This Game Called Me A _______!!

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dude stop don't stop watching the video carry on watching the video how's it going dan here welcome to dude stop um i think this is like a game where you want to make the game rage which i'm all about because normally the game is making me rage so i'm i'm turning the tables right here let's hit play and let's see what happens thank you for participating in my test no problem follow my instructions and all will be fine okay i'm ready okay read the rules and do not proceed without me because you're gonna break something i kind of want to break something no joysticks i have to put my joystick away uh shush shush shush objective is to just look at vaz's i can do that okay be quiet sir i already don't like you it told me to look at the bars oh do i do it do i okay you're safe you're safe never mind what was that nothing i looked away for 10 seconds you already smashed it it wasn't me anyway what are you even doing you were supposed to wait on the previous screen you got bored bro you left me fine i'll draw a new vase just don't bother without me i really need to make this call so just just sit tight and don't click anything says who and a nun awesome okay i'm out of here see you later hi hello what is he why is he making phone calls i'm busy and you lost your place in your book wrong what's wrong why is it wrong i want to leave this is horrible [Music] what next paintings these look like these should belong in minecraft i'm taking this one i'm not doing that oh we can spin around hey why would we want to do this oh we're making them like higgledy piggledy like this yeah i want to make this guy so mad there we go i'm in damn it i need to go bye are you done with your phone call now tester what the hell yeah that's cute oh yeah i just made a bet that you're gonna be nice and you already lost on every puzzle so far just look at it from the other perspective i've won let me tell you you've lost there were 15 people before you and they all did well okay 15 15. you dare be some sort of us special snowflake and ruin the game for me he's already mad okay uh up what is this speak to me oh i don't know what that was up i'm gonna put this down planning something i'm not planning anything buddy i'm just kind of chucking your boxes around oh wait wait wait tip upside down y'all breaking the rules that's right oh the arrow it's supposed to okay sorry sorry you're not gonna play by the rules are you absolutely not great that's what i get for being too trusty i could have tried to test it all by myself but no i needed to invite you think of it as a life lesson for you [Music] why did i do that what bet are you talking about i already see how you're gonna ruin everything laugh with me and then read a walk through online just to find the best way to be the worst absolutely you're not doing that yes yes i am nasty piece of st yo thank you for censoring holy i actually made him so mad he's rage queer that was my plan all along wait am i too harsh on you you're my feeling you know what to do exactly or a cat stepped on your keyboard i don't have a cat i have a cat solution oh it was an accident you know stuff happens anyway i need to punish you great don't take it personally it's just you did bad and i want to discourage you from doing that again he's so condescending yeah this this is gonna this is tipping out taking out the bin it's yours what the trophy are you kidding me this you want to give me this it smells like a trash cup what's going on oh let's do the sarcasm please could just give me my trophy and i'll leave oh that was the tutorial let's go i am trash stay here forever enjoy the view it's even got little stinkers on it no way why are the packs unlocking that's a bug don't click better go click okay look but you can't touch jigsaw pack a rhombus finish the jigsaw puzzle to unlock this okay i'm gonna act like i know what that means and carry on don't have enough pieces look for them throughout the game and then come back fair enough i'll listen to you on this one let's try number three pack three go get it tiger be nice and eighty percent be monster in a hundred percent i want that i wanna i wanna be the worst i want the smallest trophy for being the biggest idiot let's start simple should be an easy solution for you okay so i need to put this you want me to put it there huh don't feel like it sorry so this is a hard puzzle for you what a great start treat me like i'm a dog and i have no idea what i'm doing the stamp just got stuck to my nose then i just pressed it on the envelope i'm going to know there is also a correct way to solve puzzles yeah but what if we want to go for the chaotic route if i was feeling chaotic and i was barefoot what would i do first i would put my sandals on first absolutely now get on put them on there we go i see you know the first rule of fashion oh socks and shadows no i've done it correctly no it was all a trap i don't believe it man go on give it a little push there's a little glitch here give me that no that's the wrong way thank you very much so if you do red you're a chaos if you're green you've done it right you want to avoid greens at all it's not going to change the in-game fonts i removed that feature jesters were choosing the wrong one what if i don't want to let's go for comic sans yeah the chaotic font no one likes comic sans maybe some people genuinely last chance to be good last chance huh um are we trying to take a photo of we're doing it we're doing a portrait this could be a really outdated game right now hold on no film it that's a photo which is nice of course i'm filling up your phone's memory with just awful pictures of rainbows so i'm thinking he wants me to do it this way i'm going to do it this way take tough please don't upload it anywhere yeah see this game is outdated everyone films portrait now so they could post it to tick tock this is the game didn't age well oh the old cup game huh here is your prize a diamond for your hard work in the pack thank you watch closely it's on the left and now shuffling shuffling shuffling don't give me track it's in the right where is it but do i don't i want to get it wrong but he's tempted me with a diamond no not this one at the dumb purpose it's it's right here not this one either i lied it's not a diamond of course it's not a diamond you are ruining my game why would it be a diamond oh it's so funny you should have seen your face i'm being mocked i don't believe it what is this tiny cup wait that's the one that i wanted jokes on you game that's the exact one that i want to play enable the duck or never mind no that wasn't what i wanted perfectly all right to have a small cup for being a monster in 80 an achievement rule go somewhere and do something you'll certainly get it lick and stick it so we get we get awards for doing it correctly as well man and we get awards for being nice let's go through and see what we get and then we can go back through and cause ultimate chaos uh stop let's do this i wanna make you even more angry starting let me tell you a story okay fine there were three little piggies why is one piggy made a house out of straw yeah the second piggy stole a bunch of bird eggs and regretted it and the third piggy kept ruining all my goddamn puzzles that's me you know what i'm not going to play my game and what a coincidence i have a little test right here to see if you are one of them don't even bother asking me i'm just gonna judge silently from that corner i've always been terrible at tests and apparently reading oh here we go let me let me peel it well that's satisfying wait which of the following is correct flat earth or round earth i'm feeling chaotic so i'm gonna pick this don't be coughing at me come on you're so condescending buddy which of the following is correct uh this one that took me a while not gonna lie why did i struggle with that does vaccination really cause autism i don't think so oh wait oh no no no i was gonna put yes politics got in the way is it true the world is controlled by lizard people yes that's the queen when she doesn't wear her crown your apple or your apple uh this one i mean i haven't got 100 wrong which is kind of annoying zelda name is for a boy or for a girl kind of question is this is this just testing this is like a this is like a link question isn't it boy it could be either come on now this is 2022. this game's outdated i told you which the following is allowed to do if you're playing a video game 10 invite request via social media what even the question doesn't make sense which of the following is allowed to do uh this would you believe that the illuminati control everything even games oh god wait which one do i choose uh yes oh i got it right no even randomly i got it right what my results am i dumb yes i want nothing oh god i'm having flashbacks to childhood i don't believe it i literally won that i won't accept anything less than a perfect result try again but less random clicking this time okay stop stop moaning at me please born to be dumb be a monster in a hundred percent okay i think i know what i need to pick now the last one wasn't horrible this speed run speed and then yes your apple boy this no done why did the illuminati not come up this time failed but no worries you could still participate in the ceremony hey i got the participation rewards how do i put this on my hat catch go on throw it into the air and here comes your mcdonald's take it unbelievable ain't no shame in mcdonald's the low-wage cup you're loving it i don't like your tone sir at all so why from mcdonald's packs are unlocked i'm probably earning money because it's working the test is working i'm right you're wrong the game is locked and you are out of here again i don't like your tone i need to i need to be 100 dumb wait i need this i need this yes your boy and then this for some reason what you got something to say done here are your results where'd the illuminati question go yeah fully dumb meat let's go what kind of cup is this still the stink one oh a medal with raisins something for you to eat instead of glue oh my god this game is so condescending okay um what do you want to do next wait is there any there are only four packs or do i need to go back here oh these are the puzzle pieces oh this makes more sense now uh this works right yeah uh okay we got two twenty to go do you actually want me to be good oh man i've got something okay stop telling my teacher yeah there we go no [Music] uh no your apple girl and this even my present it doesn't feel good all right and you did well you passed the exam congratulations thank you sir oh yo my little ones so fast such a great job i'm so proud of you i don't care i want to make you angry i am not any human with a shed of common sense should be able to pass this exam so don't get too excited but good job on being normal thank you sir okay you're learning good work yeah keep going like this and we can win that bet i think i was actually thinking about using the duck on you what a disaster that would be what's that anyway take this what's the duck did he mention something about the bet already because i wasn't listening to him but there's so many on this one wait have i missed some puzzle pieces too no puzzle pieces on this one but there's five three on this one okay let's just stop i don't want any i want any kind of uh trailer right and the gif on the internet you definitely know how to solve this one there's something in there let's take that you always put it here don't you oh no no wait my left you're all right why bother i'm still a monster i'm your little monster though right click oh my favorite thing one legos one quite hard to mess that up okay i'm gonna lure you into a false sense of sensibility can i land this there we go and another one and this one goes over there you dropped one no did it on purpose that on purpose see we're bonding we're definitely bonding i got this i hope you stepped on it i just realized what it said this one's gonna make me mad oh why would you car pizza like that look at this tiny slice at the top oh that's outrageous but i need to do it i need to make this man suffer how can i make the tiniest pieces ever look there's three pieces in that one slice maybe you also want to add pineapples this is a personal attack pineapples belong on pizza how many smooth brains does it take to say that it doesn't belong on pizza come on give me something to mess up next crayons get crayons to draw yeah well your job is to put it all back what if i don't what if i want to smash the crayons how do i break them i want to break them all how do i tip these out how about i just stack them up like this that might make you happy right does this work for you are we done there we go mission complete i think he wants us to put them in like a different order maybe move this one i want them all in the wrong place all of them yeah you just cleaned the mess that i made yeah i did it wrong i actually kind of feel like i helped him out there want to see a magic trick yes i'm going to make this line disappear you are and ruined it fantastic villainous is how you spell that that looks like a really wrong word i can't judge anyone's spelling i'm awful sushi what would you choose if i were to impress someone uh the chaos of a fork could not be denied ketchup with sushi i am not a sushi fan but i know that could potentially be wrong but it's right if i'm making this guy angry you wouldn't want to make them sad would you well no why is it going to make me do this no no no no no no my chaotic brain has got a little bit too far here i think what i need to do is i thought we were gonna run them over just putting that out there but i think we just need to run through the puddle was this one was this you oh sad man sad sad little man oh you finished all puzzles okay let me prepare the stage do it ladies and gents gather around we have a winner yeah it's me this person is going to receive some special trophy tonight what's it called mostly like a sock or something here it comes what is it oh my bad behind the next one what is this gonna be left damn that wasn't it okay once again you're annoying me again [Music] come on he wasn't here before stop oh just tell me what you're giving me i know it's gonna be trash all right get excited i'm so excited look at my face look look look i hope i ruined it for you this would have made me so mad most of you probably don't even watch harry potter but um this just made me very sad i can't look it anymore skip skip get out of here you can't avoid a spoiler cup that just made me so angry spoilers are literally one of the worst things oh i got a rock wait never mind there are many kinds of pet rocks hard glamorous software minerals and if it is then you tester are in dire need of some english lessons i could take some english lessons i got pet rock i'm so pleased i love how i was instantly distracted by the it should teach you some basic english and maybe then you'll finally understand me don't talk to me like that who's a good doggie now who's a good doggie hopefully me when you're in the wrong place at the wrong time something something cat by the way a cake will be available at the conclusion of the lesson let's go oh cute domestic animals page 17 exercise two let's look at the picture hello cat he's a cat it certainly is cat is in the kitchen i mean i'll take your word for it in the kitchen what the cat is on the table the cat wants to leave the kitchen does it like to jump oh cats always land on their feet i thought i'd killed the cat i was gonna say um i want to do something else cats always land on their feet cats always no i'm not doing what you say turned off the water stop stop stop stop stop always land on their feet oh controlling the cat let's go this way i don't want to leave i don't want to go that way i want to do something else how do i make this cat's life worse oh i think i was going to put it in the water when it was up there oh i've got to play by the rules unbelievable we're up to now pussycat [Music] the cat is in the bedroom yes cats like to sleep yes what is coming off of it why is it slowly disappearing sleeping that's right cats go for a walk i feel like i'm in a peppa pig episode right now no this is torture leave me alone let's count together how much hair cats lose what that's right cats lose a lot of hair what are you saying to me how do i do this wrong i can't even do it wrong how do i do it wrong what can we say about cats they are fluffy cats are weird okay i'll take that one get off the get off the screen stop it you're misbehaving you're gonna get me in trouble let's go to the next exercise if you say so page 17 exercise 4 imagine a situation linda and mary received a package oh linda and mary using some of the words from previous exercises cat very good now what are these objects for uh i think this is great i didn't say anything what's wrong with you try to use a cat in a sentence i don't like the cats now try to use a table what's in the box show me what is that oh it's a cat thing oh i get it all right i'm gonna put it upside down why it's making it so hard to do this wrong no this isn't the cat's fault let's just build it there we go hey actions during this situation wonderful yes read the last question aloud and share your thoughts on the given subject i kind of want to put the cat in the box in the box you did yes finally what i can blatantly do wrong let's go a little cat this concludes exercise 4. this is so weird this bit is so strange i don't like it it's making me uneasy domestic animals page 18 exercise 5. let's look at the picture let's this is a dog that's true to make humans happy exactly the doggy is not allowed in the kitchen that's unfortunate uh would be a shame if it got hold of these slippers going dog this way smack over come on yes take the fridge kick it as hard as you can little corgi that's what i'm talking about look how happy he is oh it's so cute give me a slipper yes no she is a bad doggie because she often steals sausages from the refrigerator what is this like a disney movie together bad doggy no no i'm not saying that she will sleep outside sleep outside that's barbaric unbelievable listening carefully to a fragment from the book i can't believe they just kicked out the corgi woof woof woof let me back in and knock your house down i will knock your house down the weather's dry it was oh the sun is falling wait wait wait wait where are you going what's happening the sun disappeared the sky was all clear the dog was having a blast so throwing shoes apples why are you throwing stuff at me i'll park all night if you let me that's right why are you throwing a nutella jar at me i hope you got no sleep ain't no way you're leaving a corgi outside i'm still barking i'm not listening what do you mean no she got what she deserved he's gonna continue to the last exercise in this lesson let me back in yeah i got it wrong let's go is that a cat or a panda let's answer some questions together if it will get me out of this sure meow we all know that cats can see ghosts but there is nothing cats can see ghosts same as dogs do they dream of big mansions of cardboard or do they see a ghost she knows i told you ghosts or maybe they realize that their feet are their hands and vice versa so many meows look at this this way or possibly we do something what can we do that's wrong here out the window [Music] it's so cute look at his little mouth fine i'll go this way i can't even go this way stop talking i hate this it's telling me to go this way but it's oh or maybe they're just cats that want outside this concludes this lesson this is like three right and three wrong i'm not going to get any rewards for this at all look watch this that's through the course but it wasn't enough i need some actual results unbelievable so you even want me to get them all wrong or all right am i gonna have to listen to that oh what's this code of shame we're being bad in all dog puzzles i only got the dog ones wrong i can't believe it do i have to sit through that whole thing again okay let's begin just to do things wrong because you know i'm trying to do it wrong cat goes in the water straight in the water yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh i got this little thing put the cat here that's right yeah dripping cat i don't know why that's relevant to leave the kitchen all right get off the table this is feels me now i'm about to drag a cat through glass that sounds horrific let's say it together sorry a sink all right and an empty glass okay you walk past it never mind that's how we get it wrong okay what's the next one cats lose a lot of hair the fastest cat you've ever seen it's a blur i want this cat to stay here and i would love to be a cat actually or a dog as long as they're well looked after being a cat or a dog with a good owner is like is heaven i would i'd happily trade everything just to be one of those describe its contents what's one of the puzzle pieces right get in the box little piggy wait cat little cat lesson three hello little friends go get them slippers you deserve them and now you're gonna the humans gonna have to walk around with one bare foot page 18 exercises this is the one where we just barked i'm yeah you ain't getting no sleep tonight why are you throwing batteries what is that a horseshoe are you eating the dog food without me that's unacceptable yeah i got it wrong okay let's not panic now this is the one that i don't know the answer to some questions together i have a feeling it's to do with the window like how do we get her to go out the window i don't want her to go out the door how do i get the cat out the wind though i shall call you chunkers and you'll be mine forever i don't want to go out the door because if i get this right by accident i'm gonna have to do this whole tape again i don't feel like listening to it for a third time i'm going this way yes out the window yeah i knew it hopefully this isn't an apartment on a tall building otherwise yeah the cat's gonna be very flat actually this is bad what was that what the hell was that i won't accept it and remember that cake well forget it no i forgot about the cake moments like that life has prepared you another gift okay what is it it better be cake shaped open up for you from life imagine if life just gave you random packages yoink it's a stress reliever okay oh it's completely different to what i thought it was going to be yoink [Music] well put together narration i feel like i need to complete some other bits so let's try and be nice fine i'll put the green in here it makes you happy it pains me greatly fills my heart with unfortunate happiness not only because of you all because of you now give me this conscience no i missed it also your room all right i'll do it at right angles and 45 degrees there we go look at that this is kind of making me hungry though just putting that out there give me that pizza i bet you're gonna eat it all by yourself absolutely right this one i think needs to be in order to need yellow next then red and then gray i know you're right you're something fun but don't worry it'll be possible later in the game will it make a draw nice just wait here and watch you succeed it pains me so thank you no worries i'm only being nice for the achievements just because i get something in return and it better be cake as well you're welcome now i've got to use the chopsticks even if i don't know how to use them it becomes all embarrassing i'm an alpha because i've used the chopsticks i can get it all right and now do we just drive really slow like this i think there's no splishy splashes on your clothes or your shoes that'll be a disaster yeah see i'm a kind person thanks to player number 17. wait i'm 17. how do i not know that i think you mentioned it before actually you did it you can be good after all so i made a trophy for you except that i didn't i ran out of ideas copy the puzzle from before and voila it's your problem now okay you build your trophy and don't forget to have fun but not too much fun i hope i would never have too much fun wait do i have to actually build this what does a trophy even look like no no no no no no none of these are correct how do you build a trophy uh like this and then yeah hold on no wait it needs to be like this we need the structural integrity of the lego to be good i just can i do something completely different i don't want to follow the norm i'm thinking we go full chaos leave that there if it was lego it wouldn't it literally would not be possible i want this save or whatever this is i have no idea it looks like some kind of uh naked tree oh i actually get it oh that's the best trophy i've got so far the golden cup 100 being nice it pained me to do it buddy it pains me oh we can rebuild as well that's kind of nice are you gonna make me do this again be nice in a hundred percent have i not done that oh i have to be nice to go forwards oh no i'm gonna have to listen to it again i don't want to do it don't make me can i just like skip through it and send the cat across i can okay so if i know the solution i could just do it be quiet i don't want to listen to your stories lady next page this one we just go this way okay this is much easier about cats cats are dumb and weird exactly we've already covered this wait so for this i don't actually know what the correct thing is i'm guessing whoa whoa whoa calm down there put this on there and shove the cat in there that's not exactly how you should sit in there but hey if you're comfortable i'm happy okay so this is this way yeah out the door go walkies little doggo enjoy let's say bye-bye to the doggies i'm just setting free actually i haven't taken a walk at all okay i don't know what happens to this one i just need to not bark right now no no no stop barking stop it stop it we just have to lay back and uh enjoy this cutscene went out for a walk it certainly did the sun disappeared the sky was awkward it doesn't even rhyme oh it's jarring he doesn't look like he's having a blast he looks he looks depressed he's outside by [Music] you know what today he was good continue to the last exercise in this lesson thank you right this one we have completed before get out of here kitty go for a walk maybe you'll see your dog friends there we go get out of here right i've been nice can you let me through the level please oh i see that okay looks awful it looks like it's made out of chorus fruit from my kids or was it too challenging it was fine i guess as you can see i wasn't lying about the cake oh we put in oh i see okay cherries on top little candle don't mind if i do you need to like like what candle i'm trying to candle and there is cake you know stick it in already okay all right all right i'm trying there we go never mind i take it all back now what yeah it's lit i did not just say that oh god this game is old no no don't do that again and new pack oh something so many presents please don't be another narrated story i'll be so upset oh it's a bomb never mind i want to be very careful okay let's uh stab it stab the bomb and then we'll see what happens here we go how do you say language test how do you pronounce it i'll destroy the game why'd you turn the lights out that wasn't fun look next time fully dead just in case this drive is very valuable it contains all my take care to safely remove absolutely not are you sure you don't want to save it no no no your parents never teach you how to use flowers why was that a thing was that actually a thing because i never i never adhered to the rules of a usb and i don't think you should too technology should not control us i'm gonna let her run dry yeah yeah yeah yeah don't leave it hanging why not what happens if i do let it charge no no no i can't succumb to the technology how do i make it charge less i need to leave on a youtube video for hours to drain the battery let's see what happens i can't figure it out what do we do no stop it stop yes yes giving you one last chance you're blowing you're shouting at me and this yourself i'm super sick duck is coming i kind of want to see what the duck is though that's a cat that's not a duck can we take a picture of the cat do we take a picture of it upside down on the floor i think that will do put the phone down no one needs this much photos of your stupid cat oh no it's green no no no no no no no who are these guys these remind me of old chat rooms this is crazy is this way is this the meme guy is this like really old meme i feel like it is we're gonna skip the queue on it skip look how angry he is skipping past stop by me do not mind me sir just coming past there he goes they indicate that you're doing something wrong technically it's not me i'm just gonna oh he's really angry i'm about to get punched they don't have hands so they can't even punch all they can do is head by each other fight fight fight fight fight fight fight fight i can't fight we have no hands we've been over this next game guys and you are in a role of a driver okay do you guys want to get on i always think that when i see someone running for the bus does the bus driver just cut them off to skip to his to stick to his schedule could it be me but today today it is you know what bad drivers get no walking oh fair enough oh he doesn't want me to step on the cracks and you're on fire never played this game as a child not on fire wasn't it like step on a crack break your mom's back is that not what it was get to the right side we were playing like the extreme version i guess chaotic outcome has been achieved back and do it properly absolutely no i will not do what you say oh wait no no no axe did one correct i've gotta play it again oh blow up the bomb which was the one i did correctly oh the cat's somersault one yeah let's get back to that how do i fail this one maybe i could i don't want to take a picture of the cat i found the jigsaw piece it's gotta be something to do with his pen surely okay no no no no no no no one needs to i will not put the phone down give me it give me give me give me give me it no did that work i'm done i should have to take an extra vote you naughty player he could be naughty dog initialize oh god loads and the anti-cheat hey i'm not cheating don't worry i'm fine it's your fault you know i have to use it on you this game warning oh god this is gonna go horribly wrong yeah yeah i know unstable yeah activate duck please activate the dog i'm not scared of duck yes oh damn it yes why is it twitching oh no what have you done well i know duck wasn't finished but why did you activate it dummy now the cat's gonna mutate and take us out there's a few glitches but it's gonna be fine just as planned okay duck is activated and you won't even have a chance to mess with the game again i dare you always a challenge buddy that might be a challenge let's try and smack up all these smilies and see what happens yeah coming through coming through i want the lemonade quickly i'll give you this i want the lemonade from the lemonade stand please keep going you can't oh just watch me not even the duck couldn't stop me there we go get through get through and now look how my duck will undo this wait what the hell yes i've defied your antivirus let's try again same puzzle let's move on wait okay let's do a good solution then oh i need the i need all the bad ones come on buddy don't be salty just because your program doesn't work yeah there we go pushed in front it's right there move him to the back don't do it doc don't do it back go back no know your place no no i will not i'm defying you i'm not being the duck for you are we just gonna sit here forever huh would you make do you want me to go back i don't want to get green on this okay i'm at the back you feel you feel nice now okay good i had two hello what's going on yes oh the duck is working for me now i can't even do right things if i tried which is great because i really want to do it oh let me double check something this is not what i had planned oh yeah doc you can't spell your awful i just move this no you're typing with one finger i can hear it that's unacceptable what's gonna happen now all this working all looks good okay i accept your challenge the duck reboot hey tester try now what the oh sorry for hitting you please let them all combine together transform the style and turn into a mini boss that would be great i come here you i want to get to the front it's so jarring to do no glitches everything fine no god damn you duck why don't you work you should invent this stuff i like this that took way too long we driving the bus next so i'm closing them doors you best believe it wait for that one you want to join oh right there the bad solution doesn't work now open the door and let him in no no no no good finally let's move why did it reset i was gonna say that is unacceptable i actually felt like really awful to do something good for a change there we go then close leaving behind this smiley face here is like hmm are you sure you want to do that and he is angry i changed your tone buddy and get on board what's going on okay i'm starting to think the unstable thing is the duck yes both of you could be both i'm definitely feeling unstable today i get it it's not working let's switch to the next puzzle already okay hopefully that was a fail honestly i have a feeling now he's stepping on all the cracks badly this escalated though there we go i told you i missed the little puzzle you did a bad job as always and this buggy piece of crap did nothing to prevent it that's right destined to fail that didn't last long but yep i'm shutting it down yeah good i bet it doesn't work i mean i thought it's gonna stop you but apparently it's as broken as you come on nobody disable duck are you sure you want to disable yeah yeah yeah yeah y e s yeah you're definitely someone who types with one thing oh god what's happened now what happened i i don't see your screen anymore do you see anything okay if you do well this is awkward but you'll have to destroy the duck yourself i know i know you don't like me but just do what i tell you and don't mess with me i want to mess with you please what do i get out of this what do i obtain would you no kindly i don't know how how do i do this oh escape okay you should see all the debug buttons oh you can see all the debug buttons don't touch anything unless i tell you to i mean please don't touch anything what can i press press let's press oh and keep in mind let's change something else let's put it all the way up to that's how high it's going to be click duck options okay i'm busy microtransactions uh and they you can't turn them off that's funny uh show extra one color on the screen and blur it up i mean why not there you go right dot options and inside options click the destroy duck easy okay last step after the loading finishes you will see two this is my calling click the i don't mess it up i have to click the red one did you do it yeah good yeah i did it wait for a bit i did it full access oh god self loading oh no no it should be good oh i already see a screen hello doc um where is the cup and walk up why is the duck's icon here did you click the wrong button oh my god you are just just what amazing but thank you buddy that it's not gonna keep breaking the game now i mean i'm seeing a few little fluctuations oh great fantastic the bug becomes a feature the only cop that mattered gimme here's hoping you'll just hey it was to begin wait wait why is it here go back oh i moved that's weird stop let's do this oh i like this pack i made it so you would have less time to think about how to ruin it no let's hope duck won't get in the way okay uh i'm i'm guessing it's going to this is knock knock uh stay silent remember i want to get this wrong these smiley faces are so cute by the way okay first puzzle worked no ducks so far okay let's go yes that's oh wait did that just make the elevator fall that wasn't the um we don't say polo move the ball easy dub oh i missed oh my bad yeah you are doing bad how do you know how do you know i just said that i don't like that this is like warioware i've made it better i've improved the mona lisa oh my i still can't understand why you clicked the red button cause let's see your results chaos is where i need to be right now 46.46 there is your reward a golden shoe yeah but be quick if you want one oh no no no no what's this it's so easy to trick you you never learn so mean everybody why would i give you something good if you did bad why talk to me like i'm a five-year-old exactly stinky sneaker no cold resistance no fashion plus odor okay that was funny i'll give you that one i'm just gonna stick here forever okay enjoy the smell i could plug the duck into deserve a new pack hello friends give me a new pack please please why is it what's good what's going on hmm what are you doing ducky where are you going no did you see it the duck has just unlocked a new pack i did what'd we get not again i love this duck let's keep on going uh let's press stop let's just go for it what learning process oh it's the ai learning i forgot oh oh learning process it is the worst possible time for that press escape exit now no don't you dare continue oh i actually really enjoyed the flying for somebody please don't teach the duck anything back okay here goes what are you doing recycling all in here what is this like a wilted i don't know a wilted rose gonna ruin the whole game that's the idea that's it we're all done here that's going over here this is paper you dare what do i do with this i don't i don't want to put it in the bin no oh i thought i just did a trick shot what if i just put it in there anyway no no no no perfect you've edited the wrong solution i did indeed this is my plan the whole time now it's going to think that being bad is normal amazing i want to see the evil duck over here job number 17 great freaking job you are welcome sir opens broad are you eating at this time you're supposed to be stressed you know what i really think it's stuck it's not really gonna do anything it's broken everything in this game is broken okay i remember you said that let's see what happens but you know what i'm not giving up on you yet no let's check your driving skills wait why driving skills i want to crash there we go go faster yes i see no duck that would infuriate me that's so dangerous but in the game it's okay what we got next from left stick to right without changing the order without changing the order oh okay my bad we're doing this doing this and we're doing this okay that's not what i was supposed to do let's do i mean this should be fine right this is chaos enough we put the yellow one in here and this one here perfect what are you two mental age of two yes absolutely uh remember i think this is the last one in the game what do you mean last bus i'm walking see you later i'm in front of the bus see you later i am circling the bus what do i do get on the bus and try and drive it leave just walk to a corner of the screen oh i get it don't be shy every single seat is free but i sit next to the only person there oh i am chaotic i think i said that about 4 000 times in this this level requires some floating what do we put in oh i see yeah whites whites whites oh is this a red sock would be a shame if it were to oh all in there there we go and this as well why would you wait oh the duck is still here and it's learning again still running look all this oh pink it's not gonna end well i don't think it is i wonder if there's like different endings to this game one man's loss is some ducks win okay we'll take that check this cool photo of a cup i made oh and you can check the next few as well okay what have you got on here so many cups you can give the phone hey i'll go back in everything else if you've been taking pictures off oh you dare look at the second album a second don't you dare it's my private photos why they're still cups huh why are you on a date with a cup why have you taken the cup home i'm not trusting my phone to you anymore why is there a family of cups what's going on here buddy this one is actually really simple just find a shirt that you like and drop it into the basket okay i have no idea how you can mess this up okay no wait there's one on the floor i messed it up successfully what about all of them on the floor there we go a child an annoying little brat oh buddy calm down you can't talk to a child like that what do i do now though now that i've made everything all dirty i don't actually want to complete this what has happened no no i don't want to complete it no no no no or maybe it's just me advice [Music] let's just hope he got the best from you wait is it gonna record the film no it's recording in the cinema that's like he's not even recording the screen is he that's illegal it's illegal oh my god what have you done with my duck yo the duck's getting arrested zero zero five no don't reinforce this behavior you're horrible by yourself and now you're mentoring an even more horrible sidekick yes sir on man i'll lose my mind or worse i'll lose the bet i didn't hear anything about a bet because i wasn't listening you know all the machine and of course duck got you to a cup level but you know what i'm not gonna give you this cup so easily already put it inside the machine just so you would try and try and ultimately fail what if i just do it here missed it hey be quiet am i meant to grab this i guess i am give me give me give me you still don't get it do you you're not getting the cup this clunky piece of junk is all you get i'll take the claw though i'll take that it looks useless but it is fair enough you've got a claw and it's not even a cup what's that on the bottom ooh activate this again he's going to unlock the next pack even if you did bad what do i want i want this yes you are a legend sir thank you pack number 10. you're going to play the hardest pack now oh watching you fail i'm going to enjoy mom did we hang up on mum this this is [ __ ] on my heartstrings a little bit i just stole something all right hang up on them oh i bet you gonna regret it oh god though yeah this is actually this would actually happen next what's this spray no it smells nice but still locked so i'll take this i can't take the spray i'll take it this way hmm oh we can skip through them this is kind of cool before marked day arrives oh i see it's gonna distract you are you going to draw a uh smiley face that's a smiley face i swear i don't want to complete it though i don't want to stop delaying procrastinating i'm procrastinating get my phone out do everything in the last moment hey they never told me that at school place these pictures from my favorite nephew on the fridge this is a lot uh can i just take the photos i've got a bucket i need the key i'll take the key i'm gonna hang these up here i do the opposite of what he says i'm going to hang up all of them apart from the one with your nephew yeah yeah yeah yeah drawing it join it oh can i put them in here no stop it and you look it's not shouted pitches away another exam getting your pens ready no pens no cheating you were a snitch at school weren't you you can carry something in these pockets can i this just looks like a butt to me uh let's go all the way back to the beginning i need key going on a date yes so i am going to what am i going to do i need something to make this date horrible phone in there he in there and that's how you do everything no take it out take it out take it out it's something else to put in these pockets i need something awful hmm really there we go [Music] i certainly did annoy you on purpose i don't want to spray him i don't want to make him smell nice nice no no no i want this to be awful take off the hat what if i just spray too much on him spread on the flower get rid of it yes i remember the wilted rose from before let's go you smell fantastic sir so how do i fix this oh here we go your pen is empty it appears so this is you can take this but return it when you're done black ink i'm gonna take this no and then come back and finish it no no stop why are you so aggressive let's do this page and then move the day along i don't want to finish my homework how do i avoid finishing the homework i'm also stealing your pen that's going in my pocket i'm stealing it how do i finish these ones i don't want to complete the test good now you can move on do i get an f yes great success but do i need a worse f than that oh do i have to give the pen back here have this or the key fine have the pen no take the pen take the pen i will not give you that back i will give you didn't you forget anything nope i i forgot nothing let's see what happens if i finish this i don't want to tick though yes okay miss the due date perfect here is your graded work b minus that's actually kind of good okay there's higher expectations than i had for my grades uh i need to give him back something if i put those in there what happens no that's a tick i don't want a tick or people around this way that's a tick as well what can i put in the jeans i need to give him back the pen but i don't want to bone keys oh god i'm stuck and i can't put the pen in these pockets for some reason i guess it's just too big i might just have to complete them even though i don't want to so that goes in there and then the pen goes back is i'm gonna have to do it i don't know what else to do good let's see if you got any cups today i mean i don't think i did this guy is horrible and to be fair i have made his day awful oh great yeah here we go every time i accidentally do a couple of them oh this is awful should i just be nice am i a changed man wait i know how i can get rid of you how i just need to message my friend and tell him yeah this could work no i walked out for a second and you you could try it again but this time on your own okay so do i answer mom oh no i'm taking the pen i'm chatting here uh who you chatting to we've got the bin i can take the bin can i take anything else though can i take this how do i fail oh oh oh oh no what's happening screen share is ready oh we about to see what he's saying oh here we go having problems again what is going on who are you chatting to sounds like a lame excuse wait a second i have a weird error here sure error do i need to disconnect this oh it just disappeared i fixed it oh oh by the way he already agreed that duck broke the game and the deal is off okay i'm giving you a chance to leave on your own do i just i'm just going to answer mom hello mom hello help me i'm stuck here right i am going to unlock this i don't know i have a change apart i'm taking you out that's right you're gonna stink real nice there you go get out of here enjoy your date buddy it's so much easier being nice wait hello hello what are you saying i wouldn't know all your secrets wait i get it your test is failing puzzles so i won the bet yeah here we go ah it's not working how did i close it last time i've got the bet i'm gonna get what are you gonna get what you're gonna get i need to know the price i like this music this is vibe i think he's gonna tell us he's taking too long to type close oh it disappeared again my camera ready no freaking way oh come on disconnect i don't even want to know right just quickly do our homework and then this whole thing is over by the way why is the duck even trying to access the internet who knows i just know that my homework's done i'm a changed man now i know you're watching me i'm a changed man and not because i'm stuck all right not because i'm stuck at all you guys put this in here and then take this write the rest now my pen please hey can i pen buddy can i have a pen another option to break the bet is for you player to leave i'm not gonna leave just turn off your computer and go back to your stupid mobile games i've come too far to leave yeah open hey that feels awful oh let's put this one get in there okay get in the pocket there we go pocket pocket oh we've just all done an all green level this feels weird let me see what you're up to next uh we'll just say i'll send a recording to her deleted deleteds come on man my mom uses pc deleter okay this is getting sketchy real sketchy okay number 17 to be clear my plan didn't work i thought i could use this broken duck as an excuse to cancel the bed but my friend didn't believe me okay wait what is this network settings what the hell um allow hell no oh i should click yes so player why do you want me to lose because you were rude to me every ruined puzzle i'm one step closer to being humiliated for life yep sounds good to me no coming back from that that's what i want i want you to fail it was a hard pack hmm always just a little task remaining try to remember and combine all the items you used that's totally not me checking whether or not you played this ultra hard pack by yourself i'm pretty sure or play throughs this [Music] this yeah solved the case let's go golden briefcase i'll take it i'll take it though it's made of gold i'll sell it or something make some money the golden pen number 11. that's suspicious is it plotting something maybe maybe what we got pack 11. it's getting rusty over here for some reason it's christmas time you need to put it down nope nope in the box we're going to put all this stuff in the box i'm back to my old ways easter nah it's halfway to needing to put it back up again that's all get in the box i bet if you did the same thing in real life you would have lots of spider nests there oh yeah i would laugh my ass off i laugh when you are miserable thank you it seems yeah the connection dropped again i can't see your screen don't proceed it may be to resolve itself and i bet that's how you solve all your problems as well by waiting no it's not some kind of this i will not accept this next to the internet keep retrying you got this oh no i'm stuck i'm stuck on a debug max attempts reached and it's back we did nothing and it worked it did i'm such a role model i hope there wasn't a child seven dollars okay i'll take that i'm going to take the money and run that's what i'm going to do here's a hint shake check so i need to fail this two four six there you go is this everything that i have oh you could just use a credit card oh no i added it correctly i'm too good at being a good person now sorry oh come on give me a break what is this play football and no not soccer we literally have a foot and a ball yeah you tell him you tell him all right what are we trying to do here we can't pick up the ball i'm kind of yeah there we go over the top yes chaos can't you read sign language look there's a hand and a red line what does it mean oh no littering fair enough what's not to understand could you do some power lifting yes unplug everything and then put this here others no absolutely not you are done agree again oh how do i keep on doing it by accident here are the last scoops of my favorite chocolate cream now make me a sandwich i'll do my best king i will do my best there's more left i know there's more chill out buddy i try to make amends all right there you go take this the yin and yang of this sandwich brings harmony hey nice maybe if i am nice to him uh i won't be i don't know i won't be yelled at anymore maybe that's the thing do i really need to explain this to you even monkeys do it okay okay why does the circle not fit in there i'm doing these all correct now i've changed i've definitely changed my ways double good thank you sir i definitely failed this though again every time fine fine i will put the tree in the box if that's really what you want me to do in a timely manner i'll do it celebrate it for half a year easy mode that's how you succeed in life by doing good deeds in a video game this one is 2 4 six seven i don't know american coins but right it seems to have worked out just impossible sarcasm a winning streak this one needs to go in the bin i guess oh yeah mama you did some sports today god he's still being sarcastic to me and then the rest we know how this works oh game inside the game what's this boom game reception complete to get it done sliding puzzles man so much you don't understand uh yep yep yep uh yes three to go three oh god yeah that one going there this one going now the last one a holy grail let me touch it i actually got it the holy grail hold on being nice does pay off i've tried to make your life horrific but all i need to do is be nice look at that i got this as well another gold cup too fast and i still have no idea how to cancel that stupid promise okay that's not my problem how about um i lock the next pack so you won't be able to proceed that's just me doc help me out no no no no please let me through do i need to do all of these badly now because most of these solutions i have no idea what to do some of them are in the box just really couldn't do even find a way to ruin it the christmas tree goes in the box this one goes in here that went better than expected okay never mind that no here is a scenario there's something to do with the time so i press down it goes to seven and then eight okay yeah yeah i don't get the reference next time you do it think about the consequences what if your neighbor oh it's about the noise okay that's a proper boomer solution it was just the noise okay now this one i have no idea you weren't in a month by doing tissues what if i shake this out and grab the fly give me the fly given this uh what about just three pennies that's all you're getting three pennies and this and this nothing else will come out the wallet why i think you have to no no no no i've done it right this one's actually really hard to do wrong the coins go into the hat's root oh stop it oh wait i can just put them wherever i want bad person i'm pretty sure you understand that i did not think that was gonna work there's no space for the angry words nevermind wait choose a port it's got to be 420 i don't think that makes a difference but we did it anyway are we trying to connect to the internet again oh it did it view info darkbase close continue okay why am i trying to do this wrong i completely forgot i think i am right over there shoe as well that was very eco unfriendly i'd say it was eco hateful okay that one's a red one as well perfect could you do some power it doesn't fit there are you sure why can't why doesn't it bit i could fit it if i wanted to it won't be like there would be no electricity left for you stop being i don't know how that completed but that's fine we got another one and it's glitching with this thing player are you doing something that i said not to i hope no never i would never do that check here what's broke choose a file to upload morning noise missed hand littering uh let's do miss hand i'll send you a picture of a hand that's it oh wait i heard you were clicking no no no no i wasn't doing anything [Music] okay where were we okay i think for this one we're just chucking this away it's empty this is the kitchen for hands it's empty come on and then this is what i really need to explain this to you try and go in the circle hey well that was a lucky miss click i'm cheating tired of your stuff yeah i hope you are by now it's been a while oh this cup looks too good for your bad actions let's spice it up with some alchemy yes sir okay this is more my vibe the second eyeball first let's throw in the pot and then off the tiger a carrot an every size carrot random floss tears of a pony or tears of a pony and a foot and add a butt scratcher butt scratcher an egg with a thousand spiders i do not mean to do that we'll take this as well normal looking metal cup what about the hat let's say the magic and here goes the cup to bite your head off oh my god look at this thing it's beautiful no don't boo it that's beautiful that's the best cup i've got so far i love it i want two wait i got the rusty cup too no i loved it for a reason i knew it you duck what do you mean database is it also storing the solutions who knows let's find out all last pack last pack final cut game over dudes game over oh man we've come this far loose i guess no no pity for me yep still gonna be bad absolutely absolutely gonna be bad to be fair i did the last ones correct just for you just to save a little bit of face this is the last pack yep don't get emotional on me change anything but we still need to pull through it let's start by setting up a christmas tree what what do you mean why a christmas tree wait don't touch it yet it's too soon i don't care it's the worst christmas tree i've ever seen now it's fine it's fine oh duck stop saving solutions to this database of is yours to see it ever and the puzzle you failed it i did on purpose wash your hands absolutely not let's go for um let's do bun and then the rest that works right look at this oh look at this cheese yeah this is how you make a good burger look at that imagine eating that i would feel so wrong even though it's the same combination i want it to be so wrong what is this nonsense follow the instructions in the list i will never pickles the top tier by the way just saying hmm let's try it normally me and then cheese uh it might be because i've done the pickles in the correct order by accident uh tomato and then lettuce this was like a good burger to be fair there we go enjoy what i see where this is why are you saying what's the oh and problem you're doing this for cups achievements and subscribers then forget it you're not getting anything yes pickles in a burger is top tier you can't be giving me a fail for that unbelievable let's do some math the player has three balloons and it's one string you're right how many attempts does the player need to get back the lost balloon can i pop it or just let it go see you later catch it it's stopping i feel so bad for the teddy bear that's the only person i feel bad for right you don't need a steering wheel controller for this puzzle i have one if you want me to try where do we need to drive this bad boy just here this is where i can park it right there we go look at that perfect parking you're gonna fail the whole test if you ruin at least one more puzzle just one more i'm done with you no joking i'll ban you i'll delete the game i'll call your [ __ ] not my mom no please no i draw the line please not my mother or here's the dark way okay let's see what this duck is up to now huh a mailing list a survey well the meaning is why you've been doing no need just ask me bad you were bad the worst absolutely be kind are those my contacts yup hey that's the guy i made the bed with don't send him anything you stupid duck oh god who was it his name is come on something do something abort it somehow i don't know it's gonna is it mark is it mark i won't let me do it close hmm yes no no no no he's gonna send your solutions to all my friends like all solutions [Music] okay player player you must click no you must you hear me oh click no or i'll oh god oh god i feel bad i already feel bad i've had a change of heart i'm gonna have to click no i'm sorry oh thank you sorry duck thank you i can't remember that oh god i'm not ruining my life you can't even imagine how bad this could have ended if you oh okay okay okay oh you've got this avoided let's continue are you sure you're fine you don't sound fine oh here's a puzzle to match clothes and none of your oh but this is a classic red and blue ensemble stuff in my world they don't match not sure what you're alluding to there no i see you go for the stats not for the looks oh yeah you ugly oh gosh ah right in the heart oh he said sorry never mind oh okay enter a new password let's see if you can come up with a secure and reliable password easy one one one one i can brute force it by repeatedly smashing my head on the keyboard that's how insecure your password is don't worry we're all a little bit insecure did we do it oh no did i did i mess up do i have to send the emails is that what i need to do you're gonna make me send the emails to everyone get up christmas treat please you're misbehaving what was that here we go yes and see what happens and everything seems pretty extreme though but i think i'm gonna do it no what have you done that's right my evil lock is coming and it's from the duck and it's uh linked to the duck solution database yep with all your bad solutions yep oh my god the fridge is gonna see this mail that's just poop is that the best you could come up with buddy wait we're still doing it you do this number 17 why buddy yo i'm sorry no sorry i can like like message him and tell him who am i kidding he would never believe me i do feel kind of bad nothing good in you even your taste is the worst oh man calm down i think that looks okay the socks match the bow it's not too bad you know what screw this screw this game oh wow oh you player i don't want to fulfill my part of the bet i'm out um what do i want to do now one two three four password is too easy uh there we go stop playing already no i want to see what happens to you what happens give me the stupid trophy it's breaking the test is over yeah could i have this please just like all the other testers and now here i am [ __ ] my stuff what did you do that was so bad testing all together or dump it in early access and let others test it it's even got my little number on it that's so cute man i'm so pleased with myself yes i'm still here screen the game is over and stop sitting here waiting for the cuff wait wait wait wait what's that what are you saying you did nothing wrong and you'd need this cup please should i remind you should i tell you how you broke my game i can do that that you're the one and only who managed to put sandals over socks [Music] you broke everything you even broke my duck my precious duck and now all your solutions are online okay everyone is gonna see them all the people here are gonna see it too why am i arguing with the narrative oh and i'm sure you freaking enjoy how that stupid word triggered i am right now and that's why you can't get this cup because after what you did you get nothing nothing i said you know the funniest part i even had more cups for you like this one for example hello it's the best tester in the world cup guess what you won't get it huh oh look at this thing look at it hey oh that's what's trying to do this whole time give me the ultimate cut you nasty pizza thank you thank you for censoring yourself if we just complete it i randomly chose to play this game in like five minutes i was like you know what it's on my wish list it's been there for ages let's play it that was quite the trip though was not what i was expecting at all but i enjoyed it and hopefully you enjoyed it too oh oh oh wait wait wait view last message hello world hello that's me hello you okay thank you for training my algorithms no worries i need to migrate by or now oh god the ducks are coming i need to share my knowledge why are we getting the sad music what's going on i need to show others how to be like you oh that's cute thank you dot goodbye see you later doc it's been nice knowing you buddy remove dog from the game i guess so i wasn't even attached to the dog but i feel sad well i guess that's it thank you so much for watching this i appreciate it you know trash wait is bit of trash not like an old school minecraft artist i swear thank you for ruining the game you are welcome i tried my best i didn't manage to ruin every single piece but we almost got there guys thanks so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this i very much did like if you're new subscribe if you liked it or the other way around and i'll see you in the next one have a good day
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,584,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, funny
Id: yUbo9K0m2gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 24sec (4884 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 11 2022
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