A Breath of the Wild YouTuber thought he was better than me...

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hello we are racing Point Crow today should I call him now and get that set up maybe hello oh my God you're so loud one second oh my ears hi I'll speak softer I'm sorry hey that's no that's okay I did not realize he was gonna scream first thing do you want to put Subs on this again I mean might as well yeah okay how much do you want to put down I mean I'm fine with a hundred yeah 100 standard let me uh let me open my save file I was uh just absolutely demolishing in another one did it fail a single win bomb you're you're practicing right yeah well I mean just just so I could absolutely demolish you I mean I I was practicing for a good reason he needs practice hey you know practice makes perfect I don't know if that's true after seeing you hey basically any game that has a speed run there's also a bingo that you can do and it's kind of a racing format that you can do between two people like it has no official leaderboards it's purely for racing other people with and it's a good way to show who is overall more comfortable at a game and I think our goal today is to be the fastest person to complete any one line all right you want uh you want me to count down uh sure you count us down three two one go quick reminder if you like the video and aren't subbed yet remember to do that it helps you out a lot thanks here we go okay three side quests doesn't seem so bad Barbarian armor perfect drink Shrine quest uh that's not too bad activate Hebrew Tower any Lionel equipment item kill a molduga mounted deer this one is also not too bad uh this one requires me to go to the sand area but that's like sand area sand area where is Hebrew Tower is that North of sand uh Hebrews far north I think we can do this then yeah we're gonna do this um let's go we need to get a HP upgrade to start all right so where do we go from here I think the top the top one or the left column activate keeper tower all right we'll do that ASAP all right all right we'll do the left column uh left column all the way down okay but Lionel equipment is a bit tricky um I could try and go to the Coliseum and kill the red Lionel right away and I think I might do that if I can find a slightly stronger weapon on the way there because I feel like I could definitely kill a red Lionel any Line Equipment item it doesn't mean we have to beat a Lionel that means we could go to the castle get the shield I think our route right now I think we'll do Castle hebra gerudos to the castle for Lionel equipment oh my God it's raining on mine this sucks [Laughter] it's it's dude rain in breath of the wild is the absolute worst you're just really unlucky how's it how does it feel to just be terrible it's gonna feel good because I'm gonna beat you anyways and then then you'll have no excuse so we can warp back here once we need once we have the tools to kill the Lionel uh I have an idea for killing the Lionel but I'm gonna go over here because I know there's an insane amount of food and we'll probably be able to handle food for the whole run if we just do this um go down here there's durian's here we will be able to cook and I'll might go down to the apple orchard we'll see should be one more food thing there it is okay good I'm getting this just so I can warp to it and I'm also gonna grab the bow that is inside of this shrine go okay I'm going in here solely for this chest because it's a really good bow something else to note you need 600 rupees for the Gerudo set oh that's true okay that's fine I can get a bunch there we go golden Claymore should be able to kill the Lionel now and I think we might get the Lionel out of the way really early yeah the reason why I didn't want to go with the castles because I can't remember where everything is sure there's a lot of good stuff there but we're so low on health that if we mess up at all we can't just load saves got it there we go okay there we go got it okay we're all good okay that took a little bit though uh this isn't where I'm supposed to go oh I'm lost oh God no God no wait it's either it's either down in there or not I think it's up here I I missed it yeah I missed the Armory somehow [Music] and I don't have another Shield okay nice now we gotta actually run better switch to the good bow good oh there we go finally it worked good we should be able to kill this guy not a problem there we go and here we go all right uh Lionel equipment got it he did get the Lionel equipment from the castle that's good there we go good that's what we wanted to see or the jump on his back hit him a bunch [Music] good almost dead bro you have half left nah it's fine yeah now I need to jump on his back to kill him please get on his back in time golden Claymore doesn't take any damage or weapons don't take any damage when you're sitting on their back there we go we took him out okay so that was that one done and we've killed the Lionel Lionel Shield and we got some electric arrows as well so we have the uh the shirt right now that's level one of cold resistance but we need one more so we don't take damage so I'm just gonna grab one more there should be a fire whiz robe around here there it is so we can kill it in one hit with nice Arrow and it drops its fire rod and now we are totally good so now we can check that off as well and now he's confused he's like wait a minute that's not a part of some lines which line is he going for I could be going for either column one or row two he doesn't know what is he doing what fire typed whiz robe oh is he where is he where I think he is wait are we no no there's no way no all right we got a lot of apples we're gonna need that for the maltuka because honestly I don't think we're gonna be able to eat them won't do that at this point yeah yeah we have 125 apples awesome uh all right so activate Hebrew Tower and then we are probably going to mount a deer afterwards because now I'm able to boomy zoomi all the way through this uh this hole here all right and I am going through here for a specific reason like I said I do need to kill a molduga I believe it should be in this direction what I am looking for should be right here Bruto spear radiant Shield golden bow uh pick up the Moonlight Scimitar as well good stuff where is this cave uh it's right beside grudo Tower so we'll talk to you we'll put your clothes on I believe there's a molduga right beside this Quest is there not so yeah there's a molduga around here isn't there there he is he's coming nice okay good and we did that which is my strongest bow equip that equip all of my good arrows and bomb arrows [Music] okay almost dead out of arrows we'll switch to electric arrows should do well might be able to kill him here [Music] and he's dead okay we kill the molduga oh he got oh he killed the molduga oh oh we are going for the same ones absolutely zero idea how he failed it but all right all right Hebrew Tower next and then afterwards we go to grudo uh the deer should be easy to get that's why we got the fire arrows from earlier let's go he's thinking ahead nice got another one on the board all right we're going to get the deer next Noble Pursuit okay so there's perfect drink okay with this I believe you can just walk I didn't pick up Majora's masks we will be attacked by enemies use ice arrows because there are fire lizalfos okay there they are yeah I will just walk away a little scary it's fine looks like people are shooting arrows at us as well okay we are almost at the end though I think we made it didn't need to kill any enemies we're all good okay good that's the hardest part of this back to the shrine I may need to go around oh we might die here we're fine it's all good can't take any more actually there we go all right so we finished perfect shrink please get up as he is still not mounted a deer yet a little farther oh there it is there it is everyone quiet everyone quiet [Music] please don't despawn I beg of you I uh the deer should be easy to get guys we can't freeze it we'll come back to it now we go to molduga slash perfect drink Quest he killed it with a nice Arrow what a guy imagine playing breath of wild for a living and losing to an SML player oh my God oh my God hey oh yeah I'm so excited I didn't realize the mic was on sorry oh yeah yeah sorry about that my bad you know a bit of a stretch but oh it worked I did not expect that to work nice dude and we are over the ice now we can climb up the tower excellent we have a winner no I still need to mount a deer you guys you know it might take me 20 minutes just like it took him to get the deer oh he hasn't got the deer yet never mind it might take me just as long you never know hey molduga what's going on dude come at me got him [Music] oh I forgot whoops he died wait he died to molduga huh like the fish thing that just sat on the ground as we killed it all right we're looking for deer anyways oh God oh God oh God I didn't run away come on right there yeah [Music] and we got him I don't see any deer dude maybe over here there may be a deer we just need to find one maybe because it's night time yeah there's a crow wait okay I know small and kill the crow God damn it dude there's no ants in breath of the Wild yeah there's no none here at all oh I'm pretty sure there's deer in this Forest that's a whole there's a deer let's go okay and the time that's uh that's me done wait let me get this deer real quick please yeah I know well I know where the deers were it's just hard to get them that's the only problem I'm having really it's hard to get them yeah because they disappear ah I demand a rematch I demand a rematch are you sure so you wanna you wanna best two out of three then oh yeah I'm down the best two out of three yeah okay okay we'll do best two out of three good luck good luck three two one go soup ladle easy activate eight hours yuck 12 liner Clorox buy a house with two Clorox fireproof Elixir maybe we'll see 50 Clorox is kind of yikes yes column four isn't bad I guess two book album Camp chants I like this so it should be a camp over here with the chest I believe this one has a chest uh kill a Lionel yikes um soup Plato activate eight Towers yikes no um oh this one's not good it's either bottom row or second row I don't know middle row seems pretty good I think we're going metal I think we're going middle column I think middle column is it okay so there's one open Boko Camp chests that's good we need to do 13 shrines okay so this is we already have four shrines done so we need to do nine total uh nine shrines isn't gonna take that long and 12 and Ira core Ops pretty simple okay so there's one though uh yeah we gotta beat the Lionel but if we beat the Lionel We're not gonna let well we can just do ancient arrow to the Guardians hopefully he chose a different path because this is this is the way to do it this is the best one by far this is the easiest one and that's done open to vocabulin Camp chests opal very nice for some money [Music] the great thing about doing shrines is that they refill your health it's super nice there we go uh one more food here we go foreign sweet okay we are at eight shrines now we eat five more and then we're done uh for shrines and that's like the longest one okay there we go ancient Arrow uh ancient Arrow then we go to Satori Mountain really fast to get uh kill the Lionel uh yeah I think we're good to go there we go Lionel what's going on dude how's it going how's it hanging doesn't even see me got it and kill line is he doing ice guy side quests buy a house climber set that might he might win this one then yeah if he got an ancient where did he get an ancient Arrow from though did he go to the castle buying a house takes a while though so that makes me somewhat comfortable so we're at nine we need to do four more shrines and we need to start making our way to hatino I don't know where Tino is I never I I always like have a really hard time finding a Tino Village things are definitely going my way because the faster one yeah it's like well we got we'll get our 30 wood right here I'm so confused by his choice of okay you know what I'm good with it fine okay we only need I think three more shrines now so I need to buy one milk there we go one bye good uh before we leave I'm gonna get one more heart because I figure why not and we're here get super little to mess with them that's a good idea I could okay got the ladle ah there we go I think we're good yeah that's 30. there we go soup ladle acquired oh my God he got a soup ladle crazy gear shouldn't be too hard to get uh we're already halfway done to the the house we're gonna look at the climbers gear right now all right nice and then the climber sets right this one right [Music] [Music] nice clean yeah once we get full climber set it's all over he's getting wood for the house I think he might beat me it depends on if you can get all the climbers gear climber's gear is going to take the longest for him I think okay so this is the first one first of 12 I believe it's one go there should be a korok right over here yes so this will be two three Clorox okay there's another one excellent there's another one um yeah there's another one good we got that one uh yeah now we go Northwest we need four more korok seeds and then we're done this goal good this will be very close who wins I think Northwest and how many do we need two more two more [Music] okay there is 12 Lanai Roku rocks oh we got another one you got the 12 linear Crocs he's just doing all Clorox geez that's so many koroks all right so we got hattano so we can buy the house um we don't have enough to sell though to get the house all right we got a thousand we can almost buy the house we need three thousand rupees can I get a Pico dog in chat cause he's a cutie this is this is actually like strats why is he petting dogs I'm not Eric is petting dogs to get money maybe yeah because we got 100 rupees there easy okay so we're at the shrine hey quick question hey what's up does 13 shrines include the beginning four yes thank you no problem man yeah just like that for the uh the 13 shrines oh god oh damn it there it is climbing boots cool fine fine okay all right well looking for those Guardians there buddy I just wanted to give you some extra time looks like you need it just taking it nice and slow I see okay yeah I'm just giving you a handicap you're welcome thanks I I mean I guess I do have a thousand Less hours than you in the game so that's fair all right um I roll Castle let's go that's all I need to do is just get to Hyrule Castle [Music] makes sense good he keeps dying you're supposed to you know not die okay four times in a row right without looking come on give me some credit all right 15 core rocks and now we just need to find cream of mushroom soup let's go to kakariko and then we'll be able to finish this thing off so if my memory is correct rock salt please is that rock salt I think that's rock salt let's go rock salt okay so don't mess this up one of those a mushroom a herb and a rock salt that should be good and uh that's time okay ggs man I guess I went for the wrong wrong column well you won well I did I got it you got a 100 100 Subs there thank you for the 100 gift Subs I do appreciate it yeah have a great rest of your day you too well that is all I have for you today I think you guys have a wonderful wonderful day thanks for watching good stream guys very good stream
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 4,307,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 74yOSzW8Ymo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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