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so we made it back home and we can make up the where is it right here the egg incubator if I unlock that with my ancient technology uh I think we have to make it out of a super workbench no we just build it oh it's a tool to build there it is okay that's uh I have two ancient civilization Parts okay where do we want this thing should we build it in our house sure so it's all nice and cozy and then it can stare at us from the corner kind of menacingly overlaps with other get you get out of the way you're the other object it's interacting with what do you mean it said it was F I'll just build it everyone's going to come into our house now the animals aren't allowed in here oh the big guy's helping us build like yeah smack it smack it smack it and Tada t Okay so there's two eggs that I have we have found a large dark egg a vicious whale howls within or a damp egg something swims within what should we do maybe the damp one cuz we found that one first okay I have no idea how long this takes but let's set an egg in here 5 minutes that's not bad at all that's not too bad seems very comfortable yeah look how cool it looks too I know so while that's going something we can work on is a crossbow for me ooh and I'm going to unlock the cooler box which takes quite a few ingots thankfully we have some I'm going to build that up I'll do it uh right outside here so our little friends can build it okay work faster blit the Big Penguin look at the big penguin he's like I he's doing the work today nice he's so happy okay so this keeps food cool for a while which is awesome mhm oh yeah like I don't even know I don't know what it's doing but I'm going to set a security setting so you can't use it what do you mean just kiding I'm not I'm oh I like your crossbow yeah oh in turn once we hit Level 14 we can make a pal Essence condenser that combines several Pals of the same type to create a higher ranked version weird yeah that's like some sort of pseudo cloning science or something I'm like it I need it just casually waiting here for the egg to hatch straight up levitating in our Empty Chairs oh incubation complete we can incubate it I got it hold oh we have to hold the incubate now oh what did I get a celer oh really the the ones that the the ones that we didn't capture at the water well then let's just see what this dark egg gives us okay the celay did go into here and it is an artisan so it's a good one my goodness what happened this egg takes 30 minutes to incubate 30 do you think uh that means it's time for us to go raid another dungeon and capture another cool pet I like the way you think oh and in turn check this out there's another egg this one's a verdant egg that means green yeah yeah and I think there it is there's the other dungeon so we'll enter this place and see if there's anything here I mean we see the fluffers I think we should probably grab the ore again yeah we're going to need quite a few ingots aren't we there are some more silly Syndicate thugs time to remove them with imput and test out the crossbow did you just one shot that fool I did he didn't know my little jol hog just tagged it you little dude can't do that oh and my penguin took out the other guy that was amazing come on that's nothing so I'll jump down here and you can go try to find the entrance to the boss chamber somewhere else all right have fun main because I just want all the loot to myself hopefully it doesn't require a copper key okay then I'll just take out the BS by myself and capture it no that's my job and oh no open okay pal sphere medical gold coin not too exciting wow the first healing item we've ever had uh a second cuz I have one in my pants right now oh this crossbow is the best thing ever is it one- shotting everything oh yeah 540 damage nice in turn I found the boss room there's a giant Dino in here oh my goodness look how big he is it's mine I dibs him actually like we don't have master balls or meta balls so so we just got to go for it yep Oh he's on level 10 that's not so bad it isn't hey oh he so happy though oh get him Fox spks Boss versus boss oh wow that's not too bad oh yeah he's Frozen now and wow he doesn't even have any friends uh-oh we're going to have to pull our friend I'm just going to call my boss back yep little bit lower just a little bit okay go for it go for it that's not going for it I tried I miss missed ah I missed again oh I got it I got it go there go 33 come on come on oh he escaped I got him again oh he's so low he's only has 38 hit points come on 65 70 80 90 100 not just that but I got precious Dragon Stones what did those do a gemstone like ball collected from Pals can be sold to Merchants for high prices and ancient civilization let's see how big this guy is if I have room oh no he St back to the pal box we're going to make our own little pal Park back at base uh-huh need a theme song for it though I can play on a recorder hey there's a crossbow comatic here oh neat after I already unlocked you crafted one I just got a dragon skill fruit Dragon Burst when implemented on pal Dragon burst can be acquired ooh so that's like a thing that they can use weird yeah to learn moves and turn to you see what I see I do it's a big birdie and he sees me oh wow nice shot got him and then another one he knocked him down oh oh okay nobody attack him anymore I got I put a ball in him come back donkey boy yes yes I got another Nightwing yeah oh that's good he's an artisan cool oo there's also a lot of things down here that we can just kind of harvest for their body parts yeah is say it all loud like you and kapow I think you're one-shotting things and I'm living back in 1929 oh yeah and taking out some tense as well because they're just here hey these little fox spks have uh they have fun stuff on them do they yeah leather ooh I need that and I'm just going to plan on grabbing a bunch of them because I have 37 spheres left and I want to combine them together don't you dare kill that one don't you dare kill I did I need the leather you said leather and I got tunnel vision they do have leather on them all right I don't want to take you out in one shot so come here and let me Club you to death no you can't do that watch me ow I got him oh don't hit my my little Sparky boy going electrocuted so hard oh I did it killed him I got him all by myself penguin's giv some attitude nope there attitude you just gave him some attitude okay this place was fun let's go find some new creatures yeah ooh Blitz there's another egg type way out here did is there what did you find yeah I just found regular egg but I don't think that's what we need this is a rocky egg Rocky egg he's going to be a boxer Adrian I did it Adrian Boomer jokes are the best I see another egg on this little thing too on this island you do oh yeah that looks like another dark egg I'm just glad my Milpa can swim cuz that looks dangerous down there yeah there's always a bigger fish if I remember right oh yeah this one my dude is a yeah that's a large dark egg now the problem is I've got a bunch of junk in my trunk look way at the top of that rock too oh green shiny thing um do you have any inventory space you're funny okay the second thought I didn't need all of that ore you know we haven't really been using these things have we been collecting them you're right we haven't you going to do a swan dive off of this rock nope I'm going to be doing a flutter dive ooh I forgot we had those means I'm going to do a cannonball slightly into the water and then get eaten by a giant fish yeah I don't even want to try to imagine the scale of some of these things uh slowly taking damage in the water yep you're right mhm thank you my me Paca saved my bacon turn hey turn I saw wild animals wild animals they were shaped like deer oh I see elephant oh there's a lot of them I will claim oh I bet we could ride these I bet we can I'll take this one I'll take oh just one shot and he's ready capture I hope oh just trying this again Only One Shot Two Shots four shots uhuh all right if he escapes from that I'm ready to beat him with a club ooh 60% I might have a problem I got him I got him did you you got him oh no I made the mammoth mad why would you do that I it wasn't me it was jol talk oh no well I'll uh I'll let you deal with that oh my goodness he's uh I'm sorry Mr mammo arrest I did one damage to him capturing that deer also gave me a lot of unnecessary inventory did it uhhuh time to get rid of another ore so I can run by 2 weight oh I would flying I just watched you get checked you're not having a good time over there are you no my bow SU looks all right fine I'll assist with the crossbow from way over here uh you might need to bring him closer yeah you hit me oh great I'm battling two at once Nice Shot get the other one go in there that' be fun I promise whoa told you to go in there you Dingus what ow you jerk get hit by a penguin okay now there's two ready for capture okay we got one no missed one H how come yours is so much better you actually are capturing both of those and here's the mest I didn't know you were here I'm so sorry oh it's going to burn oh he really doesn't like you I'm out of here no oh you're right about that unnecessary weight oh we can't jump hold on a second I'm just going to drop this meat on the ground I'm so scared is he right here is he looking at me he's looking at me I think we got away from him just barely a the deer I got is Clumsy that makes sense knowing you what did I get mean I don't mean anything I got an abnormal one wow I also got a brave one can we ride these I should hope so yeah yeah yeah there's an there's a deer saddle nice I hope it's way faster than the Llama alpaca thing the other fun thing is I just leveled up so I can get that pal Essence condenser ooh and we can get the sphere Workshop so we can build our meas spheres we have 6 minutes left on the large egg as well mhm but the real question is in turn how big is my new dinosaur where is your new dinosaur so there's regular dinosaur here's chungus dinosaur that is so big whoa what did he just do that for he's just going off on the chickens he did that's okay maybe he'll eat that fox too really I don't know oh that's a friendly Fox this is so deadly all right we're doing it I don't care what you say in turn I'm sorry what I didn't do it it wasn't me it going after M already no no no okay may maybe a little bit okay this one's a bit this one's a smaller one it looks like okay my Dino can get half okay you know what this was a bad call he can only do three to four damage he's got 4,000 oh boy uh my Dino kind of died he went the way of the dinosaurs you know what you just have fun with that well since he's not really doing anything this might not be so bad I just okay I've actually 260 arrows so maybe I can keep up with them 260 * 5 oh you're doing 10 that's only 2,600 damage and he's got 4,800 is that your Nightwing yeah yeah yeah I brought my Nightwing in nice I got a crit for four damage 20 damage oh your night just got one shot well let's bring out Fox again come here buddy it's time for some Huggy fire hey Huggy fire is actually doing work yeah I'm just going to okay that work pretty well it did ow oh well there goes my penguin time to bring out the dinosaur I don't have any arrows they're all just kind of hugging each other over there until that happened he just one shot your too foxy time come here Fox we need the Huggy fire ow well soone hug uh I'm kind of almost out of animals so this isn't going well yeah uh that was bad that went my last one all right time for my alpaca all right time for the cat he's getting pretty low though I have an idea man the cats going to town on him charge capture rate still 0% what in the world we don't have any Mega balls [Music] either ow well there goes my last animal how many hit points does it have I can't tell he's on me like stink on a dead clam hot dang yep thankfully I have the benefit of knowing how to use my High Ground uh-oh uh-huh and his Twisters don't care about The High Ground we've been fighting so long the sun's going down all right uh you know what what if I just try one oh try using a better sphere yeah okay you take control of him I'm going to go see if I can craft up a meas sphere oh you better hurry I'm going to try I'm running as fast as my little melpa can take me there's so many dead Pals around here okay we have to build a a pal workbench first I need wood okay I can build that I yes don't mind me just dancing with an elephant while you're busy gathering resources don't worry I can make two Megas speres he's coming after me again he is I got of get off why can't I get off there we go all right megasphere time megasphere don't you dare hold alpaca call him back I have a. 18% do it no it's Point that's a 3% chance in turn well I missed with the other one nice Time to Kill [Applause] it h i got it it's going to I got it high quality pal oil it sounds so bad wow that sounds useful it does it's like what happened to the whales I mean really what's a m Mammoth but a land whale I'm a land whale hey but at least our dark egg is done incubating oh it is go ahead and open it incubate incubate come on it's a nox a nox what's a nox nox this it's so cute wow uh-oh uhoh what does that mean too too implode unit oh we got we got dodos incoming dodos hey was that a that was a dark egg a vicious I'm going to do The Verdant egg in here I have a I have a fun idea uh-oh if they're coming in the raid then I'll just put in a bunch of hangy traps you can't do the doo the Doos uh they're not actually doing much hey wait got to capture it yeah going to smack it in the face oh that's blow that's blowing up oh that was so much damage I know we got it though I want to capture this one I can't tell where they are oh that was it that was it that was the raid oh but they dropped gunpowder wow well that was exciting ooh so if I fight with my KNX and I get dark damage to my attacks interesting and we can also upgrade our pal box oh nice you know what else we can do is we can create a second pal boox make a second base in a different location we can but you know what I want to do first what do you want to do is this wrong to do but I want to build up that pal Essence converter we don't have enough stuff for it though we need more ancient civilization Parts M but I could build another egg incubator because we have more eggs so I might also make a meat cleaver so we can no don't say it out loud okay you know what I just uh I won't tell you [Music] yeah good now let's put that other dark egg I found in here yeah wow the mammo rest mammo rest meat I got to make a steak there we go delicious oh just frying up that Mammoth that's taken a while it is it's an uncommon food I didn't realize you could do that I mean hey I'd rather have it be uncommon than rare am I right oh I mean you don't know rare Mammoth meat could be pretty tasty yeah and full of prehistoric bacteria that's okay those parasites are extinct too ah delicious I'll split one with you oh that's so nice of you just drop it on the floor that's bigger than you and it shove that in the mouth hole yep just right away wow that's almost full 100% did they give me any boost or anything I don't know so it's my turn to get a dark large egg ow ow i s you take that only you I'm going to take the verdant one then okay I got a tomat is that what you got O A cin moth cin moth that my niame in high school I said the to joke toys already whoa look at your fella oh yeah hold on get him outside and how oh what is he flies he's like a magic magic Dingus that's amazing o bro he just going off to mining what this building mysterious scales what no target available oh I need to find someone to eliminate hey lamb ball go get him my bro up there is just uh destroying mining o poison cloud and then they just Bonk each other wow my cin moth is doing really good nice mine just decided to go mining good job little buddy oh yeah as he do he looks like a magician he is oh he's got ultrasonic sensor too ooh I don't know what that did but he likes destroying rocks yeah and we have two more eggs that we can put in there got two a egg and a rocky egg Rocky that's 10 more minutes it seems a little cold it says H does that mean it's so what if we just put a mounted torch next to it does that do it does that warm it up um not really doesn't seem like it makes it brighter in here my tomat is just going to Absolute town over here mining is that right yeah did you queue up Mega spheres too I did there was 21 of them being made so I've got that dragon skill fruit that gives the dragon burst attack I don't know what to put that on or do I want to just wait for it your dinos has a dragon type right does it have to be a dragon type I think for it to be the most effective yes okay let's see I played a few Pokemon games in my lifetime that's true okay I can enh enhance my yep enhance that okay and then enhance Pals okay if I do this hm I don't even know how to do that oh there we go okay I can put it on my dinos has learned the new Dragon Blast skill you can switch skills okay o nice we're upgrading this bro let's see that does a lot of actual damage and I also have some good news Blitz oh that that incubation ready on this one well I guess there is that but we can make two of the ather deer Saddles oh do it do it do it I want to ride a horsey yeah yeah yeah okay you do that I'm going to open up what this egg is and see what we can find find Tada that's another celery just a boring generic accelery one saddle completed you can take the first uh-huh can you Can you cute one for me cuz I don't have that one unlocked fine so my dear friend comes back with me my dear old friend did you get it no it's not even a quarter of the way done yet oh my goodness but now I get it there it is all right okay and then I will summon out my deer nice and then I will summon out mine on Ste oh oh my goodness oh he's fast mine's on fire mine's on on fire we jumped over the furnace Angel uppercut oh I don't have anything to hit okay we need to go to sleep and then go find another dungeon to take these guys on agree if you know we can figure out the Dismount thing there we go you're not allowed you're not allowed in this building oh I was hoping you'd swing with the door I was too okay bedtime and then another dinosaur is ready you want to do the a 35 seconds well back to the waiting and Tada incubation is ready incubate incubate Rocky type oh it's a fuddler a fuddler well that's foran that's the worst thing ah gross thankfully we're going to be able to combine them pretty soon it's so messed up so let's jump on to find another one oh that was a terrible jump get up made it and uppercut what happens if I just trample it oh and Angela uppercut oops I missed wa and bow wao wo wo W I'm in the water somehow here's another egg ooh another one oh I see one up on the mountain side too me and Sea Biscuit we're going to go get it Sea Biscuit is how he named your deer yeah dude that's the perfect name for a horse wait there's a monkey monkey it's a monkey tame it tame it all right put the deer away because he's powerful and just bash him with a bat poing a monkey this one's another uh dark egg ooh but I hear another I hear a monkey and that is a monkey for me a tany I hear one but I definitely don't see it it's uh where are you at I'm mountain climbing ah so is a monkey whoa I see something better than a monkey is it two monkeys it's a capri CA how do you say that there's to your right on the map there's something called a chill a chillet I think that's a giant penguin it doesn't look very penguin shaped but it's an 11 power oh this is a goat with a berry bush on his back that's fun I'm going to shoot him I see green things yeah I see a big green thing that I'm shooting in the face those are oh the tanies okay oh no way I got him I got a Capri okay I don't even know what that means oh I found a different kind of egg hold up what's this one it's pink and white striped really looks like a candy cane a common egg oh really okay there are so many eggs over here another large dark egg no way there's just a mega ball hanging out here on the ground wait really yeah de on it meas sphere oh there's the goats with the berry bushes you were talking about they're weird looking did you tame one of them I did okay good cuz I don't want one in my backpack oh and there's the chillet oh that thing's cool looking he got look at the big old ears all right we have to tame it yeah okay get it buddy oh man oh yeah all right all right we got to be very careful here yep and shoot him in the face uh no just don't shoot it what do you mean oh ow he's shooting me I know right all right hold on you're going home ow ow ow I got him I got him 58 come on come on 78 8 88% 99 yes yeah I got an ancient technology yeah okay you want to see him oh it could be it can be ridden on no way what yeah it's locked but oh it's like a big old seaer I love him I want to cut him cuddle him so much you want to cut him cut him with a knife and eat him did I say it all loud H pet spere here I found a a LIF monk is that something new to you that's what I was talking about that's the shape of the green things yeah yeah there's a tany and a li monk here did you get a li monk yeah okay I don't want to just double up on everything oopsies but I did get a fast travel Point uh Blitz I think you should come take a look at this oh no way the Dany can get an assault rifle what yeah straight up and it's actually fairly cheap there's a little blue platypus guy I think you saw him before yeah yeah yeah fart chunk oh I just accidentally one shot him sorry buddy nice o sealed Realm of the Invincible yeah yeah yeah what did you want me to look at that's so cool do you not see the shiny thing is there a shiny thing where even are you I'm right behind you right here oh dungeon oh ooh catniss catness everything all right can we can we actually attempt oh we can neat I think we can yeah well I mean we can try to capture it too so [Music] ye [Music] your jolt boy is dying yeah but my dyo just is tanking it so that's cool I don't have any arrows ooh but the stun on there ow and roll it ow the dark sphere hurts okay that also hurts it killed your jolt it did all right time to send in the moossy boy with the poison you know if we had a water creature cuz that one's an electric right what that's a dark type oh dark type what's the opposite of that green uh light lightning well Tri lightning it didn't work very well our creatures aren't doing much damage to it but it's still working it is and it keeps moving out of the way of my crossbow there we go the 13 damage with the crossbow I don't even do damage to it so we just let Dino Boy take him all right poison him again Dino boy you're not exactly doing the poison damage are you there you go just go into that area with it why is the boss's head so small also love the sound your guy makes when he throws the ball he's like w w all right myy boy you are too far away for that nonsense all right Dino you're coming back in my pants just in case I need you in the future well so much for the moth we need the jolt go KN hit in the head oh okay electric didn't really do that much either yeah do you have a penguin do you have your boss penguin and don't why did you not bring your boss penguin because I'm working on leveling on my other things I have a Nightwing that might work all right boss is halfway dead oh it turned you just got cracked oh yep you got to bring out the horsey yep horsey can hopefully just keep it stun locked wow oh Fire come back horsey I also have my Nightwing uh which we probably need right now get get yeah and baseball in the butt get destroyed whoa okay so real talk two% chance with a megas sphere just going to bring in below 100 Health ow hey that was a good hit against my Nightwing that was the wrong way Nightwing's actually doing pretty good yeah deer do the work yeah thank you dear scissor attack yeah if we could get it stunned or something that'd be awesome yeah okay we have a 3% chance to capture you know what I'll go for it okay 14% come on okay 45 way 99 I got it I got it you're so good at this game woohoo prefers to eat food Raw it's particularly hostile towards wixen oh why you're just vibrating around a dang let's see it it's uh it's back at base oh okay there's a fast travel point over here oh I for a second just wait just wait okay so for reference here's my boss penguin yep yep and then boss CIS is right there okay wooo that that is a fun one boss Dino and it's going to it's going to craft can it craft Mega it's crafting the megas speres no way how does it know oh pretty quickly too yeah it must have like a a leveled up crafting that's not bad my big Dino's got the big case of the Dums look at the tail smacking medicine yeah really here let's just CU up some medicine I'm going to queue up an egg in the incubator oh yeah I see what you mean about the candy cane uh-huh and then uh another one of those eggs and I tell you what I think that's going to do it for today's video a lot of fun I agree incubators are really fun there you are so thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time sup doing Turn and I'd like to thank all my patrons and channel members including spider sacks Doug rules skunk chess bread dton SE Mr one Bon please fussy badge missing sniper l h J Nitro VR Nitro White H Auto Dave Ben dick J Tedy hippus General Harris Trent M Cino R Warrior Keegan H zarof maxer ra VC engineer scarx Spencer T whiskey and YH
Channel: Blitz
Views: 349,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating
Id: rABkmuHuH-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 38sec (2078 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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