It took HOURS To Get THIS Legendary PAL

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so I want to make something that's stupid busted and I know there's a pal perfect for the job to get what I want though I really need to get my level up all the way to 44 cuz these legendary spheres will be needed I also want to unlock these Galeclaw gloves which need more cloth of course Anubis thank you God they're so good Galeclaw has this fun little ability where you can use them as a glider and so say for instance I have my handgun in my hand and I wanted to shoot something um well I could now and I'm very fast also green Merchant let's just pick up a little bit of ammo from you buddy God that's so fast and now really just one thing that I've been severely neglecting is to actually do these boss fights as people have been telling me that you can do something pretty cool with these guys ragnahawk if you would please thank you buddy God I can't wait till I get a better gun than this rifle it's just so slow all right this isn't the world's best capture rate but I'm feeling lucky okay time to start shooting him more you're at 15 HP this is as low as it goes Buddy stay in the sphere there we go captured him look at all those parts why is my cancel back in Japanese maybe I just shouldn't question it oh hey we can do that thing I wanted Galeclaw snipe that's fun but now apparently if you catch the relaxasaurus or any boss you can then butcher it which this is just he's so large and well there's my double drops I've got 30 precious Dragon Stones a bunch of high quality pal oil but that's a free uh $30,000 so we'll just do that have I captured 10 univolts yet answer no cool that'll be a little experience for me thanks friends oh univolt with artisan I might be able to breed me up a menace later nobody be difficult all the Galeclaws stay in the ball wow is this actually dude they listened that never happens I want to try and get like a swift Runner Galeclaw just for my glider so I can literally zip around the map like nobody's business and I also want to catch this beakon cuz I think it can drop the schematic that I'm really hoping for hey buddy how we feel about staying in the ball first try we looking good we're looking great no schematic there I did level up though neat beakon you're so cool so I'm sorry about this oh it's all just so blurry where did the stuff you dropped go did it clip through the floor man just butchered him for no reason oh I guess I can actually just look at my pal deck there's still so many that I'm missing but oh okay I need three more cats another chicken some more Foxparks uh yeah this makes life a little easier in the next level I get a shotgun yep that will be fun thank you my Galeclaw also by default just has lucky on it so I'm just going to try and start breeding two of them together I do need some more honey though can just work to slowly diminish the cinnamoth population together I'm not really meaning to murder them it's just kind of happening I kind of want to catch them so I can get the max 10 but then also I can do something fun you know double dip sorry guys I get more honey this way it's a vicious cycle but a welcomed one what do I need a bunch of eggs too sounds like the perfect task for my red Merchant glad I did some human trafficking earlier in the day like 100 eggs that'll be fine probably make 13 cakes and I already had five at the ready all right one galeclaw born nothing cool and I just just went and picked up a whole bunch of iron ore too cuz I think I'm going to need a lot of that in the future as well as a lot of Paldium fragments screw it make 830 of them luckily jormuntide's a level four watering so that'll probably go quick right all right just make like 12 mega spheres real quick thank you back to the starting area I go cuz with mega spheres don't you run from me I think I've got nearly a 100% chance to catch these guys I can just complete my basic 10 for each one of these little dudes that was 9 out of 10 you'll be 10 out of 10 and now time to just repeat this until I'm a level that I like actually before that I think it's time for us to stop living in fear come here mammorest luckily ragnahawk's passive lets me do more damage while I'm on his back and it converts it to fire sreally just the absolute counter to this stupid little elephant thing and we fly away and we fly away and we single shot rifle him in the face and we single shot rifle him in the face again he's shooting a giant Sun at us we move all right come on buddy I don't even know if you drop any legendary schematic that I want I just know I'm sick of you go make mega sphere go hyper sphere like I said 15% chance that's not the best oh I got my first never mind I did it in one hyper sphere dude I'm kind of goated sweet I don't have to live in fear anymore we're done let's catch all these guys now large common egg you're a grintale creepy looking cat okay all right time just go catch a whole bunch of junk until I'm like level 43 we're just a little bit shy of level 44 but I want to use my tech points to unlock the new shotgun assembly lines electric kitchen this refined metal chest looks like we got all sorts of new stuff to play with I just need a lot of refined ingots and let's take a look at our new batch of guys so far nothing there I bet it'd probably be faster if I could get Swift or runner on something else and then just breed that into the Galeclaw than hoping to pull it but it's fun this way it's like a little gacha game I also picked up some eggs on my way out celaray this is a large dark egg something cool it's just another tombat man also all my levels I've just been putting into attack my stamina is huge my weight is at least a 1000 that's fine pretty much what I need to do now is just go get a bunch of coal luckily I know there's a good old coal patch just right here just give me your resources thank you and maybe I'll be lucky and get a ragnahawk out of this or an ignis all right that's just nothing it's just a spit in my face make 170 refined ingots please although I need circuit boards too can I make those off you maybe I need pure quartz where do I find that at uh wait I think I know cold resistant armor on I knew this rock looked weird also need pal oil I think this mammorest drops me a ton sorry buddy I'd offer to catch you but I ran out of pal spheres you good with the afterlife I hope so all we got to do is just wait for this polymer to be done crafting now but my good boy in the whole world is really good at crafting up polymer also these two rain up but what are you doing punching in the numbers why does this flower thing look so mad too all right 30 circuit boards if you'd please also how's the paldium coming 336 that's a good amount let's queue up 78 giga spheres and man I really need to get a better cooker good thing that pal that I'm going for is just the guy I need also the only thing stopping me from leveling up has been not having a refined metal chest we'll just queue one there we go that's nice well done everybody base upgraded production assembly line 2 I get the feeling we're about to get a lot of Base upgrades dude this has so much space give me everything from this and I'll just shove it in there and give me everything from you likewise just shove it in there hey uh quick look this takes a 100 refined ingots ragnahawk let's hurry that up huh I think this is the last one that I need yes it is all right I think I've got enough Oh Perfect Production assembly line two everyone can work on this thing I can make this new hyper shield now my old one has 540 Shield the new hyper Shield is 1,045 wow also queue up some carbon fiber and of course upgrade my pal box build an electric furnace what level is that oh it's my level 44 that I need yo this guy's dead but he's still grooving in the afterlife good for you buddy why do I keep T-posing where's my other glider also grab up this polymer and now I can make the new pump action shotgun I get the feeling this guy is going to be a helpful tool for what I've got planned oh no this Broncherry is oh oh god oh no everyone's attacking just wandered into the wrong Camp buddy but hey shotgun acquired best part is I can just buy the ammo I need right from this guy all right we're going to go test it out on this Alpha univolt that's over here level 31 and fire fire fire oh my gosh this thing's chunking what is that this is like a boss like this is this is a big guy and I caught him just icing on the cake what do you mean inventory is full what is this oh it dropped me a ring of lightning resistance I might as well put that on dude that's one of the rare drops that I was wanting wait sick I didn't want that one in particular but it's good to know that they exist at least it'd be nice if I could catch you too mammorest I'm getting real close to my level 44 buddy all right you die I don't even care there's a whole herd of Mal pacas over here that I can could just catch instead excuse me pardon me dude you know what I haven't done in like a long time is one of these nice little dungeons ragnahawk's nice too you can just fly under the doors all right dungeon boss I'm coming for you get ready who's my boss oh it's it's big boss pengullet fire fire all right buddy you're just fully almost dead dude this thing's amazing perfect catch what little goodies I got crossbow schematic high grade technical manual neat yeah all right the shotgun should get me what I need and this last little Flack should get me up to level 44 I can get the new balls what a great day I actually do still need sphere bench 2 but I can unlock them now oh and the furnace oh and a sword all right time to do a little bit of mining I also got told about this neat little trick that I can just block honey in here so all my other gardening supplies should be getting dropped off in the cooler box now also finally have enough can get the sphere assembly line down and there it is legendary spheres take cement carbon fiber pal metal ingots and Paldium fragments which means we once again need to get more coal that's easy enough plenty of rocks over here luckily carbon fiber also uses coal start working men all right finally saved up enough let's get the electric workbench down and by workbench I mean furnace I've been playing this game for far too long now God everyone's coming together yeah no beat the crap out of it you got it guys yeah sweet thanks let's go ahead and queue up 100 pal metal ingots that seems good wixen I'll tell you right now you're not the one who's working on them level two kindling you got to be kidding me but also I can upgrade my Base to max level now I can fit 20 Pals in here I've got my miners my Kindler my waterer My Wood Choppers my gardeners beakon for power and then just some miscellaneous how fast are you working on those that's going up at least a decent amount while I wait for those to cook might as well breed some more Anubis if I can get that Artisan skill on these guys great if not I'll cry man these things sure are expensive too well time to just let this run for a while a few minutes later no exaggeration 40 minutes later I'm back still got plenty of Pal metal ingots going but I do have some spheres started up I think it's time for us to crack open these Anubis and see if I got anything good so far not looking likely there's Artisan but with slacker it's a bit counterintuitive and onto the final egg yeah nothing good all right don't worry maybe this egg will be it answer Artisan coward clumsy wait that's actually better although now we finally got my last little three I need that means it's time for us to get going specifically right over to this scary looking structure why are these guys just beefing with a teafant what could it have done now I've only got 20 legendary spheres and I didn't think to bring any hyper ones so we just kind of have to hope that this uh Works cuz there's the guy I want to get hello jormuntide ignis variant yeah shotgun helps a lot with this that's good damage 35% catch rate on you and we didn't get it all right we'll try again I guess I can start fighting another one at the same time surely one of you will stay in the ball right you're at 67 answer yes I caught one am I catching you too I am no that guy has triple brittle that's so so bad that's so so bad you're just annoying me so you get shot all right I'm going to try and capture one final one but luck is not in my favor please Shake nope all right four we're going to take four spheres from me no we're going to take six cuz I missed that throw there's the jiggle and there's the catch all right time for me to start heading home now the whole reason I did this is all because he's a level four kindling monster he's also got like crazy good stats So eventually I'll put him in the party I'll just do some breeding to get some good attributes for now though I think that's going to be all for me I saw a lot of comments telling me to get this guy and I'm sure he's about to be a huge help to the team if you want to see more palworld or I have something that you specifically want me to do leave me a comment down below letting me know until then as always thank you so much for watching I'll see you
Channel: ImCade
Views: 165,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay
Id: jW5dGdXQI64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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