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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to the dear simulator it's time to have a little bit of fun and a stupid fun-filled adventure of stupidity now i got a lot of comments last time saying blitz you're a because you didn't do things right and i mean is that the first video ever watched of mine where i mean that's kind of the mantra around here just be dumb and make fart jokes and everyone laughs but no as we did do last time we fought the shadow deer the former time future self for something weird like that and uh we had a lot of comments like a ton of comments saying that we don't need to do that because that was the bad ending but before we go figure out what the good ending is i'd like to thank today's sponsor and i'd like to thank a game called dying light 2 for sponsoring today's video if you haven't heard of it before it's an upcoming zombie survival game where the virus one and civilization has fallen back to the dark ages as you play through the game's vast open world you get to make choices that reshape the world and you can play with your friends for up to four player co-op as you play through the game you'll find hidden passages and discover different paths to explore the map locations and one of the things i did love about the first dying light game was the parkour system and how you can use the world to make clever traps and make creative weapons even the day and night cycle and how the monsters react to sunlight is amazing so the game does come out on the 4th of february and to get ready for release tecla and the developers are showcasing their game in 30 minute dying to know videos that show the developers talking about the game showcasing and breaking down gameplay mechanics and showing new trailers and they also announced fan cause tests that anyone can take part in so if you'd like to pre-order dying light 2 make sure you click on that link in the video description you can also check out the next final show which comes out january 13th that link is down below in the video description as well so we should just be able to run over here right to these japanese temple thing and go right into the tesseract time machine teleporter guy yes we should just be able to run right into here and i travel through time i can't imagine how going through a wormhole would actually feel in real life also the sound effects for that were pretty amazing all right here we are the portal machine now we are in the future area here there are things we can pick up like this i mean who doesn't need this in real life i know i do and i should just be able to run into things and kill it all right away yes now that didn't quite work but i'm going to destroy this building with my bare fists actually my my deer fist because i'm not a bear and 17 minutes later the building has been destroyed and i found a very very fun vehicle to play with and by vehicle i mean weapon and i really need to get rid of this thing because it's so annoying go away you smell bad thank you also the shotgun does even less damage than my fists do which makes me very sad inside and another 17 minutes later the building is destroyed okay give me cool things what is that i don't think i got to play with whatever this is last time wait hold up what is it i don't even know whoa are those orbital strike missiles i think they are because that's amazing unfortunately dude they do like negative damage so i'll just punch another building down now i'm hoping this brings out the cyber cops so i can get my dear zaster rating going up oh yes it does who he gets to come and play oh yeah the sheep fantastic give me more firearms those aren't firearms that's some sort of weird mech shoes but at least i can use targeting missiles on them oh this makes it so much more fun i see you sheep and i will end your entire career there you are get wrecked oh the missile took him out oh that was oh it didn't take him out never mind we gotta dance we got a dance pool here have some my orbital strike missiles oh that's fantastic oh i found more guns hold up a second we got more guns oh that makes everything much better in the real world i just ended that a cop's entire career oh it exploded uh oh did i get tier three oh no now what do i have to fight i don't even remember this is that another polar bear and a cop car all right whatever so dumb would you get off of me man i really don't like this anymore they're kind of annoying i'm not gonna lie but the good news is i got another gun and another gun and that makes everything better in the real world oh and i just destroyed another building i'm so sorry i feel bad for your insurance company oh wow okay so the rhinos are doing whatever they do too oh and another thing i don't know what that is but i got it boost hold up wow jet pack yes please wait i also destroyed all the cops i didn't mean to i'm so sorry i feel bad now look how many numbers i'm doing i'm making so many numbers right now but now i've done it i've destroyed him and i get whatever this thing is i forget can i have that nose piece please oh no the game's like you can't have it but i got another gun that's cool come on just let me select that thing no wait i hold it oh it's a lightsaber all right that's what the future myself had okay some sort of stupid space jet idea that's amazing hey what's up here i need it my science project oh my oh my i don't know what that was but i totally have it now wow all right i don't remember but how do i summon my future self it might be through destroying the entire world thankfully destroying things is the one thing i'm really good at in the world at some point this is just turning into pure chaos i'm destroying things and i don't even get to see him anymore there we go now i've finally done it i've opened up weird corgi boy and created the black hole into the underworld i really just need to destroy the rest of these cops then i can go take out my future self again but this time i'm gonna let him live because you guys yelled at me so badly i defeated the cops now let me collect all of their weapons for science purposes of course i also don't know what happened to my face but i'm enjoying every single second of it [Music] okay that's kind of humorous i totally just destroyed the entire like hamster thing here and now i don't even know what this is but it's spawned hello why are you here oh big time monkey do not like big wow whoa bro what that sucks man there's a gigantic monkey that wants to destroy the entire world and i didn't even know about it all right giant monkey of cymbal death machine i don't even know what to call you but i'm summoning you back oh boy this might be bad why did i do this i don't know why i did this this is illegal all right ready get set and attack all right all right all right all right right right right i gotta keep flying gotta go sonic fast okay i did it he doesn't know about me anymore he doesn't he doesn't know about me get up get up come on spiderman your way go little duck oh balls oh he's flying after me that also sucks maybe i was supposed to use this thing maybe i was or you know on second thought i can just jump through the portal on my own disaster levels equipment will be reset good because i have a date with destiny and destiny is my future self that's what i would name my future self if i could name my future self all right now we just have a super easy boss fight me versus you hello future self get clawed oh he's got guns he's got gods he's got guns spider blitz oh my word well give me those guns i need that hello oh you got guns again dude that's not cool oh yeah look at me i'm matrix and stuff my name is neo hey bro give me a sword and jump i didn't need that okay all right yeah there it goes there oh he's got a sword now he's chopping me to pieces give me that i need that in my real life and now all of a sudden two dudes come out and i slice you to pieces okay that wasn't so bad curse of the deer no thanks don't like that i'm just gonna cut this guy to pieces first oh wow the arm movement i don't like that when the head like does weird stuff that's weird i mean i can do it too but it's weird when they do it to me let's just take this guy out oh no oh no not the guns not the guns those are illegal in this part of dear topia i also forgot that this is an extremely annoying boss fight mainly because uh they dodged most of the bullets oh okay i'll just hide behind the chair there you go how's that feel how's it ouch stop shooting me what did i ever do to you bro remember i'm you and you're me but the more you play it the more hearts you get run in slice once kill him dead and then teleport back destroy him again and his friends and then get away this is how it works this is the way this is the way okay dodge the bullets dodge the bullets matrix mode slice and one more slice and then jump away i got this i got this i'm so good at being a deer i'm the best deer ever in the history of best years and then slice oh he's dodging it look at him he's flipping through this ah stop that that's a lightsaber you jerk you can't bring a lightsaber to a best guard steel fight do your thing and then go slicey mode stay away from the future one the shadow boy okay i'm gonna grab a lightsaber now we can play we can duel oh that was good i got a little cut in that was awesome ow ow told you guns are illegal did you not hear me the first times okay okay i see you with the long neck mr giraffe man i tell you what this had better be worth it this secret boss that you're supposed to get after you click no or yes at the end of this this is totally what you're now getting away it better be worth every single moment of this fight okay i killed the future one that's good i just need to kill the shadow of the colossus now die i missed how did i miss i cut you literally in half no no he looks menacing when he walks at me like that stop it no i'm gonna shoot you bad deer down boy oh i'm so close i'm so close to winning but so close to dying all you need to do is just like stride over here and then pretend to hit me and i'll go yeah yeah oh pecker that hurt would you not do that again bro look at this look at his sweet moves if i go bow he jumps over and dodges it and ducks and dives like he's neo taking the red pill and junk all right let's do this wow okay uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh yeah just die just die i'm shooting that stupid katana in the way is he dead he's not dead come at me come at me yeah just stride your way over here oh perfect perfect i can't hit it with the dumb xbox controller oh i did it yes he's dead him and his friend they're both dead a friend of a friend is an enemy or something like that oh you just teleported through the roof again that reminds me i forgot about this part i actually have to fight him again but i have to summon like dear zilla again oh yeah okay you got you got the face up top uh-huh and then you slap the water wait you don't slap the water but i summoned my own friends yes corgi boy gets summoned this is so dumb i don't know why i like it so much it's just stupid uh-huh something about this animation of like clicking together all of these animals then bear arms i don't know i have the right to bear arms but now i have to do this fight again and i have to counter everything he does all right all right uh-huh and then i forgot how to counter that probably with the barrier nope barrier okay wasn't the barrier the weak attack counters that okay i'm picking this up again all right and then strong attack counters that very nice all right and then stronger cat counters that again very good again and then weak attack oh that's not the weak attack i was supposed to make attack him barrier now pecker i'm so slow at this i got it though i got this i got this squeak attack pow yes a good hit a good strong hit and then a barrier boom yeah i get wrecked noob learn to play i'm really good at trash talking then oh balls i missed that one every time it's okay it's okay oh a strong attack i'm good at covering the strong attack oh get slapped noob and then wick attack fire yes yes we're tied up we're tied up the battle is raging barrier that wasn't the barrier i was supposed to hit weak attack then oh no no no no oh oh this is bad uh uh-huh just quick attack get rekt yes yes i'm tying it up i'm tying it up and then barrier oh i missed the barrier again i'm so bad at this quick attack okay i'm going to countering that one don't you dare do this weak attack because i will do the oh yeah big attack yes yes yes yes don't do the strong attack okay do the strong attack do the strong attack barrier no you're gonna make me do this again aren't you game you're gonna make me do this again and i'm gonna be good this time just kidding probably gonna be bad because i forget how to do all the buttons in time and i was never good at these kinds of games drug attack yes big attack gets get tracked in the face barrier you suck so bad bad deer of evilness and then uh strong attack oh okay get destroyed noob struck attack again [Music] corgi's my friend i don't really understand the speak attack get wrecked big attack okay okay i've got it i'm actually doing good for once in my life and there you're actually like that you big ugly dork and then uh oh no no no no i was wrong button i almost had i was almost good oh wow wow i did too bad because it wasn't paying attention and then and then weak attack yes yes yes and barrier i totally missed the barrier barrier yes i did it we've destroyed him nicely job corgi dear all right now the opposite i have to do the opposite of what i did last time [Music] all right there's a deer okay should i kill him should i do it and the answer is no i shouldn't don't fire we have to save his life oh just chucked it away we broke the cycle he's getting up but what about all of the dead deer in the gravesite shaking paws these dudes are super buff do we have to fight something else now wait what what is coming up oh i don't understand but now we're together inside of a giant mech [Music] we really are power rangers are we turning it back on again we are now we can be a good force in the world or we're gonna fight something else what is happening we created a black hole there goes the rhino [Music] and the sheep person which i probably haven't figured out that easter egg yet okay and you ate it oh [Music] okay what did i do oh do i have to battle the sun now the deer is bigger than earth wait the earth is flat oh no [Laughter] conspiracy theorist won't believe this one simple trick there i am in my majesty bambi's dad in alternate reality [Music] oh wait that's me that's the that's the dad that took me like an hour to make at the beginning what i'm the final boss i don't understand i mean wait where'd he go ah right out of the things but they were crawling on the ground this is a nightmare wait i got guns on my head why do they have what is i got like shooting lightning out of my antlers like this this is a fever dream happening i don't like this at all stop it stop it fever dream right out of this circle oh no we got bears with my face oh pecker i died already my dear's astro level is s i'll just shoot me in the eyeballs i can't that's sad all right time did not suck this level is so tiny would you shoot them okay shoot the big bear shoot the big bear shoot the big bear shoot the baby run run shoot the big bear shoot the big bear bare face man i'm not gonna lie i look pretty good as a bear in real life not in the game it doesn't make sense oh wow who's that why are you spotting more things well i don't like this this is definitely a dream that i had one time when i was totally sick oh packer oh they got they're shooting missile knees at me what are you doing man what is this now run away why are there lasers i don't like lasers no no no no no no no i only have a i don't like this oh stop it already this is so weird i just want to shoot the big things because they're the super scariest now it's a giant mech me i don't even know what i have to do anymore why don't i get any cool guns like that guy has coming out of his eyeballs oh no it's the monkey man wow monkey man no that's illegal oh balls just want to run in circles the entire time because i'm scared of whatever is happening oh i figured out a button hey look i can i can shoot bigger bullets i'm like mega man now mega blitz mega megan what is happening why do you have to be so weird game bad koala man bad koala man oh no why is this so weird get out of the i don't know what happened but something did okay good we got rid of the koala boy i just want this thing to die because it's the creepiest and you you're also creepy but you're not as creepy as the four-legged me where's giant monkey up there it is there it is i gotta keep moving aha i have tricked you there's two giant monkeys oh balls we gotta destroy these things first i got one oh get up get up giant monkey man no okay i shot at the face i want to destroy oh what is this destroy that also bad because it has guns ow it shot me right in the butt shoot it in the butt yes it's dead oh balls i died again oh but the game's like oh sorry bro you really don't have to do this all over again okay kill the koala kill the koala kill the koala fill the claw get the koala kill kill koala yes can i destroy the building no but i can destroy this guy ah i get wrecked oh finally peace and quiet in the universe just kidding it is nearly impossible to dodge all this mess but i killed it anyway oh we got lightsaber bro here now oh he's got guns too what do you got guns for bud hey kill the big guy kill the big guy good oh what is that now no no no no no no no no black holes no black ah stop it i don't know what you are why are there two of them no no there's more i'm so scared i don't know what this is i don't like it at all this is weird i don't i'm just gonna jump do i do i shoot things are they killing each other i feel like they might be destroying each other and i died what in the garbage is this fight maybe i'll just shoot at the sun and pretend that's what i'm supposed to do ah never mind i don't know what's going on i don't know what's going on packer i still don't really understand what i'm supposed to do here i mean it's a giant circle of my face and then there's no no no no no no if i just keep jumping maybe i can survive no no no no no no no no no no no no can i win this no i don't think i can at a certain point the game just kind of feels sorry for you and gives you so many hurt hearts and then it's like hey here's that same boss fight you fought but don't worry we don't really have anything else to show you right now i don't even know what i don't even know what i'm supposed to do i'm just gonna run in circles and pretend this is what i'm supposed to do run run run run run i feel like it actually is working oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah run run run run run run run oh hey look okay i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm winning i'm winning i'm doing so well i'm also scared because i think it's destroying itself but i can't focus enough to look at the actual hit bar right now something happened oh no oh balls do it again it'll be funny wait what it's just me again [Music] and oh don't do it wait what wait you're grabbing the sun why are you grabbing the sun with your antlers i was gonna hit it it's gonna [Laughter] uh what that's how okay aha don't you dare crawl into its mouth don't go some weird anime on me now we're not going to attack on titan here [Music] he's going in he's going in or he's not he's just gonna like stand there triumphantly like i am dear hear me roar and then he takes a bow very nice what is that what does that even mean though you're going in i know he's going i knew he was going in why do you have to be weird i never mind did i say that this game is that's the epitome of this game is to be weird it's going to get up now isn't it i do like how the earth is flat i think that's kind of funny oh wait what oh the person the person survives maybe it's gonna survive with deer antlers uh-huh you're gonna have antlers aren't you it's good for mating season i guess you can get the you get the best the best joe or something and antlers let's see the antlers let's see them just let me look up do i have to manually look up no the neck i wasn't expecting the neck to be along but that my friends is another episode of deer simulator thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed and let me know if you did keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to give a shout out to all the patrons and youtube supporters including spider-sax if he's feared joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow doug rules 2.0 nerdy geek allen h apollo bunny otto dave ben dickie jade teddy hippies desby eagle arc maxer with the good spencer t zarnoff deegan jason m and rail
Channel: Blitz
Views: 791,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, deer simulator, deeeer simulator, deeeer simulator gameplay, deeeer simulator blitz, deer simulator blitz, blitz deer simulator, blitz deeeer simulator, games like goat simulator, simulator games, indie games, physics games, deeeer simulator boss, deeeer simulator ep 1, deeeer simulator ending, deeeer simulator true ending, deeeer simulator secret ending
Id: tjRexoqV2-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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