I Became A Totally Accurate PIRANHA And ESCAPED A Hospital in I Am Fish

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well my friends it's that day again the day where i get to play a piranha and go absolutely crazy in i am fish yes this game the bane of my existence but it's a piranha so maybe i can bite things uh here we go a nice beautiful house with a piranha just conveniently placed at wait that was the the hour hand is on the 4 30 but the minute hand is on the four that doesn't make any sense this game is broken already and the piranha boy has eaten all the bread in the world he's dreaming i don't understand this now time's going backwards what the world oh but he sees the goldfish friend outside they're gonna have a dance make baby goldfish put on hybrids or you know we're just you know conveniently stuck inside of a goldfish bowl even though i'm a piranha and i would eat a goldfish if i had a chance rolling through the house this is good look at me i'm so good at this game already ow okay i broke out already here's a special ability what is that just grabbing on things i guess so all right there i am on the floor why did i jump on the floor that was a bad idea that was a mistake maybe i do need to like bite that off yeah we're just gonna we're gonna bite it real hard and yeah wiggle it wiggle it around if i rip that off maybe i can flood the house come on no i'm just gonna drown air drown what do piranhas do can you just get ripped off i just wanna just rip you off real hard just get it done just get wrecked maybe one of these times it'll break i know i'm supposed to break that because that's what the game is about is breaking things including my sanity yeah i broke it somehow and now i'm flooding the world this is the best day of my life let go of that and shut up okay maybe i can get out of here yes yes i'm swimming on the kitchen floor which doesn't make any sense to me but i love it also there's bread in there i'm gonna totally grab that i just want to grab the doorknob just real hard and pull it open or maybe oh there we go that's awesome no no no no no no no no no no no no no you stupid door i gotta pull you open like the normal way ha i got in there yes free bread bread bread's good i like eating bread even though i eat blood because i'm a piranha now what do i do do i how do i break more things what is that is that ketchup on the door i hope so and by ketchup i mean blood i can't say the b word on the youtubes because they're like hey the b word's illegal oh that does look good look at that i have another thing i can bite oh i broke it i'm flooding more things open door open sesame yes yes the water level is rising i am flooding the world what is that on the table i want it okay that's a hammer i what do i want what do i need a hammer for i was jumping in this game is so hard i got a hammer oh no bring it down break it down we got to swim with a hammer now i can destroy things even better break it and break the fridge i don't know what to do with the hammer i don't know what to do hey there's a red handle we're just trying to figure out things that have red so i can bite it oh i am on to it all right oh yes this is that there's there's another thing i'm going to flood the world i'm going to flood the world ha give me and then down and up don't turn that dishwasher on and then pull yes yes i'm flooding everything i am flooding it all this is awesome i like flooding things i say that out loud i feel like i need to flood something else but the water level is coming up nicely what do i get to do with this hammer there's a window i can break that's totally what i get to do with the hammer hey no i dropped it too used to play with the puffer fish yes oh no no no okay get the get the checkpoint and then that'll automatically put me in the bucket yay love glitchy games like this all right we're just gonna bound our way down the stairs oh balls we're gonna we're totally gonna die oh it's a car it's a car no okay we're gonna go down the we're gonna go right down here oh no i'm gonna totally get crushed would i totally get crushed help help i feel like i need to oh no oh really you're coming right over here ah okay everything's fine everything's fine everything's good i just need to make it right over there to the do the thing i gotta make it right over the gap maybe maybe maybe to the gap and our turn yes yes no no okay and then zoom i did it look at me i made the checkpoint i'm a genius i'm a certified genius and the game's like hey we want you to go down this curved ramp this time to destroy your sanity and i'm like yay my sanity's almost gone anyway wow look at that i didn't even have to redo that i have to redo this no i don't oh are you are you kidding me right now are you kidding me look at i'm doing so well whoa back to back checkpoints yes and then you have to reload it line it up nicely i'm getting so good at this game i see another checkpoint over on the other side i don't really care about that one though oh oh oh oh i i do care about that one because i have to go over there now even though there's bread i don't care about that this isn't i am bread this is iron fish the sequel that i am bread i'm guessing we're gonna get some surgeon simulator vibes in this too because they made that game as well oh oh oh man i am killing it right now do i just go right here i might really yes yes yes no no no no okay it broke that's fine that's fine i got three checkpoints in a row without dying my pickle jar was kind of looking sus anyway i got it this time everything will be fine it'll be perfect come on push push push push push hey i did it i'm so good at this game stop turn around dodge duck dive weave oh great there's some kid in a tree house they're probably gonna eat us if i if i can't eat them first i don't like this why is there a kid in the tree house turn it okay no no no no no no no no no balls one thing i have noticed in this game is that slow and steady always wins the race brute force is never the answer unless you're a piranha that needs to eat something don't you dare look at me a weird creepy girl i did it i did it i did it i didn't i did it did i did it i might have did it oh poop nuggets i didn't do it i made it this time as i as i was saying i am so good at this game and i've alerted the air force i don't know why they're they're they're dive bombing something inside of a pickle jar but i don't really care i didn't make the game stop it you're so annoying you dumb sea pigeons slow and steady over the bridge you dumb animal i hate you i swear if you attack me again i hope you die on a sea cucumber or something cucumbers in real life for gross i can't imagine how bad a sea cucumber is oh you know just casually getting hit by pigeons that are flying through walls don't mind me game stop it you d you can't fly in a wall did you were you for real i just no that is so dumb you just came right out of nowhere and ate me i'm gonna start raging this isn't good somehow i'm i'm winning this time the seat oh no i'm not no oh you missed me you dumb animal does anyone actually like seagulls like i feel like see stop it seagulls and geese are like two birds that everyone likes to hate and ostriches or emus is it you stupid dumb critter i just need that checkpoint i got it i got the checkpoint i totally got the checkpoint i got the checkpoint and then i bumped into a thing come on just get down get down oh nice the seagull pooped on everything no i don't care about that bread i just need to bounce down here no oh thank you they actually helped me for once although i don't know where i do i have to go past these boxes really if i get hit again i'm totally getting squashed my cage is gonna get broken i told you it was gonna get broken but with one swift motion of humanity i can make this work stop it stop stop stop stop stop stop if i go super duper slow then the sea pigeons don't know where i am it's like i've got a three star warning in gta oh it's going down the seagulls don't know i exist it's always fun and games till the cops get a helicopter and then it's even more fun because you cheated in explosives slow and steady slow and steady my warning level is going down i like this i like it a lot i'm just gonna get another one of these and then i'm not sure where i go do i have to go across that little bridge thing if i do i'm i'm still not going to make this i am so not going to make this get up there and i did it rolling rolling sort of rolling rolling rolling a rolled i roll i'm rolling i did the rolling thing i'm rolling i don't actually know if this is where i'm supposed to go oh no oh no no no oh no no no no but i mean i'm going i see water over there and i'm a piranha and there's people over there maybe they're going to go swimming and i can have a snack on their like it'll be fun i just fall off of here i feel like i just kind of eat my way over the cliff oh yeah i knew it oh or not wow i just got heated into a bathtub that i can destroy oh yes my favorite except i forgot how to swim got it and down pull it down pull it down come on yes let go and then up we go and bite it that was the cold water let's turn the hot water on too because i am a warm water fish yes swim swim swim swim swim swim flooding the world is my favorite thing uh oh okay good now what do i get to do i totally get to destroy something else like this thing right here and yum and pull down pull it down pull it down fishy boy pull it down thank you yes burning and flooding oh here's something i can play with oh way down and nice pull it down now pull it down now flush that toilet flush it real hard flush her real good okay let go it didn't do anything maybe i need to open up this door first is there something else i can flood i mean red toilet paper maybe i have to do i have to plug the toilet this would be awesome if i did ah you just throw that in there don't mind me just a little little turd nugget floating around that's totally what i have to do and i need to get out though i need to i'm stuck in the toilet i'm stuck in a toilet thank you i'm out and then up here and then go whoop and then we gotta flush that thing and then down is it working yes i clogged the toilet that was hilarious what does that say please stop clogging the toilet while the game even tells you what to do i feel like i need more water oh here we go in the sink can i get up there oh so close yet so far away and i need to get in the sink i need to flood something else first like the shower oh there's a shower door there can i just bite the shower door and open it no maybe the handle yeah this game i love it and i love it i mean i actually hate it because it's really difficult i'm not going to be able to get that yet open the door for there maybe i'll break it off and then laugh at it because that's broken so i totally need to do the sink first oh i made it up it just took like 17 times uh come on yes flooding things flooding the world okay one small step for wow that was terrible and small step for piranha kind i missed it come on get up there nice nice pull it down pull it down break it break it real hard break it real good ah got it i don't even know what i'm doing but i'm just flooding the world yeah at some point the water would just go underneath the doors do i i gotta eat my way out of the window don't i i'm gonna totally eat that sea pigeon ready i wanna bite it right in the hams got it [Laughter] i'm eating i'm eating a seagull i'm eating a seagull i hate seagulls i'm eating a seagull and splash down i did it i'm so smart in the ways of being smart all right level two a dangerous crossing how do they know that i'm so dangerous i have a feeling this is gonna be a really boring level mainly because you can't see anything on the youtube side so maybe we'll just swim through this one we're super quick and i'm guessing we're gonna have to go into the city park and then down into the sewers i don't even get to eat anything or bite anything in the butt i'll scratch that maybe i do get to bite something in the butt oh i missed he doesn't know i'm here yet though and a one two three choppy mode i'm riding a bird i hate birds i hate seagulls i'm flying in here i got it game's like there's so many cool things for you to do like breaking into sewers and then flying through the sewer system for a half an hour i'll just drop that there and then we'll just swim down yep another another sewer oh when do i get to fall into yep the sewer with needles again that's really fun i'm feeling like i need to flood something again so maybe i'll just grab onto these and like plug these tunnels down here it could work because i saw water going into them yeah they're gonna stay there that's working i'm a genius i'm so smart in the ways of being smart i have the iq of a goldfish i know what i'm doing there we go yes give me the checkpoint thank you and i'm guessing i have to grab this hand grab with your teeth hole there we go and then we'll go down and we'll jump up on the side and i'll pull down again and let it go oh i did it i'm so good at this game now i guess i have to bite this thing probably yeah oh no i've got a i've got a pop thing stuck around my neck no no no i said pop it's midwestern for soda if you're wondering like that's a real question what do you call soft drinks are they coke are they pop are they soda what is it and if you say anything besides pop you're wrong just just letting you know so i'm assuming i have to use this thing maybe i don't maybe that's supposed to float up and there's another handle here i'm supposed to get got it it's open it's open we're flooding the whole chamber what even is this place i don't even know where i am i'm gonna totally bite that needle though that sounds good i'm not just kidding this sounds disgusting hmm i don't think i got it high enough here we go here we go here we go up and in up in it oh it just stopped oh i made it i made it yes yes i made it in i made it in the sewer i've never been so happy to be in the second sewer in my life oh wow we got spit out on another road did i open this just no it's rainy am i gonna die oh there's a lot of potholes that's kind of nice you just got a pothole jump all the way across the road man those puddles are deep must be like how did they know that oh don't get hit by oh packer i got hit by a car get in the hole you don't know no get in the hole no no no no no don't die don't die oh balls i made it in i made it in the hole now i can swim through yet another pipe so i can get a checkpoint and get hit by another car so i can use that checkpoint and another car and another car and a bus this is one of the worst levels i have played in a game hot dang is this wrong you just you there's not enough time to hop and you get driven over by two cars so you know what i'm just i don't have any hair left i'm pulling it all out right now really that's so terrible this is dumb maybe i can make it maybe i can i only took me 27 minutes but i made it into the 13th pipe and the checkpoint cool it just caused a car crash i have no idea what just happened oh craig fisher greg you've been in a car accident i i got he got drunk and swallowed me one time as soon as possible i did it someone fill up a transplant box with water for it wait a transplant box with water for it what does that even mean at the general hospital really it i have no idea what's going on i'm in the box though oh i can move the box i didn't realize that i'm just kind of crawling out don't worry a moving organ crate at your service this is even more painful than rolling the pickle jar oh balls this is a heart just fell out and i'm gonna ice cube why am i in an ice cube i sure hope this is the way i need to go i don't really know okay he came in an ice cube oh this sucks it slides really poorly i mean it slides really welly but the controls [Laughter] look at me go mom look i'm an ice cube should be so proud of me oh it's melting my ice cube is melting it got a little tinier that's okay i'm still scooter booting around just made up a new word scooter booting scooter booting i feel like that's a like a 60s pop song is there pop music rock it'd be rock back then right not classic rock but like the pop pop rocks pop rocks are good you know those things that you put in your mouth they're kind of candy and then they just kind of explode just like i did out of that thing ow really i'm dead now i don't even know where to go what in the world this game's like i'm just gonna kill you trying to slow down the best i can so oh nice so i don't bust into the wall on the other side i can just scoot it through here scoot a booty scoot booty boot scoot and boogie oh that fall directly down onto a desk that's nice wait this is that way this is the desk from this is the desk from surgeon simulator even the surgeons in music it's awesome i guess i have to fall in the chair i wonder if i get to do like a heart transplant on an alien in the back of a ufo or something i hopefully i get to jump inside of somebody and eat them that'd be fun because i'm a piranha and stuff where do i go i don't want to go that way we're going this way oh balls there's somebody coming who interrupted my surgery practice hello nadja all right you can watch i can watch that sounds fun wait do i does nigel do i do nigel and i get to be friends please don't hide i must get back to my work okay i won't hide don't interrupt myself oh sorry bob practicing wait what are you gonna save me excuse me i definitely have to hide from him okay he's he's passing by i'm gonna sneak up behind him now and go i'm leaving come out come out wherever you are no thank you why is there a surgeon oh i gotta go that way even though nigel came from the behind me i gotta go this way there's an exit door i don't want exit i want to go surgery mode okay crash through the door oh nice oh balls okay if i can just limp my way over to the checkpoint oh i did it i got the checkpoint yes i did it i got a big old ice cube again nice it's a little weird i don't care i did it though [Music] oh yeah very just told nigel where we are i caused a car crash down below just falling down the stairs like you do when you're in ice oh do you need surgery i'm getting quite good are you you're getting quite good i mean if i just follow him do i go down here i want to go in here oh i'm in i'm in i left the hospital and now i'm back in the hospital i don't know why why am i back in the hospital i just left the ocean's outside oh okay so we're in some sort of weird hallway thing and if i go too fast my ice cube melts please don't hide i must get back to my work i'm not hiding i'm sliding and getting free bread even though i can't eat bread because i'm in an ice cube what are you uh nothing nothing i am nothing please don't find me bob nigel nigel bob i know you're around here is it surgery you want i honestly i just want to get back to the ocean with my goldfish friend that's what i really want nigel hey girl i could have sworn you all right i was and then i left because you're going to eat me you're my kidney see you're going to eat me or you need my kidney you need my kidney oh balls i got stuck again i don't have a single idea where to go not uh not a clue don't you want surgery not particularly i'm a fish that would pretty much kill me this might be where to go this might be oh i'm just gonna go full sand here now looks like it'll need surgery no fish don't need we already discussed this okay i found a door that i've not been in before oh yeah we're totally in surgery rooms oh there's there's other doors here please come out bob is in need of urgent surgery or checkpoint checkpoint checkpoint bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad i'm here no he lost me i'm going this way i'm dropping pachinky we're gonna we're gonna get a we're gonna get a 50 50 kill i don't even know what that means anymore pub g does anyone play pub g i doubt it i think i got it i think i got it no no no no no no no no too fast too fast this way checkpoint i'm inside i don't even know why i'm in here again i tried leaving but i got a checkpoint nigel's still after me i feel like i have to go left when in doubt go left and then through that waiting area oh no that sun's gonna melt me that's a really pretty sun not gonna lie okay can i just go right now i need to save lives i don't care about your life-saving opportunities we have a goldfish to go mate with remember oh nigel's after me still okay which door can i crack into the blue one we're gonna go full center to the blue one and boom nice this area that didn't work though i full-sended the thing in it and i broke my my ice cube okay i made it back in we're just gonna go bump in the night and then is that where i go i feel like that's where i have to go nice another roller coaster trying to slow down the best i can but this one's so fast oh great really i'm stuck underneath of it there's the checkpoint right there i mean i made it i made it but the game bugged so it doesn't surprise me i gotta just go to the next checkpoint yes i don't care about my score i compare about completing the level see i was right there in that pile but now i made it in the hole there's blood bags here i can't say that word there are uh life sacks kool-aid packages here come here kool-aid package i want to eat you oh no oh no oh no oh no i'm flopping like a dead fish oh sweet luscious kool-aid oh oh we're filling up the sink with kool-aid packs it's awesome i love cherry kool-aid tastes like a b positive oh just a b not a b positive where do i go now i guess we gotta jump out of this other kool-aid pack right oh stop i have zero space in here this is a jump this is annoying oh i got it i got it only took me like 17 attempts oh can i i had to get both of them no i'm good i'm good just barely yuck open sesame um beautiful so much more pull it out this is so gross and i just have to fill up the room with it by biting it a bunch okay i think i opened all of the doors and collected all of the kool-aid out of it i kind of just got to break into this door now oh i did it oh this is gross it just made a waterfall of of goo [Music] but is what about greg i feel like greg probably needs to be helped why is the game full of creepy music don't like creepy music maybe it's because i'm swimming around in a giant lake of kool-aid there's a skeleton oh i can get into this door real quick oh what is this is this a giant vat of kool-aid that better not be oh it was they have a giant vat of kool-aid here what the world man what kind of demented hospital is this like no joke this is super creepy i don't i'm just gonna bonk into that button and it opened the door is this an elevator it is what i got a checkpoint there's greg oh this is cool roller coaster not a roller coaster slip and slide i'm so glad greg made it though please throw me right into the ocean because i don't really want to puzzle through a bunch of oh yeah and do another one okay another sewer i knew i knew it more sewers and lots and lots more sewers but look at him he's cute he's an adorable little piranha boy he's like gob nom nom nom nom sewer rides are my favorite cause i've done like 80 of them because the level design in this game isn't exactly a hundred percent all the way there and spit out in the ocean yay i did it respawns i cheated because the game broke and we found goldie yay goldie i missed you now we can have babies oh poor goldie and puffer boy they're so sad because they don't have any friends except radha man's here now yay the googly eyed piranha boy has been swimming in blood for the last hour kool-aid sorry can't say that word and they're so excited to see each other that the puffer's gonna not even puff up he's just gonna sit there but they're still missing flying fish boy and i really don't want to do that level because it was terrible in the demo that i played oh we threw goldie really high and now oh goldie is going to tell the flying fish where we are and thanks for watching hope you enjoyed keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and a special thanks to all of the channel members and the patreons including alan h apollo bunny otto dave ben dickie j desby eagle arc maxer whip it good baron fox zarnoff deegan jason m rowell iffy sphere spider sacks and joe b
Channel: Blitz
Views: 654,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, biltz, i am fish, i am fish gameplay, i am fish download, i am fish steam, i am fish game, i am fish meme, fish game, steam fish game, funny fish game, bossa studios, boss studios presents, i am fish release date, blitz i am fish, i am fish blitz, i am fish goldfish, i am fish piranha, i am fish piranha level 2, i am fish piranha level 3, piranha, piranha fish, i am fish piranha gameplay
Id: zx4DNezsppI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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