Destroying The ENTIRE OCEAN With A Level 500 Shark in Feed And Grow Fish

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a game called feed and girl fish not fish feed and grow as some of you pointed out in the last comments yes it might look like that didn't the logo here but no it's called feed and grow fish so i had a dumb idea dumb ideas are the best ideas we're gonna play on easy mode and my dumb idea is to come all the way over here until we get the smallest of the sharks called the blacktip shark he's a small boy looks pretty cool though if you ask me and our objective is to take this small boy and we are going to make him eat the great white to the largest shark in this map he looks uh pretty ugly so can i just give him a different skin yeah that that also that looks like a megalodon and then there's a dumb robot i don't know why there's a dumb robot but the biggest problem is i only have two money so let's go with the free bibles and we need to get 30 coins i'll be real getting 30 coins is not that difficult especially when you find these stupid fish you don't even really know how to swim properly and you just chomp on their faces you get some meat and then your friends eat it think go away i don't like you anymore maybe they'll steal their lunch yeah you guys eat that and then i'll come in here and steal the snacks uh-huh and come here yes joke's on you turd nuggets they just like bullying me and taking my lunch money fortunately i know how to strike out on my own and get some good luscious food also pokey food that injures me probably not a great idea to bite that but i mean xp is xp right oh no no no no no no no we're gonna nope out of here we don't want to mess with the hammerhead that would be not good right now they're a large shark actually should i mess with a hammerhead hits no noises should i go for it he's got a case of the dumbs oh no he doesn't whoa can't touch this i'm the gingerbread blitz run away oh hello giant grouper fish and stingray i'll take a stingray out ow it already hurt me but it didn't hurt me nearly as much as eating one of those sea urchins did and oh a large piece of snacks i like large snacks and that thing just entirely destroyed that whole grouper's career oh never mind he's right there maybe it ate one of these puffy boys thankfully i also like to eat the large puffy boys because they have well um snacks inside of them i don't know where i was going with that get in my mouth hole in my mouth hole very nice hey nice of you to stop by this is like a fast food drive by right now oh and more snacks hello wow you guys got the case of the dumbs in your face hey this is my snack you guys go away oh balls where'd you come from oh do not like do not like eat snacks get away oh okay that was dangerous skittle just leave and stuff all right so here's the deal i have 30 hearts right now oh i don't like that it's so scary okay you know what on second thought um if i die that i could just become a black tip shark where'd he go there he is should i mess with sasquatch i'm gonna do it ow wait why am i why did i where did i fight the urchin wait did it die that's illegal somehow it died and i oh go away you annoying little sea creature this is my snack even though you did all the damage yourself the even better news is that and we have now 60 xp and i could pretty much mess with anything so let's go out of here we're gonna go fish select and now is the time where we become the tiny little black tip shark and here is the objective as my little black tip sharky friend oh it looks so cool i love it my little black tip shark is going to eat the megalodon on this map oh that's another black tip okay wow that's not so bad i'll take all that free xp all day every day oh he's eating a barracuda tuna bare tuta kuda and there's another berry tuna cuda don't worry friend i will eat your bear tuna cuda and then i i'm gonna eat these these are mine oh you had dibs on them i guess okay it's a phoenix frenzy it's a certified shark feeding frenzy we're going in take out the barracudas and i'm just going to wait here to his snack i like snacks they're my favorite vegetable maybe can i eat this little blue fish without biting it i just want to oh i can hello barracuda my sharks are having so much fun what does this do oh i get to see things i guess that's like little nose receptor like you can smell it boop okay oh there we go we have a little red thing that's unique pointless but unique can i eat the urchin without doing anything i'm kind of scared too that actually did a lot more damage than i thought it would so we're not going to do that again oh hammerhead ain't my friend hammerhead noises i don't like this right away who's chasing me oh that's a mako oh that's a mako they're so big and strong i don't like this do not like get away i'm a dolphin or a dolphin making dolphin noises can i am i leaving oh he's that no he's up he's not after me somehow i got away he there's the megalodon oh it's so big okay that's a great white how to make lid on but it's the same thing just kidding it's not oh i got two tuna that's nice i'm just hoping that there's no megalodon's gonna come by great whites right ladons there we go we'll scan them oh yes beautiful food come on sandwiches give me some of that tuna sushi a little jerk nugget just try to eat my food ripped apart you are not allowed to leave i will shake you to death and eat your life now to be real careful there's large fish here like the big gorilla goliath grouper not gorilla he doesn't seem oh he just swallowed that thing entirely all right bite and shake oh whoa that was not cool okay i'm gonna do it again and bite and shake wow stop it that's annoying come back here i need to eat you for scientific reasons no why are you so fast even though you're big and chunky yeah got him ow stop that i told you to stop that he's like bro stop it we're supposed to be friends here it's annoying go away so like when your little brother wants to play video games with you and you're like nah bud it's not time to play video games right now and he keeps trying and you kind of slap him that's that's what's going on right now but i pinned him in the corner and now he's not leaving me very often no no no no no you're not you're not allowed to leave hey you're not allowed to leave come back here oh he didn't he didn't fight back that time is it bad when they don't fight back oh told you stop it there's gonna be such a big fish sandwich out of this who attacked me okay we're okay it's gonna be such a huge fish taco wait i think he i think i knocked him out does that mean i can make him go up to the surface i think so and he should explode and do a little bitty tiny bits of sushi come on just get to the water surface yes wait that that was it just that little that was not worth it that was not worth 180 xp i was expecting large pieces of sushi no no no no no no mako oh that sucks he was a hungry fishy boy i just totally found a big barracuda feeding frenzy and i mean the full feeding frenzy part is gonna be me eating them oh okay there's a lot of them there's a lot of them i can do oh no no no you're not allowed to leave it's my my turn to eat you thank you i'm just going to devour you shake them just a little bit yes give me that snack oh hello nice of you to stop by i didn't realize barracuda were like a schooling fish but doesn't matter to me i just get snacks all day oh look another one oh oh that was i was gonna eat the little blue the little yellow thing come here stop stop swimming just stop swimming just stop swimming get into my mouth hole yeah missed yeah i have no sprint left got him i finally got him you are my dinner i will name you steve and make you food hey hey there's a snack right here come and get it he doesn't want to get it well look at this oh come back here i'm gonna eat you hey i got one oh man there might be a little bit difficult to catch but i can swallow them directly oh come back why do you have to swim so fast you know it doesn't swim fast is big ugly dumb parrot fish oh yeah 180 xp i'll take that all day every day oh paired fish where are you [Music] i just want to eat you okay that's what i kind of want to stay away from just kidding i kind of want to attack it oh it's eating a dolphin i mean if i attack you now and i kill you oh oh balls oh no no no no get away from it get away from it get away from it this is how the oh wait it's not attached oh it's attacking me okay you know what i'm cutting my losses and i'm gonna attack oh here we go i'm gonna steal this from my friend uh my knee swim away swim away that was excellent i did so good i'm so proud of myself oh what do we have up here oh no that's another mako mako feeding frenzy could i mako the mako in my mako hole i don't even know what that means but i'm gonna attempt to oh balls okay okay all right all right i'm going to bite the makeup into little pieces and i'm going to eat it whoa oh whoa he's got there he juked me what are you what is going on here where'd my makeup my mako bro go whoa so you got some cheats in you but get away from me yes did you see that he was doing the dumb oh whoa whoa hey i only got one get away get away get running hey last thing you want to do is mess with the hammerhead bro i'm not even at my final form yet come here little paired fish ow you're so dumb i caught you in my mouth can i eat you oh i can just swim right down into my digestive system hello oh no no come back here all right there's the mako should i try to dance with him and by dance i mean eat his life doing good damage he also can't oh he's touching me i don't like it when he touches me like that wait is he dead did i make it dead oh i did ha dang wait why did he only give me like three pieces of snacks whoa grouper don't like grouper hey hey you come here come here yes you're actually easier to kill than that entire big shark was all right grouper oh that was creepy oh no no no you're annoying i'm just hoping he doesn't swallow me because groupers have gigantically large faces and they can swallow things like with one little tiny bite yes yes snacks for days i wasn't expecting to eat him but i mean i'll take it whoa whoa oh you just scared the jeepers on me hey i'm feeling confident level seven on prowl there's a nice little crustacean over here that i can just eat oh that was an easy one oh no i'm stuck going through the sunken rooms like nobody's business we got two makos and a three makos i think i'm just gonna swim backwards can sharks i don't think sharks can actually swim backwards right oh there's another mako he's just munching on these little weird-looking fish oh hey ow that hurt okay and i just munch on them oh can i bite this yeah this is worth like a 60 xp thank you very much and you're worth like 14. not really worth it but i mean you guys spawn here so it makes it all better inside and i would like to hunt down that mako and teach him who's the best shark ever and i think i see him right above my fin over here oh mako where are you oh is that him that looks like him there might be a couple sharks over here is there a black tail oh we gotta fight we gotta fight i gotta get my friends wait those are dolphins okay this is bad we got like this weird feeding frenzy going on with dolphins and junk actually that's okay because it killed one of the dolphins and oh i got a shark yes oh that's some giant snacks right there eat it eat it eat the giant snacks imagine if those were oreos i'll just be eating them all day long and the dolphin got away unfortunately we can't let that happen there's no witnesses here can't tell your other dolphin friends what i've been doing whoa whoa big snacks i like how these things level up and do more damage as you get stronger actually i don't love that because it did a ton of damage more than the stupid mako did on another dolphin he had meat stuck to his back unfortunately i'm gonna eat his back and knit it oh yes two giant steaks nothing's tastier than dolphin steak except maybe licking a puffer fish that might be fun too oh that was fun tuna fish can i just eat you mr puffer boy is that what dolphins do they like play ping pong with puffer fish or something because they have toxins oh wow that wasn't i thought i'd have to bite it oh oh oh oh oh oh great white great white great white sighting where was that i don't oh wow and then we start again so let's stack the odds slightly and increase the amount of fish in this little pond oh yes blacktip family you are so nice right now i can even eat these things for lots of big money and maybe even a sailfish oh you're so fast that seemed to also stack the odds in the favor for the other fish families look at the size of that gigantic grouper wow he's like this is mine now oh that's terrifying okay you're dead i need to eat you oh yes dolphin boy you taste so delicious oh i'm so scared of that oh no something's after me too i don't like this no ladies and gentlemen we just found a great white shark please eat that giant grouper he's like no i am just going to snack on all of these clownfish because they taste so funny get it get the grouper oh he's eating the grouper oh that was three bites and you destroyed it oh my word there's a black tip and a giant mako and they are getting wrecked by the great white oh my word that's so scary i do not want to go over there until i'm like 14 times bigger than i am right now remember that thing i said about being 14 times larger yeah i think if i eat up a bunch of dolphins i can get there come here dolphin hey hey no or you know what on second thought i'll just eat up an entire ocean's worth of clownfish again and we'll just hope and pray that the gigantic killer whale doesn't show up again great white killer great white or whale whatever they're called i like how there's so many fish swimming around literally the game sounds stopped other than just water noise it's like hey we forgot how to make noise oh there's a little game noise whoa hello what are you doing here i'm gonna eat everything can i swallow a grouper oh i can yay groupers get in my mouth oh you're too big to swallow that's okay wow that hurt can i swallow you no but i can chomp on you yes vengeance is mine oh balls there it is the great white it's after me maybe it's not after me i don't like this it made noise though oh no no no no bad great white wow ow stop it he's annoying i have to eat him though that's the science experiment well this is like what i like to see all of my snack selfie snack if i eat myself is that cannibalism i don't really know i'm not really an expert in cannibalism i feel like there's some really really strange mental illness where you eat yourself yeah or you know strange mental illness with great whites eating you too okay i found a giant mako i don't know if i can eat the giant mako i'm trying to but the game is like hey we forgot to put sounds in right now yikes oh oh he's so big it's so stinking big oh it's shaking i don't like this die mako man randy trav that's macho man same difference though would you stop violently shaking everything it's not i'm not even really doing damage to it yet it's so big oh there's the great white over there too this could be oh i knew it there's a hammerhead i have finally seen you my friend oh he's so tiny why do you have to be so tiny this was supposed to be a big battle oh there's another one i found their spawn point yeah i have done it i have become her the eater oh there's a mako too hello mako nice of you to make oh mia snack in my mouth hole oh nice wait i got 60 xp for meeting a mako i feel like that should be illegal we have to pay very special attention now we've become too large to make this go to waste we have to find the great white and devour it oh my word there's so much xp from these stupid things i also take a lot of damage by running into the anonym enemies i really wish i could find that great white right about now level 35 i'm super dangerous everything just gets instantly devoured if i swim by it and i have no idea where the great white is that's a black tip i believe there's another black tip i'm so much bigger than him there it is there it is i have found it okay nope ah i just are you kidding me one snap and i exploded so if i were a giant great white shark where would i live definitely not in a pot wow that's a huge parrotfish how did you get so big bud okay i just yeah snap it oh my word that was fun look at that giant pile of dolphins can i just devour all of them i mean if i just bite real quick and that was awesome hey dolphin boy i'm so sorry sorry not sorry oh that's a huge one that was awesome too now i can just swallow dolphins entirely why do i keep taking damage i don't know i wish i could find the dolphin spawn point and just eat them all here we go never mind i found the dolphin spawn point oh there's multiple okay great white where are you it's time for me to become the ultimate champion i've trained my whole life for this oh a little barracuda well there's a shark oh what kind of shark that's a mako come here mako come here bud oh i got him i think um it died i don't know what happened to it though okay usually the great white is hiding out over on this side of the map that's the sailfish swordfish died there's nothing else here to eat because i've eaten everything oh there it is there it is there's a big shark right in front of me uh maybe that's a friendly one you can barely see it hot dang is that a mako looks like a mako come here mako i'm gonna make you mako you mayo dinner hey hey ugly oh wait what where'd it go it just uh it just got heated or something oh oh there it is there it is the great white i see you i see you oh okay yes yes yes yes i did it i have killed the great white now where's another one i need to kill another one we shall find its spawn point to become the ultimate of the predators also when you get so big you're also stupidly slow and you can't see anything thankfully i have the sonar ability that doesn't work there we go there we go oh big chunky yes i got you oh dirty that was like five levels worth i see it again that might be another giant mako i'm not exactly sure but i'm gonna kill it oh wow okay we found we found the giant school of clownfish and got it oh okay i got stunned i got instantly stunned oh wow he's down here oh i gotcha it's kind of weird that those big fish don't give me any uh any xp though thankfully there's plenty of clown fish to eat that's fantastic i'm like a giant shop fact sucking up all the sushi out of this ocean he sneak attacked me ow there we go right on top of him okay oh oh okay whoa i'm a dolphin look at me i'm a dolphin okay oh he's right here he's right here i found a spawn point finally oh did i get it i got it i got it okay where are you where'd you go where'd you come from where'd you go where'd you come from cotton i joke he's after me again i don't even know where he is oh okay all right i know oh you're on me again oh die die okay can i just swallow it nope nope okay everything's fine everything's fine everything's fine this is where we get the big xp no that's my food that's your food it's actually you why why are you doing this me oh got you okay can i swallow you now oh you're so big oh i got it oh no no no not on top of me oh i'm so much bigger than you oh hey i can't swallow it yet come on come on i feel like i've won the game but i haven't yet because we have to just be able to swallow it entirely whole oh come on how many levels does this take i think i did it i think i can swallow it wow where'd you come from ow stop that oh okay we just snapped up your friend oh there's two of them now there's two of them why why are you here i think i ate them okay you're gonna die real quick fast in a hurry and then i'm just gonna flip around in the ocean like a dolphin okay is this is this how we win the game now we just sit here and we we just keep devouring the great white i think so look at our levels up they're going like crazy this is amazing level 150 level 200 oh 240 i can't really do anything anymore oh no i'm stuck oh there's a shark attached to my belly what are you doing bud what are you um i think i broke the game my tails got a case of the dumbs in it i literally can't swim anymore oh okay we're back underwater things are happening oh yes i'm eating things i don't know what i'm eating but things are being eaten oh i think i'm eating sharks again i mean i have no control over my shark right now but i'm eating pretty much the entire ocean with every single gulp whoa what are you doing sharky boy i'm dying to the 3 000 damage running into an urchin that should be illegal if i just swing my head left and right i eat pretty much everything in the entire ocean at once whoa whoa i'm dying something just happened i think it must have been like a sea urchin was doing like 6 000 damage every second that's fine though my constant eating of great whites have leveled me up to level 350 and i gained you know constant 3 000 hit points every second too ow ow something's biting me i can't even tell what it is anymore we passed level 400 and a shark is gnawing on me i can't eat it right now but that's okay because i have over 100 000 hit points would you stop biting me i can't i've got zero control over sharkington too oh no my shark has decided that this is the most efficient way to eat things right now oh no my shark has decided that doing this is the most efficient way to eat things just you know with your head in the waters you can still breathe and your tail being like 17 miles away from the ocean i wish i oh wow there we go i'm just a land shark now there's just gonna be like attack sharks look at all that xp oh what the game just decided like hey i think you won this time and you died so i guess that's the end of the video thanks for watching bye i'd also like to give a shout out to all the patrons and youtube supporters including spider-sax if he's feared joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow doug rules 2.0 nerdy geek allen h apollo bunny auto dave ben dicky jade teddy hippies desby eagle arc maxer with the good spencer t zarnoff deegan jason m and rail
Channel: Blitz
Views: 503,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, feed and grow fish, feed and grow, feed and grow fish game, feed and grow fish blitz, blitz feed and grow fish, feed and grow fish shark, feed and grow fish dragon, feed and grow fish megalodon, fish game, fish games, feed and grow fish secret fish, feed and grow fish secrets, feed and grow fish black tip shark, feed and grow fish great white shark, feed and grow fish great white
Id: jFHvM3jDJ2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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