We TAMED The BEST Pets Ever in Astroneer

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hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back oh you see the little guy waved to astroneer yes these are our new friends the little glastropods oh that is such a pretty picture watch this you ready for this i'm gonna pet him he's like he's doing this head-banging thing look how adorable he is yes i love it i love it man this game is so cool anyway uh we're gonna bring our little friend back to the earth all we have to do is run over here to our spaceship jump in launch to another planet up we go and down we go because we had to pick up intern and turns just hanging out on planet doing things that interns do but we have more missions to accomplish look there's another little glastropod that we can get on calidor another planet the dry dunes of the arid world have attracted a glastropod find and scan its discarded shields on blades of rock deep in the caverns so we'll just drop off our little friend right down here oh do you have a name usagi that sounds japanese neat goodbye you saggy we're gonna go find you a friend and i'm assuming that there are seven in the game so maybe we'll find three today that sounds like a good idea so let's refuel our spaceship come on refuel this refuel put the stupid refueling thing in this you know what i'm just going to hold on to that because i feel like we'll need it eventually and i found that thing it looks like a giant toasted marshmallow so i'm going to get lots of research points off of that even though we literally have 67 000 bites already but yeah let's jump into here and head on over to caledor okay so aatrox is the radiator planet glacio's the tundra we have vessenea and there's kalador the arid planet now i'm hoping somewhere on this planet we can find where we've made a base it might have been that one or that one because there's a beacon there this looks good we have a giant cave i'll exit and now we surf down to the bottom of the world oh wow okay whoa i forgot how fun surfing was okay okay wait wait stop is this the end of the road or did the game just regenerate oh i think it did but i might be able to find some shells underground here already it might just be right over here if i was a cave snail where would i leave my shell up here nope that's not it oh i'm going to steal that because it looks shiny and i like shiny things is that it i think this might be it yeah there's the shells right there nice there's two and then i think this might be one what is that hold on just drop that thing drop it what is this what is that it's a hazard i like hazardous things can i lick it oh okay oh oh oh hey those should be seeds right i want that in my life oh okay this looks dangerous too we're just gonna go down here i'm probably gonna die in turn i think this was a bad plan let's support this mission we don't need that seed this bad oh there's another shell right here i'm so good at finding things and i don't know what they are oh here's another one nice and then that should be four okay do we get a fifth one somewhere it turns on the case i think he's found one he's like a good boy who's the goodest of boys you found another shell dude nice awesome all right we did the mission kind of excited to see what a cave snail looks like okay so we have to put in a wheeze wart see a wheeze weed seed wheeze weed where's wheeze weeds also i think i need a new suit on because he looks very very weird when i take the backpack off so it's time for a new outfit which one do i want today this one looks cool oh it's locked never mind maybe i'll just go back to my galactic suit because it looks sweet so are these puffy boys here the wheeze weeds no that's dagger root is this what i need oh that's still more digger root those are just planted upside down we kind of dumb plants grow upside down it's like australian plants or something oh here's a there's a dead intern hold up i mean we got free explosives so i'm not going to complain tethers what is this research sample let's just scan that weird what is that fireworks recreational item i don't know you know me game thank you well this looks fun an exo crate can i take you home with me i don't remember what's in those though oh it's so fun okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay wow it still goes deeper forgot how big these planets really were i mean whoa what is that can i touch it i don't know what that is i'm scared of it oh i think i found one is this it no that's not it but gravity's a lot lower down here which is kind of fun to bounce around and it still goes deeper man i forgot how beautiful this game was look at this it's incredible and there's the weird pyramid thing at the core of the planets okay i didn't find a wheeze weed but i found a zebra ball which is so much better yay go me look how good i am at this game i can fly with the zebra ball i didn't realize how shiny and beautiful these things were all right i'm gonna bring my new little friend back up here can i just hook you up buddy oh yes you stick in there that's beautiful now we're back on the surface maybe we'll just try to spread out and see if we can find one of these hey there's one i see it come here little friend hopefully you have seeds in you all right all right all right a wheeze weed uproot to harvest seeds thank you i will oh nice seeds all right so now we have to go back to earth so we can complete the first mission with the shells and get an empty terrarium and we can pop the terrarium on the ground and turn i don't want a buggy you leave me alone right now i were to put the soil inside of it to fill it up slightly we'll shove that back in our box provide the terrarium with copper like such as oh that looks kind of cool in there look at that and then we have to shove a seed in it too i believe yes oh it's got little cactuses now the annoying thing is we have to take that thing and we'll make another trumpet horn because in turn lost the last one and by intern losing it i mean uh i i was the one who lost it okay oh we can take a buggy that'll be fun we'll pop that onto the side of our ship i took the zebra ball off and we'll land back in here hopefully we did this right so we don't have to fly back and forth 17 million times okay if i grab the little terrarium put it on the planet and then uh use it uh-huh tell me again how you feel oh i hear music there it is he's gonna pop up you're hiding in a bush he's so sneaky let's go get him okay compass point i know i see him where is he at oh it's so cool looking oh he's singing too all right all right we're gonna dance we're gonna dance untouchable okay we just need to do that like three times he's not hiding in a bush this time oh look how cute it is i love him already i want to be your friend except when he goes up on side of the mountain that's not exciting would you not do that bud i mean i'll come up here and i'll try to stand and stuff maybe oh dance dance did it work i'm just gonna have to build an elevator all the way up to him come here buddy so i just put this obnoxiously loud terrarium on the ground and i should be able to refriend him oh he's going in yes wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that was expensive but i got a cool little dude oh look how cool he is okay let's see what his dance does oh that's not not really a dance but he's got like that admiral ackbar sort of facial whisker thing going on oh i like him he'll be my new friend i'm also dying that's not a good thing i'm suffocating i'm suffocating run run blitz don't die with your new buddy help you quick use my jet pack oh i barely made it don't die you turn don't die we did it we did it all right little fella let's go introduce you to your new friends oh there's two of them okay all i have to do is hook you up and put you right into here and then the game's like yes you selected another one and we're gonna scan him and take his resources i mean we're gonna tame him and be his pet and it's adorable so now that he's been verified there's a signal boost what does this mean with a xenobiology okay an exo chip use the data to activate the tracker although we have to plant his seed okay that's actually easy but i believe we do have some exo chips and i plug you right into here and then we'll activate this ah okay we should really plant a garden like a big old garden with all of their favorite foods in it that'd be fun i'm just gonna plant this right here real quick just so i can get that quest done so we have a new mission now our new mission is to go to vesenia to go into the high hills or we can go to novus which is a toxic planet go to find the crumbling stones i feel like it's time to go up here so we made it to vessena this planet looks pretty cool this isn't our home base that might be okay let's check are there okay there's snails that way i'm going for the snails you know what i should do do i want it do i want the car i do i want it i think i want it we're just gonna unpack this thing yes unpack give me the car i'm sorry aunt erin i'm going to leave you behind you know scratch that because there's no seat on this uh-huh oh i forgot intern just took my car that was gonna be mine i was gonna use that but the good news is at least i get oxygen from him oh but he's got a case of the dumbs and his driving oh that'll learn you a lesson all right let's find some shells where are they over here is a shell is that it oh it is hello little shelf that was literally the only one oh balls are gonna take a while intern drive to your heart's content wait let me give you a power station so you can drive all night go go young one find us the shells that our heart desires and then i'll leave you on the planet did i say it out loud this one's called a thistle whip that could be cool that might actually be the seed that it needs i'll grab those and research that oh we just found another one and yeah he's got him intern did it whoa what are you doing dude i got an idea why don't you just leave the buggy and grab okay never mind just just there there you go that buggy you look like you're having too much fun with that let me take your power supply you can't that's it wow i've seen better monster trucks flip i'm gonna flip you right around and then give me yes back running away you don't have power anymore i'm going to leave you in five four three two one zero negative one and negative two and negative negative three negative four negative four in turn you just took my you just took that was the power for the ship i can't fly now oh i forgot he needed his booster seat whoops so we have the empty terrarium we flew around the planet to where our base was here and now all we need is one piece of lithium and lash leaf but i did see a lash leaf literally floating up root to harvest leaves dude you don't even have roots but it does make it funny when intern breaks it makes the seeds fall into the giant crater we made by blowing the planet up oh i think that might be lithium i think those weird little spindly things on the ceiling over here is lithium i'm on lithium come on be lithium you please be lithium if you're not lithium i'm gonna be so mad hey i got lithium we need three of them though oh that was for a different quest whoops all right so we'll put the terrarium down we'll slap in a little bit of that lithium oh that looks so cool already and then we have to put in the uh the lash leaf seed on top i got it oh that looks so cool i love it all right now the horn hey he's got the horn we got to finish that quest up though hopefully we don't have to go anywhere else got it oh eyes on lithium i got that one done too all right little buddy where are you where are you i've heard that this one's the most adorable one in the whole game oh don't pop out underneath oh it's cool i like it i will show you the ways of my people i will dance and you will be happy yep you're happy no no no no don't go anywhere annoying little creature where'd you go this time careful buddy don't go on that edge of that cliff yeah yeah yeah so happy right now okay now i should just be able to claim you i mean not claiming but like taming befriending oh we did it we got oh no no no no oh nice catch and turn you see how good he did all right let's oh no no no i need to gaze at you oh you're adorable that's a pet you huh oh you like it you're shy he's a shy oh that's it i love it i love it okay we're gonna put you down we're gonna kidnap you and then we're going to bring you back to earth i did i say that out loud we don't need to kidnap you back to earth right now oh okay we're to go to the exotic moon of novus and collect the next one first and this is nice because we actually have a landing pad here look at us being all smart in the ways of being smart what a cool looking base this is nice too her name was actually princess oh she's a princess all right princess you hold the ship down we're gonna find you a friend these are supposed to be in the crumbling stones within the cavern so let's see if we can find the way to go down we found a way down and it's ultra scary yes surfing until we just collapse into a pile of rocks all right if i had to guess which i'm guessing man we're probably gonna need whatever this red spiky thing is to fill up the thing hematite that's iron okay is this gonna be like an iron based one could the shells be on that giant wall over there they might be because the maps like hey there's shells literally right above you oh interesting the crumbling stone oh well that was weird okay all right i mean we might need the quartz those shells look cool too huh oh and here's one of those exo caches thankfully i have a stick of dynamite this time nate detonate that nate oh scratch that detonating was not a good idea but at least i got some i don't even care about those i died for no reason oh but i did find one of these yes here's another one whoops that one's underground we'll forget about that one to get this one instead and that should be number five beautiful hey wait we got some stink plants here oh no no no no you leave your stink ass away from me so stinky at this time of year oh i broke it cool maybe that's the plant our hearts desired or you know what um yeah mutant his spine seed that was my nickname in high school good news everyone we have a landing pad so we can get our terrarium beautifully in place we can plop in our extra soil like such as i have that pile of iron and i believe this is a smelter isn't it yes and i see a thistle whip right over here it's always nice when we don't have to go back to earth so i will grab you shove you in the hole and then i will grab you and shove you in the hole oh yes it working and then we're like cool we'll put a horn on the top of it and make songs and another snail boy pops out of the ground that one looks okay is it gonna be daytime oh that one looks that might be my favorite dance for it it's got like a little vest on no that's his arms oh that's so cool where should you go this time i gotta track you down you little monster that's a that's an affectionate name for where where are you little dude you're over here oh this little fella he's like ah this is no joke i'm gonna make i'm gonna play hard to get look how adorable it is he's just singing and dancing that's so cool i'm gonna dance for you friend we're gonna dance and then we're gonna claim you it's gonna be like pokemon we're gonna show you inside of this thing and battle you i'm kidding you don't battle them but now we have a new friend that will take back to earth and you know what else i totally forgot to do the thing with rogel rogle's the name i kind of like rogo oh rogo looks so cool i want to gaze into your eyes and make you dance yes that's amazing okay rogo i like you why don't you go in here and we're gonna tame you tada you are ours okay we verified you did i verify uh princess already i don't think so princess get your verification badge here you now have a blue check mark on twitter congratulations and there my friends are all of the snail boys that we've found so far i don't know which one is your favorite do we like this one the best the blue guy what's your name i forgot your name and the music is sad and depressed right now or princess princess is pretty cool not gonna lie then we have uh regal here rogal rogo and uh you what's your name stillgar and uh sylvie i mean sylvia is kind of the default which one is your favorite let us know down below in the comments and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters especially spider sacks joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow dave rules 2.0 junk boy 76 skunk chest link hue at 46 magma games 22 so it's you the accordion l h apollo bunny auto dave ben dickie j teddy hippiest despie eagle arc maxer spencer t whip it good baron fox sarnoff deegan jason m and rail
Channel: Blitz
Views: 271,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, astroneer, astroneer blitz, blitz astroneer, astroneer gameplay, astroneer ep 1, astroneer game, astroneer co op, astroneer multiplayer, astroneer multiplayer ep 1, astroneer multiplayer gameplay, astroneer coop, astroneer coop ep 1, astroneer coop gameplay, astroneer multiplayer blitz, astroneer xenobiology, astroneer xenobiology update, astroneer galastropod, astroneer gastropod, astroneer pets, astroneer pet
Id: bjaBL_VvSbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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