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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to another spidery adventure in webbed i'm glad you guys have been liking this game because i have two it's a ton of fun why why are you stealing that leaf it's my leaf now i still live now i can float anyway we have an exciting adventure ahead of us today because i built the mechanical ant in the last video but we have a brand new engineer that's me i'm the brand new engineer we appreciate the assist the team has already arrived to work on that problem of yours go see lead engineer vlad up by the balloon i think balloon has two l's doesn't it i'm not sure maybe they maybe they talk balloon in a different language in australia or something can i get out of here thanks so if you guys remember there was like my friend got kidnapped or something by a giant bird and we wanted to burn down the bird nest yeah and then right up here is where the moth was like hey i have this cool old thing that i don't need anymore and oh that was fun and then we can burn this but we have to make an airship and i think that's what the ants are doing hello fellow engineer i'm vlad your airship mechanic we're almost ready for the trip to a lifetime here take these blueprints we've got lots to do okay the fuel we got spiderwebs moth nest patches pilot platform which we have built and the fuel that goes inside okay now i do remember that we're supposed to get uh rest of the pre-flight checklist talk to princess about sealing up the balloon find a fuel source some good concentrated dung would work and see if you can find some to the west attach engine immediately below the mouth of the balloon firmly secure pilot plat this is a lot of words okay i just gotta go find turns we're gonna go play with the dung beetles i think this guy also wants to talk what's up my friend just kidding what's up my friend just kidding again thank you hi buddy these ads showed up just ahead of you make quick work of the treat they've been badgering me with these designs for ages and nothing in the courage to work try it blah blah blah blah words okay let's go play with poop i gotta figure out where the poop nuggets are wow i want this i want this because i want to float down just kidding i don't want to float i want to fall and dance in the air ow good thing i landed in poop i should boing a boing i landed in poop now i can't do anything because it's poop on the floor i wonder if i can float over there hello oh is this where the poop is i'm gonna try this is actually mud if you were wondering okay i'm gonna swing oh oh hello there oh this is my favorite time of the day the time where i get to eat little bugs uh-huh yeah wait if we attach that somewhere else oh it's not working because this is all muddy we're gonna have to use our spider skills there it is spider skills oh yes i just totally ate a fly this is fun i like sliding on turns i could also go really fast where's the rest of the flies oh there's one there oh that physics were cool all right all right fly boy i got this we're gonna make a web and you're gonna get stuck in it because that's what that's what ants do i'm not an ant of a spider i can't even words correctly hello hey i've caught you that was awesome i totally need to fly [Music] also you guys might notice that there's a lot of little spiders crawling on my back the reason for that is there's a map and then you're supposed to actually find all of them and then you can bring them back to like i don't i don't know the spider something and the same goes for the little larva we found last time there's a little room somewhere where we can drop them off like a nursery but that's a lot of work i'd rather eat them than play with them oh what is this what is going on here i need to play with this lever i don't think i like this because this thing's like a lot of work or a better idea i can plonk long those and then maybe just get this how do i get that out of here get out my way and then you'll stay right here stop okay i feel like i got it connected over here because i got to get up to the left and is there there's a a spot right here to connect to we'll try that okay i have no idea what i'm doing right now by the way i feel like i got to make it over here but i've got to move these rocks so that's what we're going to try moving rocks is it coming down it's coming down i did it i did i'm so smart i'm so smart in the ways of being smart indeed up here thank you that was awesome oh wow okay so the rocks are gone so that's pretty cool if i sit right here then it'll work also those waves are kind of strange that's what pixel art does for you okay now can i jump over it no maybe if i connect you over to here that kind of helped i'll just hang off the edge like this and then it'll work and we'll we'll keep making you get closer and closer to the ground this is working i'm so smart in the ways of being a spider and now i shall be free to shoot man okay let's try to run on this one i'm dancing the little legs go i made it i'm so good at this game look at me oh going in the water that's illegal spiders don't like water unless they're orb weavers which i might be am i an orb waiver spider i have no idea what just happened we how does one oh get up higher did you see that there's a fly up there though oh my jam i totally gonna eat him i'm gonna eat him to gain his strength oh dirty take me to your leader fly boy take me to your leader this is so much easier than making webs except when he goes the wrong way fine i'll just eat you he didn't even know i feel like making a giant web in here is fun for science purposes like connecting them all together and just making a giant web in the middle of this tree or whatever we're climbing up i want to go to the right there but it won't let me okay climbing climbing more this is where oh come here buddy i'm gonna eat you i'm numb i feel so bad almost i don't feel very bad oh that's a big jump i did it though because i'm a spider blitz and up we go and across we go just kidding we're not going across where am i going there it is this is difficult i need that ah no nope okay we're gonna come down here and then we're gonna fling me toss me hello nope i gotta i gotta get tossed up to the top [Music] see how that worked that was amazing i'm the best spider ever up attach those connect here grab onto that and then jump and then uh jump see look at me i got spiders in my legs all right i think i did it i've made it to the dung beetle hideout we're gonna steal their poop hopefully i don't have to carry their poop back because that would stink where am i going this is another teeter-totter boy yeah i just dumped you off from the river it's probably a bad idea i should have drug it over here instead i have literally no idea what to do yeah get up maybe i can oh can i go down into here no um i have no idea what's going on right now.com here you come down here i think that'll help with the the buoyancy bring you back in here the music also changes underwater that's kind of creepy oh yeah that totally changes the buoyancy like how look at me being smart in the ways of being smart i just have to grab you and pull you down and then pull you over to the side and then pull you over the side and then pull you over the side see how this is working and then i'll come back and use my laser because i have a laser for some reason there it is nice i like these puzzles these are cool just get back inside the hole and then you can go do whatever you want to do and we can fly back up we don't have wings but i'm flying now that should help me get into this little cave here to the side which i don't know what i'm doing i have literally no idea what i'm doing maybe i'm supposed to pull these out and then use them on the log come here if i put you here and attach you does that work i feel like it might be working can't get up anymore all right go little ant spider you're not an anymore you were before but not oh i still can't make it up there okay driftwood come over here and help lift wait do i not want it to lift do i want this side lifted i don't remember i want this side down right so i think i can do it if i oh did you see the spider web a little bit of projectile dysfunction perfect we'll keep pulling it down and pulling it down and then pulling it down and then maybe it's dropped further let me run i still can't get up there maybe i can can i reach something i need to go higher keep pulling it down keep pulling it harder and faster down that'll work oh man even scarier would be like spiderwebs underwater that might actually worked i should have brought more out from that other room but whatever i got it to work and i can dance and up we go yes i made it play with the dung beetle time where my dung beetle friends at oh that's not a dung beetle but i will make dung out of you come here little friend oh there's two of them it is time my dudes to make a spider web oh i can't even attach to anything and attach come here haha i got you take me to your leader just kidding fall into my trap yes i trapped him wow i just swallowed it hole that's kind of grotesque spiders don't do that to bugs oh hello i want you to carry me over to the side carry me this way carry me okay fine i'll eat you instead i got him were there two or three i don't remember i need to use momentum and then more momentum i gotta fling across to the side tarzan style oh boy oh boy all right all right i don't like this oh no oh no no no no no no no we'll do that again this way fling me we're gonna swing tarzan's down like i said wow that's wrong that's wrong yeah come back here come on let me up ah fine i'll do it the good old-fashioned way i don't even know what i'm supposed to be doing right now where do i go do i go to the right yes all right i didn't realize dung beetles like playing in the air like this maybe i'm outside the map what's going on here i feel like the game is just playing around with me like you're going where you're not even supposed to go to the edge of the map okay maybe i am oh what is this i don't even know what that is but i like it i'm just going to avoid it what is going on here i want to remove that what does this say warning landslides oh balls i'm stuck fine i can't do anything great i'm skiing now i'm a skiing ant why am i skiing this is weird do i do i stop anytime do i go oh i don't go all the way to the bottom again do i that would major suck okay let's see what happens are you kidding me i'm back in the ant colony what this is illegal on so many levels oh you're kidding me who in their right mind would think that was a good idea for game development are you kidding me right meow i was way over here and the game is like ah just kidding you're going down here now but i found a door i don't know what this does it lets me out maybe i'll just take the lazy way up the tree you know just kind of go up the elevator that the ants made for some weird reason and i'll just jump off the side out of sadness again oh maybe i made it is this where i'm supposed to go is this that's the tutorial i'll grab this leaf and then go down this way thankfully i still have all of my connection things so i can fly really fast and go quickly and all of the puzzles are already solved yay go team spider blitz spider blitz oh boy i left a friend okay splash down where am i going i don't even know where i'm going anymore i forgot about this and i just did it like three minutes ago okay that was a really bad fling toss me toss me did you see that i got tossed that was pretty cool then i gotta do this again just kidding because i already have this in place yes and up i go whoop up i go i said no so what happens when you fall okay i'll climb up nicely this time and jump properly and i'll jump right just kidding it won't jump properly and i'll jump prop would you be nice to me game like i've done this three times already i made it i made it i'm so good at this game i'm like a real life official spider now except i can't even walk up a money hill so annoying i just gotta get a momentum boost and then toss me see how that worked i can't do it again i did it okay so there is something here that we can't be dumb about let's not be dumb let's pretend to not be dumb this time we'll just pretend um i feel like taking this out would be a smart idea yeah uh-huh like that maybe if i just go with my lasers still don't know why spiders have lasers but whatever oh that worked okay oh all right what do i do now i have no idea what i'm supposed to do i do know that i don't go down the area that said caution landslides but i feel like i probably should go up here then i'll go above the area yes then i won't fall down in my death and by death i mean sadness and boringness ah get up come here buddy oh you're trying to you try the old sneaker on me aren't you thankfully for you i built the spider web yes so i'll fling around the top side continue going to the left oh that's a giant dung beetle oh that just scared the bejeebers out of me hello turd nugget hello friend welcome to dungtown how do you know where i grew up oh that's all i was gonna say is just welcome to dungtown can i ride you oh mighty steed of turds come on let's go this way no what are you gonna say pushing a great ball of dug is one of the best workouts i knew tried that last night uh fresh dung is the best you guys are weird like significantly strange but i want a turd can you give me a turn hey little spider you heard about dunk i have tasty nutritious and burns extra hot only after taco bell you want some yeah you're in luck we've got some friends with loads of dung to share just not here oh it's up the hill why get to the point michael the dunk beetle's name is michael i broke my wing what no flying means we need a walking bass i can do that yeah i can use your fancy webs okay i got it i gotta build this is so weird i gotta build bridges for dung beetles they're strange man do i like attach these together and then for science and stuff science and technology day at school is this one this one goes to the left get in the water i'm building bridges for dung beetles things that i never said i'll be doing professionally hey i want to build a bridge for a dung beetle i am an engineer but not a dung beetle type of engineer i did it so strange and now what do i do besides catch the fly and eat it for science purposes fine you just want to get stuck in a web i'll make you get stuck in a webby little turd get back here your little dung beetle no you left me now i was gonna eat you to gain your strength oh there you are it'd be a shame if you flew into my web of awesomeness oh what are you how did you make it out of there you little monster come back here come back here yes now it worked so the way that this is made with all of the mud here i have a feeling that the dung is just gonna like roll straight down these hills and it'll be kind of funny when it does me and michael we're gonna such a strange name for a dunk beetle but anyway we're just gonna like collect the turns up here wow i didn't realize i accidentally grabbed a fly but now that i did i want to eat him for science purposes come here you dumb little critter no go back to the fly we have got to eat it you just escaped me you are not allowed to escape you little turd nugget i have trapped you oh check out what i just made another trap got him i like that i'm glad that there's lots of dung around here because that makes more flies speaking of more flies i just accidentally caught another oh and another one just flew into my little web of what how did you get through that you little monster i'm starting to wonder if i should have talked to the michael the dung beetle earlier am i gonna have to drain this water i don't think whoa whoa bro that is not cool oh that is hey bud how are you oh no i feel bad for you almost and where's that other one though hey bud how are you ha come here i got you take me to your leader take me to the queen boss no no no okay fine get stuck in my web that's cool too is this a dung beetle no these are oh no another puzzle what is this puzzle what do i have to do i have no i wow is this like a i have no idea what i'm supposed to do here i feel like it's a scale oh ah i gotcha oh that was a good shot can you take me somewhere where i can learn mr fly okay i'll just take me to your belly i feel like i gotta i gotta put these rocks over on this thing not under it though come on should not be dumb right now come on over here no no no not like that there we go lift it lift it lift it and i'm i am so surprised that that actually worked how i intended it on working oh great we have to break through this come here i'm here little rocky boy i'm here rocky boy no no no no stay down it's illegal you also went the wrong way play nice this time and get stuck to the board you dummy no stuck i said i require additional rocks look at me how can i drop so many rocks i don't know but it's awesome nice it's not breaking do i need to get like break that thing oh why why me oh that was easy okay i did it sort of stay on there rock why didn't i go up on the other side does that other side take me to the leader to the leader of the rocks oh it does oh how do i get up here now i'm so scared just gonna hang out like a spider and grab it nope nope nope okay i did it i want to go to the top side of this because the bottom is slimy oh it would be a shame if someone would make a spiderweb here there it is oh two of them i got a double i got a triple wait how did you you cheater get in my web that was awesome and a nom nom nom [Music] i'm just going to stay here forever screw making the big thing get my boyfriend back we have got to eat bugs that's what spiders are really good at what am i even going right now when in doubt go left and that's what i'll do i'll just keep going left oh hello oh oh double oh i got a double in the air that was amazing i heard rumors of additional flies floating around so i built the web for them and yum oh there's another one i'm here little buddy i promise nothing bad will happen to you oh that worked how does that work oh wow i barely touched something oh there's two of them one of them now why is it taking me nearly an hour to go find a dung the dunk beetles and their friends oh there there was probably because their flies are here yes and i keep eating them all right i made it up i feel like this is where the dog is dung is up here oh no no no no no no no oh poop nuggets oh that's skinny that's skinny i don't like skinny oh no it's also skinny i made it through this time oh just about did made it so good at games i should play games professionally or make webbed and esport now i'm gonna have rgb lighting in my chair i'm gonna be so good at games i'm gonna go so fast oh what is this is this where is this where michael lived oh i found the dung beetles howdy spider you must be here for a bounty of poop cut some for you right over there that's a giant thing it's a little too comforting our lazy son is simply refusing to leave the ball it's so hot in there why would i what if he can convince him to get out you don't understand this but i'm gonna push it ha get out of there i'm gonna ride on it this is weird look at me oh this is cool i love it whoa no no no no no come back here i'm riding a giant turd ball uh okay i can't no no whoop okay ah come back here i don't want to let my turd leave what kind of turd is this there's green stuff in it and we're going down oh i got an achievement called on a roll i'm guessing that's a toilet paper joke and oh there we go it broke i gotta go catch up the sound though it's quite moist listen oh yeah that's satisfying just kidding that's disgusting all right michael michael's cousin steve or whatever did i seriously get kicked out of home i'll just have to live in here now i guess no we don't really want you in here it's my favorite very energy dense okay we're gonna burn up the turds now i gotta bring you back oh so weird and then we're gonna flip the switch and it's gonna come back down and then i'm gonna put a pur a turd right on there uh-huh just like that and then we're gonna attach no no no not too much not too much little poopy good get yourself right attached right there nice and we'll detach you and then i'll attach you right there and then i'll go poop and then i'll ride up with you we're gonna take you to the no no no no no no no no oh why does the dung wow it moves better than i do wait where'd my poop go there it is it made it up nicely here's the rest of our pre-flight check oh no no no no no no no huh that's a lot of words that is a lot of words but i tell you what i think we're gonna end the episode right there we have to assemble this thing and we'll see what we can do so thank you for watching hope you enjoyed our little turd gathering experience and keeper stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and a special thanks to all of the channel members and the patreons including alan h apollo bunny otto dave ben dicky j desby eagle arc maxxer whip it good baron fox zarnoff deegan jason m rowell iffy sphere spider sax and joe b
Channel: Blitz
Views: 508,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, webbed, webbed game, spider, spider games, spider game, webbed ep 1, webbed spider, webbed spider game, webbed steam, spiders, webbed demo, webbed gameplay, webbed blitz, blitz webbed, cute spider, cute spiders, webbed beetles, webbed dung beetle, webbed dung, webbed ants, webbed ant
Id: Tv6rSNw-iTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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