I Became A TOTALLY ACCURATE Spider And Built A Mechanical Ant in Webbed

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oh hey everybody hi blitz welcome back to webbed yeah this game you guys really enjoyed it and you know it's quite an interesting game so i thought maybe we should try another episode of it oh hey look a baby spider i'm gonna collect it for science purposes now we have an objective today if i open up my map you will see things here now we did clear up over here oh wow there's still things that we can collect but we did clear up the uh the beehive in the last video now we have some options we can go over to the mountains we can go down with the ants or whatever this is beetles or something i'm thinking probably going over to the beetle mountain so i'm just gonna have to spider blitz my way over there whoop out oh no no no no no no no yes oh there's the giant thing we're trying to light on fire hello giant mothman i'm kind of scared of you are you a real mothman i see you befriended a royal from canopy's peak yeah that was me i expected the bees would be interested in your rescue effort they've always fancied adventures through the sky maybe this new princess will drive out the bird and build her hive over that horrible sky bower that's the thing in this space be a happy day indeed all right that sounds good whoop okay let's go this way just kidding let's go this way now right through here oh i don't even know what to expect this is where we started isn't it spiderman spider-man doing all the up up okay i found the ground is that okay oh i found somewhere to go what's over here what is this what is this place straight up the tutorial maybe we can't go to the left anymore so i'm guessing i just have to float down here talk to the beat or the bug what is this behold i am the fly lord oh yeah i captured lots of flies and eat them your fangs are too small to devour me my kin don't sit well with your stomach pay me a visit we'll see what we can do about that i don't even know what that means but i'm kind of excited that i could eat more flies ow should i grab my parachute look at me i can float like a butterfly oh yes i have lasers too i don't know why but i have lasers and now i'm going down into the ant hill oh great what does this guy have to say greetings comrade spider i've heard you have some problems that could use an ant solution we'd love to help you out but we're still recovering from the latest fire ant raid the workers could really use some extra help down here if you've got time speak with cornwall carl in the mech wait mech ant chamber what what is a mechant okay i'm kind of concerned about this i don't know oh okay everything's good everything's fine oh what the world do we have we have levers and junk oh i gotta turn that back on i'm so sorry turn that off for a second now i gotta find something that goes in there is there like a gear is this carl carl are you here to help me with the elevator it's been broken down since the attack but i can't reach the part we need to fix it thankfully i can cast webs and stuff get the brass car from the other side of this chamber should be able to get it running without that elevator we're stuck up here all right oh there's spiky boys oh there's ah there's a there's acid or something all right well you know what let's just make a path and we'll just spider walk over look at those little legs maybe i can dance again oh what is this can i eat it to gain in strength i don't even know what it was but i like it all right i got the cog i got the cog wow oh no i'm doing it i am doing the cog thing what's down there i want to go down there can i go down there here carl i have a dude just stole it what the world okay he's gonna pop it in the gear box i gotta go down here and explore for science purposes is this is this like a cavern i can go into oh it is all right i'm a little scared wow mainly because there's spiky boys here we're gonna stay away from the spiky boys i'm just gonna do my spider-manning thing i don't have any idea what i just came in here to eat this slug thing is it is it climbing on my body like the rest of my friends like all of the other spiders i'm rescuing i'm hoping carl stayed true to his word oh yes there's my cog come on with me cocky friend now sit down in here and now i should be able to turn the elevator on why do ants have an elevator oh more things to eat what do i get over here okay oh another that was up i accidentally opened a door all right um i'm a little scared is there gonna be a boss fight no there's just more spiders oh greedy's comrade mark recruit you from the surface oh great i gotta turn water on or something all right things to do connect the propellant pipes connect the water pipes connect the mint mech ant legs put the mandibles through the forge find fuel get help from other ants that's a lot of words i'm guessing i just kind of flip levers and do all sorts of fun things we will see let's go up top left first all right what do we get is this another elevator it is wow there's a creepy boy coming over the ground is this something i need shoot it with my lasers well there's a button here whoa okay there's fire here i like burning uh maybe i don't whoa those move that's amazing i'm gonna totally connect it over here ah that was cool and now is there anything fun upstairs here oh what is this i found another secrets chamber good day comrade the fuel lines are running dry right now you'll have to get the pumps reconnected i know that thank you oh i got to go to the pipes first but there's cogs over here what is this thing can i crawl on it and like i don't know what it is oh that might be for the mech end here hold up i think i gotta take you wow that was kind of neat and oh hey look i can connect it that's kind of neat okay oh this is this is pretty amazing right here and then if i connect you over to here there we go and then i can go we break the chains nice and i should be able to bring it up like that oh that's cool nice can i get in there get yourself inside the little hole doesn't want to now get in there oh get up there push yeah yeah it's being belligerent i don't really like that all right now swing over and we'll go we'll break all those and then i'll go pow and then get in the hole no no no would you get in there dude get in get in the hole so annoying right now i swear i'm gonna tell mom she's not going to be happy ah get inside the stupid thing nice i'm so good at this game i don't even know what that did oh i got an elevator working cool is there another cog somewhere there's one okay let's see if i can pull this up now oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's very nice oh get in the hole come on you can do it i'm so impressed with your with your skills yes yes i did it i don't know what i did yet but i totally did it something else is working i totally made an elevator somewhere else go okay oh maybe this is what i opened up i don't know if i liked us oh i just what died i pressed a button oh and it opened up a door even better okay and this is the area it was before that i couldn't figure out anything to do in here neat and now there's a giant arrow that says down i don't know what it does maybe i'll just make a web and capture this fellow yes if you come out i'm gonna eat you i'm gonna suck all your blood out of your life and call it tasty there you go he's trapped i'm gonna eat him now that dark nugget said i needed to turn the pipes on so let's go turn the pipes on somehow some way where the pipes that are broken maybe down here okay fuel thing electricity feels to the left wow gotta watch out for that there's spiky boys there i'm a little scared oh yeah this is definitely not good maybe we'll start with the electricity oh button oh whoa oh hello nice of you guys whoa do i have to use what do i have to do ouch yeah mudslide is getting dangerous i was trying to repair this power station okay but i slipped and filled could you lend me a mandible does that mean i get to eat you i can't connect anything to the mud okay maybe i'll just have to go super fast okay that was that sucked all right ready get set go haha spider blitz all right we have a gear up here i like these i'm gonna try to you know flip the switchy boy oh no why did i do that what in the world i gotta i gotta be super big brained here oh i got an idea if i do that it might turn around oh it did look at how big brain i am today this is gonna be so dangerous i'm gonna die like 17 times uh-huh oh yeah yep yep yep yep yep now okay i'm just gonna hide right here ah and then hide right here nope i made it i'm so good at this game and then no no no no no no no why is why are we why do the ants have this much weird stuff here all right and then i need you i need you to i got an idea i gotta nope all right i gotta connect this guy with that boy and this one down here and then it's gonna be like hey we're gonna flip all the switches at once uh-huh i knew it all right and i'm gonna have to super go up here fast nice push this down oh no no no no no no no no no that's so annoying i have to do that whole thing over again because of the mudslide at least i have all of the working parts working okay i need to pee pew that that should work and now what i really want i'm gonna tell you what i want what i really really want is to get in there i made it so i can eat bugs i like eating bugs they're fantastic yep there we go all right now i've got to get you up here i think yeah i got to get you on the top of the world not a fan of that okay springy boy up and come on over i'm just gonna shove you up into place that worked i don't know why that worked but it worked and then we'll take you and we'll connect you there it's gonna do all sorts of weird things i probably need to connect you over there and then i'm just gonna shoot you into place because i forgot i had a laser beam before now stop that and get up in the hole oh that worked i don't know how that worked but it worked that was awesome i wonder if i need to talk to this guy and be like hey you did it no he didn't oh i need to give him a lift out of the ditch how do i do that i mean i'm used to eating things and not and not trying to help them come on get up here come on bud you can make it you can make it ah get up there no no climb a little higher get get your ugly out face up there i think i did it ah get out of here get up get up dude get up thanks for helping me out you're welcome you're a true friend i'm i'm a friend i want to eat them no no no go back down there you dummy i promise it won't be fighting anymore oh all right we have that thing working does that mean i go down now this is a lot easier than trying to like jump my way through here through the spikey boys there's literally nothing here all right so i got to go up hey can you come back mr elevator nice nice it squished me up you're kidding me right now what is this i feel like i need this i feel like that's a pipe part come on down pipe part you don't want to come down you don't want to play nice do you you're one of those annoying pipe parts do i have to like string that up higher so i can just squeeze you down like this that'll work maybe whoa hello glitch nice of you would you stop doing that i know it was funny the first time but not anymore fine i'll just go figure out what i'm supposed to do without you like eating bugs do i have to reconnect these i do i totally do or not i don't know i'm not a real scientist ah this is so weird looking oh it connected okay oh get back in there ugly thing good job you get up in there too why am i floating why am i floating like a butterfly again get yeah ugly selfie and the whole tube snake somehow i got it connected i don't even know what it does but i'm hoping it worked that worked i've got stuff happening science experiments are going on i just switched another lever i'm i'm trapezing my way through like a spider boy get in the hole yes it worked i don't know what it's doing but it worked i want this pumping to go can you start pumping my friend i need two more gears or do i need one gear just use it twice oh there's another one oh and another one here great that looks cool okay could you just roll across no no no no no whatever i'll just roll with it and then don't do that again you're supposed to walk on top of the thing so you don't die into the coca-cola and then we'll flip that come on just treat me right now game be nice to me would you thank you i'm hoping that shuts don't you dare you're stuck now you're really no don't do it on that side too okay i think we're good okay i got the first gear in let's put the second one in oh that was pretty close actually i just keep spiderman in my way up like that and then like that oh that's so close get in there get in the hole get in the hole get in the whole gear boy it worked everything's working am i making wow i kind of feel bad for my webs because they're getting all sorts of messed up nice we're pumping something i don't know what we're pumping i'm gonna press the button though i think it's working go away i need to go down now thank you yeah and those are connected nice so we have fuel going up beautiful oh no all right get off yep get up i squeaked there through there thank good like if somebody squeaks through something like a mouse squeaking through other mouse things i don't know what i'm talking about get up right now get up get up get up get up get up get up get down yes yes i don't know how that worked it worked though this is not the way to go that is definitely not the way to go we have to go this way we have to spider-man our way up wow i'm so good at this game they're going to be so happy the ants are going to be like i don't know how he did it but we won oh balls all right now hopefully this door is open oh it does open i don't know what's happening in here but it looks fun crushed it oh yeah we got it we got to use this the classic video game trope use heavy object to uh push a button down for extended periods of time yep so smart big brained can i just tell the button to go up i did wow all sorts of heavy things in game must open up lots of doors i feel like one of these puzzles would have been enough and now there's like 17 of them the game's like yes we're so smart we made you do something that you didn't want to do let's do the real bamboozle we have heavy thing from below that we have to pick up at least i have unlimited webs that i can sling and then i can go poop it worked almost yeah just like a little nudge right there just a nudge nudge no not stop being dumb get on this think no nit we have to help the ants come on is that better does that make you feel better inside probably first i have to go eat one of the ant larvaes because that's exciting thankfully we can open another door what's down here now why is why do i why i'll just go this way maybe i can have free candy or something nice oh i see what's going on you can't touch the sensors on the wall look at me having so much good [Music] that was easy now the hard part is gonna be finding whatever the game wants me to find downstairs i honestly have no idea what's happening right now oh there's another gear it'd be a shame to someone to pick that up and drive it over here oh do you see that i just needed it and this guy's like oh you fixed the drawbridge outstanding work blah blah blah words and stuff oh look we have water now i'm guessing i have to connect these water pipes that's probably the big brain idea i can do that i'm so smart roll it into place very good we have one of the waters in and now this guy we're gonna bring him up and i'm gonna ride on it because riding on things is fun oh no no i told you i was gonna ride on you did you not hear that part of the discussion i just had with myself yeah yeah yeah bring it into place get it okay i guess we're going over the other one then sure why not i just need to find the third one and i'm guessing that's gonna be hidden over here somewhere on the edge of the world obviously can't make things easy i don't know why it's way over here but science and in the hole nice the water pipes are connected i have the ant colony back online now i just need to get out of here again maybe i don't really need to now that the ants are happy i can be happy nice this is annoying annoying.com oh i got it nice look at me i'm so good at the game oh no i'm drowning oh no i'm not because i got an air bubble i'm the best spider ever oh now these things float that's maybe not very good am i gonna get stuck in a pedal maybe not okay aha very good see now i'm stuck in here game does this one open up that side one no i just gonna have to swim out through this deadly looking thing i moved so fast when i got spider moves getting out of here and now we have wet water going up i did it i'm so good at this game i'm gonna like dance i'm like yay i did it and all the baby spiders that are crawling over my back they're like yay you did it a little animation though i don't know what i'm supposed to do now i think i got everything hooked up maybe i'll just find follow the pipes okay this is looking nice over here it's looking real pretty we got fire we got fuel we got ants this guy again then i have to bring this thing through the forge where's the forge at was that the thing back over there that was that was on fire i think it might have been no that's totally the forge up there all right oh hold up there that's what i need to connect it to that thing no stop it no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't go down there i need to come back here and then i'll connect you with you and then i'll go schwoop and then you go whoop and whoop and then you go wee see how that works i got me i'm a scientist certified genius spider give me up let me up all right mandibles do your thing go into the flame and become fireman it worked i don't know what's gonna happen with it but i totally just made that that's quite the forge um i think i gotta go back over to it now i hope that was the forge if it was the forge it should be over here spike oh nice it worked i don't know what to do with it now though so we'll just quench it in the fire it's gonna be hot it's so hot right now why are my web sticking this super hot thing ah get down the hole get down the hole that was awesome okay do i just put it on oh i watch oh you're moving that that's still way too hot for me to deliver go quench it in the vat over there where's the vat where's the vat there's the vat it's annoying go quench yourself oh that's satisfying all right now i just got to attach it to the mech mandible thing i can do that and then hopefully i can get under it and if i get under it then i'll just like laser it out okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes yes there you go ant-man how do you like that i just grabbed it why couldn't you have done the work for you oh there it is okay where where where do i where am i taking it now right here oh wow i get to make a giant mechanical ant can i get to drive it i want to drive it okay good news i should just be able to pew pew this down oh no i'm sorry and friend i'm not sorry not sorry all right you guys doing the heavy lifting here don't worry i'll just pew pew it away oh get off of there dude get up hey it worked thanks he's helper man what do i have to do next uh collect the ant legs what oh thankfully that's in a super easy spot i think are you in a super easy are you probably this one huh okay one done okay so i just have to attach that there and that right there and then go and then maybe and then maybe that one right there and then come on just so many oh get up there maybe i'll just jump on it and push it up yeah just connect it yes yes i have two more legs man that's not cool man that is totally not cool why don't you go over here i'll just attach you real hard onto that and then i'll yank up on it real good maybe okay you guys play over there and do your thing and then go poop okay everything's working i need to go up with it and then nice that worked i don't know how that worked but it worked do i just take you over here and then you pull it up again riding on it okay you take that to the promised land and then we'll take that second leg on there very nice little helper ant man there we go get over here my friends get over there and then both of you on there i go boop nice see how that works and then do it again yeah just keep pushing them no that's really why do you got it why do you not tip over there you go and then push you into place push you into place and then we'll lift you up it's not it's backwards i know you gave me jobs to do little ant-man i'm doing them all for you because your group is too lazy to work right now and then we'll attach that up top would you get just get out of here get out of here get out of here get out of here i said leave no no no i told you to leave do you not understand what i meant to leave i'm trying to help you and you're just being you got a case of the dumbs in your head there it is oh no so close get oh stop it nicely politely i mean of course cause i'm the guest here they have all sorts of weird mechanical things it would be a shame okay tip up stop maybe i'll dance maybe dancing helps okay push hard oh okay that's not where i was going but whatever i don't care anymore yeah come on in everything will be fine and happy i promise there you go there you go who's uh who's a good aunt mechanical ant leg it's you you're a good mechanical ant leg yeah just go up please for the sake of all things that are good in life all right all right that might work i'm gonna have to go around here spider blitz spider blitz doing all the things that spider blitz can yes yes yes i did it okay know what i feel like i'm gonna have to attach the fuel line right here just like that except i'm kind of got stuck in the fuel line there it is do i have to connect the water line too i'm guessing i do there it is hey ho ho ha ha i just made it i just made a mechanical ant looking good comrade get over here and have a talk i don't want to talk with you you were in my way earlier i wanted to shoot you in my in your face hold up a sec the platoon is moving out really i made a mechanical ant oh that's so cool oh it's gonna break down the entire hive thing and stuff.com wow oh yeah oh do i do i go after it wow what a beautiful display making an honorary member of the engineering corps for your service i've sent a workforce ahead to help you with your mission on the surface they'll have that balloon up and flying before you know it dismissed nice i did it all by myself how do i get out of here i'm not really sure but that's the end of today's video so thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed and keep your stick on the ice we will catch you next time bye and a special thanks to all of the channel members and the patreons including alan h apollo bunny otto dave ben dickie j desby eagle arc maxer whip it good baron fox zarnoff deegan jason m browell iffy sphere spider sax and joe b
Channel: Blitz
Views: 898,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, webbed, webbed game, spider, spider games, spider game, webbed ep 1, webbed spider, webbed spider game, webbed steam, spiders, webbed demo, webbed gameplay, webbed blitz, blitz webbed, cute spider, cute spiders, webbed beetles
Id: R3-vAgFitoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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