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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to i am fish i'm fish the game where we're a fish now i've been told there is a secret level in this game that we have to unlock now last time we did kind of go into well into airplane and left the airplane with him there's also the finale that i totally never even saw so that's where we're going right now oh look it's craig again greg gregson greg greg gregerson wait how do we get back into the fish tank greg let me out let me out greg i don't like being in here greg oh yeah remember we got caught again i i obviously remember that all right i mean maybe we go up here could i just jump out i'm gonna jump in oh i can't even leave that's the only way is up in this thing yeah okay maybe that's not even the way to go greg help me greg greg please i'm nice and flippy boy oh i made it in there i made it in the i made it into the sewer okay i don't know where i'm supposed to go maybe i just went into this one oh i did go into this one now what do i do over here maybe there's a drain all these these fish look so sad and depressed oh we have a t in here i couldn't see because like literally it's hard and possible to see in here there are so many t's there's teas everywhere do i want to go in here i don't even know where i'm going that's a dead end oh it's not a dead end i just got flushed and i think i got a checkpoint oh nice okay i gotta i gotta get over there do i just jump i think i jump from tank to tank oh i made it oh i'm so good at this game ready yeah that was we'll just pretend that didn't happen when i'll go up how again yes i'm a dolphin look at me i can make dolphin noises oh or or i'm a dolphin oh balls i'm the worst dolphin ever there we go i made it in and then i'll make it in again yeah pow yes uh no one more time that was exciting i like that i like that ready it's i don't even know where i'm going oh i got to get in the pickle jar over there ah oh right haha pickle jar nice oh that was that was pro moves right there i'm a pro fish i'm so good at being a fish i should be a fish in real life now get away and then i'll just roll down over here and it'll be beautiful and lovely and all things are good in life except for that fish he's not very good in life i feel bad for him i'm gonna name him uh squishy and he'll be my squishy can you get out of my way squishy like for real this time i have places to go and people to see and things to do also don't know where i need to go but i'm thinking it's probably down here i can confirm that these do not have water in them now this is the way i'm a mandalorian fish now come on just turn this is the way coefficient of friction is quite high with this fish it's kind of weird okay i don't really know which is the way now do i go over there do i just drop down reduce speed change direction do i flop my weight i feel like i might just eat myself off of there no no no no no not like that maybe there's some secret bread i can find too oh that was a very nice turn look how good i turned i'm a turning expert if i just uh fall off right here right in the hole everything's fine yes oh that was beautiful hello fellow fish oh i can change the puffer boy now yay okay can i just swim in here is that where i go oh it is oh it is it is i'm so oh uh-huh what am i doing with my life do i have to go up and roll oh i do look at that and then i'm hoping i go down and i open up the gate i do yes come on over it's working look at this this is actually a really cool level i love it except the part where we go down into the sewer because i don't love those at all plus i have to do it with both fish which makes it even slightly more annoying come on nemo let's go this way we gotta go find greg and then i guess i'll lift up this again and then go back here oh yeah that works perfectly why are there marks on the ground like there's been a battle in here i don't think i like oh no how do i get you in here my friend i don't know we'll leave him oh look it's greg again hi greg what do i do how do i get him out maybe i just like get sucked up into the filter i want a hockey lookie but there is another door on this side do i do anything here nope nothing i can do there how do i do this this is a fun puzzle makes me wonder if there was a t that i changed the direction wrongly at does it work if nemo gets stuck under there let's see can i just go under no that doesn't quite work right i wonder if i can oh this is it's telling me that i can put the rock into place i see what the scratches are for now it's not a velociraptor i thought maybe there was a velociraptor fish in here that was just biting things hey that worked that worked look at me now i'm guessing i have to do that right under here and just go pop goes the weasel maybe it'd help if i actually hit it in the right spot let's see again totally missed got it that time did i break it i think i i think i wrecked him pretty or killed him if you know what i mean all right we're going in yes another another sewer system and bonk oh save point why is greg like staring at every one of that is amazing over there look there's sharks on the wall i like it oh the prada boys here yes i'm gonna eat you greg maybe not that's too thick of glass all right how do i get out of this tunnel now i mean this is obvious we got to go down here and then go like this and then we go like this and then you come in here and probably need you not that one needs you to grab onto this grab it and then rip it off that was beautiful and then i can move this under here maybe some way there we go just like that let go and then uh puffy can come in that's what i named him puffy seems like a good name for a puffer fish if you have a better name for the puffer fish you have to let me know in the comments and we will swim swim swim i swim in the sewer oh we'll swim swim swim in the sewer all day long that was fun i mean gonna have to go down a little bit and then we're gonna snock that thing off like crazy that's not what i wanted to do maybe it actually is but i gotta get back in that water before i drown oh in the hole okay maybe we'll try the piranha because i know we're supposed to bite this and i'll rip that off come on yes now what do we have in this little tank a whole lot of nothing oh but we can bound interesting oh you know what it is we gotta go get the we gotta go get the cart all right puffy you gotta go do this we gotta go you gotta go your entire life now is gonna turn into a ball and then we're just gonna roll over oh that knocked it off really nicely we have to roll over and then you oh that was bad you have to jump in that mop bucket and then the three of us are gonna escape do you see that jump i'm pretty good at jumping okay we gotta get that mop bucket i know i know i know all right um oh come on this is harder than it looks okay get your little puffy self out of the cage yeah really i mean for real can you just go up oh you're terrible there it is oh no no no no no okay straight over we're jumping in the mop bucket we're jumping in and nice okay now we go over here and we collect our other two fish which i am wholeheartedly not looking forward to but if my jumping skills are any good oh no which they're not then i should just be able to go straight up and in oh that was beautiful let's do it one more time oh one more time yep oh no you're kidding me and as i was saying if my jumping skills are any good i'm a dolphin yes i'm i don't know that's a bad one i'm a dolphin respawn i have a very ominous feeling that i need to flood this entire room there's a pressure valve there we have a couple of these things i'm thinking that and i'll just turn the power on or turn the water on with the piranha after i figure out how to get them in the bucket you know on second thought i don't even have to get goldie over there i just have to get the piranha out oh you're kidding me oh in the hole cinderella story okay should i try i feel like i need to try to get goldie in i can't we can't we gotta we just gotta go over here i gotta turn this valve and then goldie will just be able to swim out get just stop moving bucket get a little closer okay if i just swim up and grab it and then i can turn it yep knew it okay then you flood room room you gotta just flood so i can get goldie out of here yes there it goes goldie you're safe you're safe my dude yeah i'm a dolphin or or i'm a dolphin i'm a dolphin all right we need to get uh puffer boy out puffy puffy and then we're gonna i don't even know what this is but i'm hoping that this doesn't make everyone do bad that didn't work but might work if i get another one of these and i grab it oh that was close and as i said the last time i grab it oh i got it yeah pull it down nice now puffy's gonna go over here and do whatever puffer fish do and fill their bodies full of water to make them puffed up maybe huh there we go and then we're gonna have to swim in with somebody else don't like this we're going to the other one first it's always good just to explore i saw a button in here oh yeah that's what i needed i knew it yeah yeah and then okay and then down i'm turning it open oh something clicked is that a good thing or a bad thing i can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing i'm a dolphin but i might have more things to bite off here can i bite those can i could i open the door i'm not sure could i go in that tank i might be able to if i go in the tank do i do anything fun i mean we can always explore right and dolphin noises as i was saying dolphin noises and a third time dolphin noises nope i'm not gonna make it in there kind of thinking that i'm gonna go up out of that pipe if i go through here so let's go down gotta love the pipe sequences oh yeah okay i'm in a tank oh yeah this is totally where i was supposed to be why am i in a tank here though what is going on i'm in an invisible tank what can i just swim in here i can what is this can i bite it do i go in this pipe too i can't okay i made it in the big pond ah there's another drain here can i go in that can i go in it no so i split my fish up i had an idea that if i bring my goldie back up but i could go back up into here and then go into this tunnel and that's fine because all my fish are separated now if i leave the big thing like this like a dolphin or arm dolphin oh this is so hard then i can go over here and into this thing and we can get puffer boy to go over yeah hi and then we'll move this up and then you can go in and then turn this down maybe if i if i stop this oh go the other way and then i'll switch over to goldie does that do anything not quite let's try the other way oh there we go there we go oh i made it in oh that was that was big brain oh red i need bread i am bread or not how do i do this then oh it just is a simple movement okay that was easy hey checkpoint oh oh the flying fish is in here oh that's awesome i don't know how the flying fish came into this but oh this is hard maybe i need to push it to the side maybe we need flyby to go somewhere else where are you going to go fly boy over to the bread it's not a good spot i bet you got to go over to that one oh yeah totally needed to go over here oh no there's a lot of problem solving when you have four fish oh no oh yes barely made it oh i need the piranha in this one how in the world okay maybe i'll go down here ah nice i knocked the thing off cool so piranha can come out on the yes this is working it's working so beautifully and then you're going to swim up and then piranha is going to bite that thing off like super hard just go and then just rip it off beautiful then i don't know what's going to happen here but nothing's going to happen there it'll just leave goldie behind cause goldie can't figure out how to do anything right although that top is open hold up can i just jump out and roll we're gonna try this and jump and roll oh no that's not open oh that's not open no i thought it would be open get flopping oh goalie i'm no goalie no don't do this to me so if i use brig big brig brain telemetry it's a word i just made up there you go oh now now three of us are in here do we want to be in here i don't really know come on piranha i mean everyone everyone's stuck in here now we're all together we did it wait can i just go down here it might be an idea i don't know what kind of an idea but it might be an idea like a big brain idea either that or a smooth brain idea kind of leaning towards the smooth brain right now speaking of smooth brains if i pop that hatch open oh yeah oh it doesn't pop open we'll try it one more time for good measure yeah nope i did i didn't even hit it so can i float this thing not quite but i might be able to swim up here i think i found it right through here if i go if i just go whoop and then over i might i made it in i made it in i think everyone might be able to jump this i think so i think we can all be free be free oh oh come on goldie get in the hole yes but he was flying fish for last because probably the expert at flying get maybe maybe you should get out of you know what on second thought you're the you're the annoying one who always gets in my way oh oh barely made it in all right ready and get set and yes nice beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful nice long sewer segment and i'm going to bump right into this and it's going to be game over to the ocean we're in a bigger cave oh he there he is greg want to eat me again greg hi greg why are you just pounding so heavily on the glass he looks sadder than i am oh dude straight up crying did you hear that i mean oh poor greg what do i even do it's gotta be a mop bucket has to be a mop bucket wouldn't dealt mop bucket also this is the most boring aquarium that i think i've ever seen in my entire life there's like seven fish in this gigantic display i just i just could jump over into greg's hands i don't know can i escape this thing i think there might be a glass there oh no oh yeah oh check it out there's a gate here i'm going to piranha size myself and do it and then lift up left her you just love his sound effects and then we go down in here oh great let's do our system okay we're all in that's good i have no idea where we're going i have no clue what we're going to do oh we got light we have light oh nice another one i'm just pronouncing everything is that a word i just made up a word piranha sizing let go let go oh that was a checkpoint okay i'm wondering if i can uh open that gate up above let's see just going to go boingy mode oh i did that's good news i don't know what i'm going to do with that newfound knowledge but we're going to try swimming over here first figure i might need some sort of fish to do something boy that's a really tough jump do i need to go into that probably goldie go oh or not goldie no goldie no goldie don't die i'm gonna say winning doubt mop bucket is there a mop bucket around no there isn't but it does look like those tanks have water in them where's that where's puffy at poppy come on bro really oh that's already knocked out isn't it oh yeah oh he can fly high all right let's see if we can get a flying fish in here we need a new name for flying fish and see if i can get over one of those yellow carts on the other side oh oh oh i did it i'm just i'm gonna go all the way to the corner that works can i go all the way to that next one no i'm just gonna go into this one it'll work and then i don't even know where i'm going but i'm guessing this is right i'm gonna try to get up a level see oh yeah that works oh there's a there's a checkpoint i can do this i can get a checkpoint come on flying fish your time is now your time is just shining nice oh there's the mob bugging way in the corner of course there is haha oh that's a really stupidly long jump come on bud no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] come on roll over there roll over there you can do it you can do ow i really wanted to hit that water but accidentally made it into the [ __ ] you're kidding me did i get the checkpoint no oh i did nice now what do i do i got a mop bucket i gotta bring this do i bring this downstairs i probably bring this downstairs yeah here we go through the boxes yeah full send oh nice and then we have to do this game again i don't even know what to do next do i want to bring everyone in here this is gonna challenge me inside i really don't like these sequences of jumping from one thing to another oh that was easy and then we'll do another one okay okay i'm just gonna take it slow i'm not gonna do the boosted jump can you get out of my way puffy come on dude oh in the hole oh yeah puffy your turn to shine my dude your time to shine that was terrible shining and your time to shine now i'm just gonna leave you i'm just gonna leave you i promise yes yes yes yes i made it i made it we're all in the mop bucket it's the best day in the world it's the best day in the history of best days now i go up the escalator this i don't know if that's a good idea fish don't seem to like escalators i've tried but it seems to be working everything's good so far hopefully we all get trapped in like sucked underneath the bottom that's like my biggest fear in life is being stuck in like my shoelaces getting stuck in an escalator and like getting sucked up underneath of it or something i don't even know how that works but i've heard horror stories of it happening and probably don't even go on youtube and search that no that would be a bad idea i'm guessing i have to put this thing down my middle finger just twitched that was really weird not seen that happen before and up grab the lever and down and up grab the lever and down you dumb thing pull down thank you escalator number two is completed we got the checkpoint number i don't even know anymore at least they're in order this time and the game's not like hey we forgot to do something do i go down or do i stay up do i go down or stay up do i go down or stay up i honestly don't know i did just get a checkpoint so i'm going down the stairs just kidding i can't i'm guessing i go into this one swim into the bigger one and then use the flying fish to fly over like that all right let me swim in here can i swim in here yes that's not how water pressure works okay let's try the flying fish three two one fly oh yeah that worked and then i go in here oh no no no no no that is a lot better that time okay now do i just bring you back does this whole thing roll it does and i guess i just do one of these at a time oh yeah perfect and puffer's in now we need piranha boy come on chomps don't mess this up for us don't mess this up for us oh yes he made it in push everyone push we're almost to freedom i hope oh that light just went green okay i'm guessing there's a trigger once you're close enough to it how do i get down here then oh we gotta turn turn push reload fish okay come back here push the other way we gotta do this we gotta turn it nicely done nicely done i'm guessing it was puffy that helped do that oh ready you ready turn it real good real hard and then push push we did it go go go oh oh we made it we're getting lined up we're just gonna breach the door rubbing speed that was awesome uh-oh i'm we're not slowing this bus down oh never mind we just slowed the bus down not gonna lie that kind of ruined the immersion i was just gonna go full send down the stairs it would have been great i always love it when they forget to stairs the stairs and just make it one giant twirly slide yes oh that was a good crash we're gonna we're gonna totally like ram into greg and it's gonna be hilarious we crapped it it's cracking the giant aquarium with four fish in it greg we're going to the ocean we're on a water slide yes yes and it's going it's going look it i can see us the i see three of us i don't see the flying fish right now that's okay we're making it to the golden gate bridge down san francisco drive just made up a new word i don't even know if there's such a thing and somehow there's still an amazing amount of water going through this who knew in order to be grouped up together we would literally have to carry cars with a giant tidal wave through the edge of a bakery down a busy road and then right into the bay and watch the fence gonna stop us it didn't we made it i got three stars for that free at last achievement unlocked nice what does this do continue yay oh we brought other fish with us they're our friends so we can eat them that's what fish do we did i don't okay are we our friends everyone's friends now we're not gonna eat them fish are friends not food but there's the sun can we go swimming on the sun that'd be fun fish can swim on the sun and now what's this the tidal wave the bakery is all messed up oh the seagulls gonna eat the bread remember the breads like possessed or something don't do it bud oh that was bad idea what no oh okay see now now this is interesting we have the space level to unlock it takes 40 bread and 40 stars to do that if you guys would like to see me do the space level you got to let me know down below in the comments and thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters including alan h apollo bunny auto dave ben dickie j teddy epis desby eagle arc maxer whippet good baron fox zarnoff deegan jason m rail splatter sacks iffy sphere joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow and doug rules 2.0
Channel: Blitz
Views: 235,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, biltz, i am fish, i am fish gameplay, i am fish download, i am fish steam, i am fish game, i am fish meme, fish game, steam fish game, funny fish game, bossa studios, boss studios presents, i am fish release date, blitz i am fish, i am fish blitz, flying fish, i am fish secret level, i am fish finale, i am fish gameplay finale, i am fish secret stage
Id: fxiH1wH1qLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 24sec (1464 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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