Pay To Win in Among Us

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so today and among us we got one of my favorite things ever in video games this is pay to win you use your money to unlock new abilities to win the game you can also use that money to vote other people out and dude stick around till the end i unlock an exploit this gets interesting and guys keep hitting the like button down below i appreciate all the support hit the subscribe button let's do this everybody be quiet can you guys hear me hello who's gonna be a billionaire who's gonna be a billionaire we need to get a bunch of money put it in this piggy bank we need a half a million dollars to leave this island we're all worth nothing we literally have all of our belongings on our back right now in this bag look at look look at me i'm worth more i don't that doesn't make green like the american dollar that doesn't that doesn't even you know what i don't want to talk to you anymore you're a weird person you know that boys look at this man this map is sick right look at this okay so how this works i'll explain it as we go i already got a key look top center i have a key with a coffee mug on it so i can go over here once i get a thou i think it's a thousand or a hundred dollars i got a thousand dollars so if i come over here to the coffee station look i can activate this shop which generates me passive income watch this look look at my money toss it at the whole concert look i'm getting massive amounts of money boys look at this we're getting money so how this works all of my abilities cost money in the bottom left but also i can toggle into imposter form and look at my abilities in the bottom left look at this i get imposter abilities what i can do is use my money to mess with people and how i just got 15 000. oh my gosh i am loaded massive mass mass i'm trading as you level up you level up your clothes and you'll start to generate passive income i'll show you that a minute first of all let me get this let me buy a big stack of money hey grab that there we go i locked the car garage boys look at this pretty sick right so what we have to do is store half a million dollars on a piggy bank i since i'm the imposter i have to kill everybody at least once once i kill everybody once then i can escape too if they get all their tasks done and they get half a million dollars they can escape so i need to stop them at all costs so i'm gonna turn into the impossible look at my abilities i'm gonna inflation cause inflation money printer so all of their abilities cost double i'm pretty sure that's how that works i can also do a market crash watch this i'm gonna do a market crash the markets are crashing all of our money means nothing all of it anytime you pick up money oh wait somebody has a shop going somebody bought that coffee shop they're they're not getting any money from that right now no the markets are crashing look ups the markets are crashing look i'm looking for something did you i'm going to need your money i'm going to need your money i'm going to do a shakedown give me money thank you thank you thank you for the money now i have 40 000 i took i took half your money thank you so here's what i need to do i'm going to buy a steal i can buy this this is uh i steal from people look at this i cannot stop but we are rich out here don't you take my money back no look if that's my money look ups you're a mud you know what you know i'm gonna steal it back i'm gonna buy another oh it's on cool down okay i can also buy a look up check this out we gotta all look buy that buy that i'm gonna buy the luck i'm gonna check this out check this out i think so whenever i go over here you guys want to see me you want to see me spin you want to see me spin you want to see me spin so the luck up makes it to where it's a guaranteed win so if i spin this what am i going to get come on no whammy all money no whammy what did i get i got a shield now you can't take my money oh there's mass mass has a ton of money man there's a ton of them sorry sigils max [Applause] give me that money mass give me that money now you die mass stole all of sigil's money and i was repaying him well okay yeah you read them hey thank you so we all can the crew members also have a killability it just cost them money so all of my values right 500 there's cost double but since i'm the imposter i get you know i got a deal you know okay okay let's zoom out oh i forgot to mention once everybody's name is orange you see how mass's name is orange once all of their names are orange which means i've killed them once and they've been revived then i get a special ability like i said i can escape but i also get a special ability i'll show you that stick around it's insane okay check this out let's transform and i don't want to use too much of my money hey hey you give me that money boy you give me that money huh gotta go oh and i just used bank heist so now i'm going i'm running real fast that cost 500 so that's kind of a waste oh yeah and every time you level up your abilities double in price i'll level i should probably level up i should probably level up so it looks more legit i'm richer i'm leveling up look at this my outfit changes look hey look i got a shirt look at me i got a shirt in my shirt cool minecraft chart you know what i'm gonna i'm doing some depositing i'm depositing i'm depositing some money we're all depositing yeah i got 13 000 in my piggy bank got a half a million i'm almost there guys i'm almost there oh now my abilities cost double ah crap you know what i've got minecraft before giving me that minecraft give me that i gotta play minecraft all right hold on let me level up let me level up there we go level up now it's not stealing from bible wait look at my slicked hair oh yeah they're minecrafters now yeah all right so i leveled up twice which means my abilities cost more but check this out remember when i was the the the first level the homeless dude right i don't know if he was homeless he just had his stuff on his back i wasn't gaining any interest but now that i'm level two i am now gaining passive income this is how it works you change your clothes you get more money that's not how it works but that's how it works all right so now i have this key i'm gonna have it here gotta go and i also have all these abilities that i'll show you in a minute there's also death vault which is insane oh where's the hey does anybody know where the shop is i got the shop yeah buy it hey i got the shop hey yeah hey guys don't look at me welcome give me this money look him give me the money give me this money look come on give me the money you know what you know what give me my money that takes like i think 10 of his money all right i killed him hey listen why that cost that cost me four thousand dollars i don't want to res him can you res him tell your story what happened uh he stole my money no you stole my money so i killed you because i was angry oh no oh no okay let's go down this way so many people have shops dude you loaded gary i don't even have a shop someone just took that from me did you oh no broke man i'm oh a shop oh you can go get you can go be an entrepreneur you want to go be an entrepreneur business partner i know okay well i'm just going to walk now oh inflation i just did inflation as soon as gary puts that down i'm gonna do market crash market crash market crash so he's getting nothing from that oh that's so mean but i'm not getting any money either because market crashed you know i'm not getting any passive income that's fine okay check this out take this out i'm going to start targeting right there put fake money right there fake money i just blew up what just happened help they blew me up oh sigil why did you blow up what happened i don't know man the money it was the money oh was it oh no oh [Music] he's orange now i killed him with the nuke are you okay [Music] oh gosh okay all right so now biffle is tagged i need to tag more people i'm going to do another nuke i'm going to do another nuke i'll do another nuke in a minute i'll do another new comment i'm going to i'm going to sabotage steel and i'm going to level up let's level up this impossible but guess what did you just fix can you fix it again please i gotta go win it on the wheel again scary fix it fix it please i'm trying you know what i'll fix it i'll think you like my hair dude i love love i got a little antenna on my head because i got the wi-fi in my brain oh i can fix it i'm going to repair it wait it's like it protects it oh that protects it oh i'm going to protect a lucky clover a protected and now it's got a force filter on it oh gary okay you know what i'll buy it i'll get it there i fixed it i fixed it there i fixed it that's a good alibi that's a good alibi oh i forgot we also have meetings i gotta frame somebody i need to start tagging sigils you see oh i'm gonna put fake money right there fake money he's gonna get that oh did you what i just blew up again dude this money is i just saw you blow up oh you know it's not oh no so you see how he has a two next to his name if i hit him again with fake money he dies oh look who's turkey dang it i was trying to get that cost me 3 000 every time i'm gonna buy the steal i'm gonna buy the steel hold on buy this deal there we go okay hold on you know what i'm gonna nuke i'm gonna nuke zud i'm gonna nuke zud oh gary got it gary's got a one next to his name now now when zud gets rezzed he should have an orange name oh zut are you good i'm a freezer oh no hey look um i'm gonna need all your money thank you oh me go oh come on oh i forgot i also have bounty let's do market crash and inflation there we go and let's break uh let's break lucky clover there we go we're breaking everything okay we're sigils the market crashes there's sigils right there okay i need to put fake money on him he's that level two right there big money right there oh look who's got it dang it i need to hit sigils with that crap okay okay i need to put bounty on somebody who has a oh gary has a white name hold on let's put bounty on gary gary has a thirty thousand dollar bounty i have to go get this go get this hey gary gary you got a bounty on your head gary gary give me that bounty oh i just got loaded look um here give me your money thank you thank you thank you i'll revive them now monsters i'm just okay i need to save up some money so i can unlock my final form get the most passive income oh and i forgot there's also a mini game i should probably do a mini game let me go ahead and do some inflation market crash so they stopped making money and i need to hit sizzles with the fake money right there is he gonna come down this way is he coming he has got exploded oh that's so good okay who isn't orange uh corey is it cory's not done i'm gonna do the death vault on him this is the mini game so if i click this click corey he has to choose one of the three vaults two of them are booby trapped where are you gonna go corey you're gonna pick the left one where are you gonna go one of them's booby trapped where are you gonna go is he gonna pick the right one oh he passed it dang it that didn't kill him yeah oh oh i got enough for the final form here we go final four spread it off yes i got it before you can take it i am in my final form look at me i got money coming out of my back i don't know what that means i just look at my passive income though boys i'm getting loaded i'm getting like a thousand dollars every second okay nico is still a white name i got a sniper i gotta stack him with this knife him with the uh the nuke [Music] oh we hit those nick i gotta take out simi too oh zad at seventy five thousand come here zad i'm gonna take your money boy please i need it quick deposit quick deposit oh i made it oh what happened what happened what's going on what's going on so see should also see me kill two person in front of me what and she didn't revive i had to revive you didn't even revive you you didn't even revive my auto station oh no get her out of here get her out get her out the more money you put on her the more money if she's the imposter it's over look um give me your money and look um corey we need to have a word young man we need to have a word all right listen i just wanted your money come on thank you really okay is everybody orange i think they don't wait no i forgot i need to convert somebody and then i unlock my final form gary listen listen listen listen listen i have a lot of money okay and i need you to help me okay i'll take some free money oh you're you're what oh that's interesting wow um okay that means oh my wait a minute i get right gary once i get 500 000 in my bank my final ability unlocks help me reach it gary give me your money give me your money gary how do i give you my money go steal money from people give it to me gary i need 500 000 let's do a quick deposit quick deposit just keep depositing in there keep depositing mass give me all your money boy give me that buddy corey give me all your money you know why go ahead and deposit all this to my piggy bank oh i got zero now oh i got money again okay i need a little bit more and then i unlock my final form gary give me your money hey walk up plug ups give me that money look-ups oh look i'm so sorry is this enough if i deposit this 500 000. no i just need money now i just need money all right gary gary go give me take this activity stop i have my final ability ready for this ready what is it go ahead and zoom out yeah go ahead and zoom out i think that was everybody gary no the wheel oh weird i think that was officially everybody all right gary there can only be one [Music] all right now that everybody's dead i unlock my final form let's get out of here gg boys we win hit the like button hit the subscribe button that's what i'm talking about
Channel: SSundee
Views: 6,797,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JeT8YliMUU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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