When Your "Friend" Gives You The Worst Upgrades in Clone Drone In The Danger Zone

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whoa whoa blitz what are you doing here man the cloned drone is a danger arena right all right okay you look like Darth Vader right I am you look like you won your Obi Obi Kenobi he's in Star Trek right does that tell me Star Wars Kenobi's yes help me oh great Darth Vader you're the chosen Teletubby or something Darth Teletubby you can't call Darth Vader a Teletubby okay so today we've got ourselves a go up challenge in the quadrille danger zone and this one is gonna be amazing it's called the upgrade the other person challenge oh really yeah where I give you points and then you give me points here you pick so I'm gonna warn you uh-huh there are repercussions for calling Darth Vader atilla's oh are you kidding me we get no points to begin with and we'll have to we'll have to defeat some robot you know what the fun part about this game is though is if you make them go over saw blades they cut themselves up it's kind of humorous you can laugh at them that guy just to go shot me with an arrow I'm a Jedi I sliced through him my name it doesn't mean legs oh my god where'd this guy come from ah his parents probably nice work all right so your first upgrade young padawan yes is the bow I'll be nice and give you the bow okay please don't I'm gonna I think that you need some more - abilities so no capacity right that's the thing that I that I like the absolute the absolute least in the in the game yeah well let you say you most like least I most like least the this one like pointless oh he did oh he did that was easy-peasy so she's gonna give you this time what how about some more energy I knew it I knew it well I'll be nice and I'll give you kick I'll give you the kick Oh like seriously though why do I have energy can I kick a shield you can and they fall over so kick up to me yes it'll slice the face off nice you do it again Oh perfect see how that work no Z's now we gonna chop them up into little pancakes yeah and then we can kill the green little BOTS that come from Space Station all right what do you got for me uh kick upgrade kick up if we're doing it this way if you're just gonna give me energy capacity you're getting the upgraded kick well we need a fly I'm gonna give you a jetpack well that's at least a little better than the energy capacity now I can get around like it yes you're you're gonna be Boba Fett Boba Fett and both phases are not a Teletubby is he for the record are you are you free oh I forgot I don't have kick I usually buy kick in like arrow block first oh you just about died that was hilarious oh yeah I didn't good thing I got jet packs for days incoming I wish I had upgraded - right now um yeah that would have been nice haha I got one I got one I killed him all by myself this one doesn't have a leg yeah I named him Lieutenant Dan yeah ain't got any legs oh I'm dead man oh man down it's up to you you're the chosen one whose snap oh double kick oh I got a move that's with an upgraded kick wow I'm gonna I have the higher ground Obi one so you're gonna really kick him in the love aren't you he's down you're down to your right we're at the bottom all right come here Oh so I don't get any points you do though ooh let me guess upgraded kick yeah I'll give you some block arrows Vaqueros seems really good I'm gonna give you block arrows too well that would be nice but I died so I don't have any points yeah well I'm planning ahead you know I gotta remember all these different elements but man oh wow this is I like this level I've never played it before but I like it oh my oh I've already killed you go ahead and do all the work I did it Wow the shrinks are opens I kick them both Oh knock me down nice work Barry well I reckon there's four Wow ha oh I got up I got a big kick up again quick my arm oh nice hey the big look look at me do I have a right arm do I have a right hand well yeah you just don't have like a forearm you have just like it's shoulder to elbow so I can't use a bow or anything no oh can you repair yourself nope there's no repairs what yeah you're right so let's see I'll give you block arrows again I'll give you block arrows level one I wish a new arm so much as I want to troll you I don't know I don't actually have a use for a second arm right now others rafters fire actors for days oh great oh okay use your bow alright use your bow on them cuz they gave you a bull right oh oh great in that right in there yeah I'll go get this guy cuz I can go superfast stinked alright what are you gonna give me next what are you giving me next hmm you know what now that you've done so well you don't know no hold on I'll go to your level two arrow block okay I'll take it finally something I can use unlike my left hand um let's see I'll give you energy capacity so you can fire more arrows I can't use a hammer either I don't think Oh No but you haven't given me that okay got it whoa whoa who shot that fire arrow I mean that dude he reflected your arrow back at you jeez that's rude it was rude those are my arrows not good all right what am I getting fire arrow okay and then you ain't got in the arm I'm gonna give you air block 300 perfect I've got five arrows out of my knees okay warfare but okay shoot shoot at the red bot that's flying around that would be amazingly helpful right now that's why it's called warfare but you got no don't shoot it shoot at the warfare bot over there he's much more dangerous he's the one flying around behind us in the air eyes on me he's on me got out oh no play wait the red one the red one no that's nothing I did I tried to hit me get him dead make his life ended oh don't have enough energy oh well we could fix that yeah I think I got it alright there's a life still I think it's just hoarders oh but Jack no Jack and perch ah come on why can't I hit him there we go dude that was hard man the spider grenade launcher dudes those are spider Tron's kept running down arrows then take yourself an upgraded energy capacity you know what the Golden Rule you get energy capacity to pay off when I turn you into a fire-breathing dragon yeah second flame breath the one thing that I have never really used cuz I always forget about it I think well there you go see you need to be calm more well right Warrior all right warrior man oh nice that's what I'm giving you them fire arrows for go after the purple one and that purple and the nurple got him I was just Legolas in around I'm just like laying everybody what did they give us a game troll oh dude dude doing what am I getting next what do I get next energy quest I can't I can get energy recharge or flame breath flame breath it's it this is what I've been working for the whole time okay arrow width so I have wide flaming arrows like flaming hot cheetos got it quickly but that means two and 100 okay next level and prepare to fight Barry butts you ready definitely come upstairs with me we're gonna do the grand finale energies oh I burned him I lit him on fire juice I need I need more juice hey you should have kicked him kick him down here jump to me jump to me oh that worked where are you jump to me on the edge of the ledge oh oh okay do that now you don't have any upgrade points wait I still have three energy yeah you don't get any upgrades oh well let me see what I can give you do you have kicked yet I have one level of kick yet no I I don't have kick you're right get kick kick the power kick or kick and Joe whoa purple guys reflect aerials by the way okay yep so many people oh I'm dead I'm dead I buried them I burned the preferred day you're like dead dead like no more like I did oh no longer living okay alright show me the dragon I don't know energy recharge ah oh that's amazing oh and then we got using Versalles legs oh look he's so cute look at him go hey ready hey buddy yes Armour Oh looks like when you're going going I'm goal I'm glowing in the dark right now yeah you are that'll protect us watch it'll come in close it better cuz that's a waste of a point if it doesn't work what do I just have to do this all on my own like all by my wanna kill the dude thing for these all like no bro don't shoot me but then they're like pro and then you're gonna brah brah help like it'd be nice if my co-op partner would do something I'm co-opting right now sell the project he's like hey dude I'll show up last day that was almost died I'm going all the way oh I got hit by a hammer in the air this is top man I'm not clone droning very well your danger zone is burning too much danger zone and not enough clone drone there's a hammer god behind you I didn't know that thanks for telling me oh I'd kick I forgot about that part so your bro over here look what he's up hey I was trying to kill whom I can hop scotch hi what are you doing awesome what are you doing jumping machine like this isn't even cool anymore can't even hit you I just got a bump into him to make a move away scary slam can you step in the air kind of this jetpack level to give me something useful yeah you can jetpack twice how do how do I lose the armor on my leg dude cuz you're like cut your leg off slow the armors really good now now use use your arrows this will work well I'll protect you I got a runaway okay was that you did you just yet okay so like a lost baby ah I just totally burped up holy cow just one hey guess who gets a point now what I think it's crazy that you can't repair your arms man I know I still don't have many teeth so I'm thinking for you since you have a second arm I'm gonna give you the hammer whoa uh-huh yeah try to use two weapons at the same time you can't spoiler alert okay what do I get now recharge not gaze level 14 diamond your diamond I'm feeling pretty good like we're doing pretty well for training Ashley great dude so the green is yeah you got it you gotta use sword yeah and they reflect arrows for a fire and stuff I also have fire I think I burned one in a burn I burn and he burned my legs both my legs are burn oh I'm dead oh great why must I do this solo what do I not get any more legs no you don't once your legs are gone they're gone you know that oh my gosh I can't have you can't have prosthetics what is this guy doing if you had come down here I could kill you yeah but he doesn't want you to kill him I know that's why he just killed himself wait I was gifted legs again hey guess who doesn't get a point it's you all right get fire sword fire s words we say have legs again I was I was like so frightened that I would not have any legs going for them we really know I'm dead again oh whoa oh man there's more oh the armor saved bacon get out of here I knew it would do it I knew it would and they gonna kill this guy ah well if Oh I don't have a leg I know I'm missing an arm and a leg this is bad by the way man I'm totally whipped on that oh this is I think this might be the end Baron no dude it can't be Bianca it's only the beginning yeah Wow his glasses are armored yeah I know try to use my fire sword on his face see all this energy and jetpack is really helping you out right I was uh oh I forgot I forgot I could burn him with my flame red yeah that was glorious it was that was actually really cool okay the other question is who's the old balls oh wow I'll kill the hard one and I missed the other two yeah makes you surprise we live we alive titanium right oh right guess who doesn't get an upgrade guess who I'm not gonna take an upgrade either oh you know what I can't I can't say that we need to get the revive team okay how do we do that well you have to have two points every five two points oh yeah we definitely need that I need this I need to get points in general you too I'm a Black Knight appendages oh great okay arrows arrows up top shoot the shoot the big guy the spider bro got part of him I'm dead I'm out I'm out man there's a spike traps over on the sides if you can run them on the spike traps they will die so it don't shoot the purple dude just get him on the spike traps or kill on the spike traps oh I miss I would nice perfect hello what happened go after Spyder bro shoot him with your arrows in the way back and then block the arrows coming into you okay you hit him now do you I have to press the button to block no it automatically blocks arrows oh cool so just stand still oh nice shot oh that guy's still shooting grenades out yes yes still alive nice shot okay that's only the spider turn up top Oh nope there's one more guy yep oh he jumped a beautiful shot this last one red dude's last one nice work okay man I did I couldn't even talk cuz like oh my god everything's everything is has to be done okay so I'm gonna give you energy recharge again look you've got working a point okay there's a the spider go after the spiders spiders first oh I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead okay I got this whoa no yeah that was a pro stress oh nice nice dodge nice dog Oh someone just got violated with the spears - heads up purple guys right there okay I'm so scared right now you even you yeah they're gonna do you almost got spiked oh that's what I really want spike down okay now it's just a dance it's just a dance I'm kidding it's not a dance yeah Flitz the dragon so what do I have to do now am I getting the revive shaved up points I do I have to you need to revive huh okay just so the question is if I die did we get to respawn because frankly you're gonna die anyway right oh okay dead still get your short get your S word out shoot that oh I think you yep shoot that guy get out of there baron well yeah that was a little bit quiet that was harsh they harsh in my vibe I jumped across so it works better if you block the arrows oh alright well that was the most terrifying level I think I've ever encountered in this game huh we have a bit of a slight dilemma baron what's that an appendage it appeared for me well that seems to happen a lot here I think do we do you don't have enough points for a revive do you nope I have one point well then save but I finally have a point yep and you're gonna get armor I love armor I'm a golden boy you are oh wait look at the map this one's actually pretty easy they're just gonna be a lot of people that are coming in from above oh the pink guys there there whoa what was that I had no idea okay don't don't shoot the guy with the shield oh these are jet packs awesome great are you dead no your life nope I'm dead okay oh no oh good thing I got you armored get out of there get out of there get out of there and use your bow in the pink ones nice now kick that guy and cut him down there you go oh don't get close to him again yeah he's got a jet pack so when he opens up into tax you just cut like counter really how do that Oh stand there the body armor body armor okay now you're gonna save your point alright alright okay I've got leg armors got two archers above us nice oh we got a spider trout in the back spider trout and just spitting towards us and going for him I'm on a mission he will have no chance to survive I will make his time goodbye oh he knows about me he knows about me now after it cut his legs out there oh he's not dead yet yes he's dead we didn't do this it is these are spikes let's test if they still work yeah my I assume when they turned them off you know when the level was over ha ha so now level 21 we both get a revive I'm assuming right now yeah okay listen I get armored no you need to revive ok but that's revives of both of us time yeah or just if I die I revive me both of us you're gonna love this level especially these BOTS fire the arrows oh ok what are those guys give your friends oh there's spikes everywhere yep ha ha oh I got bird I'm alive I'm alive Oh what I totally didn't get my leg armor kicked oh really you'll live though yeah I'm totally dude you're just smacking these fools nice ninja guys dead hey kick him all dead oh wait I did I did it revive me yeah you get revived as soon as you die as soon as I kill everyone you know what I'm gonna give you a bonus one since you've been doing so good you go pick whatever you want to upgrade what um oh wow I don't even I don't even know I'm gonna go my last energy recharge then all right what's this point yeah this is level this level is creepy okay just come back come back down come back down come outside nice shot if you stay behind me they'll focus on me they'll target me there we go okay now don't touch that big shiny blue thing and oh what is that a super laser and it is super death machine it'll destroy your face oh whoa bad idea I didn't know there was gonna be four guys down here ready to kill me oh okay I took him out though I got one one jump down here he was creepy laughing OH super laser how do you get across that now I died I got destroyed he's coming to you right away is he coming on sighs it's a a worker bot it's just a sword guy and they built the middle up here has spikes be careful don't walk in the middle cuz they're spaced middle spikes yep one just got evaporated this is the last guy left her was clutch moment baron okay I'm gonna give you era width again arrow okay wait oh shoot those Raptors on the ground on the Raptors on the ground freakin super lasers super lasers oh okay I'm going in mono yo I burned one or get off some sob lates I'm dead I'm out man down uh well that was cool he shot me in the face paint the targets with a bow the targets with the bow is always Raptors and then hammer guys never do that and Hammer guys yep wait there's no others so these are new dudes too these are marked five BOTS a date one town nice Wow okay so I need to see these Raptors up close what did he have a super lasers yeah that's a that's a mark two robot all right we've only got one revive I think we should save up for another one I'm gonna give you get up I think okay what is it get up it makes you get up faster after you fall down get actually take armor instead oops too late okay all right so there's fire bots on lava this sounds exciting yeah so wait this is a I think shoot let me go you stay behind okay okay just stay back here I'll take care of it these guys are so bad it's how you're purple it's two purple dudes with up in the lava flyer dude okay so yeah there's two purple dudes me no or just wait just wait a second yeah kill these guys that are coming your way Oh yep kill him kill hit you gotta kill it should probably use this sorry agent yeah use the sword on him there's a say over here yeah use the grenades or use your sword are you dead get out yeah I'm dead oh that's why I only wanted to send one of us over there I got one good I think his friend killed him but good he's gonna charge at you at some point don't jump do not jump it's got armor why don't Joe alright yeah just get away from when he's got fire there we go oh wow don't hit the jump hat is what I meant okay where is he I can't hit him in the head alright yeah just do the bow nice yes oh my god dude that was exciting Oh fine heads are coming after me armor time for Baron yeah fun uranium law yes there's only one left after that it's level 33 called stadium now that oh every armor yeah from now on everyone's got armor so take out your take out your sword take out your sword yes yes now jump up block arrows and just kick people into the center pick oh yeah dodge deployed the best you can jump down if you need to and then just kick people in the middle or you can walk around as someone's trailing you and then just fall right in perfect are you down we're okay you back go alright so kick them in the middle oh wow we got a guy comes oh no I'm dead oh oh so are you hammer to the face Wow so it works best if you go around the circle and push him in the middle because the middle it looks like Sam it's tough tough level yeah all right let's do it we're okay I don't like a 48 points the hammer sighs whoo I'm worried about Oh big guy fell in the pit oh I heard him got destroyed - there's a good dude that oh is that it oh there's still one Archer there's two archers up here okay come on Oh what how did you not die to that there he is hey who's left that'll be someone like yes easier without armor yeah yeah I did it up by myself dude I totally did that by myself all of it whoo all right take an armor upgrade yes thank you thank you thank you you still have an extra point I have two points do you want me to get a revive yes okay that is my last one yeah you have two more to go Oh get the donkeys shoot the laser donkeys oh I got kicked into lava it's up to you what I got kicks train to the lava man freaking out man I know do you have an arrow an archer nope you forgot to give me both oh no I think I got a fire sword though he didn't I should be dead yep nice hey let's see what this does okay I'm gonna take out the archers on this side got it okay oh is that a live donkey nope donkeys dead ooh I took a rogue arrow there's a dude behind you I'm dead I said dude behind me he's green watch Joe righto watch I kick ass stay away from the dudes in the air Hey Girl how you is did you get him no but I will oh I forgot all about your fire we I did to see whatever you a while all right buy a boat a bow okay I'll just get a bow now yeah you know now that we're in the Platinum levels or uranium levels rather this is radioactive land what actually that's that's not bad I'll take a bow this is insane Hey look at me real quick how many arms do I currently have two nope shoot that dude oh he's started moving I'm gonna destroy these guys using their own map oh yes nice saw blades blades saw blade saw blades oh yes getting them destroyed I don't have an arm how did you even listen to that I'm on the top now just looking down hey that guy's got a hammer yeah he does it's a really large hammer - hey I'll be back mean it he did they do that a kid that was awesome well I rep don't do that Dabu stay away from me ha nice fire sword for the wood wh I'm just leg off after he's dead good just for good measure yeah and I put in my pocket just Maci lose a leg again I do not have a second arm but you can't use a bow can you maybe get armor Oh fleet overseer praetorian guard just fire the arrows up four days in there oh my god how many are there will you kill the overseer so that's good news oh I'm dead are you chopping me in pieces oh great oh don't go that way Oh what was that I don't know some sort of big girl laser beam oh my god this is bad I got it I got some skills to pay the bills please please have all the skills cuz there's a lot of bills that well there's so many bills it would be so cool is if I had a second arm Oh perfect now you guys are in trouble you guys are in a super trouble you're so that worked out very nice you are so dumb dumb the dumb up in the dumb you guys not move like shooting arrows a still I'm just gonna sit right here best archers Oh hey shoot yourself real hard it'll be funny that was really close I would I would go in there but gotta be conservative I know whoa oh yeah yeah yeah yes I did all by myself gosh okay I still have the one point but I don't know what to give you fire stored level - I can do that all right leg 11 even I didn't even look at this level oh okay use the traps and stuff to our advantage keep guys going on that Wow kicki bought whoa kick right to the lava get up no I'm out I'm dead yeah he kicked me all the way across the map into the lava Oh what is happening you're getting Cooper down take out that well one died somehow oh I got stabbed oh shoot the big dirt Ron up there nice ones that was really close look at all the arrows flighted it's okay take out the blue dude nice one ah all right now I'm just gonna have my energy load up Precision's precision strikes baron ever shotgun men drink you got one quantity is quality all its own got another one I think no that one's close Oh hit him and he's dead oh look at that strafing move oh my god I feel like I just need the pressure you know that's what I'm like I guess I should you're the best when you don't have somebody who carrying you on a backpack I don't have any upgrades but Hamill but yeah I'm gonna get the the other upgrade you missed the revive team revived yes team revive revival it's a revival oh oh look I could do no okay that's a lot of dudes oh we actually got some cool Oh beautiful shot ha on guard hit up with your boat hit him with my boat hit him with a mo hit up with things and stuff now what was easier cuz all we gonna do is we put them to rush the lava - in lava oh great kick bought twos taken armor I am all machine now than man twisted and sorry I've been inspired oh I mean uh erowid oh okay that would be good I had something stuck in my throat there now that we're so close to victory I've made my decision making on your power-ups seems to be getting better it seems that there's like Oh karate chop well the good thing is they can't kill us Oh so just cut them stand with your back to the wall huh oh okay I see yo get get cat's junk no don't see don't go that way we're at level wait yes 32 oh one more until Ian stadium all right what should I get uh Wow I don't even know what you need and I think I can get fire arrows or more energy capacity why don't you do that capacity okay now I have four energy capacity nice that's maximum what do I get hmm I'm waiting for the voices in my head wait armor armor I just I have how armor don't I know no I don't I am the golden I am to go didn't but now thank you alright we don't get helmets mean I feel like we need some yeah hello there everyone nice of you to drop by bernd um oh yeah okay yeah just keep moving that's all you got to do strafing maneuvers moving maneuvers there's no spikes for them to die on their arch but we can just avoid them for a long enough [Laughter] then the shield dudes also blocked the arrows so oh oh he just hit me out of the ballpark for a touchdown hot dang go ahead I'm dead man I'm out oh great it's that dude who's on your butt well that was no one's got me in the air he puts playing ping-pong with you there it is all right all right all right I don't even know what you have and what you don't have yeah hold it erowid or get the energy charge you should have one more of those right okay all right this is this is it this isn't right okay we got a we got a donkey on there oh wait over there how do I can I shoot through this glass yep here can he I don't know what's going on a guy just got evaporated you did I don't understand this map oh there's jump ad in front of us yeah yeah take him out he's almost dead I got it okay now I'm gonna try something else old that's lava right there I'm gonna jump across to the first one or should should we have one person go and one person stay back yeah I'm hitting those golden archers I'll go first this is a difficult level my dude okay I'll sit right here and I'll shoot the archers back with reflecting heroes okay okay one's down two are down no don't shoot those guys they don't do anything okay okay okay this is gonna be tough this is for all the marbles in the marble factory hey nerds I have to literally go on there haha keep running away running away running away no don't come this way it's a bad idea I'm kidding they just fell in the lava that was the insane eum's we've done it we're done we beat the game except on the endless mode Oh oh great there is no way to actually lose until you're totally dead which doesn't look like it'll take too long look at what we have next okay um I think what should I get then uh fire arrows level two yeah next those up I've got arrow with fire arrows hammer kick power get up spear armor arrow wit got it my arrows are super girthy now well you need a good Gerty arrow they need to be flamin hot cheeto arrows though yep anyway nice kick got him you keep kicking up it I'll pick them off when you kick them Oh oh that's bad humor that's under grammar I'm dead that killed me oh I told you this would be for all the marbles we got no armor now we don't we ain't got nothing new tenant Dan not even like keep running away again that was actually pretty good I'm dead I just watched myself die Wow whoa okay okay uh-huh this is good I got him right where I want him you you're oh dude okay Wow two of them died you only got a red guy of death around you yes in the air you're like super clutch dude yeah I'm only good when I have to eat clutch otherwise when we then armor free let's see armor Donna I don't even know what this one is so oh my word I think they're the objects of the Easter's just to keep moving shoot as many arrows again yeah oh wow he took me out in the air I'm dead again this is it next week go on there oh I'm just gonna shut up down watch you die so there's an area back up by the opposite side yet you could kind of hide up there what a flood Gabe we got the level 35 min I'm pretty good rest not bad not bad for a like we pick each other's upgrades fun challenge for sure we got to be insane iam we did in the premium bye well goodbye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,785,614
Rating: 4.9143267 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, clone drone gameplay, clone drone update, lets play clone drone, clone drone game, clone drone in the danger zone gameplay, clone drone in the danger zone raptors, clone drone in the danger zone battle royale, clone drone in the danger zone last bot standing, clone drone in the danger zone chapter 4, 2019, sept2019, CDS02, battle bots, battlebots, battle bot arena, insanium, clone drone insanium
Id: 68PstRatdEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 59sec (2699 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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