Windwaker but all the items are random

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so we are doing a wind waker randomizer today if you don't know what that means essentially i'm playing wind waker but all of the items are in random places and we're gonna have to go find them and figure it out it's gonna be good as you can see it says window acre randomizer right there okay wrong there we go oh hey before i get into it i just wanted to say that only around 30 of people watching are subscribed so if you like the video and want to see more uh remember to subscribe it helps me out a lot thanks no i don't know how to crouch there we go someone said there's a chest under grandma's house okay our first item okay we got denn's pearl right at the start first item um is that dense pearl that's did's pearl let's go is that actually good i don't know if that's good or not but we got the chest dense pearl i would guess it's not normally under grandma's house in the uh in the normal game so that's kind of gives you an idea of how this works let's go to dragon roost i just want to go for the music mostly because you can warp right away it allows you to go through the game a little bit more when did this game come out like 20 years ago 2002 so wait it actually came out 18 years ago that is insane isn't there like a male minigame or something like that yes it was a mini okay let's let's sort some mail let's do it 10 letters oh wait what this is so janky okay now that i know how it works we can definitely do better brain work faster brain you got to speed up a little bit buddy there's 20 okay thank god you need top 25 twice once you top it once leave the room and come back and do it again so i need to get 25 this is the one this is the one this one come on yes yes we got 25. okay someone said leave and come back and give me a heart piece now that i know i can get 25 the mental block has been taken away and it's gonna be easy this time i'm gonna get like 80. 79. 76. my contr why is my controller vibrating so hard right now it's vibrated and it's not stopping i don't know why it's still still vibrating stop it stop vibrating is it is it ever going to stop you guys hear that let's go take a letter sure i'll take a letter we got naira's pearl okay so we got um two of the pearls now i guess i think i think it thinks i beat the dungeon because i have the pearl all dungeons are in post-completion states for ease of access okay wait isn't this uh okay okay [Music] dragon drew's cavern smokey the keys aren't random but items are okay item chests are randy it's a little spicy in here isn't it get that that lava wet find out what this is is it an item is it something special it's a delivery bag get in okay because this should so that doesn't bring us anywhere i guess we can't do this yet all right now we know if we get a grappling hook we can come back isn't can you get something here how long does it take for you to set up like an hour with the layout and stuff oh my god power brace is that good that feels like it's good that's super good let's go we unlock the power bracelets wait does that mean does that mean let's go where is this what is this i want out i want out i i think i made it so combat dungeons don't have randomized things because i didn't know what a combat dungeon was where to now someone said there's a lot of stuff on windfall maybe we'll go to windfall yo look at this look at this how pretty it looks is there like an auction somewhere around here rich man's house at night all right we'll wait until night time then so you say red door at night oh this looks like the substrate yo wait what let's do it that's auction a fabulous wind tingle statue didn't you guys say that was like completely useless do i need to win this to go to the next one no okay i can quit all right so i'll quit and we'll cycle through all three then got it i don't know what's good but be good a treasure chart is that not good no okay i'm seeing a lot of yikes yes yeah boomerang that seems good don't you dare outbid me if you've been 10 more than current it'll stun them not too much okay okay [Music] nothing but stunned faces that's right oh crap 94 133 okay [Music] yeah that's right you're freaking stunned okay they're no longer stunned hit him with another [Music] yes [Music] no you're done you're done i'm going all in i'm going all in 169 okay [Music] that's right you're stunned how could he let's go we got the boomerang apparently we can do hide and seek let's do that is that with some like kids those dumb like angry kids these ones we need to talk those delinquents are unacceptable i think it's time to deal with those children didn't quite work we won't leave this island all four of us [Music] let's go find them all there's got to be one around this corner right yeah there you are you he's running we gotta get him why does he get such a head start link what are you doing just standing there and letting him run that's right i caught you dang don't wait whoa how did he get up there just dies his knees are done your legs are broken get back here you can't run with your tiny little broken legs maybe he can i got you could be your kid ready the cutscene stopped me from slicing him you should not slice kids yeah just a note you shouldn't slice kids oh she's trapped there's nothing she can do almost got her that time that's right we got all the kids these gifts have some strong legs yeah okay what do we get what do we get we got 50 rupees was it worth it for our time i don't know you need to buy another flower i can't buy it it's not letting me ah you said i have to buy more my bag is full of them apparently if you plant them all in pots oh dear you can only do three at a time what the heck that'll take a bit won't it all right so you say talk to the green boy wow wind falls needs to be filled with joy lightly yes it is [Music] wow i love getting treasure charts literally useless we need to get on top of the windmill now let's do it 10 rupees let's go damn i'm good damn i'm good no he don't miss except sometimes okay where is it hiding we only have four shots uh it's got to be here we got to beat that high score that's fine do we have to beat the high score or just tie it we have to beat the height we have to beat it we have to get 19. it's gonna be here oh okay okay okay there we go we beat the record that's a new record yes [Music] is that useful in any way i guess we can take pictures right somebody said there's something on the balcony oh that one the pictobox balcony to the balcony uh i swear if you jump off like super aggressive like okay good we're robbing his house let's go [Music] wind god's arya i don't know what that does we'll figure it out i feel like that was really good take a picture of a man and woman in the crawl space now it's after i jump out oh okay oh are they making out i knew it sure when you leave there's two girls on the left okay choose yes this is yup yup told ya [Music] that seems like something that we definitely needed seven more shards i think that might be windfall done i'm just gonna go to a random direction and see where it leads me don't mind me i'm just grabbing a chest all right i would say the master sword is probably pretty good and then uh the the other one that we really need the heroes charm aha yo there's two i guess i should mark this then huh i guess we'll go north to cyclops reef then i'm i'm starting to understand how this tracker works just gonna kill these guys [Music] there's another chest the computer has been wonky yeah well there's all the pearls i don't know what we're supposed to do with them but we got all three there should be a uh a platformer oh yeah there's a platform [Music] nice that seems like it's very good all right cabana deed go to the cabana now you can enter that house now let's go it's my house i just found that deed for a house where's the cabana then we just stole someone's house i'm down hello sir i own this house now this cabana belongs to the master you know what i'm the master let me in [Music] please be gentle open up shall we try and there we go do you get anything for that get some cash okay let's do the lookout platform this will be fun i'm just gonna deliberately try and kill these guys as fast as actually i could just grab this i don't need to kill anybody what am i doing just open up the chest ignore them [Music] well there you go these hooks on bokos [Music] speaking of bokos with a triforce shot from a boco all right so it's good luck when getting two shards back to back what about a shard back to back to back check this out [Music] oh that works too what about all those enemies you killed i'm i've sworn it off no more enemies will die by my hands i refuse good yep let's get in the hole let's go [Music] oh what is this where am i it's a maze okay ah right terrifying i feel like it's this one pacifist it was already dead you can't kill a mummy that was a shadow it wasn't a living being yo chest let's go [Music] very healthy whoa did throwing pot at me get out of here this is the start this is this okay yeah we brought back to the start oh yeah it's all the ones that were no what what is going on is this back at the start again oh my god okay better die you dang dirty hand there we go and when i say die i mean go back to um the place you came from wherever dark zone you were at and not actually die because i'm a pacifist i don't uh i don't do that there we go yeah i'm just sending them back to their homes there we go there we go taking them out and now we just have to guess huh and if we guess wrong we get brought back to the wrong one how fun is that we're gonna go this one this one in the corner oh um let's do this one i feel like this one is the one yeah this is like a maze please i would hate if it just brings you back if you ever mess up because that's just the worst pick of pipe oh my god really and then they all respawn you just have a random chance i have to do this whole game design game design let's open up this one how about you die sir thank you this is right perfect yep called it what did i say there's our chest all right there's our two chests and this one is going to reward me um it'll give me some good stuff let's go i got the bow does that give me the quiver too that gives me the quiver too all right then i guess we're gonna go to the chew cave because there's like four things here it's like a hole here or something oh wait what's this is that a hole is that a hole where these chests at there's a chest give me something good give me something good nice that's so good i'm so happy we got an orange rupee wow there's three chests in here here's another chest let's go okay wow a skull necklace again i'm so happy we came in here for this skull necklace okay good stuff yeah another skull necklace well that was a very good trip let's uh let's get out of here what a fun little adventure into this this hole uh oh wait there's a thing here what's this thank you for the letter oh do you have need of a treasure chart 32 a mirror shield a triforce shard for rock spire island we could probably use some of those all right beetle let's see what you got your special shop so we're gonna need 1 850 rupees how do we get that much that quickly all right we're doing one of these i got some money so we're five four four fifty rupees huh that's not worth my time please [Music] we can grind rupees easily with a hammer let's go okay where are we going then where are we going to grind rupees easily stonewatcher island all right we'll go to stonewatcher so this is stonewatcher i imagine do we jump into this hole what do we do oh i think i know what we got to do do we do this we probably do this okay you have to leave the whole area and come back this is so much better than what we did like a uh a slide puzzle for like three minutes to get 50 rupees we just did this for like two several hundred rupees later what could we talk about i feel like i feel like it could be a like a story day today i i i have a question for you guys do you guys think uno is a skill based game what if i could tell you that um playing certain games of uno i know i could win 95 of the time prove it i'll explain the story i'll explain the story so i was playing a one-on-one game of uno um it had some blank cards where you're able to write down whatever you want now that deck came with one custom card that was already made as like an example and the card was it was a normal uno deck so it had to skip it had reverse and all that stuff but it had a swap hands card where you have to swap hands with the person beside you so with that card in the deck i strategize the plane to always win as long as the other person doesn't have that card i can win what you do is ah draw a card doesn't matter what it is if it's not the swap hands card you could just keep picking it up because they're not your cards because once you swap hands they're their cards i picked up almost an entire deck until i got to the custom card that they included in that deck and then i was like okay i can play this and i played it and i gave him the hand oh yes mirror shield i'll buy it lovely i'll buy it all right where can we get the most items from the fastest yeah we're gonna go to windfall and then we'll go west of windfall then we'll go north and we'll go west so there should be some shooting mini game in this square let's do it buddy i have no idea what i'm doing ten shots five pirates got it what okay i have a question does 50 degrees shoot further than 45 degrees it like in real life 45 degrees should be the the highest distance that's a little bit closer i'm gonna bring it to 45. wow that is not how that should work at all this one i'm going for like a a cool 21. beautiful we got another treasure i i think that's pretty good we got the upgraded master sword thank you sir um that is a necessary requirement to beat the game so i i believe we are um in a very good spot now let's go southwest and do the eastern fairy island so on this island there's the great ferry which we need to speak with i think we can bap okay maybe not so i need in oh i have the power bracelets right i can just do this bye yeah i completely forgot we had the bracelets we could just lift it all right what are we getting go ship chart is that good i don't know that's good excellent ghost ship appears in different places depending on the day ah ghost ship apparently has one item so let's go do the ghost ship i guess let's find that i'm gonna see if there's anything else oh no it's in the bottom right five star isles that's where it is oh would you look at that it just shows you where the ship is it seems we found it oh apparently you can't do that okay wait what come on okay he's dead my controls are now reversed very nice love that oh good jump attack yes killed him like to see that good is that everything we're done [Music] all right here's the item what's it gonna [Music] it's a be so that's the ghost ship where are we going now uh all right we're gonna go back to windfall we're gonna do a bunch of the windfall quests is loren is lorenzo the the camera guy you have all right let's become his assistant then act of sending unwanted letters catch this person in the act pictograph from a distance okay so when you go down to the mailbox and catch someone wait is it this dude no one understands how i feel nobody pale perfectly round thing you can think of is it someone's bald head is that what we need to bring them it's the full moon okay but what if it's a bald guy all right where's that moon at please tell me it doesn't have to be a full moon it needs to be taken with the full color pictobox we'll see save it yes okay hey dude where's pale about this nothing i said something perfectly round and pale apparently that doesn't work i checked to make sure the game says there's four auction items and we only saw three right we did only see three auction items that's true this is the auction house we only checked three items i think i'm just gonna buy everything just to make this easy all right let's bid sold let's go we bought the the lovely treasure chart that we're never gonna use again please be good please you know what that's fair i think that's a fair price for a blue rupee i'm not gonna lie i'll do six no higher this man is paying eight rupees for a blue rupee what 11 rupees i gotta get in on this let's um i'll bid 13. oh god oh god um you know what let's hit him with the the 69 79 rupees dear god all right i'm gonna hit him with the the 96. the reverse get them stocks baby let's go [Music] they're bidding too fast 110 rup 110 rupee for a blue rupee sam i forced you into this the idiot the excitement of the auction we now know everything that's in the auction so we can cross out everything like we became lonzo's assistant but he didn't give me anything so i didn't finish lonzo what am i supposed to do i'm supposed to take pictures oh yeah right right we need to take the picture for him right here okay let's do that uh i'm never removing him he's the love of my life i think this is a good angle this is a good angle all right damn i got it yes huh is that not the perfect shot okay it's clearly there yes it is what's next boss flinches and jumps at even the slightest of surprises i need you to capture the incident of pure fear that'll work right you can see the pure fear in his in his eyes this is a finely set pictograph it worked great last one okay couple a man and woman whose hearts are secretly filled with thoughts of each other yet for reasons i know they've never spoken they pass each other on the road they steal a brief glance nice what's he gonna give me what's he gonna give me [Music] magic armor let's do star belt archipelago and then go south to do the two on thornton ferry island two treasure charts no it's gonna be guaranteed at least one piece of triforce and then one of the major pieces we've been missing this whole time so there is the one major piece and then here is uh the triforce never mind oh my god finally we got the deku leaf holy crap all right let's go take this letter back to maggie get one item from her and then we're gonna go do a bunch of friggin dungeons yeah that didn't actually change anything i still can't do a dungeon that's not even enough to do a dungeon i want to cry we need a grapple still all right sup look at this letter from moe yup this is mo i like you ma gui so much that i want to eat you for dinner a marriage proposal yeah he wants to eat you up got a platform chart let's do uh something fun let's get the great fairy on outset okay we're zooming dude we're zooming okay you're saying it's under a rock somewhere huh all right i imagine it's here very nice only need three more i mean that's necessary we needed it okay but now that we have the leaf we can do a bunch of stuff we're gonna do all three things on rockspire isle because we can do that just three things right out of the way super quick let's open that bad boy up [Music] let's go finally we got the grappling hook my god now we're able to do some dungeons yeah oh my god everything just opened up but we can do forbidden woods almost everything so i guess we'll go to forbidden woods nice wait what okay this is the first time i've used the grappling hook talk to daddy deku all right you're the boss we're up into forest haven finally jeez hello what's up um nothing or the forest water someone said grab the water first before we go it loses its freshness after just 20 minutes if you do it in 20 minutes it actually just insta kills the boss that's pretty cool uh they go this is terrifying parkour something like that why are these plants so damn long these are vines dude that was close that big boost beautiful just got to avoid some of these enemies now and we're going into our first dungeon i swear to god if you attack me midair again no no no no no no no no cancel okay we're in the first dungeon oh crap we're already getting attacked do you want me to chuck it at this yes and there is a oh there's a chest right here see what's in it please be good yeah that is good can we just do this with this dungeon are we just able to like completely stomp it because we have too many tools yeah that's so nice i like that a lot just want to look around apparently there's a chest somewhere here might be over there fortunately we have a small key so let's just whoop open that up and see what's through here good good mini boss i think this is a minibus looks like a minibus [Music] well that was easy all right let's get a new item please be good please be good please be good please be good please we get the dungeon map okay apparently there's one in here but i don't know how the heck to get up use the grappling hook you can get on top of the grapple bowl well you can can you now well well not this time oh you can there you go it's cool little puzzle there okay but anyways there's another chest for us we got bombs let's go we got like everything we can do tower of the gods now all right yeah now we can do the entirety of this dungeon okay yo just ended an entire group of them ah that's fun well we gotta get in there big brain huge brain let's go genius for for treasure chart 14. i hit all those um so this is what the world under the water looks like this is another boss or what is this is this the boss key chest i guess we'll find out huh well i guess i'll fight the boss and then go back to floor three then huh be able to get a ferry in this room you think i need a fairy i don't need a ferry all right that's my time it's oh my god it do be flailing quite a lot how is it floating with like three of these things up [Applause] [Laughter] is that it is that the whole boss fight oh that was easy apparently it's easy with the master sword oh the master sword is powered up that's why oh the heart container has been erased with a
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,456,833
Rating: 4.9252343 out of 5
Id: R3C4JiFzgbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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