I Spent 100 Days EVOLVING Rare Frogs

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this game's called Croc Loco I thought it was a fun name so let's buy some frogs and from the secret swamp look we got ourselves a little frog right here in this little box if I click on it the froggy spawns look how adorable the little fella is oh he jumped again let's spawn him a couple bugs to eat there you go buddy eat some flies a look how cute he is oh he got another one I'm proud of him I have to feed him until it becomes an adult now please become an adult I need to buy more frogs oh new frog found green fre frog nice I also now have froggy mode if I click on froggy then I get to become the froggy and oh I get to eat things dang reck oh no I missed let's jump over there and go down and eat the big bug no come on come on oh so far away come here hey and super no no that's too far you Dingus oh jump over here and get it okay jump down and over we're going to get this little fly it doesn't why do you do this to me yeah ha nice oh another one spawned I like this I'm good at catching flies with my tongue oh too bad I can't catch flies when I'm jumping in the air I'll just slowly crawl up here also I noticed that there's the level two button says scream why is the Frog scream like that I am not sure but I'm just going to let this fell out wow that was a cool jump yeah eat all these Dingus there you go and then I'll click on you again and eat all the Flies I just spawned cuz that's the smarter idea yes now I'm getting lots of money I need $10 so I can buy another frog and I'll catch another gold one oh that wasn't a gold one get the gold one get yes yes $21 now I can buy two frogs let's go to the Frog swamp and buy two more frogs good and we'll open these up H I don't even know what those are but there's a couple nice ones down there you guys grow a little bigger and we'll see what kind of frogs you are this little fell loves eating frog juice and I mean flies not they don't they're not cannibals yet oh but I found a new green glass frog interesting and a slim green tree frog cool I will slowly Ambush this one H gotcha yes nice shot and another one here ooh $22 again that means I can buy two more little Froggies and we'll spawn that in I don't know what that was but it was orange and by orange I totally mean purple come here buddy eat some flies and level yourself up why is this one green and shiny I really don't know the answer to that but give me that I want that oh oh so close your tongue is so long yes Nice Shot can I just jump straight up ready a fire nice that was perfect I found a good farming spot here jump across and eat the bug beautiful I don't know oh wow this guy's got such a long tongue ha and thanks to him I can get three more oh too many frogs in tank I don't like that let's buy maximum frogs I can get up to 45 my goodness so let's see what this one is another green glass frog maybe oh the flattened tree frog he's a rare one that's good he must bring me lots of money speaking of which I can buy another frog again ah and that one was light blue he kind of looks cute let's see what he sounds like if I make him croak Oh weird how about scream I should be a voice actor in this game ooh this was a mad green rain frog I have a lot of green frog frogs right now I also have $24 that means I can buy even more I was looking at this page I have eight of nine frogs currently available there's some interesting things they have different qualities and Rarities so the Rarity is fine but their qualities 12 112% more sell value so this guy's worth $41 if I sell him this one's worth 60 both of these are worth 15 if I sell both of these now I have $38 and I can buy three more frogs so that means it's time to bust out the trusty Rusty Auto clicker and change it to right Mouse button there we go now I auto click that's too slow let's speed this up to 1 millisecond Ready Aim Fire oh yes so many flies being spawn now eat my pretties eat I need more money so I can sell you wait hold on I think some of these frogs are burping up flies I this one just burped up a fly didn't it it did it again that's gross you're a disgusting creature you're supposed to eat the food you catch although eating flies is kind of disgusting anyway he did it again would you stop that I have to become you wait can I do it nope I can just scream eat him oh yeah there he is right there he's got 400% more fly burps he's an epic one does that mean I get other epic things that'd be kind of cool I want to sell one or two of these like you I'm going to sell you cuz you're worth $26 and you're worth 41 so that's going to be good meaning I can buy more maximum frogs just kidding they're expensive and then I can spawn in more there's something Big And Chunky looks like a toad let's give him all the Flies he wants to eat eat Little Toad eat your heart's content or I'll make you eat to your heart's content there's the there's the one I'm looking for ready papow and then slurp got him whoa he just grew up this is a big fella is this like a can toad Brown bullfrog okay I kind of hate to ask but how much money is you worth ooh he's worth more fly BPS $25 not that much but this guy's kind of nice cuz he's increased frog Rarity oh I just spawned another little frog I wonder what that one's going to be just a typical Brown rain frog all right I also noticed if I just keep my cursor here they just kind of eat from that spot and it works pretty well we get 5 cents each kind of wish I could get paid 5 cents to eat flies I think I'm spawning flies too fast that they're despawning let's slow that back a little bit I think that's much healthier of a supply of frogs and interesting I'm getting 12 cents every fly now why is that did we get a frog that's good for something oh yeah right there global bonus of 7 cents per fly value increase that's huge for us I also didn't realize how much money you can Farm if you know what you're doing when you're eating the gold bugs my goodness they're $4 each and would you get a stretchy boy you can spit out his tongue a long way so let's buy a few more of these my goodness that gets expensive o we got another blue uncommon one that one looks cool I want one of those in real life look at his tongue it's yellow why is your tongue yellow buddy look at him crawling around and then I missed and jump up top nice oh he's he leveled up he got enough XP a strip pink tree green frog I can't words my goodness just too excited about my new frog okay 5% increased frog quality all right this SP is well ready to XP ooh 35% more money per minute I'm not a fan of that look I just got another big guy let's level up another toad oh I just found another one that I don't know about all right buddy you're going to get more flies too oh your mouth is so big you can fit all the flies in it I wonder if I get to level up what I get to feed these guys too that'd be kind of cool I think it's this little fell right there who is the one I think it's you isn't it oh you're ready to level up itself okay maybe that wasn't you where' the little one go is it you oh no no oh yeah yeah yeah you're ready to level up uh-huh so close get so far away oh nice angry eyed tree Grog neat what are you going to do with yourself let's see what kind of skills you have Angry eye tree frog Plus One XP for frogs Ah that's kind of cool I don't like that one oh nice we got A plus 6 cents per fly value that means our flies are worth 18 cents now they are oh we're going to get so much more money let's quickly get one more maximum frog and then we can buy two more frogs ooh and we're very close to this one come on give me something new nope no new ones I am absolutely farming a ton of flies right now my goodness this is kind of gross over here though in the bottom corner one burps and then the other eats it they're like this weird symbiotic relationship what are you two doing oh now now the guy burped out his own F just ate it ah you're weird this game is crazy there he goes again burp the fly oh he missed it eat the fly no eat you Dingus you got to eat that one it's worth more money ha you did it that was worth 40 cents I'm proud of you the good news is they just have enough so I can buy another maximum frog oh I forgot I don't have enough money to buy another frog but now I do give me another froggy oh we need to discover one more come on come on give me something I don't have ah shoot another boring green one oh oh this is interesting oh uh that last one gives me plus $9 to every golden fly um that means it probably would be a good idea to farm that up cuz let's be real the $4 really wasn't worth it at this stage of the game but now when I get almost $100 for eating 10 that's great oh get it nice shot buddy I'm proud of you that's a big chunky frog oh there it is are toads frogs that's real question I'm out here asking real toxal questions about amphibians also gener ating an insane amount of money by eating gold flies how do they get gold that's that's the other real question something cracks me up every time they scream too this game is wild give me that stupid D got him yes another one $380 oh get that yes yes all right we can we can level up again give us another maximum frog my goodness why is that so stupidly expensive buy another frog from the secret swamp we're going to patch another frog from the SEC ooh that one's purple I also want to new the new one we got yep uh-huh increase frog quality that might be why we got this I can get rid of these because we don't really need fly XP very much we need money more than anything we can get rid of I don't know let's not get rid of that yeah no more XP that's just for leveling them up that also opens it up so I can buy a few more frogs and maybe one of these will be the last rare one that we need oh not quite and I believe those fellas mostly just leveled up ooh 86% more cell value is that for that one or the other ones I'm not sure but that one's ready to go frog quality sell value we're going to sell this guy cuz it doesn't say Global bonus he's just worth more money come on let me buy the one we need oh another ooh a rare one that's good I like making them fight for each other's burps oh there is one he's a little faster there it is and oh oh it's getting away he ate his own burp and then so dumb I love it so we got a few others 78 value that's $100 we'll take that uh burp fly value yep we don't need the money per minute oh more fly value so everyone's we 23 now that's cool I really want to know what this Fell's gotten him but let's buy up two more frogs real quick and a another big frog all right we're good we're still on that grind the froggy grind I really would like to get all of my frogs in the tank too because this is going to be huge when we get 45 frogs in the tank oh sweet deal we got the orange frog I'm guessing that oh he say slippery boy you better eat up buddy we got to level you up kind of looks like I don't even know what he looks like kind of cute and a weird looking away hey jump over here we got giant gold flies to eat that's going to level you up faster nice where's the next one there it is yoink oh 60 XP each of these and worth like $13 oh you missed you missed got this one and then where's the next one right here uh-huh you're doing so good buddy you look like a weird weird pig nose though kind of awkward if you ask me where's the next there it is and then and then and then stop moving I got him okay we got the XP we got the XP that we need I just I just can't help it when there's all of these that I need to eat and if they're on the screen then I don't have to jump around and that's worth so much money got it and then this one oh come on come on oh he sipping away back here and then I hate you I hate you you know what on second thought it's a mango tree frog it's epic Rarity and I unlocked a new pack sick let's see what this thing does all right 77 72% more cell value why couldn't you have an epic quality to you you're just rare ah you're annoying me but the good news is I can't even buy this a dang we'll get that in a second all right so I can discover more frogs come on Discover zero more frogs no I want to do that oh my word there are a ton of different levels here too my goodness so I rebooted the game and oh that's the wrong button let's see if it worked by frogs oh yeah Riverbank wrenches $500 for every frog they must be worth a killing so let's quickly buy one oh do I need to oh yeah we got one all right all right all right let see what you are buddy it's just a regular green frog oh look at him he's blue he's a blue green frog let's quickly level him up a little bit where's my blue green frog friend at no we want to be on this one right here there we go now let's jump up until we find the gold one where are you Goldie gold bug where are you H there it is hey hey where dangus get in my mouth oh his tongue is purple wow you're hard to oh there it is and got him oh look at that long tongue nice hop up here Big Stretch there it is no no no 800 stop it you're embarrassing me in front of my friends and oh you dumb Blue Frog why don't you have to be so dumbb and junk you are the worst frog ever oh my word there it is I love you so much you're such a good frog who's a good frog see other are cannibalizing their burps right now we're trying to hunt down gold bugs there it is and nailed it and Dink and nailed it oh that one's a close one oh he spawned in the same spot he gold bugs yes all right he leveled up the blackeyed slim blue tree frog that's a that just rolls off the tongue but how much are you worth that's the real question $180 dues my man I just immediately sold them cuz he was worth money that was a little bit mean of me but I don't care as long as I get new ones again that's another blue frog where'd you go buddy oh you're a slippery onep oh long shot down down here oh get down there I swear I cannot catch these bugs when I want to get it nice oh where oh that's over here now hey oh that's a long tongue shot nailed it yes we leveled up again what is this one a blue tree frog obviously how much are you worth and what kind of skills more fly burps nah we'll just sell you so we can put another frog in your location actually you're probably worth having and the other ones are probably worth selling but at least we got another blue one this time oh he looks cool I got to know what his scream sounds like s like a sheep come here catch the dumb blue gold thank you I'm starting to think that this bottom spot right here might be the best spot to catch bugs oh where did it go over here and where is it where's the gold one at there it is I saw it up top there we go cuz there so many that spawn right in that location there we go we leveled it up oh nice red eyed spotted blue tree frog I feel like these are probably not the scientific names of them but we have 12 extra cents of fly value bringing each one up to 77 cents that's huge right now and we have $1,100 okay it's 35 the burp are word twice that but I can buy another maximum frog spawn in a whole bunch more flies for these fellas to eat buy one more more frog from the riverbank a it's one we have already that's okay here's going to level up between these episodes thank you for my friends for watching Croco if you guys want to play this game go check out the demo on Steam keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd also like to thank all of my channel members and patrons including autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris trenten Cordo RIT La Warrior Keegan h zarov maxer r BC engineer sarx Spencer T whiskey YH splatter saxs Doug rules Fred dton SE cander D Payton play fussy badge link KET Kyler J Nitro Nitro Wyatt K and Rainbow Dash
Channel: Blitz
Views: 224,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, idle game, frog game, croakaloco
Id: x3oaDpkGlUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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