Accidentally Impaling Things At Hyper-sonic Speeds in People Playground

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so it's time once again that we had fetched her deep into the hearts of people playground where we accidentally make buildings that destroy everything it's amazingly fun and we got an update today so we can play on the weird Maps I guess they're slanted actually wanted to try this look there's a gigantic slope what would happen if we placed a bunch of guys at the bottom of it get your legs out of your friend he doesn't want those in you know just seriously just stop putting your legs fine am I gonna have to tan us you and snap you out of existence and do it I knew I'd have to and if we go up here and we find the dangerous death ball oh that sounds fun I'll place it up on the hill oh no I don't want to I don't want to unsubscribe from kill chamber and stuff hey whoa whoa did anyone live hey this guy's like a boy I'm alive everyone else is dead though literally everyone else is dead nope someone else is trying to sneak his way out haha he made it he made it he's the cool man it's deadly in there it's really not fun alright alright alright and I'm gonna be like Oprah in here and you get some life and you get some life and do you get some life man you get some light oh I gave that one so much sleep you got life twice oh they love it they're alive again oh not this guy yeah you thought I forgot about you didn't you no I did man round two Oh break it no it's good it's good I just had to add some more people in here because it's people playground not person playground Oh from the other way weird f ball go though there it is there it's uh we have the death ball space program look at that thing go hot dang it's flying far okay what happens when it hits the ground scratch that it's it's not gonna hit the ground what is it doing though what is it doing no I mean in the last comments told me to put a bunch of lasers on the outside of the dead ball so it really is a death ball got to make sure that that generator does no anywhere that's gonna be like a disco party activate the lasers activate the generator and oh I think the game broke did they die oh I told you it would be cool I told you it'd be fun now let's see are people getting lazy it's like roulette just who's gonna get zapped next Oh all right guys oh oh whoa whoa what just Oh No that was good we did it I think guys I think that worked it we successfully ended their life this guy's on fire all right it's all fun and games until somebody gets hurt so there are a few new things in the game my personal favorite is the new pumpkin maybe it's a head wait hold up we don't need this Oh nuts that's the wrong thing we don't need this part anymore it will replace it with this part right there and then we'll take this disable collision oh why does it have to go on the front side okay what oh right there it looks like a shoulder oh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we're gonna have to Frankenstein them together there we go yeah just Frankenstein the pumpkin on your head wonder if this will work can you walk though it's alive you can't walk can't you can't really walk what happens if I hit it with lighting and now he walks pumpkin pumpkin explodes though is awesome all there's a bunch of different yes wait why didn't it explode this time Oh cuz there was wires to it right and the writers are magnetic why did the first pumpkin explode or did our friend go he's trying to climb up the wall and you guys remember our death star that we created in the last video right well there's this new item we called the mirror I don't know what it does I'm really hoping that it blocks the lasers already oh yes we got like a disco show happening now oh my word can we like put them on a certain point oh we can we can turn it this is cool this is what I was hoping for in the last because we could have like put all of these together oh it's awesome look at that we could of like focus we get out of focusing point and then I don't know how it worked but question is is it gonna burn itself down oh I think we found the exhaust port my name is Luke Skywalker I'm bringing a Terp eater into the exhaust port oh that's not a good sign when that when the FPS counter forgets to move and if you have no FPS you know that you blew up the Death Star oh oh whoops days I did it again there's also something else that is in the game now that I don't know what it is like I have no idea what it is I don't even know how to spell it there it is the Sherpa noir' firfer sure skur sure Benoir fer it launches crystals but what the crystal does where the crystal go hey Steve I got something for you to test you please stand up Steve now it's not the time to be laying down on the job there Steve Steve's friend Steve ready eat done oh wait what though is awesome hey wake up it's still in your face does that hurt just stay right there for a while I'm just gonna we gotta test things oh that one came out oh the old ads painful oh that's really really stinking painful kind of like this crystal shooter I don't even know what the crystals do but I mean it's kind of cool what happens to been launching up in his face will he eventually come back down no Aaron they're not going back down oh there they are hey they are coming back down whoo Oh electrical transformer transforms activation trigger signals into electricity basically if activation goes in electricity goes oh oh I like that idea we must test this principle pow oh oh oh wait Oh that's so cool it can't go through people it kid oh wow I mean oh that's so bad that's so sad what would ever want anyone to do with that oh they're still alive like fish I'm sure the only other thing I can think of to test this is the crossbow Oh oh it works we can we can shoot oh that's so cool I'm so sorry Wow three this facehole this dude just stopped bleeding all by himself oh is this one anyone else still alive need to know we need to know this oh look he's gonna he's gonna heal up on his own he stopped bleeding - gonna be okay just stand up just stand up or not I might have just killed him whoops don't worry friends we'll finish you off - probably with an acid syringe cuz that sounds fun hey melting used to be melting better super melting super melt come on Mel ugly self there it goes please don't do the worm staff again it really creeps me out you know what it creeps me out - look at all those little lips oh uh try to get away that is really creepy oh man I don't know if I like it I don't like these guys it's like I'm gonna sit on my old friend here he's gonna help me get out but the question is can they be zombified can use AMA fie something to the worms want to eat zombies that's that's where I'm my real my real questions lie there getting zombied they are totally getting zombied and the worms still get him whoa he's alive doh I mean I'm gonna try to get him to stumble out of there they're gonna try to free the limbs are coming up oh he made it he made it spin here that's his new name he's like a Scandinavian Oh [Laughter] forget the legs in between I have to clean up all evidence clean up all the evidence nobody is allowed to leave all that's said that the worm steps burned maybe that's even creepier like we'll put a person in there he's burning up in a pit of worms I feel like this is like symbolism for something you can just see like kool-aid pouring out worms going in circles oh that another question I've wondered a lot is can we up that works that was unintentional but can we destroy a one of these things are they called fire extinguisher it doesn't look like it maybe I might blast it with the crystal cannon no fire extinguishers are unkillable I like these obviously this one's still alive how did you get a live still I mean if you're gonna be alive you need to be freed from your pit of death oops alright so the question is the large wooden pole we have to figure out a way to accidentally run this through a whole bunch of people how many people can this go through that's my questions that looks to be the longest projectile we have in the game other than the giant sharp spike which also seems to kind of work there you go step on step on your friend oh man wait so there's two questions I have for myself I says one question number one is can I hurl the spike at people and get him to impale question I has for myself number two is can I in it put the people onto the spike with like something that we build in the previous episode which seems to be corrupted so it doesn't work anymore also there was a question is remember the super zombie we made a long time ago yeah this one he's a super zombie does he he's still alive right now if I make him stumble he goes gonna try to walk even though it's like is Lindsay all busted up hey just hold on we got to fix them really quick here we go button got your feet back on does that make you feel better you got your dancing shoes on there he goes so this guy's pretty much indestructible what happens if we put him in the death start come on come on you know you want to you know you want to go into the big death star beam I'll just make him sit there you go now walk no that's not that's not quite walking what are you doing that's gonna work no it's gonna work you'll fight his way in there eventually well there he goes he got one leg in oh there's another foot so he can be killed by the Death Star oh that's too bad what happens if we spawn Sabourin oh oh yes he doesn't burn no cuz he's already charcoal whoops the Death Star seems to only kill our game Wow - yes I promise I don't even know what I did this time it just exploded so if I start making a bunch of tires you're gonna try to roll away from each other good they actually stood up for just testing purposes Oh oh it actually worked okay all the tires are gone dumb so I moved slightly so what you're saying is you need to freeze you in the location and by the force of generation do you get faster sort of no OOP nugget maybe it is I can't quite tell so let's just drop that and see oh yes it kind of worked so we need to make a super long tunnel of this the objective here is that we're gonna accidentally impaled people at hypersonic speeds he's just sitting here minding his own business having a glorious day and other comes that was unlike super slow motion here they come of them we gotta figure out a way to like penetrate more people oh how did I forget about the spear how did I forget that there was a gigantic spear in the game this will work it's lightweight he'll do the trick it'll do the trick oh here comes are you ready are you ready yeah oh wow it doesn't have the weight behind it we must increase the velocity because force equals mass times acceleration if I learned anything in the schoolhouse rock what happens if I paste it Oh that would hold up whoa what are you do it stop stop oh this is bad bad news okay now come over here and just freeze it okay there we go never takes it easy we're going oh I don't know I don't know can these things be reversed oh you might need to reverse them Oh No yes reverse the direction to which the vehicle drives perfect yes yes it's working okay we'll try this beer one more time there we go let's see if this works any better come on spear bro do you think oh it's not really there it goes okay Wow it doesn't have the mass it needs more we need more velocity or a higher mass that would work too oh that was kind of cool let's try this again with more people more people this is not going come on to you get in here and activate oh okay okay it's still not going hypersonically but we did manage to penetrate like four or five of them I would if we add a couple jet engines do the trick now the question is we have to make it so they're not gonna blow away or burn up over here we have to find the sweet point where they don't get evaporated before they make it inside of it well cuz frankly you don't live very long even on slow motion they just get disintegrated we get a giant puddle of gore that flies through this guy okay so I found the sweet spot somewhere like right in here okay his feet got burned in there but he's good there right so I move over to that one full beast okay still okay he's still okay why is it working now I'm not entirely sure that was awkward well if there goes he so somewhere right in here is the the good point so I need to do is I need to move these thrusters back I didn't see if it'll work oh it's working where did okay we're doing we got so much noise that the game sounds quit I was I didn't do it I promise it's got to turn it a little bit there we go that looks good all right a desperately needs something settings please have something for turning off screen shake my brains gonna blow up if I don't oh then my brain is gonna blow up well we got a test player an object okay that was cool here's one of those Mel all the shards no that doesn't really work I here thanks Kay what about one of these Wow okay this is good we got all sorts of cool stuff about happening ready and then lay you down like so we'll put you in nicely actually I'm starting to wonder if these aren't gonna slow down our hard thing but we'll see it's not working why cold air comes on full speed I feel like that's loaded down starting to think my idea might not even the best idea like it was a good idea but these wheels just don't do the trick even if I expand it just like a few more times it works but it's just not it's not as exciting as it could be the real question is what happens if I put a person inside of here that's busy this is like what's a sad game I played a happy room yeah whoopsies I mean they're not people they're crash-test dummies and we're gonna clean up before someone finds out we did now the question I said to myself is self what would happen if we just turned this into a rocket projectile doesn't die just equate this is work is intended why why are you being so dumb right now here we'll attach that and we'll turn that off you really don't want to move if you really don't want it you don't want to move why is this done oh I didn't hear wait and bingo well we may die for something missile think yeah oh there it is it's not really working well it disappeared again I feel like our ball of death is better hypersonic missiles and hypersonic missile is a missile maybe I'll take that back this thing's working pretty well we can also make things weightless now so we've got that going for us hypersonic missile test a crash test dummies of test eight oh [Laughter] what happened it didn't go up oh that was awesome I feel like we need to make some sort of chamber for our missile to go into so we'll just we'll just lower this down just talk right down to a bud head level yeah that's the trick and we'll shove our missile inside look at that thing go ready hypersonic missile test number two activate oh no we don't want to upload that oh stop it wait come back you I don't even know what happened oh is that my missile right here is that my missile why'd you break so badly hypersonic missile test number three and XP come on come on come on just show up okay so that penetrates a long ways away but it didn't hit these guys yeah all right that thing looks a little bit more like a hypersonic missile hopefully it works whoa it's working fast okay we'll just go over here where there's some people we're going to slow motion and activate activate oh yes that's what we wanted from my hypersonic missile it's still going boo space program so you think I can make it a little bit faster yes as long as it doesn't burn up first we have to have a staging area for our hypersonic missile there we go let's test dirt phases stuck in here there that comes you ready are you ready for this thing Oh No you're not allowed to leave you're not allowed to leave oh no no oh oh bird them me why didn't you want to work your turd face activate oh just got way too much for us look at that it can't even straighten itself oh wow Oh lightning yeah well if whatever I just put a stick in the particle accelerator will that do the trick so gonna burn just kind of gently shove it in there just shove it heart it's activating it's going faster it's going faster good work has a long way to go and I think it might have burnt up nope it ran out energy come on all right let's try this right now slow it down eventually it's gonna get in all areas somebody Wow are they gonna be alive I need to raise that up a little bit we have to hit properly at the center of gravity I think this will do the trick all right we got 20% Hey you're not allowed to leave you're not no you're not you're not allowed oh that was pretty good it went through like four of them that's a lot of forests goats get allowed in here it's about to get loud oh that's even better oh this is gonna be painful and here we have a typical spear ready to go in its natural environment the particle accelerator towards the group of helpless crash-test dummies who don't even know their life is about to end activate all right you turd face don't do that again Oh dad I missed it Oh No okay that only means one thing we have to lock him in a box are you ready are you ready here comes that's a lot of damage okay I totally want this thing to work though I feel like I feel like it needs to I feel like we've got the power it's just disappeared what why did you disappear oh it's cuz it has no well load the torpedo chamber oh yes I'd like to activate you your monkey here activate that work uh huh why are you doing this here we go I turn you the right way there it is that wasn't right actually that has more force than the other thing though so that's cool there's only one thing I know to do to make this even stronger where me up we got a hypersonic speeds to go through this will probably work if not I really don't know what will work missile mark 2 and oh that worked it's already going except I haven't even activated it yet activate everything there we go gonna work oh no and we we have well we achieved space program levels of success must you be so difficult for me why must you be so difficult I worked it worked oh my word okay we gotta clear the living what it worth it for our missile go here they delete you do you just not want to work on your own anyway oh it does but one thing just ripped up I think my missile is a failure Euler that is word I feel like my missiles I'd like an ultimate failure here yeah it is at least is making it way back home is it is actually being a missile though we have that going for us it did work we have successful mission program we just can't contain the beast oh there's the follow button I forgot about that there we go follow it this is on slow motion now yeah don't oh there we officially broke the game again yep alright one last attempt Oh and I didn't freeze those why didn't you get frozen u-turns there that's better everything's frozen in place so if I go ahead and come in here slow motion modifier down to you know percent oh that's Spanish for 1% there we go like this that's not active there we go we have flame äj-- we have fire and then whoa what is it 1% yes now unfreeze time unfreeze is it going I think it's over here Delbert it well I guess that'll wrap it up bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,180,124
Rating: 4.9159164 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, People Playground, People, Playground, People Playground game, people playground gameplay, slow motion, slow mo, high speed camera, Happy Room, slo mo, peoples playground, 2019, zombie, zombies, people playground zombie, PPS01, ragdoll, ragdoll games, oct2019, dinosaur, simulation, simulation game, funny
Id: laoN5LWR9sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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