I Became A Totally Accurate Spider And BUILT An AIRSHIP in Webbed

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oh hello my friends i'm blitz the spider boy welcome back to webbed oh look it's this guy he's like hey please don't tie me up and put me onto a webs because that wouldn't be very fun but i'm gonna do it anyway because it is fun a look he's trying to get away it would be a shame if i could eat him oh what a dramatic entrance yeah me trying to eat you it looks like i have another new friend to share this tree with what my my stomach he doesn't seem to be leaving any oh the dung beetle that's right the dung beetle that was down below feel you never need to go save your boyfriend this day looking up for us more for me because i'm going to eat you all right so i'm supposed to let that guy go and now i need to actually build this dung beetle tower i kind of want to go bang gonna go oh i go in bang bang what does it do oh it resets the thing and now the jaws of death are grabbing me get off of my liver get off of me why do my eyes stop it why do my eyes go red when i shoot that that's weird i don't even know what i'm supposed to do oh yeah return the ant larva to the nursery nah help the breed up beetles across the puddles i i guess i could have gone done that there's also stickers why did i not know about this okay we got patches the moth the spider webs attached in the thingy okay we can do this so i'm supposed to attach this guy up here not like that also attach this guy like this and i'm guessing i have to lift it ever so slightly yes here we go here we go it's working it's beautiful i'm doing it i'm doing it all by myself because i'm a spider that wants to go save my boyfriend even though i don't really understand what that means in this game did i do it is that working now if i attach no not the dunk not the dunk this one up here okay this is a little bit weird i'm gonna do three over there can you get out of here clark steve bill whatever your name is you know what fine we'll just attach you too i got four on both sides oh no i got three over here okay i got four over here if i do another one over here i'm feeling confident that this will work let's also take one right here and go like that yeah this is so weird i'm building a thing but then you definitely needs more up on top of this also i think i have another problem how am i gonna get the dung up in the top ah i should have probably done the dung part first maybe i should feed it to the moth hello moth would you like some dunk there we go no no no no you little turd nugget it literally is a turd nugget get up there [Music] i did it no no no no nope stay stay stay get up there nope she little pile of crap just stop nope no i detached it this is so wrong on so many levels i don't like playing with my poop here come here we'll do that if you're wondering why we have dung beetles here it's because we need to use this for science purposes get over and sit okay that actually kind of worked i'm surprised with myself now i have to go find that queen or the princess bee and be like hey girl how you is can you patch up my rap for me oh oh it grabbed it that's creepy the thing grabbed the poop okay so i did the fuel in the engine we got spider webs pilot platform the moth nest and patches patches of hooligan now i gotta go figure out where she is where's the oh there's the princess be like hey girl how you is and then she's like i'm the princess then i'll be like can i eat you this is the balloon that's supposed to take us to the magic sky island and i'll never make it in this condition let me fix that up for you thank you that was your entire job you're putting honeycomb on it i didn't know queens made honeycombs all right we shouldn't have any problems now the wax patches are completely airtight but they burn you dummy so did i do it is this is this working now here's the rest of our pre-flight checklist attach engine immediately below the oh i gotta i gotta actually i gotta actually like attach it i don't really know how maybe i'll just try i don't even can i just duke no no no no no no no no um i still don't know what i'm doing but i'm gonna try to just shoot it into place god get up there get up there hey queen ant queen bee thing and moth lady over no no no no you guys are so annoying you're supposed to help me why do i have to do this all by myself all right fine we're gonna kill these down so i can use external sources of problems see this is working better already i'll just do that then i'll make it tighter maybe then can i go a bunk on a bunk get in there oh you're so annoying right now does it snap into place is it is it is it snapping are we snapping now i really just want you to snap into place so i don't have to do anything else oh what just happened does it work right get up in a place get stuck doesn't want to get stuck it's being belligerent is that going to work now i don't really know what's happening anymore but i like it so we're gonna try to attach this all the way up and i'm gonna try doing the four onto the side of it again three and i feel like four was the magic number so i'm gonna do five this time instead of four because five is magical than four i just use the word magicker in a sentence i don't even think that's a real word hey look it's floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee do i have to bring it up higher does i need six of them i think i just used the word does does i need do i i can't even words right now okay clark looks like the airship is ready to launch what are you ready to head out it might be a while before we can return um no i wanted to go i wanted to go do the the thing with the dung beetles because they're funny and they're right over here somewhere don't worry i can fly through this like a maniac because i'm so good at this because i had to do it for like an hour in the last video and i built nests and all sorts of fun stuff to make it go even faster and i even solved all the puzzles because i'm cool like that but the swimming part still sucks so i'm just gonna pretend that didn't exist there it is hello dung beetle friends how are you today ah fresh dunk do you want to cross the hey you're supposed to cross the bridge i made right over here remember there's a bridge or maybe it was you that needed to cross the bridge hey you fixed up our bridge yes give it a go then uh-oh right the old poop monster it's working is working it's working i'm writing it i'm riding a dung beetle oh he's stuck maybe if i attach him to his other friend here i'll help yeah just push him out of the way this is so strange this game has got something weird in it yeah you guys don't need to be attached keep walking i totally want to ride on this guy because he can fly and i don't have wings no no up up you dingus yeah see see how this works i'll just boost you with my laser beams get out of here go faster oh well thank you so much little spider we can head on up now after a little rest we won't beat you to the top but you'll see your friends [Laughter] oh i don't even know what just happened but i love it now i can go down the water slide of turns again goodbye dung beetle friends i miss you already i just need to go down here for science purposes [Music] i also fell off the bench of the world and died so i see you guys again hello goodbye now the real question is can i just skip a whole bunch of things and go straight down here or something it's so slippery when wet good news and bad news everyone i have to detach that so i can get back up there we go back up i go and now i should just be back home in a matter of seconds i have done it i have made it back to the middle of the castle it's not a castle but there's a dung beetle downstairs it's like hey bud how are you he's like good you got poop for me and then i can fly because i have wings just kidding i don't but i should be able to build my or like light this thing now and go oh no don't bring that don't rig that that was a bad idea we don't want to ring it because that resets it looks like the air shape is ready to launch are you ready to head out might be a while yeah let's try it come on come on engine ignition 3 oh no [Laughter] no you're supposed to yes now this is what i call an adventure hold on tight little spider but don't worry i'll catch you if you fall deal oh you actually do it's kind of nice thank you and they know you're actually gonna catch me oh oh it's breaking things that's all right science purposes and now what is the giant mechanical ant going to be here somewhere i'm hoping it is oh we're flying oh i don't like this just kidding i'm jumping off can't touch me i'm the gingerbread blitz no you stupid b let me go i wanted to jump and have fun engine nominal airspeed increasing this is it we're flying oh balls i'm gonna just grab on here oh we got thunderstorm no no no no wait that ant is is tethered on am i supposed to be doing something whoa this storm was not on our forecast but the ship is still holding barely yeah i guess what are we doing what is going on here i don't really understand this why is there a giant thunderstorm i wonder if i can fly all right i totally want to jump off again okay everything's looking good up here just doing a little testing yep everything's looking great that was satisfying i want to jump in the fire no i don't the wind is really picking up now i feel so alive yeah you're a bee you can fly how much longer do we have to fly i need to go to the sky bower to get my boyfriend or something this shiny blue spider slipping oh what is this i want to touch it no no no let me go let me go you dumb what is this place i want it we're keeping that we're keeping that i need it for science experiments this one we're also keeping oh no we're not supposed to keep them this is where we're supposed to go and the bees like hey we made it first this is it the sky bower the airship won't be able to make it any further without this it's okay you'll have to find your love i don't i mean i just met them like okay you're not allowed to leave i'm going to tether you down here and keep all these sky islands for science purposes too there you go you guys are stuck i'm gonna go do whatever i do oh poop nuggets i don't like this hey i want that oh oh it's a puzzle-like thing i see what's going on here so these things are puzzles ah look at me i can fly i'm spider blitz and then if i shove that down in this hole right in here real good shove it in there there it is so that worked okay and i have another one take me to your leader where am i going with this thing up here yep right here no no no you dumb pile of dumb go up that way up this way wow i mean that was pretty violent but that's what we're supposed to do okay we have floating islands of strange land here do i need that floating island for anything or did i just like spiderman my way through i gotta put the floating island in that hole i could just use my projectile dude laser beams laser beam forward just kidding you're supposed to go back this way yeah yeah around that corner see that's where you're supposed to go and if i do this and go and then i can attach you over here like such as get rid of these keep bringing you over detaching them because you have forward momentum see i'm so good at this game i should be like a professional sky ballerist i don't even know what this does i don't like it though i have to tether you over here for science purposes again i knew it ah okay stay over here stay over here and then we ride it go mighty it's steed oh i need that back come back no no no no no no i didn't realize there's gonna be more puzzles over here i need you right about now down here thanks very much.com and then i'll let you go and then you can just drift in there that's perfect and now there's two of them come over here you be friends with that one i'll be honest i don't know where you're supposed to go but i'm going to send you fully i have no idea what's happening i don't want to go down there hey come back here no no no no no no no no no no no no what in the world what did i just do get in the hole get in the hole why are there magical shiny blue rocks i mean i like rocks but i don't really understand why there's shiny blue rocks here i only needed one i wanted two at least i'm inside now is my boyfriend gonna be in here that sounds so weird me saying that stop it go the other way no would you not you're gonna play nice this time forward shiny blue rock wait a minute you got to go up there i didn't make that spiderweb i don't think is this huh how we did it i found my boyfriend okay escape the sky bower with your boyfriend cue to dance dancing time oh yes dancing i love dancing with spiders where do i go though oh i gotta come down here i gotta get more rocks more shiny can i just put you hey you get in the thing hey dummy you get just put you inside the blue thing there you go it worked oh wait did that work i don't know why that worked i feel like this is an abusive relationship come back just dumb oh i gotta dance and then he follows me i don't have to be abusive get in the big shiny thing good job [Laughter] dancing you're not coming fat oh you're kidding me come on up thank you now the music's all like cute and stuff okay i gotta i gotta do big brain big brains here for a little bit we gotta make a ladder because our boyfriend doesn't have one of those things in his head a brain i think they're called hey come on up no no come over here and then come up this no stop no come up here thank you and then come up here huh huh look at how that works see when we're we're smart when we have brains in our head we can do things nicely come on come on over here look at you i'm so proud of you look how much you've grown in the last 13 seconds come on up oh my word this is relationship goals right here follow me blindly oh oh dumb one oh that looks scary it actually legitimately scared me that's okay i got my dumb boyfriend here i'll sacrifice you again yeah jump in that thing because you're weird come on oh now it's burning outside again no i did it wait what here i ate these in your face hole i don't even know what's going on right now what are you doing oh i didn't want to break that that doesn't seem to do anything what happens if i just attached his face to the this guy does that work hey boyfriend go test oh it worked i think yeah jump in the thing again nice oh now i have to do it oh hold up and a boom boom timber fall backwards nice get over top come on come on dummy why do you have to be so not smart i made a bridge for you you incapable animal come on over once i rescue you this relationship is over i don't know what i'm doing but it seems to maybe work come on oh come on i told you to come oh gee i wonder what's gonna pop out of here and eat me nothing oh why do you why are you incompetent oh now oh that worked just kidding it didn't work i feel like if i bring no this log over you see that trick hey no no no no no i blocked this off fair and square no i told you i blocked that off clear and square did you not hear me the first time okay we gotta go quick we gotta go sonic fast sonic fast blue thing jump up thank you nope nope i said okay come on come on go go go go go he's not here right now where am i supposed to go though oh dumb hilarious hey now i was using that okay come on up and then jump there you go and then jump up here oh this is where did you go where are you why are you way back there come on over come on over the weather is fine okay now now they leave and we go up you see how this works come on up and over there we go now you're rescued marginally just kidding you're not rescued make it go away thank you come on over we got a gear we have this thing again i thought i was done with these sort of puzzles nope ah no not down here again oh it's so annoying come on up weird blue thing come on come on there you go now we'll just no no no come over here there you are come on thank you and we'll jump and we'll run and we'll do silent things sonic fast oh good the puzzle didn't fully reset itself thankfully oh i got it in magically i don't know how but i did it all by myself and something happened come over here oh wow that's straight up like close the door can you get through that door nice they come up here very beautiful very beautiful blue shiny rock i still don't like this abusive relationship oh hey little spider you made it i did and you rescued your boyfriend we're almost ready to go home can i burn it vlad is just bringing the airship around i tied it oh lad he's coming watch out it's gonna burn it's not oh big spooky bird man no no no this one you know what i was gonna say just leave it okay not kidding with that hold on little spider we're gonna catch this bird why don't you sting it oh i'm going up for the bingo hole right in the old ham all right i'm gonna should i aim for its face there we go oh a shot at the eyeball that was fun i don't where am i going now [Music] i love this game it's so oh maybe i oh oh man yes die die i've got it i've got it [Applause] oh oh hey hey maybe i oh did i kill the bird whoa sorry relay carmen oh we got the mechanical ant just picked up a little help on the way hey what this thing flies back and reporting for duty and the beast doesn't stand a chance [Music] [Laughter] they have to pull the mech ad into the burst bag of your webs what i don't have any idea what's going on okay where's the bird i gotta get the mech ant um where's the where's the bird at though do i steer the ship do i pilot it again i wanna i wanna pilot the mech yet okay we're going down i just gotta see where the oh there's there we go okay so if i nope nope nope nope nope i gotta attach this down here nope nope i want on the bird i want the bird just kidding i don't want the bird hey i'm on the bird's back okay oh i gotta attach it oh i attached it i've got you i've got you big [Laughter] oh this is fantastic the mechanicals and is gonna this is great i feel bad for the bird now he has no idea what's about to happen to him look at the little mech driver in there so excited i am in position get clear the detaching mechant oh now oh whoa what's happening what the world we're falling oh my word oh my word this is kind of vicious where am i at oh there i am defeat the power bird we did it the beast is grounded we should do with him now comrade we send him away no no no no we tied to the ground and we eat it you burned all your bridges the bugs of this bush will not put up with you they're eating and kidnapping their friends and now we have the means to defend ourselves to find a new land to call home maybe somewhere far away from here with more birds like you wow maybe you'll find a friend they're vicious before i change oh did oh i think i just squashed something i just heard squashing noises what a weird game that was scary i wasn't sure i'd be able to talk to him but i did it thank you oh the thunderstorm is done now that was fantastic and with that my friends we have beat webbed what a cool game what a neat little game thanks for watching hope you enjoyed these videos and if you did hit the like button to keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and a special thanks to all of the channel members and the patreons including allen h apollo bunny autodave ben dickie j desby eagle arc maxer whip it good baron fox zarnoff deegan jason m browell iffy sphere spider sax and joe b
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,268,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, webbed, webbed game, spider, spider games, spider game, webbed ep 1, webbed spider, webbed spider game, webbed steam, spiders, webbed demo, webbed gameplay, webbed blitz, blitz webbed, cute spider, cute spiders, webbed beetles, webbed ending, webbed bird, webbed nest swing, webbed ants
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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