THIS is the STRONGEST TABS UNIT EVER in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

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hello my friends welcome back to totally accurate battle simulator it is time once again to get destroyed by a bunch of bone mages i actually forgot about the bone mages they were like really cool unit then you just realize they suck anyway welcome back we've got some more custom content to make today and you guys really enjoyed the tabs units that we made before i thought that was kind of fun i thought it was unique you guys give me ideas for we'll probably do that in the next video maybe we'll see what you guys have to say about it i'm recording a little bit ahead so piggybacking but we are going back into your suggestions isn't that right little red guy yes it is yes i'm fly anyway we're going to start off today with spider pigs invention it's called an ant this will be interesting what happens if we make him like one-tenth of the size that's 34 times one-tenth he look at him go he bounces we're gonna have to make his weight uh a little bit less probably one or point two just so he's yeah look at him go dudes just stop already what's he gonna do look he can't even walk he's so small he's gonna get squished by wait he's so small nothing else wants to fight him all right that's unique it's the ant if you were wondering so he wants 10 times movement speed i guess ants move really fast but no weapons he's gonna have two things instead if i can find it there needs to be a cert okay so the fire ant literally has he's on fire because the fire the fire is bigger than the fire ant that's hilarious and three times damage modifier okay we should also make him a ranged unit yep that works better and let's give him the voice of the poison guy yeah the potion seller this is actually funny i really want to see whoa oh that's hilarious oh that's so great this is gonna be a fun unit just a little inferno all right little fire ant let me see what you do now where if i were an ant yeah you know where the farm ants live on the farm sort of kind of okay let's see if we can do this more factions we're gonna bring the ants up into here yes and tada they're 430 points each that's not really that much this is great we'll do 40 of them what should we fight him against how about some just we'll just make up a farm here we'll do a couple wheelbarrow guys we'll have a scarecrow in the back let's do a bunch of halflings some farmers going on a potion seller because ant bites get poisoned or something wow this is actually kind of crazy i'll add some more halflings in let's see what happens i'm kind of excited all these things are so fast aren't they okay look at the look at the wheelbarrow guys go oh we're poison now the ants are poisoned i don't even know where the ants are they're so small and then there's birds attacking them huh are they dead i can't tell because if they're dead then what is that is this a poison bird um i don't know oh i feel like the aoe has destroyed a lot of my aunt friends where's are there any alive oh that was okay so this dude here and that dude there they're illegal we don't like them anymore there we go yay i'm surprised that they get hit i feel like these guys can't look at the fireballs going everywhere oh wow they're the what is that the harvester that's a tall unit okay the ants are exciting can the ants defeat a mammoth that's what i really want to know hey you guys go away i told you to leave okay here we go oh okay i don't oh wow the ants won how will we try out the ice giant do we have the fire ants versus the ice giant i feel like they aren't gonna win blue victory yeah the ice ice melts fire something like that backwards words are hard tree giant tree giants are dumb they should be able to burn up pretty easily yeah what a neat unit all right time for another new unit now this is just gonna be a normal guy just a normal that's the wobbler i'm guessing a lot of you guys also want me to like mutate like watches and stuff like literally i can't these are the only three units we can make so if you have a suggestion leave it below in the comments but know that i can't like make the tank any different i could take the wobbler and change him up a little bit which would be kind of fun maybe like make him 10 times taller just so he's really big and then he has a hard time walking so his weight needs to be 10 times bigger yeah then we have a giant we can give them a weapon but it's kind of funny to give them weapons because if we even give them something like a cyrissa which is long just disappears where'd he go i gotta try this i'm gonna name him derp that's that's his entire name we'll take a picture of derp there he is and i'll add derp to the faction there you go good job derp all right derp oh no i'll do derp versus derp attack uh-huh wow it's like interpretive dance i don't know what's going on but the cyrissa's poked himself in the chest oh really tell me again how you feel mr blue guy tell me again i feel like if i remove the weapon he might work where'd the red one go oh there he is he's interpretive dancing down here inside the wheel of shame or the hamburger of shame looks like a mcdonald's hamburger about the same amount of meat just three patties or three buns and i got some lettuce and tomatoes and pickles up top and then blue guy i don't know why he's on a burger maybe that's the worms that are in the mcdonald's hamburgers hey he won i'll be honest i haven't eaten mcdonald's in years maybe they don't have worms anymore i'm not sure but i do notice something derp is gone i don't like him anymore time to make a new unit and you shall be named 91 i'm not sure what yeah there's probably 90 others of these that's why you had to use 91. that's my guess and then he gets wizard sticks there's a stick just gonna beat somebody with a stick go away wizard staff we're doing two wizard staffs nice okay make one that shoots fire and one that shoots lightning i i don't know how to do that um i know we can do the lightning block would that work is there a fire breath or something well he's gonna get ice arena that'll work that'll be a way to spit ice there that'll that'll do the trick should we should we give him bigger hit points he didn't tell me to give him bigger hit points we're doing it he's having ten thousand i feel like this guy's asking for clothes i don't know what to give him for clothes though maybe we'll make him blindfolded that's a good thing to do for a wizard man and i'm gonna give him legs and by legs i mean a skirt no i'm not a skirt this is so hard by the way like dressing my dolls up i don't know how to do it i don't have much experience doing that okay get pants on now let's do pirate pants nope renaissance pants does that look good kind of exposing your midriff there bud how about this the spooky gown i kind of like that where shall he go because he's spooky we'll go to the spooky land okay so he's powerful enough to destroy three mammoths according to his cost let's see what he does i don't actually know i have no idea how this is gonna work whoa okay um he just got boxed in the ice hole that's not too cool wow he might actually be pretty strong yeah oh no he fell off the edge let's see if the mama's chase nope there just got stuck in a tree i already zapped him from below oh he killed one ha dang i was not expecting him to do anything now he's just gonna oh that lightning blast is pretty cool oh there he goes oh you boxed him in with you that was a pro move if i've ever seen one i like this you're keeping them above you with those those ice boxes that's pretty legit he's gonna win you got him stuck in the tree you know that mammoth can't climb trees unless you're watching ice age two but i'm feeling a different map for this purpose i'm gonna do a shield bearer wall we're gonna try to match the price now he does have arrow block correct i believe so so put in a little bit of an army there and let's give a king because that should balance it out pretty well let's see what he can do i'm not i don't have high hopes on this oh he blocks arrows yes that does work okay good oh and that lightning blast from the gandalf sticks nice whoa did you see that guy get thrown up in the air the king's gonna get roasted too oh you shall not pass nice wait oh the arrows are being thrown back with the lightning i like this guy this is pretty cool the blind wizard i like it oh he just killed the king he's he's a lot more powerful than i thought that's that's a really cool unit no joke like well done good suggestion i personally like when things get electrocuted it's funny look at him explode this guy's gonna get roasted right here ready and he's so happy he's so excited to die i like this idea shadowflame says try to make the most defensive character move slow low damage and all the deflected powers including the dark peasant hands now those are a very offensive powered thing but we'll try it i guess it's kind of both should we make him i'm feeling like he needs to be a stiffy i'm feeling like he needs to be a skelly man defensive undead sort of thing we can give him some ragged clothing i like that idea or something weird like a bucket on his head that could be it that looks pretty defensive and a fish is there a giant fish in the game what oh yeah how about that he's got a bucket too not gonna lie that's that actually looks pretty legit like something somebody made in the backyard i like it so he's supposed to move slow so let's drop this down to the slowest a negative movement speed how does that work we'll go to like 10 percent has low damage we'll drop this to 10 percent too we're gonna have to give him a butt load of hit points just like that that okay he's got like what 26 digits that doesn't even make sense what happens if we make them bigger this might be funny all this stuff grows with them that's kind of cool it's making them like 1.8 times bigger there's just a big skeleton in a bucket now he needs some special abilities he needs like the dark peasant hands that was one suggestion we could also put hay on them i feel like that's pointless though let's do the projectile block i like that idea i guess this is under defensive strange the shout should work really good i would think and i'm gonna give him the lightning block and the parry we'll give him the parry yeah that'll work should i give him a weapon that's the question and the answer is absolutely yes he needs two wall shields actually can i just put that in both hands there you go he's just hiding behind a wall i love it i have a feeling he's gonna be pretty expensive though where oh where should we take him to test i feel like he's a renaissance kind of guy just ripped off a piece of the wall yeah that'll work okay he's a million points um let's do like an all-out shield wall attack just to see what happens since he's so slow uh i should put in the squires i feel like the squares work better with the shield men and then we're just going to load up a bot load of arrow mid a buttload of archers we're not even close should i put it in catapult let's do two catapults that'll be fun and uh i don't know what else pikeman blow darter peasants boxer flag bearer a wizard put in a wizard okay we'll just see what happens i have a feeling these dark peasant hands are gonna make this a little bit more overpowered oh he blocked all the arrows and did the dark peasant explosion that pretty much took care of everything look at it he's trying to peek through the hole in the wall he's like hey guys i've got a giant shield also you can't shoot me because reasons wow he's legit he is legit he cannot be touched oh he's just picking up everyone and throwing them away okay we gotta we gotta test out the most defensive versus the most offensive kevin kevin with the dueling miniguns with ballista bolts i don't know what to do oh they're throwing each other down okay we got the throw down here but he's got the mega shield okay all of those got blocked nice oh he messed up a shield though too bad he doesn't know how to move he's gonna get stuck on that wall oop throwing it's going to take like six years to win because uh shadow flames over here doesn't have any offensive attacks neither is kevin though besides just throwing them up and down and 45 minutes later they're still just doing nothing except jumping for joy i call this one a a win for for everyone oh look at all those listables all right let's try the ice king i feel like the ice king's gonna have an interesting adventure here um ice king's gonna get ripped apart oh maybe not oh the super explosion ice king's getting some shots in that's good news we found a way to get past the never mind it's all hitting the wall wow okay i like this because he has so many hit points too oh throw it into the water you're drowning the ice king no way that was cool what about goku and goku win probably not because goku is like really really cheap yeah he's just gonna get smashed and i don't remember this guy very well but it's the balloons yeah the balloons aren't gonna make it you know what we should do i have an idea besides nevick i don't know what's going to happen with nevik i really want to try to overwhelm with a ton of artemises now can we make a super defensive guy like does it work i don't know those are hard words but we'll see because there's like gonna be a ton of arrows whoa why are they all green is artemis like the god of green stuff now did they hit where'd he go where'd he go where'd the most defensive guy ever go oh he got hit back what is going on that's supposed to be a new a new thing i didn't know there was new stuff with this oh wow are they actually hitting not really the most defensive unit ever wow look at all those look at all those arrows stuck in there we should remove the the hands guys they're cheating that hands are cheating mode i gotta give them something else though can i give him the shout did i already give him the shout i already gave him the shout i don't know what it does i mean i know what it does it blows him away the fun thing is he's so slow that all of these arrows just get messed up oh yeah it's great he's not gonna be able to do anything but he's never gonna take any damage until they get really close to him look at all those arrows in there haunting that's amazing it's the most defensive unit in the history of most defensive units i should have made him heavier so he never gets knocked back look at that that is so crazy there are so many arrows flying in i should do that with ballistas that'd be fun i feel like some of the artemises are committing sudoku over here he's gaining ground he's gaining ground he can do it well never mind he just got eaten oh man oh they're hitting him they're hitting him how did he let his guard down get up bro get up do you need us you need assistance oh he's stuck he's stuck no no no not like this your legs stuck in the door oh you poor thing they're ready to put you down like a dirty dog but he hasn't even taken a bit of damage yet oh now he is now he's stuck on the ground he's still not really doing any damage to him probably because he has like 11 bajillion hit points i kind of want to try to make them taller oh yeah that that does that works you get stuck in there dude chill a little bit there you go your head's out now does that make you feel better no you put it why do you constantly put your head through there that's not how a helmet works dude uh-huh tell me again how you feel hey did it he did it he snapped out of it oh that's cool i like that i'm gonna make him like four times heavier and by four i mean five i have to make one more he's gonna have dual mini guns that shoot ballista bolts i'll name him something like rambo he also needs to fire like i don't know 10 times faster i made them a little heavier we'll make them even heavier what is this a blister rider where do these go whoa are these like secret units where did this come from clams i can just throw in a butt load of clams no i'm so confused i gotta clear them i watch a writer oh this is all the people weird i don't know how to do that but i do know that i need to test rambo versus rambo out for science purposes okay that's that's satisfying do you think the most defensive unit ever is going to be able to withstand 61 rambos i hope so um you can't really help himself there he goes there he goes okay ready let's see let's see what happens are you ready for this i'm ready for this and i gotta slow it down he's just bracing for impact he's never going to die though oh no they moved his shield behind them here they come repair the miniguns aim for the chest i hope they pin him against the wall just that'd be funny do it because it's funny he needs to be heavier i guess here it comes nice everybody get in range we just need to unload oh no it's not heavy enough he just got eated off the entire map now you might be wondering why i don't make him heavier it's probably because i didn't know i needed to we're just going chunky mode 116 times heavier i don't know if that does anything but i hope it does snap out of it buddy snap out of it there you go who's a good snap out of here okay i want a hundred of these guys there it is okay a hundred now he's really heavy it's 116 times heavier than a typical skeleton does that do the trick can he withstand all of these miniguns oh this is hilarious i love it there's one blast did he move he didn't move yes i love it oh that's hilarious look at that he's just he's just eating it he's like please feed me more ballista balls they are knocking them back a little bit they're going through them they're hitting him so much that's great they're going to still knock him off the wall the edge look at all the mini guns i love it that is hilarious that might be the thumbnail right there my dudes that might be something about the thumbnail or that i think we've done it we've made the most defensive unit in the history of most defensive units in this game does that mean we beat the game i think it means we beat the game so video is over bye [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,697,105
Rating: 4.9199462 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, totally accurate battle simulator, totally accurate battle simulator game, totally accurate battle simulator gameplay, TABS, tabs game, tabs gameplay, tabs new units, totally accurate battle simulator update, blitz tabs, tabs update, TABS Simulation, Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Simulation, Unit creator, tabs unit creator
Id: u7V3bNsRb6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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