EVIL iPhone IMPOSTER in Among Us

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so we have a normal iphone and a happy iphone but today we have an evil iphone in among us this spot is ridiculous you can phone a friend set an alarm off go to airplane mode and play pac-man stick around for my turn to be the imposter this gets interesting and also if you're watching this on a phone hit the like button down below the video and if you're not lying it'll turn blue hit the subscribe button hope you enjoyed it guys check this out take home take the take check this out listen welcome to the most ridiculous mod you've ever sounded let me do this while i'm talking so listen i am an iphone i am a crew member iphone i have all these tasks for you guys finish all the tests fill up the green bar the other criminals there's all their chests we win the game you see under the task bar look at this these are charging stations if i hit this charge button look i'm charging look at the top look see that number counting down once that gets to zero my bar will start to fill up once this bar fills up more and more i'm currently an iphone one if i get out if i fill up my bar right i'll become like an iphone 4 all the way up to an ipad and i have all these abilities you can see i unlock different abilities as i level up hi biffle hi hey listen charging i'm a taller listen lizzy come on guys look at the bottom of your phone find the like button hit the like button on your phone wait you leveled up oh hey you want to try to wear a big boy you know what you know what bring it bring it i got my auto clicker i got model clicker okay you know i don't even want to be here i don't even want to i know so how that game that is called tug of war right and i leveled up so i'm an iphone 4 now look so tug of war makes it where we talk of war each other and whoever can click that dot the quickest you saw that score in the center right whoever wins that steals the other person's battery power and levels up look in the top left i leveled up my phone a ton from tug-of-war and biffle hey look um you want to talk a warning me boy you want a tug of war bring it auto clicker time stop cheating i can't do anything i have an iphone x no boy i'm an iphone look i don't even have a button anymore you just swipe now okay so now that i'm level four i have access to phone drop which if you're the imposter that does something really sick if you're not the imposter you drop their phone on the ground and it can crack their screen and if it does it just wait hold on oh my god oh and then you get sent back to the beginning so you look in the bottom left you see that's our scores the ghost is trying to get me on this iphone game gary i am owning you gary goodbye gary he just had water dumped on his phone wait get started kate just died the impostor did the phone drop on her 50 50 chance for her to survive or die she died you don't wanna you don't wanna fight me i have so many points 92 lookums i am my final form i am an ipad pro oh yeah i forgot i have phone a friend and he's in a battle i'm going to bring henry i'm going to bring him over here somebody just died hello let me help then we had we and we had we somebody just died oh somebody called henry no i just concluded my knees i just saw somebody died on the the phone thingy wait on the charging pad yeah look i'm just died wait okay wait if we found a friend it's me you nico and biffle still and there's only four of us still alive oh wait get caught look at his phone's cracked his face wait henry yeah no i just did it i know ian ian i can't i'm not big enough to do that am i henry it's just wait a minute no it's just me you and biffle alarm okay be honest do you have an iphone or an android let's be honest i wish i had an android i have a flip uh i have a flip phone too dude i have a razer flip phone oh get him get him schedules get him inside get him scheduled you cheater 141 dude that is okay dude i'm just quick with it i'm an iphone 2 now i'm quick when it gets oh no okay oh no gary listen listen i am your secret right now listen listen i have two fingers and i just click really fast you know i have five and i can't even go here let me show you let me show you come here let me show you let me show you here you do this look how fast i'm clicking you see how fast i'm clicking are you using right click and left click or yeah i use all clicks okay this doesn't make any i have twenty two okay this is a load of baloney listen i am not using an auto clicker gary oh you no i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not i minimized everything when i did that okay let's go here okay so i am the imposter i think i'm already level what am i already level at level two okay so i have uh alarm high charging what's up hey hey you give me that you give me that charging spot back boy okay let's go down here let's go down here so i have alarm i have pac-man tug of war and trolls you're a cheater oh no give [Music] [Laughter] oh no somebody's calling me who's calling why don't you call me video okay okay okay so i have call of fret phone a friend this is where my combo is gonna come into play if i so you see in the top right up top left press v to force win if i do this and then i call somebody what i want to kill who do i want to kill who do i want to kill let's take out let's take out gary so whenever i do this if i do tug of war when it's true i auto win i'm not even going to click here we go photo friend gary gary gary what what no i'm not a couple no gary i'm giving you your points back i'm giving you your love your battery back yeah go ahead go ahead win go ahead and win yeah yeah yeah i just i felt bad for cheating i [Laughter] oh that was too good okay i also have phone drop which will kill somebody henry what are you doing i'm broken my face is broken here hand me let me help let me help let me help you no no you're just gonna be hey oh hey lucas you're a big boy look ups you give me that power you give me that strength boy no say you're sorry for flaunting no i'm a big boy oh no why why do you have to stun me look hims huh because you're kidding me i didn't cheat i got quick fingers i'm a fast boy i'm a quick one to draw so i have airplane mode now so you saw i did drop phone on headway that is a 50 50 kill or survive and he died okay let's go this way oh get him get him scheduled oh no oh no that screen is cracked i can put him in the pac-man and his controls will be all jacked up let's do that let's do pat versus nico how did that happen oh oh versus nico i got this dude oh no pat your controls are messed up my controls i forgot oh no so i control the ghost dude why is this ghost letting nico be dude this ghost is bm'ing me oh this is not fair [Music] [Music] [Music] right yeah that's true what if niko was controlling the the ghost but no he oh right but you the the imposter can move at the same time oh no no i just keep losing gotta go okay i can see everybody okay let's go over here now i'm gonna phone somebody let's phone i'm gonna leave nico alive because he's somewhat sus uh let's phone so i can't click on a buddy anybody when their their name is yellow cause they're doing stuff they're like charging or something or in a tug of war so i'm gonna wait for loaf hey man oh did you just tug a war me i clicked on somebody else but you oh you know what i'm not complaining no no no no no no no you just went from like zero to 60 and like nothing all right good luck good luck good luck wait hey you survived hey hey hey you survived but i'm gonna steal your power no no power down low power down okay okay let's go i can't jump there if i so if i airplane mode on somebody they'll die oh they're all calling each other to the pit i'm gonna go i'm gonna go get myself an alibi what let me out what is going on in here they called me here who's calling oh i can't i can't i call him somebody's calling me oh i just i look up people guys are bad people i'm gonna go stun them all guys have fun have fun with this stuff no oh i got an idea i got an idea okay okay let's do should i do another pac-man the lights are down oh i could take out zod oh they're all here god gotta go is anybody over in the pit they're stuck in the pit because they can't use airplane mode let's take them both out let's take them both out one side is gone i'll take them both out okay so i just got called okay good airplane mode out okay gotta go gotta go gotta go let's go this way perfect jail break my phone i'm out boy jailbreak i'm out i'm out jailbreak okay there's perfect that's perfect it's perfect i need to wait for somebody else to break their controls and then i'm gonna call another pac-man i also have another combo i want to try okay let's go this way let's do this go this way i'm so fast oh gosh um um oh no sad your screen is froze besides your screen is broke oh no i know it is oh no this is so big oh no oh no backwards this is actually so easy nico this is kind of sucks [Laughter] [Music] okay listen listen listen biffle and nico i think it's nico biffle who do you think it is yes or no who do you think it is yes or no i'm going to phone number over here okay i'll give him a call too i'll give him a call too get over here no hey rico do you know what we've got to wake up oh no no no i'm trying to take a nap oh no okay listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen listen we need to get our tasks on we need oh no oh oh my goodness oh no okay we're going i want to talk about i want to talk about i want to talk about flickr no i want to talk about flico bring it please nobody wants the puzzle bring it go go go i'm going to try my best okay okay i'll i won't use my auto clicker i won't use my auto clicker niko is going to win easy for nico oh no this is too good he's gonna try he's gonna try how are you kidding me are you kidding me it's the battle of the wind there is no ghost oh there is a ghost what's up you want me i'm controlling the ghost and me boys give me all these give me all these points dude shut up no you got a ghost on your side it's so tough to control both of these oh i don't doubt it it's just tough to control in general i have eaten so many [Music] if you guys have enjoyed evil iphone hit the like button hit the subscribe button if you're new around here click this next video to watch next video and as always give us more mod ideas down in the comments so we can make them and uh record them and foot them i i don't know
Channel: SSundee
Views: 16,876,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ED-Li7kS7OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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