I EVOLVED The BIGGEST Slime Army EVER in Right Click to Necromance

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a little game called right click to necromance anybody remember this game yeah you do and you love it just like me but did you know that we modified the game i mean you saw the title in your thumbnail and yeah we put slimes in the game check it out there's little slimes that are bouncing up and attacking each other and then we get them on our team and they are ours look at that that is so cool and then and then we can get this little pink group and we'll just attack them and we'll surround them and then we'll necromance them so they are on our side i love it what a neat little mod we made up so we can attack these guys and we'll get those on our team and then we'll attack these guys and we'll get those on our team and we'll right click to necromance the entire world and build the biggest army of undead slimes in the history of undead slime armies yes yes it's working it's working look at this i'm gonna attack these four because they're all alone surround them a little bit yes coming from the backside well done slimes oh there's five i can get five at a time maybe i can i hope i can yes i can didn't expect us to blow up like that and now we get a bunch more spawns because we just totally made the map like respawn which is a little bit bad because there's going to be giant armies now but come back here you're not allowed to live not on my watch there we go tabbies and attack come on take out the tabbies surround them attack them destroy them eat their kibble man they are ripping me apart i don't like that oh we got two down okay come on back yes yes yes tabby army oh look at that we got the secret style skin cool i did it we have tabby army now we have five of them can i get another tabby army i'm actually here's another one five private five my army's a little bit bigger though because i've got the little pinks with me i'm hoping i can do this without too much damage okay one more dead one more dead nice i have seven now hello little pink guy all alone by yourself be ashamed if someone were to stop on you and squish you like a little bug oh that's a bigger army of tabi's but this is a group of five as long as nobody turns we should be able to do it good good good good okay here's a big army of pinks i'm feeling confident with this run away nope come on back in i thought that big group of tabbies was going to kill us but now i have a large group of pinks that i can use to attack another group of pinks oh no the tabbies are here okay we'll come in from the top the tabby army from the top squish them all like the little bugs that they are oh no no no no no run away run away come back in come back kid necromance time yes it's working it's not working we're about to get ripped apart oh run away run away that was bad oh what are those things why are they in here okay ready get it nice okay i want to attack this group next oh they got the caster the rock slime is a caster okay we can get it though i'm feeling confident with our skills we have a large group we have a big army and i got them i got them i got them all oh there's another caster group okay oh man this is rough this is really rough should i go for those i don't even know what those are i'm so scared right now okay we got a big group of cats oh boy i should take out that group of cats here's the little group of four oh i don't even know that's too big of an army this is bad indecision in this game is terrible what else what other kind of slimes are here that's the real question is that a bad one that's a good one it's my team here let's get this other cast group just kidding i'm so scared right now oh there's a rad slide those are amazing looking those must be the the small rock golems oh run away okay take this group up i just need to make my team bigger we're going to try getting like little groups at a time got it that was good that was a good attack okay i have to go oh that rad slide i don't want to get him i don't want my group to be radiated and killed ah there's a big tar though i don't like big tars either okay there's a there's a little group coming in we should attack these guys okay i like this i like this a lot this is a good a good matchup as long as we don't get hit by something else but then we got hit by something else run away run away come back come back attack run away come back attack run away run out what is that what is that called when you run away and attack gorilla oh i want this caster i need you i need you caster hey hey no no no no big tar stay away there's no little group of pink slimes here should i attack these that's too many that's way too many the little pink slimes will die nicely though oh i'm so scared right now take these out yes that was an epic squishing got him oh there's one guy alone no no no no no no big red slime stay away from me stay away okay i want these four oh no oh no i'm so scared another another big tar has entered chat here's here we go this is the ones i need these are the ones i need okay the caster is left alone that's not good i thought the others would come back and attack okay we'll go after this group and that should work nicely excellent die beautiful oh a group of five i need the group of five exploding boys yes yes yes oh these things are so strong and so big no no no no no fall back fall back and necromance nice oh they're they're a little bit a little bit broken we messed up on the sprite sheet a little bit but that's okay because they are on my team they're exploding boys that little line's not supposed to be there if you're wondering okay we'll attack you guys oh that was a big hit you'll take out this group too yes yes no no no oh the red slime attack i don't like that at all i'm so scared i know i'm too young to die too young to get slimed i honestly don't even know what to do i kind of want to attack that but i know that big rock or the big red slime's gonna rip me apart let's get these little pinks gone yeah it's just what we needed four little pink dudes what was that noise oh there must have been another one somewhere else who died okay we got some little oh there's so many of them okay i don't do i want to okay i'm going to we're going to attack this one it might work out in our benefit if not we're just gonna have to restart and it's not gonna be good i think we're winning are we winning are we winning did we win the big gas we won oh big slime army big slime big powerful slime army i'll attack this group too a little pinks in here i don't even know why they came to the party nice that was a good one oh the pinks aren't even all dead yet but my army looks cool i don't even know where to go i guess get more casters is always a good thing good attack a single one i really want to necromance this group but there's too many good guys too many bad guys in the way okay i can do it right now nice got another caster oh oh balls i didn't realize that they spawned together and they spawned exactly at the same time i revived the other ones there's so much mess in the middle of the map you almost have to just find a group individually like this and just take them out when they're kind of surrounded and separated this is actually working pretty nicely this is working very nicely i don't even know if this is a group or not but i killed most of them there's some alone ones somewhere is that one this might be it it's my oh i can't get in there there's too many slimes here's one alone could you be my friend would you be the last of that group [Music] no he's not maybe this one's the last of the group too i squished them i'm just gonna keep squishing little slimes until i get a better team of slimes oh wow run away run away run away there's too many of them i'm gonna have to take out this group too i just need to replenish my numbers quick surround them squish them kill them all yes we got a little bit get them to attack this group as they spawn on the map just because i need more numbers and they're not even attacking me yet yes i did it look at the little color of them it's so cool yeah another group very nice another group very good we're getting bigger and stronger oh we're going to get attack from above excellent excellent maybe this is the last one look how many slimes are in the middle of this map do not like it but i'll definitely attack the ones that come on the edge of the world because that's always nice oh beautiful my army's getting big and luscious a word i don't even know what it means but i thought it sounded cool oh that was neat okay i kind of want to go for one of these little rock golems just one though there's so many of them here not the raw golems the red slimes right okay this one oh what are you doing the two just got squished he didn't even stomp come on this group this group this group yes oh okay oh that's not good kill it kill it before it kills us yes we have a slimy boy wow the red slime army that's amazing okay are you ready for this i don't even know what to attack right now there's just so many things my army is giant too oh great we gotta attack we gotta attack this boy this is bad why did i attack so many at once i really want this one oh it's dead i killed it i killed one can i just go through the middle oh there's two why am i attacking two rand slimes at the same there's four of them run away this was bad this was a negative good idea like the opposite of good i'll kill that little dude though oh there's just like an army of slimes here that are in bad position i'm just trying to attack like one at a time trying to get all of their buddies resurrected no there's like four of them you guys are alone maybe maybe i can now run away don't get me squished there's a dead rat boy down here too maybe i can attack this group this could work if i can kill this one oh yes i killed it but it didn't do anything i've gotta find the rest of them in their pack here's here we go oh that was a big one that was a big pack here we go here we go this is good news this is good news for us i just need to take him out yes yes resurrect and smash poke smash there's two dead ones down here yes yes i got another one on my team this is working it's working oh here comes the third one did where'd it go we got three now we got three we've got three yes our army is big again how that's awesome our army is so large we have to go attack the tar now that's the only thing we have to go around the edge of the map and go kill the tar do i think i can yet we have to find out don't we okay we're gonna attack this one first if i can get four of these smashy boys i think it'll be better the bigger my army the better it'll be and i can take a a sizeable beating now oh look how many guys we have oh whoa whoa whoa whoa a little caster is here that'd be a shame if you were to get squashed my dude we have one little tabby slime in here should i just go like straight across the middle of the map i'm feeling strong i'm feeling really strong right now oh the big army just attacked from the south that is incredible we are getting stronger we are getting stronger i'm clearing the map i'm totally surrounded right now too this is not good this is totally not good but i am clearing the map like one slime at a time i've got the biggest slime army ever yes yes the guy's up top here we just killed him we must kill them all this is excellent i did it i did it i cleared the map beautiful oh there's another caster down here i got him and then there's these guys i'm just gonna go straight across the middle of the map maybe not maybe that's a bad call but if i can just get a couple things at a time it'll work beautifully it'll work very beautifully i need a tar we have to have a tar in order to win he's right here tar oh i'm so scared of them why would they send a little army of of tabi's our way oh there's a tar coming are we ready for this attack attack the tar we're just gonna oh it's smashing us it's hitting really hard it's killing some of our guys no oh yes yes we got a tar we got a tar we got a tar we got a tar we got a hulk smash star oh um not good not so bad not excellent i just really want a big army again with the tar at the center of it because that's amazing very good that's a big army yes is working we have like one single caster hiding in here somewhere hey they're all dying they're all dying these guys are all dying oh those are all dead now i'm gonna come back here we're gonna clear this out and i wanna go get another tar big big smash big smash big smash got it okay down below there's another little army that just spawned we're gonna surround them with my smashy boys [Music] yes i did it okay we're gonna go get another tar now we're gonna see how many tars we can get although i don't really want to mess up too much to the map so i still want to keep destroying everything in the center like you down here all by yourself oh nice i got him on the team okay we're gonna take out this one now a little group and then we're gonna try to attack the tars or not we're gonna attack that group because they just wanted to come and visit us and then there's another group here with two casters in it that looks like they want to visit us too which i will surround and smash yes oh that was awesome okay here we go tower number two whoa there's like eight tars down there why are there so many i don't think they can leave that area either why are there so many down here oh hello where'd you guys come from i really don't like this setup oh there's so many tars down there i can't do anything to him i just have to kill the the regular armies again and hulk smashed them i did it yes stompy mode although i don't really want to lose any more big strapping guys because those are the ones that destroy the guitars easiest come on come on there it is that was good let's go get these guys right here nice and then these guys right up top very good uh yeah we're going for it [Music] okay excellent smashing yes atar came up i was hoping for this we got to go for him we got to go for him come on we need to call him the reinforcements we need a second tar don't you dare kill my regular tar now yes we got him who knew that you could tame a tar and right click to necromance oh all my other smashy boys are gone i need to get another one here oh he got crushed he got so crushed come here just die can't run away from me it's illegal there it is that's nice looking that's really nice looking and then we get a little a little tiny caster in here oh that hurt what do you do oh he's coming out i didn't know they could actually come out i need i need a third i need a third rock oh no this is bad i might actually be losing right now i lost one of my casters i got one back for my my big guys okay i need to run away for just a second regroup reorient get some more things and then come back and attack again and by regrouping and attacking again i mean just like going on a rampage on the entire map and blowing them all up oh boy not a huge fan right now okay that's fine this is okay we got we got a good little group i got this i got this oh we just lost one of our big rocks we lost the tar there's another one coming in i need to get him before he gets to the group oh no get him surrounded this might be the end if i can't kill him i'm done oh he's he's killing so many of my guys come on take it out take it out oh just barely okay i need to definitely get a lot bigger army now and i can do that by getting these little ones first maybe oh this might be bad oh i squished him really hard i feel like that's probably the last one in this group yep it was i don't want to lose any more guys i don't i'm just going to keep crushing them though oh no the caster's on me that's okay i will destroy his caster with my oh no we lost another we lost another tar these tars are a lot squishier than you would assume okay we're gonna go in i'm gonna try to take out one more tar from down here i hope there's so many of them why are there so many bopping around my army is larger in charge surround the red slime destroy him dead it's my little song i just made it up this is actually not a good fight there are way more of them than there are me but hopefully there will be way more of me than there are of them at the end of it it'll take all the top sides we're not surrounded then we'll come back in on the bottom that worked out pretty well i'll take that for every day of the week yeah that actually worked really well come on big tar crush them brush them annihilate decimate them very good and then i'll take these guys out and i'll go get the big green maybe not oh i'm gonna get surrounded again um i did it i got the big green and my tar is still here oh another big green oh big green just got crushed hahaha yes i have three greens okay we're gonna i think i can layered out the whole map did i clear the whole map i don't see anything except the ones that are just living down in the chamber did i beat the game i gotta crush this thing real quick it doesn't even care oh this is really interesting i literally have killed every single slime on the map except for this group and that group okay they just hadn't spawned in yet and now i did oh there's another group okay i'm trying to get them so they don't spawn anymore which might not be the case but i just want a really big army all at one time to come in and attack it's also making my army very weak so i need to do it like real soon my army is super weak but i've destroyed almost everyone on the map and it's gonna make a gigantic army as soon as i right click i wanna do it right now because i lost my big guy i lost my big guy that's not good oh no what do i do i guess i just uh you know right click to necromance the entire board oh that was satisfying that was so satisfying yes keep getting more and more bad guys in my life that was awesome i surrounded them well done bouncy boys okay i got him wait i wrecked necromanced him and he didn't necromance right oh i lost my tar too this is bad news i have to go get a new one hello you will be my new tar and i will name you squishy because you are squishy in a tar i'm gonna die this is not gonna work out right there are so many tars down there well i mean it's a suicide run because this was a really really really good adventure oh i got one yes yes i got one i didn't think i would actually get any of them anyway guys that'll do it for today's video of right click to necromance the slime edition if you liked it let me know and uh well keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and a special thanks to all of the channel members and the patreons including alan h apollo bunny autodave ben dickie j desby eagle arc maxer whip it good baron fox zarnoff deegan jason m brow iffy sphere spider sax and joe b
Channel: Blitz
Views: 300,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, right click to necromance, right click to necromance biggest army, right click to necromancer, right click to necromance blitz, right click to necromance gameplay, right click to necromance game, right click to necromance itch, rctn, rctn game, blitz right click to necromance, right click to necromance mod, right click to necromance modded, right click to necromance slime, right click to necromance slimes, slimes, slime rancher slimes
Id: u5fuuuLk6yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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