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my dogs are gonna hate this game so i hope they don't bark throughout this play-through but they might do there's a creepy cat on the screen welcome everyone how's it going welcome to stray which is a game about a stray cat in like a steam steampunk futuristic kind of town city i think so anyway but i've had my eye on this game for a while there's been plenty online about it i've been counting down the days so it comes out and today is the day thank you so much to the developers for sending me an early copy so i can show you it and um i'm ready to just play this from beginning to end i'm hoping for cats and the memes have been strong so i'm hoping for some memes i'll be disappointed if there isn't hey i'll be looking forward to this too if you are uh if we could get a load of likes for the beginning of the series that'd be awesome and um subscribe too if you're brand new so you don't miss out on any other future episodes of this look at this red moon where are we at can we give you some intense cat gameplay straight away i thought that was me but there's another one just trying to swap the drone that is the camera now i don't have a cat but i find cats hilarious so i'm hoping there's lots of funny times to be had with these guys and maybe some cute ones as well i'm not too sure i haven't seen a lot about the storyline of this game but i know a lot of kind of the images and stuff that they've been circulating online and there is lots of hype for this game oh my god i'm a cat look at me oh i'm speedy look at me go i can run in circles yes okay i am nimble jeez right triangle oh adorable oh my sorry yeah my bad i'm about to get owned i know cats like to do the slapping so oh that's cute they're kissing is that cute i think that's cute i mean cats can be pretty crazy towards each other i've seen some cats fight before i've heard them they're insane hello are you insane oh oh what was i just saying easy way out i just heard some mist show them your belly and they'll be like yeah i surrender but we just there we go we just rubbed backs isn't that a thing that cats do when they like each other i'm pretty sure hello you see i'm doing it as well these cats are linking up to my narration perfectly oh look at that so cute so oh i can zoom in i can zoom in on the cat action this place is ridiculous i'm guessing we're in the outskirts of the city because i haven't seen no buildings or anything no definitely not all right let's lay down here go for a little nap it's too it's too wet cats don't like water at least i know that the advantage is cats pretty much land on their feet exclusively and they have nine lives so if you could dish me out a couple extra lives now that'd be great what's gonna happen when we sleep though oh look at him so cute i don't know what kind of cat we're gonna become i like the markings on their face i wonder if we end up with like a cool scar or something the cats like butterflies i don't actually know you better be careful if i wake up you're getting sweated oh he's so cute at least the weather has turned around though now these my family or friends i guess it doesn't really matter we gotta stick together look at that cat stretch so satisfying what we up to fellas where are we going where are we heading next maybe we're family because we've all got that same orange tinge yeah i've got kind of like cool tiger like features with the pattern down my back oh that's better inside the wall and it's in a different language that's definitely some kind of made up language i'm sure look let's go now i hope oh i've just had a thought whenever there is a pet or an animal in a video game that's either close to the protagonist or is the protagonist they always get hurt or die game please before we start let's get this straight don't do anything to the cats let's let's let everyone be fine these four right here they seem like homies don't let anything happen to them all right please just remember i said that i'm not ready for an emotional roller coaster like i said i don't have a cat but i'll still cry over one oh wait you're not you're not orange at all what's going on here black cat no it's black sheep isn't it never mind look at this this is great oh we can jump yeah cats don't like water i mean even humans wouldn't walk in that water i don't think let's go let's follow this guy right here it seems like you are the ringleader of this operation for a circle to meow [Music] no way can we talk right you you gonna talk to me oh you are oh my this is so cute focus we could chat to each other i don't know what we said but they all paid attention [Music] oh it's so cute i'm kind of a tall cat no i don't know how tall cats are but i feel like i got some i got some long legs i'm guessing this is kind of like an intro to the game giving us all the techniques to become the best cat we could ever be scratching post don't mind if i do let me sharpen up these puppies yeah that's right look at him if i see any enemies you're getting swatted just like that butterfly the left and right paws are ready to go now i hope we don't come across anyone so i don't want to have to use these all right they're sharpened but i don't want to have to use them little drink hold up fellas give me a sec this feels like just like a cat simulator right now which i'm i'm i'm okay with something that will drink from this puddle as well why not i'm hydrated let's go i'm bounding they look so free and happy this okay this is a little bit scary though i'm glad we're an agile cat and not like a dumb human and we're looking at ah i appreciate you oh they're so cute something bad's gonna happen isn't it they're setting up this like relationship way too much and i don't like it just put me on put me on edge look for this guy this time this guy's got a shortcut here we go look at this place this game is beautiful so far holy this looks amazing oh yeah yeah we could risk it all there is to what nine lives i haven't died yet got plenty of opportunity though that is a that is a long drop hold extra chain jumps yes we are so agile i'm getting down here got there first never mind he's beating me let's go run i'll race ya this is so cute it's hurting my heart i love it swinging my heart huge and where we go do we know where we're going because i'm kind of leading the way right now i have no idea where we're heading to it looks like you guys know whoa okay hold l2 to observe also we're getting close to man-made structures now cause i'm assuming the cats didn't build that it would be impressive if they did but i'm assuming they didn't let's go we have different ways we can go i think wants me to go this way i'm not going to mess around that is a that's even making me feel weird right now oh when i'm standing on like a really tall something and i can see a drop it makes me feel funny oh hold up no no no no no i don't like that where this is going what did i say about relationship building that's me isn't it oh my god not now you can't kill me off yet so i must survive because that's me oh they're powerless i'm having lion king flashbacks oh my god okay i was gonna say that's not too bad but that is quite the tumble into some tin cans are they tugging on the heart strings already man i wasn't prepared for this i thought this was gonna be a light-hearted game where i could just swap things so i could just jump wherever i wanted to oh god i'm limping i want to reach into the screen and give it a hug is that me i think that's them oh that's even more heartbreaking that's them like crying for me oh no please no please no please no please this is horrible i really feel for it already so i've already lost my three buddies my homies my partners in crime what is moving in that bag or outside that bag i don't know if i want to know what is it like a brain with legs hello paris is that you i don't like a pokemon like a weird crab so we don't actually know if humans exist yet we know cats exist and now weird crabs are we goods nice yeah yeah yeah yeah stretch it off lick your wounds you got this tails up wait tails down never mind it was up for a second how are we feeling we feeling good oh we're picking up the pace can we sprint we cannot sprint oh never mind oh we can sprint look at me i'm back i'm back to full health let's go i'm hungry though i haven't eaten in a while oh my god this is giving me dead city oh that's a terrible name for somewhere no one's ever gonna visit you in a place called dead city oh we can jump on there not sure why we'd want to but just because i'm a cat i just can this is giving me little nightmares vibes what's that oh it's the crabs get him get him run i can't run they won't let me run there we go it went into a fridge and disappeared unbelievable wait there's clothes so maybe there is people we jump up here yeah there we go nice oh hello let me out wait you understand cat what i haven't been given the tutorial on how to swipe yet i need that as soon as possible oh signs of life there's a crabs get them go go go go go oh did they go in there no way where did they go oh okay so we have robots and this place is currently living up to his name there's dead things dead robots so technically they're just i don't know run out of power there's another one that's weird that they respond i don't like that yeah look at this corpses everywhere corpses of robots though oh help i could sure do with some of that i guess we're going that way oh i tried to jump in that okay good job i didn't i don't awful look at this training jumps like nobody's business coffee shop don't mind if i do pretty sure cats shouldn't drink coffee follow me all right oh well i just do i'm meowing i've got a powerful meow i'm setting off like static reactions jesus they're through here must be yeah we're like under we're underneath the city now oh i'm so confused what's this oh i got a bucket what can i do with my bucket look how cute i wish i could zoom in on myself i can't i can't though is there a photo mode that'll be so good there must be a photo mode i've got a bucket now though that's dope and i can run around with it i don't know why i think that's such a cool feature it just kind of is it means i can carry things oh this doesn't look good okay i think we've hit a puzzle guys this is where my happiness turns to sadness i'm not sure if i'm cut out for this never mind i'm an absolute genius look at me look at me go i just when we get to swat yes this is what i've been waiting for where are we oh we're actually above ground now we can see the stars at least what i think of stars anyway so what yes did we hear the end i think so i think i heard it hit the floor there's not like a massive void down there but i finally got my swatting tutorial let's go just a little bit harder buddy there you go can i just do free swatting or to have to be where they've set it up to do it this is cute man it's really giving me little nightmares vibes for some reason though how agile i am i'm a beast oh what's going on down there follow me why are the tvs and stuff talking to me that's so strange let's see we can go up here and to avoid those spikes the pigeons will fall for it but i definitely am not time for a smash go on you can do it this is the start of our rebellious arc yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what cats are made for doing stuff like that well this is weird sorry for the bedroom mess i guess my bad oh the person doesn't come in and find out what we do are we scratching up their rug as well oh yeah scratch it this really is cat simulator out here i don't believe it that old school tv too that's kind of cool i thought there's gonna be so many extra bits that i need to find out just need to look for the x to see if i can do anything yeah and you know what i'm going to wreck this too yes scratch it up oh that drawing is great i like the style of that is that a map alien map the fighting symbol from fighting energy and pokemon there's a lot to there's a lot going on here let's go oh little drink yep little refresh don't mind if i do will i take in the surroundings i mean the tvs are on but it's looking pretty empty to be honest we get in the bucket yeah i'm liking the bucket action as well oh wait i'll do my duty that's right get off no sweating needed just headbutts yes oh that's great but now i'm stuck down here smiley face just to keep us happy i'm liking this so far oh god leave me alone see i told you i told you my dogs would hate this game are you just you're jealous aren't you you're jealous i know you are this game makes me want to like explore different places and go off the beaten path oh wait this guy's alive wait hello [Music] i was gonna say how are you but i just realized you got no legs and no arm you okay oh no well that's sad it's so cool they're like all the little mannerisms of the cat are spot on who's this look at the guys look at that look at the snares on that guy the bottom one doesn't even have a nose the three buds you can come up with a better gang name than that come on i need to get up there somehow looks like we're going this way i bet cat lovers like people who have cats especially in this color will love this get to be your cat for a bit we'll be in a more dangerous scenario oh god what's happening now i'm scared don't jump scare me please it's set up oh there's a lot of them wait this is bad this is really bad yeah you hiss i don't think it's gonna work but you try oh yeah book it run go i'm holding r2 don't you worry ah don't get off me no this is unacceptable have you seen how cute i am oh my god what oh they're like sticky bombs almost i'm not even looking where i'm going i'm just going was this dangerous i don't even know what they do but they killed a man get off me well they just finished get off stop i'm not your food this is why cats take like flea treatment right it's like massive fleas there's so many water keep going keep going we're good oh we've watched them all oh god no this is bad i think i've gone the wrong way this alleyway had bulbous properties what am i talking about i'm scared i talk nonsense when i'm scared you'll get away from me go bother another robot or something yeah you can't go over here can you dummies yeah a little scratch scratch it off i like the way that uh a cat kind of um resets its own mind at a stressful situation just have a little scratch oh wait [Music] why can we affect the tv so much oh wait it's a bed here hmm any other clues more instructions those like mannequins how freaky is that ramen sign i don't mind if i do no ramen you got me excited what else you got a bar i mean i'm a cat i can't really oh god where do we go yeah knock these off holy that was nothing yeated off the edge i guess we need to go down here it's free parkour it's so satisfying this way [Music] we've got music swell what we're going to be up to next i'm feeling positive though we're nailing this so far oh this cat is smart so smart what are we trying to find i guess we're trying to get back to our friends but how would earth we meant to do that just about to find out well this looks cold everything's so run down and awful no offense to anyone who owns that establishment let's go how do we get up here can we reach that i don't think we can where we jump into don't be presenting with puzzles because your boy can't do puzzles oh wait what's that oh we can walk along that i guess but how do we get up there it's telling me where to go okay i thought it meant we could like actually walk across that that'd be cool if we could oh wait hold on look at this huge brain oh man i would not have spotted that at all i'm not close enough keep on going keep on going how smart i am and maybe just a cowboy i am a smart cat for now there we go go say hello to all the cameras yeah this is adorable though so far where are we heading to next i kind of been following the signs but i'm a little bit lost now do we come from over there i can't actually remember i might be able to go this way get down here there's like some lights on but most of them are just off everything is derelict oh i'd say camera every single time just in case someone's watching you know it get off the edge oh not again i need to i need to learn from my previous mistakes not quite doing that are we buddy this is where we need to go actually oh we have to keep running across precarious things we're getting an insight into what cats do when we're not watching them where do you want to go next well this is the wrong way oh here we go push this there we go just kind of relaxing apart from the crabs coming after us it's been pretty chilled out so far i'm enjoying the vibes still a little bit creepy but the vibes are there nonetheless whenever it saves i get nervous usually that means something's gonna happen where do we need to go follow the lights i can fit through there easy apparently i can fit through there easy as well and up here um meow there if i could climb this that'd be so sick this way it is air convents are paying off right now i think it'll be cool if we could meet like other cat friends and stuff and team up with them i know we lost our other friends oh geez careful right now we need to go up there yeah that's it look at us go we need to be so much more careful something just fell off that we jumped off still teasing us with the ramen signs too unbelievable oh bucket time that's what i'm talking about wait what's this this isn't no bucket oh we just unplug it much better i'm so smart look at me you ever seen a cat carry a plug in its mouth i don't i don't think so let me go this version yeah there we go i'm gonna keep this plug though just in case the flat okay this looks a little bit more used smash it's the worst smash i've ever seen i don't believe it okay i'm working on who has a picture of a cow that's like a windows screensaver for these old computers which are all on by the way um i also dropped my plug which is a bit upsetting need help is anyone in here oh please oh i wanted to knock it over why didn't you let me knock it over i want to scratch up your rug that's right you deserve it scratch need help um yeah i don't think this is useful i'm gonna do it anyway keep going data corrupted need help meow camera agrees so i'm just going to carry on look at this light work of this coding nonsense enter the dirt wait that said enter the door turn on and find a body excuse me i need to stop standing on the keyboard this is getting a bit out of hand does that say what i think it says enter the door turn on find body excuse me why have you got all these machines and binary no one likes binary oh wait we have some power things here i'm more typing let's go oh this guy invents stuff look at that frog that's great we got plugs but i think we only found one didn't we and we dropped it which is great let's do this instead okay oh i see a plug actually one up here i thought this was set in the future but it kind of feels like it's set in old school times as well it's really odd let's put that in here computer numero un i think i just combined two languages uh any other plugs about i'm not seeing any there's lots oh there's one all the way up there oh that is some insane skills i like that good job cat you don't even have a name i feel bad that we haven't named you but then i feel like any name i choose would be awful um there's lucky cat oh we can be gold that'd be so good we've done that one we're looking for other power supplies apparently there's four the one up here kind of machine is this um we've done that one i'm not seeing many other places we can look it's a comfy chair though just saying oh wait there's one literally here look one power in this there we go one more anything powering the cameras looks like you've got power where can i steal your power from oh right there i got this there we go now what secret compartment all right what you're hiding here mister oh wait this might actually be a guy this is a guy i'm out of focus i'm confused he doesn't want me to look hello sir are you okay he's got a lucky guy we fine meow meow oh i'm jumping on him oh it's like a his head came off okay i've killed a man that was not ideal swipe why did i need to do that what just something just talked oh it's the head of something what is it the head off there must be something i can attach this to right a friend oh please please be a friend i'm getting kind of lonely out here i take you you don't need a heads but you kind of do but now i've got one to spare i'm hearing a noise where is the noise coming from where are you i guess it could be in the other room actually i didn't check in here what needs a head there we go it's a 3d printer all right i can't fancy with it actually is it i'm a cat by the way and i just did science let's put that out there that drone it's a floating head b12 it is it's a drone oh that's cute this is gonna be like a wally isn't it where there's no talking but they just give intense emotion yes that's what cats do best what's what [Music] i'll leave you all alone you just created a masterpiece i think he likes it that's cute definitely vibes oh wait wait wait hold on he's talking it worked i'm free thank you so you could talk cat you're meowing right now i couldn't believe the cameras a cat in the dead city oh you were in the cameras i'm i can't remember my name it seems my memory is corrupted i've been trapped in the electronic network for so long i know i worked for a scientist who lived here for now you can call me b12 that's what it says on my exterior how do you know you can't see your exterior it's dangerous in the dead city but you seem like you know how to handle yourself let's get out of here follow me oh my goodness we have a friend not alone you can fly buddy that's very simple for you to say you float off i can't even see you now he's abandoned me hello do i need help you just flew off buddy b12 where did you go unbelievable he's actually left me what the oh there he is i see him he's so small the key unlocks the door i remember that much that makes sense buddy that's not that's not that uh advanced let me get that for you thank you so now we can get him to do stuff for us great very good bachelor already not good come over here i follow you this time you're going to have to put this on i get close oh yeah look at me i hate it is that a charging thing oh my god we are so advanced we're so cool look us we hit this is exactly how my dog acts and walks when i put their harness on by the way so this is incredibly accurate i appreciate this get off me please i'll start scratching up your your rug which i like actually is that a scientist yeah maybe let's run it off come on it's not that weird where's the door actually this place is so advanced i can't actually find the door it's not in there as it's this way it's so slow he hates it i feel like this is just like a compilation of me watching cat videos this backpack was designed for small quadrupeds like you is this uncomfortable for you absolutely buddy don't worry you'll get used to it i digitize the key and store it in the backpack nice one we have inventory too no way and memories sensors detecting memory data out of proximity what on earth [Music] i like the key ring this little hard drive that's cute easy if you're ever curious about an object you can show it to me or to others if we come across it now let's get out of this flat let's go open oh we are in it now we are an advanced feline news item yes this is so much better now we got torch holy this is great oh this has elevated this cat to a whole new level i'm so happy i'm gonna play a tune awful let's go is it dark outside oh no what's the code if you just conveniently left it somewhere on the wall that'd be really helpful um oh there is code 3748 swat every time oh no i could roll it and turn blue wait what was the number i'm terrible at remembering numbers three seven four eight let's go [Music] we did it out into the open world let's do this looking very yellow it's a little bit more lively i like this wow look at this place the elevator in the distance that's important i think i think we need to go up what up there i mean let's get in our bucket and go oh oh that's the stuff that we ran through oh that can't be normal surely i can't see it properly [Music] it's like i don't know the inside of a muscle like veins and stuff oh what on earth is happening this town has walks oh this is nice look at this a beach wait i remember the outside so that's like normal life it feels like we've been there before is that where you came from wait i fell down i promised someone i would go there i promise too the postcard the mural was painted from it let's take it [Music] gain new item why do i have these memories how did they get here let's keep going yeah so now i have oh that's like a is that like a core memory then if it's a big one i like the flashlight this could be so helpful i'm glad we got a friend now though just so much better right we need to head up there so i'm guessing we're going this way let's do this got a new friend b i'm school clean b from now on we've got these little bucket things look at that that's awful there's all the crap things yo b why these what these gross things wannabe pokemon huh what are they they just fall in there idiots oh god not run run run oh no run as fast as you can is that one on a spike they're like gross little hands they're disgusting earlier and i'll tell you ah get off me oh my god i'm out no buy it what up someone alive the slum [Music] okay so the further along we get the more life we find hello sir don't be scared i'm just a cat it's fine and you didn't have to go and do that what why'd you press the button for now the music's got all intents what am i gonna do now i'm gonna follow you ah okay i'm not gonna follow you fine have it your way go this way i need i don't need you i got a friend i thought that moved i swear that moved just now why are you so scared of me bro i'm not that scary i'm cute and i know i am gonna meow what is going on this looks like some kind of boss fight right now [Music] elden ringing your heart out oh you're definitely drunk sort out buddy this guy looks ready to fight and i am a bit worried i don't think i've got the facilities to fight just yet unless b has himself a laser that'd be handy hello oh wise one i wish not fight that makes sense no please i don't want to fight please i don't want to fight look at me you think i can fight i did actually sharpen those claws though so i could be down for a fight i guess we're gonna approach the stranger hello what are you saying that's a lot of pound signs you talking about stocks it's not the time they seem to have their own language you're no zerk oh wait you can speak cat as well we're not familiar with your kind you are welcome in our village as long as you don't eat anyone so what do you think i'm gonna do i'm not one of these crabs [Music] thank you for the blessing though i thought you were about to beat me up with that stick [Music] and he's pushed the alarm turn it off please [Music] it's the worst shout i've ever heard it worked though i'm not scary come on look at that fancy individual wow dapper i like these guys so far i like the way they look what's going on you look lost what do you need oh we can show i to show the postcard ah picture of the outside ridiculous this elevator isn't operational everyone knows that it's impossible to leave this place well except the outsiders they're all gone now except momo okay show me momo i need to talk to him you try to if you want but he gave up on trying to leave it's for the best he lives high up in that building with the orange neon sign oh he's in the penthouse huh i think we need to talk to momo ask b12 for help what's up buddy don't hesitate to call me anytime i'm here to help the guardian told us talk to momo up in the big building with orange neon sign is the only lead we've got for getting out of here so we're from the outside we want to get back to the outside that's that makes sense i talked to these guys oh they're so cute they look like bb is it bb from adventure time the game boy so cute man you gave us such a fright we thought you were a zerk show them this oh very pretty is that it joris you're asleep what's your name ronin you really thought you'd take the elevator i've never seen that thing work and i'll be 374 years old tomorrow and all you do is this you just like sit and do nothing come on guys why go out there there's nothing there are you sure i've got this look i think mama has some pictures just like this did you show it to him not yet no you guys gotta get out more this is boring but beautiful kinda you can see the sky i wonder how we get to the outside where's that elevator actually oh it's this wait look look at the bottom show him your gnashers all right let's go where on earth do we start to go up there though yeah i told you my dog spots the cat and they're like i'm gonna get you this dog has a drone i i think it has one up on you just say do you have a drone i don't think so oh who's this your cool hair look at you hello i'm a musician but i don't have any songs a blue sky huh i'll write a song about that one day i just sit here maybe he's not so bad oh it's cute i kind of want them sleep a little bit longer the robots just go like what are you doing stop fine i'll get up so adorable so we want the orange sign this looks like a dead end to me hold on a second take safe's mysterious password don't mind if i do um show it to b12 it's written follow the numbers but it looks like a binary language a succession of zeros and ones you must be able to decipher this code in one way or another it's probably related to this safe we can't really read it so there must be another way to see it hmm interesting wait can we get someone to we show it to someone let me go show it to someone wise who looks wise you look wise what's your name roshi i take care of the plants the humans proved them so much now they require very little light i just had a bit of water look how big they get really is amazing technology i'll show this that's a very old binary code you have here only a real geek could read this where are these guys called geeks or am i a geek well i want to show you this password [Music] never mind never mind you you're 375 years old you can read this you definitely can read this right maybe not i need to find some geeks i need to find some geeks fast so how do we get up there i've seen some air conditioning i could jump up it looks like it might be this way i think there's a route up here we've got this thing and i'm agile look at me what are you thinking of the game so far guys by the way i think it looks great real chilled out vibes hello sir careful i need to focus i don't want to drop another bucket hey been there done that paint everywhere look i'm go yes good job guys keep on going keep on keeping there's a sad face over there hmm maybe i could get in there go this way i'm kind of intrigued by the face house he's got up there hmm i'm gonna go can i get over there oh i can't look there's a bucket there or shall i just stick to the task i feel i should maybe stick to the task hello are you a geek the circus are lighter pleasing to watch but i want to see the real sky one day mama told me to get that one day right mom we definitely talk to this momo guy as soon as possible i think our route is this way here we go momo are you momo that would be sad momo come on who's the picture of interesting their robots without a picture of a human that's interesting oh i look so sad we're just like oh hey i'm a cat uh i'm not gonna eat you though by the way i promise it's never going to work why not let them go i will alone now hey you what do you want okay buddy chill this is a picture of the outside you want to go there well don't bother waste the time only bring you loneliness and despair to be honest this place isn't really bringing me much else so to lose lose my friends had this dream too but now they're gone and i'm all alone oh where did they go i don't know where they ended up i tried to contact them but that receiver won't work did that just self-censor you that's insane my friends and i took notes of our research about the outside here take mine if you want to go out there we can't read any of this stuff one of four you're on your own i'm done with the outside good luck can you read code though momo seems very sad he misses his friends let me check the notebook he gave us the outsiders manifest though we must go outside at any cost means protect our brothers and sisters who must stay away from zerks so they're zerks geeks and momos i think i've got it it's signed clementine zbaltazar doc and momo looks like momo's name was added later i think we should find the other notebooks okay do we find them in here though outsiders i wonder if the other pages are going to be in here or somewhere else the city has a cylindrical shape of about 450 meters in diameter there is a level above ours and the city seems to have a ceiling but i believe my books a big blue sky is hidden behind oh so we're like trapped i guess that makes sense so the the sky is fake weird oh look at that bucket yeah in that bucket you guys have the weirdest artwork around here look at this this is all of like blue skies i guess they don't have that so i really want to just swat that yes oh i can't move oh no oh get off me stop oh god no this is awful i won't let me move properly oh no i've messed up guys it's inverted my controls oh that was awful i hated every second of that what's this oh i can scratch it up leave my mark don't mind if i do momo you're rude to me so i'm just gonna scratch up your wallpaper maybe his notebooks aren't in here then remember oh memory back home too i think a picture of a cow what's going on back home too i remember this video game it was made just after i was created i think i can't remember it well the scientist and i spent a lot of time playing it was fun i miss him why can't i remember his name well there we go why the picture of a cow though very intriguing oh he has the frog as well and a picture of a different kind of robot interesting right cla momo can you read code little cat you still looking for those useless notebooks yes but i also want you to read this you tell me you're not a geek unbelievable where's that know all right let's go let's see what else we can find symbol on the wall matches the one on the notebook oh what i saw before so i was getting ahead of myself maybe it's the four houses like the flats of the people who like signed the book it's gotta be right [Music] i don't know why i just said that it felt appropriate let's go forget i ever did that get your balls off the edge there's a cat around here now his head this way we need to find a geek as well leave me a fellow geek i'm guessing this could be the flat of someone else but are they here actually obviously not this has got to be abandoned what are we saying yes this has been abandoned for a long time notebook notebook yeah clementine okay an outsider notebook it's the same logo as the one momo gave us this one seems to belong to someone called clementine everything is going according to plan we managed to contact the upper level before the transceiver went down they are in a place called midtown and apparently it's controlled by some kind of oppressive force i talked his eyes i know this look he will not come with us so did they attempt to go they must have done that's why they've all got pictures of it around i love all this artwork and stuff it's really cool but the vibes of these flats are awesome and it's kind of futuristic but also kind of in the past because it's got the like the fat tvs and stuff sheet music i mean i did play a little ditty on the old piano earlier how many members maybe is this family members maybe i feel like i've seen that guy already they all kind of look the same let's head out right there's gotta be other flats with the the logo one maybe what's up here knock knock oh no i'm not scratching my oh no let's go make an awful noise surely are we saying hello was that sound at the door oh wait i did it's probably nothing hello i'm meow i mean there's someone in there right where do you want to head next i guess i kind of need help two notebooks two to go we have to look in the abandoned flats of the area you should be able to see them all from the rooftops look out for an outsider logo so yeah we need to find the blue logos where's the next one gonna be is that one that looks like one to me we need to get over there sit down this way there's definitely one over there actually let's go that way first why does parkour feel so smooth let's go oh how do we get down there be away this way surely there we go oh we could touch the remote what are we watching boys it's like stranger things but even stranger i've spotted myself a potential geek let me go there first are you a geek look at your face oh that's the best face i've seen so far you spent some time on that oh hey it's you you do look weird and small there's something about you you feel compelled to pet you but i won't so don't understand why uh can you read this oh you kidding me no one read this let's head back over to this flat i want to get those notebooks ye oh my okay you are a collector of all things books oh my god it's a library full on oh wait you're that's unfortunate how to develop your artificial intelligence in order to be as creative as a real human volume 42 then they died so they never achieved their dream that's unfortunate i'll take the sheet music as well i'm still awful at this thing i've seen that picture of someone else too where's this notebook gonna be [Music] even the fridge has books in that's crazy notebook anywhere oh maybe through there look at this hey doc i found the keys to your safe you need to be careful with these oh it's not enough to bury your safe buying a bunch of books just the librarian oh no you're kidding me it's behind some of the books is that where the notebook is going to be oh that's awful no way it's not enough to bury your safe in a bunch of books maybe that means it's gonna be obvious to find i'm hoping i can't just get the drone to fly around and find this there's a cat book with a weird light that looks like the minecraft enchanting language [Music] anything up here i'm guessing it's gonna be in the safe but we gotta find it they did say berry so i'm guessing like maybe a pile of books where the safe at i know somebody in here knows oh hold on this looks promising [Music] oh i can just sleep there's nap spots everywhere that looks like such a good nap spot i'm so jealous of you right now okay we'll stop man i thought i found it then is there something up there i don't think there is ah there it is how did i miss that oh my god oh lucky cat finally nice work another notebook this one seems to belong to someone named doc after weeks of research i've combined a spectrometer with a powerful uv lamp with this we should be capable of warding off the zerks on our way out also it's like guarded the initial attempt was explosive i might have to test it under real conditions let's find the other notebook so they could have just straight up exploded can i take the lucky cat please no fine so we got three notebooks now that's good going real good going let's head out this way and the next one was up there was it i think it was no oh god didn't i want to go down there i don't want to climb that way but i don't think i can oh there was one over here wasn't there yeah i see it i see it is that another one we've got already though no it's not let's go that one is definitely locked so we need to go over there somehow so if we get across this bit we should be able to get there i'm thinking i'm gonna try and run see what happens yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is not fast too fast you go up here careful don't be falling off please we've already done that once before and it was really upsetting okay we found something translate ventilation power supply yoink thank you very much oh there we go ah we found another bunk bed they love their bunk beds in this town he's got a picture of the barber barber bartender what am i talking about well this one better be easier to find what is that we scratch the curtains i don't want to do that to someone this place is a dumb do i want to drink from that probably not it might give me superpowers or something though we've got anything else down here oh wait here we go would it be down here though i'm seeing like a face well maybe there is something down here hold up this is glowing what is this c14 remember uh wait remarkable companions have evolved so much in the early days their simple ai merely imitated human art now this is all their own humans often said that making art is important in desperate situations they are certainly desperate time ranking up uh the memories right now but we have not gained that notebook i think we've fallen down now speeds go all the way back up somehow oh i messed up help me bb i need to get back up top it's got to be in here though because we have the we have the old sign up there let's get back in this could be a good place to scout it out we've got random images over there box in front of the door it's not up here it's got to be somewhere we just need to find it come on we take this off i think that's the one we dropped actually under the bed would be a great place to hide it just saying oh wait what's this ah i found him it's just on the floor finally the last notebook this one seems to belong to someone called zbaltazar i hope i'm saying that quickly all traits of organic life has disappeared except what we call the zerks they seem to eat oh the crabs they seem to eat almost anything that moves and breed at an inconceivable rate as if being locked in the city wasn't hard enough oh there's also a note in this book it says i found a design flaw in the transceiver but i think i figured out how to fix it here's the equation with this we should be able to help momo repair the transceiver okay sweet they can communicate with the upper levels this could be our way up let's show him what we found so we fell from that place and fell into like another world that's under the ground that's kind of crazy seem to go this way yeah right i know he doesn't want to see us but oh this is not where i wanted to go up here yeah i know he doesn't want to see us but he has no choice now let's go this way i mean i'm going to fix a receiver for him and i'm just a cat and a drone kick it off there we go hey little cap you still looking for notebooks no actually i have something to show you one second it's it's uh this that's that about his notebook right i never quite understood what he was talking about most of the time he was very wise wait do i just need to show him all the notebooks maybe uh momos clementines oh you found clementine's notes shiva is really brave you know the most fearless person i'd ever met uh docs wait you actually found all my friends notebooks oh what's that no the transceiver can be repaired this is incredible that means we should be able to communicate outside of the slums he's got a happy he's got happy face clementines bowsers are doc i'm sorry i doubted our cause i promise you i'll find a way to reach the surface thank you you might be able to find a way up now let's fix this piece of junk transceiver don't fix it let me see those let me see this work look at him go this is an old-school router and voila it works come with me look at it through a little jig and everything i love your shirt it's got flamingos on it look at it never mind i'm a terrible camera person that seems a little bit unnecessary up there see that building high above the others if you install the transceiver at the very top of that tower you should be able to communicate with the whole city my friends might still be out there there's a way out they'll know it oh they're actually giving it to us how are we gonna carry that thing you're the only one small and quick enough to evade the zerks we need you that outsider bring us to the sky oh momo that is quite the mission wait we need to go to that orange bit up there how are you expecting me to do that buddy like you said i'm small i have to go up there over the transceiver there's cranes and stuff maybe i could use the cranes actually that'd be interesting that seems like a really long way away the rooftops we made it i keep thinking these bags are big melons but they're not oh this is the danger area look there's little zergs down here is that what they're called isn't zerg the evil one from buzz lightyear zerk is a zerk meow to attract enemy well let's go get off me get off me get off me i'm running at least they can't run as fast as me i mean they are quick but as soon as i get up onto like a podium or a building they can't follow me so that's good we need to get up there that's so far away oh run go quick quickly quickly quickly so it's kind of stealthy but you don't need to be too stuffed which i'm happy about i'm terrible at stealth games head this way always look for the air conditioning units they seem to work the best cool memory let's go who's remembering this is it the drone it must be because i'm a cat the city is full of neon it wasn't always this way there used to be strict energy caps especially in the slums the people couldn't handle the constant darkness one day someone lit up rainbow lamps neon signs all over their house that person was taken away and never seen again oh by who though the people saw hope and not long after everyone started putting lots of lights in their homes there was nothing the oppressors could do it was a way for people to see colors again like on the outside i think it helped fair enough can we climb that i don't think we can can we i think we have come the wrong way yeah we can't climb that right new route let's go this way oh yeah that looks dangerous very dangerous can we do that again yeah my brain is switched on today i like it right up here oh this is another one of them rolling bits isn't it people rolling this building seems so far away i don't know how we're gonna get up here but i have faith i reckon we can do this well that jump is scary look at this thing it's spreading like mad oh actually we're really close we might need to use a crane or something but we're getting there let's go this way oh this bit is starting to get taken over already and that's quite high up careful careful oh god i'm panicking i'm panicking hack door are we hacking as well yeah idiots come over here no way they're gross whatever that the mouth is our mouth disgusting get out of here are we going this way oh let me jump up please let me jump up oh god let me jump up somewhere this way no help me they're gonna explode oh no i have to do this i'm gonna do that with these guys um oh no yeah this is bad oh wait can i trap them in here and trap them this side yeah idiots oh i thought i'm gonna fall down then that'd been amazing let's go this way i don't think they can get back now my brain is only slightly larger than yours but apparently i can use mine much better let's go i like these puzzles they're not too hard they're just about satisfying to complete which i like and here's the crane action oh we made it we're here already but the building is like it's really looking uh not the best right now it's like a brain it's infected i want to touch the floor i guess i have to i can hear a little bit of power of the tiny paw prints it's cute i love that i don't know what is going to be in here but i don't like the sound of it did we just come from all the way over there no way was it down there either way i think it feels like we've traveled so far oh no no no no no i do not like the look of this there's gonna be loads of them isn't there as long as i stay up top i should be okay [Music] right let's meow him over here come my pretties follow me i'm just gonna i'm gonna tear over let's go nothing to see here nothing to see here oh my god they could probably fly whoa yeah you need to calm down hello how are you let's go catapult no no stop get off oh i hate them oh they may be like wince they properly jump for you that's crazy i didn't know they were that nimble i got an achievement for something as well i don't know what for where do we need to go next and hack this to open that that seems like an awful idea right let's hack this bring them over here oh they're so quick man right hack this side quick pack it hack it hack it oh no i've locked him in with me oh that was not the idea that was not the idea at all i think i'm just gonna have to roll with it and see what happens i'm spamming circle right now this is a terrible idea they're in here with me go away do they explode because i'm not seeing as many as there were before and they said in the notebook that it got explosive yeah they're exploding on there i can hear him whoa okay nevermind it's them run keep it going geez oh we're almost there look at this thing actually looks kind of cool so i thought this is where the elevator was but maybe not so we managed to get up here by ourselves no help that elevator works but that is slow so slow uh okay this is oh no i don't want to head down there there's nowhere i could go oh you this this car about the stamina of an absolute lion we good yet no no we're not good yet get off get off oh there's so many i think i almost died even my dogs are upset holy okay there's way too many of these a little chatty yeah a little chat am i spamming the um am i spamming the meow button alright can i get in here now desperately need to get in here get in get in i fell in use it quick look at them oh look at the dirty little mouths oh yeah see you later oh god this oh they're very shiva i guess that's the idea bye hopefully there's no more of you at the top other than i'm gonna be really upset we have to get up there that looks sketchy so sketchy don't know if i can stop at that there is a higher point up there though interesting i took the alternative peru and where do we need to place this thing oh here it is put the receiver on this antenna don't mind if i do let's use this do we have to travel back to hear what it says though oh he's lit up this thing this is not inconspicuous whatsoever look at that view though that's great so there is something way higher look at that i think that's the elevator isn't it the big elevator so there's one smaller one to go up and then it looks like another one on the second ring hmm [Music] we're going on a bucket ride how convenient the bucket just placed there well i think we're doing our job look at the view it's beautiful from here i remember now the city it was meant to be a shelter from the crabs these look like stars but there are any lights marking the hermitic roof sealing off the city how scary is that that could happen humankind built this shell to protect themselves from the outside but it came at a cost nobody can go out the outside was a disaster completely barren unlivable and dangerous if you come from there it must mean it's safe again i mean for a cat it is and my promise wasn't just go to the outside it was to open the city i still don't understand why some memories are coming back and others aren't i'm certain now this is my purpose i have to open the city come on let's go back and find momo now that we've connected the transmitter we should be able to get help yeah let's see what happens that's another cool memory i wonder if that kind of determines your progress through the game hmm look at oh my this is huge oh man it's really infected down the bottom so i think we're gonna need to go up two elevators which is double the amount of work we thought it was going to be i think we made some good progress so far hey mom what's going on buddy just need to lick my paws that was quite the experience and i didn't die yet we're gonna make this with zero deaths the slums part two my mo oh for goodness sake look and though has he run off i sh that's a good moment look at a little outsider if you're reading this that means you're still alive excellent i took some equipment to the bar to take advantage of their antenna and meet me there i've locked the window but the code to open it is quite simple it is oh are you joking please be careful it's case sensitive see you at the bar momo that must be the code for the window in the entrance let's go who is this guy can we focus who's this how on earth am i meant to know how to get out please b12 help here's a look for the window the code was it was a h i think oh no okay let's try that again and then it was oh let's see oh okay b12 big up bb momo is at the bar waiting for us let's go have i been to the bar yet i don't actually know i've seen the sign for it [Music] is it oh it's there i see it i see it i see it [Music] that's it oh there he is what's up momo i'm so athletic i kind of want to be a cat now [Music] at that it must be so sick to be a cat hello my mom hey little furball all right he actually likes me now come here i managed to get signal what you got momo hey fellas how's it going don't mind me get that see dude can you sit any closer your eyes are gonna go square oh that's cute look at that pat in the seat oh let me see if i get this thing working well let's get these tunes bumping as well oh that is a sound i haven't heard in a long time question my question mark i've almost got it it's a face hello did anyone hear me hello yes we can hear you we're from the slums we're looking for a way out and wait is that used balthazar momo i can't believe it i'm so happy to hear your voice balthazar where are you are the others okay yes we are safe we found a way up okay how do we get up spouters are hello you still hear me you have to go through the sewers wait what very dangerous zerks everywhere we have to go down go up how hello darn it we've lost the signal i can't believe it he's alive he and the other outsiders managed to go up through the sewers the sewers are the most dangerous place in the slums but as bowsers are made it there must be a way what who's this you look wise sheamus you never get past the sewers it's infested with zerks they'll make you a quick meal out of you especially you little one he doesn't know he has no idea i'm the hero many tried the luck in the past and it doesn't end well anyway i warned you your business is none of my business i don't think he wants he's gonna go himself oh i like this guy jake what's good buddy his father doc used to be great scientists he was working on some new weapons to fight the xerx a few years ago he went on to test the device and never came back oh god no wonder he's salty sheamus has never been the same since fair enough don't listen to shavers he's just scared like i was if doc built a weapon that's our ticket to join the outsiders in his notebook doc mentioned a secret lab a few times now you're talking my language that must be where he was working on it there might be a clue in sheamus apartment come on follow me secret laugh okay let's do this i'm down for a secret lab could you walk a bit faster please i'll try and say this real quick employee of the month something something 27. so this is kind of in the future but i guess because these guys are down here they're literally slumming it with new technology mixed with old i just like this tune where does sheamus live then show us where he's at man this game has evolved a lot since like an hour and a half ago and we started playing i'm in [Music] who's this i guess i don't want to know looks like they're stealing something shameless hello open the door you know your father would have wanted to help us we're gonna have to sneak in steal the gun and get out of here but that's to be expected the situation is pretty tough on sheamus he doesn't want to hear about the outsiders anymore he won't help me but you i think we have an idea you're gonna make me sneak in there if i could get like a cannon on my back that'd be so sick i don't think it's gonna happen but you never know here take dogs notebook and show it to sheamus all right the kings contains a lot of information that will hopefully act as an electro shock find the secret lab little outsider and go back to the bar to try and reestablish communication with the others oh man hello sheamus is asleep this isn't ideal he's got a socks box i don't have a socks box maybe should i get a socks box hi sheamus what are you doing today i told you getting through the series is a suicide mission leave me be what about the notebook what's this it's my papas oh wow i never knew there's a secret room here in our flat but where um oh you can't read this oh it's getting intense fellas wait there's a secret lab in here how are we gonna find that and on that note i think it's time we end the first little excapade into straight i had a good time actually uh near the end of the first half of this section i was like uh is this for me but now now we've got the the sidekick we can talk to people feel a lot better about this so let me know i hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a like subscribe if you're brand new as well i think i'm going to try and upload this every day if i can it's not promised but i'll try i don't think the game is super long anyway but we've got a new best friend and it's us main character energy next time we're gonna find the secret lab i guess
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,759,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, gaming, video games, funny
Id: L2AzzCyTbWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 31sec (4891 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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