Beating Pokemon FireRed Using Only Twitch Chat (It's randomized too) [2/3]

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Okay, there we go. I've covered up the TV again, I cannot see it I can't see it, you can.. This is what I see, it's right above me. I think I'm pointing at it You can see my little screen there. You can see chat. You can see the timer, which I need to resume. There we go, okay Timer's going now. Yesterday we got the second badge. Team summary is this. We have five Pokémon I don't know the order that they're in, you guys are gonna have to tell me. This is Twitch Plays Ant Plays Pokemon palex, yes yes. Cam, Izzy, Chef, Shu, Plizz? Okay. Fantastic. We have five pokemon now, let me just.. I gotta remember this. Cam.. Okay, okay So to the Pokemon Center and then we're gonna go to Bill's house. You don't think anyone reads chat as much as I do? Yeah, I read it a good amount Ledge maze now? Okay I can't remember the layout of this maze but we're making progress I'm probably the only person not watching the stream and only watching chat, bgroove? Yeah Gyarados... is that Gyarados? Onix, okay. It was a big snakey boy, alright, Uh.. What is Cam again? Cam's a Tauros, Tauros cannot take this. I'm sorry Cam. Let's do Chef, where's Chef? That's Chef? No, that's Chef. Okay, there we go. Good. Chef can take an Onix I think I remember most of the moves. That's razor leaf, right? That's razor leaf missing, okay [laughs] There's another battle, okay, good I don't know, I-, I couldn't hear it. An Entei, fantastic. "Catch the Entei" It's a trainer battle [laughs] Shu can take him, Shu... Shu will destroy Latias, okay. Yeah, we can take him "Ultimate backseat gaming" Norway, you know it Just a Latias, no big deal Shu can crush him Cosmic power, is that what that was? I can't even tell. Wish, ahhh Yeah, we are switch training. Shu is a good kicker Pursuit.. Let's learn pursuit, yeah, absolutely. I know it's special, but we should learn it I want it Wait, who said that?! Someone said press up and then A. Palexx I'm gonna time you out [laughs] I won't do it, I won't do it palex, don't worry about it. I mean pursuit kind of sucked anyways, right? That's the first troll that's ever happened in this run yet. Are you actually amazed? Cam's what, level 16 now? Machop? Fighting types kinda wreck our team right now. Wait, Plizz can handle it I bet. I don't know what moves Plizz has, he never used them in battle. What does he have? [laughs] Plizz is just working his way up to being strong Try not to spam, palex Astonish is physical because it's a ghost type move. Ghost is physical in this game Alright, there we go. Plizz's first kill. First blood. Shu, kick I don't think Shu has missed a kick yet Oh, that's an evolution. We're getting a Graveler There you go, okay. What have I gotten myself into this time? Bill's house There it is, okay. Oh? Turn into a human Bill has become a human again, nice Bill is alive! Am I talking to Bill? Am I talking to him? We got the.. SSA ticket or something? Now we need to go Wait, where do we need to go? But let's go through the house on the northeast side of the town Let's just go north then, let's get out the back side of the house I'm talking to the Rocket. I just fought the Rocket, okay It has a high defense so it might take it like three hits No, nevermind [laughs] So now he should give me a TM. What TM? What we get, what we get? The guy said low kick earlier? Okay, so that's low kick. Low kick is good. We could teach low kick to uh, Shu [laughs] "Let's give Shu all of the kicks" Shu is able to? Let's gooo [laughs] Alright, let's get rid of fury cutter Wow, Shu just ate a CD [laughs] "One kick for each foot" Exactly. Yes, TMs are also randomized. Let's check the grass below the Pokemon daycare [Pokemon noises] Oh, yeah We need to get a Slowpoke! Slowpoke is good 100% we're catching Slowpoke. Cut off his tail, sell it. It's slow, but it's good. It's bulky, dude. Is that a ball? Ball, alright. Let's go. It should be easy to catch, Slowpokes are relatively easy, I think Okay, maybe not [laughs] Hey killerdragon, what's up? Two, three.. Let's gooo Who are we naming it after? Marvelousmint donating 5000 bits? Mint, what do you guys think? Mint? [laughs] Just go. Alright, Mint, welcome to the party dude "Jump" Icay, I don't think you know how this works [hums] New route! Let's go see if there's another cool Pokemon out here But we don't need a third normal type. You reckon I can actually see and I'm just bad at Pokemon? No. Pidgey, right? We are.. I mean, we already have a flying-type, we're fine. Let's see what else is here. We got Porygon, We got Pidgey, what else that starts with a P? Pinsir? Yeah, yeah, we're getting it. We're getting it. It's not shiny, shiny Dratini is pink Is anyone in chat who's subbed named sneck? But like, dragon rage at 22 is going to crush "It must feel so weird playing a game without experiencing the game", Philip? It's... it's a unique experience for sure That's alright, they're hard to catch. We have enough balls for this. Look at how many balls we have, it's like 48 or something one, two... three 5.9%? Easy. If anything we should drop one of our normal types Yeah, we'll probably do more in the future, huskydog If people enjoy this, and it feels like people do enjoy this. Plizz is fine. Plizz can take it. Plizz can handle it It's just another Leer it was [laughs] This is fine, this is fine See? The Dratini isn't doing anything to us Plizz is fine. Plizz can handle himself just.. We're just, we're gonna capture Dratini See? Pl... Plizz is fine One... No, just get in the ball!! This is taking way too long slithery boy slither into my ball Come on Ohhhh, let's goooo [laughs] Alright, Insomnia. Alright, we got Insomnia We gotta... we gotta figure out who we need to get rid of. "Put Cam down" [laughs] You're talking like you're gonna kill him. Okay, we need to grab Insomnia Okay. A. A again A, okay, there we go. That's party. That sounds like the party, a little smack sound. I'm sorry Cam I'm sorry You are the weakest link. "Release Cam" No, we're leaving him in the box just in case we need him again. Okay, we have Insomnia, welcome to the party, Insomnia. What moves does Insomnia have? Wrap, Leer, Thunder Wave. Well, that sucks Shu, I think you're still there. Let's test out this low kick What was that? He used attract? Shu doesn't love, Shu just kicks [laughs] Shu only loves one thing and that's kickin' [laughs] Shu, kick. No, that's the first time she has ever missed a kick! Argh That's the second time Shu has ever missed a kick There it is, we're kicking with the Shu Shu got off on the wrong foot in that one. Let's go into the cave first and then we'll explore this route on the right Okay, here we go. Lost land, thank you Yeah, there's like level 30 Pokemon in here, so we might just get swept if we encounter like a level 30 legendary But what's it gonna be? Cascoon level 18. Oh [laughs] We can take it And it's done This is such a long tunnel. Dratini, alright. Magnitude 200 Magnitude 600?! Wow Dratini is a higher level than mine? Well, yeah, it's.. it's not the level of your Pokemon, it's how you use it, okay? "But it has more PP too" Not it doesn't, it has the same amount How are we getting so many encounters? Where's thunder wave? Where's thunder wave? We're catching it Is that psychic? Did it just psychic me, what?! Okay, we're gonna use yawn on it. And we should be able to survive a psychic So where is yawn? Right? Swift.. No, the monster survived!! Mint took the hit Screw it, it's gonna wake up here. Let's use one ball. That's all we need First try, let's go Okay, maybe not Rest? Cool. "Self-destruct" You're too strong, Izzy! [laughs] Whatever, we can catch another one, right? Yeah, Doraji is still around Is that a Mewtwo?! That's a Mew!! Oh, it knows transform probably What is the Pokemon that we have with the highest catch rate? The easiest Pokemon to catch, we need to switch it in right now because it's gonna transform into us So we need to just hope we survive I guess We may be replacing Mint [laughs] Trans- I think that's transform Transform affects catch rate, I believe. Yes. It does. Let's ball, let's ball? Balling out of control. Come on Never mind Ahhh Shoot, it was so close, too! Come on, Shu Intimidate it, scare it! Into the ball! Come on Hmm. Hmm. Yep There it is!!! [laughs] Alright, Mango the Mew. It's gonna be Mango. Mangoooo Welcome to the party, Mango. Let's heal and grab Mango from the box and replace Mint, he never got a chance. Let's just go in the SSN. I think... I feel like we're ready for it Let's go on the SSN. So let's just go through all of the.. all of the rooms, fight everybody And then we'll be good There's a trainer battle, just like that Yeah, I believe he only knows teleport Yeah, he only knows teleport [laughs] There it goes, what an intense fight. Oh, what level is that now? 17, nice. Five more levels to go Water type, maybe? Muk, ah Minimize? Minimize. Magnitude misses. Another minimize We're gonna miss this attack Sludge And he poisons me Another minimize, please stop He gets smaller, even How small can he get? You can drop a pebble on him and he'll get crushed. This Muk is gonna take down Izzy Wow Not anymore. I'm so lucky I don't have a chat that trolls me? I don't think it's luck I think it's just.. Chat reflects sort of how I act, I think No trainers. Okay, onto the next Chat does go so fast, doctor It's THE MAN!! Okay, fighting THE MAN! [laughs] Alright, what's he got? Metang! Oh, that's a cool Pokemon Alright, goodbye Mhhh... Magnitude 2 Magnitude 800? Let's go! A Milotic, okay We got Chef, Chef can handle it Chef can handle it Chef is... Chef will be fine Okay, let's see what we got in the bag [laughs] We just have like an antidote. I'm pretty sure we only have an antidote. Nothing? Okay It's looking fine. He'll crit with the razor leaf Nevermind, he's slowe. Shu, come on out Mega kick, Shu! Let's gooo. The OCO from Shu I can't remember the order of the party, but I think that's Insomnia Yeah Okay, okay You should click on it, by the way, Evan [laughs] Mega kick just solves every problem Watch out for harden! Twister away "Does THE MAN's team change every time?" Yes, it does. Well that was easy "THE MAN's team changes every time cuz we killed them all", "THE MAN playing in Nuzlocke" So we got cut. Uh.. I think that's all the trainer's, is it not? Oh, there we go, there's cut There's the gym, okay, this gym is gonna be a little rough So I'll explain how this gym works. This gym There's a trash can that has a switch in it? And then once you press one of the switches there is a trash can bordering it that has the second switch and you have to hit both switches in order And.. if you mess it up, the switches get randomized Okay. No? Ughhh Trash again!? Okay [intense 10 minutes of trash] Please. Yooo, let's goooo [laughs] Get hecked, dude. Okay Is that a Hoothoot? [laughs] "Puzzle" "Twitch Plays Pokemon did it faster"? [laughs] This gym leader didn't know what was coming. Dustox? [laughs] Alright. Doesn't add up. "How did Insomnia fall asleep?" Yeah exactly, how did Insomnia fall asleep That doesn't make any sense Shifty no, it is not Electrike, sick. We'll go back into Izzy. It's just switch training Oh, quick attack, you... oh It's gone, get outta here Electrike. Get out Magnitude 1,000. Easy There's a badge, there it is. "Who would have known the bins would take longer than the fight?" I feel like everyone knew that We are lost in Walmart, it's unfortunate Are great balls here now? Great balls aren't here?! Okay, we gotta buy some regular pokeballs Bom, bom, we'll buy him Yo, that's the bike voucher, let's go. They'll guide me to the bike shop Get pranked, nerd. [laughs] That's not a bike shop. Okay Alright There's the bike. Now we need to.. I guess cut through the bottom of the town again I'm on it? [laughs] Nice. There isn't an Acura or mock bike in this game, it's just bike Wow, that's an Unknown. I can destroy that Get crushed. As long as it doesn't have like, dragon or ice type hidden power We're fine, see? I know the cries pretty well, fluffy. I mean Unknown's is really unique, so We don't want to switch, no we don't Alright. Fantastic. Alright, let's see what Insomnia can do Get out. It used transform, okay I don't know if that was me or it. That was it. Let's gooo [laughs] Oh, it's so good taking out a legendary, Insomnia Wow, that's a lot of right Marshtomp? Oh Like, is this worth catching? After Cam gifted those subs we might need to call it Cam number 2. Cam gifted 20 subs We're gonna name something Doctor. Don't worry We got Bgroov, we got Doctor, but we also got Cam number 2. Cam. Okay Is that good? Cam 2? Cam 3? Perfect. I like it. Cam 3 is better than Cam 2 anyways Alright We are in the cave. I feel like this is gonna take a.. longer than an hour to get through I think this is a good time for a break. We're gonna call it a day. I will be back on Monday We're doing more Pokemon. Let's get back into it. We are in The Rock Tunnel, I think. Mango, Izzy, Plizz, Shu, Chef Insomnia, okay. We need to go through this tunnel. We don't have flash. "If you hug the right wall You'll reach the end shorty" Okay, so you just go right and then down and the right and then down Oh, it's a battle, alright, progress. A 23 Spearow Okay. Well, that's Peck. No, that's fury attack, nevermind Four hits Five hits, okay Pursuit? Pursuit, oh thank God I didn't switch. If you switch pursuit does double the damage Okay, thank goodness. Get outta here Regi, I'm like amazed he didn't explode Another level. Or was that another move? Megapunch? Oooh, we got Mango punching and Shu kicking [laughs] Let's see what you got Mega punch If we switched out he would have pursuited me anyways, so it doesn't matter How are we still going left? We were still going left, wow. Oh, the repel wore off. That feels powerful Are we catching a Blaziken right now? Let's do it. Alright. Alright. Alright. Alright. Alright. Alright. Alright, okay, okay Okay, paralyzed. Good, okay, that's dragon rage I think No, twister. So.. cuz now we don't need to worry about crits Should be dragon range. So how much did that do? How much will this do? Should be at pretty low It's at one HP? Alright, let's catch it Let's go One, two, three.... argh Come on, come on, let's goooo We need to name it Blaze. Blaze.. it just fits too well. It's the blaze Pokemon E? I think that's E. "The strats" I was trying to picture the menu Oh another Mew, okay. I was like "Is that a Mewtwo?!" We'll start with that Should we double-team our Mews? No, that'd be lame Much flinch, let's go Another flinch? What are these odds? [laughs] Another flinch?! Plizz is too good [laughs] An eggy boy. I wonder if it's gonna flinch [laughs] They just.. they can't attack It's too strong, Plizz can't be stopped Right, oh there we go Hit the ladder. Let's go. We are in the homestretch, but where do we need to go? You can't see anything? You guys just see a tiny circle around? You're as blind as me, bleb? Not quite How does Izzy level up so fast? Actually, glasses Federer... You're right. I lost my glasses today. And so, I can't see the game So, even if I wanted to see the game we wouldn't be able to do that anyways. How can I read chat? I'm looking... I'm way closer at the screen. "Glasses complete the beaniehipster look"? Yeah. I'm just a.. I'm a fake hipster right now I'm probably gonna wear the most of the time on stream now But they were just outside of my room and I forgot to wear them In here, how am I navigating the menus? I've memorized them Pedro. I played them enough. I played a lot of Pokemon as a kid, a lot I'm still in this cave, zeelib. Yeah, it's taking like 20 minutes to get through it 1 2 3 4 "Right slowly" We've made it, dude! We're through! Alright, guide me to the Pokemon Center, let's go We need to grab some good teammates from the box Sweet scent? It's nothing. Sweet scent [laughs] Oh, it's so nice that smells, oh Evasiveness is like... if you raise your evasiveness you're harder to hit because you're better at evading What are the odds? What are the odds?! WhAt aRe ThE oDdS?! [laughs] What the heck?! Okay Shu. Shu I mean, it's kind of hard for Shu to kick if she is paralyzed 6% blaze, that's not that bad. Alright, we need to replace Izzy at first Down one, so yeah. Now we're grabbing cam 3, let's grab Cam 3 Yeah, we needed to nerf the team. Izzy is too strong. "Plizz has the flinch, replace Mango" Mango is in bed. "Flip a coin", "make it hard" I can't see the game, Blaze. It's like level 40 Ah, screw it. Alright. Did I swap him? Rest in peace, young Mango "Cam and Plizz the weakest" Alright, oh Blaze is? We trained Blaze Wop-wop. It does such a powerful cry Gen 2, I don't know what. Meganium We'll try We'll just see We'll just see what it does Chef isn't a tank. Okay, if it's gonna keep doing synthesis, then yeah.. razor lea. Tell me how much it does No? Poison powder, argh It's so annoying. We're gonna switch. Oh, I burned him though. We can take him, we can take with the burn. We're good We will have to go back to the Pokemon Center to get rid of this poison. There it is. Blaze level up. There it is Fantastic Another level? Let's go. I have a- I have a decent memory of this area, you go like Down, you go... left, you go up, left, down and then left again, I think Alright, I think I'm navigating pretty well Is there like a group of three people that I'm stuck right now and if I talk.. no, okay It's like a group of three people somewhere around here that I might get stuck on. Four trainers, okay Another level. Blaze is catching right back up My first level 100 was a Kabutops in Pokemon Blue It knew slash and killed everything in one hit cuz it was always a critical, it was insane NotOwen, can I see the game? uhm... Can I see the game? You know... I don't know. Was I even looking at it? I don't even know because I can't see it [laughs] I can't see OBS cause then I would see the game. "Mud-Slap, Bide, Water Gun, Mud Shot" Okay. Uhh.. thank you, Immortal Did you tell me in the wrong order, Immortalhp? I think you did. ImmortalHP put them in the wrong order I'll just take a quick nap while immortalHP thinks about what he's done Is it over? Did we do zero damage? Shu, kick. I don't care if you're confused, just kick Shu, what are you doing? Don't kick yourself. I'm getting owned by a Zubat. Okay, but like I can't see and it's confusing me So, where we going? Nailed it Where is it? I know it's around here somewhere. Hey, Leonard try not to just do that Where is it? I've hit every space exit the eggs. Where is it? [laughs] Where is it? Up one and left. That's it? Wow Alright, let's go to the gym. Let's go fight a gym. I'm ready "Stop humping the bush" You can't tell me what to do, bleb. Let me out. Let me out I was trying to do it myself, okay? 1 2 3 4 up Thank you. Alright. We'll.. we'll go back and heal up so we can Level up Cam. No no no, we've done it once, we can do it again It's alright. So I don't know how to get out, is the thing. "Blaze is definitely my best" Yeah, I mean technically Izzy is stronger. I think higher level But Shu is 28? No, I'm pretty sure Shu is 22. Oh, were you talking about the level? Yeah Izzy's in here now Wasn't that easy? That was so easy It was so easy I don't know how I got back to the Pokemon Center [laughs] You guys are gonna have to guide me back there though. Just do what I did backwards, of course down down left up We're back in boys, let's go Where's water gun again? I can't remember Top right? Can we kill him? I do need to switch. Alright, probably not. Alright, uh Blaze, I guess We can handle Deoxys See? We'll be fine Yeah, I'm switch training Cam "I think the shark is speedy", Golden? Nah. Oh, Blaze is still up front. Ah, I need to train Cam Totodile? We livin, we livin. Can I hack the game so you get all the kicks, Shu? You're already getting all the kicks We're living Alright, you guys want to fight the gym leader or what Gym fight, let's go. This will be perfect for Cam Burned Bye Let's do Insomnia. I feel like Insomnia I can take it. Alright We'll just dragon rage. Because it's burned now, it's not gonna do much "''What are we on' then proceeds to push all the buttons" Like, not really. I flinched, what the heck It's gone. Magby? Alright. Easy, dude Can we take another one of those? So you're saying we can't take another one of those? Okay. Gooo It's just smog. See? We're only poisoned. It's just a weird air Oh crap [laughs] Goodbye. What level is this freakin Magby? This thing is a monster. 29, my god. Shu, kick I think we can take them. I feel like we could take them. It's okay. Well screech three times And there's a third one, alright, that should be astonish I think that hit? One-fifth of the damage. Oh my god Well, do you guys think we will eventually win though? Yeah? Lower than half. Alright. Fantastic Really? Hyper potion?! Nooo, paralysis? Alright, looks like we'll switch. We need to send Shu in to kick Alright Shu You know what to do. Shu, kick Shu is too strong. Goodbye [laughs] And there we go, the gym is done. Half way down the game, not bad at all Let's go. Alright, what TM we got? TM 19, sludge bomb Sludge bomb? Actually sludge bomb? That's not bad if it's actually sludge bomb. Yeah, wait, don't they usually give you mega drain? I'm almost sure Plizz can normally learn mega drain, so I think Let's check. Plizz is a bottom We'll try it and see Good, alright. Now we're in the menu. So astonish should be.. there? Fantastic Let's grab the tea and then call it a day Did we get the tea? Tea received, okay. See you guys tomorrow. Thanks for watching Let's find someone to host real fast. Alright, back to Pokemon Let's go. We can fight Sabrina now, I think. Or no, we need to do- we need to do Silph Co, I think Gave him our tea. He's gonna share with everybody, I think he says And then we can leave, okay I can't remember the order of this game. Are we supposed to go into the Rocket hideout? Underground underneath the.. the game corner? The Rocket hideout gives.. and then we do... Okay. So, let's go back to the city We were just in and go into the game corner That's it [jams] So we need to go to the top, there's a poster around the top Oh, that guy's guarding the poster. Let's take a look at our team, we need to figure out who to level up now Apparently Blaze is leveling up. "Plizz is weakest at 18" Okay, we'll level up Plizz I have no idea.. I cannot remember the layout of this area whatsoever. You guys gotta help me out with this. "Forward", arm_melon? Forward? [laughs] Oh, this is a spin maze. Okay. This music is so good I'm afraid. There it is So good Chat is arguing, oh no Okay, left until wall. "Just run around it'll probably work out fine", jewelstar? I don't think that's... I don't think that's how this is gonna work West until battle Yo, you guys got me through that maze It's done. It's done It's just a Bagon Bagon's got nothing. Switch Blaze, thank you for the reminder. Okay, we should be on Pokemon right now, I think Bag, alright. Let's switch Plizz out to the front. That might be Plizz. I don't know. Alright, where are we headed? Well, what's this? Black glasses? Let's put them on a Pokemon that's cool. I don't care if the Pokemon doesn't know a dark-type move Who is the coolest Pokemon on our team? "Blaze is literally on fire", "Blaze is cool" Alright, let's give it to Blaze 1 2 3 4 5, so that's Blaze? Yes? Alright, let's give Blaze the item. Yesss, Blaze is so cool. Let's go Alright, that's anew floor. Snubbull maybe? Yeah, Shu can kick I meant to switch.. That's Rapidash maybe? Ponyta? And now it's, uhh... gone Just like that, just like that Okay, yo, what.. is that the key? Let's go fight Giovanni now, I guess? Oh, is that a person? That's a person, let's go Just chillin, Giovanni We join him on the couch Vaporeon, alright. Chef is there? I can't- I can't remember the order of the party yet because we haven't used it in many battles today Okay Wow, Chef. We really gotta beef you up, dude. "Only does 25% HP but is super effective" Wow, what a strong Vaporeon Do we have anything super effective against flying types? I don't think we do. What pokemon is that? Right, okay. That Pokemon still No, Izzy was still way too strong Still salty, Izzy? You were too powerful. We had to stop you Oh, that's a Gen 2er, uhhh, that's a.. Chinchou, oh Got a hit, and did it kill in one hit? It did not, but it slowed him down He's eight levels above me but still did decent damage? Yep Okay We'll go until Cam 3 dies, we'll go until Cam 3 dies. Okay Cam 3 died Goodbye "Shu is getting too OP" No, Shu can never get too OP. Oh, there we go. What do we get? What do we get? Sliph scope. Alright, get me out of here Let's go up into the spooky zone again. "Ditto has over 400 bones" All of the bones There's a guy! What are you guys doing? It's okay, Plizz has got it handled. Alright, Plizz can handle it Uhh, Plizz might not be able to handle it, but we'll try anyways. Wooper has every bone. It's just a bone Sounds great. It's not gonna be very effective. But look at that damage though. Wow, so strong Yeah, we're the 12 HP squad, don't worry about it, we're good. We learned a move? Alright, let's delete Leech life. I don't have leech life? Destroy astonish. No astonish. Okay, get rid of supersonic A Alright, so now that we have the Silph scope we need to go into the underground cave to go to lavender town Oh, this music is so good, too [jams] THE MAN!! He wants to battle THE MAN sent out.. A poison-type pokémon, I don't know what kind. Politoed. Yes, the classic poison-type pokémon Politoed He's about to die, one hit One more hit. Is this is a blind run? Yeah. We don't need to switch. Plizz can handle it Plizz is fine. Plizz can handle an Electabuzz "Time to die" What are you talking about? And now he's gone. Can't take a hit from Cam He can take a hit from Cam, okay. But hecan't take a second hit from Cam, right? He can't take a second hit from Cam, there you go. As long as it doesn't know confusion,Plizz is gonna be a-okay Right In this version it's physical. Oh rock tomb, okay Yeah, mud shot is physical in this game cuz it's ground type and ground types are all physical in this game I think that's water gun? We'll find out Alright, we're biding I guess "Water gun is top right" Bide gang Good, good job Cam, you did good. This is why you're never alive Shu, miss the kick, then get rock tomb. Shu, kick again Good job Shu. Thanks for missing the kick. Shu, kick again Good job, Shu "First try Pog" [laughs] Man is nothing, let's go [jams] Music is SO GOOD That's what I always- That's pretty good. I feel like this.. this is good TSS potential. I believe Yooo Alright, guide me to my balls. "The recover though" No Alright, is that my ball? "A for Pokeball", perfect Perfect One Okay No crit, don't worry about it. It's not gonna crit. See? Great ball, come on 1, 2... 3... There it is! TSS. It could be Starwise, oh my god Mmm, we could name it after two people We could TSS star. Just star? Okay Done? Alright, perfect TSStar, welcome to the team. That's clutch. We might replace Cam 3 We keep getting slightly better Pokemon. Am I still walking down? Oh my god. Oh, this is the Marowak fight? Ahh What is it? Actually a Marowak? Okay It shouldn't be able to do much to us, we can do.. We can do more to it than it can do to us Let's go That's headbutt. That's... Switching. Alright Cam, it's your time to shine. I think this is you Ow. No, don't use bonemerang [laughs] Rip Cam, alright Chef show us what you got Oh Cam [laughs] You got too powerful too fast, Izzy. We had to stop you or else you're gonna take over the world Let's go.Marowak is down, spooky ghost is dead. Yeah, yeah, whatever, the spirit faded away, get out of here That sounds like a fire-type. That it's not a fire-type, we might actually be able to one-shot it Yep, let's go. The EXP though Rayquaza? We'll be fine. He can take him Poison too? Oh my god, wow See? Yeah, we need to send in Shu, I wasn't even gonna switch train cuz Rayquaza is gonna mess us up, dude Shu, kick Goodbye, goodbye. Lapras. This is the perfect switch in for a Lapras Just trust. It'll work, it'll work. See, look at that. Look at that It's just perish song, we'll be fine. That animation takes so long Alright, well that's the end of the battle. I don't know why they were using perish song I'm behind the old man now? Dang it. Okay, okay, okay Is that like a Venusaur or something? I don't know Ivysaur, Bulbasaur. Is that better than Chef? I feel like that could be a good Doc. If it survives this then we'll think about it Up and A? Alright, ball out of control. Come on Boom, two... Three... It's fate. It is fate, first try The Doc it is. "This is Dark Chef's origin story" We got Doc. Welcome to the team, Doc Alright, there's the old man, let's go. We're getting the flute We're in a house. Yeah, he brought us to his house. I guess to get the fifth gym badge Sabrina, right? Sabrina is fifth, okay. Don't use it. I'm sorry, Chef We gotta replace you and we gotta replace Cam. Doc is gonna replace Chef for now. "Release him"? No, we're not releasing Chef, an_annoyance. Alright. Now we're placing Cam 3 B Plizz... Okay, I feel like we had a good team right now So, let's go to the dojo and grab a Pokemon from the dojo, I guess. "Chill"? No Where are we going? You're gonna hear this sound until I move [laughs] Okay, that's a dojo. Wait, what is that right now? What did I just send out? Doc is out. Alright, Doc is out against a Parasec. What does Doc have? Nothing good? Alright Alright [yawns] There we go, there's our wing attack. It's gone Yeah, it's got four times effective stab. No chance. Alright, Doc can handle this You have a good one, yoyoswift, thanks for watching Uhhh... maybe not Yo, the water gun went through. Did it do a lot? Did it do a lot of damage? "Did like 2"? Dang it. I'm just doing my best, okay? Shu is just gonna destroy Ifeel like When we get to the Elite Four, we're just gonna Swords Dance up and just sweep the whole thing How many trainers are in this gym? Is this like battle number five? It's the last one, okay Clamperl.. We can take a Clamperl, come on. I thought that- I thought Doc was out, in all honesty Shedinja? We can take him. Alright, here's what we're gonna do. Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna get ready We're gonna get pumped. We're gonna go for the crit. Alright We're getting pumped up. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. We can survive. We're good. We're good And we peck, and then we peck. Boom, we got the crit. Did we get the crit? You better have got the crit or else that focus energy was for nothing. No crit?! It was for nothing man, what the heck Oh my god, what is that? Espeon? Yeah, what's the other one though? Bellsprout, uhhh Alright, let's take it [laughs] Isn't Espeon known as like the Sun Pokemon? Let's name it Sun, it fits so well Let's go. We got Sun Welcome to the box, Sun. So now we need to find the Mart. The Mart is on the east side I believe, kinda near the entrance Do they sell great balls here? Please tell me they do. Let's gooo Are we on it? We're on it. What do you guys think? 20? I think that's 20 Let's do, let's do 31, then. I think this is a good stopping point for today I've been streaming for almost 7 hours, I guess. Thanks for watching everybody. Thanks for helping out. It's fun I enjoy this
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,776,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, bird box challenge, pokemon, pokemon blindfolded, pokemon frlg, pokemon randomizer, pokemon speedrun, pokemon blind, blind, blindfolded, firered and leafgreen, randomizer, speedrunning, smallant blindfolded, twitch plays, twitch plays pokemon, twitch
Id: beNO4J00_fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 47sec (3287 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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