving messages at this time did the girl just block the guy is the guy gonna go insane and kill the girl I wrote your name in my heart you're not getting away well um can't say I saw that one coming I like how some of this is drawn and some of this just looks like it was ripped off of Google Images and gets stretched to fit whatever its put on I don't know I'm left-handed and I always get made fun of for it so I'm gonna go with the left guy looks like I may have been wrong this guy's gonna get penetrated by the ceiling in the slowest fashion possible that stick figure was like I wasn't killed I was violated all rights Tiffany's back she's here to separate the men from the boys I hate to let you know good serve being in love has a 100% mortality rate it's gay apparently so does being an Olympic athlete how many stick bodies must be broken so that true love can finally be found will love blossom with this the answer is no that dude just got launched to Mars yeah just keep it going why not where's the tank at our boy finally did it or did he who died first Stephanie who's in mourning with a love struck stick I feel like it's gonna be this guy because this is a game where you can have no happiness is she mad because he killed him or she mad because he had her sign like a prenup recycle all right well don't with stiffening she'll break your heart and your spine okay there's something about this scene that I want to mention real quick we're dealing with a stick figure game how come the skeleton inside of the second bathroom is not at all reminiscent of a stick it looks like a dude that sacrificed most of his torso for a big brain god I love the anatomical correctness of this game where will this story lead me who died first I'm still trying to figure out what the hell is happening why is there a stick figure laying and wait with an axe inside of the stall why is there a skeleton that doesn't represent anything in this entire game repair your nipples stick number two I want to see what the skeleton has to offer going for it I was wrong the skeleton did absolutely nothing I think the thing that kind of like bothers me the most is the fact that this stick figure over here is able to drop an engine block out of his ass while a skeleton falls apart inside of his stall oh wow we got trees now the the art design has really taken off in this game for us to come sits upon his bench thinking of a simpler time never mind he's probably gonna assault this guy and take his girlfriend you know what if this dick boyfriend dies it's his own damn fault I can already feel it this guy's like get your healthy relationship away from me what the hell's with the troll face god it's like no matter where you go there's couples that are having a good time this is not at all reminiscent of real life being in a relationship in this game is like being an extra in a horror movie it doesn't matter how much you struggle eventually you're gonna get axed who died first I don't know I can't imagine their love destroying this man and these people are closest oh I guess he's just gonna go cry himself to sleep there's also a good chance he comes back with like a tank or something Oh I mean I was right about dying if you're in a relationship in this game welcome to the most deadly place in the stick-figure world the bathroom Stephanie goes in to powder her nose but little did she know the harbour that was about to befall her okay part of me actually thought this stick was gonna end up dying but this right here is an issue this female stick figures like that's a crime and this guy's like I'm sorry I thought you like bad boys I wonder who died first oh she's actually one of the options all right let's see if this guy has +10 voyeur armor all right female stick figure gets up and she is pissed let this be a lesson to anyone who gets naughty thoughts about stick girls on the toilet well I think I'm gonna go ahead and apply everything I've learned here today to my relationship with my wife so if you don't see me upload any more you'll know what happe anyway folks hope you enjoyed who dies first till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 4,429,407
Rating: 4.9337063 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, bad choices, bad life choices game, bad life choices, life game, apocalypse, all endings, funny ending, who dies first, who dies first game, who dies first ending, who dies first funny gameplay, who dies first gameplay, funny simulator, simulation games, life simulator, life sim
Id: eya2CqgvzjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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