This machine DESTROYS EVERYTHING in its path! Instruments of Destruction!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to instruments of destruction now if you've been following my channel for some time you may have seen i played this a long time ago a very very early build but now i've been given access to the pre-release build which is basically the version that will be releasing on the 2nd of march so if you want to go support this game go go give it a wish list and remember this is developed by a single person as well luke schneider absolute legend of a developer and if you watch this till the end he's actually given me a very special little task to do but i'll explain more about that later anyway let's get into it so if we head into play because we're playing the pre-release build we have unlocked everything but essentially you have all these different islands which are the different levels we will start with level one just to see what's changed since we last played so we're gonna do normal mode but there's challenge and expert and our objectives are destroy the tower with a bonus objective of less than ten percent of the ruins destroyed so basically there's like ruins started about you don't want to destroy those and we got 20 grand to do it so let's get involved first off we start with this this is our cab this is where our driver sits and we then can select some of these parts down here so we're just doing the frame split this just allows you to split up whatever you're doing so let's shove one of those on there you can rotate it you can change colors all sorts now one thing i will notice that's changed that's finally up and down in the camera so we can see the entire level looks like we've got a bridge over there a bridge there i'm guessing that at the end is the tower we got to destroy all right so i've just done that for a starter it's just a load of heavy blocks now with tank tracks on the side our cab at the front and then i've got these little points here i'm going to have a little look at what weapon i want to shove in probably some chainsaws oh man look at all these parts there's so many cool things now i think these were what i was asked for last time to a release connector so i think that allows us to like let go of something i was going to be sensible and try and do something reasonably normal but i really want to try these out now all right so i've put a swivel piece on there i've upped the strength to three i've then put a block on it i might actually use a chain i think that could be quite fun all right so here we have a chain link if i turn on mirror i can do this side and the other side all right i'm not sure my vehicle is going to be big enough in terms of the base but i will see what happens i'm going to come into this uh the utility part what do we want to shove on the end we could do spiky minis or we could do a wrecking ball how oh god they are huge right okay [Music] all right let's try this then oh no i forgot about the maximum budget right here we get oh whoa there are some improvements to the old graphics right so i think these stone things they are the the ruins that we don't want to ruin i'm so excited to turn this thing on but i gotta i gotta get to the tower first i'm sort of struggling i've got a big ball between my legs that's what she said hang on don't say that out of context well maybe that is better out of context all right we're sort of on the bridge i think i'm a bit too wide there you go i've improved the bridge we should be able to get across now oh god oh it's so good looking it looks fantastic i'm just i'm worried i've i have sort of destroyed the bridge i think yeah i think that we can call that destroyed uh but thankfully there's a load of pre-built vehicles if we head up here into vehicles and we select this the showcase vehicles there's a load of pre-made ones already created for us and as our budget for this level is 20 grand i'm gonna select the dumpy plow and already just look at this i can see there's loads of new parts can you see that one that's like a one to two-way splitter so you can now sort of build offset on the grid that's cool that's going to be really handy actually all right let's break it down so what controls you have that up and down look at the suspension at the front as well so it's like boring up here look the grass is getting flatter now as well that's cool i love that there's new camera angles as well that's really done it for me although we're stuck in a tree go away tree all right then across the bridge across the other bridge and then this is the tower they look like are they explosive barrels anyway let's give it a full-on charge oh oh man look at that into the bridge all through the bridge oh wow i feel like the the physics have super improved that was wicked all right so that is the level complete our efficiency rating is 32.46 and we did all the bonus objectives nice so for the challenge mode you have to destroy to destroy the bridges what are you what about man how dare you oh i've been given a recommended vehicle the bridge breaker so it says a complete challenge to unlock vehicle editing so i think for this challenge we just got to use the vehicle they give us and then after that we can create our own for it let's give this a bash so how does this thing work we've got some random claws what are they for is that to hold us in place maybe and then we've got oh yes okay okay oh okay i see how this works now so if we get close yeah i reckon probably to about there and then we do the claws down that sort of makes sure we're not going to rock about so that when we give these a bash ready man this feels so wrong but it is quite fun i really shouldn't be enjoying destroying bridges this much all right we've destroyed one bridge let's head over to the next one probably dodging the ruins oops i'm ready yeah the destruction this is fun it is very very fun ready boosh oh nice there we go destroy two bridges completed uh not my proudest moment but sometimes a job has to be done oh and that's unlocked that vehicle as a showcase vehicle i understand now interesting so now you can see for draco we have done the normal the challenge do you think we can do the expert so our objective is 80 total destruction and we've only got two minutes 30 to do that okay so looking in the showcase vehicles again we've got quite a few different things we could try out purely based on the name i'm gonna go for the triple threat oh yes this looks like it could be fun let's give it a go oh okay so e we've got cannons that we can shoot t and r are the chainsaws at the front okay so i think we'll keep the chainsaws running like that and then we'll just keep moving these as we go i probably shouldn't destroy the bridge first thinking about it i should probably try and get through the level destroy the tower first right so chainsaw into the pole oh it's annihilated nice smash that pole up we should probably try and get across the bridge first um okay okay that that didn't go too well i want to try this one out it's called the recoiler all right so it's got a cannon that we can aim up and down then why why is that a thing what did that button do i just like gobbled myself up okay i'm not sure if this is working as intended i feel like it's trying to do the backstroke on land hmm all right what actually is the intention of those so it can raise us up like a ballerina tank and then the other direction is just a bit random okay well let's try the tank out then so i think we're sort of aiming at the right place let's give it a shot oh oh secondary explosion okay so can we take out the tower from here ready it's in there oh tower is coming down oh this is quite fun actually i can shoot so many of them it's ridiculous all right that sort of gives me an idea all right so we're starting with just the cab we've got no budget here so this is awesome we're gonna grab a six-way heavy block so we've got that then if we come into this one we've got ultra heavy blocks i think i just want to sort of surround it in these so now we have a super heavy base which means on it i can prop something else so i think i want a power swivel i can go in the middle and i want that then a few of these and there we go and you might be thinking matt this is stupid like it's so tall it's just gonna flip over as soon as you shoot but what i'm thinking the fact that the cannons are all facing opposite directions means hopefully it should be an equilibrium when it shoots so we've got some rotation options we can rotate any direction and then we can just oh wow that tower got obliterated unfortunately we don't shoot very far maybe i should have angled up but we can just spin and do that surely i'll get 80 right there you go eight percent completed that's like the dumbest way of doing it i'm sure i mean we finished in one minute oh five but like five minutes later there's still explosions wow and our budget was 1.1 million as well that's that's quite special right oh look there's loads of different camera options now that's like follow camera normal isometric tracking all sorts follow camera ain't the best at this one although i could get a good shot of that ow yeah check out my efficiency rating there 1367. so yeah that is draco or draco now completely completed now there's nine other islands including the huge ares to do at the end but i won't have a little play in the sandbox and i've been very very fortunate enough to be asked by the dev could i create my own showcase vehicle and then it'll be added to the game which is so cool and this is where you guys can come in i want you to help me name it so let me know in the comments what this vehicle should be called but first we got to build it so i've loaded up this level we're going to destroy this building it's got a couple of towers there's a few little smaller buildings down there no we're not we're not using this vehicle this is not going to be it i sort of want to have a play with these new connectors so if we start off with something like that we just got four little treads so we can move about quite easily i've used ultra heavy blocks i want to try out the new connector which was this one a three-way y split so if i shove that on there then we can put something on the top in the middle so we're sort of off center in our grid now so i'm thinking a power pivot we can limit the angles which is pretty cool we can change the controls and all sorts of stuff like that so we'll do that for now i think i then want to try a load of four-way cross connectors but actually i don't want that swivel thing i want that to go there and then i want swivels on the side of that so yeah the power swivel and then we use the release connector to go there and release is e okay that's fine next up we're adding thrusters can you see where this is going so that's good i do perhaps need to put some sort of anchor in but let's just see how this works for now oh wow look at the cross the grass got like blown down all right so there you go we can move forwards backwards that we probably need to be a bit higher actually we can't really see out the grass maybe we need a combine harvester attachment at the front we can also rotate left and right i should probably add rotate to my rocket thing here but basically i want to rotate backwards to aim up nice so we're aiming at those towers i've then got q to turn on the thrusters and then e to let go of them ah yes okay that's cool that is cool although they didn't seem to do a lot of damage i was trying to turn them into like a ballistic missile right what about this so i've got chainsaws at the front we'll get them flying then i can aim it up a bit and then we got three rocket boosters ready if we fire them up with q and then hit e they are off oh okay they're kind of cool we knocked down one tower you can see it falling there but i feel like it'd be better if they're attached somehow right let's come into this rope tab and i want to connect these together i think bungie base could cause some carnage so if i just plonk one there and then the other end there now it's connected by a bungee rope a little bit concerned when we launch it might get caught on that but let's see what happens all right so fire up the chainsaws aim up a little bit probably aim at the out the tower that would help all right so then oops i did it the wrong i did it in the wrong order all right so fire and now let go oh no they did get stuck they're dragging me oh dear okay so bungee cord did get caught around me that's quite a cool fire effect though like that okay tell you what perhaps the ballistic missile idea isn't the best so perhaps i want to try the catapult idea that i had a while back all right so let's bung a t in there right so that's those in i then want some sort of thing at the back right so put a cube there and then i'm gonna build whatever i want to fling out the towers what do i want to fling at the towers okay potentially we could shove one of those there let's just have it that way around all right so in order to pull the catapult back because that's what i'm making a big old catapult last time i used the thrusters which was fun but a bit uncontrollable this time we're gonna try and use these the large pistons so if we plunk a load of these down we got 90 degree thing there all right so at the end of these pistons it's got a nice degree bend and then i got the release connector and then gonna have maybe the dump box so that might be quite tricky to actually connect it's probably easier just to make my own all right so start just something simple like that this isn't actually gonna disconnect unless i do a another connection thing so i will do another one there with a different control so that one's going to be g now we'll just shove a wrecking ball on there and then we'll do the fun stuff of connecting the bungee cord to go from that up to there and then from there over to oh this looks insane i wonder if it will work all right so let's get involved so that's dropped oh we've destroyed the tree at the back but we are now level let's move forward a little bit just so the tree can fall there we go okay so let's say i'm at the tower on the left so i want to extend oh gosh it's a bit long i might need a wheel at the back maybe okay now we're pointing at the tower on the right i think the bungee cords are stretched though so we do e and then g so ready e g oh oh that was terrible i can add more pistons to the back it's probably worth adding more to the front load if i just get rid of like that and then go this direction that could be a lot better and then at the end i think i need to add a wheel so i'll do a t split there rotate that way and then i'm just going to get a wheel down the bottom right so there we go that's a little bit better and then we just do the top stuff again and we're sorted all right so let's hit play we've got to move forward quickly so we don't fall off the edge and then i'm not sure how much this will stretch but i think we might have to move forwards quite a bit so i'll just smash through this all right let's extend oh god it's it's so long uh the bungee chords really aren't happy but i think we're almost ready to fire we want to do e then g so e oh no i forgot to set g up right here we go then we're all set up keys are all mapped bungee cords are going mental let's take down this tower so boosh let go oh well that didn't work very well i'll tell you what though it has given me another idea using these pistons right so this thing looks insane i've made like a giant like hammer thing at the front they're all pistons so this is going to go like floosh in the direction of the towers but they're only connected at the back by these tiny little trusses because i want to show you the power of the truss in reality not entirely sure what's gonna happen i imagine the weight of this front will just go down and like sit there but uh let's see what oh god do you see the front of that they were like poked out so because i made the wrecking balls like sit inside each other they weren't happy so they all popped out oh it looks like there's a fatal floor as well it looks like the back isn't connected let me just fix that right there we go that's much more stable oh wow this is going to be fun all right so i guess first things first do i just want to launch this thing here all right so let's move forward and then oh it's so ridiculous it's awesome oh the towers are coming down the towers are coming down oh onto me when the other ones coming down as well all right let's give it another boosh am i ready all right now we move back now we move back you want to try and line up so we can destroy that side i probably should have put something that can steer a bit better look at it all right i'm imagining in this office as like an architect out there looking out the window at the palm trees like i'm so glad i have to do nothing for my job all the engineers do exactly what i want them to and then push see you later mate this thing is bizarre it's so weird to look at why does it make me laugh so much it's just like whoop i like that actually helps me like move a bit faster as well but uh see you later buildings all right what else can we make in this game oh i love this game i love this game right i've just i've just sort of nearly maxed out the parts limit we can't go much bigger i could make them all a little bit longer maybe can you imagine driving this thing all right let's give it a boosh the tower survived right we're gonna have to get closer to slowly move closer all right that's probably close enough ready oh god oh god no no no don't cool off don't fall off there we go see i was always under control though i was just moving out the way so the towers didn't fall on my head look at this thing what have i created it is really effectively like now i've let it do its thing oh god we're in the sea we're in the sea oh what's water physics but look at the path i cleared that was two massive towers there now there's nothing i just had another go just because it's so fun i mean look at the destruction uh definitely not the easiest thing to control we're back in the water right i think i need to create a vehicle that you guys will all want to use as well i don't think anyone wants to use this one if i'm honest right so after hours and hours of fiddling this took me so long it's so terrible for what it is as well this is what i've come up with it was a crane to start with where we saw that we still had the strongest shape in there we've got two little hinges there and um that bit which extends of course now we got a cab down at that level we've got four tracks and you've probably noticed this huge weight on the back now that's to counter this end of the machine and i'll show you how it works so we're on the test level of the sandbox and you can see over in the distance there are some buildings we want to destroy also yes bonus strong shape on the back of the weights so a few controls we'll just lift up that a little bit it's a bit bony but it's not too bad and then we'll drive over to the towers right so we are here let's not get too close matt so at the end here these are all rockets and they're all on little spinny things so if i were to press e oh yes look at the flames it's beautiful it is absolutely beautiful we can we can spin around while we're here oh man i really like the graphics on the flames that is really cool so you can proper spin like that so the other thing we can do we can extend our arm by pressing t so we've got more reach so if we come back in let's just turn those off for now you can see how they spin now sort of doing an opposite rotation thing but let's get a bit closer this thing is insane for punching holes so i think we'll line up sort of there that looks pretty good we'll turn on the fire and then we'll use t to punch a hole are you ready then if we just drive forward ourselves yes then we turn that off and we can see the damage we've caused we'll bring our arm back in and wow there's not a lot of that building left shall we take down one of the towers so we'll turn them on and we'll give it a little bit of a spin ready oh we've taken an arm out is it gonna stay standing turn them off oh no he's coming down he's coming down top of me oh no all right and next up we have to get a bit closer because you're just out of range all right so this time i'm gonna spin them up and i'm gonna turn them off and then i'm gonna drive forwards oh that didn't work as intended all right so this time we are spinning i'm going to turn them off and then i'm going to thrust my shaft forwards oh god it pushed me back that's quite a strong tower although it's coming down oh it's coming straight down that's so cool but yeah this vehicle will be in the game and we need a name so if you want to let me know in the comments what you think we should call this uh your name might get in i'm thinking something along the lines of the mighty booster or something for that by the way i love this level dev you've outdone yourself here he actually said this was his favorite level to play and i can see why looking at the shapes of those buildings i reckon what we'll do we'll take the tower out and then we'll see what way it falls so it's ready all the towers coming down into the other building oh man it is beautiful let's let's spin our thing around into that one now into the other one oh look at that building coming down it's so cool i love this game oh that's impressive oh it's gonna say that's very impressive that building still stood up but um it's not so anyways thanks for watching peace love and whatever the hell we're gonna call this i'll catch you guys next time see you later bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 368,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: instruments of destruction, demolition video game, demolition game, destruction game, destruction physics, demolition physics, games like teardown, games like besiege, demolition bot, demolition robot, ultimate demolition machine, fun destruction, fun destruction games, demolition fun, instruments of destruction best builds, demolition vehicles, building demolition, building demolition game, instruments of destruction gameplay
Id: u4ZusyAhK7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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