DESIGNING The Most SATISFYING Highways Ever in Mini Motorways

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome to a new little game called mini motorways this is a cute game about getting traffic from one point to another as most efficiently as possible so it's kind of satisfying also you guys might remember that i am a civil engineer by training i was a civil engineer for nine years before going to youtube full-time so um with that said i never worked with traffic i worked with water and dams and hydro power so yes i have training in engineering but not really in traffic so we're going to see how this goes and look how adorable it is already we have a little house here and we have to attach the house over to the grocery store and then our family gets in their car and they drive on over and they come on in and then their neighbors are like hey cool there's a new grocery store and everyone decides they want to go over here yes and then they end up like hey we wanted like bananas and oatmeal and it was costco so they left with 400 pounds of kitty litter yeah well done well done family just bring it on home look at all that goes okay so we can also speed up time a little bit and the game does progress the map zooms out a little bit and it gets really interesting a lot of different destinations and overpasses and all sorts of fun stuff oh there we go check it out we have red houses now we're going to make this nice and square as long as i have enough roads oh i definitely did not want to make an intersection already but looks like we're going to have to that slows down traffic a little bit we could put in a roundabout or some other cool things there and as soon as the day hits sunday then we get to unlock another tool so check it out anytime now anytime now game i would very much there it is it would very much like to unlock one of your new things ooh a bridge or traffic lights i'm guessing we're gonna go with the traffic lights just to kind of control the flow a little bit better i honestly don't like this location wow i don't even have a bridge i do have a bridge i have a single bridge oh nice this actually works pretty well for us cool and we could go diagonal just to save on some space too because every tile that we use gets a little bit more expensive i think that's actually the same but that'll work i like to look at that it's nice oh i don't like that that's not nice we have to we actually have to get things here you see these little chevrons as soon as that fills up it gets a timer and then once the timer wears out we lose the game i don't have any more bridges so we're literally going to have to attach it right up to here which is not good i didn't want to have to do that especially with all the points converging into one just really slows traffic down a lot so wake number two is coming to an end 40 people have managed to make it to their destinations oh another roundabout i can get the roundabout or traffic lights let's do the roundabout i don't know why i picked a roundabout there's nowhere i can really use it except for right here and i had a traffic light in there already i kind of like that though that's kind of legitimate except you you're not legitimate we have this nice little residential area that comes into here with the neighborhood gas station it works okay not a huge fan of how this is playing out though could have done a little bit better planning here los angeles oh wow especially when we have the blue man group coming in so i guess we're just gonna attach it keeping yikes let's connect you guys over here i just want to do that and it will bring you right into that how does that look terrible i know but i want as little of traffic to the main thoroughfares as possible so doing this could work better for us another week is coming to the end and we just got another blue house nice little teal color wow connect to road i'll try i'm trying game so that's not too bad right there especially with other houses coming in but if we get a blue house over on this side of the world that's not going to be fun oh and this just got upgraded we need even more traffic on this side we can make another bridge so that's good i'm going to pause and just think for a little bit what i would like to do is have our bridges work independently of each other try to keep everything separate a little bit so we have our off-roads coming into our main thoroughfare roads now these guys have to get up over here and if we're gonna bring them right into this middle roundabout it's not gonna go well for us so maybe we should connect the blues down to here and then connect it this way and then bring up another road over here does that connect no it doesn't okay we'll bring that through here that could work out okay i like having them square like that what are you doing with your life would you stop thank you and actually this might be a better idea if i do a little bit of that and then bring you out to here and then disconnect that how would that work we have the blues that need to go over to this area we have the yellows that need to travel either here or here but these guys can go there pretty easily and this is not connected so we can do that also slap in a traffic light here and i think i am going to keep that connected so that could kind of work let's see what happens here we have a nice little traffic light keeping traffic out of the neighborhood should be okay and then another house this is good this is exactly what we wanted a nice little neighborhood with no traffic on the outside beautiful and all of these blue ones they can just stay over there please don't get connected anywhere else friends but then there's this guy who wants to go live in the suburbs over here but he still wants to be able to have the nice commodities like costco on the other side of the map we just have to connect him nicely and it seems like the map is slowly zooming outwards doesn't it gives me a little bit of a feeling of like vertigo like i'm falling but i'm not oh some more reds i kind of enjoy this this is a good spot for it up there cool now we do have a problem mike that this area down here is not going to get as much traffic as we need i wouldn't mind just breaking off the reds and going across this could be a good idea can i build a bridge all the way run out of road tiles okay so let's get a motorway oh yeah we need a motorway it's not a bad plan we can put the motorway in up here just have like a little offshoot and then we can connect that to like right in here hold up let's take a pause quick if i can connect all of the yellows and remove like that this might be a decent plan make sure the blues and the reds can go down here because then the blues are forced to go this way i like that we have the two yellows here that we could make a nice little area here and then have the overpass come in from that side right here down to here that looks okay then they'll just bypass all of the regular traffic and come in exactly where they need to and we can slap in a stop light just in case anything bad happens and we'll see what goes i like that i feel like that's a very good plan so if we get all of these chevrons going all the way around it gets a little timer and then as soon as we get that timer the game is over and we lose basically we have to keep traffic going as fast as we can for as long as we can and there's no objective other than to lock additional maps and right now my biggest concern is this guy so i think i'm actually going to delete those and i'll just move you to here so i can get those two tiles back and this guy's like hey i'm floating on a bridge that doesn't exist anymore yay that might work pretty well and i can put the stop light in here but i don't need to because the only thing going over there is going to be yellow anyway oh okay we have a larger business this larger business needs to be connected to the blue group i still don't want to so we'll just do that i don't want it connected to the main area just because that's more traffic and gets really annoying this is as long as we have this like set apart district i'm great i'm happy with it oh yes it's beautiful i've ran out of road tiles that's not beautiful where can i steal one back at maybe right here can i just make a diagonal here would you not drive there right now please both of you stop it here i'll just delete these real quick and go like that and then i'll come back over here and put that in see how that works nice cheating oh another motorway let's do another roundabout mainly because i just wanted more tiles this seems to work really good with bringing the blues across we have some reds that are going nicely down here and back nobody's coming in this one so that seems faster the reds could have a trouble getting down to here too but it doesn't seem like that stop light's really doing much we'll delete it and i'm going to bring this up right here instead just because i don't like where it is oh greens um i wonder if i have enough oh i don't like this do i have any bridges i do have a bridge we can keep the greens in the blue separate that's okay i can even put a stop light in and they'll be like yay we don't even have to see the people anymore oh there's a yellow down here though uh how did you get here bud fine i'll connect you just kidding i won't ah he's alone now oh this guy just got leveled up oh that's not great for us we definitely don't want more red traffic coming down here but we need it anyway another house popped up okay everything should be okay what do i need next cause i'm gonna get another upgrade um i could go for another bridge that'd be kind of wow you're way up there bud so we've successfully completed 304 times and ooh road tiles 30 or another motorway oh any more roads we're going for roads i still have a roundabout i can use i don't even know where i would put that in maybe right here if i get rid of that can i put the roundabout here kind of i mean it looks weird i feel like it's unnecessary oh this is not good we have a green guy that just popped in way over we gotta pause this they actually have to get over there how do i i'm just going to do it it's just it's going to take so many tiles good job team now we have greens on both sides of the world i am concerned down here too let's take a little pause and take a look what's going on we need a lot of reds down here but we're not really getting many of them what happens if i make a straight up uh one of these boys down into here we'll connect you and we'll connect you that could work better connect the green up there okay so i feel like the yellows can get here just fine but the reds are having trouble that actually worked pretty well yellow's still having problem it might be a good idea to get a another overpass as soon as we can and also connecting this right now for science purposes i really like how green and blue have just been like completely separated it's working fantastic what are you wait hold up what are you doing over here you're supposed to go this way friends you're not supposed to be attached to the blue group silly yellow houses just spawning in like that it's illegal i'm wondering if there's gonna be another building that pops up here hopefully it's nothing too crazy i'll connect that just because i want to and this dark blue is still really nice we do need more yellow over here though okay i'm gonna try to remove that and then add these in normally oh motorway or traffic lights [Music] 10 road tiles versus 20 road tiles but that motorway is really nice to have and if worse comes the worst i can always connect this back to here on a motorway oh or that other house i don't feel like i need that other house i'm not going to hook it up put a traffic light in here though you know what else i think i might disconnect this it will force all of the reds to go right over the overpass that could work nicely because they can come back here to this place just fine and if they need to this guy can always go down to here i could also add a bridge in right here just kidding i don't have any bridges what a silly idea oh great we got yellows oh we're gonna pause that okay so now i have to attach the yellows to the group and i'm gonna need a couple more if i do that could that work oh man we need yellows on both sides of the world i don't like this i don't like having yellows necessary over here this isn't good come on game why'd you do this to me i just wonder if there's gonna be enough houses with just this one car to make it work it might be enough i think we need one more house we'll try it we'll try it we'll see what happens it's just going to be the bare minimum going over here to shop anyway oh wow there's houses up here why did i not see these houses earlier okay that'll work and then i can just remove that and bring you guys back that should be better there should be enough houses to service this building also there's this house here we shouldn't need that one though because these are already going nicely same with this light blue we don't need that one until another big station or one of these gets upgraded then we'll have to change um or that happens wow wow taco a bad timing we need a lot of yellow over the left so let's speed that up with that last motorway i can't wear my mouth there it is i forgot i lost my mouse okay we're gonna bring you in we need a lot of yellows i wish i could turn the entrance point of this the biggest yellow neighborhood is like right in the center and this bridge is a big choke point if i delete that traffic light it might work pretty well also i can delete that one now so we're gonna bring you right up to here and i'm gonna bring you across to here i'm also gonna attach you and you can we have those houses i need more roads shoot how do i get more roads i can get one back here did it nice it feels really awkward but i think it's working nicely and now is this attached can i just attach that no that's just gonna create more of a problem we don't really need that house anyway i do kind of want to put this roundabout back in right here i feel like that could be nice oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wait okay more row tiles let's wait for a second we need to get blue over to here this isn't too bad i don't have any more bridges i'm gonna try to avoid that guy i hooked up this one just to see what happens that's gonna need a lot of traffic to it though thankfully we're getting more houses over here maybe we can get a nice big blue area that'd be awesome oh yeah we're totally getting a nice big blue area we're also getting a nice green area that we need to kind of recreate here that way we get them off of the main road and there's less stops that looks pretty good okay okay bad news we have to connect more cars to this thing i don't have any more overpasses this is rough i don't like this especially when we only have these two i have 18 remaining tracks so if i come down like this and across here and then i put a roundabout in this position i think that should work it shouldn't block traffic at all that looks good but you have some more traffic lights i can use but i don't really like them in this game it seems everything moves pretty pretty effectively fine more blues there they hooked up i don't feel like these are hooked up i don't even want them maybe i do i don't know right now yeah these guys aren't even hooked up to the main corridor they can get there but they'd have to go across the overpass and they don't need to or do they need to i'll be honest when i say i'm kind of nervous right now we're getting a lot of weird things together that i don't like there's these cars that are still in the house here but they're not driving over to go into this thing we have this guy's filling up but there's cars way up here that don't even care to get over there so if i can get another motorway that would be awesome but i'm concerned about using it because i don't really have enough things right now i don't have enough road tiles so if i do that we put you in here and then i could attach you to you i mean it's going to cut off a lot of this traffic which is fine and then the cars should go directly to it like that big blue thing on the right needs so many cars to it it's also not getting any better come on cars we need a traffic light or something right there would you this is how you lose the game would you not do that there's cars for days thank you okay yeah you guys finally are servicing the right thing i appreciate you i appreciate you doing what you do it's the timer's going back the right way i think everything's all right there's just a big traffic jam in that parking lot it's always what happens when the new krispy kreme opens isn't it oh now we got another red house why is there a red one over here i don't want a red one over here that'll be better oh we got this one are we gonna lose is this how we lose another red house i mean i'll just attach you and i can attach you because we need more blue cars this guy's going crazy why there's cars down here why don't you go get the blue thing friends oh they're critical now they're critical i don't like it when they're critical would you not do that oh wow everything is falling apart now everything's falling apart this one's getting ready to go this one's losing that one's losing there's too many cars in here but i can't really alleviate the traffic at all it seems because the yellows and the blues have to both come in and there's plenty of vehicles for this can i just put in this traffic light here i feel like that's necessary oh balls another blue one why i've run out of roads i'm doing all right though i'm doing okay i do need this shoot how do i connect that if i've run out of roads can i cannibalize some roads somewhere else like you you can come over here get more traffic into the area do i need while all of these reds are in bad shape okay i can remove something here i can remove like two there is that enough what are you doing okay i did it i still have two remaining so i'm gonna connect you again just kidding i'm not why would i even consider that the silly idea oh week ten we need more road tiles we also could use a motorway i got to stop and think again the motorway seems like a better idea right now but it might just create more problems i need more red vehicles from the left to the right so let's do this we're going to make like an overpass here and then we're gonna bring you down right to here it looks so cool i love it this is it's hanging in there this one's okay we got plenty of blues coming over as long as the reds can make it into there do i need a traffic light i feel like i need a traffic light there's all sorts of badness happening that's gonna be a bad deal let's pause again something is not right in here right now let's move you doesn't even make sense to have this one over here anymore does it a lot of people use it though i guess i can do that that might work out okay just got a nasty choke point right in here if i had another roundabout i'd definitely throw it in here somewhere i just feel like i need more red vehicle more red houses and there's not enough of them this thing's in super trouble down here but no cars want to drive to it like guys red cars go this way there we got one coming in this is messed up but these cars are coming across okay it looks okay it looks okay we might have salvaged this again i'm i'm not a traffic engineer i'm not all balls why why are you over here what are you doing why did you want to show up i don't have a bridge man fine i'll come this way even though that's the worst thing to do maybe maybe i should do this instead that way we have all the blues coming together yeah we're totally gonna lose pretty soon but i'm holding it together as best as i can i'm patching it together with duct tape and super glue can i have more red houses game i would like to buy more red houses these are so congested there is so much congestion in there maybe i can move this somewhere else like right here there's so many red cars just stuck in traffic that's gonna be your downfall and i literally don't have any more roads to connect these guys i can maybe remove some of these though so we're not really using those and that let's pause quickly run out of road tiles okay i can't pause it until this goes back there's another red i'm in trouble i'm in trouble okay greens combine buy your powers we will live that is one ugly road can you imagine living on this road you're like who designed this mess i did it was blitz you blame him okay are we good this is yeah we're trying to move that to get it out of the area i could put in that roundabout right in here yeah well as soon as that bridge is gone if it gets gone as soon as this car is off of it i think it'll disappear then i can delete i don't even need a roundabout there oh nice motorway we need bridges for the road tiles okay so that flows a little better bridges bridges bridges can i put a bridge in across this that might help alleviate a little bit of the traffic and i totally could put a roundabout in here now see how that looks oh no too few cars can reach his destination the city shut down after 77 days 1 250 commuters traveled the roads in that time that's cool can i make a picture of it how neat is that what a cool little game anyway guys i hope you enjoyed our adventure today if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagan dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x dez bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deacon paul longstone and ralph and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 341,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blits, blitz plays, mini motorways, mini motorways strategy, mini motorways gameplay, mini motorways review, mini motorways blitz, mini motorways ep 1, strategy games, mini motorways let's play, mini motorways traffic light, simulation games, road simulator, traffic simulator, mini motorways high score, mini motorways game
Id: 43ToPkgjp3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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