I DEFENDED Humanity From the CYBERCORE TITAN Invasion in Worldbox

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a little game called war box you know what time it is it's time to sacrifice another elf to the lava oh yeah oh yeah it's one of my favorite sounds in the whole world go little elf run away until the lava explodes on your face oh you can have so much fun are you escaping you're not allowed to escape my little friend i totally forgot how to pick up a person and drop them in lava it's not the finger that copies the pixels under it he's running away oh no he's going where are you gonna go little fella you're not allowed to go anywhere no no no no he's like i need to leave kapow i did it i did it i totally i totally did it oh yes it's so satisfying just look deeply into its eyes also what was the name of the donkey and trick i never can remember that i always want to and then i'm like i can't remember his name also you might be excited that i i did download a few mods uh including this one that literally rains coffee right down into shrek's mouth i don't know why i really don't know what coffee does but it's it's there so we have that going for us and look we have swamp seeds too we can cover shrek with swamp for some dumb reason i think this almost fit shrek better than the other foresty biome that he had for a face originally and those eyes are still terrifying i love it but no my friends we're not gonna play around with shrek all day today just a little bit if you know what i mean we're gonna have something else exciting to do because there's this world paradise i'd probably mispronounce that but this is the world from attack on titan it looks pretty good uh this was a one that i found on the steam workshop you guys can search for it and find it but i thought there would be something interesting that we could do today and there is races over here weird things like the tumor it grows on land and devours everything also burns good there's the the pumpkins we have some biomass but then there's the cyber core and i thought it'd be fun to put in a bunch of cyber cybercore titans all around the outside of this map and then let them totally expand over the whole world that they can get into except for the city walls here of the attack on titan world and once the titans have assimilated the entire outside world like this then we see if the humans can win and colonize the entire world i don't know it might be a fun idea it might be totally stupid and i'll delete the recording but you guys will never see that so i have a few of these little cybercore towers i thought those would look good in there and then if we open up the settings menu go here click the hamburger 11 times we get the debug menu and we can go super speed and then they're just going to colonize the world even faster and as they're colonizing the world faster i'm going to spawn in 100 villagers inside of here to start creating the world also looks like we have one giant human because regular ones are tiny and that one's a giant so let's make sure our world laws are nice and happy people are going to be fed and everything is going well and then we'll let them work and see what happens and the realm of active is spawn only 99 people i totally failed that but the titans are spreading over the world very nicely that is cool and the population is crashing for some reason maybe i need to turn off the thing where they die of old age yeah we're no longer having that involved also that happened don't really know what that means but neat oh nice i was hoping that they'd be able to build boats to travel around the world in and they've made a cute little army here that they'd have a monster sword how did you already get a legendary monster sword it's made out of stones that's like terrible dude we need we need miners in here and looks like the titans have pretty much cleared up the rest of the world except for this little region right here where they're trying to work on it and there's a little bit down here that's starting to spread to it i feel like they need a little extra help let's put a cyber core down in this area nice now one of the other mods that i have is called the modern age mod and it makes buildings that we can go up to like level 10. so we're starting to get some buildings that we've never seen before making a modern city in here which should be kind of cool because well frankly there's a lot of titans and we probably need all of the military help we can have oh look at this we have a new settlement that's just never mind they're like we thought we wanted to build oh they really want to build but they don't are you going to build you know what do you keep dying dude i wonder if these guys can shoot over the mountains that's interesting if i turn sonic speed off is this guy going to get blasted oh it is oh the titans are firing over the wall oh no that's sad i wonder how many people are going to be sacrificed to this little corner of the world before something actually pops up because these guys can't fire back over the wall the other way until they make up a watch tower i believe i'm not exactly sure what's happened but one of the humans here iqbalto has decided to cross over the wall and is walking here in cybercore territory um he's not actually doing anything against him how did you get over here that's what i want to know sarah is there a hole in the wall somewhere and they really don't seem to care at all oh check that out they're building up like a skyscraper like thing here that's kind of cool i wonder what these are going to turn into well good news everyone they've actually kind of made a civilization over here and they're starting to fire back a little bit did you see that they had their bows out shooting things also this is really cool looking oh he's got a sweet mithril sword dude's a giant i'm gonna favorite you you're not my favorite my name's not kevin but i'll still respect you oh they're firing again oh okay that was bad you guys need to come back and fire again oh you destroyed the house you're so mean oh we took it out one of the towers oh man this is not good deal why doesn't the army actually try to go against him should i open up the wall are we are we good to open the wall we have 1500 people i really kind of wanted to wait until these skyscrapers were built because they look really cool oh they're just about shot down a boat oh that would have been cool hey wow wow that did not take long that was like a couple seconds and it was dropped half its health oh man we are starting to get really close to the edges though and a few of these towers have been knocked out which is really nice for us but the entire northern lands have not been colonized at all but we are starting to make our way up rivers slightly these guys are so dumb we have one titan here that just keeps throwing junk oh there we go we're finally shooting back somebody got a bow and they're like ah you know what that wasn't worth it i'll just let all my friends die meanwhile the colonization of the island is going very nice we have the entire thing finally done except for this little area right here and that's what i was working on is trying to get it cleared up so they can colonize it and we're getting some very cool looking buildings in here too that's very nice so the real question is where are we going to breach the wall first and i wanted to go somewhere maybe that had a military like right here should we breach the wall right here and see what happens i mean i'm asking questions when i'm already doing things oh wow so what's going to spread first that's my real question is the the creep going to come in or where's is the creep going to come in or are the humans going to go out because i don't think the grass can grow on it oh humans are leaving humans are leaving oh they're smacking it you're not even a warrior why are you doing this there's just like man-to-man hand hand combat oh no you died and tk019 got a single hit oh never mind come on military i i made this hole right here for you and they're just churning out more creep here oh they killed one never mind that was a human that died these people are so dumb i feel like i need to give you like super power armor and stuff let's let's try giving you something to actually fight back here would you like some adamantite armor as well my dude you're gonna be a king real soon okay there you go no where why are you running away why are you running new animal you're not an animal you're a human he's lucky and wise maybe that's why you're running away i'm just gonna stand out here on the mechanical ground and jump and frolic and play because some mysterious creature from space just give me a weapon in armor i don't where are you going like for real this time buddy where are you going i mean your hit points are fine you're gonna go kill it you're gonna die before you even get there you're incompetent why are you why do you have a case of the dumbs okay are you gonna die you did 15 damage wow now do you have the weapon in armor no you that's physically impossible i just love how they've sent out the civilians too maybe these guys want to turn into titans they're just smacking you with their fingers up on the mountain oh that one's actually gonna die oh they killed one congratulations you guys aren't incompetent don't worry our military is only like 74 people strong and the guy can't get sick i don't know what that matters oh this one's like hey i also have a stone axe i'm gonna go against the titans with that and the military has finally been summoned are they gonna go into all of battle some of them are fighting no no no no no military go out here your people are dying i don't understand why people with like literal pitchforks and stone axes are going out to battle when the entire military's like hey we're just dancing and we love science i feel like i should give them a nuke just to make them know that i'm not appreciating what they're doing i just i gotta nuke something i'm gonna nuke right here just oh yay i dropped a thousand bombs i got an achievement look how cool i am i can drop a thousand more see let that be a warning to you humans if you don't kill the titans i will end you and the titans won't have a chance oh but we are attacking a few of their towers that's kind of cool hey the military's coming to play maybe that's the military leader he's like hey guys i'm here i've got a sword and a ring and the rest of me is naked but we're beating a tower and that's cool and i think my military leader is about to die hey they killed something hot ding military campaigns i'm actually excited except the military leader just kind of keeled over dead the cheating thing is these guys have aoe attacks and i'm beating them back with sticks like literal sticks oh they burn in water that's kind of fun that guy doesn't have a stick why do you have elegant adamantite armor and your military leaders got a stick is so broken something is wrong with that oh this is also wrong they've started to creep in here interesting the campaign is going well military is expanding we almost have a full continent back and sonic mode nice they're doing it we have one area completed now the question is how do we claim this back in the grass does this start on fire i need to see fire uh it does not burn there is no burning except for when i burned the people that was fun do grass seeds get planted in it no it's like this weird techno fog i mean i should be able just to demolish it right yeah that works oh but it still gets kind of picked back up well i'm gonna save for the betterment of our people that we actually did clear this area out i think it's time to open it up another area this place looks very nice right here should be a good attack region because we can go up and around and colonize this area backwards and we never really put humans up here or they all died one of the two i'm gonna put this in here so the aliens can come in this way yeah and the humans can also go out now they're probably gonna get slaughtered and destroyed but i think it's a good idea that they can advance and so can i the military is coming on the north side nice how's the campaign on the south coming along decent they just destroyed something else why did you build oh my word oh that ship's gonna sink why would you build a ship there you dumb animals oh that was not satisfying why seriously why did you build a ship yard there you could build cities and that would have been the smarter plan oh what is that building i don't even know what that is but i need one in real life all the military is up top too nice they're spreading out and getting dominated uh except we had a giant that also just died oh wow looks like the north they have cleansed it most of it anyway except for way over here and they're getting slaughtered we should probably open this up so the military can come through and help that's a good plan just breached the wall military no you're supposed to come and help there they go they're doing it oh we gotta watch this fight in slow-mo a regular mo oh man i always love others just this big giant like bullet volley i don't even know the right words for it but they're making it work wow go little humans destroy the towers oh they're gonna make only push them into the water i always loved that part he's like no you shall not pass this dude's a giant plus he has adamantite sword that's cool you're my new favorite because the last one died throw them into the water nicely done drop them into the water nicely done we're doing it so well get destroyed oh yay they don't burn they drown short circuit what do things do when they go in the water i don't know i guess they're electrical electric titans that looked painful that wasn't very smart but we did get most of this area done so it's time to demolish the runes and my humans can explore we'll go to this area because there's still some stuff down here oh wow and they've done a nice job down here i think this one's gonna be a very difficult one to get to there we go another tower and a second tower been removed we're starting to get some ships trying to make it out to the ocean go little dude go go go go go oh that was so close go go go go go go go go go go go go go hey they made it to the ocean oh they're alive good job boat i'm so proud of you oh oh they just blew up and meanwhile look at how cool this city is they have like people on the buildings i don't even know what that is but it looks neat there's a sign up here that says subscribe to blitz how did they know to put that in the game time for another breach in the wall whoops that's not what i wanted to do i wanted to breach the wall right here whoa what do they put in the jar here i don't even know what that is there's so many weird things here it's like what what are half of these creatures oh wow we've lost 700 people i guess that means the titans are coming back and attacking what's going on here why are the buildings breaking oh they're getting shot from outside but we're claiming a lot of it back there's only three towers left here we have the military all grouped up here trying to defend the shipping port oh they're running away no no no the bad guys are over here you dumb animals they're not animals they're humans because humans are animals right you guys you're supposed to come up here and defend this area wow you just blew up one of my boats can you have a titan boat i wish these things could colonize oh man they're just getting destroyed anytime they come close to land such dumb things i think this area might be the most difficult one to to come back against unless i have an idea why don't we just make a little land bridge here and then open this up yes the military finally came out here and conquered all of this lands and there's two left there four over here we only have two on this peninsula and there's a few up top here as well this might be very difficult they've fortified themselves nicely in that mountain range to the north well this is amazing my military actually learned for once sort of they were just firing arrows across the river when i'd last what's going to say something here you guys now just walk across there you go look at that all it takes is blitz just being a genius and never mind they've created peace with each other now our humans are going to turn into like giant things oh there we go oh you have poked the bear that was a bad idea all it took was a little bit of a mess to make water not happen properly good don't stop shooting at my boats you dumb animals call everything an animal wow they actually like slaughter my military i guess they are like cyber cores aren't they advanced technology yeah everyone's got adamantite weapons but zero armor oh that volley killed like three no quit killing my military yes it's dead did we do it did we conquer this lands back oh almost almost there's no chance those two are gonna survive and then we just have a peasant why is there just a peasant walking up a naked peasant just wandering in you're like hey i have a child i'm 30 years old and i literally just like to eat bread and then you just walk into these mechanical creatures and die i think that's called the death wish or something but the good news is we can reclaim some of the land yet again oh there's finally a military campaign in the mountains i'm excited about this there's a lot of them coming in can they take out the structures i'm hoping so okay one's gone take out the other one oh these people are literally camped out in the side of the mountains they've made little bunkers for themselves good we distracted them enough that we could kill their towers that's beautiful oh yes slaughter i'm dead with your sticks we just picked up a stick out of a tree on the way and we're like yeah that's gonna work i literally don't know if these things can die i don't think they can i'm gonna have to nuke them with just a single nuke just a little baby little little baby nuke yeah that'll work yes oh that was a lot larger than i thought it was gonna be i'm so sorry everyone i didn't mean to nuke you this guy's alive he's alive you're the chosen one his skin burns okay i have to fix you i have the technology blood rain restore your health regular rain restore your lack of being on fire hey you did it you're alive you're like i survived a nuke that was amazing i need to give him a trait maybe make him a giant because he's now a mutant and a venomous yes a giant venomous guy who survived a nuke that's fantastic although i feel like i nuked the entire army which is probably a bad thing and my venomous guy just ran over here and died whoops but there's fertile nuclean to build a new house in so we got that going for us good job humans oh this area is all taken care of too and that stuff degrades over time i didn't know that oh neat i'll just let it degrade then as long as it gets refreshed oh that's interesting oh the final military campaign is going on for the northern lands can they do it can they take it out oh they got destroyed real quick come back come back just make these armies mad no that would have been so cool this is kind of cool too the grass is finally starting to come back over here humans are civilizing the planet all over again those buildings are destroyed dude are there any titans left oh there is a large quantity of them down south too oh the north is finally taken care of i didn't see it but there's still a lot of creatures up here not for long though there's two militaries that seem to have wiped out all of the bad guys nice we've reclaimed the northern lands oh okay military conquest down the south now man they're right on the edge trying to protect their land can they are they gonna get attacked by the little imp things no they're just gonna stand there oh some are going in some are going in we're taking a few of them down oh the buildings and boats are still getting destroyed oh oh they moved in they moved in they took out that tower oh that was the first time they've actually been in there cool and really there's not that much left only these four towers remain you know what i think is really funny we have all of this thing happening here i remember that one place i accidentally clicked they're making up a city over here i don't know how i i didn't catch it and then all of a sudden there's giant buildings and farms and like 200 people living on there which is kind of cool 5667 and we have buildings that are going pretty much everywhere now look at this this middle city too these buildings are gigantic i love it it's so cool all the modern city and stuff we just have like this one fraction of the age past down here that we're still trying to colonize it looks like it's beginning they took out another one they're going in for the final kill this guy looks like he's got some good never mind he has an adamantite axe they've totally forgot to make armor it seems like stupid military military is once again marching to the south i bet they're gonna get scared and run away that's what they usually do they're like hey we're here and then they're like nah never mind fellas you guys go die i'm just gonna go look at this giantess and then run away because that's what we do you know if you guys just went over here like a quarter mile oh there's these people that are shooting at you and then you can go kill them all i promise it's fun like you've even got an adamantite boat you don't even need to get close to them you can just go pew pew and they're dead why is that guy wearing like a robe oh my word he's got the stuff i chewey bob oh this guy's he's just he's literally running in he's trying to one-man tank it he's going into the raid boss and he's like hey i'm gonna win and everyone's like no we're just gonna shoot you and you're gonna die yep what a dumb dumb dumb dum-dum you didn't even get to stab anyone what's the point of having super armor if you don't even get to stab anyone i wish i could find the button that just lets me pick him up and carry him over hey you guys did something good job military oh did you make him mad oh i think he made him mad hey look we're gonna have an all-out battle no there's just like six guys are going into attack and they're gonna get shredded oh oh oh fight fight fight fight fight fight yes yes it's working it's work you you're you're literally the worst military commander i've ever seen in my entire life finally i found the right button come over here with your friends do something right for once yes there you go oh i dropped them it's gonna work finally we're gonna put the titans out of business did you do it did is it done you did it the campaign's over we won the map there's 7 000 people that are alive here how many years did it take 7 500 years that's amazing and i tell you what my friends we have made the ultimate civilization so thanks for watching hope you enjoyed and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters especially spider sacks joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow dave rules 2.0 junk boy 76 skunk chest link hue at 46 magma games 22 so it's you the korean l h apollo bunny auto dave ben dickie j teddy hippiest des bee eagle arc maxer spencer t whip it good baron fox sarnoff deegan jason m um
Channel: Blitz
Views: 282,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, worldbox, worldbox game, worldbox gameplay, blitz worldbox, worldbox blitz, worldbox modded, worldbox attack on titans, attack on titans worldbox, worldbox titans, titans worldbox, attack on titan, worldbox custom map, worldbox map, worldbox mods
Id: WSTxydlQWiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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