I Became A Puffer Fish and RUINED EVERYTHING In I Am Fish

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oh hello my friends i'm blitz welcome back to i am fish we're going puffer fish mode today because highland roll sounds like a good sushi and we can continue oh there a bird he's gonna say mine and then steal wow hello glitchiness oh are you i'm gonna name him lieutenant peckers because that's a good name for a bird oh okay we just puffed up and then the goldfish in the background remember the goldfish that's the one we did last time so the puffer fish is remembering our goldfish friend and then we're gonna we're gonna leave the aquarium thing and roll away also the piranha looks awesome yeah why is the goldfish taller than the golden gate bridge don't fully understand that but now oh hello there's a deer i like deer um i feel like if i fall off that edge i'm just gonna break this thing which way do i go yes this way can i puff what's the puffing wow there's a puffing button i love that there's a puffing button all right and then bonk and then over here look at me i'm so good at i'm still good at this game i'm like a straight-up certified puffer fishing genius i'm gonna have to go down the stairs aren't i yes checkpoint and ah packer wait i'll just roll i'll just roll down the stairs until i die of lack of air poisoning all right note to self don't die this time no no no nit i didn't die i didn't die we gotta slow her down slower down oh boy oh okay i can crash through right there i'm gonna do it just go straight up yolo mode it's like it's 2004 all over again all balls oh i survived somehow now where do i get to oh there's a dog food or is that dog food or did something poop in a bowl i'm not exactly sure yeah it's totally poop nuggets nasty all right we're going down there and then i feel like i gotta go out of the door somewhere dunk a donk and then we'll go this way hey oh we gotta save but how did i get a save all right and then how do i open the door i'm just gonna roll into it and pretend that it's gonna open for me yep that didn't work oh hey wait what did i bonking into the door i can i can slide it over i can just why is it moving open on its own is it possessed i feel like i need to go this way then hold up i got to get a thumbnail real quick [Laughter] yes oh no we're going down the hill this is a bad idea this is the bad idea we're going to break open oh let i would be so dizzy and nauseous knew it oh okay i can keep rolling do i go into this thing i feel like this is water where fish are meant to live hey i did it to the ocean all water connects to the ocean somehow unless it's a park where there's there's no water flow but this is real water oh yeah this is totally flowing water we're going straight to the ocean my dudes oh falls gotta keep rolling this is amazing i like this thing and because i used to be a hydraulic engineer like water was my job every time at the end of a waterfall it would actually be deeper not shallower the game's broken all right we're going into the sewer now oop he were bouncing he were like a little basketball why are there no other fish in this river well okay okay uh-huh um i don't know what i'm doing and then back in the hole uh-huh and then i'll go down the hill perfect nice splash i did it we oh that's really cool trick if you inflate underwater you can get buoyant and fly up in the air we can real puffer fish do that why am i also swimming sideways all of the time and one two three puff mode okay float up get the save point i got it and then we're gonna roll over the edge of the i was gonna call it a volcano oh wow that's cool why is this the way it is in life i'm just i'm going straight down man just kidding i'm going in here so i can breathe again nice oh get to the left get to the left yes i barely made it oh i'm gonna die i'm still gonna be dead i'm so gonna die i need water i need water i'm a fish i'm a fish i'm in water now oh i see what we're doing here this is a puzzle we got this is a puzzling adventure we have to do the puzzle thing where we're not gonna die and stuff we'll just kind of get a quick splash and then keep rolling and i'm gonna aim for the right here yep just like such as oop did it where's this flowing water coming from this doesn't make any sense get over there floppy that's what i named him his name is floppy the fish wow okay now i should be able to make it down into the swamp and nailed it splash okay i kind of enjoy being this puffer fish i kind of like his mechanics like i can swim down and then float up and boom oh that didn't work very well whatever oh wow that's kind of neat i did it that was easy level and then i go to level two and i'm still on the river going to the pond and it looks pretty swampy around here i like this we're like a nice forest retreat uh just a simple swimming forest retreat all through the water man that's a really good reflection oh big drop yeah i'm splashed down that was fun okay did i get i got the checkpoint we have to we have to do our dumb mode here ready get set and inflate the pow oh balls right through the briars that was a bad idea but i briared the briars because i'm a better briar than they are it doesn't make sense unless you know that i'm a puffer fish and i have briars on me not the ice cream type either like pokey things for defensive purposes and look another fish scale thing very good i want that for a save point all right i don't know what's going on here and i don't like it because i don't know what's happening but i feel like i have to roll this way and then like double back crisscross applesauce style it's preschool all over again and then we go i'm gonna try to get around the left side here because that's that pokey boy looks very scary why don't i just stay out of the water oh because i need the checkpoints in the water i got it no through the forest oh those hurt spiky boys hurt it's okay i still made it to the water just fine i've just made it to the swamps of dagobah and uh luke is just gonna lift me out of the lake using the force oh do i go down here there's a cave here a magical cave of wonder and ah i'm going in we're dropping oh there's bread in here magical bread that doesn't get decayed in the water amazing look at me i'm finding secret stuff whoa oh no oh no i just got sucked into a sewer line what the world i don't like this i do does not like the the sewer life i did like it when i was playing with nemo oh okay i think we that was where i was supposed to go how in the balls am i supposed to get up to that thing i mean if i go way down and then oh that was actually legitimately good let's try that again i gotta go way down and then i go wow oh i know thank you game oh let's just get over there the game is like hey you're not doing this correctly we want to hold your hand really good oh stupid dumb i'm gonna go way down to the bottom of the world and then blow up nice go forward you stupid fish you don't want a second thought i don't think i really want to save this fish anyway i'm just going to leave him here and then he can like get pecked on by birds oh i got it never mind oh neat i have to do this same gimmick twice in a row yeah wow i did it just kidding i have lack depth perception yep and then did i do it that cut really why is this so painful and number 17 24 nice 24 attempts okay we got to go down we got to go down we're going to go down oh oh i made i didn't make it are you oh barely is this like the sixth log i have to do this on here oh first attempt again i'm getting good at being a fish until i die right here because i don't have legs fall in the water you dumb fish don't you dare oh just barely look at me i can float i feel like i'm being sucked into something else i'm not pressing any buttons and i'm still going forward but i have to go up there now i'm feeling comfortable doing that because i know i know how to jump if i go down and then i go boop and i can launch myself see how that works i could do it again and again and again and again and again and i go whoop boom oh packer on second thought i still don't know what i'm doing in this game there i made it into the jar oh no not the jar again oh not the jar again okay so it's saying that there's peckers here do i avoid the peckers there's a rock oh dumb i really don't know what that means oh it's like a warning okay i'm picking up what they're putting down i just have to get around these stupid rocks oh no right away run away or run away run away oh i dodged it how did i dodge the seagull of death okay maybe this seagull's just incompetent much like myself right now i'm not very good at driving a jar maybe it's because of these conveniently at place rocks that are bothering me oh now now the birds are breaking my shell okay i'm going under the left table because i can't figure out how to get to the right table there we go push push left to go right good excellent x i got to go up a hill now oh no no no no no no don't stop oh dumb you're on second thought i'm gonna try to go under this picnic table just the big brain i promise there's like seven working brain cells right now going on between me and my character so what happens when you kind of have a little bit of a cold for a couple days the game's like uh we're just gonna punish you for not being able to breathe properly through your nose bad seagull bad please door open please door open please the door opened oh i'm so good at this game all seven my brain cells are firing properly ah look at that i almost made it in the hole almost around the corner around the corner direct attack marge no no bad bad bad puffer boy bad no no no no no i got the save file that's good checkpoint unlocked and into the hole oh poop nuggets i'm stuck all right that's disgusting i don't know what this is but i'm gonna fly just kidding i'm not because i can't see all the way down all the way up and out just kidding i think i know what i'm supposed to do somehow i'm supposed to jump into that other tank if i go all the way back all the way down and then hold forward there's no way there is no way you know what next checkpoint yes it will affect it but i don't have any idea how to do that and it was like 17 times trying do i go down or do i go up now can i go to the previous one no i can't oh i feel bad about cheating hold up hold up i can just drive the dumpster can i just drive the giant dumpster all day fall it off do i go that way oh can i drive upstairs i want to drive up the fence we're not going to go up the stairs i'm going to swim down and up and then flop out just kidding so let's try up here oh yes nice nice not so nice okay okay and great lieutenant peckers is coming back he's like hey i'm really annoying i'm gonna try to break your ball don't you dare lieutenant peckers don't you dare i have a save file okay that one's gonna break on me we're not trying that i've fallen for that trap too many times in my life i feel like this might as well but i'm gonna yep knew it perfect landed it no you stupid bird oh i hate you so much i want to burn you and cook you in for dinner like kfc style do i need to remind you what i did to you and your friends in raft mr bird oh you're kidding me they're so lucky that arrows are expensive and i don't have any right now okay i did it somehow i survived now we're gonna go down the roller coaster this sounds like a lot of fun and ready and i get set and a one to two will floaty mode yay hey okay this is awesome i love this part this is my favorite part of the level so far because i don't have to do anything got it yes i see you back there floaty bread of awesomeness i'm not gonna get you though cause you're annoying and i don't think i can go that way why is this building so destroyed probably because of the stupid seagulls i do not like this stage of the game do i go back that i feel like i got to go back that way do i go back that way or this way i got to go back this way we're just going to try it no that's stop it you're going to go this way go go go i made it and i don't know where i'm gonna go next but i know there's free bread back here and i'm a fish so i always eat bread like that free bread i feel that poop colored log on the left side is gonna break if i try to make it over it so i don't really want to do that but i might be able to make it through right here uh nope i'm gonna gotta go back this way that wasn't even real words i just mouth noises happened just like that okay and then slow and steady wins the race back to the left see i'm super good at being a bird now these don't even make sense these they don't they aren't even supported with physics properly there's no nails in these things you're just haphazardly laying on top of each other now somehow i am right on the precipice of greatness i am so much great i am the greatest fish that ever i hate this game so much fun i have to start way back here too oh dumb oh oh oh it's magic oh you know oh yes yes save file please don't be anything that's gonna squish me right now i have made it my dreams have come true i've oh poop i broke and now i'm not gonna be able to breathe again i feel like there's some sort of boost that i'm supposed to do doing this how how wow okay i don't even i don't even know what's going on right now but i'm glad oh i knew it get in the water get the water get the water get in the water get oh i made it in the water hot dang i'm so good at this game ready okay ready and zip pow that was terrible i'm not good at this game i did it once accidentally really cool and now i i can't do it maybe i okay ready there it is no there we go there we i just don't even know anymore i don't even know what's happening in my life wish i could grow legs and then just walk like an eel or something a snake a snake with legs don't even make sense oh my word i'm so mad and then there's a giant briar patch that wants to kill me and eat my liver for breakfast getting that water get that water gas you want to know something else fun i feel like those of you who are channel members or patreon supporters of my channel should see this in the fullness instead of the edited mess that in turn has to do to edit through this so those of you who are members and uh patreons um you can watch the full video yes i made it all through somehow yeah there's the link down below in the video description called like membership and you can also click the join right below the video that would be fun i promise and now we go over another waterfall into a shallow pool but hopefully this is the ocean where i can make friends again with my goldfish buddy i like this this is much easier oh this is so hey look an actual pool at the end of the waterfall they did it they did it right another fish hello kevin would you like to make babies i would like to make baby fish watch this oh it was fun i'm gonna go terrorize the fisherman i think that'll also be fun where is his bait where is his bait i want to eat it i want to eat it oh no fighting yeah i did it maybe i'm supposed to be caught i mean i can't get any worse fight it there we go we do up i'll successfully get reeled in this time bit of a fighter yeah not really i'm not fighting i'm just puffing okay put me in your bucket put me so easy to catch oh really a fighter oh you told me i was a fighter i can't even successfully be a fish i just keep in the yellow the whole time i'm gonna be a fighter just a bit of a fighter you got me you caught me all right my dude really challenge i'll keep it in the orange this time and it'll be a fight yeah i am it's me this is my nickname in high school fighter doesn't even make sense no no okay it's red did i get it i want a challenge how much more of a challenge do i have to be jerk i should feed this little guy to him to be honest though this guy's not a very good fisherman like there's seven teeny tiny minnows in this lake he should know better than to fish here if he was a real fisherman he'd be like nah nobody's ever caught anything out of this pond besides little blue slime thing yeah okay don't snap don't step don't snap just tell me to stay steady just a bit more and then then you'll reel me up okay and then i'm gonna try to fight and puff oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh let me let me oh oh i kept him yes yes small fish i'm worth a few quid is that like english word for calamari or something oh i did oh he did it look at me i'm gonna find a fire for you there's trying to sell me now i get to go to a i'm gonna get a dance party here yeah i'm straight up the entertainment for this dance party okay we gotta go mo wanna hackaloogie in here and see how i can escape is there like a bucket i can jump into because i'm totally gonna die if i don't okay there's like a thing up here i'm gonna see if i can break that out ready oh i did nice i see a checkpoint over here i'm flying for it no no no no okay i got this i got a checkpoint i got a checkpoint i'm gonna totally die at this checkpoint but that's okay i feel like i was supposed to jump into a bucket oh the game just gave me a bucket i don't know where this bucket came from we got a light show going on with a dj oh come on now don't kick me like that bro did i make it can i make it can i make it can i make it oh i made it i've got some serious speed going on right now that's pretty amazing oh and the wall drift off the corner very nice now i'm gonna have to leave my precious box of amazingness and then get inside of the vent okay do i have to get inside of whatever that is oh okay i'm supposed to be inside of this garbage can filled with water but somehow it's working this is weird oh great we're gonna splash down now whatever okay i'm flying i'm flying i'm flying i'm rolling i'm bouncing through a vent and i'm falling into another aquarium with a checkpoint this is the private club oh there's a there's an aquarium right there i gotta get in that little bowl how do i do this there's a there's a shelf i gotta get in that shelf there it is there it is there it is i made it on the shelf i made it on the shelf okay i'm gonna bounce onto here doing or not maybe i bounce on this thing instead is this a bouncy boy oh it is a bouncy boy look at me and then i feel like i need to go up here oh no i'm so sorry other fish i'm just trying to escape the aquarium life there it is nice ah checkpoint my favorite then i gotta bounce my way across this i can do it i can do it look at my little flippers go oh oh oh oh oh sweet jerkins oh pecker oh oh oh get in there oh i got it no this game at least i got the checkpoint okay i did it go team i get it i gotta bounce down onto the chair uh-huh right over this guy's stuff just gonna go full send right now full send right into that gonna crack it open and then go down in the vents and be in the ocean i think oh that wasn't even really full scent nothing is more riveting than three minute vent tours uh they're getting stuck okay oh i want to go on this one not that one that's why i got stuck i totally gonna dance i totally want to be the star of this show i'm trying to find checkpoints up here i don't see any okay i think i see it can i roll over to it there's a checkpoint right in that corner as long as i don't get stepped on i should be able to get there come on come on come on come on got it i think i got it i think i got the checkpoint yes again where was this thing when i needed it so i'll just go this way and see what happens i'll go this way and see what happens go across the dance floor there's a nice little line ready for me right here not like the lines upstairs but like the line right here for me to go through oh no no no no no not like this i still got it we still got we got him oh poop all right whatever maybe there's another checkpoint over here somewhere oh there's a checkpoint right there the good news is we found the checkpoint be careful don't get kicked be careful don't get kicked be careful don't be noticed that i'm a puffer fish in a mop bucket going across the dance floor oh are they going in circles is this like a conga line of stupid oh i'm stuck i'm stuck oh i'm stuck i'm stuck oh i made it i made it he pushed me out what is this guy doing there's just a guy like hanging out on the ground over here or a gal oh they're waiting in line for the restrooms oh wow okay i made it to the checkpoint i guess i'm gonna go into the men's because the women's is full i know i know you are oh oh no what just happened wait oh no i got swallowed oh no it just wow [Music] [Laughter] what in the garbage is this i'm controlling the man by being in his stomach oh i got to go to the bathroom i have to go to the restroom because then he'll you'll throw me out yeah i knew it where the toilets because there's can i be can i just get past you please i'm controlling it oh greg his name's greg of course it's greg our nemesis from the first episode that was chasing us down why can't i get through any of the dancing fools i just gotta go full send it oh he's gonna once that green gets all the way up he's gonna spew i don't even know where i'm supposed to be going i know where i was supposed to go but i don't know how to get there he's having a real hard time okay can i make it through here no greg don't no oh that's not the toilet that's disgusting though classic greg you never trust him i told you you can't trust a guy named greg okay back to greg yeah chug me me and craig we got it this time i just gotta find a way in probably around all of the would you not do that but yeah bud let's not do that you guys are straight up club jerks right here can't you tell a man's got problems come on make it through make it through make it through make it through make it through make it through make it through if i can make it to the bathroom door without vomiting i will be fine things i thought i'd never be saying in public in my life come on no no no no greg greg come on gregory come on gregory turn that corner turn that push into that door why what is going on here i gotta go do i gotta go into a stall door i feel like a stall is meant to be oh there's someone here that's okay that's oh my word don't show that on youtube i don't know where i'm supposed to go come on greg don't do this to me greg wait i made it in i got sucked through the floor yes wow that's a that's a little bit of a bug not like the stomach bug sort of bug oh great i'm stuck in another sewer now and i feel like i have to do that cheeky thing here where i just fly like a puffer fish right into the hole oh yes and then we roll down oh boy i don't know if i like this oh skinny mode big mode skinny mode this is the music this is the music though this is the freedom music i like freedom freedom doesn't smell like vomit yes yes yes where's nemo i did it me and nemo yeah there is nemo oh isn't he adorable oh puffer fish boys here we did it yay we're best of friends again don't don't bump him too hard he's got like vomit and spines and all sorts of bad stuff over but you're missing your friends still yeah keep being the shiny bright thing for your other friends to find oh oh we're going even higher i wish i could have done that anyway guys that'll do it for today's video hope you enjoyed it more than i did i'm kidding i had fun and i hope you did too so keep your sick on the ice we'll catch you next time and a special thanks to all of the channel members and the patreons including allen h apollo bunny autodave ben dickie j desby eagle arc maxer whip it good baron fox zarnoff deegan jason m brow iffy sphere spider sacks and joe b
Channel: Blitz
Views: 428,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, biltz, i am fish, i am fish gameplay, i am fish download, i am fish steam, i am fish game, i am fish meme, fish game, steam fish game, funny fish game, bossa studios, boss studios presents, i am fish release date, blitz i am fish, i am fish blitz, i am fish goldfish, i am fish pufferfish, pufferfish
Id: rL0KjOb3kqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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