I Became A Totally Accurate Flying Fish and ESCAPED An Airplane in I Am Fish

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a game called i am fish today we have this little boy right here the flying fish to torture myself for the next roughly hour and a half as i beat these levels ah the country life here we go ah it's a beautiful day in my country home with swamp water on the backside and a sad little flying fish inside of a sealed closed oh it wasn't sealed just a closed water tank and he's flying wait what it doesn't make sense oh no no no okay that was a flashback i get it now i'm picking up what we're putting down and now we get to do what we do every time roll the little ball across the thing get stuck in a sewer and then get out of the controls for 30 minutes here we go let's try this and we'll go over here and boop and then this is easy i like this these levels of the game the best i do not the pickle jar level not the swamp level i know no no no no okay all right so we already we already died that's good so maybe i should be a little more careful i tried paying attention but i was too broke to afford the bill get it it's a joke because paying pay attention like attention never mind you know what i mean and there's people talking why are there people talking i i can't oh okay how do i do this oh okay that tipped over and then there we go yes outside no i'm going into the fishbowl i just got thrown in there all right we got to figure out how to fly again it's been a long time since i played okay oh there we go hey look i can fly i'm a fish i'm a flying fish that was amazing i think it was a space bar and if i go down i gotta do this right i gotta do this right and then up and yeah that's so cool okay i'm a flying fish oh there's some bread over there i don't really care about the bread though also the music hits pretty well in this game too you know what i'm going for the bread never mind i'm just i got the bread i got the bread i got the bread it's magical bread get in this this is not how flying fish supposed to fly those are the walking eel like creepy fish get in the hole get in the hole yes i did i'm so good at this game and we're gonna we're gonna do the yeet nice i did it i did it i'm flying again hey okay this levels oh no i'm on flying quick roll down the hill roll down the hill do you think that would hurt the fish i don't know do fish have feelings he might just might just hurt himself mentally like he's gonna have to go talk over his problems for a while that was quite the jump little dude i'm impressed yep we go i don't even need to fly most of the times oh they fixed this so much from playing the demo that i played a few months ago okay ready we're gonna go up and yeah that is so good oh that's so satisfying oh what is this a little levee of some sort oh yeah we're totally gonna escape the farm now i'm gonna escape the fun ready get set in oh yes look i may go there's an axe and a tree that you used to cut things down oh i was gonna i was gonna just continue flying but i had to breathe uh-oh all right we gotta go for this pond there it is we got the pond nice oh that was beautiful that was perfect ready we're gonna go this way now okay should i skip i feel like i want to skip that it just goes straight to the checkpoint i might run out of air but i really don't care if i get that checkpoint i might i might not make it to the oh balls there's a whole other level down there about jumping through the roofs of the market do you remember that from the last time i played maybe yeah up getting the yes all right i got the checkpoint this whole side of the slope needs grass on it let's see what we get to do in this little barn now all right i think i'm just gonna fly directly into this i'm hoping the the thing gives me air can i breathe and like maybe whoa never mind that just flugged me it just tossed me can i go through the sewer i don't want to i've been through too many sewers i've got like ptsd post-traumatic sewer disorder or something come on down over here and then in we go right to this why are they doubled maybe i have double vision maybe i just am so good i get two checkpoints at once nice that was perfect where do i go now oh yeah i go over here into this torn down building this will work really well and into the sewer perfect it's just what i didn't want that was really awkward not gonna lie it was really strange got it into the hole now i have to jump clear across over the other side of the world ah see if i can make this jump with a kid staring at me i am not going very fast this might not make it also can you imagine the amount of mosquitoes that would be growing in a pond like that come on get up there no i definitely made it this time here we gotta do the same thing again oh no no what am i flying upside down on top of a lady's head guy's head ken lady's head person's head and not in a person's head this time oh okay i gotta go over here i gotta go i gotta go in oh get in the hole it's cinderella story i did it first down we gotta do another one i'm just i'm advancing like an absolute beast right now i should speedrun this game just kidding i would never want to do that i'm not a big fan of speed running by the way the people who do it like huge respect for you guys not for me though oh also falling on the ground's not for me i almost feel bad for all these people that don't see a flying fish jumping from thing to thing because that would be straight up amazing like i would go to a market just to watch a fish jump and stuff that'd be cool oh no you're not like this though get up get up no no no no no coming in for a landing somehow i made it oh that was close i almost drowned do you drown do fish drown if they're out of air is that like the opposite of humans where do i go i feel like i gotta go that way i don't want to go that way because there's people over there maybe i go down in there do i gotta go down there because there's a there's a thingy all right here we go oh poop nuggets i am the best flying fish ever.com coming in for landing i made it i didn't make it this is totally totally not what i was expecting i was expecting these to be living fish in an aquarium not dead stinking fish in the the bottom of a of somebody's septic tank just keep swimming just how am i alive how have i not ran out of air juice in my lungs lung gills because i don't have lungs ah i made it jokes on you game i've stolen yet another mop bucket i don't know why there's so many mop buckets just randomly laying around in outsort environments but i can go i can oh i gotta go is this like the third stage with a mop bucket i think it is three of the four fish stole a mop bucket no no no no no no no no i don't want to go under here i don't want to go a stupid person bite your knees if i had teeth i want to go under the tomato sausages those sauce there's tomatoes strawberries stromatoes and then down the hill i got this ready whoops i got dunk dunked attempt number seven please don't crash please don't you stupid dumb fish you could just stay in the bucket and the bucket would have took you there when all else fails just go for the full send yeah how did that actually work kind of it worked i got the checkpoint the full send always works and i might actually make it into the pond without dying no i still died but at least i got the checkpoint the checkpoint the checkpoint at least i got that checkpoint and into the hole i feel like i gotta go into the well ready get set up and in the well in the well in the will i gotta do the sewer stage again and down we go oh yeah i did it i'm so good i'm so smart and being smart and stuff and now the game is like hey we forgot how to make new levels so you're just going back in the sewer again but this time you get to fly through it because that's fun plot twist it's not actually fun it is kind of fun the first time but then you you mess up the jump oh i actually made it in that was awesome yeah i'm just gonna try to jump over here oh yeah oh oh yeah the full send always works remember that and into the sewer oh we made it out of the sewer now i'm swimming through a river very fast lots of fast so many fasts that i might crash and an alligator's gonna eat me i don't know where the alligator is gonna come from in england but there's one here i promise just kidding i don't promise but i'm in a cave and if i was speedrunning and didn't want to like hardcore mode i'd be in so much trouble right now because the game just spit me out on the rocks but i'm a dolphin or or dolphin noises yes i'm so good at being a dolphin and i'm just gonna throw myself down here since i don't want to die and then i saw like a little jet like a geyser it got old faithful up in here oh poop nuggets why did it not work sometimes the game's like nah we're not gonna fly this time i just want to flop like a fish because i have scales and then we're gonna hopefully get heated or something here oh yeah totally got eated and right into a wall there we go that was better that was so much better okay this level looks pretty cool not gonna lie this actually looks legit there's like mine carts and stuff flying fish don't know how to be underground fish that's what blind cave fish are for and flying fish have eyes i've seen them you see them there's eyes on the side of our friend wow oh do i get to ride in a mine cart i sure hope i get to ride in the mine cart that'd be fun if i could figure out how to jump my cart no no no no that's not oh i was hoping the minecart would have water in it instead i just went into this back little cave with nothing in it we're gonna try that again hey i made it in oh there is water in here oh cool look at me i'm a flying fish riding a roller coaster yes this is so cool this is so cool this might be the coolest level of the game so far we're gonna crash to the door please crash through the door oh falls do i have to und i have to undo the door don't i and then i gotta get back in here i don't want to get back in here i like it in here it's cozy my friends are in here just kidding i don't have any friends i'm guessing it has something to do with this thing okay there's a broken pipe over there so my guess is i have to knock down this stick or the pipe itself ow can i get the stick get the stick good boy who's a good boy get the stick i got the stick good boy now i just have to redo that checkpoint hopefully it's broken again we just have to hit this thing perfectly right get up in the mine cart for the 17th time ah this stupid stick is back why does this stupid stick have to be there i knocked it down i promise you know what i'm gonna do watch this trick fly fly oh i didn't i didn't get it i was gonna fly when i was driving the minecart oh i got it again i got it again i'm stuck i'm trapped i'm trapped get in the water oh i'm in the water and the pipe came down yes yes yes i did it wait how do i get back up i want to go in the mine cart again i just have to jump myself there maybe maybe do i go on the pipe again i'm not sure i'm not a scientist or maybe i just swim underneath that's not that's not nearly as cool as riding the mine cart through there oh well at least i had like three seconds of fish roller coaster in my life i don't know what this is gonna be but i'm definitely gonna have to play with valves again or you know hitting more signs holding i don't know can i breathe in that it might be nope i can't definitely can't breathe i can definitely breathe my car goes down where did that go where is that going it's going to go bonk over there oh it crashed into some stuff that was kind of satisfying okay i'm not looking forward to this my first attempt i have to go up and fly all the way over to here get into this water attempt water water no no no no because now i have to jump all the way back up those seven layers that's really annoying oh maybe there's something back here instead i think i have to hit that button with my nose um i can't is there water over here no i don't think i can jump that high even with fish skills like with like little flipper arms let's try nope i can't jump that eye here we go here we go in the hole in the hole in the hole and yes oh balls why isn't that door open maybe i'll just leave or the game's like just kidding there's an invisible wall right here called a train track that you're literally stuck in like literally i can't i can't move well this is unique i don't think i'm supposed to be here at all so we're just gonna see if this goes anywhere i mean i feel like i'm supposed to ride the roller coaster down here but i mean i i don't yeah i have no idea what to do i mean there's obviously a machine there but it doesn't work because the door's not open so i gotta open the door and i don't know how to open the door so i think i gotta open this one over here first and that's a lot of words [Music] i need to get up there do i just maybe i maybe i should explore things before i tell the game that it's dumb and i don't know how to play it maybe i'll go to the third room where there's a giant jet that i can fly up into yeah that'll work better i will get herself over here into a little bit of water so i can breathe because i'm a fish we need to breathe or you know there's a sign there oh that would have worked if i would have hit that sign properly there it is yes yes i hit the sign i hit the sign yes water filled up pipes are growing crashing around i did it i'm so smart i did it i'm so smart i did it i'm so smart look at me i got a checkpoint yes now i'm guessing i have to bonk the button in the button i'll go bank yeah i didn't pop the button look at me i'm so smart i'm so good at this game what does that do though where do i go next i'm guessing we have to open up all of these gates oh that one made it to the next level okay so what if i jump down in here come on oh shoot so the next gate should be right around this corner somewhere yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i did it look at me nice i wasn't anywhere close to that button but i buttoned the button and nate oh i gotta go across that way now okay and if i just go like such as down here and then i can go and button the button no no no no no no no no no no that's illegal oh no let's see if i can just do it normally got it got it yes yes i'm the best fish ever go team all right and into the thing i go i want to ride the mic oh you know what on second thought i just like swimming swimming is my favorite but that door opened so that's kind of cool let's see if i can get a gigantic leap for all fish kind here into the hole nice in the bucket the bucket left me the bucket come back here bucket come back here swim swim little fishy boy swim swim swim with the fish swim my uh it's gone oh i heard a crash that's kind of cool ah just kidding it's not cool because it left now i have to do all of that again because there was no checkpoint my mom's gonna be so proud of me oh and she's not she's not gonna be proud of me she's gonna be proud of me now though yes in the hole we made it we made it in the hole we made it in the wait we made it in the hole we made it in the hole it's almost lunch time you're getting hungry my stomach's like going we're going down to minecraft martin cart we're gonna go get some diamonds and the creepers gonna chase this oh man oh no i can't even see where i'm going oh okay oh wow huh it's kevin hi kevin this isn't boating well there's floating pickle jars do i have to do the pickle jar scene now maybe there's gonna be a velociraptor labs report number three i don't like this would eventually gain sentience what now they've escaped and began living across what is going on the bombs have escaped that's the the guy from surgeon simulator right i mean obviously where am i why is that thing flashing uncontrollably i think it's clipped maybe i have to drive that thing should i try flying up into it got it got it nope oh there's water in there for sure maybe i have to jump into this one instead and then oh come on okay i'm in water i got this figured out i'm so smart in the ways of being a fish i think i missed my calling in life i should be a fish oh no never mind i should be a gamer being a fish is just too stressful also it's really nice when you die there's no checkpoint between here and there [Music] like for real this time why is there no checkpoint right in here with kevin kevin's the checkpoint master he should have all of the checkpoints in the history of checkpoints oh you know what's really fun you know what really is fun but this game has no checkpoints and you do the same thing like 79 times and then you just have to jump and jump and jump and you hope that one of the times it's gonna work but you know what else is fun next checkpoint i don't even care i don't even care it's been an out what in the world are you kidding me hold up i'm back in the cave again no wonder there's no checkpoint i skipped part forward i don't understand what's happening right now wait what i don't get this why am i drowning now what is going on next checkpoint again hold okay next checkpoint again i did all these i did all these there checkpoint i had a broken checkpoint i knew it i knew i did this is where the the hospital starts and the game's like haha yeah bobs are alive now calm okay you know what next checkpoint because i'm just annoyed right now oh look the checkpoint where i wanted it to be how did i know there would be one there wow when the game's not broken it actually works okay i gotta make it in that door yes yes yes i made it i made it in i made it in the door i did it all by myself with skipping checkpoints haha and then we're flying up the stairs we're flying up the stairs that is not right i think there is another mop bucket i totally knew there was a mop bucket and now we got a roller coaster down here not gonna lie that whole mine area was pretty cool with the mine cart riding that was pretty neat i'm just happy i haven't gone into sewers for a while just kidding it was like two minutes ago now and then the bucket tips over no we just have to fly out of the bucket nice and then i just have to bonk that back into place yeah look at me i'm so good at this game and then do i get back in my bucket no i think i do actually and then that should have opened the door did i open the door i opened the door i hope the doors that's an elevator is it gonna be the shining all over again we're gonna have lots of kool-aid raining down over the elevator please tell me i don't have to hit a button nice i did it now i just have to do level three hopefully it'll take three minutes because lunchtime started two minutes ago and i'm hungry and i haven't eaten yet do i just get to bonk the door open please let me bonk the door open yeah nice now we're in someone's house why is someone's house connected to the hospital is this like some kind of creepy morgue like room we're gonna go to a funeral here bob's funeral nope it's a computer lab we're definitely not infurial we're in a school this is so weird i have no idea what's going on i do know that i probably have to jump my way out of here and then ride on the fan up in the hole and then what do i do what do i do now i have literally not a single clue what i do right now but there's fish food over there and if there's fish food there might be like uh something else in here i don't know i'm just gonna see what happens just go down we're gonna fly across okay i'm just flying oh hey wait there's a checkpoint over there can i get to it can i get out the window oh no that's a fishbowl i sounds like i got it it sounds like i got it i did got it i didn't get it it's not a fishbowl there's a piece of bread there i'm like nope not doing the bread thing not doing the bread thing oh whoa i actually made it in wow can i get out the window i really don't want to go through this person's house i feel like someone's gonna eat me like a cat i'm gonna break am i gonna break i gotta go this way it might be easier to get the bread over here we'll just try it i got a checkpoint and then i'll just bonk my way under the floor now i can't even get off this stupid ledge anymore oh there we go i took i just crashed like six times right down there i made it to the ground i made it to a door that i hope opens it opens is there gonna be a cat that attacks me now why where am i what is this place i'm i am not liking is this like an olympic-sized swimming pool maybe a giant museum with dinosaurs what is going on in this it was it was a hospital just four minutes ago and now it's some sort of gigantic fish museum with fountains and earth globes and giant dangerous holes in the sky platforms can i get on that one i want to know can i can i get on that i want to get on i can't get on that where do i go now oh this is totally where i go oh i got it i gotta drop from the side here i don't like this maybe if i break my ball then i can just fly oh you know there now i want to fly i got it this time i got it this time yes yes yes i did it i'm so good at this game this is an airport and there it is falling in the hole nice okay i thought this might have been another sewer event but i feel like that's coming up sometime soon i gotta jump to that boy ready get set down and down down down up up up up up up up up up up up up up up and then we're gonna fly look at me i'm flying next to the skis i gotta thread the needle back and then fourth and then there's another checkpoint and i feel like this is the sewer one oh i don't have to go in the sewer again weird i thought for sure i would go in the sewer but now i don't even know where to go there's a checkpoint in another mop bucket of course there would be is that greg again feels like his name should be greg did i get it i didn't get the checkpoint how did i not i like touched the thingy i like the way you sweep greg i like it and in the hole oh that was close that was really close did i get the checkpoint i didn't you know what on second thought hey look guys i got the checkpoint haha i'm in a mop bucket again for the third time in like 20 minutes okay um i'm going up the escalator in a mop bucket i never thought i'd say that in my life i mean it sounds fun i would i would try it i'd probably break a leg but you know there's a mana bottle it's kind of weird i don't know where i'm going anymore just kind of i'm just kind of going these levels are so big no oh we're crashing and dying and burning not crashing dying and burning but everything's crashing and dying wow oh yeah we totally just destroyed this place oh balls but guess what i made it to the tank it's just like that i mean if i've cheated once because the game was broken i might as well cheat again right are these those things are full of water ah get in the bubbler get in the butt to get in the bubble get in the bowler oh it's so close yet so far away help i'm gonna get drunk over there it is there it is i've tried this like 15 times no joke am i 15 i mean like seven oh come on just just in and by seven i mean it's probably been four um but it's really annoying because you just want to get it on one shot and you're like um in the hole and then you make it and then things keeps going it's really dumb like why have a backboard on your backboard if your backboard doesn't backboard the backboard come on come on in the hole oh i did it yes i don't have any idea how many times i attempted that i don't actually know where i'm going either what am i do where am i going with my life why am i being luggaged i'm why is the luggage open it's just like when i go to the airport every time i go it's like hey just kidding we really didn't like your bag so we threw it really hard and then the dog peed on it that was next door and then it was snowing outside in july so we just drug it through all of the snow and the ice and everything and then don't worry your laptop that was in there it's only halfway broken that's what happens when i fly oh yeah your bag was brand new too by the way and we ripped off the zipper because that was fun also we have a checkpoint so that's cool please please please checkpoint the checkpoint i checkpoint at the checkpoint wow you really wanted to go in there didn't you fish there you go oh interesting we get to go in another fishbowl i haven't even seen the ocean with this boy oh wow that was terrible i'm here give me the checkpoint i got the checkpoint i did it i'm so good at this game i'm pretty much like the best per layer there ever was being a fish there's magic electricity just popping out of here too what is that even coming from i feel like i need to go find it just to lick it i think i do get to go find it because i have to get on the treadmill of death again in a ball this time maybe i'll grab whatever these things are oh oh i did it the first attempt i don't have to i don't have to do anything else it's just going to take me right to the ocean i beat the game we did it boys we did it steady we've gone too far flying fish for you to accidentally fall off because your physics forgot how to physics this is another checkpoint i have a feeling that this is going to get dangerous no no no no no no okay everything's fine oh no okay i just just threw luggage off the side oh this is dangerous thankfully i made it for the seventh time oh nice i'm gonna cheat we're going forward i just want to be on the front side of these little paddles oh boy i don't know where to go the world is wet why can't i just swim like a fish would swim no no no don't go backwards no no no no no no no no no no no no no got it saved by the belt no not again there we go my nice little fishy paddle boy oh and a checkpoint is near oh my friends at checkpoint is here i made it into the hole oh no you better not you better not you better get in that you better get in you better get your little fishy flipping self in the flipping tank you little stupid flipper fish yes you gotta talk nice to him like that just want to lick the power and finish finish where do i go can i drive this thing no oh i see where i gotta go i gotta make another transition to other luggage but how do i know which which luggage the luggage is luggaging that one's going to two is that one gonna go to three that one's going to three ah come on get in the hole get in the hole get in the hole get in the hole get in the get in the hole that's the wall get in the bucket oh landed it second attempt i'm so good at this game this was gonna take me right to the ocean i promise i died by game didn't even tell me why i died just like you died feel like i gotta go somewhere else before i die by just hitting that wall i don't have any idea where to go though so i just maybe you should just oh there's that there's the thing there's the thing no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay yeah yeah no no no no no no no no no no no no look guys i made it i totally made it here legitimately too and you know what else i made it to the next checkpoint as well i'm so good at this game i just had to because that was literally 30 minutes of me farting around can i drive this thing i can it's another driving sequence this is really enjoyable too did i get it yes i got it respawn very good do i drive this one i feel like i'm driving oh i gotta press the butt turn the jeep right round turn the jeep jeeps getting hey jeep if you're listening call me let's work a like work a sponsored video up because i'm driving my jeep right now i'll i'll gladly take a jeep for for sponsoring a video huh if you know what i mean i can press buttons really good as a fish i promise i'd be i'd make a good and make a good jeep video i did it what does that even mean though where am i am i i got an airplane how did i never know that i got an airplane the game literally never loaded oh oh am i an airplane oh it's takeoff time i open the door i think i when do i jump out no nope i gotta eat myself i gotta get out i made it out wait that's not what you're supposed to do i did it [Laughter] okay did our did our fish friends make it together oh we did it look it we're reunited actually not but i got the achievement said reunited yeah i did it nemo and his friends nemo and nemo can make baby nemo's now they're so excited unlike myself that was an hour and a half of torture my dudes wow now what's gonna happen hopefully they get netted i would that'd be so hilarious if they got netted yeah get netted and then get put back in the tank oh [Laughter] anyway that'll do it for today's video of i am fish oh wait maybe not we gotta see we're gonna get netted yet can we get netted those fish are pretty they're mean too they're wild fish yes they got knitted i love it anyway guys that'll wrap it up for i am fish hope you enjoyed this game it was a nice interesting different game to play so thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters including alan h apollo bunny out of dave ben dickie j teddy epis desbi eagle arc maxer whippet good baron fox zarnov deegan jason m rail splatter sacks iffy sphere joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow and doug rules 2.0
Channel: Blitz
Views: 690,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, biltz, i am fish, i am fish gameplay, i am fish download, i am fish steam, i am fish game, i am fish meme, fish game, steam fish game, funny fish game, bossa studios, boss studios presents, i am fish release date, blitz i am fish, i am fish blitz, i am fish flying fish, i am fish flying fish level 1, i am fish flying fish level, flying fish
Id: 7UHHS-aCN_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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