[Vinesauce] Vinny - Corruption Stockpile #32: Super Bowl Corruptions

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everything everything the ref does the crowd loves it one person it's zooming in onto one crusty person now you can do a lot with manual blasts like that you can make the ref jump that was the big jump that was like joel's big jump so we're gonna check out some corruptions for gamecube football the difference this year is no madden in sight there's probably an easy joke about how these corruptions will madden you it's just i don't feel like making that joke so this is backyard football on the gamecube the dominance has been asserted i don't know what's happening when people call out the the words i don't know what that means so hearing a bunch of weird names called out usually it's like vulnerable is extra weird for me is that a corruption are we upside down somewhat oh that wasn't even me i don't really care um it's fine i don't i'm i'm not that invested in this game i just wait i wait for the halftime show that's all i'm doing andy richter doesn't get a single word of course oh god stop jesus back to normal normal corruptions here we go normal corruptions normal characters normal human beings just a bunch of people vibrating out of existence i think the rugrats did an episode on this at one point hi there my name's peyton manning peyton manning i'm i'm so confused how do i start this how do i play that's football everybody that's what it's all about show us your warface i just noticed the giant orca whale yo if we have the whale on defense we'll never lose vinny and orca is a dolphin that was a killer whale same thing yeah chat listen orcas are horses hike what i don't know what's corrupted or not the whale is chasing them oh run freaky freaky you can get ganon on your team chat on the gamecube version only you can unlock ganon what wow from within your mind no one else can find the life that you inspire from another place not from outer space but from some place even lower what a player this this kid is going on to bigger and better things i'm telling you they're going to be recruited for future football real football the voices are really like these are professional football players i i know that the name of this corruption is jailbreak they've had enough of football they're going to run across the ocean now they're gonna they're gonna join the whale and have the whale take them to safer shores the name of this corruption is collapsed dimension oh all right next is nfl 2k3 hello and get ready for some exhibition football here at raymond james stadium host dentist oh my god look at that face look at the face it sounds like colonel in metal gear solid too turn off the playstation snake i mean ryden here we go the opening kickoff all right oh well he just barely brapped it from its starting location all the players got blown away from the force of that explosion uh so when's the stick bug meme is that's gone now right people aren't stick bugging each other anymore how about slenderman is that it can i still make a slenderman joke oh my manual blast was maybe a little too powerful chat i think they just like folded in on themselves they just became a little bit more skinny and then poof yo okay universal tilt is a good name for this i like that there's some dump trucks for sure but how can you really even see it if you can see anything more than what i would like to call visual diarrhea then you are a champion it's called the big nut oh my god that sounded like the roblox oof but someone actually being steamrolled yeah it sounds like a swamp too oh thank god for the replay i didn't know what happened before what an awful noise that is wait a second is this the game from before chad i'm gonna score a field down and watch this play unfold these guys are so talented it's really just amazing to sit back and watch them take care of business it's really it is cool to sit back and watch their business oh good it's raining t-pose men pays back barely gets it the helicopter noises only add to the illusion i threw a quick manual blast and look what happened chat jesus oh man we're out into the fields oh demons versus worms oh there's the worms worms found oh my god yeah seventh down i'm sure this will be an informative replay good replay what the oh their atoms just exploded within within the polygons fractals fractals within fractals interlinked i'm a fan of the big football too look at the big football did you see it chat it was massive big heads the name of this cro the reps say big heads john gruden met a fork sorry metaphysically tortures trent at the expense of his physical form oh that's what's happening ah okay trent green more like trent speen says a chat member wow cool oh yeah easy mode all you need is a broken leg who would have thought he likes me spinach oh wait no no that's the stanky arms well pop i had a stanky walk too yeah listen they were hiring from the ministry of silly walks they didn't realize just how good the silly walkers would be at football though a well-earned touchdown this dude was running for like a minute and a half straight those are some strong quads or a few co-ops considering what the movement is like even better new world record anderson's got some strong ass shoulders look at that look at that upper body strength ah oh there's stanky legs again and some horror and it's nighttime oh god that's awful here's the pavlov low gravity high rap bye ref and here you've got a phenomenal coach and someone with hopes of taking the game away from him don't take the game away from him whatever you do do not take the game away from it okay next football game on the gamecube nfl blitz pro so we get to see what different levels of gamecube football look like and there she goes ah would you like to crush this ball still looking and after every play people just they destroy each other the idea is that if you wear your opponent down enough they might suffer some kind of concussion and then they may have to get put into a hospital just swaying in the breeze majestic football players this game has a camera script called panty camera that someone found while corrupting it what so so this was in the code for nfl blitz oh panty ass cams maybe it's innocent chat maybe it's just a code for uh the camera that might show the football there oh oh well okay now i think i see the camera that might be the camera it's all about the rack it's all about the rack yeah yeah i bet there's a camera for that too he takes it all right you can't you cannot beat me i love that you could just keep diving after the play heads up field yeah what is he doing out there not much there on the run but at least he got something like a crash into the cheerleader i don't think she's okay my gosh it looks like a video game out there oh this is what a video game looks like five touchdown touchdown helmet needs to spin less and protect the ball more oh oh my god crab dimensions touch me why does it say touch me come on come on come on come on not touch me babe how drunk is vinnie zero drunk actually like nothing leaps without a reason thank you announcer touchdown kansas city was it fun to watch nothing really happened oh oh god oh god it's cool that they found these really big arm people to help with their football game big legs big feet feet big arms football throw they're getting bigger i think chad i can't see a thing this is akira right yeah it is yeah it just becomes like lim just limb diarrhea speaking of oh oh it's it's like a lobster man pog it's his pog i can't really stop i can't really stop this from happening the super bowl of body horror you're welcome cronenberg would be pleased are these humans no they're dancers oh thanks okay at this super bowl the killers are going to be playing yes crotch explosion is perfectly acceptable because we want to win automatic victory for you guys holy are these people okay are these people okay is that what happened i i have no further commentary i really don't even know what to say some kind of alien slug spins for no reason it's me in general look at the top right what's going on over there huh exactly announcer exactly he takes it shouldn't have taken it is the name of this corruption it's perfect as running room looks for an opening uh yeah it's time to leave the stadium all right see ya it's time to leave the sport and the earth as well williams fields it teleports to the ten the five none got only a couple more chat oh that is a dump truck if i've ever seen one underway caught in the back of the end zone touchdown voidwalker it's the real end zone also the crowd looks very vomitous in this particular game any minute now oh so this is where that previous dude went okay oh he's back from the end zone maybe he should have stayed there i don't know what's to play oh all right lightspeed he can score from just about anywhere on the football field instantly is someone making bacon yes right behind the camera in the back of the end zone touchdown very little room in the back of the end zone but somehow he was able to come away with six well i think this is the final corruption it's called group photo there's just so it's so dense what a foot down that was all right chat that was football corruptions i want to thank everybody in the corruption community for coming up with these on shut on such short notice on shucks thank you neri and klusar again for both the corrupter and for vetting these and getting this um to me for today football corruptions are kind of like a thing that we do now you know i'm pretty sure this is illegal you know yeah we've had enough of football for now
Channel: vinesauce
Views: 42,234
Rating: 4.9819374 out of 5
Keywords: Vinesauce, Vinny, Corruption Stockpile, Corruptions, Gameplay, Lets Play, Playthrough, Nintendo, Nintendo Gamecube, Super Bowl, Madden, Football
Id: lN8qXpXxEqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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