Can I Beat Pokemon Fire Red with ONLY Jigglypuff? 🔴 Pokemon Challenges ► NO ITEMS IN BATTLE

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hey everyone madrid brad here pokemon gold with only one whooper was pretty fun let's follow that up with another fun looking one today's the day that we figure out would i be able to beat pokemon fire red with a team of only one jigglypuff i have a good feeling about this being an interesting run first of all our base stats are lower than that of first form starters but with really crazy health it's offset by just how bad the rest of our stats are but i will say that 45 attack and special attack is actually better than some of the pokemon i used on the show so i'll take what i can get by level up well we don't start with any attacking move so that's going to be rough right off the bat we actually do learn some decent moves though by tm is when it gets interesting as we can learn a pretty surprising variety of moves electric fire ice ground there's a lot of types here that i wasn't expecting this might go well like always i'm writing the script as i go through with the challenge so this part is being written before i've started everyone comment down below and guess if i can win or not i think that the start of the game is going to be horrible the middle is going to be reasonably fast and that the end of the game is going to require probably one or two crazy grinds let's explain the rules in combat i can only use jigglypuff i'll need other pokemon to use hms but i won't be allowed to use any of those pokemon in battle no glitches or exploits no items in battle only pokeballs held items and items outside of combat are allowed also if you enjoyed this video be sure to like subscribe and ring the bell for more let's do this right off the bat i use the universal pokemon randomizer to play squirtle with jigglypuff so that we can do the whole run with it i name him puff jig a reference to our pokemon stadium let's play that you should all go watch actually i don't know if i spelled this right so if you do go watch then let me know if i got it right our ability is cute charm so sometimes we infatuate pokemon that hit us that's pretty sweet our nature is naughty so extra attack and less special defense that's fine with me attack is what we need most anyway considering that we're a normal type that said i think our rival is going to use intimidate like a lot maybe this won't work out okay so the grind right away we still have no attacking moves that means some brutally slow struggle grinding we're gonna have to do this till we hit level 9 and learn pound but that won't be the end of the grind that's just when we have to move on to phase two since there's no way we can beat brock at that low of a level as you can see we just have to find metapod and cocoona waste all of our sins and most of our defense curls then we have to run away and find a new one to waste the rest on the reason why we have to find a second one is so that they don't hit us with their own struggle although i did end up taking some hits there really isn't much we can do to speed up the process besides using potions outside of battle to heal up instead of the pokey center it does for sure speed things up but it's still pretty brutal especially because we fail to run away pretty often leading to us taking a lot more damage than i'd like to when i'm trying to avoid getting poisoned is this grind bad enough to earn me a free twitter plug probably follow me on twitter link in the description i feel like i've earned this one even once we do get pound though we still need at least an extra five more levels but hey it's a lot easier to grind now i don't have high hopes for brock though at level 14 we could get disabled honestly i don't know if that would help us much but i'd really like to win before we hit level 19. at 19 we get rollout and we can probably win with that if we have to anyway at level 14 we ended up having an incredibly drawn out battle with geodude at the rock gym we can reliably disable his tackle and we hardly take damage from it after boosting our defense but we really can't stop him from boosting his own so in a war of attrition we still lose i think i really am going to have to grind to level 19. thankfully after that brutal grind we had an easy first try on the battle rollout isn't exactly great for this fight but because we can double its power with defense curl we can just overpower them with it anyway this is probably going to be our main move till we can get body slam i figured that our strategy is gonna be able to get us through the next chunk of the game without too much trouble but i still make sure to level up a bit in mount moon if pidgeotto is faster than us then we're probably gonna get hit with sand attack and just miss our rollouts before they can build power on our way through mount moon i took the helix fossil i knew that if i didn't say what i took you'd all ask actually now that i think about it everyone ask anyway comments are good for the youtube algorithm now before we can get to the rival fight we pick up mega kick it's really strong but it also misses a lot i don't want to keep this forever but i think it'll be pretty nice for whatever rollout can't handle at least in the short term once we get to the misti fight we actually ended up having a really easy first try starmie did tons of damage but we one shot with a critical mega kick for a quick first try the rival on the other hand took tons of tries not because it was a super hard battle but because we just kept getting hit by sand attack and missing the first run where we didn't get hit by sand attack we won on the ssn i made sure to clear the place out and get all the tms i don't know if i'm gonna need stuff like brick break but jigglypuff seems to be able to learn like half the tms in this game so i may as well just get him in case our rival was pretty easy thanks to learning body slam while we were on the ship ivy's horse still terrifies me with sleep powder and leech seed though after that was the electric gem and although we never really were in danger it still took much longer than i was expecting thanks to them spamming double team next is the rocket hideout normally by now i'd be using return but i actually ended up fainting quite a bit in early game and i doubt my friendship is maxed out so i'll hold off for a bit plus body slam can paralyze sometimes and it's not much weaker it's debatably more useful sometimes for giovanni we actually had a bit of a rough time we just can't deal damage very fast and we're pretty frail kangaskhan nearly took us out after that's the grass gym but it ended up being super easy we got paralyzed by the end but most of our team doesn't actually hit us the pokemon tower rival fight is almost always an easy one and this time was no exception water onix got us with intimidate but it wasn't that big of a deal outside of razor leaf hitting for a ton of damage we weren't in any real danger now that we have the self scope we've got a few places we can go there's silfco the poison gym and if we can beat that then there's the fire gym too i think that'll try for the gyms before silfco blaine may have two pokemon with intimidate but we have rollout and defense curl we might just get taken down fast by fire blast but we might also just sweep them only one way to find out first though the poison gem it didn't really go how i expected to be honest i defense curled and rolled out right away thinking it probably would get stopped early due to minimize naturally muck used minimize but we actually didn't miss we swept through most of his team and this isn't gen 1 so his wheezing didn't just blow up because of that we had a really easy time at the fire gem on the other hand we just lose on the first growlithe we take way too much damage and we're much slower than them no way we can do this yet well that leaves silphco for us i don't know for sure if we're gonna have to grind here yet but i kinda get the feeling i will let's try the rival fight first so i had to give this one a few tries but rollout actually works pretty well here as long as we hit all five times then it gets us all the way to venusaur in pretty good shape problem is venusaur takes us down pretty fast with razor leaf alright i'll go clear itself cone come back after failing a bunch of attempts because pidgeot used feather dance that sucked i decided to take him out with mega kick right away starting our rollout against water onyx actually worked out perfectly because by the time we got to venusaur we took him out with a max power hit now before we can take on giovanni i know we're gonna need a new move so i go ahead and get ice beam it's not perfect for giovanni but i'll need it for lance later in the game anyway so we may as well just get it now after getting that he wasn't so bad we took huge damage on kangaskhan but that was just from a lucky crit i don't think we'll have any issues with him in the ground gem later while we're in town i hit up the psychic gym we actually didn't end up getting hit once they had some chances they just didn't take them the fire gym though we might actually not be ready for we're holding a quick claw so that gives us a 25 chance to go first regardless of speed and it's a good thing we do because most of blaine's team is faster than us even if it kicks in we'd lose to rk9 every single time i'm actually gonna have to grind to deal with blane this feels wrong a few levels later and we ended up winning mostly through luck thanks to quickclaw kicking in against rapidash and arcanine missing his attack there we go easy blaine fight balance has been restored to the universe right after that is the ground gem and although they land some hits icebeam makes pretty short work of his team getting us the last badge now let's see if we can handle our rival again so i gave this one quite a few tries but the problem we're running into here is obvious we take tons of damage and we're slower than some of his team it really doesn't help that we have to rely on rollout because otherwise the attack downs would be too punishing to use stuff like body slam all right let's grind up a bit i don't think we're gonna have to grind here too hard i mostly just fight the trainers on cycling road with the versus seeker they aren't the best encounters in the world but the travel time isn't bad and the experience gains are pretty consistent plus it always helps to get more money from repeating trainer battles you never know when you're going to need to convert a bunch of cash into coins in this game for a tm at level 76 i tried a few more times but without roll out we get stuck at the same point though i was hoping that maybe it would paralyze more and we'd get farther through that but water onyx always does a ton of damage return would do a bit more but not enough for any extra one shots i love lady we ended up having an incredibly easy run because three of his pokemon decided to use buffs and debuffs rather than you know just beating us my best guess is that none of them could get a one shot so none of them bothered to attack but it really didn't work out for them so here we are right before the elite four our stats are pretty wild to look at it's just awful health aside my worry is we're not gonna hit hard enough to get very far but i guess we won't know till we give it a try make your final guesses on if we can win this or not let's do this first is ice trainer lorelai i tried this one tons and we always get stuck at the weirdest point in the fight cloister he spams hail and protect to slowly chip us away we can't build up roll out because of protect body slam hardly does any damage and he resists ice beam it takes ages to take him down every time just for us to get easily finished off by slow bro i think we're gonna have to learn a new move just for this one battle good thing we got all that money from those trainer battles because i had to convert a bunch of those into coins to buy the tm for thunderbolt we actually still didn't have enough i had to go sell some nuggets after this it sucks to lose our defense curl and roll out combo but thunderbolt will help us with the water onyx as well and our rival is going to have one of those at the end of the game anyway so we may as well now is when things find a way to get even more frustrating after an entire 10 more tries even with plenty where cloister went down easily we now keep losing because slowbro hits us with yawn literally every attempt so we just fall asleep and lose to lapras alright if we level a bit more then we can two shot slowbro so at level 87 i try this eight more times we still lost tons thanks to either yawn or confuse ray but eventually we got this run where thanks to paralysis we got a much needed speed advantage on lapras thanks to that and lovely kiss missing we actually won second is fighting trainer bruno unfortunately we don't stand a chance right now every run we get hit early by sky uppercut and even if we didn't we take such massive damage off hitmonlee that it doesn't matter we're going to need to be faster if we want to deal with this i'll run through the elite 4 a few more times for levels even all the way at level 92 though we still can't win we hang on just a bit better than hitmonlee and hitmonchan but machamp just finishes us off i really didn't think that this part of the run was gonna be so hard but our terrible speed is really dragging us down alright i've got some rare candy i'm gonna just top off our level and hope her fast enough to win finally all the way at level 100 we managed to win because we outspent hitmond lee with quickclaw and the champ missed honestly i think if machamp hit us we'd probably still have lost in fact if hitmonlee hit us we'd probably faint too this is rough third is ghost trainer agatha yet again we have another battle where we just get destroyed it's just non-stop failed attempts thanks to double team toxic critical hits confuse ray everything you could think of let's go grab the tm for psychic and see if that saves us after getting psychic we're finally able to win but not before another six failed attempts thanks to mostly confusion hypnosis and nightmare we're really only surviving because of the quick claw giving us the first move occasionally jigglypuff is insanely weak fourth is dragon trainer lance now this one was actually very hungry box oh shoulda named the jigglypuff hungrybox oh that would have been perfect why didn't i think of that sooner alright whatever fourth is dragon trainer lance now this one was actually an easy first try thanks to being able to one shot his entire team but did you notice that we're still slower than his water onix i didn't think that our speed would be this much of an issue finally the pokemon champion pidgeot was first and we lost tons of runs due to an instant sand attack but this time he just hit a weak area lace so we one shot him with thunderbolt for alakazam our quick clock kicked in letting us slam him down before he could hit us rydon was also a one-shot thanks to icebeam next is water onyx our attack is down but he missed his hydro pump so we just took him out with thunderbolt super lucky fifth is rk9 so our attack is down even more we took a flamethrower for huge damage just to end up critting with thunderbolt for a much needed one shot last was venusaur and i thought i'd lose the solar beam but for whatever reason he just used growth so we hit psychic he wasted his next turn charging solar beam and we hit him to finish the run well that was brutal honestly i thought it would be a fun run because of the move variety but man was that ever brutal near the end i really hope you guys like that run for next saturday's challenge we're going to be doing fallout new vegas well only crouching still workshopping the rules in the name we'll see how this works out it might be a dumb one as always i'm looking forward to your suggestions in the comments in the challenge request section of my discord channel and on twitter subscribe ring the bell stay tuned if you want to see me do more challenges like this please let me know in the comments or on twitter i can always use more ideas from you guys and what i should do next also check out the playlist in the description if you want to watch all the pokemon challenges that i've already uploaded if you guys want to see more pokemon stuff from me my friend wadagi kanaya have done randomizer playthroughs of heart golden soul silver black and white red and blue and now we're doing omega ruby and alpha sapphire over on his channel linked in the description you can also watch myself what a geek and gooseb playing pokemon here on my channel we've done pokemon stadium pokemon x and then we're doing my first ever time playing pokemon mystery dungeon blue rescue team also come to my twitch tv streams and tell me that this video sent you it's always cool to hear how you found the channel thank you everybody so much for watching and until next time have a nice day
Channel: Mah-Dry-Bread - Gameplay & Streams!
Views: 172,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mahdrybread, mah-dry-bread, English, commentary, gameplay, 1440p, 60fps, 2020, MDB, pokemon challenges, no healing, pokemon, guide, nintendo, walkthrough, pokemon challenge, pokémon, can you beat, challenge, can you beat pokemon with only a, gba, voiced, is it possible to beat, narration, commentated, elite four, challenge run, no items, game freak, pokemon gameplay, Pokemon 2021, Kanto, Pokemon Fire Red Gameplay, Pokemon Leaf Green Gameplay, Gen 3, Jigglypuff
Id: ZCN2d7_oZp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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